The Atonement of Christ in Orthodoxy and Scripture (w/

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 60

  • @andygarcia2113
    @andygarcia2113 11 месяцев назад +15

    Cool Protestant here agree 100 percent with you guys

  • @OldScrewl1928
    @OldScrewl1928 11 месяцев назад +7

    This channel gets better and better. These are the topics that are so important for Christians and so often are stumbling blocks for faith. These discussions are the antidote to nihilistic modernity.

  • @tomasgallo1291
    @tomasgallo1291 11 месяцев назад +6

    A lot of doubts cleared on this one👍 Of course it had to be seraphim

  • @kernalfleak
    @kernalfleak 11 месяцев назад +3

    Just two jesus lovers lovin jesus

  • @thatnewearth
    @thatnewearth 11 месяцев назад +5

    incredible stuff as always. to me the connection between the accusation of the serpent and how by christ raising from the dead he overcame the accusation of the evil one is super important to make. i think also a good point to make is that the accusation of the devil against man is “are you the sons of god?”. with roman 1 we also see how jesus was “declared to be the son of god through the resurrection”. we are also declared to be his sons through our resurrection😎

  • @warrenroby6907
    @warrenroby6907 10 месяцев назад +1

    I was glad to hear the reference to Peter Leithart.

  • @nickmauceri1000
    @nickmauceri1000 10 месяцев назад +2

    This was great video. Answers a lot of questions I had about atonement in relation to orthodox theology

  • @LukeTheGreat1
    @LukeTheGreat1 11 месяцев назад +1

    This channel is great, just subbed

  • @Athos_Bound
    @Athos_Bound 11 месяцев назад +1

    Very Good so far 👏

  • @franciscafazzo3460
    @franciscafazzo3460 9 месяцев назад

    This is such a beautiful and edifying discussion. How can I thank you both Sarah from? Thank you for your efforts and thank you I don't know your name sorry

  • @ICXC_Humbly
    @ICXC_Humbly 11 месяцев назад +6

    "So, the idea of legal language in the gospel of John--I think we want to connect that everywhere and always to the notion of the Logos, of course, which is a major focus of John's gospel. But, It's also a major focus of the whole bible...that legal language, fundamentally, is meant to capture a "things" correspondence to it's archetype. So what does it mean when God declares something to be good or evil in a forensic or legal sense? Well, if you just look at this in Genesis chapter 6, it says, "...and God saw the world and behold, it was very corrupt." And what you have here is a forensic decree, but, it is spoken in a way that alludes back to Genesis chapter 1, where God saw the world and behold, it was very good. And if you look at the language of God seeing things or of anybody seeing things, you find that it's very closely tied to a courtroom setting. That is, when you're looking at something, you are evaluating it and having evaluated it, you made a particular declaration about its nature. *The question is, by what standard are we making that declaration?* Well, if God saw something, and declared that it is good, the standard by which He is measuring that thing, is goodness itself. Well what is goodness itself? Well, goodness itself, is that which is intrinsic to God [in which?] He speaks out in His Name or the Word, as the Logos. So, when Moses asends mount Sinai, it says "God says, I will make My name known to you, I will proclaim My name and make all My *goodness* pass before you." And remember, this is the same mountain [indistinguishable] which God has just revealed to Moses, the architecture of the tabernacle. The tabernacle, which is a representation of the architecture of *creation* [indistinguishable] large. Creation is miniaturized in "tabernacle form". So the goodness, which is inherent to God, is thee paradigm and archetype for creation...and that goodness is intrinsic to the second Person of the Trinity, the Divine Logos Who is the Word, Who is the One *through* Whom, God creates the world in the beginning. So, when the Word enters into that world, it is thee Archetype taking on "the stuff"-the 'type', naturally then, this is the context in which we to conceive a legal or forensic setting. What's going on is the very goodness, by which goodness is measured in the first place has entered into the world. And that is why the goodness coming into the world-as John says, 'coming into the world' is the One who brings judgement. Because merely by taking on the 'stuff' of the world... He measures things in relation to their correspondence to His nature. And, when the Jewish leadership renders an accusation against Him, they are actually rendering an accusation against the very one, against whom they are measuring good or evil...So He is the One who is revealed in the Torah...the theological context for His saying in John's gospel, 'Moses wrote about Me.' And the torah-the law-is thee measuring rod of goodness or evil and as the Logos is the measuring stick for goodness or evil. The torah is the expression of the nature and life of the Second Person of the Trinity. And so, legal language is never an end in itself, and this isn't just true in a theological sense, this is really true in legal language period."

  • @BarRafiSimon
    @BarRafiSimon 11 месяцев назад +2

    The recent trend of downplaying "legal" language regarding the Atonement among some EOs has been of great concern among us Oriental Orthodox. HG Bishop Rafael's new book "The Economy of Salvation according to the Early Church" shows unequivocally the reality of "legal" language in Biblical, Patristic, and--for us in the Coptic tradition--Liturgical sources.

    • @BarRafiSimon
      @BarRafiSimon 11 месяцев назад +2

      By "Legal" language I'm referring to the idea that, for example, the penalty of Death after the fall of Adam is not merely an intrinsic, natural consequence of Adam's sin, but also a legal penalty extrinsically enacted by God. St. Pope Athanasius is clear that this penalty enacted by God cannot be cast aside without doing dishonor to God's justice.

    • @orthodoxensign
      @orthodoxensign 11 месяцев назад +1

      OOs were hit with the same problem. It's modernism, man, and it's everywhere.

    • @caleschnell
      @caleschnell 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@BarRafiSimonThat's viewing God's law through a totally humanistic understanding of legal payments to expiate justice. So sad that even EOs are operating in this roman law construct.
      Jesus didn't die to pay a legal penalty to erase recorded abstractions of sin in some heavenly record book. So much human tradition is read into the atonement that the Gospel loses all of its meaning.
      We of ourselves cannot cure ourselves of the terminal condition of sinfulness but when we partake of Christ we receive His righteousness *NOT* through it being legally accounted in some ledger book but actually receiving a new heart and right spirit.
      When you operate in this penal-legal payment model you have a wrong diagnosis pf what sin is and thus what the remedy to what the sin problem is.
      God justice is doing what is right and thus Jesus took up our humanity in order to purge out the carnal nature and thus when we are grafted into Christ we are reborn into a new vibrant nature where we love God and others functionally more than self.

    • @Yasen.Dobrev
      @Yasen.Dobrev 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@caleschnell Hello. The theosis and the paying of a legal penalty are not in a contradiction. (I am Orthodox.) But the rejection of paying a legal penalty by Jesus, denies the real existence of one of the attributes of God because His justice (one of whose aspects is the retributive justice which God's wrath that is not a passion, refers to), is an uncreated energy as for example, St.Basil the Great explains in his letter 231. God's justice as one of the attributes of God refers to one of His uncreated energies and not to His essence. So if we deny the legal understanding of a satisfaction of God's wrath by Christ's Redemptive Sacrifice on the notion that the our legal justification in the sense of us being declared righteous by erasing recorded abstractions of sin is something abstract and artificial, we deny the real existence of one of the eternal attributes of God, i.e. His justice - like it does not really exist but is made up.
      But a rejection of God’s wrath (and so the need of its appease through Christ’s Sacrifice) resembles the false dualistic heresy of Marcion (2nd century). Marcionism is mentioned in Canon 95 of the Ecumenical Council of Trullo (692):,,...And the Manicheans, and Valentinians and Marcionites and all of similar heresies must give certificates and anathematize each his own heresy, and also Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Severus, and the other chiefs of such heresies, and those who think with them, and all the aforesaid heresies; and so they become partakers of the Holy Communion.''
      St. Irenaeus of Lyon refutes Marcionism in Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter 25:
      … 2. Again, that they might remove the rebuking and judicial power from the Father, reckoning that as unworthy of God, and thinking that they had found out a God both without anger and [merely] good, they have alleged that one [God] judges, but that another saves, unconsciously taking away the intelligence and justice of both deities…
      3. Marcion, therefore, himself, by dividing God into two, maintaining one to be good and the other judicial, does in fact, on both sides, put an end to deity. For he that is the judicial one, if he be not good, is not God, because he from whom goodness is absent is no God at all; and again, he who is good, if he has no judicial power, suffers the same [loss] as the former, by being deprived of his character of deity…“

    • @caleschnell
      @caleschnell 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@Yasen.Dobrev Again, you stipulate God's justice, or His righteousness, functions no differently than human justice-that He must punish sin by inflicting punishment for it.
      God was in the *Son reconciling the world to Himself.*
      You are promoting *BAAL* and are not representing the Father.
      Zechariah 4:6 says, “Not by might nor by power but how my Spirit works, saith the Lord.
      “The great men who built up the Western Church were almost all trained Roman lawyers. Tertullian, Cyprian, Augustine, Gregory the Great (whose writings form the bridge between the Latin Fathers and the Schoolmen) were all men whose early training had been that of a Roman lawyer,-a training which moulded and shaped all their thinking, whether theological or ecclesiastical. They instinctively regarded all questions as a great Roman lawyer would. They had the lawyer's craving for exact definitions. They had the lawyer's idea that the primary duty laid upon them was to enforce obedience to authority, whether that authority expressed itself in external institutions or in the precise definitions of the correct ways of thinking about spiritual truths. No branch of Western Christendom has been able to free itself from the spell cast upon it by these Roman lawyers of the early centuries of the Christian Church.”
      Thomas Lindsay, _A History of the Reformation,_ vol. 1, pg. 168

  • @feeble_stirrings
    @feeble_stirrings 11 месяцев назад +1

    Good stuff. Nothing wrong with shorter videos 😉.

  • @LadderOfDescent
    @LadderOfDescent 10 месяцев назад +2

    Does the Orthodox Church believe every human inherits the guilt of Adam?
    I’m orthodox as well, and see no problems unless you are saying we inherit the guilt of Adam.

    • @collinjones311
      @collinjones311 7 месяцев назад +1

      From my understanding the answer would be a resounding no. I have found more often than not, online can cause.more confision due to everyone having their own understanding, interpretation, and opinion. However, that is one topic that everyone I have talked to and/or listened to would agree and have the same mind in that we do not inherit the guilt of Adam. Rather we inherit man's fallen nature or a predisposition to sin

    • @LadderOfDescent
      @LadderOfDescent 7 месяцев назад

      @@collinjones311 Glory to God. Coming from a Calvanist background I understand the downstream implications of saying we inherited the guilt. ☦️

  • @Yasen.Dobrev
    @Yasen.Dobrev 10 месяцев назад

    At 21:51-22:10 Seraphim said:,,God’s Love is intrinsic to His nature because God exists as a Trinity of Persons but wrath is not intrinsic to His nature because God’s nature does not require the existence of creation. Creation is a contingent reality and because by definition wrath requires creatures who have sinned, that can’t be intrinsic to God’s nature unless sin is somehow necessary for God to be God. So how are we saved by Christ from the wrath of God? Well, the concise way of putting it is to say that we are saved from the wrath of God by being transfigured into that which is no longer an object of wrath.“
    Yes, it is true that His wrath is not intrinsic to His nature and God’s nature does not require an existence of creation. But that does not mean that His wrath requires the existence of a creation because although His wrath is not intrinsic to His nature, His wrath is an aspect of one of His attributes which are uncreated energies. That eternal and uncreated attribute is His justice and His wrath means the punishment that God bestows - for example, Blessed Theodoret says regarding Romans 5:9 the following:,,…for that future (eternal) punishment is what he here calls wrath…“ (Commentary on Romans). The bestowal of a punishment is one of the aspects of God's justice and the other is bestowing rewards. But God's justice is one of the attributes of God which are uncreated energies. For example, St.Basil the Great explains in his letter 234.1 that when we mention God’s many attributes, we refer to His operations and not His simple essence:
    ,,…For he who denies that he knows the essence does not confess himself to be ignorant of God, because our idea of God is gathered from all the attributes which I have enumerated. But God, he (Eunomius) says, is simple, and whatever attribute of Him you have reckoned as knowable is of His essence. … When all these high attributes have been enumerated, are they all names of one essence? And is there the same mutual force in His awfulness and His loving-kindness, *His* *justice* and His creative power, His providence and His foreknowledge, and *His* *bestowal* *of* *rewards* *and* *punishments* , His majesty and His providence? In mentioning any one of these do we declare His essence? …If they say that essence is something distinct, let them not put us in the wrong on the score of simplicity. For they confess themselves that there is a distinction between the essence and each one of the attributes enumerated. The operations are various, and the essence is simple, but we say that we know God from His operations, but do not undertake ot approach near His essence. His operations come down to us but His essence remains beyond our reach.“ (Letter 234.1). (
    The issue is that a rejection of God’s wrath (and so the need of its appease through Christ’s Sacrifice) resembles the false teaching of of Marcion (2nd century). Marcionism is mentioned in Canon 95 of the Ecumenical Council of Trullo (692):,,...And the Manicheans, and Valentinians and Marcionites and all of similar heresies must give certificates and anathematize each his own heresy, and also Nestorius, Eutyches, Dioscorus, Severus, and the other chiefs of such heresies, and those who think with them, and all the aforesaid heresies; and so they become partakers of the Holy Communion.''
    St. Irenaeus of Lyon refutes Marcionism in Against Heresies, Book III, Chapter 25:
    … 2. Again, that they might remove the rebuking and judicial power from the Father, reckoning that as unworthy of God, and thinking that they had found out a God both without anger and [merely] good, they have alleged that one [God] judges, but that another saves, unconsciously taking away the intelligence and justice of both deities…
    3. Marcion, therefore, himself, by dividing God into two, maintaining one to be good and the other judicial, does in fact, on both sides, put an end to deity. For he that is the judicial one, if he be not good, is not God, because he from whom goodness is absent is no God at all; and again, he who is good, if he has no judicial power, suffers the same [loss] as the former, by being deprived of his character of deity…“

  • @Aaron-xb4rq
    @Aaron-xb4rq 7 месяцев назад

    There is an essential assumption being made here (which is rarely, if ever duscussed) upon which the entire theology of the incarnation and atonement depends - that man (and the entire cosmos) is ontologically separate from God. Because of this assumption, it becomes a theological necessity for Christ to reunite God and man (and all that is).
    However, once it's seen that this assumption is in fact false, then the entire incarnation and atonement theology falls apart. Christ becomes an example, not the exception.

    • @joshuaparsons887
      @joshuaparsons887 6 месяцев назад

      Our hearts and intellect, and therefore subjective experience were separated from God. We weren't objectively separated from him. This is why God had to become man and enter into our subjective experience. The corrupted will stopped our ontological progression towards our Telos, which is Christ and Theosis.

    • @Aaron-xb4rq
      @Aaron-xb4rq 6 месяцев назад

      @@joshuaparsons887 I agree. Man became a lost, wayward sheep in need of a shepherd to guide him back to the path of his great calling. Jesus is that great shepherd and perfect example, but he's not the exception - he's not someone objectively, ontologically different. That's the Good News. Man never was, is, or will ever be separate from God.

    • @joshuaparsons887
      @joshuaparsons887 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@Aaron-xb4rq disagreed, I think you confuse otological separation with ontological distinction. We are distinct from God, but not separate from him as he fills all things.

    • @Aaron-xb4rq
      @Aaron-xb4rq 6 месяцев назад

      @@joshuaparsons887 So what is the ontological distinction between man and God?

    • @joshuaparsons887
      @joshuaparsons887 6 месяцев назад

      @@Aaron-xb4rq natures. Human beings don't possess the divine nature.

  • @eugencirneci798
    @eugencirneci798 11 месяцев назад

    ❤esti Român?

    • @littlefishbigmountain
      @littlefishbigmountain 11 месяцев назад

      That would be 1/16, but because of DNA recombination his DNA could be more or less represented in yours than that. One way to get a better idea is a DNA test

  • @Storm-1.
    @Storm-1. 11 месяцев назад

    Imagine god doesent exist and this people waste there lifes over such unimportent things. This is in soooo many ways sad.

    • @saint-jiub
      @saint-jiub 11 месяцев назад +11

      Imagine God really does exist and your being duped by satanic propoganda into thinking God doesnt exist.

    • @inTruthbyGrace
      @inTruthbyGrace 10 месяцев назад

      does it not occur to you how pathetic it is to have so much faith in your priests that you campaign mindlessly against the wisdom of a book you have never read?
      You say "god doesn't exist" but you know you have never bothered to study this matter for yourself, you are just trusting your _own_ preferred religious teachers (secular atheists) and you are literally parroting talking points you have been spoon fed without actually considering the whole matter or reading the Bible for yourself.
      Here is the problem... it's not just that you look foolish to those of us who have studied the Scriptures, because you offer nothing of correction or insight, but we know you will have a last day on earth... and after that there is a judgment.
      There is no way to deny that there is a code of life and all code has a Coder, change any part of that code enough an death occurs... this is not a mystery, it is well know.... and yet, we tell you what we have found in studying the Word of the ONLY God mankind has on record and you reject it... we tell you there is salvation by faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of your having broken _that code_ and yet you mock..
      Every knee will bow to Jesus to the glory of God the Father...
      the ONLY question is WHEN
      Will you bow before you enter
      the Kingdom of GOD
      the Lake of Fire.
      we encourage you to learn about the meaning of Christmas and Jesus, to be reconciled to God for the forgiveness of sins by faith in Jesus so you can bow before you enter the Kingdom of God and not the Lake of Fire.

    • @franciscafazzo3460
      @franciscafazzo3460 9 месяцев назад

      Imagine the way you refine your thinking is by challenging it to the wrong things. Mathematicians argue as well are you gonna say math is not useful

    • @Storm-1.
      @Storm-1. 9 месяцев назад

      @@franciscafazzo3460 but mathematicians never claimd that math is something mercyfull and dont tell otheres to live like math say because they will end in hell when they dont.

    • @joshuaparsons887
      @joshuaparsons887 6 месяцев назад

      And what I'd he does exist and your soul is in genuine danger?