The healthiest mac and cheese & morning bread sandwich in the world
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- I really like rich mac and cheese full of cheese flavor, but it can be burdensome because it is a representative menu item that is considered one of the high-calorie foods.
Today, I made the world's healthiest mac and cheese using super simple feta cheese pasta that was popular on TikTok.
Tomatoes are fat-soluble vegetables, so when they are cooked, the yield of lycopene in the body increases. Especially when cooked and eaten with a healthy oil such as olive oil, not only does it increase the absorption rate, but it is also said to be good for protecting the blood and blood vessels, so the more often you eat it, the better.
feta cheese
1. Making sauce 00:08
Add salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, and olive oil to the tomatoes, mix well, top with minced garlic and feta cheese, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and olive oil, and cook in a 200 degree oven for 30 minutes.
2. Boiling pasta 00:46
While the tomatoes and cheese are cooking in the oven, boil the macaroni.
3. Mixing 01:18
Take out the oven, mash the cheese and tomatoes, add the boiled macaroni, add parsley powder and bell pepper powder and mix well to complete.
#healthy diet #healthy food recipe #healthy food #healthy recipe #recipe #feta cheese pasta
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