I remember when I left Christianity and I had no religion, I would be so angry to see people especially women converting to Islam, despite me not even being Christian anymore. I started researching about Islam to debunk it and to see it’s evils and SubhanAllah, I’ve been Muslim now for 2 years.
Mashallah you were so strong to recognize that anger as being more than just anger. When we’re at peace with who we are, there’s no reason to be upset at others being at peace with who they are.
Every day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is Satan
I too converted while in the military 2 ramadans ago & was in a city where there were no muslims except 2 in the whole base. One was an officer and another was enlisted, but the two individuals were placed strategically by Allah to help me walk through my own struggles. I was the first in my squadron to go through the whole process of getting a hijab accommodation approved & afterwards followed other muslimahs who wanted to wear their hijab while serving and outside of uniform. The hijab was trully a form of dawah to non-muslims, because i was black, a muslim and in the military & it had people confused 😂 In my line of work, i come across alot of military families and they all were curious about islam & some simply loved how neat it looked, that i made them observe modesty. It also removed the stereotype of what they thought muslims weee about. Being in the military cancelled out their perception of muslims being terrorists. Some in my unit ended up converting & i was floored when they told me they were watching and learning on their own & from me. Subhanallah, Allah is great & from just fighting to wear the hijab i gained alot of favor from Allah with those i worked with and saw blessings outside of it.
@@jagdishmadgaonkarWell make sure you protect her, we know how Indians like to treat women, doesn’t matter if they’re tourists, locals, deaf and mute, etc, they all they the special treatment.
Every day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is Satan
Alhamdulillah... I am a convert too. Convert had difference story in life before become Islam/Muslim. But for me I feel empty at the age of 17-19 i feel that i have something to find to fill in into myself and that is ISLAM... Allahu Akbar! Alhamdulillah im married with a Convert Muslim too. We're only the Muslim Family in my Community but they respect us Alhamdulillah.❤❤❤
So do you now believe in fairy tales like the fairy tale of Dhul Qurnain and the sun setting in a muddy pool Sura 18, the sleeping men and a watchful dog in a cave , sleeping for over 300 long years Sura 18 !!! wuff wuff wuff, flying birds destroying an army of elephants by throwing mud pebbles !!!!! Sura 105. Solomon and his encounter with talking ants and Hoopoe the bird Sura 27 , yajuj and majuj, those monstrous creatures imprisoned behind steep mountains and iron walls ( built by dhul qurnain) for last 2500 years, may breach those walls any time and devour entire mankind !!!! Sura 18 & 21 Mohammad and his flying horse Al Burraq going on intergalactic mission to meet Allah, Sura 17, the army of elephants beaten into straw by a flock of birds throwing mud pebbles at them Sura 105, and many more , enough to keep one entertained for long time.
MashaAllah. When your heart is genuine bout your faith, you are not afraid and ashamed about what you are because you all trust Allah (swt). Serenity is felt.
@@fatimaasum2014 Besides requiring muslim women to breastfeed adults , ïslãm gives a certain status to women that is missing in other religions!! *Top ten reasons where Islam gives special status to women* 10. A husband has sëx with his wife, as a plow goes into a field. The Quran in Sura (Chapter) 2:223 says: Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . . . 9. Husbands are a degree above their wives. The Quran in Sura 2:228 says:Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally known principles. Of course, men are a degree above them in status . . . 8. A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female. The Quran in Sura 4:11 says: The share of the male shall be twice that of a female . . . . . A woman's testimony counts half of a man's testimony. The Quran in Sura 2:282 says: And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her. 6. A wife may remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man, they have sëx, and then this second man divorces her. The Quran in Sura 2:230 says: And if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband divorces her. [In that case] there is no harm if they [the first couple] remarry . . . 5. Slave-girls are sêxüãl property for their male owners. The Quran in Sura 4:24 says: And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands [as prisoners of war] . . .
4. A man may be polygamous with up to four wives. The Quran in Sura 4:3 says: And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession. 3. A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives. The Quran in Sura 4:129 says: It is not within your power to be perfectly equitable in your treatment with all your wives, even if you wish to be so; therefore, [in order to satisfy the dictates of Divine Law] do not lean towards one wife so as to leave the other in a state of suspense. . Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their wives (quite apart from whether they actually are highhanded The Quran in Sura 4:34 says: 4:34 . . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great 1. Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls. The Quran in Sura 65:1, 4 says: 65:1 O Prophet, when you [and the believers] divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed waiting-period and count the waiting-period accurately . . . 4 And if you are in doubt about those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, (you should know that) their waiting period is three months, and the same applies to those who have not menstruated as yet. As for pregnant women, their period ends when they have delivered their burden.
@sarinah8708 who will interpret ?? the shias and their various sects , the Sunnis and their various sects, the Ahmediya , the salafis , the deobandis ?? are you aware that even on a small issue like whether it's permissible for women to put nail polish there tens of different opinions and fatwas !! 😃😃😃 As it is you don't rely on most of the hadiths as per convenience, stating they are weak in chain of narrations , fabricated etc. 😃😃😃
@sarinah8708 møhamMãd First Muslim And Quran does confirm that: "O Muhammad, Say: ...I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah (in Islam)" [The Holy Quran 6:14] "Say: Allah has no partner: this am I commanded, and I (Muhammad) am the first of those who bow to His will." [The Holy Quran 6:163] "Say: And I (Muhammad) am commanded to be the first Muslim." [The Holy Quran 39:12
@@stephenshakazulumay Allah guide you back to Islam & open your heart to completely understand Islam. Islam is a way of live, not a ritual. Kaaba is a direction for prayer for unity not a house to pray to. Jerusalem was the first qibla (direction to pray in & was change to makkah (kaaba). Don't leave Islam because you don't understand one thing or even a few things of Islam. Allah guide you for a reason but that doesn't mean live becomes a fairytale. Allah promise ease with difficulties. Speak to Allah to guide you to understanding Islam a bit better. Our Imaan are like a roller-coaster but hold on to Allah's guidance & mercy. May Allah keep us in Islam & grant us a beautiful death with our last words to be our declaration of our faith. May Allah grant you beneficial knowledge with understanding Ameen
SubhanAllah. I'm 36 on the way to office in Melbourne Australia trying not to break in tears listening to this. It's wonderful to know Allah connects us all in mysterious ways.
Thank you brothers. I’m now over 20 years reverted to Islam and all of my siblings don’t want to accept me in their lives now because I believe in and worship Allah . But alhumduilah i am very happy to be a Muslim and know I am blessed by Allah Inshallah l won’t sell my deen for anything or anyone.
May Allah soften their heart ..and make you patient with them.. the best company in our life is our creator, Allah... If they leave you because you just want to get closer to you creator, then let them be....
I’m a born Muslim and this story made me tear up. I feel guilty for how I take being a Muslim for granted. The reverts are much closer to Allah than most of us who have been born into it. Alhamdulillah for Islam!
As a born Muslim I always find it inspirational to listen to convert stories and this one was great Alhamdulillah. May Allah(swt) continue guide and guide through our convert brothers and sisters.
@@RangeGleasry So do you now believe in fairy tales of Qur'an like the fairy tale of Dhul Qurnain and the sun setting in a muddy pool of warm water Sura 18, the sleeping men and a watchful dog in a cave, sleeping for over 300 long years-Sura 18, wuff wuff wuff !!!flying birds destroying an army of elephants by throwing mud pebbles !!!!! Sura 105, Solomon and his encounter with talking ants and Hoopoe the talking bird Sura 27, Yajuj and Majuj, those monstrous creatures imprisoned behind steep mountains and iron walls (built by dhul qurnain) for last 2500 years, may breach those walls any time and devour entire mankind !!!! Sura 18 & 21, møhamMãd and his flying horse, Al Burraq, going on intergalactic mission to meet Ãllåh, Sura 17, and MühamMãd splitting the moon in a way that no one saw, and the two halves landing on top of two mountains, who put the two halves back, no one knows, neither ållåh nor MühamMãd !!! Sura 54:1-2 ; 72 houris in Jannah for the pleasure of men, with heaving brêãsts , and translucent flesh so that the marrow of their bones can be seen (Al-Waaqi’ah 56:22, 23 ) and whose hymens will always be rendered intact , these and many more , enough to keep one entertained for long time.
SubhanAllah. Please make dua my family is guided to Islam. Please make dua that this brother’s wife is guided. Please make dua for Falastin, Sudan, Congo and all who are oppressed. Ameen.
As a 52yr old Muslim born and raised in USA, it never ceases to amaze me how much joy and happiness it brings me hearing all of these wonderful revert stories, thank you so much for sharing and may Allah bless you all Infinitely!
What a beautiful conversion story. It made me cry with emotion. I am also a convert, from Argentina. That moment you realize feeling Allah in your heart for the first time, and realizing how many times Allah gave you comfort and took care of you without even being a Muslim before, is an overwhelming feeling.
This is one of the most beautiful interview that I have ever watched, the understanding, the fear to Allah SWT, the love to Prophet Muhammad SAW, Subhanallah, You are even a better Muslim than born Muslim. Alhamdulillah, thanks for sharing.
It is a very stressful time in my life now. But I get by by thinking God put me here for a reason and I just have to trust God and do it one step of the time. May Allah guides me and you, our whole life.
Praying for you! Whenever I go through a tough time I try to think about our Nabi and all the hardships all other prophets. If our beloved prophet had to bury his own children and ALL the hard and he was dear and near to Allah then I’m sure I have no right to give up. One step at a time!! May Allah make it easy for you!!! 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
I reverted 3 years ago. Im about 45 minutes from yonkers. Grew up christian as i got older moved further and further away from it. Started studying Islam. Reverted 5 months later.
Subhanallah! Jazak Allahu Khayran for sharing your story. As a Puerto Rican revert Muslimah from the Bronx your story is so relatable to me. May you always seek the pleasure of Allah SWT. Ameen
May Allah give our brother Jacob the support he needs, increase his iman, make him a guide to his family, help his family to become muslims, make him steadfast in Islam, be an example to others to follow, and make him from the people who enter alfirdous alala in aljannah. . . Masha Allah wa tabaraka Allah wa alhamdu li Allah.
His determination and devotion to Islam is so inspiring. The knowledge he has of Islam made me think he has been Muslim for decades. Mashallah, what a beautiful story, told by a beautiful soul🖤🤍💚❤️
These reverts are out of this world! They never cease to amaze me. Their Iman and Islam is so beautiful. What inspirational people they are. May Allah reward them with jannah and may an ounce of their Islam fall on me and make me a better Muslim insha'Allah.
MashaAllah, what a beautiful story of reversion, made me cry throughout the video! May Allah swt have mercy on our bother Jacob, may He strengthen his deen, and may He open hearts and minds of Jacob's family toward Islam, especially his wife... so brother Jacob is no longet praying alone, fasting alone... Ameen 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🌷
Alhamdu llah watching this made proud to be a Muslim and made me rethink me faith and deeds specially because I was born a Muslim and I'm a father of son .. May Allah keep us firm on the straight path. Thank you brother I learned from and enjoyed this episode you gained a subscriber. Keep up the good work>
That is the most charming and amazing personal revert story I've ever had the privilege to listen to. Insha Allah, as his family grows, Jacob will have his son, wife and other family members joining him in faith and allowing him to inspire others.
Ma shaa Allah tabarakallah! Most points he says I have said myself,( my family also thought me becoming muslim is a phase) (The day I reverted was the day I was meant to be muslim even though you think you have wasted half your life before) Yeah you always do unto others what you expect from them or rather what you would do for yourself! May Allah guide your family to the right path and for all reverts going through the same predicament. Aameen!
Loving this podcast! Keep them coming. Allah yberek. May Allah bring many more non Muslims to Islam, may Allah keep the ones that grew up Muslims in Islam.
This is brother is so beautiful, Masha Allah! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. May Allah guide and keep you and us on the righteous path. Ameen.
Alhamdulilah, brother Jacob is an outstanding brother at our Masjid community at Andalusia Islamic center in Yonkers,New York. It is always pleasing to learn about his story and his path to Islam. May Allah have Barakah on him.
As Salam alaykum may Allah reward you. Im from Brazil and i feel same like im in a desert island. For the past 15years al hamdulillah my husband is muslim and my kids too. Allahuma barik lahu may Allah easy the test and upon your wife heart to Islam.❤❤❤
Maa shaa Allah! The most beautiful convert story ❤️❤️❤️ what a sincere and beautiful brother. May Allah continue to bless and protect this brother ameen
Brother a truely inspirational story ...as a born muslim i am always inspired to listen to brothers and sisters who reverted with so much knoweldge, love and faith. MAy the almighty bless you and keep you on the straight path❤
as salam brother&sister 🙂🙏☝i am Malay born here (Penang,Malaysia) Malay must be a Muslim every birth here,cause it is one of the country's constitution, I grew up with many friends and was influenced by the culture, a little free and filled with the fun of night entertainment playing music in clubs and etc. many travelers from all over the world came to my home town, some of them become my friends, and have a few of they talking about religions too, it goes pro and con..but each other one's choice because in religion there no compulsion..everything goes well.. it was lot of impact on my life and way of thinking and attitude, sometimes I worry about myself where is my true a self...little free and a out of the way of someone who is a Muslim. Although I also learned a lot about the differences in religion and other beliefs, but I still hold Islam as the best, this feeling always says am I just a Muslim by descented..usually i was saw my brothers and sisters who were not born in Islam, there are many who are returning to fitrah (Islam), in fact, every time I see them returning to fitrah, I am unconsciously happy and crying, then I ask myself, 'I also want to feel that feeling, God...actually, some who are born as hereditary Islam failed feeling that.. grateful as a Muslim... I pray that all my brothers and sisters are under the protections of Allah SWT forever in this world and jannah.. ameen
SubhanAllah this is just so beautiful. May Allah continue to guide this brother and May Allah grant Hidayat to his wife, child and remaining family members. I love a revert story. My mum was a revert and one of the best Muslims I ever knew. May Allah forgive her and grant her the highest of stages of Jannah Aameen.
Maashallah tabaarkallah. Beautiful journey. I myself took shahaada at 27 years of age from a Indian family. I was kicked out the family home, after being confronted by them. My mother was crying while standing by the family. They thought perhaps someone had done some magic on me. They thought some fresh air would do me good. Anyway they started realizing that this Islam thing maybe a longterm thing with me, subhaanallah. 52 now, Allah has bestowed upon me 5 beautiful children, maashallah. Alhamdulillah. I am the only one in our pretty large family to have entered Islam as a Muslim. My daily duaa is that Allah The changer of the hearts, turns the hearts of my parents to the truth (Islam). I have an amazing story of my journey also, Subhaanallah! In a nutshell, I believed Allah was my Lord before I took my shahaada a year later. Baarakallahu feekum, Asalamualykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatu.
He knows more about Islam than many born Muslims MashaAllah…it’s a lesson for us to never take our deen for granted and always be on the path of seeking knowledge.
MasyaaAllah. SubhanAllah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakhbar. ❤ Amazing story. Jazakakumullah khaiyr for sharing this story. Don't forget to pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
I am born and raised muslima but i am so amazed by the strength of your faith... how you accepted islam in a country and an environment who doesn't help but you still love islam and practice your islam . God bless you
Alhamdulillah, Islam is so beautiful and the way forward. Congratulations brother. This is truly From Darkness to Light: Sooner or later, the whole world will realise that only Islam is a true divine religion
Thank you for this. It is always so nice to hear the love of Allah and the thankfulness to be given an opportunity to share in His mercy and faith. May Allah bless us all who have taken this journey and those who have held our hand and showed us their kindness to ease our way. Ameen.
😢❤ Its so heartfelt moving. The sins that i have done makes me ashame. i watched and listened to a lot of revert coverage. This brother's reflection of experience and expression how he perceives it is so genuine, precise and accurate. Your're an inspiration and a reminder brother. Am so proud of humanity. Wish we could meet and chat one day in this life or after Insya Allah. May Allah blesses you and family and sustain our Iman forever. Ameen.
Alhamdulillah, there none to rightly guide except Allah, may Allah SWT reward this brother, may he bless him with knowledge and understanding, give him sabr Ayoub! May Allah allow him to be a means for his family and friends to embrace Islam inshallah. May this brother be of those who Allah allows to be successful in this life, shade him on judgement day and be of those who is granted Junnah Al Firdaus.
Donate and support new Muslims
I don’t think so
@@mysongsmitch8528 THIS GUY IS FULL OF IT .
@@mysongsmitch8528 AGREE
@@mysongsmitch8528 AGREE
I remember when I left Christianity and I had no religion, I would be so angry to see people especially women converting to Islam, despite me not even being Christian anymore. I started researching about Islam to debunk it and to see it’s evils and SubhanAllah, I’ve been Muslim now for 2 years.
That’s beautiful.
Allah is the turner of the heart. Salaam from Indonesia, Sister.
Mashallah you were so strong to recognize that anger as being more than just anger. When we’re at peace with who we are, there’s no reason to be upset at others being at peace with who they are.
Al hamdoulil lahi
Alhamdulillah for you
I went to Umrah with Brother Jacob. May Allah continue blessing him and his family. Alhamdulilah for everything.
Amen 🙏
Ameen, what's the group he mentioned for muslim reverts?
@@JuanCarlos-us9qb I would message the channel. It's with MAS NEWYORK
20 years this man listened to the words “Guide us along the Straight Path” (1:6) 😭. Allahu Akbar
Allah hu Akbar! 😭🇿🇦💚🇵🇸
Allahuakbar! Subhanallah ! ❤
Subhana Allah
SubhanAllah beautiful, I’ve been Muslim now for 14 years
Please don’t forget Palestine
May Allah (swt) keep us in the true path.
@@stephenshakazulu Womp womp, say that to God when u pass. I couldn’t care less (OMG THE ISLAMAPHOBE DELETED HIS COMMENT! TAKBIR! ALLAHU AKBAR!)
@@stephenshakazulu and did u say SubhanAllah, if ur not a believer?
@@marzgaming7176Ameen and our future generations. And give them wisdom.
Feel sad for brother Aaron Bushnell.dunno what he really fight for ,but his soul are pure fighter as a soldier...Wallahualam.
This man has been in Islam for just about 4 years now, and I'm amazed about his understanding on his journey in Islam. Is very inspiring.
Bro even born Muslim are struggling so much and so far behind from this revart muslim
Agree, even I knew what he said, it's like to recall what I forget/miss to practice, and there something I can take from his experience and knowledge
Every day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is Satan
Exactly what I said, and such peace about him ma Shaa'Allah
@@frankgilbert361this is exactly what i thought the conviction of this brother to just pray anywhere is something to learn from.
I too converted while in the military 2 ramadans ago & was in a city where there were no muslims except 2 in the whole base. One was an officer and another was enlisted, but the two individuals were placed strategically by Allah to help me walk through my own struggles.
I was the first in my squadron to go through the whole process of getting a hijab accommodation approved & afterwards followed other muslimahs who wanted to wear their hijab while serving and outside of uniform.
The hijab was trully a form of dawah to non-muslims, because i was black, a muslim and in the military & it had people confused 😂
In my line of work, i come across alot of military families and they all were curious about islam & some simply loved how neat it looked, that i made them observe modesty. It also removed the stereotype of what they thought muslims weee about. Being in the military cancelled out their perception of muslims being terrorists.
Some in my unit ended up converting & i was floored when they told me they were watching and learning on their own & from me.
Subhanallah, Allah is great & from just fighting to wear the hijab i gained alot of favor from Allah with those i worked with and saw blessings outside of it.
You are right my neighbour wears the hijab and does mu'tah and practices breast feeding for adults. She too like you finds it amazing
@sarinah8708 Thankyou. Im thankful to Allah for being where i am.
@@jagdishmadgaonkarWell make sure you protect her, we know how Indians like to treat women, doesn’t matter if they’re tourists, locals, deaf and mute, etc, they all they the special treatment.
This is such a beautiful story sister you are amazing and it made me ball!
May Allah grant you paradise. Love from Muslim sister
I reverted to Islam 55
Years ago in Brooklyn NY.
What a journey from that time 'till NOW!
Come on... get on board❤
Ma’sha’Allah 55 years ago, May Allah increase you, would love to cover your story.
Alhamdulillah, may Allah guide us to straight path
Masha’Allah! I’m from Brooklyn, I would love to hear your story!!!
يا لحظّك الجميل بفضل الله و رحمته !
This man has crazy storytelling skills. I could listen to him for hours
What comes from the heart……He is just real and honest!
Wisdom years
He's from New York.
I was thinking the same thing. He tells you as it is without the frills. Loved hearing his story
Every day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is SatanEvery day Allah is suffering under the teachings of Christian Prince, Islam is dying by the internet. Watch Christian prince today and see proof in the Quran that Allah is Satan
Make dua for our Brother Jacob!
May the Salam of Allah be with him wherever he goes.
May Allah guide his family too so life gets ease for him and his iman stronger.ameen.❤
May Allah make it easy on his life and grant him steadfast in the path! Ameen
I am a convert too.
Convert had difference story in life before become Islam/Muslim.
But for me I feel empty at the age of 17-19 i feel that i have something to find to fill in into myself and that is ISLAM...
Allahu Akbar!
Alhamdulillah im married with a Convert Muslim too. We're only the Muslim Family in my Community but they respect us Alhamdulillah.❤❤❤
Beautiful..may Allah guide you always to the straight path and grant you steadfastness and resilience
So do you now believe in fairy tales like the fairy tale of Dhul Qurnain and the sun setting in a muddy pool Sura 18, the sleeping men and a watchful dog in a cave , sleeping for over 300 long years Sura 18 !!! wuff wuff wuff, flying birds destroying an army of elephants by throwing mud pebbles !!!!! Sura 105. Solomon and his encounter with talking ants and Hoopoe the bird Sura 27 , yajuj and majuj, those monstrous creatures imprisoned behind steep mountains and iron walls ( built by dhul qurnain) for last 2500 years, may breach those walls any time and devour entire mankind !!!! Sura 18 & 21 Mohammad and his flying horse Al Burraq going on intergalactic mission to meet Allah, Sura 17, the army of elephants beaten into straw by a flock of birds throwing mud pebbles at them Sura 105, and many more , enough to keep one entertained for long time.
MashaAllah. When your heart is genuine bout your faith, you are not afraid and ashamed about what you are because you all trust Allah (swt). Serenity is felt.
Besides requiring muslim women to breastfeed adults , ïslãm gives a certain status to women that is missing in other religions!!
*Top ten reasons where Islam gives special status to women*
10. A husband has sëx with his wife, as a plow goes into a field.
The Quran in Sura (Chapter) 2:223 says:
Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . . .
9. Husbands are a degree above their wives.
The Quran in Sura 2:228 says:Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally
known principles. Of course, men are a degree above them in status . . .
8. A male gets a double share of the inheritance over that of a female.
The Quran in Sura 4:11 says:
The share of the male shall be twice that of a female . . . .
. A woman's testimony counts half of a man's testimony.
The Quran in Sura 2:282 says:
And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without
interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear
witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her.
6. A wife may remarry her ex-husband if and only if she marries another man, they have
sëx, and then this second man divorces her.
The Quran in Sura 2:230 says:
And if the husband divorces his wife (for the third time), she shall not remain his lawful wife
after this (absolute) divorce, unless she marries another husband and the second husband
divorces her. [In that case] there is no harm if they [the first couple] remarry . . .
5. Slave-girls are sêxüãl property for their male owners.
The Quran in Sura 4:24 says:
And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your
hands [as prisoners of war] . . .
4. A man may be polygamous with up to four wives.
The Quran in Sura 4:3 says:
And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry
two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able
to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your
3. A husband may simply get rid of one of his undesirable wives.
The Quran in Sura 4:129 says:
It is not within your power to be perfectly equitable in your treatment with all your wives, even if
you wish to be so; therefore, [in order to satisfy the dictates of Divine Law] do not lean towards
one wife so as to leave the other in a state of suspense.
. Husbands may hit their wives even if the husbands merely fear highhandedness in their
wives (quite apart from whether they actually are highhanded
The Quran in Sura 4:34 says:
4:34 . . . If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then
ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act
against them. God is most high and great
1. Mature men are allowed to marry prepubescent girls.
The Quran in Sura 65:1, 4 says:
65:1 O Prophet, when you [and the believers] divorce women, divorce them for their prescribed
waiting-period and count the waiting-period accurately . . . 4 And if you are in doubt about
those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, (you should know that) their waiting
period is three months, and the same applies to those who have not menstruated as yet. As for
pregnant women, their period ends when they have delivered their burden.
He made me cry about the part realising it’s surah Al Fatiha on his cd .. may Allah guide his wife and family to Islam
Wait till he reads verse 9:5
@sarinah8708 so it's not applicable now ?? Do you recite this verse when reciting the entire Qur'an ?? In what way does it inspire you now ???
@sarinah8708 who will interpret ?? the shias and their various sects , the Sunnis and their various sects, the Ahmediya , the salafis , the deobandis ?? are you aware that even on a small issue like whether it's permissible for women to put nail polish there tens of different opinions and fatwas !! 😃😃😃
As it is you don't rely on most of the hadiths as per convenience, stating they are weak in chain of narrations , fabricated etc. 😃😃😃
@sarinah8708 if Ãllåh called MühamMãd the first müslïm then he should be considered as founder of Ïslãm !!! Right ??
møhamMãd First Muslim
And Quran does confirm that:
"O Muhammad, Say: ...I am commanded to be the first of those who bow to Allah (in Islam)" [The Holy Quran 6:14]
"Say: Allah has no partner: this am I commanded, and I (Muhammad) am the first of those who bow to His will." [The Holy Quran 6:163]
"Say: And I (Muhammad) am commanded to be the first Muslim." [The Holy Quran 39:12
I couldnt hold my tears when he breaking up a bit telling us that what he heard was Al Fatihah all along🥺😭 masyaAllah, Allahuakbar
😢😢 I know. Me too
Such a beautiful story, May Allah increase this brother and guide his wife to Islam Ameen!
@@stephenshakazulumay Allah guide you back to Islam & open your heart to completely understand Islam. Islam is a way of live, not a ritual. Kaaba is a direction for prayer for unity not a house to pray to. Jerusalem was the first qibla (direction to pray in & was change to makkah (kaaba). Don't leave Islam because you don't understand one thing or even a few things of Islam. Allah guide you for a reason but that doesn't mean live becomes a fairytale. Allah promise ease with difficulties. Speak to Allah to guide you to understanding Islam a bit better. Our Imaan are like a roller-coaster but hold on to Allah's guidance & mercy. May Allah keep us in Islam & grant us a beautiful death with our last words to be our declaration of our faith. May Allah grant you beneficial knowledge with understanding Ameen
A 35 year man going from his home to office in a small town in Germany and wiping his tears 😭 and watching this beautiful video ❤. Love you brothers
You are not the only one brother 😢. Watching this video in Somalia and can't stop crying 😢
Masha Allah.
SubhanAllah. I'm 36 on the way to office in Melbourne Australia trying not to break in tears listening to this. It's wonderful to know Allah connects us all in mysterious ways.
Im here in malaysia crying too..listening to him. Im born muslim but i swear this brother is much better than me 😢
Thank you brothers. I’m now over 20 years reverted to Islam and all of my siblings don’t want to accept me in their lives now because I believe in and worship Allah . But alhumduilah i am very happy to be a Muslim and know I am blessed by Allah Inshallah l won’t sell my deen for anything or anyone.
All muslims are your brothers …
You are with us now..we are your family
If you come to Pakistan let me know i will accompany you ❤️❤️
May Allah soften their heart ..and make you patient with them.. the best company in our life is our creator, Allah... If they leave you because you just want to get closer to you creator, then let them be....
I’m a born Muslim and this story made me tear up. I feel guilty for how I take being a Muslim for granted. The reverts are much closer to Allah than most of us who have been born into it. Alhamdulillah for Islam!
Brother… there is tipping point for every person even for a born Muslim there is a tipping point…make a sincere duah to get a yakeen….
We all have to find our own walk n Islam Allah guides us all individually your still blessed and connected ❤
As a born Muslim I always find it inspirational to listen to convert stories and this one was great Alhamdulillah. May Allah(swt) continue guide and guide through our convert brothers and sisters.
As a first generation Muslim, I too always feel inspired when I hear stories of other first gen Muslims
So do you now believe in fairy tales of Qur'an like the fairy tale of Dhul Qurnain and the sun setting in a muddy pool of warm water Sura 18, the sleeping men and a watchful dog in a cave, sleeping for over 300 long years-Sura 18, wuff wuff wuff !!!flying birds destroying an army of elephants by throwing mud pebbles !!!!! Sura 105, Solomon and his encounter with talking ants and Hoopoe the talking bird Sura 27, Yajuj and Majuj, those monstrous creatures imprisoned behind steep mountains and iron walls (built by dhul qurnain) for last 2500 years, may breach those walls any time and devour entire mankind !!!! Sura 18 & 21, møhamMãd and his flying horse, Al Burraq, going on intergalactic mission to meet Ãllåh, Sura 17, and MühamMãd splitting the moon in a way that no one saw, and the two halves landing on top of two mountains, who put the two halves back, no one knows, neither ållåh nor MühamMãd !!! Sura 54:1-2 ; 72 houris in Jannah for the pleasure of men, with heaving brêãsts , and translucent flesh so that the marrow of their bones can be seen (Al-Waaqi’ah 56:22, 23 ) and whose hymens will always be rendered intact , these and many more , enough to keep one entertained for long time.
Ameen, so true brother
it's really inspiring
SubhanAllah. Please make dua my family is guided to Islam. Please make dua that this brother’s wife is guided. Please make dua for Falastin, Sudan, Congo and all who are oppressed. Ameen.
I was the same way as a child. Allah prepared us for Islam even in Christianity. Alhamdulilah.
As a 52yr old Muslim born and raised in USA, it never ceases to amaze me how much joy and happiness it brings me hearing all of these wonderful revert stories, thank you so much for sharing and may Allah bless you all Infinitely!
“I know my Bible and I’m gonna use it to bring him back.” Heartfelt. So sincere.
One of my favorite hadiths. "Islam started as something strange and will revert to something strange so glad tidings to the strangers"
Reverts are much better Muslims that us. May Allah guide us more to be closer to Allah
You made me cry brother what a beautiful story
What a beautiful conversion story. It made me cry with emotion. I am also a convert, from Argentina. That moment you realize feeling Allah in your heart for the first time, and realizing how many times Allah gave you comfort and took care of you without even being a Muslim before, is an overwhelming feeling.
This is one of the most beautiful interview that I have ever watched, the understanding, the fear to Allah SWT, the love to Prophet Muhammad SAW, Subhanallah, You are even a better Muslim than born Muslim. Alhamdulillah, thanks for sharing.
Brother your story put tears to my eyes .. may Allah keep you on the straight path .. love from Cape Town South Africa
One of the most beautiful love stories of Allah to His servants...❤❤❤❤❤❤
You're a beautiful humble soul, my brother Ya'qoub, I love you for the sake of Allah.
He had PTSD. He was saved by Quran.
😊alfatihah is also known as the cure
Exactly 💯
Allahu Akbar. Islam is now becoming the whole world so fast. Praying for billions of reverts to Islam. Ameen ya rabbul alameen.
Im happy but also anxious…because the end is getting close.
It is a very stressful time in my life now. But I get by by thinking God put me here for a reason and I just have to trust God and do it one step of the time. May Allah guides me and you, our whole life.
May Allah makes it easy for you ameen...
May Allah make it easier for you. Ameen
Read istiqfaar thousand times. Never give up, call ALLAAH and he will answer for you Insha'ALLAAH. My ALLAAH made your problems easy.
Praying for you! Whenever I go through a tough time I try to think about our Nabi and all the hardships all other prophets. If our beloved prophet had to bury his own children and ALL the hard and he was dear and near to Allah then I’m sure I have no right to give up. One step at a time!! May Allah make it easy for you!!! 🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼
Subhanallah what a beautiful story.
I reverted 3 years ago. Im about 45 minutes from yonkers. Grew up christian as i got older moved further and further away from it. Started studying Islam. Reverted 5 months later.
Amazing story, couldn’t help but cry… May Allah Subahanahu Wa Ta Ala give him istiqamah.
Subhanallah! Jazak Allahu Khayran for sharing your story. As a Puerto Rican revert Muslimah from the Bronx your story is so relatable to me. May you always seek the pleasure of Allah SWT. Ameen
Alhumdulillah for our brother in Islam
May Allah give our brother Jacob the support he needs, increase his iman, make him a guide to his family, help his family to become muslims, make him steadfast in Islam, be an example to others to follow, and make him from the people who enter alfirdous alala in aljannah. . .
Masha Allah wa tabaraka Allah wa alhamdu li Allah.
Pure heart.. Mashallah.. the Constant thinking of his creator. This is such a blessing.. May Allah bless him and guide his family to the truth.
His determination and devotion to Islam is so inspiring. The knowledge he has of Islam made me think he has been Muslim for decades. Mashallah, what a beautiful story, told by a beautiful soul🖤🤍💚❤️
Welcome to Islam, the religion of brotherhood, sisterhood & community!🙂
Wlh your comment makes me cry thank you a lot may Allah give you janah
May Allah bless him and his family❤🤲🏻🤲🏻
Brother your story is such an inspiration... we are all connected... through you I'm inspired to be a better muslim ...alhumdulillah
These reverts are out of this world! They never cease to amaze me. Their Iman and Islam is so beautiful. What inspirational people they are. May Allah reward them with jannah and may an ounce of their Islam fall on me and make me a better Muslim insha'Allah.
MashaAllah, what a beautiful story of reversion, made me cry throughout the video! May Allah swt have mercy on our bother Jacob, may He strengthen his deen, and may He open hearts and minds of Jacob's family toward Islam, especially his wife... so brother Jacob is no longet praying alone, fasting alone...
Ameen 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🌷
My Allah gide your lovely wife, and your family inshaalaa, and may Allah steadfast your imam Amin ya rabi
Listening to your story Literally made me cry Alhamdulilla ☝🏽🤲🏽🇵🇸✨️
This the beauty of ISLAM
Alhamdu llah watching this made proud to be a Muslim and made me rethink me faith and deeds specially because I was born a Muslim and I'm a father of son .. May Allah keep us firm on the straight path. Thank you brother I learned from and enjoyed this episode you gained a subscriber. Keep up the good work>
MasyaAllah, he sounds like he's been a Muslim his whole life.
The Fatiha part really got me SubhanAllah. May Allah continue to bless you brother.
That is the most charming and amazing personal revert story I've ever had the privilege to listen to. Insha Allah, as his family grows, Jacob will have his son, wife and other family members joining him in faith and allowing him to inspire others.
Allahumma ameen
Mashallah! This brother is really sincere I can see it
I like all the questions and how you let your guest talk. Not interrupting them. Keep up the good work. Always luv hearing convert story❤
Alhamdulillah. We ask Almighty Allah to strengthen Islam in us and strengthen us in Islam, Ameen
Love the interviewer the way he listens to him without intereption wonderful story ❤❤❤
Ma shaa Allah tabarakallah! Most points he says I have said myself,( my family also thought me becoming muslim is a phase) (The day I reverted was the day I was meant to be muslim even though you think you have wasted half your life before) Yeah you always do unto others what you expect from them or rather what you would do for yourself! May Allah guide your family to the right path and for all reverts going through the same predicament. Aameen!
Loving this podcast! Keep them coming. Allah yberek.
May Allah bring many more non Muslims to Islam, may Allah keep the ones that grew up Muslims in Islam.
This is brother is so beautiful, Masha Allah! Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. May Allah guide and keep you and us on the righteous path. Ameen.
Love his journey!!! It boosts my faith too. May Allah bless him 🤲
Alhamdulilah, brother Jacob is an outstanding brother at our Masjid community at Andalusia Islamic center in Yonkers,New York. It is always pleasing to learn about his story and his path to Islam. May Allah have Barakah on him.
Excellent Discussion. Both brothesr are great
As Salam alaykum may Allah reward you. Im from Brazil and i feel same like im in a desert island. For the past 15years al hamdulillah my husband is muslim and my kids too. Allahuma barik lahu may Allah easy the test and upon your wife heart to Islam.❤❤❤
MashaALLAH ❤❤❤❤
Jacob is the best! May Allah reward and protect him.
Maa shaa Allah! The most beautiful convert story ❤️❤️❤️ what a sincere and beautiful brother. May Allah continue to bless and protect this brother ameen
The most beautiful story I’ve ever heard! 😢❤
I cried 😭 What a beautiful journey.
Brother a truely inspirational story ...as a born muslim i am always inspired to listen to brothers and sisters who reverted with so much knoweldge, love and faith. MAy the almighty bless you and keep you on the straight path❤
Every story of each individual is heart moving. الحمد الله
as salam brother&sister 🙂🙏☝i am Malay born here (Penang,Malaysia) Malay must be a Muslim every birth here,cause it is one of the country's constitution, I grew up with many friends and was influenced by the culture, a little free and filled with the fun of night entertainment playing music in clubs and etc. many travelers from all over the world came to my home town, some of them become my friends, and have a few of they talking about religions too, it goes pro and con..but each other one's choice because in religion there no compulsion..everything goes well.. it was lot of impact on my life and way of thinking and attitude, sometimes I worry about myself where is my true a self...little free and a out of the way of someone who is a Muslim. Although I also learned a lot about the differences in religion and other beliefs, but I still hold Islam as the best, this feeling always says am I just a Muslim by descented..usually i was saw my brothers and sisters who were not born in Islam, there are many who are returning to fitrah (Islam), in fact, every time I see them returning to fitrah, I am unconsciously happy and crying, then I ask myself, 'I also want to feel that feeling, God...actually, some who are born as hereditary Islam failed feeling that.. grateful as a Muslim... I pray that all my brothers and sisters are under the protections of Allah SWT forever in this world and jannah.. ameen
Beautiful Story makeAllah may Easy on both on you here and After Amiin
I want this brother to be my daily companion, masha'Allaah tabarakAllaah what a beautiful soul 🤲🏼
very clear and beautiful explanation.. best of wishes bro
Alhamdulillah...barokah..aamiin,salam from lndonesia,SAHABAT MUALAF❤❤❤
May Allah bless uu❤❤❤ and entire muslim community amin.❤❤❤
SubhanAllah this is just so beautiful. May Allah continue to guide this brother and May Allah grant Hidayat to his wife, child and remaining family members. I love a revert story. My mum was a revert and one of the best Muslims I ever knew. May Allah forgive her and grant her the highest of stages of Jannah Aameen.
Great podcast. Masha’Allah
Alhamdulinlah I a born Muslim. I enjoy listening to convert because each and every one increase my belief in Islam.
Machaa Allah brother, we are all here for you don’t feel alone, Thank you for the greatest show broadcast. May Allah bless you all.
Maashallah tabaarkallah. Beautiful journey. I myself took shahaada at 27 years of age from a Indian family. I was kicked out the family home, after being confronted by them. My mother was crying while standing by the family. They thought perhaps someone had done some magic on me. They thought some fresh air would do me good. Anyway they started realizing that this Islam thing maybe a longterm thing with me, subhaanallah. 52 now, Allah has bestowed upon me 5 beautiful children, maashallah. Alhamdulillah. I am the only one in our pretty large family to have entered Islam as a Muslim. My daily duaa is that Allah The changer of the hearts, turns the hearts of my parents to the truth (Islam). I have an amazing story of my journey also, Subhaanallah! In a nutshell, I believed Allah was my Lord before I took my shahaada a year later. Baarakallahu feekum, Asalamualykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatu.
May Allah blsss you. Amazing man.
Welcome to Islam brother. May Allah have mercy on us all.
Every place you pray at will testify for you at the day of judgement🙏
Subhanallah ❤😊
Beautiful story ❤❤❤
He knows more about Islam than many born Muslims MashaAllah…it’s a lesson for us to never take our deen for granted and always be on the path of seeking knowledge.
I have a veiled over my eyes, subhanallah. I have goosebumps hearing this. May Allah bless this brother and grants all of us istiqomah in this path.
Thank you so inspiring ❤❤
MasyaaAllah. SubhanAllah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakhbar. ❤ Amazing story. Jazakakumullah khaiyr for sharing this story. Don't forget to pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine.
May Allah bless you my Latino brother. Salam Alaykum from Bosnia ❤
I am born and raised muslima but i am so amazed by the strength of your faith... how you accepted islam in a country and an environment who doesn't help but you still love islam and practice your islam . God bless you
Alhamdulillah, what an absolutely beautiful journey to this most excellent Deen !!!
This video is a "must share."
Alhamdulillah, Islam is so beautiful and the way forward. Congratulations brother. This is truly From Darkness to Light: Sooner or later, the whole world will realise that only Islam is a true divine religion
Bruh I’m weeping
What a story subhanallah
Thank you for this. It is always so nice to hear the love of Allah and the thankfulness to be given an opportunity to share in His mercy and faith. May Allah bless us all who have taken this journey and those who have held our hand and showed us their kindness to ease our way. Ameen.
Bless you brother may Allah keep us all on the straight path
😢❤ Its so heartfelt moving. The sins that i have done makes me ashame. i watched and listened to a lot of revert coverage. This brother's reflection of experience and expression how he perceives it is so genuine, precise and accurate. Your're an inspiration and a reminder brother. Am so proud of humanity. Wish we could meet and chat one day in this life or after Insya Allah. May Allah blesses you and family and sustain our Iman forever. Ameen.
This is one of the best revert stories... its full with values and wisdom.
Thank you cheers from Libya.❤.
Alhamdulillah, there none to rightly guide except Allah, may Allah SWT reward this brother, may he bless him with knowledge and understanding, give him sabr Ayoub! May Allah allow him to be a means for his family and friends to embrace Islam inshallah. May this brother be of those who Allah allows to be successful in this life, shade him on judgement day and be of those who is granted Junnah Al Firdaus.