You should read the novel too. Coz it has different chapter in which we can know what Will felt , as in movie the narration was done by Stella .... You'll get the pdf on Google
all the emotion this movie projects out is unbelievable. i can surely y’all you guys I’ve cried AT LEAST 5 times throughout the whole movie. it’s so touching and really shows how much devotion and love you can FEEL for that one individual, regardless of the conditions.
Me too, I lost mine to a brain tumour almost 6 years ago, she was only 66, I’m 47 now but I still feel like it’s yesterday, I still feel like I need my mom
I miss my BFF Tinkerbell so much this are favourite movie I cry so much I still watch it when my BFF is not here now she died on November 11. 11. 2018 I really miss her so much and I watch it again today I was crying 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿 and just want to go see her again and watch this movie and I am not lying 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
I have cancer & my daughter & friend guy dedicated this song to me & care for me , when other ppl turned there backs away from me for having Cancer. So stay strong & carry on...💖🌹
i don’t think i realized she lost everyone. her parents got divorced, her sister died, will died, poe died. everyone she loved was gone. well i mean will didn’t die in the movie but he can’t get new lungs because he has bronchitis and they can’t cure him so he will eventually die. still she had to say goodbye so many times.
Urmun Kikm actually will didn’t die in the movie nothing was working for him so he decided to give up as he had cepcia so nothing wouldn’t have worked (I have cf and what will has i kno the pain)
This makes me think bout the one year I missed, the year that I messed up just by simply worrying on things not important. Always stay strong and keep fighting 💕
Cuando vi esta película en el cine prometí no llorar, pero sonó esta canción y recordé tantas noches que pase sola llorando, luego salí del cine con los ojos rojos, no me arrepiento
Bueno no sé si alguien más valla a leer esto entre tantos comentarios pero aquí voy : a dos metros de ti es mi película favorita y llore mucho cuando la vi por primera vez por que lamentablemente viví algo parecido ya que sufría de Asma , Sinositis Maxilar y encima de esas dos enfermedades parecidas también tenía alergia al polvo y cada vez que en mi casa barrían o despolvaban me daba alergia y me apretaba ( los pulmones se me serraban) y no podía respirar fue algo muy duro ya que desde que nací con Asma cada un mes estaba internada en el hospital una vez casi me muero cuando era muy pequeña por él asma gracias a Dios mi mamá actuó rápido y todavía estoy viva ahora tengo 13 años y ya no tengo casi Asma y lo único con lo que sigo es con las alergias y la Sinositis Maxilar pero cada vez que veo la película me siento como si ella fuera yo, ya que además también me hice muy amiga de todas las enfermeras y la mayoría de la personas en el hospital ahora la película con esta canción es como si volviera a revivir ese momento tan Preciado y desagradable al mismo tiempo pero que gracias a Dios ahora puedo ayudar a más personas con ellas de verdad es como si la película narrará mi historia y todo lo que sentí toda la tristeza los momentos eufóricos y la alegría cuando mi familia iba a visitarme . Todo esto es como si tuviera nadando en emociones y sueños 💫
IZARO BEROIZ ummmm jaja aunque tengo la alergia de vez en cuando estoy bien 😊 gracias por preocuparte y por en cuanto a lo que me recomiendas es una canción un artista o una película ?
i watched this with my mum the other day, and even though i was thinking it was corny, my mum couldn’t stop crying after. i have something very similar to CF, it was at its worst when i first started showing symptoms. it reminded my mum of how hard it was, and how hard it is. my mum has to say goodbye to me when i was 6, i had pneumonia for 3 years and i was giving up, dying. i take that for granted and it hurts her, i feel so terrible for being suicidal because my mum thinks she’ll have to do it all again. i’m not going anywhere.
@Joy Rio thank you, this was a truly beautiful thing for you to say, thank you thank you thank you. this made me cry, my comment was 6 months ago but I'm still struggling and this helped a bunch, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and be so unbelievably kind. have a wonderful week, month, LIFE. you deserve any great things that will come to you, thank you so much.
@@maddieturner3375 i have the gene and an unknown disease, i’m insulted that you would think i am not being truthful. I carry a large amount of mucus on my lungs and i have had pneumonia close to 40 times
this move is amazing i'm so glad that this movie came out, when i watch it it makes me sad but its also just amazing because you get to see what people that has that condition dose and how they deal with it. its just amazing and i'm just so happy that i watched it. YOU DID GREAT ON MAKING THAT MOVIE!! and the people in it did amazing!
xxcolby brockxx I love colby too! Judging by ur name I’m guessing u feel the same! I also love Cole and judging by ur profile picture I’m guessing we have the same interest in guys😂
This song and video make me think bout all the good things in life, and how u can mess up so much and sure it might hurt, but u have to learn from your mistakes, and move on which I know can be hard, but always remember your worth it, and you do matter and that you are loved!!
Recuerdo cuando te llamé llorando y te dije acabo de ver una película demasiado triste, por favor nunca te vayas, ahora que te has marchado esto me recuerda a ti MAAM
This is by far one of the saddest movies I’ve ever seen… it just breaks my heart that are people actually dealing with all of the emotional and physical diseases… I hope one day we can find a cure for all of them… I lost two people in my life that I had a very close connection with due to suicide and my best friends dad died from cancer within 3 months of discovering he had it. I also have been diagnosed with Autism at the age of 12 and All I have to say is I’m extremely blessed to have some good friends and family around me to encourage me it keep fighting no matter what happens..❤️❤️🥰
I am, and the most stupid is that when I saw the movie for the first time I really don't know about the song. Then, I found daughter and I figured out that this song already was on the movie's playlist lol
The dance remix is what introduced me to this song/band. Heard it first on a space x video just a few months ago. Couldn't believe the song was so old yet I had never heard it before.
Não acredito quando falam que o amor machuca se machuca então não há amor. O amor é cura é o sentimento mais puro e lindo que já vi. Então se você ama alguém deixem o orgulho de lado cultivem o amor que ambos sentem um pelo outro. A melhor coisa do mundo é amar uma pessoa e poder ter essa pessoa.
Stella and Abby got the same faces!! Good job movie crews and the actors and actresses, for adding a little knowledge about hosp-stay, cfer, b.cepacia, med terms etc 😍
Esse filme mostra a realidade de mtaas pessoas , e mostra como uma coisas simples para algumas pessoas e o sonho de outras como a vida e um sopro , como realmente e amar alguém vooc quer ver essa pessoa feliz a cima de qualquer coisa ela estando com vooc ou não , então de valor quem está do seu lado valorize cada segundo pq pode ser o último principalmente agora com o momento crítico q estamos vivendo sem saber como será o diz de amanhã .
Found this song on SuicideSheep 6 years ago and have kept it with me within me ever since. So happy to see this as a part of a movie ❤️ If you're lost and found at the same time, you're doing absolutely fine. You'll get through this. Cheers, love ❤️🙏
Thanks for making this video! First I watch this video I didn't really know what is going on, and all the comment seems very sad. Until I watch the movie and this video for the second time, this was badly stabbing my heart, I can't help my self for stop crying😭😭😭... thanks again for the video!
Hace casi 2 meses , ingresaste al hospital a cuidados intensivos y todos daban por echo que ibas a morir , pero de alguna forma sobreviviste , nada mas que ahora lidias con la diabetes , con insuficiencia renal cronica , siendo una niña con mcuhas ganas de ser luz , esta bien sentirce mal aveces , porque eres fuerte , eres fuerte solo no te rindas , no permita que esa luz se apague corazon , se que has sufrido demasiado hey pero esta bien tu puedes yo se que duele , que te esta quebrando por dentro que en el fondo solo quieres regresar a esa noche donde solo eres una niña que se preocupaba por no perdece su pelicula favorita , todo va a estar bien te lo prometo. Yo se que lidias con la enfermedad, con tu familia , contigo , pero eres fuerte mi amor , has superado tantas cosas ,hemos superado tantas cosas ;) , todo va a mejorar . I miss you my little children ❤
anyone else here in 2020 watching this and crying your eyes out because of being separated and the movie was amazing and bring out an amazing message to people to show how lucky we are to touch the ones we love.
As vezes eu me pergunto porque tem pessoas que não vão atrás de quem amam mesmo podendo. Deixem o orgulho de lado. Sera que não percebem o quanto o amor é lindo e que se nao for cultivado ele pode ser perdido. E meninas, se valorizem. Não saiam com qualquer um, vocês são princesas lindas e merecem alguém que as valorizem. As vezes eu queria poder dizer as pessoas o quanto são encantadoras, NUNCA deixe de sorrir pois o seu sorriso (sim o seu mesmo q esta lendo) mesmo sem te conhecer sei que é lindo e pode alegrar o dia de alguem. Seja essa pessoa que alegre o dia de alguem. Seja você mesmo. Aproveite o tempo que esta vivo para estar perto de quem vc ama pois como o filme disse, a vida é muito curta para perder um segundo.
A um pouco mais de um ano meu grande amor foi embora, mas nunca fui atrás dele, por mais que eu ame intensamente até hoje, mas deixei meu amor ser mais feliz, acredito que para eu estar bem comigo mesmo basta saber que meu amor também está bem, mesmo que com outra pessoa, as vezes doi não ter mais por perto, já superei a falta, mas o amor ficou em mim, que você seja feliz G.C.S te amo
Pick it up, pick it all up And start again You've got a second chance You could go home Escape it all It's just irrelevant It's just medicine It's just medicine You could still be What you want to What you said you were When I met you You've got a warm heart You've got a beautiful brain But it's disintegrating From all the medicine From all the medicine From all the medicine Medicine You could still be What you want to be What you said you were When you met me You could still be What you want to What you said you were When I met you When you met me When I met you
Don't give up please..... Listen I went through alot as I got older I was suiciding had depression lost my emotions and even almost died from saving someone from suicide.... Just don't give up because I did and almost died 3 times and god made the decision to make sure I didn't so I guess ill go as god wants me to witch is to live.
This is my go to song my ex and I broke up a week ago and it’s never been worse in my life tbh he was my happiness I love him I won’t stop I just wish he didn’t loose feelings because I lost my everything my heart broke in half and my world crumbled down I miss this boy more than anything. The days we sit down and cuddle hold hands on the bus I lost it I lost my everything and I want it all back👎
Just yesterday some guy was telling me he loved me. He said on a scale from 1-10, he loved me 9. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend cuz of him. I finally opened up to him. Then he goes and asks out another girl, right in front of me. Cutting is the only option rn.
Dang bro this reminds me about everyone I’ve lost in my life and all the hug’s and kisses. just fun time I’m the only one left they all left me in the dark.I just hope you love the ones closest to you ❤️❤️
No se como empezar... No se como expresarme al escribir... Más yo se que tal vez no soy la única que no se siente viva, hay veces en las que no necesitas estar enfermo para sentir que tus fuerzas se acaban... Saben, en este momento me siento como si mis fuerzas fueran el gas de una gaseosa.... Al principio es tan fuerte que se persive... Y de la nada después de unos minutos pasa a no existir. Siento que desperdicio mi vida... Siento que no conozco las emociones que una persona pueda sentir. Mi vida es tan vacía que me hace sentir como si estuviera en un laberinto obscuro sin salida... Corro y corro para encontrar aquel paisaje tan bonito y pasajero llamado vida... Pero no lo halló. Simplemente quiero sentirme bien, encontrar mi zona de confort, aquello que me haga sentir bien. Quiero sentirme viva... Conocer la felicidad, la intencidad, el miedo.... Quiero conocer mis emociones, lo que puedo llegar a sentir ante una situación o hacia alguien. Oh amigos... Nunca perdamos las esperanzas. Se que es difícil despertar sin fuerzas... Sentir que todo es una rutina pesada. Más luchemos por aquello que nos haga sentir bien. Si leíste todo esto muchas gracias, te comparti un poquito de lo que pienso en estos momentos...Un poquito de mi vida, de mi corazón. ❤️
Quiero volver hacer una niña pequeña, tan solo tengo 13 años y se que los que es estar en depresión,ansiedad,desesperación no quiero morir...solamente quiero estar en un lugar donde solo estén las personas que de verdad estuvieron para mi quiero que me escuchen me siento vacía cuando tengo todo,no voy bien en el colegio, mis padres me regañan por andar mucho en el cell Siempre me imagino que estoy muriendo poco a poco estando viva suena raro lo sé pero es como yo lo siento, quisiera que dios algún día me de la respuesta de cual es mi objetivo en mi vida.....
@@Selina437 pasame tu ig pequeña💖. No estas sola y nunca lo estarás. Tienes a Dios. El me dio las fuerzas para salir de eso y a pesar de todo aún sigo en pie. El es la única fuente de agua vida aquella sed que tú tienes cualquier cosa de este mundo puede llenarla pero no para siempre. Todo en este mundo pasa, pero menos el poder que Dios tiene para poder actuar en nuestras vidas y llenar ese vacío. Cualquier cosa puedes mandarme mensaje en mi ig. @cittmera Te mando un abrazo y mucha fuerza
Me and my sisters have cystic fibrosis we’re okay but this movie helped so much because a lot of times I felt alone. I felt out of place. This helps a lot because there’s not a lot of movies having to do with CF. 💞💕
we all are actually living this part of the story thanks the covid. now i can being into their shoes, and valoring every day like it'd be the last one. just stay five feet apart.
I love this movie so much it makes me feel happy because I know that i’m ok and that there’s people that are really going through this and that is so so so sad and like this movie makes you think about everything and this made me cry so hard 😭💔 literaly its the best movie ever watch it is so nice ❤️
we all need that touch from the person that we love..
charlotte more then we need air to breathe.
Cried???, i think i died with him on screen
茶 and we all deserve that person too
amen to that
This movie makes me so happy but so sad at the same time and that’s when you know a movie is truly the best.
What is the name of the movie??
@@ceciliaromero2362 "A dos metros de ti". "Five feet apart"
Mhm, i watched it at 2 AM last night, and i was sobbing
Cecilia Romero five feet apart
You should read the novel too. Coz it has different chapter in which we can know what Will felt , as in movie the narration was done by Stella .... You'll get the pdf on Google
anyone else cry when Poe died???? ;(
Isla Bates me and at the end when will has to leave her
A bit of a spoiler....
Isla Bates I did.
Isla Bates me
CuteRosieTheBeagle the movie came out a long time ago lol, actually idk
all the emotion this movie projects out is unbelievable. i can surely y’all you guys I’ve cried AT LEAST 5 times throughout the whole movie. it’s so touching and really shows how much devotion and love you can FEEL for that one individual, regardless of the conditions.
I’m literally crying rn like srsly I can’t stop omg 😭
Yeah I literally just met her 💜😭
Same couldn't stop😭
Messiah Littlewolf you met her?!?
No tiene faltas de ortografía ¿cierto? Esque casi no lo pude leer estoy bien estúpida lo siento jsjsjsj.
i miss my mom. i'd give anything, literally anything, to see her one more time.
Me too, I lost mine to a brain tumour almost 6 years ago, she was only 66, I’m 47 now but I still feel like it’s yesterday, I still feel like I need my mom
I miss my BFF Tinkerbell so much this are favourite movie I cry so much I still watch it when my BFF is not here now she died on November 11. 11. 2018 I really miss her so much and I watch it again today I was crying 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿 and just want to go see her again and watch this movie and I am not lying 😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿😿🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
You will in the hereafter
@@duanadeem6506 i don't believe in that, i believe in reincarnation but thank you anyhow
I have cancer & my daughter & friend guy dedicated this song to me & care for me , when other ppl turned there backs away from me for having Cancer. So stay strong & carry on...💖🌹
aw I'm so sorry Hope it all goes well
Hey , Its 3 month hope you're fine
Lovely Eyez I hope you’re doing better,you’ve got this😕! Don’t give up ilyyy,may god bless you.💞
I hope you’re ok
We with u ❤❤
*" Its just life. It'll be over before you know it. "*
Love this song, it was perfect in the movie. In love with Will and Stella😍😍
i don’t think i realized she lost everyone. her parents got divorced, her sister died, will died, poe died. everyone she loved was gone. well i mean will didn’t die in the movie but he can’t get new lungs because he has bronchitis and they can’t cure him so he will eventually die. still she had to say goodbye so many times.
will has burkholderia cepacia a new drug trial
will didn't die...
@@laurie5315 actually ig he'll in that movie coz there's no lungs transplantation for will newman
Urmun Kikm actually will didn’t die in the movie nothing was working for him so he decided to give up as he had cepcia so nothing wouldn’t have worked (I have cf and what will has i kno the pain)
@@freyalouise stay strong and be brave
"Hey stella?" "Yea?" "ITS COLD" best line 😂 Such a sad movie though. I cried myself to sleep after it. . .😢
The movie was beautiful and rip to Claire :(
We need more awareness on this dreadful disease and help all who need treatment.
Claire didn't die...
theogaliyahshearer TM yes she did she past away sadly she will always be remember 🥺 Rest easy claire🙏🏽
theogaliyahshearer TM she past away 2nd September 2018
Jolly X rip claire thanks for being there and your RUclips videos made a big impact in my life you will always be remembered
the fact that you only said rip to claire and also not to poe makes me sad
I didn’t understand the importance of touch until I couldn’t have it
That hit hard
….his touch
This deep
.....her touch
So if you're watching this and you're able to touch him , touch her life's too short to waste a second ✨
the look he gave her at 1:54
i think i will cry now
This makes me think bout the one year I missed, the year that I messed up just by simply worrying on things not important. Always stay strong and keep fighting 💕
Algum brasileiro por aqui ? Se emocionando com essa música assim como eu 🥺
Aqui 🙋
Oi Regina 🙋🏻♀️😘
Tamo Aqui 💔
É muito linda! Nos faz pensar...refletir....valorizar o outro!
This became my favourite movie. Cried the whole way through and never have I done that to a movie. "Life is too short to waste a second".
Cuando vi esta película en el cine prometí no llorar, pero sonó esta canción y recordé tantas noches que pase sola llorando, luego salí del cine con los ojos rojos, no me arrepiento
Como se llama la pelicula
@@diegozamoracruz166 A dos metros de tí.
Bueno no sé si alguien más valla a leer esto entre tantos comentarios pero aquí voy : a dos metros de ti es mi película favorita y llore mucho cuando la vi por primera vez por que lamentablemente viví algo parecido ya que sufría de Asma , Sinositis Maxilar y encima de esas dos enfermedades parecidas también tenía alergia al polvo y cada vez que en mi casa barrían o despolvaban me daba alergia y me apretaba ( los pulmones se me serraban) y no podía respirar fue algo muy duro ya que desde que nací con Asma cada un mes estaba internada en el hospital una vez casi me muero cuando era muy pequeña por él asma gracias a Dios mi mamá actuó rápido y todavía estoy viva ahora tengo 13 años y ya no tengo casi Asma y lo único con lo que sigo es con las alergias y la Sinositis Maxilar pero cada vez que veo la película me siento como si ella fuera yo, ya que además también me hice muy amiga de todas las enfermeras y la mayoría de la personas en el hospital ahora la película con esta canción es como si volviera a revivir ese momento tan Preciado y desagradable al mismo tiempo pero que gracias a Dios ahora puedo ayudar a más personas con ellas de verdad es como si la película narrará mi historia y todo lo que sentí toda la tristeza los momentos eufóricos y la alegría cuando mi familia iba a visitarme . Todo esto es como si tuviera nadando en emociones y sueños 💫
puedo escribir tu historia
Yo sufro de lo mismo y cuando veo la película es como si una parte de mi dejara de sentirse tan enferma, al menos por una Mili fracción de segundo
Karol Tutiven no jajajaja ya tenía un proyecto en Wattpad pero igual gracias UwU por lo menos alguien se interesó en mi historia
Catana Videos Waoo no sabía que hay personas como yo en el mundo ☺️
IZARO BEROIZ ummmm jaja aunque tengo la alergia de vez en cuando estoy bien 😊 gracias por preocuparte y por en cuanto a lo que me recomiendas es una canción un artista o una película ?
I just finished this movie and I cried my eyes out
whats movie pls tell me
@@tainan9562 (five feet apart) great movie
Me too. April 2020.
@Phú 5 Feet Apart
I just wanna forgot the movie so I can watch it over and over and it still have the same effect 🥺
this is so good omg
i watched this with my mum the other day, and even though i was thinking it was corny, my mum couldn’t stop crying after. i have something very similar to CF, it was at its worst when i first started showing symptoms. it reminded my mum of how hard it was, and how hard it is. my mum has to say goodbye to me when i was 6, i had pneumonia for 3 years and i was giving up, dying. i take that for granted and it hurts her, i feel so terrible for being suicidal because my mum thinks she’ll have to do it all again. i’m not going anywhere.
@Joy Rio thank you, this was a truly beautiful thing for you to say, thank you thank you thank you. this made me cry, my comment was 6 months ago but I'm still struggling and this helped a bunch, thank you so much for taking the time to reply and be so unbelievably kind. have a wonderful week, month, LIFE. you deserve any great things that will come to you, thank you so much.
There are no diseases similar to Cf
You have the same name as my friend that died of cf
@@maddieturner3375 i have the gene and an unknown disease, i’m insulted that you would think i am not being truthful. I carry a large amount of mucus on my lungs and i have had pneumonia close to 40 times
@@tylerscottwatson2687 i’m so sorry about your friend, my father gave me this name, perhaps for a reason, may your friend rest well
Holding in Pain!!! Is detrimental to our HEALTH... and causes collateral damage to loved ones around us!!! Love your Poem!!
Alguien q siente ese vacío dentro ,escuchando esta música.? 😔😔
Edit : nunca tuve tantos likes
@jeyn M.R bendiciones para ti
yo toda mi fucking vida
Ya somos dos 😩😭
Que música linda!🌹🌹🌹
this move is amazing i'm so glad that this movie came out, when i watch it it makes me sad but its also just amazing because you get to see what people that has that condition dose and how they deal with it. its just amazing and i'm just so happy that i watched it. YOU DID GREAT ON MAKING THAT MOVIE!! and the people in it did amazing!
I’m bawling my eyes out like a lil child someone hug me
Greendae_ Likethis “hugging you through the screen”
Julia 311 thank you *hugs you back*
*sends virtual hug*
🙇♂️ couldn't find the hugging emoji
xxcolby brockxx I love colby too! Judging by ur name I’m guessing u feel the same! I also love Cole and judging by ur profile picture I’m guessing we have the same interest in guys😂
*I’m not going far. I’ll always be here. Just an inch away. I promise.*
This song and video make me think bout all the good things in life, and how u can mess up so much and sure it might hurt, but u have to learn from your mistakes, and move on which I know can be hard, but always remember your worth it, and you do matter and that you are loved!!
love it 😲
di mais
Achei o filme interessante ☺️
Recuerdo cuando te llamé llorando y te dije acabo de ver una película demasiado triste, por favor nunca te vayas, ahora que te has marchado esto me recuerda a ti MAAM
Esse filme destruiu meu coração 😓💔
qual o nome desse Filme, por favor..
@@gigimuqui a cinco passos de você
Se soubesse que o filme seria aquela forma nem teria assistido 🖤😥
Destruiu o meu tbm
O meu também não consigo para de pensar nele
This is by far one of the saddest movies I’ve ever seen… it just breaks my heart that are people actually dealing with all of the emotional and physical diseases… I hope one day we can find a cure for all of them… I lost two people in my life that I had a very close connection with due to suicide and my best friends dad died from cancer within 3 months of discovering he had it. I also have been diagnosed with Autism at the age of 12 and All I have to say is I’m extremely blessed to have some good friends and family around me to encourage me it keep fighting no matter what happens..❤️❤️🥰
Alguien siente un vacio dentro
▪Escuchando esta cancion ▪♡
No son las únicas 😢💔😢
i don’t even know how to explain my love for this movie. i really don’t. it’s just ugh idk it literally makes me speechless. such a good story.
Anyone else not here because of the movie just because daughter is genuinely a really good band?¿
I am
Im here because i just finish the movie but im in love with this song😶
AT Khan yes
I am, and the most stupid is that when I saw the movie for the first time I really don't know about the song. Then, I found daughter and I figured out that this song already was on the movie's playlist lol
The dance remix is what introduced me to this song/band. Heard it first on a space x video just a few months ago. Couldn't believe the song was so old yet I had never heard it before.
this is what I needed, this film got to my heart
Não acredito quando falam que o amor machuca se machuca então não há amor. O amor é cura é o sentimento mais puro e lindo que já vi. Então se você ama alguém deixem o orgulho de lado cultivem o amor que ambos sentem um pelo outro. A melhor coisa do mundo é amar uma pessoa e poder ter essa pessoa.
E quando se ama e não pode ter a pessoa?
O amor machuca quando a gente ama e a pessoa amada já não nos ama mais,ou não demonstra mais amor😔
@@gliciaanthony1447 exatanente isso!
Quando se tem a pessoa eu imagino que seja lindo, mais quando não é recíproco? O melhor é deixar ir!
@@raquelsoarrres isso também!
Most beautiful film ❤
this song has the ability to heal my soul
Stella and Abby got the same faces!! Good job movie crews and the actors and actresses, for adding a little knowledge about hosp-stay, cfer, b.cepacia, med terms etc 😍
Rip mama. I'll never forget you. Taking your life didn't have to happen. It's just how you chose to go.
It's already 2021 and the vibe of this song is still unreal.....
Esse filme mostra a realidade de mtaas pessoas , e mostra como uma coisas simples para algumas pessoas e o sonho de outras como a vida e um sopro , como realmente e amar alguém vooc quer ver essa pessoa feliz a cima de qualquer coisa ela estando com vooc ou não , então de valor quem está do seu lado valorize cada segundo pq pode ser o último principalmente agora com o momento crítico q estamos vivendo sem saber como será o diz de amanhã .
Perfect movie with amazing soundtracks, this is pure masterpiece
I wish so much that they release a second part of this
Same! Underrated comment
Aprendi a dar valor mais minha mãe , depois desse filme é dessa música, aprendi muito , hoje só uma nova pessoa...
This song is so pretty
Found this song on SuicideSheep 6 years ago and have kept it with me within me ever since. So happy to see this as a part of a movie ❤️ If you're lost and found at the same time, you're doing absolutely fine. You'll get through this. Cheers, love ❤️🙏
Que música cara ❤️
Linda e emocionante
Thanks for making this video! First I watch this video I didn't really know what is going on, and all the comment seems very sad. Until I watch the movie and this video for the second time, this was badly stabbing my heart, I can't help my self for stop crying😭😭😭... thanks again for the video!
Hearing “you’ve got a second chance you could go home escape it all” just makes me want to run away and start over.
Hace casi 2 meses , ingresaste al hospital a cuidados intensivos y todos daban por echo que ibas a morir , pero de alguna forma sobreviviste , nada mas que ahora lidias con la diabetes , con insuficiencia renal cronica , siendo una niña con mcuhas ganas de ser luz , esta bien sentirce mal aveces , porque eres fuerte , eres fuerte solo no te rindas , no permita que esa luz se apague corazon , se que has sufrido demasiado hey pero esta bien tu puedes yo se que duele , que te esta quebrando por dentro que en el fondo solo quieres regresar a esa noche donde solo eres una niña que se preocupaba por no perdece su pelicula favorita , todo va a estar bien te lo prometo. Yo se que lidias con la enfermedad, con tu familia , contigo , pero eres fuerte mi amor , has superado tantas cosas ,hemos superado tantas cosas ;) , todo va a mejorar .
I miss you my little children ❤
Como faço pra superar esse filme😪
Qual nome desse filme?
@@brunabruninha3443 A cinco passos de você
Viviane Martins obgd ❤️
É insuperável
Chorei muito qual o Will entregou o caderno de desenhos para a Stella, filme maravilhoso e a trilha sonora também.
I’ve never ever cried so much to a film.... The end part and Po’s death we’re the most emotional for me🥺😭
fico vendo esse videio, é vem lembranças boas e ruins doq já passei...
anyone else here in 2020
watching this and crying your eyes out because of being separated and the movie was amazing and bring out an amazing message to people to show how lucky we are to touch the ones we love.
I cried the whole movie😣
This song gives me a thousand years of life.
Oh my god .. I love this movie 😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🌃🌃🌃
When Poe died and when Will left her at the end, i never ever that cry
Eu ameii a música e o filme...É muito lindo à história desse filme e muito triste o final...😥❤
Uma obra de arte sério ❤❤❤❤😢
As vezes eu me pergunto porque tem pessoas que não vão atrás de quem amam mesmo podendo. Deixem o orgulho de lado. Sera que não percebem o quanto o amor é lindo e que se nao for cultivado ele pode ser perdido. E meninas, se valorizem. Não saiam com qualquer um, vocês são princesas lindas e merecem alguém que as valorizem. As vezes eu queria poder dizer as pessoas o quanto são encantadoras, NUNCA deixe de sorrir pois o seu sorriso (sim o seu mesmo q esta lendo) mesmo sem te conhecer sei que é lindo e pode alegrar o dia de alguem. Seja essa pessoa que alegre o dia de alguem. Seja você mesmo. Aproveite o tempo que esta vivo para estar perto de quem vc ama pois como o filme disse, a vida é muito curta para perder um segundo.
Concordo plenamente com o que você disse
A um pouco mais de um ano meu grande amor foi embora, mas nunca fui atrás dele, por mais que eu ame intensamente até hoje, mas deixei meu amor ser mais feliz, acredito que para eu estar bem comigo mesmo basta saber que meu amor também está bem, mesmo que com outra pessoa, as vezes doi não ter mais por perto, já superei a falta, mas o amor ficou em mim, que você seja feliz G.C.S te amo
Vc acalmou meu coracao💗😍
Esse texto faz alegrar o dia❤amo esse filme e viver ao lado de que vc ama e te ama deve ser increvel
I watched this movie the day after it came out,and i fell in love instantly (if thats even posible)
Pick it up, pick it all up
And start again
You've got a second chance
You could go home
Escape it all
It's just irrelevant
It's just medicine
It's just medicine
You could still be
What you want to
What you said you were
When I met you
You've got a warm heart
You've got a beautiful brain
But it's disintegrating
From all the medicine
From all the medicine
From all the medicine
You could still be
What you want to be
What you said you were
When you met me
You could still be
What you want to
What you said you were
When I met you
When you met me
When I met you
Wendy? Fuxgcj
It's really highlights the meaning of life❤
O ruim é que esse filme acaba 😍😣
Esse filme é perfeito
Simplemente hermoso
Stopppp im bawling my eyes out
Melhor filme 😍🤩
Don't give up please.....
Listen I went through alot as I got older I was suiciding had depression lost my emotions and even almost died from saving someone from suicide....
Just don't give up because I did and almost died 3 times and god made the decision to make sure I didn't so I guess ill go as god wants me to witch is to live.
So touched by this song...
This is my go to song my ex and I broke up a week ago and it’s never been worse in my life tbh he was my happiness I love him I won’t stop I just wish he didn’t loose feelings because I lost my everything my heart broke in half and my world crumbled down I miss this boy more than anything. The days we sit down and cuddle hold hands on the bus I lost it I lost my everything and I want it all back👎
I know how it feels I'm sorry
Leis Jehe hunny don’t worry there’s always gonna be someone better I promise x
I'm sorry, But you are your own everything, your own strength, don't forget it.
Just yesterday some guy was telling me he loved me. He said on a scale from 1-10, he loved me 9. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend cuz of him. I finally opened up to him. Then he goes and asks out another girl, right in front of me. Cutting is the only option rn.
Dang bro this reminds me about everyone I’ve lost in my life and all the hug’s and kisses. just fun time I’m the only one left they all left me in the dark.I just hope you love the ones closest to you ❤️❤️
I am a simple human, i see Daughter, i click
Melhor filme que já àssisti em toda minha vida, simplesmente amei❤️
Até hoje não superei a partida dele
Este filme é épico 🖤
La rola y la película uff lo mejor que he escuchado y visto una película que hace llorar y identifícate
This video made me cry. I love Five Feet Apart, and I love Daughter. 😭😭😭
Honestly I can’t watch this without crying!
Imagine not being able to hug your bestfriend🥺
I can’t because I have this disease too.
And your boyfriend/girlfriend that hurt🙁
@@nevaehbennett6881 aww im so sad i believe you can do that!
Ainda estou tentando superar ,meu Deus 😢💗
Me hizo llorar😭😭😭😭
best film 5 steps away from you I always cry in this film and very good
melhor filme 💖💔💕
No se como empezar... No se como expresarme al escribir... Más yo se que tal vez no soy la única que no se siente viva, hay veces en las que no necesitas estar enfermo para sentir que tus fuerzas se acaban... Saben, en este momento me siento como si mis fuerzas fueran el gas de una gaseosa.... Al principio es tan fuerte que se persive... Y de la nada después de unos minutos pasa a no existir. Siento que desperdicio mi vida... Siento que no conozco las emociones que una persona pueda sentir. Mi vida es tan vacía que me hace sentir como si estuviera en un laberinto obscuro sin salida... Corro y corro para encontrar aquel paisaje tan bonito y pasajero llamado vida... Pero no lo halló. Simplemente quiero sentirme bien, encontrar mi zona de confort, aquello que me haga sentir bien. Quiero sentirme viva... Conocer la felicidad, la intencidad, el miedo.... Quiero conocer mis emociones, lo que puedo llegar a sentir ante una situación o hacia alguien.
Oh amigos... Nunca perdamos las esperanzas. Se que es difícil despertar sin fuerzas... Sentir que todo es una rutina pesada. Más luchemos por aquello que nos haga sentir bien.
Si leíste todo esto muchas gracias, te comparti un poquito de lo que pienso en estos momentos...Un poquito de mi vida, de mi corazón. ❤️
Quiero volver hacer una niña pequeña, tan solo tengo 13 años y se que los que es estar en depresión,ansiedad,desesperación no quiero morir...solamente quiero estar en un lugar donde solo estén las personas que de verdad estuvieron para mi quiero que me escuchen me siento vacía cuando tengo todo,no voy bien en el colegio, mis padres me regañan por andar mucho en el cell
Siempre me imagino que estoy muriendo poco a poco estando viva suena raro lo sé pero es como yo lo siento, quisiera que dios algún día me de la respuesta de cual es mi objetivo en mi vida.....
@@Selina437 pasame tu ig pequeña💖. No estas sola y nunca lo estarás. Tienes a Dios. El me dio las fuerzas para salir de eso y a pesar de todo aún sigo en pie. El es la única fuente de agua vida aquella sed que tú tienes cualquier cosa de este mundo puede llenarla pero no para siempre. Todo en este mundo pasa, pero menos el poder que Dios tiene para poder actuar en nuestras vidas y llenar ese vacío.
Cualquier cosa puedes mandarme mensaje en mi ig. @cittmera
Te mando un abrazo y mucha fuerza
Ya paso un año aun te sientes haci ?
@@zenitsu8445 nopi muchas gracias. Estoy haciendo un libro en Wattpad contando mi historia, mi testimonio. Dios me ayudó. 🙌🏼💖
Dios es la solución
Me and my sisters have cystic fibrosis we’re okay but this movie helped so much because a lot of times I felt alone. I felt out of place. This helps a lot because there’s not a lot of movies having to do with CF. 💞💕
we all are actually living this part of the story thanks the covid. now i can being into their shoes, and valoring every day like it'd be the last one. just stay five feet apart.
I love this movie so much it makes me feel happy because I know that i’m ok and that there’s people that are really going through this and that is so so so sad and like this movie makes you think about everything and this made me cry so hard 😭💔 literaly its the best movie ever watch it is so nice ❤️
It's the best ever I watched it 2 days ago
the first time i watched this movie i cried but every other time my heart just hurts that’s how emotionally good this movie is ❤️
No saben cuánto me estoy conteniendo para no explotar en un mar de lágrimas
Alguém que estar muito triste ouvindo esss música?
Ngl listening to this in hospital at 11.30pm hits different
I have watched the movie 3 times and it still makes me cry x
Bryony Reed same
@@isabellebooth9350 expesily when pod dies and then will leaves
Some songs really touch my heart
Spending valentines week alone and watching this while crying my eyes out, I miss my ex