I'd like to think that RUclips was invented first and foremost to bring your playing to the world, Chiara! Thank you for the many beautiful videos of your riveting, lively and utterly musical playing. Brava, brava, brava, cara Chiara!
Bach schrieb seine Musik „Ad maiorem dei gloriam“, Signora Massini lässt dies wunderbar hörbar, erfahrbar werden. Ich bin ihr sehr dankbar. Mille Grazie!
As a Bach devotee for half a century, I still discover some of his music I haven't heard before. Outstanding playing and recording. Thank you for sharing and greetings from New Zealand.
I have heard this piece played on Steinway grand pianos by some pianists. Now I am surprised how much I like and _prefer_ that special cembalo sound. I can imagine that Johann Sebastian has played it precisely the same way Chiara has performed it here.
One of the most glorious sequence of triplets in the history of music. Great technique, outstanding articulation, a heart beating and a singing soul. Congratulations!
For me, perfection does not pertain to the human sphere. So this is a great, remarkable interpretation. I thank Ms. Chiara Massini for posting, and I encourage her to keep posting. There are not so many opportunities to listen harpsichord today, so her videos are a gift for amateurs.
@@alfredonocera7024 I'd like to encourage her as well, but I do hope she will restrain herself more in the future. She has indeed a good hand positioning, and the way she uses rubato is never rhetorical. I notice she has some weakness here and there, but all in all she's not that bad. Nevertheless her technique and musicality remains quite far from other international recitalists. What I really can't stand is the abundance of useless movements and blinking smiles.. Her behaviour demostrates that while playing she considers herself at the center of the scene. While true musicianship requires a completely opposite attitude. A humble servant of the music should put the Art and nothing else under the spotlights! I wish I can see her sitting firmly with her back straight up, slightly inclined so to balance the weight of the arms, with the legs joint and fixed in the correct positioning. Not smiling, not acting like a showgirl... just seriously playing while considering herself transparent in the eyes of the audience.
@@dariogiorgiutti9418 I have never read such a ridiculous and grotesque commentary. Are you a misogynist? This piece is so difficult and requires such a continuous concentration that there is no time for outward show (which you can criticize Lang Lang for). There are no 'useless movements' and smiles can't 'blink' (I'm sure her smile is prettier than yours). Massini is outstanding. If you can play this piece on the harpsichord: put it on YT. Now that you've had your moment of attention (which you were clearly seeking), with respect: shut up and don't criticize an artist with decades of experience.
@@hdholl9696 Sorry, we're talking about Chiara, not me. However my instrument is the organ, not the harpsichord, even if (just for your info) I play it often, also pieces which difficulties go well beyond this, BUT without useless movements. (In case you wish, you can check the playlist "my best organ performances" into my channel). I don't like to show myself playing, because when I did, people concentrated on the images and not on the music. Please, in case you want to dislike my videos for your vendetta, also comment them, so I can understand what's wrong. Back to Chiara, this player is a showgirl, not a musician. The performance is nice, but not that astonishing. If you suppress the sound, she looks ridiculous (not too much in this specific video, actually), and if you suppress the video, the music is ok, again, but nothing so special. I like the way she moves her hands, the articulation, and the phrasing is sometimes very good, but surely there are many harpsichordists whose musicianship highly overcomes hers. And last, in any case the position of Chiara's body IS WRONG, as well as that abundance of useless movements. I'm sorry, but that's true, I couldn't say the opposite!!
Tutto il possibile rispetto per una esecuzione divina. Vivo in Balaka (Malawi) da più di 22 anni e sin da giovane ho dedicato la mia vita a Bach. E farlo conoscere. E goderne. E beneficiare della sua amicizia. Che beltà vedere la Bellezza suonata da mani che appartengono a così nobili persone! Quanta speranza
Grazie Chiara, per il tuo talento. Bach non lascia tempo per una pausa tè. Azione magica, bel tempo. Tuttavia trovi il tempo per girare le pagine. La riproduzione audio è chiara e ben bilanciata tra alti e bassi, catturando la bella risonanza del tuo cembalo. Il tuo segno, un sorriso, deve ricordarci che anche la musica che può apparire seria, il duro lavoro del successo viene dall'amore e dalla gioia e talvolta dalla tristezza che è amore. Stai bene, saluti da Richard Webb.
This perfectly conceived performance carries the soul to cosmic spheres, music so fluid and gracious, a flight to heaven relentlessly carrying us along. Thank you Chiara.
I like to thank you, for the very beautiful music you present us! But I start repeating myself; so I better stop typing these reactions... But I will not stop listening and enjoying your music on a daily basis! Grazie!
More I see if your videos, more I am excited to see my pieces performed by you ! What a marvellous Bach’s piece performed by a marvellous interpreter on a marvellous instrument ! 😁
Can you believe this was considered as old fashioned music in Bach’s own time?? Well, Bach was a composer who wrote music for God, not sold as commodity in order to pleasure the Kings & Queens of his time. That’s why he was a legend & although he was not found very interesting in his own days, cause people didn’t want to suffer in a complex musical ideas but instead a lightweight & easy to understand newer era of music. Later in Bach’s years he was only to be known as a testament for contrapuntal music. Bach was the only known master of his days who implemented older musical styles, studies, & counterpoint all into one major roller coaster thrill conjuncted with his own modern/futuristic episodes unlike anything ever done by past composers even before Bach! This was the ultimate package all in one. Some found Bach to be too much to inherit & take in as he was definitely not to the faint of heart, others would’ve thought that there is way too many notes only in such a short period of time, & so couldn’t understand the meaning behind Bach’s intellect as his music was very very demanding to the listener. But few gradually began to see Bach capabilities & those individuals did witness Bach’s musical vision & thought of it as unlike anything that can be accomplished musically! This was indeed very unique & rare! And in this way Bach’s fame & success grew on the rise more & more, even though that he still didn’t compare to the majesty’s composers, who were the common musical stars of the day. But Bach was still known throughout cities as a underground composer & one who masters specific music! Since he was later challenged by King Frederick for another moment just to embarrass the King in his own castle for successfully completing a challenge fugue theme given to him by the King himself! For the purpose of his mission to dethrone Bach’s legacy & making him look like a fool in front of the audience, a very dangerous path for Bach’s career point but he accepted the challenge & proved him very justly for messing with the wrong person! After that, nobody couldn’t dare point fingers on such a legendary composer. But didn’t even realize to give him even more attention either. So it ended up as sad & lonely for Bach & his music, only after he was to be appreciated greatly after his death, not during his lifetime as much!
Bellissima esecuzione, controllo perfetto e articolazione sempre coerente. La fuga in particolare è veramente impeccabile e rende bene l'incalzare delle frasi in modo quasi ipnotico, come deve essere. Eccellente anche il suono e non da meno le immagini, insomma, tutto di grande qualità. Bravissima Chiara!!
Come sempre non ho parole. Sei meravigliosa. Le tue mani volano fantastiche sulla tastiera! Io sono organista, compositore e improvvisatore. Ma il tuo clavicembalo mi conquista il cuore. Con affetto, Giorgio Frezet.
This is related to harpsichord concerto BWV 1044, and it is very interesting to hear the predecessor to BWV 1044 (the outer movements -- the inner movement of BWV 1044 instead came from BWV 894).
You are such an inspiration Chiara. I send your videos to my piano students. Trying to imitate the slurs, staccatti and speeds. Thank you for your performances.
In questa esecuzione si è davvero superata, Chiara. Pensi che l'ho ascoltata ieri qui, a Venezia, mentre ero sul vaporetto di ritorno dalla Giudecca. Il risultato dell'unione del sublime BWV 894 e della visione di questa città, che i veneziani di un tempo vollero capolavoro, è stato un momento davvero vertiginoso. È proprio vero che Bach compose la migliore musica veneziana... Un caro saluto, Matteo
heerlijk. en heftig en geweldig en verrukkelijk ! dank je wel Chiara c.g. PS . . . dies ist fast unmöglich aber du machst ! nicht zu glauben und doch, ich sehe deine Hände; nur erstaunen und 'hou van jou' c.g.
she is so busy playing she has forgotten what bach is saying with his music....even so something comes through because at some level she is touched by the music ..beautiful instrument...
Hi Chiara! You are so great! 🎹 I’ve begun to learn some of the pieces you play on harpsichord, on electric guitar. I’ve noticed that when I try to play along with you, your harpsichord seems to be tuned down a half step. Is that the way Bach tuned? I thought that started in the 1960’s with Jimi Hendrix. Lol. My favorite electric guitar is tuned down a half step so I like playing that way. John
Brillante. Una interpretazione che sicuramente avrebbe piaciuto a Bach stesso. Quello che no capisco è come si può toccare leggendo della partitura questa musica così veloce. Io mi fiderei totalmente della mia memoria muscolare.
Chiara - Do you bring your music to harpsichord museums to make these recordings? It's great to see/hear you play on this variety of beautiful instruments and environments.
Ma fai la seria e datti un contegno. Un vero musicista non si mette sotto i riflettori come cerchi di fare tu. Coi tuoi movimenti da anguilla scema sei semplicemente ridicola. Vorrei proprio vedere se musicisti veri come Mozart, Couperin o Rameau si fossero esibiti in tutte quelle moine e quei sorrisi fatti solo per attirare attenzione sul proprio ego invece che sulla musica. I complimenti che ti fanno sono al 90% dovuti al tuo "marketing" di bassa lega. Guarda una Marie Claire Alain o un Olivier Latry, e dimmi se mai si siano esibiti in atteggiamenti simili ai tuoi. Certo, non lo hanno mai fatto perché sono musicisti seri.
Nessuno obbliga nessuno a guardare video musicali su RUclips. Se non ti piace passa avanti. La Massini sarà tra i peggiori cembalisti di sempre, vanagloriosa e altezzosa, con movimenti da capitone... ops scusa da anguilla, ma sai una cosa in franchezza? A noi piace. Forse anche perché siamo esseri umani. PS come fai a sapere che i musicisti sei-settecenteschi erano immobili? Io invece me li vedo gioiosamente agitati emotivamente sulle loro tastiere.
@@luigiferuglio6400Anch'io ho dei video di mie registrazioni su youtube, e mi dà molto fastidio se qualcuno a cui non è piaciuta una mia interpretazione non lascia un commento per spiegarne il motivo. Come sarebbe possibile migliorarsi senza commenti motivati e motivanti? Io non sarò mai fra quei vigliacchi che mettono un pollice riverso e poi non si assumono la responsabilità di dire perché. Quindi non "passerò oltre" se ho qualcosa da dire. E ribadisco che un vero musicista dovrebbe trasparire agli occhi del pubblico e lasciare che sia la musica a prendere il centro della scena. Inoltre qualsiasi maestro sa bene che la giusta postura prevede l'assenza di qualsiasi movimento inutile, che non contribuisce in alcun modo a migliorare la perfomance musicale. Fortunatamente questa non è una mia opinione, ma un fatto ovvio e rimarcato (come ho già scritto) da personaggi come Widor e Dupré, che non sono fra gli ultimi cretini del mondo musicale, direi. Io penso che questa clavicembalista manchi di umiltà, ma la cosa che più mi infastidisce sono i commenti eccessivamente entusiastici con cui vengono accolti i suoi video, che francamente dal punto di vista musicale sono discreti, ma piuttosto mediocri.... Commenti motivati da ammiccamenti e sorrisi... Come ho già detto, marketing di bassa lega, e un insulto a chi la musica la fa per la musica.
I'd like to think that RUclips was invented first and foremost to bring your playing to the world, Chiara! Thank you for the many beautiful videos of your riveting, lively and utterly musical playing. Brava, brava, brava, cara Chiara!
Zu schön für diese Welt!
My go-to music for painting. Her smile at the beginning and end sort of rounds things off.
the sound quality of the video is outstanding ... the performance , of course , outstanding and inspired ..... bravo ....
i realize Im kinda randomly asking but do anyone know a good website to watch newly released series online?
@Parker Mekhi i dunno I'd suggest Flixportal. just search on google after it =) -nickolas
@Nickolas Connor thanks, I went there and it seems to work :) I really appreciate it!
@Parker Mekhi Glad I could help =)
Bach schrieb seine Musik „Ad maiorem dei gloriam“, Signora Massini lässt dies wunderbar hörbar, erfahrbar werden. Ich bin ihr sehr dankbar. Mille Grazie!
In this time of lockdowns and darkness, the music of Bach and your performance of it are a ray of light and beauty! Grazie mille, cara Chiara
Dear Chiara your beautiful music gives me the incentive, the inspiration, to carry on! Thank you so much! Grazie!!!
Always a wonderous thing to happen upon this amazing artist. Surely she brings a smile of approval to Bach's face in heaven!
I listen and relisten all your musical videos and can’t get enough of them. This is one of the most enchanting!
Grazie di cuore, cara Chiara !
As a Bach devotee for half a century, I still discover some of his music I haven't heard before. Outstanding playing and recording. Thank you for sharing and greetings from New Zealand.
yes, I discovered this piece a few years ago and it just grew on me. Bwv 894 will draw you in.
Marvelous, and what a sonorous instrument! Beautifully recorded.
Klara wieder ❤️❤️❤️
I have heard this piece played on Steinway grand pianos by some pianists. Now I am surprised how much I like and _prefer_ that special cembalo sound. I can imagine that Johann Sebastian has played it precisely the same way Chiara has performed it here.
Danke lieber Christoph!
One of the most glorious sequence of triplets in the history of music.
Great technique, outstanding articulation, a heart beating and a singing soul. Congratulations!
An average playing. Not perfect.
For me, perfection does not pertain to the human sphere. So this is a great, remarkable interpretation.
I thank Ms. Chiara Massini for posting, and I encourage her to keep posting. There are not so many opportunities to listen harpsichord today, so her videos are a gift for amateurs.
@@alfredonocera7024 I'd like to encourage her as well, but I do hope she will restrain herself more in the future. She has indeed a good hand positioning, and the way she uses rubato is never rhetorical. I notice she has some weakness here and there, but all in all she's not that bad. Nevertheless her technique and musicality remains quite far from other international recitalists. What I really can't stand is the abundance of useless movements and blinking smiles.. Her behaviour demostrates that while playing she considers herself at the center of the scene. While true musicianship requires a completely opposite attitude. A humble servant of the music should put the Art and nothing else under the spotlights!
I wish I can see her sitting firmly with her back straight up, slightly inclined so to balance the weight of the arms, with the legs joint and fixed in the correct positioning. Not smiling, not acting like a showgirl... just seriously playing while considering herself transparent in the eyes of the audience.
@@dariogiorgiutti9418 I have never read such a ridiculous and grotesque commentary. Are you a misogynist? This piece is so difficult and requires such a continuous concentration that there is no time for outward show (which you can criticize Lang Lang for). There are no 'useless movements' and smiles can't 'blink' (I'm sure her smile is prettier than yours). Massini is outstanding. If you can play this piece on the harpsichord: put it on YT. Now that you've had your moment of attention (which you were clearly seeking), with respect: shut up and don't criticize an artist with decades of experience.
@@hdholl9696 Sorry, we're talking about Chiara, not me. However my instrument is the organ, not the harpsichord, even if (just for your info) I play it often, also pieces which difficulties go well beyond this, BUT without useless movements. (In case you wish, you can check the playlist "my best organ performances" into my channel). I don't like to show myself playing, because when I did, people concentrated on the images and not on the music. Please, in case you want to dislike my videos for your vendetta, also comment them, so I can understand what's wrong. Back to Chiara, this player is a showgirl, not a musician. The performance is nice, but not that astonishing. If you suppress the sound, she looks ridiculous (not too much in this specific video, actually), and if you suppress the video, the music is ok, again, but nothing so special. I like the way she moves her hands, the articulation, and the phrasing is sometimes very good, but surely there are many harpsichordists whose musicianship highly overcomes hers. And last, in any case the position of Chiara's body IS WRONG, as well as that abundance of useless movements. I'm sorry, but that's true, I couldn't say the opposite!!
That looks like a cozy little music room. Beautiful scenery. Beautiful playing.
Thank you for leaving one emtpy minute at the end. This silence helps to keep the emotion inside.
What a beautiful performance!
Tutto il possibile rispetto per una esecuzione divina. Vivo in Balaka (Malawi) da più di 22 anni e sin da giovane ho dedicato la mia vita a Bach.
E farlo conoscere.
E goderne.
E beneficiare della sua amicizia.
Che beltà vedere la Bellezza suonata da mani che appartengono a così nobili persone!
Quanta speranza
Grazie Chiara, per il tuo talento.
Bach non lascia tempo per una pausa tè. Azione magica, bel tempo. Tuttavia trovi il tempo per girare le pagine. La riproduzione audio è chiara e ben bilanciata tra alti e bassi, catturando la bella risonanza del tuo cembalo. Il tuo segno, un sorriso, deve ricordarci che anche la musica che può apparire seria, il duro lavoro del successo viene dall'amore e dalla gioia e talvolta dalla tristezza che è amore. Stai bene, saluti da Richard Webb.
Outstanding performance, Chiara. Always a pleasure to hear you play. I would consider this performance one of your best... monumental and EXCITING!
Grazie mio caro Gregory!
Listening to your performance is always a bliss... Thank you!
Bravissima. As always wonderful and magical. The best end of day we could have. Thank you Chiara.
This perfectly conceived performance carries the soul to cosmic spheres, music so fluid and gracious, a flight to heaven relentlessly carrying us along. Thank you Chiara.
What a lovely, eloquent comment, Stuart. Thank you for your vision.
absolutely wonderful. Bravo.I am a fan of this talented virtuoso. Thank you for the exciting download.
excelent interpretation......
I love this piece, first heard it on an old LP by Sir Nicholas Jackson.
I like to thank you, for the very beautiful music you present us! But I start repeating myself; so I better stop typing these reactions... But I will not stop listening and enjoying your music on a daily basis! Grazie!
Great performance! And very good audio and video quality :)
Brava!!! Wonderful performance.
More I see if your videos, more I am excited to see my pieces performed by you ! What a marvellous Bach’s piece performed by a marvellous interpreter on a marvellous instrument ! 😁
Can you believe this was considered as old fashioned music in Bach’s own time?? Well, Bach was a composer who wrote music for God, not sold as commodity in order to pleasure the Kings & Queens of his time. That’s why he was a legend & although he was not found very interesting in his own days, cause people didn’t want to suffer in a complex musical ideas but instead a lightweight & easy to understand newer era of music. Later in Bach’s years he was only to be known as a testament for contrapuntal music. Bach was the only known master of his days who implemented older musical styles, studies, & counterpoint all into one major roller coaster thrill conjuncted with his own modern/futuristic episodes unlike anything ever done by past composers even before Bach! This was the ultimate package all in one. Some found Bach to be too much to inherit & take in as he was definitely not to the faint of heart, others would’ve thought that there is way too many notes only in such a short period of time, & so couldn’t understand the meaning behind Bach’s intellect as his music was very very demanding to the listener. But few gradually began to see Bach capabilities & those individuals did witness Bach’s musical vision & thought of it as unlike anything that can be accomplished musically! This was indeed very unique & rare! And in this way Bach’s fame & success grew on the rise more & more, even though that he still didn’t compare to the majesty’s composers, who were the common musical stars of the day. But Bach was still known throughout cities as a underground composer & one who masters specific music! Since he was later challenged by King Frederick for another moment just to embarrass the King in his own castle for successfully completing a challenge fugue theme given to him by the King himself! For the purpose of his mission to dethrone Bach’s legacy & making him look like a fool in front of the audience, a very dangerous path for Bach’s career point but he accepted the challenge & proved him very justly for messing with the wrong person! After that, nobody couldn’t dare point fingers on such a legendary composer. But didn’t even realize to give him even more attention either. So it ended up as sad & lonely for Bach & his music, only after he was to be appreciated greatly after his death, not during his lifetime as much!
Quanta bellezza in questo suono di altri Tempi. Il fascino dello strumento, Il fascino di Bach e l'ottima esecuzione Complimenti Chiara👏🎹☘☘
That made my day. Thank you!
Veramente bella stanza, bello tempo con questa musica estrema dalla tua saggia mano governata.
This is a piece that is played but very few musicians. Chiara very well done!!!
Thank you
Excelente Chiara!! Como siempre..
Merci Madame pour cette merveilleuse interprétation
Brava Chiara!
Bellissima esecuzione, controllo perfetto e articolazione sempre coerente. La fuga in particolare è veramente impeccabile e rende bene l'incalzare delle frasi in modo quasi ipnotico, come deve essere. Eccellente anche il suono e non da meno le immagini, insomma, tutto di grande qualità. Bravissima Chiara!!
Grazie Giorgio! Si...la fuga è ipnotica :)
Exquisite perfection.
A very natural organic realistic presentation of authentic performance. Congratulations on a job that will stand the test of time.
Splendida esecuzione, chiusa con un altrettanto splendido sorriso. Complimenti !!
Spettacolare tecnica . Bravissima Chiara
beautifully played!
It is a beautiful and pleasant master interpretation, thank you.
Thank you so much for an amazing job well done. That is a difficult piece that I hope to finish learning. You have inspired me.
Come sempre non ho parole. Sei meravigliosa. Le tue mani volano fantastiche sulla tastiera! Io sono organista, compositore e improvvisatore. Ma il tuo clavicembalo mi conquista il cuore. Con affetto, Giorgio Frezet.
This is related to harpsichord concerto BWV 1044, and it is very interesting to hear the predecessor to BWV 1044 (the outer movements -- the inner movement of BWV 1044 instead came from BWV 894).
Complimenti molto brava.
Bach sfuggente , imprevedibile e irresistibile.
Sempre unica. Un'esecuzione che ha bisogno di pochi commenti: meravigliosa! Un grande abbraccio!!
Wow, sehr virtuos. Vielen Dank für die wunderbare Musik
You are such an inspiration Chiara. I send your videos to my piano students. Trying to imitate the slurs, staccatti and speeds. Thank you for your performances.
Very nice, a dream of harmony and peace 🌺🎶...Bach
In questa esecuzione si è davvero superata, Chiara. Pensi che l'ho ascoltata ieri qui, a Venezia, mentre ero sul vaporetto di ritorno dalla Giudecca. Il risultato dell'unione del sublime BWV 894 e della visione di questa città, che i veneziani di un tempo vollero capolavoro, è stato un momento davvero vertiginoso. È proprio vero che Bach compose la migliore musica veneziana...
Un caro saluto,
Grazie di cuore, Matheo!
Bravo Chiara! siempre genial👏👏👏
Maravillosa interpretación de Bach, muchas gracias.
Simply perfect interpretation and instrument
Una belleza !
Sempre brava bravissima Chiara !
Marcoooooo!!!! grazie di cuore....!
@@Chiara2110 ...ben ritrovata. :-)
You set the harpsichord on fire ☝️🥵
Wow! Thank you!
wonderful - thank you
heerlijk. en heftig en geweldig en verrukkelijk !
dank je wel Chiara c.g.
PS . . . dies ist fast unmöglich aber du machst ! nicht zu glauben und doch, ich sehe deine Hände; nur erstaunen und 'hou van jou' c.g.
Have you ever thought of recording "Complete Works of Bach on Harpsichord" I don't think that collection exists.
A dialogue with heavens!
Klara wieder ❤❤❤
Che bella scoperta il tuo canale, Chiara!
she is so busy playing she has forgotten what bach is saying with his music....even so something comes through because at some level she is touched by the music ..beautiful instrument...
beautiful ok.
Laissez-vous transporter ~~~~~~~~:-)
Absolument, moi aussi je suis transporté par cette sublime interprétation Sincères salutations
This causes my heart to beat faster!
Hi Chiara! You are so great! 🎹 I’ve begun to learn some of the pieces you play on harpsichord, on electric guitar. I’ve noticed that when I try to play along with you, your harpsichord seems to be tuned down a half step. Is that the way Bach tuned? I thought that started in the 1960’s with Jimi Hendrix. Lol. My favorite electric guitar is tuned down a half step so I like playing that way. John
Brillante. Una interpretazione che sicuramente avrebbe piaciuto a Bach stesso. Quello che no capisco è come si può toccare leggendo della partitura questa musica così veloce. Io mi fiderei totalmente della mia memoria muscolare.
jij Chiara, je bent een kunstenaar ( In het Nederlands heute voor man en vrouw gleich aber auf Deutsch Künstlerin ) c.g.
Chiara - Do you bring your music to harpsichord museums to make these recordings? It's great to see/hear you play on this variety of beautiful instruments and environments.
Very similar to bwv 1044 concerto, are the two pieces related in a way?
🔥 🥵
Tour de force!
So this is Well Tempered Clavier + 1
Awesome! that's what I pay for internet! ♥♥
who is playing this upper keyboard?
Muito sensual, adoro o sorriso que sempre precede.
How possible to make beautiful intetesting music from that random dots?🤔
R A N D O M ? ??
Bach had NOTHING to do with randomness. He was the ORDER personified...
@@gustavolascalea1525 For me notes looks like random dots. :)
Ottimo orario 😂😂
Ma fai la seria e datti un contegno. Un vero musicista non si mette sotto i riflettori come cerchi di fare tu. Coi tuoi movimenti da anguilla scema sei semplicemente ridicola. Vorrei proprio vedere se musicisti veri come Mozart, Couperin o Rameau si fossero esibiti in tutte quelle moine e quei sorrisi fatti solo per attirare attenzione sul proprio ego invece che sulla musica. I complimenti che ti fanno sono al 90% dovuti al tuo "marketing" di bassa lega. Guarda una Marie Claire Alain o un Olivier Latry, e dimmi se mai si siano esibiti in atteggiamenti simili ai tuoi. Certo, non lo hanno mai fatto perché sono musicisti seri.
Nessuno obbliga nessuno a guardare video musicali su RUclips. Se non ti piace passa avanti. La Massini sarà tra i peggiori cembalisti di sempre, vanagloriosa e altezzosa, con movimenti da capitone... ops scusa da anguilla, ma sai una cosa in franchezza? A noi piace. Forse anche perché siamo esseri umani. PS come fai a sapere che i musicisti sei-settecenteschi erano immobili? Io invece me li vedo gioiosamente agitati emotivamente sulle loro tastiere.
@@luigiferuglio6400Anch'io ho dei video di mie registrazioni su youtube, e mi dà molto fastidio se qualcuno a cui non è piaciuta una mia interpretazione non lascia un commento per spiegarne il motivo. Come sarebbe possibile migliorarsi senza commenti motivati e motivanti? Io non sarò mai fra quei vigliacchi che mettono un pollice riverso e poi non si assumono la responsabilità di dire perché. Quindi non "passerò oltre" se ho qualcosa da dire. E ribadisco che un vero musicista dovrebbe trasparire agli occhi del pubblico e lasciare che sia la musica a prendere il centro della scena. Inoltre qualsiasi maestro sa bene che la giusta postura prevede l'assenza di qualsiasi movimento inutile, che non contribuisce in alcun modo a migliorare la perfomance musicale. Fortunatamente questa non è una mia opinione, ma un fatto ovvio e rimarcato (come ho già scritto) da personaggi come Widor e Dupré, che non sono fra gli ultimi cretini del mondo musicale, direi. Io penso che questa clavicembalista manchi di umiltà, ma la cosa che più mi infastidisce sono i commenti eccessivamente entusiastici con cui vengono accolti i suoi video, che francamente dal punto di vista musicale sono discreti, ma piuttosto mediocri.... Commenti motivati da ammiccamenti e sorrisi... Come ho già detto, marketing di bassa lega, e un insulto a chi la musica la fa per la musica.