iLan Frid heightism racism so many close minded ideas coming from usa a nation with an avg iq of 100.....not surprising..... 50% of women in the usa use height as a requirement...that stat isn't cross culture. men being caretakers only need to mate so choosing solely on looks is given..women who base their decision less on sex is quite wrong going solely on height as an indicator of a good caretaker....speaking in general.....such thinking is primitive.....but predictable coming from women....from the USA.
iLan Frid heightism racism so many close minded ideas coming from usa a nation with an avg iq of 100.....not surprising..... 50% of women in the usa use height as a requirement...that stat isn't cross culture. men being caretakers only need to mate so choosing solely on looks is given..women who base their decision less on sex is quite wrong going solely on height as an indicator of a good caretaker....speaking in general.....such thinking is primitive.....but predictable coming from women....from the USA.
I love some women are all about being independent, making guys feel useless, and wanting to be able to do everything themselves...but then when it come to height they're like "I want to feel tiny and delicate". -_-
society? what do you mean by "society"? your parents? your teachers? who are those people who claim that in order for a guy to be manly he needs to be tall? or that in order for a woman to be girly she needs to be short? what about women who visit sperm banks? why do they love sperm from tall men? the reality is that ONLY women care about height... most men couldn't careless about height when it comes to love... but most men stay away from taller women because we already know how women feel about shorter men...The sad thing is when you look at those high rates of divorce, single motherhood, abortion, etc.... but that's what happens when people choose their romantic partners based on ridiculous things such as height.
Why do people like you always preach that others don't matter and everybody else should go out of their way to get/do/have something because they are obviously shallow minded, and only scream "society!" when you need a scapegoat...
Weight can change with hard work, nobody can grow taller no matter what. I knew a short guy that dated a heavy set woman. She lost weight and worked out, then all the sudden taller guys started hitting on her and left the guy for a taller guy. She always joked about my friends height like if it didn't bother her but when she lost the weight she was gone with somebody else
that's beyond fucked up. so i'm willing to look passed your imperfections and be with you anyway, but the moment you get into shape you're off to find something better? i hope she ended up with a fuckin woman beater piece of shit. what a heartless two timing bitch!
after watching the video and reading the comments, now i realize how hypocrite the society is: if a woman dont want to date short men, everyone starts to say "is her preferences" but if a man dont want to date fat women, everyone starts to say "that man is the worst human in the world".
It's vice versa the woman is the asshole for wanting to date taller men something you have no control over how tall you are fat women on the other hand can change their diet work out and lose weight.
David Garcia Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
My question if these girls want a taller good looking guy with a better bank account and and nicer car or a better job than than them, what exactly these girls offer in return other than regelation of their flaps ?!
Ain't that the fucking question? Most of them offer nothing. Back in the days they would be a fucking home chef. Not talking about mediocre cooking. They would clean or hire someone to clean. They would be in charge of decoration and minor repairs around the house etc. Nowadays they offer nothing. Which is why I never understand why men are still getting married. Bunch of fucking losers in denial. Some men are way too optimistic and naive when it comes to pussy/women.
women these days bring little to nothing to a relationship, other than their vagina. And vaginas aren't exactly in short supply. Matter of fact they are easier and easier to get due to sluts.
Nasser Eguider ouhh u forgot,perfect body,blue eyes,caring,gives them space,loves kids,animals,works in the military(because a man in the uniform) and gives her all the attention.
This is one issue that really upset me. And I hate to target feminists and body positivity activists, but this has to be said. We now live in a time where a man having physical preferences is tantamount to treason, and on the hand if a woman has physical preferences men are expected to accept that and/or fulfill those expectations. With the issue of height, I lucked out being 6 feet, however I am disheartened and quite frankly disgusted by the way shorter men are looked down upon by women, both in public and on online forums. I've used various dating apps and you'd be surprised how many profiles I've come across with ridiculous height demands/expectations Imagine what the reaction would be if men had placed their weight and body type preferences for women. Calling out a man for fat shaming a woman does not grant you a pass to shame a man for being short or below average height. And if women to get to have physical preferences that they can proudly announce to the world, then so can men.
Same here, I'm 6ft 2in and I've always been turned off by women with irrational height requirements. We simply cannot change our height. Even with age, at least you have a chance to plan ahead and get a guy before you're 40 years old... Height is stuck with you from early adulthood. Some of my best friends are short with a high level of education and good income. It's pretty creepy that women are so obsessed with us being taller than them. I'm not your fucking body guard, and if I am then where's my salary? lol
Fawaz Azim Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
Also, the age thing for men is a little more practicable b/c many of us want to start a family and the age of a woman does matter for that. A man's height is not a practical criteria.
It doesn't matter what height a woman is attracted to. If that man she wants doesn't approach her she's not going to get him. Women aren't the choosers.
Why you think such thing Zorkan? I think Englighten made a good point... I think women are the "rejectors" whereas men are the "choosers" since they are the ones who ask out...
I’m 5’6” and decently In shape. You can imagine my experience in dating has been pretty good and bad. Only bad part seems to be that I’m not the full package and well seems like my height is the only issue. Two girls I dated are actually either been dating for a long time or recently got married to men who are more built and over six feet tall. So yeah being below average, not the best feeling in the world.
Attraction with respect height is not as primal as you imply. Short men are stigmatized in our society and then blamed for it. It's more about gender transgression, women wanting to fit the appearance of their scripted female gender role as much as possible. Obviously a shorter man is not fulfilling a woman's need to comply with the script of feeling small, diminuitive, protected, etc. The evolutionary biology argument heard so often is flawed because it doesn't take into account the higher reproductive success of shorter women. Short women are generally more sought after by men, and in turn can (and do) pass on their short genes to their sons. This is the most likely reason short men haven't been selected out of species, if in fact so many women have an aversion toward them. A short, good looking guy can pass on his genetically symmetrical traits to a daughter and she will likely do better in the dating world than a daughter that inherits her more masculine 6"6' father's 350 lb. linebacker build. It really breaks down to gender roles and the social script we're conditioned with from birth. If taller = better, why don't most men find taller women more attractive than shorter women? A smaller, weaker woman would be just as disadvantaged ensuring the protection and success of her children. It just doesn't add up.
Brad Smith. I am 5'7" and like women 5'5" to over 6 feet the best. The tall ones like me the best. But the truth is none really want to date a guy only 5"7"0
They do prefer tall girls… have you heard of models?? I’m 5’8 and 120 lbs have a slim build with long hair and tall guys are all over me… also I can be a model
@@sarahoberlander6888 Im a guy and I prefer shorter girls, 5’ 5”- 5’ 2”. You cant group all men and say we all like the same height lol. You’re confusing standards vs individual preferences
There's also a song by Randy Newman saying "short people have no reason to live". I'm 5'5 myself and have the Patrick Stewart hair line since my 20s so that's a double negative I have apparently. I do not exaggerate when I say thousands of women of all body types even one with no arms have rejected me for being short. The most common line I get is "sorry I don't do the short guy thing" and when I ask why not it usually follows with a dumb look on their faces and a shoulder shrug replying that she likes her high heels too much. REALLY! men with quality but not meeting the height of 5'10 and taller are competing against and losing to womens footwear.
Believe me some women think that they are too good for short men. And if a short guy with good personality I don't see any reason to reject him without give it a try.
Why do girls say height matter when it's in the genes and there is nothing they can do about it. However, when guys talk about weight to girls, that a whole different opinion. Knowing weight is something that can be changed. Girls hate when guys judge and won't date girls base on their weight, yet it's ok for them about a guys height.
Tienburger wow, i agree, i get SO MUCH SHIT for not wanting to date a heavier girl, but when a girl sees im not at their height requirement, i instantly get the boot. talk about a double standard.
Tienburger Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
women think 5'10 is 6 foot, that is why they eliminate 90% of the population. They are bad at telling height. I knew a girl who was 5'5 that thought her 5'8 bf was 6 foot. Its all just silly numbers. I am average height at 5'11, but women don't argue that i am under 6 foot unless they themselves are my height. I always say i am 5'11 though
next time when I flirt with a female that says she's not interested because she likes tall guys, I'm just going to say I was dared to do this because I don't like fat women.
solidsnakeisme Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
If the average height for all girls was 6ft tall and the average for all guys was 4ft tall. I wonder if a 3ft guy would be less attractive towards them. My cousin is 6ft 7 and never liked being taller than her bf's. She's now married to a 6ft 8.5 dude haha.
It's just genetics man. Don't focus on bullshit standards. Honestly, live life how you want, be who you want to be and enjoy it to the maximum. Life's too short to worry about these stupid shallow things. Life is so small, we're just a little tiny speck on an egg and what you do and think today doesn't actually mean shit. You can die tomorrow or today and the last thing you want is to be worried about where you fit on a compatibility scale with women. What good is that going to do for what you want to achieve tomorrow? Life's too short bro, go out and live it. But if you see a girl you fancy, try your luck. Don't sit on the fence because your crack will get pretty sore haha Learn from the past. Live in the present Look forward to the future.
No you are not. Although I am long out of the dating maelstrom, there are plenty of good women who will date a short guy. I am 5'8" and had quite a following in my youth. Whenever I went out, in business and at play, women approached me, even more so than my taller counterparts. That is because I had ( and hopefully at this advanced age ) many redeeming qualities. But more important, don't limit yourself to only ladies who are high on the looks scale, with a specific hair or eye color, shapely, having that waist to hip ratio that is off the hook, or are full busted, etc. No, don't settle for anything, especially not some entitled creep. But you'll be surprised how much fun those other ladies can be.
+87lycanthropy why am I wrong? You're wrong in saying, "there are plenty of women out there that won't turn a guy down just because he is 5'8, 5'7 or even shorter." There are very few women, not plenty. But those few women are decreasing in numbers. There's no such thing as average height. Average height is just a term used by insecure short guys in denial. You are correct about women being shallow for rejecting short guys just based on their height.
+Keith Nicholson Seriously? If many don't want short guys, then there can't still be plenty of women who do. Get real. Short stature is nothing but a disgusting, visible flaw, a defect in genetics, a handicap/disability. I always hear females say how much they are turned on by a short guy.
I'm no expert, but I know that women like to feel protected. For me, a 5'6 guy is still about a head taller than me, so it wouldn't be hard for me if I dated. However, most girls are around 5'6 themselves, so they would probably want someone who is at least 6 foot to feel protected.
Yep, it's all about the guy "chasing away the Saber-Tooth Tigers"! Women (God Bless 'em!) haven't changed since Cave Man days, which may be a good thing...
protected? please answer these questions, I indeed have heard women using your same "argument" to justify their obsession with a guy's height, however I see so many problems with such "argument"... for starters, why do women need protection? do all/most women have a guy who is trying to kill them or kidnap them? I doubt it...Second point... most victims of crime are MALE! so if anyone should be worried about being "protected" it should be MEN! third, if you really have a guy who is trying to kill you, trust me, you're better off by letting the cops know about it! I mean, don't all civilized societies have police officers to protect its citizens? forth, what makes you think that a guy who is 5'2'' tall holding a guy would be scared of an unarmed guy who is 7 feet tall? fifth, ... Africans tend to be pretty tall, yet, throughout history they have been invaded and colonized by european men who were shorter than them.. Lastly, you said that "most girls are around 5'6 themselves, so they would probably want someone who is at least 6 foot to feel protected." wow, poor women! they are such a victims! I mean, as the video reveals, "only" 14% of men meet such "height requirement".... this means that "most women" would have to settle down with an "inferior guy" who is under 6 feet tall..
+ShutUpTaylor TV May I ask you and all other women with a similar perspective a simple question? How can a shorter guy protect a shorter woman if he cannot protect a taller woman?!?! If a shorter guy cannot protect a taller woman, he will NOT be able to protect a shorter woman, and if he can protect a shorter woman, he can protect a taller woman, or a woman of ANY height for that matter.
Averagebum, wow, that's a pretty good question! I hope those women who talk about "protection" take the time to answer your question and also the questions I already asked.
Yea..... that's cool. You can keep your height requirement (im only 5'9) however I can keep my weight requirement. I only date size 2. Another funny point, when the girls I know find out my income.... all of a sudden I seem taller to them LOL wot?!
well according to this study I am too short... and I can feel it too. I'm from the USA and everytime I go to the bar almost all the woman are tall as or taller then me at 5'9.
Anton TheManton Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
@@clementine8397 I'm a very short boy. I accept that everyone has preferences, i just hate people who say things like "short men are DWARFS, GOBLINS and USELESS." Everyone has his preferences, but if someone has a nice personality, i don't see the reason for rejecting him without giving him a try. And height is not a man's choice, it's a DNA thing that can not be changed and probably all short men have been bullied because of it. Weight is not a dna thing, it's something that can be changed, it's girl's fault if she's fat. So in my opinion judging someone by his height is useless and bad, but this is only my opinion. (btw sorry for the bad english)
Why? There may or may not be a reason, but in fact many women do care about height. Regardless of who they marry, the height attraction remains, and in some cases when a woman is married, that attraction to height blurts out at inappropriate times. Even more interesting there are some women that ONLY care about height! Some of these women follow NBA players around. Some of these women are the most beautiful women I have ever seen. I am 6 foot 5 Just to let you know, some women who care a lot about height, care even more about a man's self confidence. BUT Most women care even more if a guy can be part of a "we" rather than being all about himself. To most women, "We" is a very important word.
I've never understood requirements for height or weight or anything, preferences, yes, but not requirements, with me, honestly, I don't have any height requirement but I have a preference for short to average height guys, I'm 5'1" and I don't want to strain my poor neck looking up to talk to him. Ideal height range for a guy for me is 4'10" to 5'6". That doesn't mean a guy who's 4'9" or 5'7" is SOL, that's just my "perfect" height range. Honestly though, he could be 2 millimeters tall or 2 kilometers tall and I'd give him a chance if we had compatibility.
Go ahead and judge me based on my looks (I use a walker and I'm constantly asked if I need help, I can take care of myself thank you no need to be selfish and say you're just trying to help), that way I can avoid interacting with people that are petty and shallow affording me more time with those that love me beyond my physical handicap
ayo_tok 95: I'm 5'7" and single - women just see me as a friend or acquaintance, but God forbid I could a boyfriend, not when I'm so short. Short stature is like a disability or handicap. It's a disgusting, visible flaw and a defect in genetics. Who wants to have a genetically defective boyfriend?
I agree somewhat but there are limits. I don't see dating someone who can accidentally crush me just sitting beside me. If a partner's characteristics 'accidentally' does harm to me in some way, I don't regard that as just a guideline not to see that person but a hard rule that's safety related and should never be broken.
I'm a British soldier living in Germany. My girlfriend had always looked on soldiers in a certain light as a result of their reputation and never saw herself dating anyone English. 2 years later, because of her open minded attitude and we have a wonderful relationship. Keeping an open mind is the key to being truly happy.
I think the biggest misunderstanding is that when people want to date [person x] that they are acting on a preference... but in reality no one actually chooses their own preferences in the first place. They have no control over them. The reason women are considered bitches for their preferences, however, is because all the language they use to talk about their selection makes it sound like they are going through a detailed, conscious selection process, so it makes their discrimination seem like an intentional dick move made out of cold, calculated rationale with a faulty premise (that taller men make better partners). But in reality the women aren't actually deciding any of this on a conscious level. They are just applying rationale to a decision that was made before they were even aware of it. They never made a choice in the first place. However, that said, there is also a huge difference between women's 'preferences' and men's 'preferences' in that women's preferences effect men far more profoundly: for every two men that are into big breasted young women there's one into flat chested cougars. For every two men interested in supple, curvy women there's one with a muscular body fetish. For every two men into slim women there's one who's a chubby chaser. You don't really get that with women. For every twenty women that are looking for a tall guy there's one that can't get over how adorable shorter guys are.
"Yeah I only date 6ft+ guys" "Oh no prblem then. You don't happen to be heavier than 130lb, do you?" Statisically, the numbers are similar. About 15% fit the selection.
That's like asking where the Ark of the covenant is... No one fucking knows!!! No one knows why girls give so much of a damn about height!! they just do
I am just over 5'10" with no shoes on and honestly feel average to a little below. I seem to be taller than most then there are some that tower over me and its like Im a midget. I really wish I was around 6'1" to 6'3"
If your rich,women don't care..But that's it!!! Go to any dating site.Woman always state how tall they want the man to be.99% of men say they don't care.What does that tell you about women???
Height is a very two way street where men want shorter women like women want a taller guy. It's a social trap we're conditioned to think is normal when there is no real, logical sense in these times.
Women's obsession with height is basically the biggest turn off. For both short and tall men. As a tall guy yes you get tin of women but only because you are tall enough 😞 For short guys you get almost none but also you loose tge motivation to even try ad you know height is basically all they see.
Cuz women live in their own world. What happens in their life must be completely under their control, at least subconsciously. Their lives are like movies that their subconscious minds write
1:50 get something from the high shelf is kinda irrelevant.. then the girl said its helpful... lol she still think height is top priority than other personality
It's sucks. I'm 5'11" - short guys are awesome - but some of them have serious problems when it comes to taller women. Nothing more attractive than a short guy who owns his height.
Well, by my experience guys only care about women's size compared to their own. Don't let it be a problem for you, and it just might stop being a problem for the guy. And no, i have no personal grudges in this or anything, as i happen to be 196cm(just a whole host of other things), but many short guys i know don't even notice it when "window shopping".
HardMane May and Jasmine Daniels I don't think us men have any problem with taller women.. HOWEVER many times we have heard how women feel towards shorter men as a result some of us have a very low self esteem... I would never judge a person as a result of his/her height... doing such thing is extremely ignorant... I fail to understand why so many women judge a man by his height.
Hello everyone I believe that the ideal height for a man is 6'3 ft. I myself am 6'4 ft. I'm 17 years old. The physique is strong 93 kg. I live in Russia!
Doc H if you're really 6'6'' then I wonder why you ask such question... A man of your height is likely of being loved by tons of women... sad but true...I think is sad because you should be loved for your inside and not for your outside... furthermore, what if a woman "Falls in love" with you as a result of your height and then 2 weeks after having married you she meets another man who is 7 feet tall?
@@judithsmith3226 My father is 167 cm tall, fat and a piece of shit. There's a lot of short men who are like that, so shove that bullshit up your ass. As for me, I don't really care how tall my bf is. He could be as short as Zim for all I care. But I expect him to be able take care of himself, be independent and other things associated with being a grown-up. Before you have a go at me, I'm working towards a degree in medicine, I go to the gym, take care of my health and such. I expect my partner to do the same. Inb4 'daddy issues'
It's a control, power thing. I'm sorry I can't help it. It's ingrained in our brains. Men have the SAME THING. Men will not respect shorter men and they tend to overlook them, literally. Short men also feel "less than" , it's not just us tall people judging them. They judge themselves as well.
Let's chat about female's weight. Imagine if guys posted their weight preferences as often as females post about height preferences.
Yet another thing those grass-is-always-greener radical fems refuse to acknowledge.
the world would implode if anyone did that but as a short guy by women's standards i'd love to see the chaos
are we posting by weight class?
iLan Frid
heightism racism so many close minded ideas coming from usa a nation with an avg iq of 100.....not surprising.....
50% of women in the usa use height as a requirement...that stat isn't cross culture.
men being caretakers only need to mate so choosing solely on looks is given..women who base their decision less on sex is quite wrong going solely on height as an indicator of a good caretaker....speaking in general.....such thinking is primitive.....but predictable coming from women....from the USA.
iLan Frid
heightism racism so many close minded ideas coming from usa a nation with an avg iq of 100.....not surprising.....
50% of women in the usa use height as a requirement...that stat isn't cross culture.
men being caretakers only need to mate so choosing solely on looks is given..women who base their decision less on sex is quite wrong going solely on height as an indicator of a good caretaker....speaking in general.....such thinking is primitive.....but predictable coming from women....from the USA.
I love some women are all about being independent, making guys feel useless, and wanting to be able to do everything themselves...but then when it come to height they're like "I want to feel tiny and delicate".
well how tall are you? you left out an important point there.
society? what do you mean by "society"? your parents? your teachers? who are those people who claim that in order for a guy to be manly he needs to be tall? or that in order for a woman to be girly she needs to be short? what about women who visit sperm banks? why do they love sperm from tall men? the reality is that ONLY women care about height... most men couldn't careless about height when it comes to love... but most men stay away from taller women because we already know how women feel about shorter men...The sad thing is when you look at those high rates of divorce, single motherhood, abortion, etc.... but that's what happens when people choose their romantic partners based on ridiculous things such as height.
I don't give a shit anymore, if you don't like fat bitches, say it. If you want tall guys don't be a fucking whale
Why do people like you always preach that others don't matter and everybody else should go out of their way to get/do/have something because they are obviously shallow minded, and only scream "society!" when you need a scapegoat...
Josip Čondić Jurkić Who are you responding to?
If women are allowed to have height requirements then men are allowed to have weight requirements.
Most of us do
Silent Spectre obviously... you can have anything you want... Is this new information?😆🙄😁
I would argue we’re more allowed to ask for weight requirements. Considering height isn’t optional and weight is.
@@clementine8397 so I can have weight requirements on dating apps?
Weight can change with hard work, nobody can grow taller no matter what. I knew a short guy that dated a heavy set woman. She lost weight and worked out, then all the sudden taller guys started hitting on her and left the guy for a taller guy. She always joked about my friends height like if it didn't bother her but when she lost the weight she was gone with somebody else
that's beyond fucked up. so i'm willing to look passed your imperfections and be with you anyway, but the moment you get into shape you're off to find something better? i hope she ended up with a fuckin woman beater piece of shit. what a heartless two timing bitch!
you can add more height with surgery
do it and tell us what happened
robert southwood "They're all bitches!" A friend told me in middle school!
after watching the video and reading the comments, now i realize how hypocrite the society is:
if a woman dont want to date short men, everyone starts to say "is her preferences"
but if a man dont want to date fat women, everyone starts to say "that man is the worst human in the world".
David Garcia I don't give af if you don't want to date fat chicks. I'm still keeping my tall men though 😂😂😂
Of course youll worship tall men, thats not the issue. Do you agree with what he stated? yes or no?
It's vice versa the woman is the asshole for wanting to date taller men something you have no control over how tall you are fat women on the other hand can change their diet work out and lose weight.
I just notice that little and ugly girls care about height.
David Garcia Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
Switched off pretty quickly when I realised almost no women will ever listen to this.
My question if these girls want a taller good looking guy with a better bank account and and nicer car or a better job than than them, what exactly these girls offer in return other than regelation of their flaps ?!
Ain't that the fucking question? Most of them offer nothing. Back in the days they would be a fucking home chef. Not talking about mediocre cooking. They would clean or hire someone to clean. They would be in charge of decoration and minor repairs around the house etc. Nowadays they offer nothing. Which is why I never understand why men are still getting married. Bunch of fucking losers in denial. Some men are way too optimistic and naive when it comes to pussy/women.
women these days bring little to nothing to a relationship, other than their vagina. And vaginas aren't exactly in short supply. Matter of fact they are easier and easier to get due to sluts.
they bring damaged goods.
Nasser Eguider ouhh u forgot,perfect body,blue eyes,caring,gives them space,loves kids,animals,works in the military(because a man in the uniform) and gives her all the attention.
loling at the amount of narcissists in the comment section. i mean.... im kinda in between but... this... pfff
If they want the 10%, then they better deliver a qualty within the 10%.
They won't lol
They wont
This is one issue that really upset me. And I hate to target feminists and body positivity activists, but this has to be said. We now live in a time where a man having physical preferences is tantamount to treason, and on the hand if a woman has physical preferences men are expected to accept that and/or fulfill those expectations. With the issue of height, I lucked out being 6 feet, however I am disheartened and quite frankly disgusted by the way shorter men are looked down upon by women, both in public and on online forums. I've used various dating apps and you'd be surprised how many profiles I've come across with ridiculous height demands/expectations Imagine what the reaction would be if men had placed their weight and body type preferences for women. Calling out a man for fat shaming a woman does not grant you a pass to shame a man for being short or below average height. And if women to get to have physical preferences that they can proudly announce to the world, then so can men.
Same here, I'm 6ft 2in and I've always been turned off by women with irrational height requirements. We simply cannot change our height. Even with age, at least you have a chance to plan ahead and get a guy before you're 40 years old... Height is stuck with you from early adulthood. Some of my best friends are short with a high level of education and good income. It's pretty creepy that women are so obsessed with us being taller than them. I'm not your fucking body guard, and if I am then where's my salary? lol
@@shin-ishikiri-no hahah great line at the end.
Fawaz Azim Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
"shorter men are looked down upon by women"
Very poor choice of words.
@@clementine8397 The media and porn brainwashed you to prefer tall men, it's not the default state of your thinking. Deprogram your mind
Women are more judgy about height than men are about age...significantly more
Also, the age thing for men is a little more practicable b/c many of us want to start a family and the age of a woman does matter for that. A man's height is not a practical criteria.
Don't forget how older women had their chance to be young. But not all men get a chance to be tall.
Very true my brother. Women are by far the shallower and more narcissistic gender
@@WolverineBatmanand A lot of women prefer older men. So Men wanting younger women checks out because young women are seeking them in return.
It won't matter if you are rich
True, Tom Cruise for example is rich and famous.
women dont know what they actually want. you ask a girl how tall 6 foot is and shell measure out like 5'9 or something.
thats why men shouldnt stress about height...most women cant tell the difference anyway lol
It doesn't matter what height a woman is attracted to. If that man she wants doesn't approach her she's not going to get him. Women aren't the choosers.
they are
Why you think such thing Zorkan? I think Englighten made a good point... I think women are the "rejectors" whereas men are the "choosers" since they are the ones who ask out...
I'm a woman and you are 100 % right.
Women are lazy.
I’m 5’6” and decently In shape. You can imagine my experience in dating has been pretty good and bad. Only bad part seems to be that I’m not the full package and well seems like my height is the only issue. Two girls I dated are actually either been dating for a long time or recently got married to men who are more built and over six feet tall. So yeah being below average, not the best feeling in the world.
How are you doing now?
If you thought women were focusing on personality, u gonna have a bad time
Attraction with respect height is not as primal as you imply. Short men are stigmatized in our society and then blamed for it. It's more about gender transgression, women wanting to fit the appearance of their scripted female gender role as much as possible. Obviously a shorter man is not fulfilling a woman's need to comply with the script of feeling small, diminuitive, protected, etc.
The evolutionary biology argument heard so often is flawed because it doesn't take into account the higher reproductive success of shorter women. Short women are generally more sought after by men, and in turn can (and do) pass on their short genes to their sons. This is the most likely reason short men haven't been selected out of species, if in fact so many women have an aversion toward them.
A short, good looking guy can pass on his genetically symmetrical traits to a daughter and she will likely do better in the dating world than a daughter that inherits her more masculine 6"6' father's 350 lb. linebacker build.
It really breaks down to gender roles and the social script we're conditioned with from birth. If taller = better, why don't most men find taller women more attractive than shorter women? A smaller, weaker woman would be just as disadvantaged ensuring the protection and success of her children. It just doesn't add up.
Brad Smith I prefer taller women
i'm 5'10"
and i have a thing for women in the range of 5'6" to 5'8"
Brad Smith amazing 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Brad Smith. I am 5'7" and like women 5'5" to over 6 feet the best. The tall ones like me the best. But the truth is none really want to date a guy only 5"7"0
They do prefer tall girls… have you heard of models?? I’m 5’8 and 120 lbs have a slim build with long hair and tall guys are all over me… also I can be a model
@@sarahoberlander6888 Im a guy and I prefer shorter girls, 5’ 5”- 5’ 2”. You cant group all men and say we all like the same height lol. You’re confusing standards vs individual preferences
There's also a song by Randy Newman saying "short people have no reason to live". I'm 5'5 myself and have the Patrick Stewart hair line since my 20s so that's a double negative I have apparently. I do not exaggerate when I say thousands of women of all body types even one with no arms have rejected me for being short. The most common line I get is "sorry I don't do the short guy thing" and when I ask why not it usually follows with a dumb look on their faces and a shoulder shrug replying that she likes her high heels too much. REALLY! men with quality but not meeting the height of 5'10 and taller are competing against and losing to womens footwear.
This must be a recent trend. In college, being over 6 ft. 1 never seemed to help me get a date.
LMAO, "A better catch" AKA more money. It's so obvious what she was trying to say
Believe me some women think that they are too good for short men. And if a short guy with good personality I don't see any reason to reject him without give it a try.
See? High-quality woman here! Someone honest and open😊 thanks
And when you're out with the shorter guy and a TALL guy goes by , you Will stare at him
Why do girls say height matter when it's in the genes and there is nothing they can do about it. However, when guys talk about weight to girls, that a whole different opinion. Knowing weight is something that can be changed. Girls hate when guys judge and won't date girls base on their weight, yet it's ok for them about a guys height.
Tienburger wow, i agree, i get SO MUCH SHIT for not wanting to date a heavier girl, but when a girl sees im not at their height requirement, i instantly get the boot. talk about a double standard.
Tienburger Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
y'all get hurt?
@arranckar i asked if y'all get hurt or not, cause y'all always say that y'all dont care abt this kind of thing lmao
women think 5'10 is 6 foot, that is why they eliminate 90% of the population. They are bad at telling height. I knew a girl who was 5'5 that thought her 5'8 bf was 6 foot. Its all just silly numbers. I am average height at 5'11, but women don't argue that i am under 6 foot unless they themselves are my height. I always say i am 5'11 though
I can't tell whether a guy is 6 ft either
True that’s why guys shouldn’t be too stressed about the height thing
the guy talks with his hands so much, she has to back off just to avoid getting in the line of fire
next time when I flirt with a female that says she's not interested because she likes tall guys, I'm just going to say I was dared to do this because I don't like fat women.
solidsnakeisme Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
Don't give me a flat chested woman
If the average height for all girls was 6ft tall and the average for all guys was 4ft tall.
I wonder if a 3ft guy would be less attractive towards them.
My cousin is 6ft 7 and never liked being taller than her bf's. She's now married to a 6ft 8.5 dude haha.
It's just genetics man. Don't focus on bullshit standards.
Honestly, live life how you want, be who you want to be and enjoy it to the maximum.
Life's too short to worry about these stupid shallow things. Life is so small, we're just a little tiny speck on an egg and what you do and think today doesn't actually mean shit.
You can die tomorrow or today and the last thing you want is to be worried about where you fit on a compatibility scale with women.
What good is that going to do for what you want to achieve tomorrow?
Life's too short bro, go out and live it.
But if you see a girl you fancy, try your luck.
Don't sit on the fence because your crack will get pretty sore haha
Learn from the past.
Live in the present
Look forward to the future.
A guy whose height is between 5'9"-5'11" is fine. But when you are below 5'7" (I am 5'7") you are screwed. 5'8" is considered decent height.
No you are not. Although I am long out of the dating maelstrom, there are plenty of good women who will date a short guy. I am 5'8" and had quite a following in my youth. Whenever I went out, in business and at play, women approached me, even more so than my taller counterparts. That is because I had ( and hopefully at this advanced age ) many redeeming qualities.
But more important, don't limit yourself to only ladies who are high on the looks scale, with a specific hair or eye color, shapely, having that waist to hip ratio that is off the hook, or are full busted, etc. No, don't settle for anything, especially not some entitled creep. But you'll be surprised how much fun those other ladies can be.
+87lycanthropy why am I wrong? You're wrong in saying, "there are plenty of women out there that won't turn a guy down just because he is 5'8, 5'7 or even shorter." There are very few women, not plenty. But those few women are decreasing in numbers. There's no such thing as average height. Average height is just a term used by insecure short guys in denial. You are correct about women being shallow for rejecting short guys just based on their height.
I agree that many women don't want us short guys. But there are plenty in this world that will still date us.
+Keith Nicholson Seriously? If many don't want short guys, then there can't still be plenty of women who do. Get real. Short stature is nothing but a disgusting, visible flaw, a defect in genetics, a handicap/disability. I always hear females say how much they are turned on by a short guy.
I said many women will date us short guys. I did not say ALL WOMEN: Just many.
P.S. BTW: How many women do you need ?
I'm no expert, but I know that women like to feel protected. For me, a 5'6 guy is still about a head taller than me, so it wouldn't be hard for me if I dated. However, most girls are around 5'6 themselves, so they would probably want someone who is at least 6 foot to feel protected.
Yep, it's all about the guy "chasing away the Saber-Tooth Tigers"! Women (God Bless 'em!) haven't changed since Cave Man days, which may be a good thing...
protected? please answer these questions, I indeed have heard women using your same "argument" to justify their obsession with a guy's height, however I see so many problems with such "argument"... for starters, why do women need protection? do all/most women have a guy who is trying to kill them or kidnap them? I doubt it...Second point... most victims of crime are MALE! so if anyone should be worried about being "protected" it should be MEN! third, if you really have a guy who is trying to kill you, trust me, you're better off by letting the cops know about it! I mean, don't all civilized societies have police officers to protect its citizens? forth, what makes you think that a guy who is 5'2'' tall holding a guy would be scared of an unarmed guy who is 7 feet tall? fifth, ... Africans tend to be pretty tall, yet, throughout history they have been invaded and colonized by european men who were shorter than them.. Lastly, you said that "most girls are around 5'6 themselves, so they would probably want someone who is at least 6 foot to feel protected." wow, poor women! they are such a victims! I mean, as the video reveals, "only" 14% of men meet such "height requirement".... this means that "most women" would have to settle down with an "inferior guy" who is under 6 feet tall..
+ShutUpTaylor TV
May I ask you and all other women with a similar perspective a simple question? How can a shorter guy protect a shorter woman if he cannot protect a taller woman?!?!
If a shorter guy cannot protect a taller woman, he will NOT be able to protect a shorter woman, and if he can protect a shorter woman, he can protect a taller woman, or a woman of ANY height for that matter.
Averagebum, wow, that's a pretty good question! I hope those women who talk about "protection" take the time to answer your question and also the questions I already asked.
Annynick C shutup you short Manlet and continue to stay mad about your inferior height
Yea..... that's cool. You can keep your height requirement (im only 5'9) however I can keep my weight requirement. I only date size 2. Another funny point, when the girls I know find out my income.... all of a sudden I seem taller to them LOL wot?!
well according to this study I am too short... and I can feel it too. I'm from the USA and everytime
I go to the bar almost all the woman are tall as or taller then me at 5'9.
Anton TheManton Nobody can stop you from having your preference, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a woman who gets a lot of hate because I prefer tall men. But I don’t care, because that’s my preference. Everyone has the right for their preference, and regarded of who’s offended , they can’t take that away. Whatever you say, someone will get offended. So who cares?
@@clementine8397 I'm a very short boy.
I accept that everyone has preferences, i just hate people who say things like "short men are DWARFS, GOBLINS and USELESS."
Everyone has his preferences, but if someone has a nice personality, i don't see the reason for rejecting him without giving him a try.
And height is not a man's choice, it's a DNA thing that can not be changed and probably all short men have been bullied because of it.
Weight is not a dna thing, it's something that can be changed, it's girl's fault if she's fat.
So in my opinion judging someone by his height is useless and bad, but this is only my opinion.
(btw sorry for the bad english)
A lot of baloney women saying they could be as attracted to a short guy.No way jose. Women always end up with the tall guy who is abusive.
This is a fucked up conversation. Women want to be seen as something more than an object but treat men just as that.
Dude, I don't usually comment, but let's just say I had to like and comment this video!
_I’m 5’ 3"... lying down._ 😎
There may or may not be a reason, but in fact many women do care about height. Regardless of who they marry, the height attraction remains, and in some cases when a woman is married, that attraction to height blurts out at inappropriate times.
Even more interesting
there are some women that
care about height! Some of these women follow NBA players around. Some of these women are the most beautiful women I have ever seen.
I am 6 foot 5
Just to let you know, some women who care a lot about height, care even more about a man's
self confidence.
Most women care even more if a guy can be part of a "we"
rather than being all about himself.
To most women, "We" is a very important word.
I've never understood requirements for height or weight or anything, preferences, yes, but not requirements, with me, honestly, I don't have any height requirement but I have a preference for short to average height guys, I'm 5'1" and I don't want to strain my poor neck looking up to talk to him. Ideal height range for a guy for me is 4'10" to 5'6". That doesn't mean a guy who's 4'9" or 5'7" is SOL, that's just my "perfect" height range. Honestly though, he could be 2 millimeters tall or 2 kilometers tall and I'd give him a chance if we had compatibility.
I prefer my women to be 5'2 to 5'6 with proportionate weight.
And have your sons be short lol. The only reason you like short girls is because you can’t get a slim model
Go ahead and judge me based on my looks (I use a walker and I'm constantly asked if I need help, I can take care of myself thank you no need to be selfish and say you're just trying to help), that way I can avoid interacting with people that are petty and shallow affording me more time with those that love me beyond my physical handicap
i'm 5'11 and a half damn i'm single forever.
J o n a t h a n wtf mate I don't think that is considered short I'm 6ft you probably look the same height as me.
ayo_tok 95 i beat both of you, I'm 5 10 and a half, im single forever.
A women would measure my hight and say sorry dude you 1 inch to short. Single for ever :-(
J o n a t h a n lol cmon guys I doubt that would happen.
ayo_tok 95: I'm 5'7" and single - women just see me as a friend or acquaintance, but God forbid I could a boyfriend, not when I'm so short. Short stature is like a disability or handicap. It's a disgusting, visible flaw and a defect in genetics. Who wants to have a genetically defective boyfriend?
I am OK with any women who has an issue with height. Because I have an issue with fat girls.
Salvador Garcia same
I agree somewhat but there are limits. I don't see dating someone who can accidentally crush me just sitting beside me. If a partner's characteristics 'accidentally' does harm to me in some way, I don't regard that as just a guideline not to see that person but a hard rule that's safety related and should never be broken.
I’m very short at 5”3 I’m 22
I'm a British soldier living in Germany. My girlfriend had always looked on soldiers in a certain light as a result of their reputation and never saw herself dating anyone English. 2 years later, because of her open minded attitude and we have a wonderful relationship. Keeping an open mind is the key to being truly happy.
Damien you clearly didn't understand their ENTIRE point in this video about keeping an open mind..
I think the biggest misunderstanding is that when people want to date [person x] that they are acting on a preference... but in reality no one actually chooses their own preferences in the first place. They have no control over them.
The reason women are considered bitches for their preferences, however, is because all the language they use to talk about their selection makes it sound like they are going through a detailed, conscious selection process, so it makes their discrimination seem like an intentional dick move made out of cold, calculated rationale with a faulty premise (that taller men make better partners). But in reality the women aren't actually deciding any of this on a conscious level. They are just applying rationale to a decision that was made before they were even aware of it. They never made a choice in the first place.
However, that said, there is also a huge difference between women's 'preferences' and men's 'preferences' in that women's preferences effect men far more profoundly: for every two men that are into big breasted young women there's one into flat chested cougars. For every two men interested in supple, curvy women there's one with a muscular body fetish. For every two men into slim women there's one who's a chubby chaser.
You don't really get that with women. For every twenty women that are looking for a tall guy there's one that can't get over how adorable shorter guys are.
why do i care about age?
I would have much better enjoyed listening to her perspective than his. My guess is he loves hearing the sound of his voice so much he never shuts up!
14% is actually a no. More like 9% Dudes lie about the height so much. 5'9 with lifts claims 6ft so much
I’m 5’11 😂but girls are like 5’3 😂5’8 is good for u avg height in the us is 5’8.5 5’9 most people aren’t 6’0 but then girls act like 6’0 is 6’5 lmaoo
Why do I care what women care about? Why am I even here?
Even though im genetically gifted with height, im willing to share it with you guys
Can you share it with me?
"Yeah I only date 6ft+ guys"
"Oh no prblem then. You don't happen to be heavier than 130lb, do you?"
Statisically, the numbers are similar. About 15% fit the selection.
age is an issue, men in the end want kids. Women's fertility becomes harder the older she gets. There is a biological clock ticking.
well sorry katie i loved you so much but its not my fault im only 5'1 and not over 6ft in middle school
That's like asking where the Ark of the covenant is... No one fucking knows!!! No one knows why girls give so much of a damn about height!! they just do
Guys it's not worthy having relationships with these kind of women
I would like to ask her a question.Are you taller then your mom,if so do you feel better? Just an analitical question.
"Women only like tall guys"
*used to laugh in "dale"*
Width of the wallet is much more important than physical height.
Does a 6 ft two skinny fat guy have more going for him than a 5 ft 7 guy who's built like a gymnast or cage fighter?
this question is only asked by short myself lol 5'8
You're in an average male height range but women probably do say it's short because they're stupid.
You`re 5`8`` with shoes on
I am just over 5'10" with no shoes on and honestly feel average to a little below. I seem to be taller than most then there are some that tower over me and its like Im a midget. I really wish I was around 6'1" to 6'3"
@Kaich Mung yup I feel the same way. I'm satisfied enough with my height and thankfully not 5' 6" or something horrible!
Women with poor hygiene can put me off and ive met afew which has surprised me.
Yeah as 5'6 it sucks being genetically inferior and not part of the master race of tall people.
If your rich,women don't care..But that's it!!! Go to any dating site.Woman always state how tall they want the man to be.99% of men say they don't care.What does that tell you about women???
Lol if somebody is taller than you by already 3-4 inches, you dont even notice if they re 5'9 or 6'1
Height is a very two way street where men want shorter women like women want a taller guy. It's a social trap we're conditioned to think is normal when there is no real, logical sense in these times.
Women's obsession with height is basically the biggest turn off. For both short and tall men.
As a tall guy yes you get tin of women but only because you are tall enough 😞
For short guys you get almost none but also you loose tge motivation to even try ad you know height is basically all they see.
If a woman cant look over a man's height if he's shorter or atleast the same height as her.
She aint the one buddy
Cuz women live in their own world. What happens in their life must be completely under their control, at least subconsciously. Their lives are like movies that their subconscious minds write
Im 5 9 and im good
height has nothing to do with beating up bad guys.
Omg no Im only 5“11,75 :((((
Qiu TV ur saying that for attention
@@blem5376 ???
its about the damn furniture
1:50 get something from the high shelf is kinda irrelevant.. then the girl said its helpful... lol she still think height is top priority than other personality
but yet women still prefer 6 ft tall till this day would not date anyone under 6 ft tall or 6 figure income some ladies cannot give that up .
Simple. Just tell them one thing: cuz b*tch you're perfect yourself right?
I feel like they are thinking about to their offspring. Their sons especially they want taller kids
Evan gets it.
Well I don't care about height. Guys care about my height though bcs I'm 6ft tall :(
It's sucks. I'm 5'11" - short guys are awesome - but some of them have serious problems when it comes to taller women. Nothing more attractive than a short guy who owns his height.
Padraic1983 Thank You! I plan and staying fit haha. Its my lifelong goal :P
wtf that's bs I bet you have a fine ass anyway most guys don't care about height
Well, by my experience guys only care about women's size compared to their own. Don't let it be a problem for you, and it just might stop being a problem for the guy. And no, i have no personal grudges in this or anything, as i happen to be 196cm(just a whole host of other things), but many short guys i know don't even notice it when "window shopping".
HardMane May and Jasmine Daniels I don't think us men have any problem with taller women.. HOWEVER many times we have heard how women feel towards shorter men as a result some of us have a very low self esteem... I would never judge a person as a result of his/her height... doing such thing is extremely ignorant... I fail to understand why so many women judge a man by his height.
but still, 14 percent is 1.2 billion people
"trying not to look like a douchbag at the end"
14%? Really?
Americans sure are short...
Its more like 35-40
Hello everyone I believe that the ideal height for a man is 6'3 ft. I myself am 6'4 ft. I'm 17 years old. The physique is strong 93 kg. I live in Russia!
I’m 5’5 🥲
his comparison makes no sense
Reading deese comments can depress a fella lml.
Didn't even answer the question
i'm 6.6 does that mean i'm a piece of shit not worth dating because im tall.
Doc H if you're really 6'6'' then I wonder why you ask such question... A man of your height is likely of being loved by tons of women... sad but true...I think is sad because you should be loved for your inside and not for your outside... furthermore, what if a woman "Falls in love" with you as a result of your height and then 2 weeks after having married you she meets another man who is 7 feet tall?
@@judithsmith3226 My father is 167 cm tall, fat and a piece of shit. There's a lot of short men who are like that, so shove that bullshit up your ass.
As for me, I don't really care how tall my bf is. He could be as short as Zim for all I care. But I expect him to be able take care of himself, be independent and other things associated with being a grown-up. Before you have a go at me, I'm working towards a degree in medicine, I go to the gym, take care of my health and such. I expect my partner to do the same.
Inb4 'daddy issues'
Because they are shallow. End
It's a control, power thing. I'm sorry I can't help it. It's ingrained in our brains. Men have the SAME THING. Men will not respect shorter men and they tend to overlook them, literally. Short men also feel "less than" , it's not just us tall people judging them. They judge themselves as well.
Red 💊
Genetics, dih
Im glad to be 187 cm