How Christians SHOULD Judge Other Christians According to the Bible

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024
  • How should a Christian judge another Christian? Should Christians judge other Christians? What does the Bible say about this? There are a lot of Christians that are very judgmental and Christians in general are typically categorized as being very judgmental. But, how should Christians judge other Christians according to what the Bible has to say?
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Комментарии • 831

  • @thebeatagp
    @thebeatagp  4 года назад +115

    There is A LOT, A LOT of confusion surrounding this idea of whether or not Christians SHOULD or SHOULD NOT judge other Christians. And, quite frankly, it's getting out of control. So, it's time to see what the Bible says about how Christians should and should not judge. Let me know your thoughts below!

    • @SerahandSteven
      @SerahandSteven 4 года назад +6

      Thanks Mr. Allen!

    • @akekestory493
      @akekestory493 4 года назад +6

      I have a question I have been to well very liberal church's before and at these church's people say things like as a Christian it's ok to be Catholic or it's ok to believe in signs (aries, libra etc.). I've thought to myself before maybe they aren't Christians, but then I thought maybe they don't have enough knowledge so I won't cut any fellowship with them, but I won't take any teaching from them cause they're immature. Even when I corrected them though and showed them scripture for why these things are wrong they insisted to hold on to these false beliefs what's the next step after biblical correction and of course I know we need to give people time to repent. I just want to know what are we to do? The church isn't the way it was back then. Matt 18 seems to be applied like no where and when it is its applied terribly over something like a women wearing pants.

    • @CXDN.0
      @CXDN.0 4 года назад +6

      Hey Allen, I was wondering if it’s vain to bodybuild as a Christian?

    • @NewCreationInChrist896
      @NewCreationInChrist896 4 года назад +7

      💞Yes surrendered Christians can judge righteously. We’re not only called to grow the church we’re called to build up one another in love. Challenge our brother and sisters to grow in a deeper relationship with God to help grow the kingdom.
      1 John 1:8-10
      John 15:4-5
      Titus 2:11-15
      🙏 maranatha

    • @anauxistential8486
      @anauxistential8486 4 года назад +6

      Thanks Allen, I was just talking with my 11year old daughter who challenged me with this question just yesterday. I did well not judging or condemning the woman in her example. By first sharing with her my own plank or in other words experience with the same exact incorrect thinking that led to sin. Any who, I'm looking forward to sharing this video!

  • @theguybehindyou4762
    @theguybehindyou4762 4 года назад +344

    It's quite simple: hold other professed Christians accountable to the Bible's standards, but only when you yourself live up to them.

    • @xxraptorsc0pezxx
      @xxraptorsc0pezxx 4 года назад +2


    • @jerryschneider145
      @jerryschneider145 4 года назад +19

      "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

    • @iceman4660
      @iceman4660 4 года назад +6

      Surely you mean by God's standards.

    • @xxraptorsc0pezxx
      @xxraptorsc0pezxx 4 года назад +9

      @@iceman4660 Yes if they are professed Christians that means their standards would be the standards of God so its important to remind them of that.

    • @theguybehindyou4762
      @theguybehindyou4762 4 года назад +1

      @@iceman4660 Fixed it.

  • @Brady_Stewart_238
    @Brady_Stewart_238 4 года назад +449

    I became a Christian because of this channel

    • @Mr._Reborn
      @Mr._Reborn 4 года назад +19

      That’s amazing!

    • @archenwolf
      @archenwolf 4 года назад +16

      I'm so glad!! Welcome to the family ^^

    • @anthonycaminiti8734
      @anthonycaminiti8734 4 года назад +17

      AMEN! I am becoming a better one because of it!

    • @breannamiller7266
      @breannamiller7266 4 года назад +9

      Thatss greatt!!

    • @jyk4736
      @jyk4736 4 года назад +12

      Welcome to the Family! The devil will hate that so stay prayed up and read the word consistently.

  • @21stmicko64
    @21stmicko64 4 года назад +46

    Judge not according to the standards of yourself or this world, but judge according to the Word of God ❤

  • @Leo-jk9vt
    @Leo-jk9vt 4 года назад +126

    Guys repent from your sins Jesus Christ is coming back soon you don’t want to be left behind.

    • @kamarwashington
      @kamarwashington 4 года назад +12

      Repent AND trust in Christ alone for salvation! Repentance is important, but Christ is our savior!

    • @archenwolf
      @archenwolf 4 года назад +7

      be prepared, prophecies are coming true!!

    • @Leo-jk9vt
      @Leo-jk9vt 4 года назад +3

      @Saved And Sealed Forever nope because we all have sinned before so we have to ask for forgiveness God bless you.

    • @tianasvint4968
      @tianasvint4968 4 года назад

      Amen 🙏💙

    • @pr3kk
      @pr3kk 4 года назад

      Amen 🙏🏽💚

  • @YouWhatMate_Official
    @YouWhatMate_Official 4 года назад +31

    Whenever I feel like I should cast judgment over someone else, I always remember to humble myself before God before I do so.

  • @SamanthaH
    @SamanthaH 4 года назад +73

    Honest question- the Bible days they will know them by their fruit.
    So if people claim to be Christians but do all sorts of things against God- how are we not to call that out?

    • @chrisamberdiaz
      @chrisamberdiaz 4 года назад +29

      With all sincerity and humility, I would say that every Christian claims to be a Christian and does all sorts of things against God everyday. There are no Christians who do right always. I think what your saying is if we see a person who says they are a Christian, but they are committing a sin willingly and without repenting should we be silent?
      The answer is no and I think allen is saying that also. We can "judge" in that sense because it is part of accountability to one another. But judging the state of a person in his heart is impossible for us because we don't know the heart of man like God. 1 Samuel 16:7, "The LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.” We Christians are still men. We see the pharisee and we think Christian, and see the tax collector and we think child of hell. We are not good judges of character, and God knows this. This is why we are to preach the gospel indiscriminately and love people, because we can do that. We can also keep one another accountable by judging actions, but not the heart (because again we aren't good at it). Even then, when keeping a brother or sister accountable, we are to judge ourselves first so we can approach them with humility and love instead of self righteousness and pride.

    • @domeretaylor4437
      @domeretaylor4437 3 года назад +1

      You right!

    • @WesW3187
      @WesW3187 3 года назад +5

      We speak to them quietly. We don’t call them out for all to hear. We are all sinful. If we call them out, God could cause our sin to be known to all.

    • @aalyyy.
      @aalyyy. 3 года назад +4

      you absolutely have the right to call it out .
      ephesians 5:11

    • @leedatsit1799
      @leedatsit1799 3 года назад +1

      We should call it out, but need to be scriptural and led of the Lord in how we do it. For instance, we are told to bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. This means every thought, not simply those we think are wrong, but even those we think are right. It always surprises me how often we humans get both exactly the opposite of how God sees them. And we need to bring our thoughts about our brother captive to Christ too. This will include us studying to see what the Bible says about these things. As example, someone below quoted the scripture, "If any man be overtaken in a fault, you who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted." There is much, much more to this verse than meets the eye. Let's look at it: the phrase "overtaken in a fault" actually means "to have a mishap PUBLICLY". Now we have to look at this verse in the context of not just a sin, but one done very publicly. This changes the entire meaning of the verse, as you will see. Because do we really have to warn a truly SPIRITUAL person (you who are SPIRITUAL restore such) against committing a sin just done publicly? Or is it more likely that a spiritual person is going to be extra careful NOT TO MAKE THAT SAME MISTAKE? I think this speaks for itself. So we then have to ask ourselves, well, if we are not being warned not to commit the same sin here, as most of us assume, what sin IS IT we are being warned against? To find out, we have to look at the verse itself, which is dealing NOT with the public sin, but with HOW A SPIRITUAL PERSON OUGHT TO RESTORE THE ONE SINNING. When we read scripture we often forget one context, and that is the context of the early church itself. There were certain things that were far more well known and well taught among them than they are among us today. So they didn't need to spell out the whole thing word for word, these foundations had already been laid, and a mere passing or even oblique reference to them was enough. One class of such things would, of course, be the words of Jesus, as well as His life (and what I am sharing here on this is in fact the way Bible scholars teach). So, if we want an example of a sin committed publicly and any temptation that might accompany it, we would look first in the life of Jesus, which would, of course, be the FIRST place the early church would have looked. Can we find an example? Yes, we can, a woman "taken in adultery-the very act!" (You can hear the drama of her accusers here, can't you?) So, in looking at this, we already know we are not looking at the temptation of HER sin, but of those who CONFRONTED HER WITH IT, since it is the warning against temptation to "those who are spiritual" and doing the restoring we are looking at here. So what is actually being warned against is the MANNER IN WHICH WE RESTORE SOMEONE, as I think you will see. And what do we see? We see a group of men who dragged only the woman "caught in the very act" before Christ, while evidently leaving the man she was with to go off to his next encounter. So our first lesson is not to show partiality in these matters. Second, these people didn't bring her with any intent of seeing her restored: they wanted her to be stoned, to be destroyed. Not much spiritual there, is there? Third, these men brought her not because of any real concern for her or righteousness, but to satisfy their own agenda, which happened in this case to be to entrap and murder Christ, as they eventually did. And fourth, to them she was not even a soul, merely a tool to be used to make Jesus look bad and themselves look good. Now that we've looked at the example of what NOT to be and do in such situations, what would be the example of what we SHOULD do? Easy, isn't it? It's Jesus, as always. So what does He do? First, He shows no partiality, for He doesn't excuse the fact she has sinned. What does He do? He bends down and begins to write in the dust. The best commentators I have read on this are of the opinion that He was writing out, one by one, the sins of her accusers. This conclusion is borne out by the reaction of those accusers: they begin to leave, starting with the oldest one first. Why does this matter? Because the oldest had had the time to do the most sinning, and was likely the first to recognize his own "Christ-mas list" of those sins. So here we see Jesus show no partiality: He let them go (and they knew He was Messiah and as He knew those sins He could also have revealed them to all had He chosen or what reason would they have to leave?). Just as He let them go, He would let her go also. Second, His intent with them, as with her, is to see them restored, not destroyed as her accusers desired. Third, He seeks to satisfy GOD'S agenda "I am not come to condemn men, but that men might be saved." Fourth, to Him she, and they, were not just tools, but souls of such value that He would soon give His life for them. We also see here how He gives a perfect example of walking what He talked, for He told the Pharisees, "You guys tithe down to the herbs from your gardens, but you omit the weightier (more important) matters of the law: judgement (step 1), mercy (step 2) and faith (step 3)." Nobody likes the judgement part of that, but the fact is that judgement is NOT the same thing as condemnation, as many assume. This is made clear by realizing that Christ's words here are not random in any way, but (as all His words are) perfect, and in perfect sequence. Ask yourself: does a person who hasn't been judged need mercy? Of course not. Judgement simply renders a verdict on whether we actually committed certain ACTIONS: it is in the SENTENCING that we pass judgement on the likely motives behind those actions. We know this because the sentencing phase is where things like "mitigating circumstances" are taken into account, and the harshness or lightness of the sentence is decided. And that sentencing also incorporates our faith or lack of faith in the likely future behavior of the person sentenced. If we think he will likely behave, we are more likely to let him off, whereas if we think he is an incorrigible murderer, he will likely get the chair. And we see Jesus use precisely the steps He laid out for the Pharisees. First He asks her where her accusers are (she says they left), then He says "Neither do I condemn you", indicating that there was something TO condemn (Judgement, step 1), and at the same time showing mercy (step 2) by that refusal to condemn. Then, He goes a step further (Faith, step 3) "Go and sin no more". Now, with our western mindset, we tend to read condemnation into those words, but in fact there is nothing of the kind. We know this because He has ALREADY SAID He did not condemn her. What He is actually doing here is expressing faith in her. A paraphrase would be, "Now go out and act like who you ARE." That is an expression of faith for a woman whom we all know full well the world would try its best to chain to her sin (as opposed to the man she got caught with) from that day on. But FROM that day on, she would always have the words of Jesus, reminding her, "No, you are who I say you are", His expression of faith in her she would have for the rest of her life. And think about this: yes, God asks us to have faith in Him, but He has also shown the ultimate faith in US. How? By sending His Son to die for us, not, as Paul reminds us, once He had cleaned us up and got us fit for it, but while WE WERE STILL IN SIN, AT ENMITY WITH HIM. So we see here the ultimate example of how to deal with a sin committed publicly. With judgement, mercy, and I believe most importantly FAITH for the person to go on to be who they ARE, and not just what they DID. Hope you get something out of all this. God bless. 😉

  • @Blue-moon12
    @Blue-moon12 4 года назад +93

    Many Christians misinterpret what the Bible says about judging and say that we should never judge. In Matthew 7:1-5, Jesus did say not to judge. However, a close look at these verses will show that He is referring to hypocritical judging and He went on to say that when a hypocrite cleans up his own life then he will be fit to judge another. Of course, it is always wrong to make judgments about a person's motives or thoughts because we don't know their mind. In John 7:24, Jesus said, "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment." In this verse Jesus is talking about making righteous judgments in regard to God's laws. We must make judgments in matters of biblical doctrine and righteous living. The Bible is our foundation and if we don't discern and follow what God says then it will become just another book. Then everyone will be doing whatever they think is right, just like the Israelis did in the time of the Judges. Judges 21:25 says, "In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit".

  • @davidbermudez7704
    @davidbermudez7704 4 года назад +28

    Born again Christians SHOULD judge correctly and righteously with the Word of God
    But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man - 1 Corinthians 2:15

    • @seanmichaelturner5982
      @seanmichaelturner5982 3 года назад

      That's the Scripture I was going to.
      He claims Christian's can Judge. But not really according to him.
      Lost people that I've seen. Use the "don't judge"
      He talks out of both sides of his mouth

    • @seanmichaelturner5982
      @seanmichaelturner5982 3 года назад

      @MR. Allen
      I'm not really sure what you saying. I know Pentecostals or the only Denomination that doesn't believe in The Trinity.
      That the God Head, Father, Son, Holy Spirit is just One person.... Jesus.
      i Believe Scripture teaches 3 different Persons. yet all 3 are 1
      If that is different than you, Nothing I can say is gonna convince you otherwise. I found what denomination I aligned with, when I got saved.
      I was not raised to believe anything. Actually brought to a Pentecostal church from baby to 6.
      Acts 2:38. was my first memorization

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 3 года назад

      @@seanmichaelturner5982 Actually, the Godhead is God the Father, God the Son and the Word, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, known commonly as God, not Jesus, although Jesus is God. God did not die for our sins, Jesus did. He also was raised up by God the Father. That's what the Bible says. No amount of human reasoning will change that. Although Jesus does need to be mentioned as God to many, praise God.

  • @KrissyJay777
    @KrissyJay777 4 года назад +11

    We can definitely hold others accountable to the word. But we shouldn't argue or force anything on anyone

  • @gerridjeanlouis4862
    @gerridjeanlouis4862 4 года назад +38

    Yes we can say if somebody is a Christian or not. The scripture clearly said you will know them by the fruit they bear

    • @solaceboy
      @solaceboy 4 года назад +5

      That's what I was thinking.

    • @tobifadeyi4940
      @tobifadeyi4940 4 года назад +12

      Yh but it's not our job to say so,it's God's job to judge.I don't think a Christian would be shouting "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" to other christians

    • @Featheryfaith7
      @Featheryfaith7 4 года назад

      @@tobifadeyi4940 I agree.

    • @coryanderson5210
      @coryanderson5210 3 года назад +8

      Context, context, context. The verse you’re referring to is about false teachers. If we judge ourselves as Paul admonishes, we will not be caught up in judging others. This is a struggle for me when I let my pride and self righteousness get in the way of the gracious and meek Holy Spirit.

    • @Featheryfaith7
      @Featheryfaith7 3 года назад +2

      God said to pray for people's souls since they can get saved whether they know God or not. I use to work at the nursing home and see people die. They see angels and God takes them. The therapy dogs from hospice comes to those who are dying. Since dogs are God's creatures, I am sure they know who has the holy spirit or not. Animals are very close to the Lord.

  • @lt4fun1
    @lt4fun1 4 года назад +5

    You shall know them by their fruits!

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 3 года назадвидео.html

  • @lindstheteacher1611
    @lindstheteacher1611 4 года назад +73

    Thank you. One of my classmates who claims to be a Christian is pregnant outside of marriage, living with her boyfriend, and I have been wondering how to handle it. I think it’s important to judge ourselves first. Thank you brother Parr.

    • @pappap1702
      @pappap1702 4 года назад +22

      Go to her in love and ask her how you can help. Make no judgement but rely on the HS to convict or restore her.

    • @gerridjeanlouis4862
      @gerridjeanlouis4862 4 года назад +11

      You have to tell her to repent

    • @shortpants7843
      @shortpants7843 4 года назад +24

      What you should do is show this woman in the Bible where it says this is wrong. I believe that sin is harmful. If I am in sin unknowingly I would want someone to let me know. Why? Because it is harmful and brings destruction. You can not separate love from the truth. If you love that person, then you will let them know that God says this isn't good, in the spirit of saving them from the consequences of that sin. And if they don't listen to you, love them anyway. You don't have to treat them badly because they don't listen to you. Many christians will go to their neighbor and warn them about their sin, but then get offended because they aren't received well. That's pride, and not the spirit we should judge our brothers and sisters in Christ. We tell people about sin because we love them, because that's what the Bible asks us to do.

    • @melfuz
      @melfuz 4 года назад +3

      @@shortpants7843 Amen!

    • @TheOmegaGamer339
      @TheOmegaGamer339 4 года назад +8

      Be supportive...let her have her child and see if this is the man she wants to marry. Trust me it’s easier being a single mother than going through a divorce. I know first hand.

  • @jessyjonas4988
    @jessyjonas4988 4 года назад +24

    " Iron sharpens iron....'
    " .. stir up one another to love and good works"
    Proverbs, Hebrews✝️
    Not judging
    More of a sharpening
    And stirring

    • @dotticus
      @dotticus 4 года назад +4

      You have to make a judgement call to even know when you need to take initiative to sharpen that iron. We are never to condemn but to judge righteously.

    • @jeniferfuhrman1525
      @jeniferfuhrman1525 4 года назад +7

      Agree. Everything we do, including correcting etc should be done biblically and in LOVE!

  • @bigbrother7129
    @bigbrother7129 4 года назад +6

    Brother Parr helped me to re-ignite my faith during lockdown. Thank you Brother Parr! Thank you God!!

  • @pappap1702
    @pappap1702 4 года назад +21

    There is no church discipline anymore so don't worry about judging other Christians. I left the church because of this. Pastors are afraid of losing congregants so anything goes. Sad sad state of churches these days.

    • @jerryschneider145
      @jerryschneider145 4 года назад +2

      " The well need not a physician, but the sick do." We are all sick. What you are saying is like asking sick people to leave the hospital.

    • @pappap1702
      @pappap1702 4 года назад +7

      @@jerryschneider145 No I'm not. I'm saying just what I said. There is no church discipline anymore and even if there was, those disciplined just go to another church and probably continue doing what they did. The church doesn't have the moral effect it once did. I'm not asking anyone to leave. That is not my place to do so.

    • @jerryschneider145
      @jerryschneider145 4 года назад +2

      @@pappap1702 Sorry, I did not speak clearly. I meant that if someone said to you, or someone else, to leave the church because of sin it would be like asking sick people to leave the hospital.

    • @pappap1702
      @pappap1702 4 года назад +3

      @@jerryschneider145 Yes that would be wrong before following the Biblical guidelines and even then it should be the Pastors or elders asking someone to leave after they obviously aren't repentant.

    • @dacorri_music
      @dacorri_music 4 года назад +2

      Very good dialogue

  • @lsalinas208
    @lsalinas208 4 года назад +7

    “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:15-20‬ ‭KJV‬‬

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 4 года назад

      Lorenzo Salinas Thank you for posting that, for there are many false doctrines. We need to let God show us true doctrine. Also, living a Christian life is of utmost importance, our eternal life depends on it.

  • @BryanLChess
    @BryanLChess 4 года назад +19

    I used to question whether or not someone was saved based on their actions. Now I know that's wrong and don't question someone's salvation but if needed i'll correct a bad behavior.

    • @BryanLChess
      @BryanLChess 4 года назад +1

      @MR. Allen I was talking about ppl I know, not strangers.

    • @BryanLChess
      @BryanLChess 4 года назад +1

      @MR. Allen yeah, I was talking about my coworkers. One in particular didn’t know Paul was and lives like an unsaved person.

  • @ChristopherDolby
    @ChristopherDolby 4 года назад +48

    There seems to be such a desire to judge everyone else but ourselves. It’s like we need to do that to feel superior to others... I’d prefer not to judge anyone, if they have the spirit, He should be convicting them of their sins

    • @jerryschneider145
      @jerryschneider145 4 года назад +1


    • @ChristopherDolby
      @ChristopherDolby 4 года назад +2

      @@jerryschneider145 Praise Him 👊😇

    • @shortpants7843
      @shortpants7843 4 года назад +5

      If the holy spirit is supposed to do all the convicting then why does paul tell us that when someone is in sin, you are supposed to go to him privately on the matter, and if he wont hear you, then go to the elders of the church, and confront him about it together?

    • @michaelalbertson7457
      @michaelalbertson7457 4 года назад +1

      I think it's in us to say something about others, and that may deflect from us getting serious about forsaking our besetting sins, because we feel we're exercising discernment from God, and we feel good about that. Not always the case, but could be another reason.

    • @777Cobretti
      @777Cobretti 4 года назад +4

      AMEN we all fall short that is why we need Christ Jesus, even after professing him Lord we still slip and fall short in many ways, but by his unfailing Love he is faithful to forgive. Not one single one of us can uphold Old testament Law or new testament commands without error. Jesus when speaking to multitudes spoke perfection because he is perfect knowing that on our own it is impossible to uphold his every spoken word and that we would fail and fall short unless we called on his name to be our continual redeemer, because in this life we will continually make mistakes, the good news is by the blood of Christ by which he freely shed for us we are reconciled unto him through his Love, Grace and Mercy. Without the Lord as Savior we are flawed and no amount of works or self professed Holiness can reach the Lords perfect mark. Only with him are we complete and a joy to the Father that is why I pray Christians stop becoming attack dogs questioning every ones salvation throwing fragments of scripture in the faces of brothers and sisters while they have a lumber store in their own eye. Love one another which is our Lords greatest command.

  • @brookethomas7415
    @brookethomas7415 4 года назад +60

    I'm confused.. Jesus said we will know them by their fruit ?? I know you cannot have a saving knowledge of Christ and support abortion! I use to advocate for abortion until I was born again now the Holy Spirit screams its wrong.. I'm just not understanding..

    • @sarahd5341
      @sarahd5341 4 года назад +6

      I agree

    • @brookethomas7415
      @brookethomas7415 4 года назад +14

      Im really not confused.. That was the wrong word .. I should have said I don't agree! Jesus said I will know them by their fruit so I will go with that!

    • @sheilaeddy4915
      @sheilaeddy4915 4 года назад +5

      @@brookethomas7415 I’m with you. Amen

    • @shaun9976
      @shaun9976 4 года назад +2

      I'm pretty sure Jesus was talking about false prophets
      You can read it again in context

    • @brookethomas7415
      @brookethomas7415 4 года назад +10

      @@shaun9976 im sticking with what the Holy Spirit tells me on this subject! I know you can't have a saving knowledge of Christ and support the slaughter of God most innocent creation!

  • @lionoffireministries
    @lionoffireministries 4 года назад +23

    Take the log out of your own eye.
    THEN you will see clearly to take the spec out of your brother’s eye!
    Make sure you have a clear conscience before God, THEN judge with right judgement according to the Word!

    • @TheBelovedDisciple144
      @TheBelovedDisciple144 3 года назад +1

      Amen. Especially along the lines of Doctrine.
      I've seen people who love calling other peoples doctrine out have some pretty bad doctrine themselves.
      I've seen people who are big time accusers of others having false doctrine also suggest that Roman's 8 means that the Flesh will be put to death by the Spirit on the day we die and the Spirit takes us to heaven. Until then were doomed to live a sinful life in the Flesh.

  • @joseph9531
    @joseph9531 4 года назад +8

    Judge not and be not judged but there is a righteous judgment.

  • @suenelson4123
    @suenelson4123 4 года назад +1

    Woooowwww...NEVER heard the WHEAT and Tare parable taught soooo well! Myyyyyyy God!

  • @toolegittoquit_001
    @toolegittoquit_001 4 года назад +10

    By your account and since we are all sinners, no Christian can judge another Christian. Obviously there is something in error with this position

    • @Featheryfaith7
      @Featheryfaith7 4 года назад

      You are not suppose to judge a person at all unless teaching. I prayed to the Lord to get me put of jury duty and He did. God's actions speaks louder than words do as God as my witness.

  • @CatT1987
    @CatT1987 9 месяцев назад +1

    I watched several videos from a variety of speakers or Christian leaders now on this subject about Christians judging other Christians and I just wanted to say Allen that I really liked what you said. It really hit home even though I don't judge other Christians because I don't know them and I don't know where they're heart truly is. Only God knows. And if I'm being honest people, He will judge all of us on judgment day, we will all stand before him. "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2: 10-11 KJV.
    But I also liked that you referred to certain scriptures in the Bible to back up what you were saying.👍

  • @Featheryfaith7
    @Featheryfaith7 4 года назад +1

    It was clearly stated in the bible to not judge in general unless you are teaching. I prayed to God to get me out of jury duty and He did. Tells you a lot. God's actions speak louder than words do. This is the truth as God as my witness!

  • @natdeskelalygic
    @natdeskelalygic 4 года назад +17

    You are out of line because their fruit can tell us who is what.

    • @nyoutlaw58
      @nyoutlaw58 4 года назад +7

      I won't accuse someone as "being out of line", HOWEVER, I agree, THEIR CONSISTENT FRUIT speaks volumes!

  • @brianabattle6247
    @brianabattle6247 2 года назад +2

    If we don’t know if they are genuine or not genuine, how are we supposed to discern who to follow? We must test the spirit..which allows us to make a judgement.

  • @anthonygreen4600
    @anthonygreen4600 4 года назад +2

    Pastor Parr. I absolutely love this. It's very clear with finger pointing just convictions. I know that I feel convicted about a few points that were made. Thank you.

  • @wilsh
    @wilsh 4 года назад +9

    Christian TikTok needs to hear this bc whew chile

  • @claudiumarcello5789
    @claudiumarcello5789 4 года назад +1

    I think we should judge righteously but not unrighteous

  • @butdoyouknowjesus4121
    @butdoyouknowjesus4121 4 года назад +8

    This is a subject that I needed to hear about, I don’t see people speaking about this enough, thank you 🙏🏻 bless you pastor

  • @danielsoto2994
    @danielsoto2994 4 года назад +5

    By their fruits you will know them?

    • @jerryschneider145
      @jerryschneider145 4 года назад

      True, no (?) needed.

    • @danielsoto2994
      @danielsoto2994 4 года назад

      I just cannot see calling a man “Christian” who in his power pushes anti-biblical agendas. Jesus said that we will know the false christians by their works. In Christ we are giving the gift of discernment and we can call what is and what isn’t. I love pastor Allen but I don’t completely agree with him on this one.

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 3 года назадвидео.html

  • @thekingdomofgod5301
    @thekingdomofgod5301 4 года назад +40

    How Christians SHOULD Judge Other Christians According to the Bible
    That is Coming Up Today on The beat! Hey My Friend Welcome back to the Beat, My Name Is Allan Parr.....

  • @marchandtpinkney5085
    @marchandtpinkney5085 8 дней назад

    Thank you for this post ❤ 🙏

  • @anthonycaminiti8734
    @anthonycaminiti8734 4 года назад +13

    This comment is what i think before the video: judge out of love, not out of self righteousness. If you struggle with something as a Christian and see a brother or sister giving into the thing you struggle with, you ought to to tell them it’s wrong and give a form of judgment. You shouldn’t be a hypocrite, however. You should admit that you struggle with it too and strengthen each other.
    This is what i think after the video: in addition to not being a hypocrite in order to judge others, I must rid myself of the issue I attempt to judge others for. This raises a question: if i do admit to the sin I struggle with to the brother or sister whom i am judging, is this wrong?

    • @J-PLeigh8409
      @J-PLeigh8409 4 года назад +1

      We should definitely encourage & edify eachother as believers, way too much hypocrisy & judging eachothers heart. We can confess our sins to eachother & the Lord, & look to grow in the grace of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, as true believers we desire to be partakers of the Divine Nature of Jesus Christ & thats our heart. Bless you

    • @anthonycaminiti8734
      @anthonycaminiti8734 4 года назад

      @@J-PLeigh8409 you as well! Thanks for the insightful reply!

    • @J-PLeigh8409
      @J-PLeigh8409 4 года назад +1

      @@anthonycaminiti8734 👍, I think we need to be more transparent & loving to eachother, after all isnt that what true family & friends do or should be. Its a shame when believers get going w/ gossip, slandering, backbiting, silly disputes, contentions. We have the word of God, in the NewTest amazing epistles written by holy men of God moved by the Holy Spirit that instruct & edify & guide, but some how things other than the essentials of our christian faith get magnified & religiously held up as the most important. Walking in love filled w/ the spirit of God, worshipping the Lord in spirit & truth, reading His word & fellowship w/ eachother should be on our hearts everyday. I just had to say or write this to someone so thanks brother

    • @anthonycaminiti8734
      @anthonycaminiti8734 4 года назад

      @@J-PLeigh8409 no problem! I agree strongly with you!

    • @sabre22b
      @sabre22b 3 года назад

      Of course not. Don't get pulled into this twisted logic. You confess to others, you help each other. You get help from outside and you point them to it as well.

  • @NewCreationInChrist896
    @NewCreationInChrist896 4 года назад +1

    Stock up in prayers all. Stay faithful stay fruitful stay ready.👑
    Titus 2:11-15
    Love you brother Allen appreciate your ministry.💞

  • @cho_zen_rl
    @cho_zen_rl 6 месяцев назад

    Probably the best explanation I've herd about this topic on youtube

  • @JustBeYouTy
    @JustBeYouTy 3 года назад

    Judge Righteously!

  • @pre.Heaven.Community
    @pre.Heaven.Community 4 года назад

    First when i saw tte title I was like we shouldn’t even judge others, Christians or not. I’m glad that I click on the video. So much wisdom

  • @derekgrier7672
    @derekgrier7672 4 года назад +1

    Thank you Pastor Parr for this study. It was a topic at our men's Bible study last night

  • @juniorkabana7776
    @juniorkabana7776 4 года назад +4

    there is a right way to do it. indeed

  • @shannondyson6388
    @shannondyson6388 2 года назад

    I hear different pastors only say about judging.....'not to judge'. They just refer to the verse that says 'do not judge--the measure that you use will be used against you. This video was refreshing. I have not yet heard a preacher talk on the verses that do talk about Christians judging, such as when Paul tells us to judge, essentially what you are telling us. So glad you made this video--found one person who steps out to preach the real deal.

  • @trevorzanella1600
    @trevorzanella1600 4 года назад +1

    Hallelujah! Thank you Allen!

  • @SlimeyDerek33
    @SlimeyDerek33 4 года назад +2

    If someone is cussing and smoking in my face while at the same time calling themselves a Christian, then I think I have the right to tell them the truth and tell them that they are not Christian and they are not truly following Christ. Stop sitting back and afraid to tell people the truth. Judge to help someone not to hurt someone

    • @brettpruefer7541
      @brettpruefer7541 4 года назад

      Just because someone smokes doesn't mean they're not a Christian, but we should tell them to repent.

    • @SlimeyDerek33
      @SlimeyDerek33 4 года назад

      @@brettpruefer7541 yes it does, the Bible clearly says to remain sober minded because the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion ready to devour anybody he sees. I go by the Bible, not what the world says

    • @brettpruefer7541
      @brettpruefer7541 4 года назад

      @@SlimeyDerek33 the bible does ssy to remain sober minded, but you can't twist that to mean whatever you want it to. Do you drink coffee? caffeine is a drug, Therefore if you drink coffee you are violating the commandment to stay sober. (Just to be clear I am 100% against smoking )

    • @SlimeyDerek33
      @SlimeyDerek33 4 года назад

      @@brettpruefer7541 Wine has alcohol in it which is also a drug, does that mean that Jesus committed a sin? You obviously know what type of drugs I’m talking about. Stick with the Bible

  • @joyogunneye
    @joyogunneye 4 года назад +3

    Thank you Allen for this 🙏🏿.
    “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭3:23‬ ‭‬‬
    “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
    ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:44-48‬ ‭‬‬
    “My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?”
    ‭‭James‬ ‭2:1-4‬ ‭

  • @oluwolecleeve3708
    @oluwolecleeve3708 4 года назад +1

    Thank you very much brother Allen for all the hard work. Thanks for the insight on this issue. I have had many arguments with my friends who say that the bible condemn the act of judging others. I know that they are wrong; but i don't know how to explain it to them and i don't know the scriptures to use. But now i've got all the ammunition i needed. Thanks to you.

  • @daynaharden9787
    @daynaharden9787 5 месяцев назад

    Hello Allen! Thank you sir. I have heard several messages spoken lately and people being so coldly condescending to the world… to be honest, it sounds so much like the Pharisees, who made it so difficult for the people to come to God. I believe Christians, all Christians- myself included, need to consistently remain humble and bow ourselves at the feet of Jesus. I believe the heart of God is this- stop judging non-believers for committing sin… they haven’t come to Christ yet- of course they sin. Christ so lovingly invites us to come to Him with our sin so that He may cleanse us. The Bible says for us to hold other believers accountable… but that is not because we have arrived, or, we ourselves are no longer in need of Jesus’ salvation because we are good in and of ourselves. When we give mercy and forgiveness, Jesus says we will receive mercy and forgiveness. I believe that as the church does this, we are making Christ attractive to all, and sinners will come to Him. We all need The Lord. There is only one judge- Jesus occupies that position in His beautiful, loving, sovereign holiness. Please keep talking about this- thank you sir! God bless! DH

  • @idlenook
    @idlenook Год назад

    As a Christian I have been told by some others that I am judgement when I point out a sin in another’s life such as using the Lord’s name in vain. This video helped me to see the difference between that and judging if that person is Christian or their motives. I see I need to call out the sin but leave the rest to God. Only He knows the person’s heart.

  • @stephent4111
    @stephent4111 4 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for your wisdom your videos always help me to put God first

  • @iMsOiNsO
    @iMsOiNsO 11 месяцев назад

    I needed this….I am seeing a lot of videos of Christian’s going to public places talking to people and just saying they’re going to hell….even the people who are Christian and sin they say they are going to hell. Who are we to condemn to hell? If we condemn others we can be condemned ourselves so what are we not understanding here…..why can’t we teach and preach his word without saying people are going to hell for their life choices without knowing them

  • @fiftycalguru
    @fiftycalguru 4 года назад +1

    This one came right on time!!!

  • @martyholbrook91
    @martyholbrook91 4 года назад +1

    As always I thank you for your obedience and gift of teaching the word
    I have learned things that I've never known before and my understanding
    has grown a lot. I can't wait to learn something new.

  • @anisidouna4028
    @anisidouna4028 4 года назад

    Thank you brother Allan for this sharing. Yes, this is one of the biggest problem we have amongst fellow christians.
    Thank you & God bless your heart.

  • @Lazarusrizing
    @Lazarusrizing 4 года назад

    I loved, loved, LOVED that you asked the question that NO ONE ever asks themselves: "Have I ever made a racist comment?" Thank you. This subject is a big deal to me. Because I see professing Christians claim to never judge and abuse happens.

  • @Hvamp
    @Hvamp 2 года назад

    I totally agree with what you said. I try not to judge. I feel like my place is to love others and help others. We don’t know what is in someone’s heart. Only God knows.

  • @kennthashby6351
    @kennthashby6351 4 года назад +1

    Very well explained i been guilty of a few. Now i know better thanks Allen for giving a better understanding in this.

  • @2much4ujo
    @2much4ujo 4 года назад +1

    Some people can take exhortation as judgement

  • @warchild888
    @warchild888 3 года назад

    Brother Allen I am very grateful for you. This video has now helped me see a side of me that my wife has seen for the past couple of years that I haven’t seen, and it’s caused discord amongst myself and others and I’ve always blamed it on the other person because of my own self righteous legalistic ways of thinking. Passing judgement among others in an unbiblical way, and affirming those actions by believing I knew what was right and they didn’t. I think this is going to help save my marriage because I’ve been doing this so much and in a nasty way that it’s caused my wife to be disgusted by me, and a lot of it has to do with those who I have learned these negative judgmental, self-righteous, and pharisaical ways from. This is going to be a video that I will constantly come back to in order to do a self checkup

  • @iceman4660
    @iceman4660 4 года назад

    A scripturally balanced delivery. Keep up the good work.
    During this era of social media madness i think all Christians should watch this.

  • @alanspagnolia9474
    @alanspagnolia9474 4 года назад +1

    Another, well spoken, Holy Spirit Filled message, Brother Allen!! All HIS Best to you, and yours :) :) Alan

  • @Charlestuckernorton_
    @Charlestuckernorton_ 3 года назад +3

    What about false teachers and prophets? Are we not to judge them correctly? And then tell people to stay away, ie passing judgement?

  • @harveymartin8468
    @harveymartin8468 4 года назад +4

    Do we as Christians look at a woman that hits her husband the same way as we look at a husband that hits his wife???

    • @anthonyrodriguez625
      @anthonyrodriguez625 4 года назад +2

      I wish it was seen that way. someone on Facebook asked a good question. I'm curious what you think? If a man goes to jail for raping a woman? Should a woman go to jail for falsely accusing a man of rape?

    • @harveymartin8468
      @harveymartin8468 4 года назад +1

      Yes she should go to jail and she should get the same amount of time as the man would have gotten....
      Everyone screams for equality but I don't think they really want equality...
      And then most states the mere allegation with no proof is enough to send A men to prison...

    • @LillyMarz777
      @LillyMarz777 4 года назад

      @@anthonyrodriguez625 yes

  • @walkingintruth7
    @walkingintruth7 4 года назад

    John 7:24 Judge not according to appearance but judge righteous judgment

  • @zac2877
    @zac2877 2 года назад

    Thank you for this

  • @Jinkypigs
    @Jinkypigs 3 года назад +1

    Just want to clarify on thing. We should indeed judge ourselves first. But some might interprete it as we need to be perfect before we can judge others action. Which is not the case. We should need face and acknowledge our sin AND repent of them before God before judging others. And once we do repent, it behoves us to judge others with fear and humility.
    O and never judge yo condemn. That is reserved for God.

  • @spiritualmeat9421
    @spiritualmeat9421 2 года назад +1

    I am a Christian and an Evangelist, I've talked with many many people with all sorts of labels, including calling themselves Christians yet clearly not knowing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As Christians it is all of our job to Evangelize to others in some way as we can, to spread the good news.
    So, as far as judging a professed 'Christian's' Salvation, where do you think that line is to be able to evangelize to them even though they say they are Christian, and when we cannot evangelize simply because somebody says they are Christian? Please back up with Scripture.

  • @danielgeb2752
    @danielgeb2752 Год назад

    Thank you for your ministry! These videos are so great. I did work through it with a pencil and a notebook and my bible. So much love from Germany!

  • @myrnafields2075
    @myrnafields2075 3 года назад

    I've been waiting for something like this to show people. People say not to judge because they know they are in the wrong and don't want to be told that they are wrong. Some of the problem is that the word judge is subject to interpretation. Many don't understand how to apply it. It's not a blanket situation as you well explain. I thought your explanation was thorough and well put. Thank you for your ministry.

  • @victoryartist1641
    @victoryartist1641 3 года назад

    I had someone who said she was a leader I met her on zoom for a bible study. When everyone else left the call and it was just her and me she was very controlling I asked her not to be. Later she gave me the silent treatment when I saw her at church. It was painful and I tried to ask her to work it out. She refused to. She talked to my friends in front of me while ignoring me. I really haven’t been apart of my other friends for months because of her. In a time when little is open that is hard. I believe her behavior was lead my the enemy. Pray that God movies

  • @foghornleghorn262
    @foghornleghorn262 4 года назад +2

    Politically speaking, a politicians multi decade voting record should speak volumes on whether they are a true Christian or not. You are what you vote. Plain and simple.

  • @carolinem1698
    @carolinem1698 2 года назад +1

    Another way of putting not judging someone salvation is we do not judge others to condemn them.
    Don’t we make conclusions (judgments??) about other peoples character when we:
    1. are deciding if someone is the right person to marry. We don’t want to marry someone of bad character, a narcissist, an abuser, right?
    2. See (especially) your daughter choosing a spouse. It’s ultimately her choice in the US by custom, but don’t you make conclusions on the quality of this person? Doesn’t a parent want a child to choose a person of good qualities?
    3. If a friend asks to borrow your car. Do you take their past history of behavior into account when deciding to loan it to them? Are you going to loan your car to someone who is unrepentantly irresponsible in the past and wasn’t respectful of your property?
    I think we make judgments every day, all the time. Big important judgments and small less consequential judgments. As Christians we need to understand the biblical way of making judgments and what to do with those judgments. Do you loan your friend your car even though even with his history?

  • @larrylafferty3836
    @larrylafferty3836 3 года назад


  • @awkwardangiee8538
    @awkwardangiee8538 4 года назад

    I just want to compliment your answering layout. It is soooo good presented and makes my experience watching your videos educational and interesting. Your videos have literally answered soo many of my prayers. Thankyou Allen

  • @closetogod5010
    @closetogod5010 3 года назад +2

    I mean that you are not to associate with anyone who claims to be a believer yet indulges in sexual sin, or is greedy, or worships idols, or abusive, or is drunkard, or cheats people. Don't even eat with such people. It isn't my responsibility to judge outsiders, but is your responsibility to judge those inside the church who is sinning. 1st Corinthians 5:11 NLT

  • @lifeisbetterwithjesus
    @lifeisbetterwithjesus 4 года назад +1

    Good video, Allen. I suffer with judging others and myself a lot. Its nice to hear a video to clarify on this subject, it reminds me of the verse- for in the way you judge, you will be judged with the same measure... serious stuff! Going thru a lot right now. I appreciate the video tho!

  • @colmwhateveryoulike3240
    @colmwhateveryoulike3240 4 года назад

    Perfect timing. There's far too many channels who I genuinely worry about for their own sake. They do not bear the fruit of the spirit while they cry heresy and seem to see it everywhere. We should be seeking to build each other up.

  • @bakarrsesay7208
    @bakarrsesay7208 2 года назад

    Alen. Thank God for you. I am always blessed listening to your videos. Keep doing it and impacting lives.

  • @benniesdad1
    @benniesdad1 4 года назад

    Thanks Allen. We all need to hear this message and apply it to ourselves. I certainly find myself falling short in this area currently. This is a topic that is easier to talk about and see in others than it is to see in ourselves especially in the middle of our current political season.

  • @Derek_Baumgartner
    @Derek_Baumgartner 3 года назад +1

    I think a good way to look at it, perhaps: any time you think of judging someone, view it as a queue with the first defendant being the mirror.
    God wants us to draw closer to Him - and to 'judge righteous judgment.'
    The passage of the plank in my eye and the mote in my brother's is not saying 'do not judge,' but 'clean up yourself first, then help your brother.' It's a call to action: first to yourself, *so that* you may then help your brother.
    Sin is more wicked than many think, and a big part of why is because it hampers us from being able to help others as we are designed to do.
    One more note: 'love is the supreme ethic,' to quote the late Ravi Zacharias. If love is not motivating your desire to judge someone, *stop*.
    Note that love is not merely 'fuzzy feelings,' but 'to will the good of another.'
    It is a loving thing to stop evil: it is loving to confront a problem, and it is *unloving* to let it continue rolling over someone (whether that problem be rolling over the person who has it, or if it causes the person that has it to roll over others, or both!).
    It is also unloving to try to place yourself as 'superior' over someone or to 'judge someone' so that you feel good about your own standing.
    I've a long way to go, but Jesus is faithful.
    Thanks for this vid!

  • @shadowmist1246
    @shadowmist1246 3 года назад +1

    Good list. Can sum it all up easily with: CHRISTIANS may: judge actions and words GOD only can: judge heart (salvation, motive, maturity, etc)

  • @phyllisweaver8911
    @phyllisweaver8911 3 года назад

    Amen and Amen!

  • @roderickguy1309
    @roderickguy1309 2 года назад +1

    So how do we reconcile this with “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers”? Shouldn’t you judge them before marriage ?

  • @viridesi7684
    @viridesi7684 4 года назад +1

    I feel like god spoke to me with this video. Yesterday I criticized my brother’s beliefs in god. I felt really bad about it. Yes we made up.

  • @briangriffin2704
    @briangriffin2704 3 года назад

    Really well said and very biblical. This a great topic that needs to be addressed more in the church. Thanks for tackling it.

  • @NoahBuie
    @NoahBuie 3 года назад +1

    I judge people's fruit because I do not want them to go to hell.

  • @lexiegreen4501
    @lexiegreen4501 4 года назад

    We as christians should be helping our brothers & sisters walk more like christ everyday. We’re all broken & need Jesus so badly y’all. It left me in tears when i realized how much i need Jesus .

  • @KM-zn3lx
    @KM-zn3lx Год назад

    A Christian friend clearly felt I was wrong for missing church for vacation, and now will again to visit grandchildren over weekend.Shes judgy KJV only as well... she attends church once on Wed and twice on Sundays

  • @mrsbdubc2174
    @mrsbdubc2174 3 года назад

    I've been doing a lot of research on how to judge according to the Bible, this has helped me out a lot, thanks!

  • @tiffanyshine2733
    @tiffanyshine2733 Год назад

    Amen!! You have such amazing biblical teaching!

  • @marcelodonnici9429
    @marcelodonnici9429 4 года назад

    Thank you Allen! God bless you!
    Greetings from Argentina!

  • @lukeswain1752
    @lukeswain1752 3 месяца назад

    How much judging is done out of pure love and compassion for another person, VS to puff up your own ego and feel better about yourself by making them bellow you? I would say, 99% of "judgment" even amongst Christians is done out of the latter. Its so easy to get puffed up and feel like Mr or Mrs perfect and holy. But man. I am no better then my fellow man and woman. If anything, I am bellow. How could i ever cast judgment on a beautiful creation of God?? Who am i to judge my fellow human, when in the eyes of God, i am just as guilty??

  • @Blossom20000
    @Blossom20000 4 года назад

    This is absolutely brilliant. This is explained so well. Thanks so much for this teaching. I have learned so much from this. PRAISE GOD 👑 👑👑

  • @cwmiller
    @cwmiller 4 месяца назад

    I honestly enjoy being around non-christians more than "Self-professed" Christians. It's too exhausting being around all the judgement. I'd sooner just avoid being placed in the position to begin with.

  • @Kiaburrell27
    @Kiaburrell27 4 года назад +1

    Allen remember it is written by their fruit you will know them.

  • @frederickgodchaux561
    @frederickgodchaux561 3 года назад

    Your videos are awesome thanks for helping out God bless everyone who sees this

  • @omgcomedeeshow
    @omgcomedeeshow 4 года назад

    This was a much needed video Allen. Thank you!

  • @emmausdosa2666
    @emmausdosa2666 4 года назад

    Another great vid and true fact we should judge ourselves before we should judge others

  • @MrDouglas0307
    @MrDouglas0307 4 года назад

    Thank You for this brother Allen. This was convicting and I needed this.

  • @ct2634
    @ct2634 4 года назад

    Thanks Brother Allen for this lesson.