Hey mate. I am looking at your videos on a daily basis even if I have stopped playing LoL many many years ago. Sometimes you say: This is busted! - for a specific build or situation. What I want to say is that you are making that happen, many MANY other players in the same situation could not pull out what you can. You are a strong player and you have a rare understanding of the game and builds and an even better a entertainer. Big congratulations and thank you for the high quality and regular content!
It's unfortunate you had to go through this pain, but I hope you take comfort in the fact it was really fun to wach Ahri adc dash everywhere and own everbody. Thanks for the content man :)
The bots/derankers problem is crazy dude. I never realized how insane it was until I started watching my boyfriend try to play and climb his way out of low elo hell. He plays ADC which looks like one of the most infuriating roles to play in this elo. There was one game I remember in particular where he had an Anivia jungle but she ran tp instead of smite. She actually began the game by going straight to his lane and stealing his farm and soaking up his and the support’s XP. After a couple minutes of doing that, when the ally bot lane tried to back, Anivia put up her wall in order to stop her own allies’ recall. Did not know but apparently you can do that…. She also made sure to int herself exactly two times before moving onto another lane. Then she went to mid lane and harassed Ahri. This proceeded for the rest of the game. She stole Ahri’s farm and soaked up XP, then when Ahri was engaging in a fight with the enemy mid laner, Anivia put up a wall to block Ahri off from escaping when low. This forced Ahri to have to flash over the wall to get away. Then Anivia put up her wall multiple times to stop Ahri’s back, causing her to have to try and back again and again. As Anivia hung out in mid lane the rest of the game, she did the same things over and once she actually succeeded in getting Ahri stuck against the wall and that’s where she died, getting attacked by three enemy champions. In the end, Anivia just made team fights less fruitful and more difficult by trying to sabotage her own team, but never dying herself. She would afk in the jungle waiting for her allies to come running her direction as they fled from the enemy, and would also try to block their path. Of course they lost in the end. Absolutely eye-opening game I watched. This was an actual calculated loss and ally team sabotage... 💀
I just played a game where we were winning and everything looked amazing, then all of a sudden Gnar just stopped fighting because "a psychic told him all of our team would die in real life if we won." I hate league sometimes
This literally feels like every single game of league for me in the past few months. I hope these new changes switch things up. League is a trash game due to zero policing of trolls, afks, and inters.
This is the riot MMR zwag, it's designed to not let u climb, unless u play 50 games a day on same account you cannot climb. Ur experience in this game is 80% of players experiences. It's quite sad that riot either doesnt care or just can't fix the problems.
Ahri works with any items and any runes, like Teemo and Ezreal. This exists ever since she was released in 2011. The AP Ahri Deathfire grasp (the only exception is for fighting agaisn't armor tanks with health, that's what the Deathfire was for, deleting tanks) is a myth based on how much moanings per AP second she can do, because she got nerfed on Jan of 2012 and 2015 Season 5, ever since she's lost her Full AP build. The playerbase continued to play AP Ahri because of the popularity of the skins and moaning sounds of Luden's proc, ever since It got release, which also got nerfed in June of 2015. The OP itens were the secret of her overpowering abilities as AP, not her as a AP champion. All the other builds have always been available, but most players tend to do what's popular and what 'everybody does'. I used to play with many different kinds of builds with Ahri since she was released before 2012, most players did on the PBE because she was a new champion. Mainly after the nerfs on her AP scalings It never became worth to build her Full AP, there are many different options now because of the new runes.
This is literally every game in bronze elo right now and the exact reason I stopped playing. It's straight up impossible to climb even if you have 20+ kills every game because in every single game you will have 3+ team mates that are either bots, trolls or just completely brain-dead. Oh and don't forget they are all toxic as hell too... Definitely the worst state the game has been in ever since I started playing.
Sadly it's hard to deal with fresh 30 account issues. If you add extra barriers, they take longer to get passed, making it less efficient for the bots and such, but it also makes the accounts more valuable and higher demand as people don't want to have to work passed those thresholds themselves, so it solves nothing.
Doesn't Work at all. Taric cast animations are too long. It is only possible if you start the build with Iceborn Gauntlet and are against champs that don't have dashes and don't outscale you after the first item.
Swag: "Ow. I wanna play Top AD Ahri." Riot: "Ok. We will give the enemy both champs that counter dashes and Morgana. And will give you AFK Yuumi in return."
Hi Zwag! Greetings. I'm thinking of Muramana to this build. I think Ahri's W will apply Muramana damage. I have tried something similar on ARAM, but the game ended too soon after, so couldn't be sure of all 3 shots apply it separately or just once, but anyway for 2-3 minutes playing with Muramana I had good amount of damage done by it. If it's working I would love to see updated version of the build in your videos. Wish you all the beat from Bulgaria!
that yuumi sitting on top of him was the rotten cherry on top of the garbage cake. after griefing and running it down time after time, giving enemies a bunch of free gold (even worse than just sitting in fountain), she sits on him to nullify his hullbreaker and doesn't heal or ult once.
just a lil tip; If u play this build vs Garen/Darius/Volibear or all the top laner who want just run-in down you, you can also pick Manaflow band and Celerity or Trascendence and Celerity
Imagine all of the graphs and statistics on Ahri's winrate and damage being an illusion all of this time. All the mastery points, Ahri mains, skins, dresses, makeup, picks and bans, proplays etc... Ahri has always build like differently every game, she's mobile and very versatile as a champion Itself, can be played with basically any item in the game. The players created an illusion based on the OP AP itens there were back then like Akali, Katarina, Evelynn etc. They've always tried to recreate the same effect of these assassins on her. Point Click, Kill, but there are many other options actually.
This is just bronze elo every single game. You play your best, and the rest of your team just completely gives up after their first death, therefore making you UNABLE TO WIN.
Oi Zwag, try bruiser Leona with Heartsteel. I'm curious how good it will be, because Leona can stick to other people quite effectively so Sunfire and Heartsteel would be a real menace
Yea he is a cry baby, playing in low ELO and whining about his teammates. What a fun way to live your life lmao. No wonder "fun team" makes so much fun of him.
lol he was dealing with 4 ppl lmao. you can be good and have bad moments. as an AP main that morg bind was awful. that was a severe misplay on zwags part.
I love playing Ahri but you're right. Her AP does do that much damage and when Riot gives her a descent damage, they inmedeatly nerf her. At least she's still very good for making pick, or peal off enemie though.
This is what most games feel like to me lol. And sometimes are almost exactly this. Youre 12/1 while the rest of your team is negative or literally inting and if you had even a single proper teammate you could stand a chance... This game needs a 3v3 mode. 5 people per team is just way too many its infuriating relying so much on teammates not feeding the enemy
I had a Lucian game where I had 50+ kills but we lost. We had 55 kills total and the enemy team had 60+. The only reason I didnt win is because they had Tryndamere
The game will force you to go 50% win rate. It's your job to socialize and make them better players than the system rates them to be. Social skills is apart of the game as much as mechanical and strategy. It's unfortunate that the game is this way.
Literally everyone you killed after leaving top lane was shut down. Never seen such insane game. Even trynda that was worth 100 gold got somehow to 600 shutdown.
..did someone remember that times when mages always went mid, top was a lane about 2 tanks afk farming for 30min, and botlane.. well, botlane never changed, it was shit, it is shit,and so it will be. What a great times...
Asking for a max move speed lethality jungle Hecarim build to try and make some squishy mages or ADCs miserable. Running Predator, Sudden Impact, Eyeball, and Relentless, and building Youmuu's, Rapid Firecannon, Prowlers Claw, and Spear of Shojin, and/or maybe an Edge of Night, Dead Man's or Collector.
You feel like Ahri does no damage with ap items because she does no damage with ap items.. The pain of playing a mage, you actually have tradeoffs as a champion. Ahri gets mobility from her ult so she's not allowed to have damage.
It's weird though because I've played Ahri and did well enough to get a lead and be in a good position but felt underpowered enough to make it feel like playing from behind. On the other hand, I've been in games with an Ahri on enemy team or mine and they somehow delete everything. There's gotta be something you need to know about Ahri to get that damage output or something because it's not the build itslef.
Reddit section on Ahri Mains is a waste of time basically. There has been thousands of ways on how to play Ahri since 2011 and 2012 - _ - Everyone builds full AP, It took more than 10+ years to people realize something so simple. I stopped playing with Ahri because Lissandra and Lulu were too OP lol. I'm playing her again now, my fav. build was Hextech Gunblade Ahri, I didn't know Riot still made the Item available, when I played way back in 2012, the item was disabled and there were many different itens back in Season 1 and 2, many things changed. I was forced to build Abyssal Scepter everysingle game as AP - _ - Broken Item, took Riot many years to realize something was oddly unbalanced with that item. I still think Riot needs to create more itens and give buffs to many champions and different AP itens in the game. Create more diversity and creativity on stats etc.
I don't think it works. Titanic wont get you bonus AD because heartsteel wont give you any bonus HP since it gets converted to AD. And also the special hit from heartsteel would deal less damage because you don't have bonus HP stacked up.
I’m reading the comments before getting into the video and it looks like I’m in for a classic Riot games can’t care to prevent people from ruining their game
Negativity breeds negativity. Think positive. BELIEVE GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN. Will it into existence. The first step in learning how to use the magic is that you have to believe in your heart that the magic is real. Got to believe to use it.
3:10 - "They need to do something to stop them from just going straight into ranked" Level 30 is literally supposed to be that. There's nothing else that can be done, because anything short of requiring a credit card to enter ranked will be resolvable by botting.
@@bearj.4363 idk how many games it'd take for an afk bot to passively win 5 games, but unless they get found out and banned they'll eventually get there. surely there're some contextual keypress statistics they can track over multiple games. easy example is a yuumi that plays a full 30 min game and doesn't ult ONCE. not that's it's as simple as a single factor analysis, but they have a virtually infinite amount of ingame data they track. they ought to be able to come up with an algorithm to flag these accounts.
@@fredisk6745 Could be decent. Need mana, though, since you'll have a heap of ability haste. Would have to go duskblade, essence, maybe still hullbreaker, seryldas, cleaver etc
Ahri and Kassadin would be AD hard carries in Dota. It's not about scaling. Is about the potential of your kit. Hell, back when Kassadin's W gave you 90 armor pen I played AD kassadin and it was melting people because the best counter to AD carry is running. Can't run from blink heroes.
"Why they all use flash to run from me?" Do you desperately need a answer to your question? I don't think that when you have low hp, you yourself blink at the enemies to give them a kill. Dumbest complaint I've ever heard.
This game is a prime example of what all of low elo is like for the rest of us when we're trying to climb or even just play in general.
u are 1 of them
Hard stuck bronze support because of this, never 2 good games in a row, always a suicidal adc
@@correoelectronico5296so cringey , I hope you got 1v5 every game
@@itmekai not every but a lot of em
@@DrEpic9000 switch lane and u will see the problem is you
By the third or fourth flash away from Zwag I was in hysterics, this poor man
Bro that was me on everything. I was like screw it just keep pushing
Hey mate. I am looking at your videos on a daily basis even if I have stopped playing LoL many many years ago.
Sometimes you say: This is busted! - for a specific build or situation.
What I want to say is that you are making that happen, many MANY other players in the same situation could not pull out what you can.
You are a strong player and you have a rare understanding of the game and builds and an even better a entertainer.
Big congratulations and thank you for the high quality and regular content!
This is really low elo that even 30 level fresh bot accounts get into his games, no actual human interaction in this elo, bots or npcs..
@@ataberk3539shut up nerd
This is the kind of match that makes people drop the game altogether.
Jep I left for example am between plat and dia in abilities in solo couldnt get out of silver
@@jamesbissick3439 I was 🤗
@@IvoryMiststhat's what they all say 😂
@@IvoryMistsyou were and you are, they are 2 completely different things.
It's unfortunate you had to go through this pain, but I hope you take comfort in the fact it was really fun to wach Ahri adc dash everywhere and own everbody. Thanks for the content man :)
The bots/derankers problem is crazy dude. I never realized how insane it was until I started watching my boyfriend try to play and climb his way out of low elo hell. He plays ADC which looks like one of the most infuriating roles to play in this elo.
There was one game I remember in particular where he had an Anivia jungle but she ran tp instead of smite. She actually began the game by going straight to his lane and stealing his farm and soaking up his and the support’s XP. After a couple minutes of doing that, when the ally bot lane tried to back, Anivia put up her wall in order to stop her own allies’ recall. Did not know but apparently you can do that…. She also made sure to int herself exactly two times before moving onto another lane.
Then she went to mid lane and harassed Ahri. This proceeded for the rest of the game. She stole Ahri’s farm and soaked up XP, then when Ahri was engaging in a fight with the enemy mid laner, Anivia put up a wall to block Ahri off from escaping when low. This forced Ahri to have to flash over the wall to get away. Then Anivia put up her wall multiple times to stop Ahri’s back, causing her to have to try and back again and again. As Anivia hung out in mid lane the rest of the game, she did the same things over and once she actually succeeded in getting Ahri stuck against the wall and that’s where she died, getting attacked by three enemy champions.
In the end, Anivia just made team fights less fruitful and more difficult by trying to sabotage her own team, but never dying herself. She would afk in the jungle waiting for her allies to come running her direction as they fled from the enemy, and would also try to block their path. Of course they lost in the end.
Absolutely eye-opening game I watched. This was an actual calculated loss and ally team sabotage... 💀
Zwag: Don't forfeit a 4v5
Game: is insanely hard to win
Zwag: *surprised Pikachu face*
I don't play league anymore, but I've been watching Zwag for months, and only now realized "Cut the grass" is "Coup de Grace". I'm dead lol.
Damn same
I am so sorry for that terrible team. Even if Yuumi just went you instead of anyone else would have made things easier.
She did at the end and that's what screwed Zwag...
easye dosen
No it wouldn’t have because the yuumi never used any abilities just sat afk on someone
literally. didnt see a single shield lol@@mrjamezjc9845
I just played a game where we were winning and everything looked amazing, then all of a sudden Gnar just stopped fighting because "a psychic told him all of our team would die in real life if we won."
I hate league sometimes
“Did Zwag get the first 6 CS?”
No, he missed a caster minion
Lose Streak: 1
Sorry, I have a night class
imagine how busted this build would be with a frozen mallet
What’s a frozen mallet
Good old days of frozen mallet gaming
I see you're a man of culture as well
@@maranpakeerit was an ad item that gave health and slowed the enemy every auto.
@@maranpakeer it's what you would build on grasp Senna
Zwag's daily challenge: carrying 4 brainless puppies!
puppies have more brain cells than those on zwag's team lol
At least puppies are cute lol could not say the same for those guys
This literally feels like every single game of league for me in the past few months. I hope these new changes switch things up. League is a trash game due to zero policing of trolls, afks, and inters.
Its bots for me
Love how swag hates on smurfs when thats all he does
Im so glad you just call it Cut The Grass now, every time I hear it it gets slightly funnier
This is the riot MMR zwag, it's designed to not let u climb, unless u play 50 games a day on same account you cannot climb. Ur experience in this game is 80% of players experiences. It's quite sad that riot either doesnt care or just can't fix the problems.
Ahri works with any items and any runes, like Teemo and Ezreal. This exists ever since she was released in 2011.
The AP Ahri Deathfire grasp (the only exception is for fighting agaisn't armor tanks with health, that's what the Deathfire was for, deleting tanks) is a myth based on how much moanings per AP second she can do, because she got nerfed on Jan of 2012 and 2015 Season 5, ever since she's lost her Full AP build. The playerbase continued to play AP Ahri because of the popularity of the skins and moaning sounds of Luden's proc, ever since It got release, which also got nerfed in June of 2015. The OP itens were the secret of her overpowering abilities as AP, not her as a AP champion. All the other builds have always been available, but most players tend to do what's popular and what 'everybody does'. I used to play with many different kinds of builds with Ahri since she was released before 2012, most players did on the PBE because she was a new champion. Mainly after the nerfs on her AP scalings It never became worth to build her Full AP, there are many different options now because of the new runes.
This is literally every game in bronze elo right now and the exact reason I stopped playing. It's straight up impossible to climb even if you have 20+ kills every game because in every single game you will have 3+ team mates that are either bots, trolls or just completely brain-dead. Oh and don't forget they are all toxic as hell too... Definitely the worst state the game has been in ever since I started playing.
Sadly it's hard to deal with fresh 30 account issues. If you add extra barriers, they take longer to get passed, making it less efficient for the bots and such, but it also makes the accounts more valuable and higher demand as people don't want to have to work passed those thresholds themselves, so it solves nothing.
I would like to see an On-hit Taric. Keep up the great work. Day 45
Sounds fun.
Doesn't Work at all. Taric cast animations are too long. It is only possible if you start the build with Iceborn Gauntlet and are against champs that don't have dashes and don't outscale you after the first item.
21:30 And Taric came by just to remove your Hullbreaker buff. :D
This game is so funny.
If u wouldnt have posted this, i would not had that comeback with my ahri main... thx❤❤im playin ahri again🙌🏻
My heart was literally beating so hard put of frustration for Zwaggie boy. Ughhhhh
Swag: "Ow. I wanna play Top AD Ahri."
Riot: "Ok. We will give the enemy both champs that counter dashes and Morgana. And will give you AFK Yuumi in return."
"Riot needs to put something in the game to stop them going straight into ranked", hmm like leveling an account to level 30? It just doesnt work.
Jungle Diana
Conq - Triumph - Alacrity - Coup de Grace // shoes, cosmic insight
Nashors, Jak'Sho, Demonic Embrace - Fight for days!
Mid Diana
Phase Rush - Manaflow - Absolute Focus - Scorch // shield bash + something
Hi Zwag! Greetings. I'm thinking of Muramana to this build. I think Ahri's W will apply Muramana damage. I have tried something similar on ARAM, but the game ended too soon after, so couldn't be sure of all 3 shots apply it separately or just once, but anyway for 2-3 minutes playing with Muramana I had good amount of damage done by it. If it's working I would love to see updated version of the build in your videos. Wish you all the beat from Bulgaria!
this is why playing games vs AI is a better learning experience than low elo games.
that yuumi sitting on top of him was the rotten cherry on top of the garbage cake. after griefing and running it down time after time, giving enemies a bunch of free gold (even worse than just sitting in fountain), she sits on him to nullify his hullbreaker and doesn't heal or ult once.
Day 3 of asking for full ap Tryndamere
Excuse me??
With RoA, unkillable healing mashie
I don't think this is the video for asking for a request lol...
@LightYagamiClips yall aint heard of wizardmere? From foggedftw?
The fact you're 85% of your teams KDA at the point I'm watching and the yuumi doesn't stick to you is mind boggling.
Insanely unlucky, I feel you
If i were you my monitor would've enjoyed it alot trust me how do you stay so calm with that fucking team
just a lil tip; If u play this build vs Garen/Darius/Volibear or all the top laner who want just run-in down you, you can also pick Manaflow band and Celerity or Trascendence and Celerity
10:36 - Yuumi purchased Mejai's 😆
And that’s why I quit playing this game 5y ago but still enjoying zwag playing it today
Morgana was amazing. Very impressing binds.
Thanks for the great vid Zwag!
I enjoy watching your videos with Kingdom Hearts soundratck xD
Imagine all of the graphs and statistics on Ahri's winrate and damage being an illusion all of this time. All the mastery points, Ahri mains, skins, dresses, makeup, picks and bans, proplays etc... Ahri has always build like differently every game, she's mobile and very versatile as a champion Itself, can be played with basically any item in the game. The players created an illusion based on the OP AP itens there were back then like Akali, Katarina, Evelynn etc. They've always tried to recreate the same effect of these assassins on her. Point Click, Kill, but there are many other options actually.
This is just bronze elo every single game. You play your best, and the rest of your team just completely gives up after their first death, therefore making you UNABLE TO WIN.
Oi Zwag, try bruiser Leona with Heartsteel. I'm curious how good it will be, because Leona can stick to other people quite effectively so Sunfire and Heartsteel would be a real menace
"the morgana bind missed so bad i dashed into it" lol in no world can he imagine people are on his level
Yea he is a cry baby, playing in low ELO and whining about his teammates. What a fun way to live your life lmao. No wonder "fun team" makes so much fun of him.
lol he was dealing with 4 ppl lmao. you can be good and have bad moments. as an AP main that morg bind was awful. that was a severe misplay on zwags part.
@@alotek2408he’s making bank playing video games - you watched through the entire video and are now commenting on it, producing revenue for him.
I love playing Ahri but you're right. Her AP does do that much damage and when Riot gives her a descent damage, they inmedeatly nerf her.
At least she's still very good for making pick, or peal off enemie though.
Welcome to my world Zwag .Agugugu gagaga players 🤣🤣🤣
This is what most games feel like to me lol.
And sometimes are almost exactly this.
Youre 12/1 while the rest of your team is negative or literally inting and if you had even a single proper teammate you could stand a chance...
This game needs a 3v3 mode.
5 people per team is just way too many its infuriating relying so much on teammates not feeding the enemy
there used to be a 3v3 mode (twisted treeline) but they got rid of it for some reason
I had a Lucian game where I had 50+ kills but we lost. We had 55 kills total and the enemy team had 60+. The only reason I didnt win is because they had Tryndamere
This is definitely an example of how it is in low elo all the time, never can get 2 good games in a row
Saw this on someones Tweet and knew id see it on RUclips eventually
anyone tell me if theres a way you dont see adverts on twitch,i was watching this game but had to leave the adverts were torture .
Yoo the kingdom hearts song "dearly beloved" tho 16:01
BRO I PLAYED AGAINST ZWAG YESTERDAY?!?!?! I AM BEARDED GUNDAM!! Holy HELL BRO you had me pissed but i was like just keep swimming bro lol wiiiild
I think my anxiety came back just because of this game
So you're the reason I had an Ahri in my top lane go 0/4 trying to do this.
The game will force you to go 50% win rate. It's your job to socialize and make them better players than the system rates them to be. Social skills is apart of the game as much as mechanical and strategy. It's unfortunate that the game is this way.
Literally everyone you killed after leaving top lane was shut down. Never seen such insane game. Even trynda that was worth 100 gold got somehow to 600 shutdown.
Why on earth didnt you sell hullbreaker for a tear item 😂😂😂
..did someone remember that times when mages always went mid, top was a lane about 2 tanks afk farming for 30min, and botlane.. well, botlane never changed, it was shit, it is shit,and so it will be.
What a great times...
Asking for a max move speed lethality jungle Hecarim build to try and make some squishy mages or ADCs miserable.
Running Predator, Sudden Impact, Eyeball, and Relentless, and building Youmuu's, Rapid Firecannon, Prowlers Claw, and Spear of Shojin, and/or maybe an Edge of Night, Dead Man's or Collector.
8:43 Yummy said challenge accepted
Since they plan to reserve everything for you, why don't you get a Quicksilver Sash?
Hi Zwag, can you play AP Jax build from Thebausffs?
Hi! I've just started playing LoL, and I have a question, is Ahri a counter for Nidalee?
Curse of the yumi
You saving your flashes and Ults and them using their flashes and Ults for you uhhh the irony 😂.
This is how bad player matching is in LOL and Riot has no fucking clue how to resolve it
You feel like Ahri does no damage with ap items because she does no damage with ap items.. The pain of playing a mage, you actually have tradeoffs as a champion. Ahri gets mobility from her ult so she's not allowed to have damage.
It's weird though because I've played Ahri and did well enough to get a lead and be in a good position but felt underpowered enough to make it feel like playing from behind. On the other hand, I've been in games with an Ahri on enemy team or mine and they somehow delete everything. There's gotta be something you need to know about Ahri to get that damage output or something because it's not the build itslef.
Reddit section on Ahri Mains is a waste of time basically. There has been thousands of ways on how to play Ahri since 2011 and 2012 - _ -
Everyone builds full AP, It took more than 10+ years to people realize something so simple. I stopped playing with Ahri because Lissandra and Lulu were too OP lol. I'm playing her again now, my fav. build was Hextech Gunblade Ahri, I didn't know Riot still made the Item available, when I played way back in 2012, the item was disabled and there were many different itens back in Season 1 and 2, many things changed. I was forced to build Abyssal Scepter everysingle game as AP - _ - Broken Item, took Riot many years to realize something was oddly unbalanced with that item. I still think Riot needs to create more itens and give buffs to many champions and different AP itens in the game. Create more diversity and creativity on stats etc.
Heartsteal Kass? Saw one in ARAM and it was surprisingly good.
Zwag whines the whole game.This shit makes me die lol.
This shit happened to me just last week except our support wasn't a bot, just very immature and ran it down because the adc died in an early 4v2 gank.
Second skin of the day: Coven Ahri (Tanzanite).
Episode 1 asking for tank ivern because daisy stacks heartsteal
I like the team split.. if I am trying to climb and some challenger smurf joins the game.. this is how it can be somewhat fair..
Day 2 of begging zwag to do blooper reel of his failed games and or funny fails moments, like “the every “my canon”” video
Zwag could heartsteel titanic hydra pyke work? Double AD conversion from his passive?
I don't think it works. Titanic wont get you bonus AD because heartsteel wont give you any bonus HP since it gets converted to AD. And also the special hit from heartsteel would deal less damage because you don't have bonus HP stacked up.
I’m reading the comments before getting into the video and it looks like I’m in for a classic Riot games can’t care to prevent people from ruining their game
Day 37 of asking zwag to play Eve sup with barrier
Ahri is like a kai sah adc, but instead of stealth she has cc, which is better
Yeah they gutted her ap ratios, and killed the damage amp on e makes more sense to play her ad now
12:40 I was that Morgana and that bind was calculated (no I wasn't I just like lying on the internet)
thats how 90% of my games down here in bronze looks like...
Negativity breeds negativity. Think positive. BELIEVE GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN.
Will it into existence.
The first step in learning how to use the magic is that you have to believe in your heart that the magic is real. Got to believe to use it.
3:10 - "They need to do something to stop them from just going straight into ranked"
Level 30 is literally supposed to be that. There's nothing else that can be done, because anything short of requiring a credit card to enter ranked will be resolvable by botting.
Valorant requires 5 wins to queue into ranked
@@bearj.4363 idk how many games it'd take for an afk bot to passively win 5 games, but unless they get found out and banned they'll eventually get there.
surely there're some contextual keypress statistics they can track over multiple games.
easy example is a yuumi that plays a full 30 min game and doesn't ult ONCE.
not that's it's as simple as a single factor analysis, but they have a virtually infinite amount of ingame data they track.
they ought to be able to come up with an algorithm to flag these accounts.
I’m not understanding what the Yuumi’s intentions of losing are. Can someone explain what their aim is?
Would this build work better with Axiom? More dashes?
Prolly not so much, arc needs lethality after all, to increase the cd refund. And if u would go full letha ahrii, i have no idea how that does
@@fredisk6745 Could be decent. Need mana, though, since you'll have a heap of ability haste. Would have to go duskblade, essence, maybe still hullbreaker, seryldas, cleaver etc
For those who don't get it, I'm joking
low elo ranked is a legit wasteland and there's no saving it.
To be fair you put yourself in this position by not FF'ing, sure you can still win but it's going to be miserable.
Ahri and Kassadin would be AD hard carries in Dota. It's not about scaling. Is about the potential of your kit. Hell, back when Kassadin's W gave you 90 armor pen I played AD kassadin and it was melting people because the best counter to AD carry is running. Can't run from blink heroes.
That game is the perfect example to RIOT around the major problems with their game and system.
That's false advertising, that was a 1v8.
"Why they all use flash to run from me?" Do you desperately need a answer to your question? I don't think that when you have low hp, you yourself blink at the enemies to give them a kill. Dumbest complaint I've ever heard.
“Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?”
No, he missed a caster minion
Lose Streak: 1
Not Kyle I know
Where is Kyle
@@sacktapping1789here now
I hear.. Tarm Ruins in the background... from Oracle of Seasons..
I hope this doesn't catch on, there's already an Ahri in every game
Zwag I seems to only significant damage on ahri is ever frost or Liandrys
Really need to stop them from going into rank.
Yeah it's call hitting lvl 30.
Each time you kill someone - it is a streak 600+ gold
welcome to literally every game I play solo que....