Psalm 113

  • Опубликовано: 18 окт 2023
  • The Almighty God is worthy of constant praise. He will soon exalt the lowly of the world to the highest positions of authority. Learn how the beautiful poetry of Psalm 113 points to a prophecy by Hannah about God’s master plan.
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    Psalm 113 is a grand advertisement for 1st Samuel 2. God taught Hannah a precious lesson about desiring children. He shut Hannah’s womb until she learned to yearn not just for a child of her own, but for billions of spiritual children! God’s master plan includes all mankind past, present, and future. Every single human being is a potential future son of God. Hannah caught this vision, and it set her imagination on fire!
    Request Gerald Flurry’s free book The Former Prophets to discover how Hannah singlehandedly reversed the deadly course of ancient Israel through godly child rearing. Hannah suffered scorn in her own family-she was one of two wives to her husband, and the other wife ridiculed her for being unable to bear children. But Hannah persevered through an imperfect family situation to raise a righteous son and dedicate him to God.
    Consider the example of Hannah, and you will understand why every child matters. Raising just one child God’s way can dramatically impact a community, a nation, and even the entire world!
    Hannah was an exceptional mother to Samuel, a son she received as a miraculous gift from God. She enlisted Samuel into the service of God, and Samuel went on to establish revolutionary colleges that set Israel back on track.
    Samuel taught the nation family education. This goes beyond physical family to the spiritual family of billions that God is now preparing to establish! Our marriages and families in this life are just a small type of the glorious, eternal family of God.
    Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The God Family Vision. Hannah is one of the most inspiring examples in the Bible. Her praise of God, prophecy, and child rearing offer vital instruction to you. God taught Hannah how to make a marriage work, and the astounding purpose of child rearing. He etched in her mind the God Family vision.
    Do you really grasp what God is doing on Earth today? Why has God allowed so many people to live and die with no hope for the future? Study The God Family Vision to reveal the only hope we humans possess. It is a hope that involves the billions of humans who have died already. It is a hope that can change your life. It is a hope that can be summed up in one word: family.
    All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request The Former Prophets and The God Family Vision. Order now!

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