Samira was mad for no reason, Yasuo sells all his items, Fiora spamming surrender votes despite their team being up in kills, the enemy Viego on drugs and clearly obsessed with McDonalds. Just your typical Zwag game
Props to the fiora, even though she was starting ff votes and clearly wanted out, she kept playing and didnt flame or spam ping. Although I have no idea why Samira was so salty in the first place. Some people need to learn how to be carried
samira is ADC so she thinks or believe that without the ADC game is lost. cause ADC = attack damage CARRY or she is salty that the fact her support is better and taking the gold (CS&Kills)
if samira players aren't babysat and feel like they are winning lane, they complain. its a do or die champ and people play her to get the strong win, ignoring the chance for being super shat on. least that's what I see when I play with a samira
Not true, I always get worried when a blitz is on my team, because it seems to be guaranteed that the only hook he hits all game is a 16/2 Darius right onto out team. And I know we've all been there......
@@coltonthomas2547 i've been the fed toplaner who got grabbed several times. never stops to amuse me. often when i'm ahead i just let myself get grabbed intentionally just to get a free flash :)
@@phoenix402 100% I enjoy master yi kraken rageblade DEATHS DANCE, when the enemy picks blitz I'm like well shit don't get bursted + resets for ult + deaths dance cleanse dmg.
This is bullshit. He fucked up Samira's game for sake of his own shining. He didnt play his role, he didn't let Samira last hit minions, but he let Samira do 1 vs 2 bottom, and he let the bottom turret just go down because he wanted to get a kill on top. For a turret ! Only a very selfish and retard player do this. He was just lucky because the opponent was bad and they didn't utilieze his egoism. He always select videos against noobs. Always. He has 100k damage in every game, all other players has only 30k. Isn't something fishy ? And noob teen spectators admire them for these carefully picked victories. They think this is the usual. He was very bad in this game. Again. Lack of discipline means defeat against even a mediocre opponent. It's called trolling, and it makes the chaos only. He has a quite disgusting personality to be honest. To be good by stepping on others shoulder, and then acting like a hero: "My whole team raged at me for playing AP Blitzcrank Support... then I carried the game" - jeeez, they expected a support and they got a selfish ego instead. It was not "then" it didn't happen after something, it happened from the start. 763 thumbs up, he must love that. That is why he does it. Narcissism. Self admiring.
@@nicholasniap2720 as an ex-one trick yasuo, I stopped playing him because people just get angry for him getting picked, but since 99.99% of them act like a spoiled brat, I kinda understand
@@mmr1137 I do am guilty for flaming a teammate who plays still even though he is weak since I think that he'll just be a dinner for the enemy teams which makes them more stronger which makes the game finish sooner with an L on us, but I do appreciate people like u man, thanks for helping and playing even with a loss
i hate that adc attitude. like so fuckin what if your support gets all the kills by accident or on purpose? if you were csing right you're still way ahead of the enemy adc AND he'll have an easier time getting you more kills in the future. They just have that main character syndrome where they have to be the one with the big first number.
@@drakenguard95 this happens to me a lot when I play senna support my last game I was full build with lethal tempo too so many enemies would of got out but I last hit at max range with cannon and tempo and got flamed like my adc had virtually no range but because I secure the kill they get mad
@@drakenguard95 i smell a supporttttt main 💀💀💀 point of an adc is to carry and do damage. tanky supports shouldn’t be kill stealing if they’re building useless support items. enchantress supports (lux, morg mainly) can scale pretty hard which is totally fine if they kill steal. honestly just depends on the support. second a janna, soraka, or sona kill steals, im throwing hands.
Zwag: "I got autofilled" Samira: "Don't queue sup if you don't want to play it" Me: "Does Samira know what autofill is?" I know he didn't actually get autofilled, but she doesn't.
I’m not saying samira should flame but they could’ve played it better. He had Q, passive and ignite and viego was still 5. They could’ve easily turned the fight around and still walk out alive
Its very entertaining when you play with randoms sometimes just for the true league experience and all the unwarranted emotions that go with it. As a sup main I felt this. There are games where I just play better than my adc and they don't like it.
Man what a comeback. One could say it's was the fiora/rengar that kept this game alive, or the Yas that decided to start playing at some point or even the Samira that played while flaming. But i feel like the 20+ kills blitz support constantly getting picks had something to do with it.
This samira gives me ptsd Just this week I had the very same Zeri laner (random, played sup cuz my friends took other lanes). She was way more... Expressive let's say, with pings and all. And I've literally won her lane and then we've won the game. And she did less than the enemy 0/9 supp. Still flaming, saying she's been diamond and she knows the game, stats don't matter and shit (0 dmg, 0 vision, a few stolen kills/given by me b4 I abandoned botlane to keep myself from stress). Man, where those people pop up from.
Last night had one game where I went Morgan supp and jhin went apeshit . I got rooted 2 times by seraphine in lane and died and then the third time i rooted enemy ashe under our turret he ults in their face and died before he could kill anyone and just asked me to not stay in lane. I went on helping my jg and ganked every other lane and enemy bot got overconfident and tower dived jhin and threw. We won via top/jg and after jhin just went on how he carried bot 1v3 , the mute buttons are a godsend
that reminds me of this time one of my friends was playing as sup (i forgot what exactly, probably Xerath or Pantheon) in a random fill lobby, he got matched w Vayne as his ADC Vayne proceeded to perma-fight every battle in botlane, being aggressive for no reason all while spam pinging and flaming him for being a trashy support when Vayne has the mental capacity of a literal potato so he just left botlane to sup other lanes, doing some pretty solid work, and they won i am grateful that i'm not that breed of ADC cause istg-league players that fall into that catagory of smooth brain go through some batshit mental gymnastics in their triple b rated low tier bargain basement iq ass cerebrums to justify flaming teammates who are conscientiously and logically superior in every way hope yall get some better ADCs, or at least find a friend who wouldn't mind running ADC when you play sup cause i can't imagine going into solo queue w a random support. personally, i can't handle any toxic bs from a random support regardless of my performance- good or bad-plus having that synergy when duoing w a friend in botlane's an added bonus. and if both yall doing terrible, at least they won't flame you-i'd hope
Thanks for the daily content Zwag! I appreciate your commentary. You’re not annoying like other streamers who yell and for some reason all sound the same.
THAT SIR is the exact support experience in 2022 league of legends. Doesn't matter if you are doing fine, or if you are the only one doing anything, you are somehow always the one to blame.
The thing i like about zwag is he really doesn't mind if his teammates like samira or yas here and the fact that hes encouraging yas that he can carry them. Man he just want a fun game and nothing more
this had to be one of the most intense and well played match I've seen in the past month, I'd love to support a support l who carry, it make the enemy team tilt xD
Samira is one of those guys who wants their support to play soraka or another healer and afk under tower and spam heal them. no brand or other supports that can carry. HE NEEDS TO BE THE STAR OF THE SHOW!!
Im jhin main so im completely used to having a shitty midgame. When i see my brand or lux popping off im happy and just try my best to setup a good lategame. Idk why i would feel the need to keep more of my teammates than just me weak
There aren’t any such dim stars tho. If u can’t land ur ult, blame support; if u keep dying, blame support; if u lose the game, blame support; if u win, praise urself. 😂
@@davemarin7340 There is a very clear and valid reason your ADC needs to be fed. It is the squishy, whom the enemy will target for kills. They are usually the champs that can't flee. Therefore their only defense is their ability to kill or hurt their enemies before they kill the ADC and their team. If during the midgame you have an underfed ADC it will try to catch up. That means putting itself to risks to farm xp and gold. It will be picked on. If the ADC does not try to catch up, then it will not feed, but the team will be 4v5. Imagine a dragon contest. Supposedly the ADC can contribute in burning the dragon down. But the enemy comes to contest. They will quickly kill the underfed ADC with impunity. Even if the contest fails, they are already richer by a kill. Same dragon and contest with a fed ADC? The enemy will try to kill the ADC but will not attempt to get too close because it deals significant enough damage that they might die in the attempt, dragon will remain uncontested. Enchanters, divers and marksmen are the riskiest champion types, whom all deal with the inherent dilemma... Do I contribute and risk feeding, or do I play passive and be the downfall of my team?
The Viego was level 8 when you fought him and ignited him. Seconds later when you hit tab he is level 9. Minions died, he leveled as he ran away, and it was enough health to counter act the ignite's damage. Hence the "Random Heal"
Hi Christina, hope whatever you’re going through get easier. Just remember like a sling shot sometimes you get pull back a little in life to be launch to the next stage. Keep going.
"Fiddlesticks, bitch!" Absolute fking GOLD, Zwag, my man! I'd have done a spit take if I was drinking. Haha, wow. I was so amused, I sat my wife down, showed her a fiddlesticks montage so she'd get the joke, explained Blitzcrank's ult and the exploding plant, then let it rip. Clearly my wife doesn't know League very well. But as soon as you said it, she let out a loud "HA!" Extra satisfaction for me.
My favorite thing about League players is that they all think they're the exception and not at all why this game is known for having thee most toxic community, but then they queue up as this Samira. She legitemately doesn't think SHE was the problem with this game XD
23:26 yasuo rage splitting. "Its actually kinda good cause hes putting pressure on the other team" i love the optimism. Why rage when playing yasuo? You just always do yasuo things.
I mean, I'd be annoyed if I play ADC and the sup is stealing kills. And you left lane for long whiles leaving samira alone 1v2 not able to farm properly. And you left samira to die some times when you easily could have gone in, and saved the adc like the sup should. Yes he was stealing kills, that's not even a question..
I see the both your mid and ADC have BAD main character syndrome. “I’m not doing well so we don’t get to play” “Boo boo the support built damage and is a more effective threat than I am” “Why are you, the fed blitz MY support if you’re not going to support?” Meanwhile Fiora is the stoic badass to planet and Rengar is the voice of reason we all need.
day seven of asking hybrid penetration Kayle: sunderer, dominik, void, shadow flame and collector with sorc shoes lethal tempo because attack speed and the rest is up to you! this works because Kayle is treated as melee the whole game, so sunderer has the melee damage and heal
21:50 The cannon share and oneshot performance right infront of Yasuo's face while recalling. Even for a troll it's quite sad how he didn't emote or at least left a question mark, cus that literally killed me 😂
You know Zwag, I enjoy watching your videos, but I can't help wondering if content creators like yourself are killing the game by smurfing on people in lower elo than yourself. Basically feel like your killing the game you use as income. I know I quit playing when I was learning due to being matched up against people who were level 253 while I was level 14. I didn't even know what a handful of champ did and got wrecked by some smurf using me as a punching bag while my team flamed me because I had no idea what orianna could do to karthus in mid.
Yas just thought " this blitz is making the match too ez, I should make things more interesting". Loved the video! Also, good to see an enemy joking around too. League can be fun, who would say?
I've suggested this before, but Senna support with first strike, triumph, and collector first item. You get free gold for poking, fighting, getting your stacks, and a bonus 50 on top of kill gold. Its good fun, and if you go into quick blades next you become a healing damage machine. Every crit reduces cooldown of Q by 3 seconds instead of just one
The mental fragility of league players will never cease to amaze me. I've played fighting games for 20 years and I never have met someone with such a defeatist mindset as the average league player.
I'm binge-watching Zwag, as I just found him through the algorithm. Cool video. When I played LoL it always seemed that your teammates were too eager to play your character as well. Fun game, but as with any multiplayer game, other people can be aggravating.
Bro that must've been like a scene from a horror movie at 26:37 , they're all just minding their own business when someone gets yoinked through a wall by some random hook, and instantly dies.
I can't even, this is your funniest video by far The skin on blitz makes it even better when you hit the W, it's hilarious Keep doing what you're doing man!
i understood the samira at some points. You roam. it works. Then go bot and push out the lane so samira can go heal. Then go roam again. Or better yet you coulda taken bot turret and then roam never to care about samira ever again xD
Samira was mad for no reason, Yasuo sells all his items, Fiora spamming surrender votes despite their team being up in kills, the enemy Viego on drugs and clearly obsessed with McDonalds. Just your typical Zwag game
Defuq are you mctalkin’ about?
Props to the fiora, even though she was starting ff votes and clearly wanted out, she kept playing and didnt flame or spam ping. Although I have no idea why Samira was so salty in the first place. Some people need to learn how to be carried
samira is ADC so she thinks or believe that without the ADC game is lost. cause ADC = attack damage CARRY
or she is salty that the fact her support is better and taking the gold (CS&Kills)
if samira players aren't babysat and feel like they are winning lane, they complain. its a do or die champ and people play her to get the strong win, ignoring the chance for being super shat on. least that's what I see when I play with a samira
The struggles of being a good support.
Yeah, I remember when I started playing. I went Katarina support with an Azir adc and the idiot flamed me for getting kills lol.
@@renatoramos8834 azir adc? lmao
That fiddlesticks ult was to die for 😂😂😂 FANTASTIC video!
"It's fiddlesticks bitch!" xD
i love it when he plays ap blitzcrank so much fun to watch i kept watching that scene over and over it cracked me up
zwag if you are that good why dont you play at diamond level to show us your skils ?
Zwag needs to clip that, send it to riot, and demand a "Fiddlesticks" skin for Blitz .. :P
What people need to realize. Its Blitzcrank. Who cares what he builds, as long as he hits those grabs on the right targets
Not true, I always get worried when a blitz is on my team, because it seems to be guaranteed that the only hook he hits all game is a 16/2 Darius right onto out team. And I know we've all been there......
@@coltonthomas2547 i've been the fed toplaner who got grabbed several times. never stops to amuse me. often when i'm ahead i just let myself get grabbed intentionally just to get a free flash :)
@@phoenix402 100% I enjoy master yi kraken rageblade DEATHS DANCE, when the enemy picks blitz I'm like well shit don't get bursted + resets for ult + deaths dance cleanse dmg.
Yep, Blitz is an skillshot with a champion strap arround it.
Samira: Never play support again
Zwag: Look at me. Look at me. I am the carry now.
Studio c quote nice lol
If you insist. (starts mckidnapping ppl)
Look at me hector
This is bullshit. He fucked up Samira's game for sake of his own shining. He didnt play his role, he didn't let Samira last hit minions, but he let Samira do 1 vs 2 bottom, and he let the bottom turret just go down because he wanted to get a kill on top. For a turret ! Only a very selfish and retard player do this. He was just lucky because the opponent was bad and they didn't utilieze his egoism. He always select videos against noobs. Always. He has 100k damage in every game, all other players has only 30k. Isn't something fishy ? And noob teen spectators admire them for these carefully picked victories. They think this is the usual. He was very bad in this game. Again. Lack of discipline means defeat against even a mediocre opponent. It's called trolling, and it makes the chaos only. He has a quite disgusting personality to be honest. To be good by stepping on others shoulder, and then acting like a hero: "My whole team raged at me for playing AP Blitzcrank Support... then I carried the game" - jeeez, they expected a support and they got a selfish ego instead. It was not "then" it didn't happen after something, it happened from the start. 763 thumbs up, he must love that. That is why he does it. Narcissism. Self admiring.
The raging yasuo just proves that yasuo main literally just look for an opportunity to throw. Whatever happens.
Yas players are big ego players. They either carry the game if not they will troll.
@@nicholasniap2720 as an ex-one trick yasuo, I stopped playing him because people just get angry for him getting picked, but since 99.99% of them act like a spoiled brat, I kinda understand
Yasuo mains are the worst kind of players. Bad attitude . No teamoriantation. Huge egos. No attachment to reality.
It's in how u mechanically play the champ. Either it works or it dont 😆 snowball or feed
Must have been the wind.
Rengar was a goat, he kept playing even if he was weak
bet he's the another one picking no when they spam surrender voting.
I like people like him.
I do the same but people just flaming me I am inting. And I am trying my best and not to be too passive. *sad reacts only*
@@mmr1137 I do am guilty for flaming a teammate who plays still even though he is weak since I think that he'll just be a dinner for the enemy teams which makes them more stronger which makes the game finish sooner with an L on us, but I do appreciate people like u man, thanks for helping and playing even with a loss
people like him are the best teammates. they know they are playing bad but will do whatever it takes to help the team win
Lol, Samira salty because she's knows she can't carry, unless the support is feeding her kills. Yasuo just had Yasuo syndrome, typical windshitter.
i hate that adc attitude. like so fuckin what if your support gets all the kills by accident or on purpose? if you were csing right you're still way ahead of the enemy adc AND he'll have an easier time getting you more kills in the future. They just have that main character syndrome where they have to be the one with the big first number.
No, No, Yas was just waiting for his 0/10 powerspike.
@@drakenguard95 if they're managing their auto attacks appropriately they'd make sure they have the timing to get the final hit too.
@@drakenguard95 this happens to me a lot when I play senna support my last game I was full build with lethal tempo too so many enemies would of got out but I last hit at max range with cannon and tempo and got flamed like my adc had virtually no range but because I secure the kill they get mad
@@drakenguard95 i smell a supporttttt main 💀💀💀 point of an adc is to carry and do damage. tanky supports shouldn’t be kill stealing if they’re building useless support items. enchantress supports (lux, morg mainly) can scale pretty hard which is totally fine if they kill steal. honestly just depends on the support. second a janna, soraka, or sona kill steals, im throwing hands.
I love how chill Zwag is with the Samira flaming for no reason and the Yasuo trolling 😆
Ppl should learn from him
Zwag: "I got autofilled"
Samira: "Don't queue sup if you don't want to play it"
Me: "Does Samira know what autofill is?"
I know he didn't actually get autofilled, but she doesn't.
He’s like “guess it’s another game for me to carry, meaning a more interesting video!”
I’m not saying samira should flame but they could’ve played it better. He had Q, passive and ignite and viego was still 5. They could’ve easily turned the fight around and still walk out alive
Acctualy there was a reason 😕
Tbh, this is so much more fun to play with randoms instead of a pre-made team.
The chat can become a source of amusement too!
nope nope nope nope nope I see your point but nope
It was hilarious
Yeah who wouldn't want that Yasou & Samira in their team ?!
so sick of those premade guys
funniest video in a while, gg zwag.
also ill always remember "Blitzcrank can you stop McKidnapping ppl"
Zwag should have answered “but I’m lovin it” lol
I'm partial to lux's 'mchelp' at the end.
i laughed out loud fr
Don't bother calling for help, you wont be getting them back.
what does that mean ? they were adding the mc word to everything :/
The blastcone ult double kill was amazing. You McSnatched this win from the jaws of defeat.
i don't think his team was losing at any point. He just had 2 crybabies on his team is all.
15:22 that FiddleBlitz ult was hilarious
FiddleCrank. Or BlitzSticks. It's gotta be a thing.
@@Solon64 loving the way "Fiddlecrank" sounds, ngl
Its very entertaining when you play with randoms sometimes just for the true league experience and all the unwarranted emotions that go with it. As a sup main I felt this. There are games where I just play better than my adc and they don't like it.
Man. Thank you for reminding me why I don’t personally play league. Thanks for dealing with the toxic people to give us good content.
exactly, if you are not playing for content or with friends, that games is just toxic
But the league community I have met is so wholesome, Try Dota or Oldschool Runecape. Now THAT is some toxic shit xD
The way you didn’t get the first 6 cs, makes me sad, depressing, angry, mad, crying, throwing up, eating it all up, AND THROWING UP AGAIN
The last part is
Are you a puppy?
U weird
You tried too hard
Man what a comeback. One could say it's was the fiora/rengar that kept this game alive, or the Yas that decided to start playing at some point or even the Samira that played while flaming. But i feel like the 20+ kills blitz support constantly getting picks had something to do with it.
Viego: "My team is throwing"
After Yasuo had been AFK/Trolling for 5 minutes, and Samira raging at you since level 4.
The audacity of this man.
Samira: You a bad support, support doesn't need kills
Pyke: **Walking while whistling**
6:57 And there it is. The ping spam that every support that knows better always get from a doomed ADC.
yeah like wtf is blitz supposed to do there lmfao?
Yea that was obviously an unwinnable fight that samira has no right to be mad there. She been going for unwinnable fight almost the whole game 😅.
literally anytime someone dies and the support is present but doesnt die, they ping
He should ward lol
@@Scema12 you realise they were all pushed in right? he need to go enar to ward it, but they are pushed towards their turret.
At 31:54 you did 1.2k damage to dragon with your Q. Your Q is literally stronger than smite against dragon.
"fiddlesticks beach" - Zwag 2022
This samira gives me ptsd
Just this week I had the very same Zeri laner (random, played sup cuz my friends took other lanes). She was way more... Expressive let's say, with pings and all. And I've literally won her lane and then we've won the game. And she did less than the enemy 0/9 supp. Still flaming, saying she's been diamond and she knows the game, stats don't matter and shit (0 dmg, 0 vision, a few stolen kills/given by me b4 I abandoned botlane to keep myself from stress).
Man, where those people pop up from.
Last night had one game where I went Morgan supp and jhin went apeshit . I got rooted 2 times by seraphine in lane and died and then the third time i rooted enemy ashe under our turret he ults in their face and died before he could kill anyone and just asked me to not stay in lane. I went on helping my jg and ganked every other lane and enemy bot got overconfident and tower dived jhin and threw. We won via top/jg and after jhin just went on how he carried bot 1v3 , the mute buttons are a godsend
that reminds me of this time one of my friends was playing as sup (i forgot what exactly, probably Xerath or Pantheon) in a random fill lobby, he got matched w Vayne as his ADC
Vayne proceeded to perma-fight every battle in botlane, being aggressive for no reason all while spam pinging and flaming him for being a trashy support when Vayne has the mental capacity of a literal potato
so he just left botlane to sup other lanes, doing some pretty solid work, and they won
i am grateful that i'm not that breed of ADC cause istg-league players that fall into that catagory of smooth brain go through some batshit mental gymnastics in their triple b rated low tier bargain basement iq ass cerebrums to justify flaming teammates who are conscientiously and logically superior in every way
hope yall get some better ADCs, or at least find a friend who wouldn't mind running ADC when you play sup cause i can't imagine going into solo queue w a random support. personally, i can't handle any toxic bs from a random support regardless of my performance- good or bad-plus having that synergy when duoing w a friend in botlane's an added bonus. and if both yall doing terrible, at least they won't flame you-i'd hope
legend has it that those people pop up from your nightmares every time a nocturne ults :)
"My team is throwing!"
No, Viego. Blitzcrank is pulling.
Thanks for the daily content Zwag! I appreciate your commentary. You’re not annoying like other streamers who yell and for some reason all sound the same.
U should listen to tyler than
Idk Ross Boomsocks is great
The worst is when you see all T1 top comments dick riding him like they are in love with him. So cringe.
@@G_Light500 I second that
@@G_Light500 ross and zwag, my mom and dad lol
Gotta appreciate the people who choose to keep playing despite the team difficulties
“Did Zwag Xerath get the first 6 CS?”
No, he’s the support
Lose Streak: 1
how are you so fast
@@doomsday2_ OOF
I was about to say- ☠
@@doomsday2_ you'll get em next time tiger 😔✊
"FIDDLESTICKS BITCH!" Literally best part of the video, and the Yoinks too.
Fiora and Rengo have the right idea. Even if you want to surrender, keep playing until the vote passes. You never know who may pull off some miracles.
Bro there’s no way that Viego wasn’t trolling from the start, personally I was cracking up at every word😂
He McWas loll
THAT SIR is the exact support experience in 2022 league of legends.
Doesn't matter if you are doing fine, or if you are the only one doing anything, you are somehow always the one to blame.
During Recording: "I couldn't have done it without Fiora and Rengar"
While writing title: "I carried the game"
Massive respect to the Rengar and Fiora for continuing to play the game, despite the odds, and you all pulled through and win! Great content Zwag!
Dude the fishing at 26:35! I laughed my ass off! XD
The thing i like about zwag is he really doesn't mind if his teammates like samira or yas here
and the fact that hes encouraging yas that he can carry them. Man he just want a fun game and nothing more
I love the enemy them lmao they mcfunny
OMG - the commentary on this video was the best - dying in my chair. I've never had so much fun watching LoL before, this was absolutely HILARIOUS
Dude that fiddle sticks joke had me breaking out laughing, made my morning at work a lot better haha
Every non support support "now I'm going to take your kills" after stealing every kill lol
this had to be one of the most intense and well played match I've seen in the past month, I'd love to support a support l who carry, it make the enemy team tilt xD
That Samira never met a support she couldn't blame.
Samira is one of those guys who wants their support to play soraka or another healer and afk under tower and spam heal them. no brand or other supports that can carry. HE NEEDS TO BE THE STAR OF THE SHOW!!
Kinda fits with the character I guess. Taken to the nth degree maybe
But Soraka can carry too, from the backline!
Im jhin main so im completely used to having a shitty midgame. When i see my brand or lux popping off im happy and just try my best to setup a good lategame. Idk why i would feel the need to keep more of my teammates than just me weak
There aren’t any such dim stars tho. If u can’t land ur ult, blame support; if u keep dying, blame support; if u lose the game, blame support; if u win, praise urself. 😂
@@davemarin7340 There is a very clear and valid reason your ADC needs to be fed. It is the squishy, whom the enemy will target for kills. They are usually the champs that can't flee.
Therefore their only defense is their ability to kill or hurt their enemies before they kill the ADC and their team.
If during the midgame you have an underfed ADC it will try to catch up. That means putting itself to risks to farm xp and gold. It will be picked on. If the ADC does not try to catch up, then it will not feed, but the team will be 4v5.
Imagine a dragon contest. Supposedly the ADC can contribute in burning the dragon down. But the enemy comes to contest. They will quickly kill the underfed ADC with impunity. Even if the contest fails, they are already richer by a kill.
Same dragon and contest with a fed ADC? The enemy will try to kill the ADC but will not attempt to get too close because it deals significant enough damage that they might die in the attempt, dragon will remain uncontested.
Enchanters, divers and marksmen are the riskiest champion types, whom all deal with the inherent dilemma... Do I contribute and risk feeding, or do I play passive and be the downfall of my team?
The Viego was level 8 when you fought him and ignited him. Seconds later when you hit tab he is level 9. Minions died, he leveled as he ran away, and it was enough health to counter act the ignite's damage.
Hence the "Random Heal"
The Viego survived ignite because the cannon dying gave him just enough XP to hit level 9. Oof lol
15:21 lmao this was amazing to watch hahaha
i kept replaying it 😂😂 i would just ff if that just happened to me
Thanks for the updates Zwag, been going through a really tough time and theyve been helping to get my mind off things.
Hi Christina, hope whatever you’re going through get easier. Just remember like a sling shot sometimes you get pull back a little in life to be launch to the next stage. Keep going.
@@hahaufall thank you very much, i will keep this advice in mind
That Viego was freaking hysterical! So funny.
With Rengar, Yasuo, Samira and Fiora in your team you pretty much had to go AP or they could just build armor and shut down your entire team.
Zwag: since the enemy doesn't have it
Blitz: pReCisELy
"Fiddlesticks, bitch!"
Absolute fking GOLD, Zwag, my man! I'd have done a spit take if I was drinking. Haha, wow. I was so amused, I sat my wife down, showed her a fiddlesticks montage so she'd get the joke, explained Blitzcrank's ult and the exploding plant, then let it rip. Clearly my wife doesn't know League very well. But as soon as you said it, she let out a loud "HA!" Extra satisfaction for me.
Yasi, Sami... I am not surprised. But, damn, seeing Rengar and Top Fio chilling and calming like that gave me some hope.
I liked the third kill you got, you slowly waddled through the lane just for one good shmack lol
Haha as an old support main I was dying to see that outcome at 15:15!! Uncontrollable laughter hahahaha, thanks!
My favorite thing about League players is that they all think they're the exception and not at all why this game is known for having thee most toxic community, but then they queue up as this Samira. She legitemately doesn't think SHE was the problem with this game XD
I can imagine Yas as a child yelling at his computer and screaming at himself in his room. Pure Joy
Yasuo is such a loser lol. He think he's the star.
It almost feels good to know that even Zwag can get flamed in this game
You know it's not the first time he gets flamed
Oh, I've seen him get flamed plenty.
That viego is the funniest and the least toxic opponent I’ve ever seen bro is actually chill and funny
23:26 yasuo rage splitting. "Its actually kinda good cause hes putting pressure on the other team" i love the optimism. Why rage when playing yasuo? You just always do yasuo things.
The six long swords got me. 💀
wow, so many cool things in this one game.
17:05 - random double kill bot
21:38 - The double turret shot crossfire
17:05 - see Lux, see Lux Flash...and die for nothing
Honestly, one of the chillest, coolest and funniest game to watch in a while.🤣🤣
I mean, I'd be annoyed if I play ADC and the sup is stealing kills. And you left lane for long whiles leaving samira alone 1v2 not able to farm properly. And you left samira to die some times when you easily could have gone in, and saved the adc like the sup should. Yes he was stealing kills, that's not even a question..
13:23 grab no hook , hook is a thresh q , naut q etc :)
"That's unfortunate" against a Miss Fortune. Cracks me up every time :)
I see the both your mid and ADC have BAD main character syndrome.
“I’m not doing well so we don’t get to play”
“Boo boo the support built damage and is a more effective threat than I am”
“Why are you, the fed blitz MY support if you’re not going to support?”
Meanwhile Fiora is the stoic badass to planet and Rengar is the voice of reason we all need.
I love that you pulled this game off. Your team just needed to believe in the AP Blitz
day seven of asking hybrid penetration Kayle: sunderer, dominik, void, shadow flame and collector with sorc shoes
lethal tempo because attack speed and the rest is up to you!
this works because Kayle is treated as melee the whole game, so sunderer has the melee damage and heal
100% deserved that akali kill at mid 4:57 that was sick. Wp
Yasuo couldn't handle 10 death power spike
21:50 The cannon share and oneshot performance right infront of Yasuo's face while recalling. Even for a troll it's quite sad how he didn't emote or at least left a question mark, cus that literally killed me 😂
You know Zwag, I enjoy watching your videos, but I can't help wondering if content creators like yourself are killing the game by smurfing on people in lower elo than yourself. Basically feel like your killing the game you use as income. I know I quit playing when I was learning due to being matched up against people who were level 253 while I was level 14. I didn't even know what a handful of champ did and got wrecked by some smurf using me as a punching bag while my team flamed me because I had no idea what orianna could do to karthus in mid.
Everyone: FF PLEASE
Rengar: bro its literally a won game
Zwag: *winning the game*
The Samira was def a salty crybaby but i can understand how getting all the early kills stolen by the support can tilt someone very easily
24:18 zwag knows how to make a yas play the game again HAHAHA
15:21 had me rollin 🤣
Zwag these are the most disrespectful plays i've seen. I Love IT
Viego went from "Blitz ur Bad" to "Blitz I'm scared, I have a family" real fast
That rengar was a chad, he deserves some credit
The Mystic Quest background music is absolute fire, love ittt
Yas just thought " this blitz is making the match too ez, I should make things more interesting". Loved the video! Also, good to see an enemy joking around too. League can be fun, who would say?
I can't play Blitz worth crap, so thanks for posting this. Every time I watch your content I learn.
that flash dodge hook you did to alkali was clean af. she can claim luck all she wants but that was some fancy footwork sir.
I've suggested this before, but Senna support with first strike, triumph, and collector first item. You get free gold for poking, fighting, getting your stacks, and a bonus 50 on top of kill gold. Its good fun, and if you go into quick blades next you become a healing damage machine. Every crit reduces cooldown of Q by 3 seconds instead of just one
"Well now i'm just gonna take every kill." I feel you bro :D, suporting is a tough business.
15:22 "Fiddlesticks, bish" made my fuckin day 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think this is one of your funniest videos. Love your content.
Love your team! They were all so nice (props to your Fiora though lol). Great game! Like seeing you play support ^^
The mental fragility of league players will never cease to amaze me. I've played fighting games for 20 years and I never have met someone with such a defeatist mindset as the average league player.
that blast cone over the wall into the ult was actually top tier lmao
Its now headcannon for me that blitscrank secretly idolizes fiddlesticks.
23:42 Hard laughed on that clown :DD
The viego insulting zwag while getting beat at everything by a support is high comedy
I'm binge-watching Zwag, as I just found him through the algorithm. Cool video. When I played LoL it always seemed that your teammates were too eager to play your character as well. Fun game, but as with any multiplayer game, other people can be aggravating.
Bro that must've been like a scene from a horror movie at 26:37 , they're all just minding their own business when someone gets yoinked through a wall by some random hook, and instantly dies.
some adc have never heard of roaming supports and it shows
I can't even, this is your funniest video by far
The skin on blitz makes it even better when you hit the W, it's hilarious
Keep doing what you're doing man!
“Well now I’m just gonna take every kill” this is what we want to see. Lol
Samara flaming the blitz who probably gave her the best laning experience shes ever had is amazing.
As a main blitz sup for like 7 years this bring me tears of joy
i understood the samira at some points. You roam. it works. Then go bot and push out the lane so samira can go heal.
Then go roam again.
Or better yet you coulda taken bot turret and then roam never to care about samira ever again xD
I hear your keyboard, and it’s lovely. What switches do you use?