Tactics Ogre Archer Tips & Tricks

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
  • Who is not loving the archer these days? It might not be a beast but still useful.

Комментарии • 47

  • @ForeverUnmotivated
    @ForeverUnmotivated Год назад +8

    I'm not sure exactly when, but around late chapter 3/early 4 you can start getting Nomad Bracers and Rings of Deftness, which when combined give +18 DEX.
    I've found It really helps with their damage output, so I think they intentionally nerfed early game archer and then gated their real power behind mid/late game gear.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      that would make sense nerf em so they dont steam roll early game than they go into strong mode mid late game

  • @Silvitewolf
    @Silvitewolf Год назад +5

    I feel like terror knights and archers are like bffs ...
    terror knight breaches and fears a target archer and canopus who carries a bow all of a sudden do 300 dmg a hit up from like 30

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      oh yeah i agree thats a good point they work well together

    • @spikygamer987
      @spikygamer987 Год назад

      Or Beast Tamers, just lob those debuff items away~

  • @vurt22
    @vurt22 Год назад +3

    Eagle Eye is great when combined with ranged weapons that inflict status. I believe the status applies at 100% accuracy. This is especially cool with an ally using a blowgun.
    Also, Engulf increases range but not AOE. The wording is poor. I was confused initially when I got it.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +1

      yeah wording is really bad i figured your arrow couldnt just magically do aoe damage so i was like yeah range it does range. i swear some wording in this game is like poor on purpose lol

  • @TheRobversion1
    @TheRobversion1 Год назад +2

    Since the primary use of an archer is to inflict conditions, how viable is this tactic in the end/post game? do more enemies with immunities show up or can you just continually inflict conditions from range at good accuracy?

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      Yeah depends on condtion your trying to inflict but most of them are viable end and post game with this same tactics

    • @TheRobversion1
      @TheRobversion1 Год назад

      @@faizedfoxgaming7426 i thought i'd use this class alot, especially in the early game given my preference for range+action economy tactics. and i haven't really used archers and now in chapter 2. that armored issue really nerfs them until you get a terror knight in the party or get to weapons that inflict on hit conditions. at least for early part of chapter 2 and the whole of chapter 1, imo, they aren't even the best bow users in the game. that honor belongs to the rune fencer with their instills to help them get some extra dmg in vs. armor.
      the accuracy boosts via tremendous shot, back attack and eagle eye are kind of pointless without on-hit conditions on weapons yet and unlike the warrior/rune fencer they dont have access to alternative forms of dmg. warriors can have a crushing 1h and rune fencers can use missile spells.
      definitely a class i'm ignoring until i can get good on hit condition bows.

  • @TheRobversion1
    @TheRobversion1 Год назад +1

    now that condition bows are available, i'm using archers again. just need 1 though as most maps so far don't have a ton of mages. here's my setup:
    equipment: baldur bow, shortbow (yes running 2 bows lol)
    skills: bows, eagle eye, constitution (switch to engulf once i get access), tremendous shot
    tactics: eagle eye/tremendous shot + baldur's bow all the mages. if there aren't alot of mages and each is silenced and i get the eagle eye proc or have mp for tremendous shot then i use my shortbow for assured stuns. i save mp primarily for tremendous shot since the unit's role is to inflict conditions. i rarely use finishers until its close to ending the battle.

  • @azzo3449
    @azzo3449 Год назад +2

    Nice your mic volume is so much better

  • @faizedfoxgaming7426
    @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +4

    What do you guys think about archer is it still viable or do u think its just a class u use early game than forget about it?

    • @misterymisterio8778
      @misterymisterio8778 Год назад

      I use it a lot still. I use archer's as sniper to pick weaker units from afar, even in the one vision mod its viable if you understand its strengh and weakeness.

    • @stormtrooperjon9212
      @stormtrooperjon9212 Год назад

      Early game its nice to have a bunch, late game having one or two just to Charm enemy units and, with the Baldur bow, silence mages. So far I haven't seen the enemy units intelligently just throwing the 1 HP damage stone to un-Charm / un-Sleep their own units, so having access to both is great on turning a tough enemy into a temporary friend / knocking them out.

    • @ahmedfalahy9337
      @ahmedfalahy9337 Год назад

      Bows finishers have crowd control
      Leaden, Sleep, Charm and Stop
      Even if archer falls in damage, their finishers are great for sniping far enemies with nasty debuffs

    • @witchfindergeneral5366
      @witchfindergeneral5366 Год назад

      Its kind of situational and its nice to have them in reserve just incase the battle has a lot of squishies.

  • @christophelopes7681
    @christophelopes7681 Год назад +1

    If you don't mind the gring I recommend lvling bow and crossbow depending of the terrain bring the one you need

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      That is a good idea i think crossbow has way better finisher its just the bow can hit things way easier u know

  • @Fengxain
    @Fengxain Год назад +3

    Silencing mages and healers is very useful. I always have ALoser in my party with a +1 Baldur bow.

    • @Fengxain
      @Fengxain Год назад +1

      An archer standing next to Canopus can also get air affinity and Canopus can get eagle eye to silence too.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      yes i love silence on my archer myself with the bow

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      my boy canopus always usefull whole game :)

  • @luckmanyo
    @luckmanyo Год назад +1

    Archer used to OP in ps/psp ver, can rip through everything, in the new version more balanced, still do piercing damage to healer and medium armor unit, but not against armored unit unless got breached 1st

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      yeah i like archer in this one still useful and can do work just cant pen everything and melt them like psp version

  • @kylekaufman1562
    @kylekaufman1562 Год назад +1

    I seen somebody got the j'yglas set and the damage went up big time but that is very late game. I'm just getting to the point where I'm getting recipes to craft better bows so I will update after I craft and test

  • @OvrlordEtna
    @OvrlordEtna Год назад +1

    slumbershot feels like it procs 75% of the time for me, I always use it over any other skill, that sleep swings battles so hard I had 5 enemies asleep one match with 2 bow units

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      yeah true sleep totally shuts down a unit and u had it proc that much seems luck is on your side lol

  • @MrVariant
    @MrVariant Год назад +1

    Just have someone with breached. Arycelle did 250 to Hektor in my neutral route after Cistina breached his defense lol. Then I got a desertion warning which I gotta look up (no idea why Arycelle and Leonar do not interact after his lies and deceit in chapter 2 chaos).
    I prefer bow and shield over dagger (only 2 slots for skills if leveling both weapons, and shield can mess with their height if you push them) though finishing move gives range. I did read that the psp version has increased loyalty from leveling weapons so maybe dagger leveling could be worth it so Arycelle stays in neutral.
    Always remember the line of sight, wish you showed that in battle as it goes past range even uphill, though obviously more downhill so long as blue light is unobstructed.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +1

      True those are some good points. when i do full guides on classes i plan to show battles a bit more and go into the full class with all skills and stuff

    • @MrVariant
      @MrVariant Год назад +1

      @@faizedfoxgaming7426 oh sure. Just learned beast tamer can use bows. I gotta save Cerya somehow lol she's surrounded and still rushes them lol hope I can get in range for petrify

    • @carlos32195
      @carlos32195 Год назад

      you can also use a ninja with a blowgun to petrify.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +1

      @@MrVariant 1 thing u could try is rushing units with lots of speed to her like gryphons and the like than mass buff her

    • @MrVariant
      @MrVariant Год назад

      @@faizedfoxgaming7426 they went after Canopus for once lol. RNG is your friend. You can also see if you give an AI ally some type of evasion. Only 26% for petribreak though I do have the blow gun on my beast tamer, which I feel is an upgrade from archer once you have good one armed bows. Thanks for the tips, helps the game as much as that recommended equipment option pressing x on switch. I should try to recruit beasts as Rune Knight is lagging chapter 3. I do like Mirdyn's (neutral route) velocity shift where everybody around him gets 35 response time less when he goes, so yeah speed helps.

  • @Merricka11
    @Merricka11 Год назад +1

    What's the point of proccing a debuff twice? Super silenced?

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +1

      if u debuffed again it would just refresh the timer so they stay debuffed longer

  • @flipperflapper6682
    @flipperflapper6682 Год назад +1

    Would be nice if you go for Cleric next. Feels like the worst class out there. I dont remember this class was so bad in PSP ver...
    Feels like they are absolutely necessary yet they dont do anything much when you bring them...

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад

      I agree i argued to people bring healing items instead of clerics lol cuz the items heal for more than the cleric does

  • @beamknight87
    @beamknight87 Год назад +1

    Just reached chapter 3 of the game and yeah, Archers feel a bit underwhelming compared to the other classes, at least IMO, as the issue is that enemies seem to prioritize them and any armored unit that rushes against them barely receives damage from arrows.

    • @burningpipe2627
      @burningpipe2627 Год назад +1

      Yeah, they made armor penetration more important in this game compared to the psp version where they facerolled everything. Terror knight lament is good, but if you want more on demand breach, swordmaster makes for a great setup unit for archers due to one of their dances.

    • @faizedfoxgaming7426
      @faizedfoxgaming7426  Год назад +1

      Yep enemy ai is programmed to focus your squishy boyz down and yes using arrows on armored units is almost pointless best to try to shot less armored ones.

  • @zark7047
    @zark7047 Год назад +1

    Archer isn’t OP alone but with a gud team it can be. Gotta have the team throw debuffs and archer run to high ground to shoot without moving to save RT