you all prolly dont care at all but does anybody know a trick to log back into an Instagram account? I stupidly forgot the account password. I appreciate any tricks you can offer me
i miss the fearless seher, the seher who stands in front of a target while yaman shoots his arrows. i know she's in love but letting everything go by is not the right decision
I'm hoping we see her fearlessness soon. Right now, her confusion and heartbreak is too fresh. I think (hope) we'll see her backbone once she realizes WHY he's treating her this way. She'll get pissed then and hopefully make him pay.
@@caroleglennon9156 once again history repeat itself her sister went through the same thing and now she is going through it oh seher my baby please don't cry.
Cuando Yaman dijo "Yo decido lo que mereces o no", me parece que ha sido la frase más aborrecible que ha salido de su boca. Definitivamente él es quien no merece a Seher, ella es puro amor.
Ya pagará probara uña cucharada que una chucharada un frasco 🏺 entero de su propia medicina por pasarse de la raya con seher que manera de humillarla no tiene perdón
Yes agreed, this is definitely violence against women and Ms Nazmiye should have deleted this scene out from the episode it’s disgusting and violent 🤮🤮
*Yaman has gone so far now that no matter what, we as an audience can never forgive him. Seher has taken too much physical and mental abuse from him. There was no coming back from him leaving her on the road to die. Sorry.* ETA: YES. I did watch the entire episode & yes, I realize he turned back and took her to the hospital, but the truth is HIS FIRST RESPONSE was to leave the woman he loved on the road after seeing her be mowed down by a freaking car! THEN when he comes back, you can SEE he STILL hesitates to go and pick her up. He did it because he had a little doubt if the "evidences" were true. If he had heard back from stupid guy Nes-whatever... he would have LEFT HER THERE 100%. :( Inhumane.
*Come on Seher please don't let him treat you like this. Stand up for yourself. You don't deserve this* 😢💔 *Never let someone treat you like you are worth nothing* 💜
El hecho de que Seher tirará el ramo a la basura es un indicio que a Yaman le va a tocar sufrir luego. Ojalá se mantenga firme y orgullosa, de un cambio físico y emocional, y le demuestre que ella no es su trapo sucio
Lo mejor que puede hacer es separarse y no sufrir más es ficción si, yo sufrí violencia psicológica y fisica y lo entendí después de años y los hombres con traumas no cambian.
Jamas cambian es como una enfermedad recaen como un alcoholico.. mas si son machistas no aceptan ayuda profecional...yo por eso la deje de ver porque no da mensaje positivo de superacion como seher deveria defenderse...pero lamentablemente la utoestima y dignidad no son facil de tenerlas cuando te sientes sola...y te dejas humillar.... Y muchas fans jovenes se van con el cuento que el homnre por ser guapo y rico vale la pena soportarlo......tanbien seher devio decir lo de selin a nadire para que supieran la clase de hombre que es..por callar tambien hay problemas...
@@sebastianavelazquez3555 Amino me gusto desde que empezó a maltratarla aún siendo guapo como muchas dicen que es por su trauma eso no justifica nada de lo que hace maltrató es maltrató desde el punto que se vea e olvido si llegase a cambiar ya quedan muchas secuelas en la persona maltratada Claris como es novela podrían arreglar las cosas y seguir como que no pasó nada ella perdona y el con un sin fin de disculpas y todos felices .
@@rosapadilla3256 justifican la violencia con el trauma pero en realidad el sigue el patron de la mama..yo desde el inicio me pregunte como una persona como SEHER que recibe ese maltrato podria dormir con alguien como YAMAN...y ahora con esas humillaciones peor las palabras duelen mas que los golpes ...pero como dices es ficcion..pero aun asi el ms.que dan es negativo...en todas las series de esta mujer pone alas chicas no superadas ni con un oficio...solo humilladas por un marido rico que se casan con ellas por formalidad o apariencias...y como despues de la BODA y el de coqueto con ella vuelve a ser peor..?? ..para mi el personaje esta perdido ya...desde que salio ELA se contradijo todo.....y ahora en la tumba cuando segun le tenia fobia alos cementerios..como dicen por ahi pienzan los guinistas que somos ignorantes al cambiar todo.....y si te das cuenta solo es violento con SEHER a la ZUZULOCA solo le grita..a ELA le sonreí a YUSUF en los prim.capitulos podia abrazar...😤😤 perdieron el equilibrio con la serie..ALI y KIRAZ ..ya como hnos...FIRAT y NESLIHA ahora que se conocen les meten toda la maldad posible....pero dicen que los turcos son mas felices biendo violencia qie romanticismo....Me imagino que som MACHISTA y las 🚺 SUMISAS😤😤
@@sebastianavelazquez3555 Si me imagino que la escritora pierde el hilo es por eso las contradicciones y siempre en las 2 parejas no avanzan se estancan por un buen rato yo no me me imagino como se desenredará todo esto pues no se que hará Saher al enterarse el motivo de que Yaman esté furioso seri ridículo que volviera a perdonarlo así como que no pasa nada sin haberle dado mínima explicación de su conducta y si el mensaje que da es de muy malo en la vida ya tenemos mucho de esto como para entretenernos con este tipo de conducta
I would have thrown all the blasted pictures in the bin to or behind Ikbal Ikbal to blasted fass oh gosh why she dont mind her business but Yaman always listen to her
That was simply brutal and humiliating. He just threw the wedding pictures...i don't know how to love him again if i was in seher's place .... i remember what i read somewhere, you need to completely broke your heart to million pieces then you can be the wholesome new person ... I won't die because of a man like him. So seher too ....wake up have to stand up tall, held your chin up and straight your head. You are innocent, lovely and lovable.
I start learning turkish because of turkish series, i had many arguments with my husband who used to ask me why i wanted to learn the language,that the men there treat women badly and i usec to stick up for the turkish mens,i belive they are not all bad,but this nazmiye yılmaz is confirming exacly what my husband worn me so many times, so i lost my argument for the looks of it
No entiendo porque no le explica lo que le molesta asi ella puede defenderse .Seher necesita dejar de confiar en Yaman hacer la denuncia en servicios sociales por Yusuf e irse
Seher is proving day by day that she's weak, come on dont give Yaman the satisfaction of seeing you broken like this, stand up, even though you don't know the reason he's treating like this, still, fight girl. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Yaman bey, do you remember when you said that when you leave a small snowball on the top of a mountain it will become giant while coming down... I see this giant snowball crushing you very soon. Be prepared.
As much as she loves Yusuf, if she dies getting abused, Yusuf’s life would continue and Yaman will marry another woman just like in Yemen. Is making me wonder about this writer.😩
No one I guess will do that. Just wait and see. Let's look at the brighter side their performance is indeed great. All of us were affected. If we can only get closed to them, I'll hit Yaman for his arrogance, pinch Seher for being a cry-baby, be fierce my love show him how strong you were then.
This is just so cruel. I wonder how far he will go to be forgiven. I'm sure she won't make it easy for him. The pain is just so horrible. She is beyond devastated not too sure how she will recover from the words he told her. I can only imagine what she would do if she knew he thought of leaving her dead in the street. This whole story line is just so sad.
Q desgraciado es Yaman, trata tan mal a la chica, que ha sufrido muchisímo 😟😭 no merece esto. !Ojalá! pronto se descubra la verdad y Yaman quede de rodillas...
Yes, Seher! You don't deserve this!!! Stand up for yourself and make him suffer. Once he realises you are innocent, pack your bags and leave his ungrateful ass and never forgive him.
Hablando de los personajes: Al principio justificaba un poco a Yaman porque con tanta evidencia , sus traumas , etc pues era lógico que se sintiera traicionado .. pero esto es demasiado .... y según la “ama” que raro concepto del amor tiene Yaman .. ella no debería permitir ese trato , ni derramar esas lágrimas , ni siquiera por su sobrino .. de hecho más bien debería tomarle la mano al niño y correr lejos de la mansión .. en la vida real : espero que nadie en ningún lugar del mundo bajo ninguna condición o género permitan que lo lastimen tanto ni física ni emocionalmente 🌸
Si tiene un trauma porque no va a un psicologo con tanto dinero. Seher no tiene la culpa de su trauma de el porque se enoja si fue un matrimono de convenencia 😡😭👀👀👀👀
Guyzz you all need to calm down..... This is just a story... After all... We need some fight between the couple, maybe some misunderstanding for the story to develop in another stage. What we need right now is patience. When yaman realizes the TRUTH he will go after seher begging.. And its her time to show his place. At that time we maybe laughing like idiots... We maybe screaming with joy in their cute fights and ROMANCE.. lets be patient and wait for those moments 🥰🥰🥰🥰
i agree,but this Legacy is giving fans a nervousbreakdown and is causing high bloodpressure.....cant wait till the moment when tables have turned....for Seher..😊👍♥️..i Will grabb my popcorn and enjoy that moment.🤣
@@cristinaviana9047 eu tambem conheço, aliás eu sofri violência psicológica por muito tempo, até que aprendi a dizer não, e a pensar em mim primeiro, por isso digo nenhum ser humano merece que outro ser humano sofra tanto por el. Hoje quando vejo esses tipos de situações ainda que em ficção fico revoltada. Com quem faz e com quem aceita...
I am really so sad ... how long will it take for yaman to find out the truth, can someone tell me ?? how long will we be happy again ??? how much more will yaman torment her ??
And how long will it take for someone to discover the truth about Kevser's death not being an accident, because as it stands now Ziya is the only person who knows the truth, and if he overhears Ikbal talking about Seher he may have another meltdown, and bring her undone. OMG! Evil does have it's limits, evil is boring now.
Yo ya estoy hasta el mismísimo .Y eso porque usted señora Nazmiye ,le ha dado por hacer un guión de lo más cruel .Debería sentir vergüenza de escribir un guión donde la violencia de género está a la orden del día .Aquí se humilla ,se pisotea ,se empuja a la mujer al pozo más profundo ,y después se le cierra la puerta .Aquí se demuestra que la mujer tiene que hacer lo que él quiera ,cuando quiera y como quiera .Y todo por qué a su cerebro de mosquito le ha dado por escribir un guión no de amor .De envidia ,poder ,dinero,maltrato,venganza y todo porque un hombre cree un sinfín de pruebas que son falsas y que no comparte con la mujer que se ha casado y ama .Si te acusan de algo : pienso que por lo menos debes ver las pruebas y que te permitan poder defenderte .Esto es un acoso y derribo encontrá de Seher y sin saber los motivos de lo que ha hecho,se le acusa y condena .Como pueden no censurar tanto maltrato psicológico ?es una serie pero a la mujer usted la pisotea y luego se regocija de verla en el suelo .Que pena que usted que es mujer se preste a escribir un guión donde la mujer se la trata como un cero a la izquierda .Osea nada ,no vale nada .Una serie que podia ser una bonita historia de amor y la ha convertido en algo más comercial para el pueblo turco,el cual demanda estás novelas ,donde la mujer es condenada sin poder defenderse y tampoco sabe el porqué de esa condena y de esas humillaciones .Lamentable que lo único que ahí vende sea este tipo de series .El mundo ha cambiado. Las mujeres tenemos derechos , y el primero es que ninguna persona puede humillarnos ,hundirnos ,arrojarnos al pozo más hondo sin ningún derecho a defender nuestra inocencia 👎👎👎👎👎👎
Altagracia Jaquez De República Dominicana estoy de acuerdo con los comentarios leer todos los que empresas tienen todas las razón porque maltrata esas chicas si es una historias de amor 💌 pienso que los peor de todos es quieres que olvides los que ya vivió unas chicas Maltrata vive sustada yo muy emocionadas con esa historias de amor no me las pierdo en el orario de las series poque es muy fascinantes gracias Que sean muy felices
não PARA agora ele passou dos limites! eu juro que eu tentei passar pano mas como eu vou shippar um casal desses onde a mulher é humilhada, agredida fisicamente como pisicologivamente? me diz, Yaman é um animal que não merece o respeito da Seher! torcendo pra ela vazar desse inferno que é essa mansão
she really needs to get herself together weather or not she knows why he has turned psycho on her or she will never crawl out of that pit he has placed her in, Ikbal with that insincere smile makes my skin crawl.
@@danielekirimli3326 mas se fosse vida real ela adoeceria sim, passei um sofrimento com um relacionamento (desprezo por parte dele, meteu na cabeça que o trai com um advogado conhecido meu) e adoeci, peguei uma pneumonia triste, de tanto chorar, não comer, não dormi, minha prima desconfiou da doença me levou a médico, foi qd caiu minha ficha, comecei o tratamento, desprezei ele, foi qd ele rastejou atrás de mim. Depois ele adoeceu eu o perdoei mas ele morreu.
Está cada dia mais angustiante ver essa novela!!! Não é fácil para mim como mulher ver outra mulher sendo tratada assim como Seher esta sendo tratada pelo marido... apesar de ser uma história fictícia, nós sabemos que existem milhares de outras "Seher" passando por este tipo de abuso e violência tanto física quanto psicológica... espero que não dure muito mais tempo essa situação! A violência doméstica deve ser combatida dentro e fora das novelas... Gostava muito dessa novela, mas atualmente ela está me causando ansiedade, desconforto e angústia 😔
Lo cierto esque es un pedazo de actor, hace súper bien el papel , pero esa guionista no tendría que ponerlo como un machista maltratador , porque es el chico de la novela y va a terminar odiado por todas las mujeres del planeta
Es lo que puse en otro lado Después de todo esto¿ Qué tiene pensado la escritora para cambiar la imágen que está teniendo Yaman? Porque es tal el nivel de agresión que le puso al personaje, que no le vamos a creer que tenga un cambio.
Seher should toughen up, i dont like how she is reduced to a damsel in distress. All she does is shed waterfall all day. lady, beat him at his own game, just like Hayat did with Murat in Aks laftan.
I really want to hate Yaman, but I understand his position, especially since he had never trusted anyone before. Iqbal made me believe that Satan is disguised as a woman
Pobre seher que aguante despertaste defendete. De este hombre cuánto tiene que aguantar seher ,,,llore con ellos . Que dolor 😭😭😭😭💔🇦🇷🙏 sufro junto ella😭
No pobre Seher no que se defienda y hable simplemente eso y deje de llorar y que recuerden se casaron por Yusuf y así lo acaban de hacer ante Servicios Sociales fingiendo amarse, entonces quien entiende esto.
I'm just wondering , does sila get tired of crying in every episode ?? Because its start to be annoying, we want seher the fighter, enough with this crying.
Yo lo quiero es que Seher habrá los ojos se den cuenta que ikbal es una arpías maliciosa, esperando con ansias que se descumbran la verdad y ver a Yaman suplicado su perdón efectivamente Seher tu no te mereces esto 💔
He is right. He decides what she deserves...and he was the one that decided she doesn’t deserve him! 👏🏻 She deserves much more!
Very nice
He is so stupid and narcist
When this is going to end ..Poor girl ?? I can’t watch no scare ..🧿
He deserves to be left alone in his darkness. Seher needs to take her nephew and leaves that damn mansion.
you all prolly dont care at all but does anybody know a trick to log back into an Instagram account?
I stupidly forgot the account password. I appreciate any tricks you can offer me
never in your life allow anyone to treat you like this, dear women!
Very true...bad sad bcs I'm sure this is still go on around the WORLD 💔💔💔😭😭😭
Of course
Never. Never. Never
No problem I'm prepared...
The only one who deserve seher's love is yusuf
Right 😭 seher and yousuf both are ..... very innocent🥺 I hate the writer 😭😓😪🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧😥
Yes.. including me...😀😀😀
1000% agree
i miss the fearless seher, the seher who stands in front of a target while yaman shoots his arrows. i know she's in love but letting everything go by is not the right decision
I'm hoping we see her fearlessness soon. Right now, her confusion and heartbreak is too fresh. I think (hope) we'll see her backbone once she realizes WHY he's treating her this way. She'll get pissed then and hopefully make him pay.
Her power, emotions, strength etc had been wasting away since she enter the house of horror.
Hey. Long time since I haven't seen you. Sorry about your Edser edits🥺
Tomorrow will comeback... After Nadire Anne's words
@@caroleglennon9156 once again history repeat itself her sister went through the same thing and now she is going through it oh seher my baby please don't cry.
Cuando Yaman dijo "Yo decido lo que mereces o no", me parece que ha sido la frase más aborrecible que ha salido de su boca. Definitivamente él es quien no merece a Seher, ella es puro amor.
Si los hombres de Turquía son así, uff alejame de los turcos. Menudo déspota.
La violencia es como una pandemia en todo el mundo y la padecen tanto hombres como mujeres
Ya pagará probara uña cucharada que una chucharada un frasco 🏺 entero de su propia medicina por pasarse de la raya con seher que manera de humillarla no tiene perdón
Oh Yaman. How these moments will bite you later.
And we will all be here watching
Oh yea when he realise he treat her like trash
Lo que me motiva a seguir con esta historia es ver el sufrimiento y remordimiento de Yaman cuando se entere de la verdad 💆🏾♀️
Ay Yaman estás cavando cada día un pozo más profundo y será en el que vas a caer cuando Seher se entere de todo y no te perdone.
I am bored now. Too much melodrama.Yaman needs to stop being a drama queen.
Violence against women is an international issue has nothing to do with race religion or politics.
Yes agreed, this is definitely violence against women and Ms Nazmiye should have deleted this scene out from the episode it’s disgusting and violent 🤮🤮
*Yaman has gone so far now that no matter what, we as an audience can never forgive him. Seher has taken too much physical and mental abuse from him. There was no coming back from him leaving her on the road to die. Sorry.*
ETA: YES. I did watch the entire episode & yes, I realize he turned back and took her to the hospital, but the truth is HIS FIRST RESPONSE was to leave the woman he loved on the road after seeing her be mowed down by a freaking car! THEN when he comes back, you can SEE he STILL hesitates to go and pick her up. He did it because he had a little doubt if the "evidences" were true. If he had heard back from stupid guy Nes-whatever... he would have LEFT HER THERE 100%. :( Inhumane.
Totally agree with you, it's inhuman!
Right! But sadly the writers an idiot🤷♀️and this is a love story about them so in the end she will forgive him🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
I agree
¿Y para cuándo para la segunda temporada?al paso que va
True. The writer went too far and ruined Emanet.
Yaman is disgusting. That kind of behaviour, mad or not, is simply disgusting and unforgivable.
What a beast , he is ...
They ruined YAMAN nothing to do with his character
*Come on Seher please don't let him treat you like this. Stand up for yourself. You don't deserve this* 😢💔
*Never let someone treat you like you are worth nothing* 💜
Yes she not deserve that, Yaman make big mistake 😒😔
@@sarahvricic9824 he is acting like a monster. I can't stand him right now. Such a heartless person 😢
I think sever became like this because she fall in love with Yaman. I want seher be strong and fearless with Yaman and slap him again
@@princessfarahify me 2 just like in the beginning off Emanet. When she slapped him in the face. That moment was priceless
@@princessfarahify Exactly, I hope that when she's going to find out the truth..for her to be Fearful..Fearless..Strong...Slap Yaman couple times..
Like the rose in the fairy tale...When the last leaf from daisy's fall down the beast will come back hopefully to human...
You got right..👍
El hecho de que Seher tirará el ramo a la basura es un indicio que a Yaman le va a tocar sufrir luego. Ojalá se mantenga firme y orgullosa, de un cambio físico y emocional, y le demuestre que ella no es su trapo sucio
Lo mejor que puede hacer es separarse y no sufrir más es ficción si, yo sufrí violencia psicológica y fisica y lo entendí después de años y los hombres con traumas no cambian.
Tienes razón. Este hombre es inestable emocionalmente y es completamente abominable lo que está haciendo. Esto es maltrato a toda regla 😭😭😭😭
Jamas cambian es como una enfermedad recaen como un alcoholico.. mas si son machistas no aceptan ayuda profecional...yo por eso la deje de ver porque no da mensaje positivo de superacion como seher deveria defenderse...pero lamentablemente la utoestima y dignidad no son facil de tenerlas cuando te sientes sola...y te dejas humillar.... Y muchas fans jovenes se van con el cuento que el homnre por ser guapo y rico vale la pena soportarlo......tanbien seher devio decir lo de selin a nadire para que supieran la clase de hombre que es..por callar tambien hay problemas...
@@sebastianavelazquez3555 Amino me gusto desde que empezó a maltratarla aún siendo guapo como muchas dicen que es por su trauma eso no justifica nada de lo que hace maltrató es maltrató desde el punto que se vea e olvido si llegase a cambiar ya quedan muchas secuelas en la persona maltratada Claris como es novela podrían arreglar las cosas y seguir como que no pasó nada ella perdona y el con un sin fin de disculpas y todos felices .
@@rosapadilla3256 justifican la violencia con el trauma pero en realidad el sigue el patron de la mama..yo desde el inicio me pregunte como una persona como SEHER que recibe ese maltrato podria dormir con alguien como YAMAN...y ahora con esas humillaciones peor las palabras duelen mas que los golpes ...pero como dices es ficcion..pero aun asi el ms.que dan es negativo...en todas las series de esta mujer pone alas chicas no superadas ni con un oficio...solo humilladas por un marido rico que se casan con ellas por formalidad o apariencias...y como despues de la BODA y el de coqueto con ella vuelve a ser peor..?? ..para mi el personaje esta perdido ya...desde que salio ELA se contradijo todo.....y ahora en la tumba cuando segun le tenia fobia alos cementerios..como dicen por ahi pienzan los guinistas que somos ignorantes al cambiar todo.....y si te das cuenta solo es violento con SEHER a la ZUZULOCA solo le grita..a ELA le sonreí a YUSUF en los prim.capitulos podia abrazar...😤😤 perdieron el equilibrio con la serie..ALI y KIRAZ
..ya como hnos...FIRAT y NESLIHA ahora que se conocen les meten toda la maldad posible....pero dicen que los turcos son mas felices biendo violencia qie romanticismo....Me imagino que som MACHISTA y las 🚺 SUMISAS😤😤
@@sebastianavelazquez3555 Si me imagino que la escritora pierde el hilo es por eso las contradicciones y siempre en las 2 parejas no avanzan se estancan por un buen rato yo no me me imagino como se desenredará todo esto pues no se que hará Saher al enterarse el motivo de que Yaman esté furioso seri ridículo que
volviera a perdonarlo así como que no pasa nada sin haberle dado mínima explicación de su conducta y si el mensaje que da es de muy malo en la vida ya tenemos mucho de esto como para entretenernos con este tipo de conducta
It's so upsetting. I thought she will fight back and don't crawl. But she only cries. Come on Seher, we are rooting for you. Yaman must beg !!! 💪🤝
Yea he should be getting wiseup now and start to beg and plea
Let him crawl on his tummy, till tears roll down from his eyes. We were made to be helpmete, n not playmete, Sehar
She patience.. she's little bit weak right now..but she will manage it..poor Seher..😒
Yaman se está pasando 20 pueblos,cuando se entere que todo es mentira y se acuerde del daño que le ha hecho se tira por un barranco
E quando sera isso to cansada de esperar essa descoberta afffffffffff amanha e quarta-feira e nada foi descoberto.
Quesetier por el porlos acantilado que hai en turqui
Yo le ayudó a darle un empujón
Yo le ayudo que pena cuando se de cuenta coje la pistola y mata a todos
Throwing wedding pictures at her feet. That is low Yaman! She is right. She doesn't deserve this. He is pathetic. And a coward.
Yaman is way out of his mind...he's going berserk
That was awful
I would have thrown all the blasted pictures in the bin to or behind Ikbal Ikbal to blasted fass oh gosh why she dont mind her business but Yaman always listen to her
@@indrasamuel8989 Yes thought the same thing, sticking her nose into their affairs, rude cow.
That was simply brutal and humiliating. He just threw the wedding pictures...i don't know how to love him again if i was in seher's place .... i remember what i read somewhere, you need to completely broke your heart to million pieces then you can be the wholesome new person ... I won't die because of a man like him. So seher too ....wake up have to stand up tall, held your chin up and straight your head. You are innocent, lovely and lovable.
The name of the series should not be "Legacy", but "Witchcraft and Snake".
Yes new title...the haunting of Kimrili mansion
Title should be (prison and torture)
@@mitsij1390 this title has my vote!
@@mitsij1390 😂💯💯😭😡💔💔😣🙏 very true !!
They are just dragging the story, doesn't make any sense at all, just depicting the bad image of the country, kindly don't do that.
I start learning turkish because of turkish series, i had many arguments with my husband who used to ask me why i wanted to learn the language,that the men there treat women badly and i usec to stick up for the turkish mens,i belive they are not all bad,but this nazmiye yılmaz is confirming exacly what my husband worn me so many times, so i lost my argument for the looks of it
It makes sense for them because of rating. It sucks was a good plot but money is fisrt
I agree doesn't make any sense. 👎😡
No entiendo porque no le explica lo que le molesta asi ella puede defenderse .Seher necesita dejar de confiar en Yaman hacer la denuncia en servicios sociales por Yusuf e irse
Sólo sigo esperando el momento en que este hombre se de cuenta de todo y se arrepienta, és lo que me motiva😡😡😡
Tan bonito que estaba la relacion, y cambiarla. Asi mismo pienso Jamancin sufrira por lo que le hace y ojalas Seher no lo perdone rapido.
Yo también esperando eso
@@esmeraldaorton6627 Ojala no le perdone, no tiene perdón, el se Lomba montado todo solita, no se merece a Seher.
Que se lo coma el remordimiento y que explote . Es horrible lo que pasa mi pobre Seherin es inhumano. Me duele verla así💔💔....
A mí también!!
when yaman said “i decide what you deserve” i would’ve laughed in his face cause who are you - ?
Sila is an absolutely amazing actress.
Very true. The poor girl after this series, she will be a still coward girl.her choice
the acting is fabulous! bravo Sila ❤
Pleaseeee if I was seher I would’ve smacked Yaman in his face if he thinks he can get that close and talk to me like that.
The old seher of the first episodes should back right now.... Her caracter is so pitiful
Seher is proving day by day that she's weak, come on dont give Yaman the satisfaction of seeing you broken like this, stand up, even though you don't know the reason he's treating like this, still, fight girl. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.
Very true 👍...
Still watching 👀 Aug. 2022
She give unconditional love and he throw into her face.
after that sentence and his possessive nature, I don't know how to feel about him. he kind of disgusts me wtf.
The writer has made her weak and him a monster.
Is this ever going to stop? Come on writers make this abuse stop hurry up let him find out the truth! Enough is enough!
"i decide what you deserve or not" bish who are you that you can decide anything, byee
right wtf-
Aww poor seher she's scared of him again how dare you yaman bey to treat her like that i hate you now ✌😢
Yaman bey, do you remember when you said that when you leave a small snowball on the top of a mountain it will become giant while coming down... I see this giant snowball crushing you very soon. Be prepared.
When this miserable situation will be over it’s enough for us please please finish this
As much as she loves Yusuf, if she dies getting abused, Yusuf’s life would continue and Yaman will marry another woman just like in Yemen.
Is making me wonder about this writer.😩
In this case I hope the one who will die will be Yaman and Seher will find better man after his death 💃
I don't think he would ever marry after Seher. He never spoke to a woman before her and he won't after.
he can't live without her
Can someone at Emanet tell the fans how long we are suppose to endure this ?
will gonna wait for another 100 ep.
No one I guess will do that. Just wait and see. Let's look at the brighter side their performance is indeed great. All of us were affected. If we can only get closed to them, I'll hit Yaman for his arrogance, pinch Seher for being a cry-baby, be fierce my love show him how strong you were then.
This is just so cruel. I wonder how far he will go to be forgiven. I'm sure she won't make it easy for him. The pain is just so horrible. She is beyond devastated not too sure how she will recover from the words he told her.
I can only imagine what she would do if she knew he thought of leaving her dead in the street.
This whole story line is just so sad.
She's starting to get angry. Good no more crying Seher
Comon Seher !!! Where is the lioness in you ?? You are a fighter girl!!! Don't let him step all over you.
Seher whose wasn't afraid the mighty Kirimli now she doesn't exist anymore!
Q desgraciado es Yaman, trata tan mal a la chica, que ha sufrido muchisímo 😟😭 no merece esto. !Ojalá! pronto se descubra la verdad y Yaman quede de rodillas...
Everything was just for nothing i feel sooo sooo bad for seher im literally crying for her yaman hast to stop this😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Crueldade é a definição desses últimos episódios, perdendo a vontade de ver 🥲😭
Somos masoquistas si seguimos viendo esta serie.
Yes, Seher! You don't deserve this!!! Stand up for yourself and make him suffer. Once he realises you are innocent, pack your bags and leave his ungrateful ass and never forgive him.
Yes leave it’s psikopat be safe and be strong gerl end rannnnnnnn rannnnn and live him seher
Hablando de los personajes: Al principio justificaba un poco a Yaman porque con tanta evidencia , sus traumas , etc pues era lógico que se sintiera traicionado .. pero esto es demasiado .... y según la “ama” que raro concepto del amor tiene Yaman .. ella no debería permitir ese trato , ni derramar esas lágrimas , ni siquiera por su sobrino .. de hecho más bien debería tomarle la mano al niño y correr lejos de la mansión ..
en la vida real : espero que nadie en ningún lugar del mundo bajo ninguna condición o género permitan que lo lastimen tanto ni física ni emocionalmente 🌸
Tal cual
Completamente de acuerdo con Ud.
Can someone punch Yaman for being heartless and blinded by his dark past.
Yep i feel the same
I would. You guys can come if you want! 😂
Whats Ikbal doing rubbing salt in Yamans and Sehers wounds showing the photos. She's testing them.
I see no picture with Kirimli family: Ikbal, Zuhal ,Ziya abe...or the picture of the newly wed's and Zuhal ! 😁😁
Están hermosas las fotos un día las veras con tu corazón Yaman y pedirás perdón.
Si tiene un trauma porque no va a un psicologo con tanto dinero. Seher no tiene la culpa de su trauma de el porque se enoja si fue un matrimono de convenencia 😡😭👀👀👀👀
Hej friends he dosen't know the truth like as.....but very good acting from both them...very original...great actores
Guyzz you all need to calm down..... This is just a story... After all... We need some fight between the couple, maybe some misunderstanding for the story to develop in another stage. What we need right now is patience. When yaman realizes the TRUTH he will go after seher begging.. And its her time to show his place. At that time we maybe laughing like idiots... We maybe screaming with joy in their cute fights and ROMANCE.. lets be patient and wait for those moments 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Yes let's be patient and watch our lovely serial 🤗
Too extreme .... but waiting for the turnaround
This is not a misunderstanding or a normal fight this is horor ant terorism
Fight and misunderstandings it's different from psychological torture. What he's doing it's not an normal couple argument, it is pure sad and evil.
i agree,but this Legacy is giving fans a nervousbreakdown and is causing high bloodpressure.....cant wait till the moment when tables have turned....for Seher..😊👍♥️..i Will grabb my popcorn and enjoy that moment.🤣
Just when we thought the series would get better but instead it got worse.
I can't take this anymore.He's so cruel, he breaks her and his heart. I feel so sorry for them. God willing, they'll unite as soon as possible.
Vai embora mulher porque contínuas aceitar isso. Ninguém no mundo merece que outro ser humano sofra tanto por el.
Vida real,conheço muitas aqui na cidade onde moro,que são maltratradas e fica com o mau caráter🤬😤
@@cristinaviana9047 eu tambem conheço, aliás eu sofri violência psicológica por muito tempo, até que aprendi a dizer não, e a pensar em mim primeiro, por isso digo nenhum ser humano merece que outro ser humano sofra tanto por el. Hoje quando vejo esses tipos de situações ainda que em ficção fico revoltada. Com quem faz e com quem aceita...
Ela precisa se liberta o quanto antes, voltar pra sua familia e lutar pela guarda do sobrinho.
😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡no puedo con esto 😭😭😭😭Yaman no te alcanzará el tiempo para arrepentirse de esta injusticia , ohhhh mi princesa pobrecita
Nw we understand the author. Maybe she went through something in her life.its sad its pain
I am really so sad ... how long will it take for yaman to find out the truth, can someone tell me ?? how long will we be happy again ??? how much more will yaman torment her ??
And how long will it take for someone to discover the truth about Kevser's death not being an accident, because as it stands now Ziya is the only person who knows the truth, and if he overhears Ikbal talking about Seher he may have another meltdown, and bring her undone. OMG! Evil does have it's limits, evil is boring now.
@@zmac8689 totally agree with you😊😊😊
He's very mischievous and letting those snakes gloat at Seher...Yaman your getting on top of my nerves right now...speak properly to your wife
Yo ya estoy hasta el mismísimo .Y eso porque usted señora Nazmiye ,le ha dado por hacer un guión de lo más cruel .Debería sentir vergüenza de escribir un guión donde la violencia de género está a la orden del día .Aquí se humilla ,se pisotea ,se empuja a la mujer al pozo más profundo ,y después se le cierra la puerta .Aquí se demuestra que la mujer tiene que hacer lo que él quiera ,cuando quiera y como quiera .Y todo por qué a su cerebro de mosquito le ha dado por escribir un guión no de amor .De envidia ,poder ,dinero,maltrato,venganza y todo porque un hombre cree un sinfín de pruebas que son falsas y que no comparte con la mujer que se ha casado y ama .Si te acusan de algo : pienso que por lo menos debes ver las pruebas y que te permitan poder defenderte .Esto es un acoso y derribo encontrá de Seher y sin saber los motivos de lo que ha hecho,se le acusa y condena .Como pueden no censurar tanto maltrato psicológico ?es una serie pero a la mujer usted la pisotea y luego se regocija de verla en el suelo .Que pena que usted que es mujer se preste a escribir un guión donde la mujer se la trata como un cero a la izquierda .Osea nada ,no vale nada .Una serie que podia ser una bonita historia de amor y la ha convertido en algo más comercial para el pueblo turco,el cual demanda estás novelas ,donde la mujer es condenada sin poder defenderse y tampoco sabe el porqué de esa condena y de esas humillaciones .Lamentable que lo único que ahí vende sea este tipo de series .El mundo ha cambiado. Las mujeres tenemos derechos , y el primero es que ninguna persona puede humillarnos ,hundirnos ,arrojarnos al pozo más hondo sin ningún derecho a defender nuestra inocencia 👎👎👎👎👎👎
Altagracia Jaquez De República Dominicana estoy de acuerdo con los comentarios leer todos los que empresas tienen todas las razón porque maltrata esas chicas si es una historias de amor 💌 pienso que los peor de todos es quieres que olvides los que ya vivió unas chicas
Maltrata vive sustada yo muy emocionadas con esa historias de amor no me las pierdo en el orario de las series poque es muy fascinantes gracias
Que sean muy felices
Que grosero, patán, poco hombre 😠🤬 lo quiero ver el día que descubra la verdad lo que hará para que Seher lo perdone
Que siga así 👏👏👏 que tendrá más porque pedir perdón y ni dándole todo Estambul lo va a arreglar🙅🙅🙅.
Cuidadín con lo que se dice que la señora sin corazón lo hace😡
@@estrellahb6376 clarooo quién si no
Primera? Hay más? Uuu!!! Que sufrir! !!
@@pompiliojosesaez701 claro en septiembre vuelve con la dos
How can someone be so dominating and judgemental.
My beautiful Seher, stand for yourself, we are here to support you. Change that awful black dressing colours, they depress you more.
Wake me up when all those abused episodes finish
Can’t take it any more🙄
Leave seher let the beast be by him self
não PARA agora ele passou dos limites! eu juro que eu tentei passar pano mas como eu vou shippar um casal desses onde a mulher é humilhada, agredida fisicamente como pisicologivamente? me diz, Yaman é um animal que não merece o respeito da Seher! torcendo pra ela vazar desse inferno que é essa mansão
Ela deveria vazar mesmo
CONCORDO, essa autora é psicopata ela gosta de relacionamentos abusivos.
Stop making her so weak !! She used to be strong in the first episodes !
I will be one happiest when yaman knows the truth, and regret for whole his life😁
El avance de mañana está bueno x q al fin ella agarra un poco de coraje
Ojalá que sea así. Que ella se agarre de fuerza y enfrentarse. . A ese ogro hay que darle buco cocorron. 🤣🤣🤣
Haber si es verdad madre mi a que sufrimiento
Es un borrico de sorejao
Haber si coje otro rumbo ya está bien de tanto sufrir
Senarist artik gercekleri oyrensin yaman.seher uzulmesin
she really needs to get herself together weather or not she knows why he has turned psycho on her or she will never crawl out of that pit he has placed her in, Ikbal with that insincere smile makes my skin crawl.
Seher bunları Yaman da Seheri hakk etmiyor❣️❣️❣️
Seher orda ne demek istedi anlamadım.
Evet papatyam Seher bunları haketmiyor ve hiçbirzamanda haketmiyicek😔😔😔😔😟😟😟😟💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
Dislike atın anlasınlar 🙁
@@lazkz2861 Daha ne desin kız bu yaşadıklarının hiç birini hakk etmiyor😔🥺💔
Yeter artık kızlar benim tahammülüm kalmadı bu kıza cehennem azabı yaşatıyorlar😭😭😭😡😡😡
Tá difil de ver Seher sofrer tanto só continuo por que sei que ela dará a volta por cima é que espero em dona Naz já chega desse dossiê
Ela já tá adoecendo perto desse ogro escroto da porra.
Tá bem abatida já
Pode prestar atenção no semblante dela
@@danielekirimli3326 mas se fosse vida real ela adoeceria sim, passei um sofrimento com um relacionamento (desprezo por parte dele, meteu na cabeça que o trai com um advogado conhecido meu) e adoeci, peguei uma pneumonia triste, de tanto chorar, não comer, não dormi, minha prima desconfiou da doença me levou a médico, foi qd caiu minha ficha, comecei o tratamento, desprezei ele, foi qd ele rastejou atrás de mim. Depois ele adoeceu eu o perdoei mas ele morreu.
Sad they ruining the series Always they do this in every series not knew
Now acting like a total bast....... Nothing can justify this behaviour. Seher has a right to defend herself.
He just proved that he is not man enough!!
Está cada dia mais angustiante ver essa novela!!! Não é fácil para mim como mulher ver outra mulher sendo tratada assim como Seher esta sendo tratada pelo marido... apesar de ser uma história fictícia, nós sabemos que existem milhares de outras "Seher" passando por este tipo de abuso e violência tanto física quanto psicológica... espero que não dure muito mais tempo essa situação! A violência doméstica deve ser combatida dentro e fora das novelas... Gostava muito dessa novela, mas atualmente ela está me causando ansiedade, desconforto e angústia 😔
Veremos que es lo que te mereces yamacin cuando se descubra la verdad
Seher!! Wake up. No more tears, enaugh!!
Ahhhh Yaman look what you have done ..... she threw the wedding flowers in dustbin
This made me really cry. How sad!
Lo cierto esque es un pedazo de actor, hace súper bien el papel , pero esa guionista no tendría que ponerlo como un machista maltratador , porque es el chico de la novela y va a terminar odiado por todas las mujeres del planeta
Es lo que puse en otro lado Después de todo esto¿ Qué tiene pensado la escritora para cambiar la imágen que está teniendo Yaman? Porque es tal el nivel de agresión que le puso al personaje, que no le vamos a creer que tenga un cambio.
Seher's face would fit for funeral scene perfectly
Seher should toughen up, i dont like how she is reduced to a damsel in distress. All she does is shed waterfall all day. lady, beat him at his own game, just like Hayat did with Murat in Aks laftan.
Seher still confius about what happened.. suddenly 100% changed. I think she will be strong ever. But Yaman is too much.
@@rosnanimohddahiran5023 right.. suddenly in mood of honeymoon..100% he changed..sapa tak terkejut beb...
@@azitaazemi5925 yup betul tu ✌️
I really want to hate Yaman, but I understand his position, especially since he had never trusted anyone before. Iqbal made me believe that Satan is disguised as a woman
Yes great Seher, u shud throw out all not only that flower 😂
Pobre seher que aguante despertaste defendete. De este hombre cuánto tiene que aguantar seher ,,,llore con ellos . Que dolor 😭😭😭😭💔🇦🇷🙏 sufro junto ella😭
No pobre Seher no que se defienda y hable simplemente eso y deje de llorar y que recuerden se casaron por Yusuf y así lo acaban de hacer ante Servicios Sociales fingiendo amarse, entonces quien entiende esto.
Este maldito de Yaman tiene que pagar todo esto muy caro y estoy esperando ese momento con ancias.
I like how Seher thew that damn flower 🌼into the trash.I hope he can see it in the trash can upside down.
Tanta crueldad...
Con sólo irse y no hablarle ya era suficiente....
Por que tanta humillación....
Espero que Seher no lo perdone...🇦🇷😍
I'm just wondering , does sila get tired of crying in every episode ?? Because its start to be annoying, we want seher the fighter, enough with this crying.
Soon it will be..after everyone will stay on Yaman's side
Yo lo quiero es que Seher habrá los ojos se den cuenta que ikbal es una arpías maliciosa, esperando con ansias que se descumbran la verdad y ver a Yaman suplicado su perdón efectivamente Seher tu no te mereces esto 💔
Divorce him
Everything is possible...Who know's..??..Maybe we will have a divorce??
I want to disappear into the wedding dance again and stay there, I HATE it here!! 💔🥺😡
We have to wait till Seher finds out the reason ....till then she will think this is destiny 😭😭😭😭
Gerçekler ortaya çiktinta Yamanin paşmanlini hayal edamiyorim😔😔☹☹🙁🙁