@ConeyIslandLow notice how the vocals sound kind of dull and quiet? and the guitar is a little loud. it's basically just the volume of all the tracks (equilization) and effects that polishes the audio. So if they put a little time into mixing the audio it would sound better. anyway, if you ignore that it sounds pretty good!
@ConeyIslandLow notice how the vocals sound kind of dull and quiet? and the guitar is a little loud. it's basically just the volume of all the tracks (equilization) and effects that polishes the audio. So if they put a little time into mixing the audio it would sound better. anyway, if you ignore that it sounds pretty good!
@listerfiend510 50mm 1.8. TOUGH to keep shit focused.
2:17 for music.
@bluesman567 lol, mixing? What's mixing?
0:00 for banter.
50mm 1.8? or sigma?
@ComeBackGnarlieBrown especially if you don't have a viewfinder
mixing needs a lot of work ... im sure they sound better live though