Blessings to you Brother. I believe there was a specific word for me in this teaching today. A few weeks ago I was in a prayer group at our church and I went up to lead the prayer when suddenly I began to cry during prayer. I didn't know why I was crying but I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit and there were specific things to pray about that the Lord wanted me to pray for. During this time there was someone sitting in one of the back rows who fell to his knees and began to cry. I knew God was healing something deep in him. But after I was done I was asking myself why I was crying. This has happened to me a couple of times when I have prayed for other and I didn't realize what it was. there are times when I'm praying for someone and I feel their pain in my heart and hug them without saying a word and feel a sudden peace come upon us. I want to thank God for speaking through you Brother and thank you for being obedient to His voice and His word and for taking the time to teach and speak what He prompts in your heart to speak. Your a Blessing brother God Bless you and continue to use you for His glory in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessing to Katie and the kids.
I'm 14 and i can speak in tongues,hear and talk to God,and I can do many more things and i am praying that god helps me through this and i know he will
God bless you young minister of God may he evolve you to bring glory to the kingdom 😇 what's amazing is that you have embraced his gifts & are very aware of your abilities please Use them to bring Glory to our Father Amen Amen hallelujah 😇🙏 research ok that will aid you in many ways.
Wow. I never realized how many gifts I had. God led me to this series, for sure. It will prove useful in my journey with Jesus. God bless you, brother.
I really appreciate you, and know that I did not find you by chance. So, I thank God for leading me to your Ministry. I do have by the Grace of God several of these gifts. I really have been overwhelmed by the revelations given to me and by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit of God. I never knew what to do with the gift of knowledge, and the gift of wisdom. No one has been able to explain these gifts to me as well as you have. You have know idea what your Ministry means to me. I am now experiencing a confidence that I have never experienced in my life. Thank you. May God bless you, your Ministry, and your family. I will pray for you, your Ministry and your family.
Thank you so much for this!! I’ve always wondered why I start crying randomly sometimes either during prayer or worship, and it makes so much more sense now. I’ve never felt like I was crying for myself, but for someone else in the room. I hope I can learn how to further use this gift to help comfort those in the church
Thank you Pastor, this is such a wonderful teaching, I’ve watched the whole series,at least twice now. I’m truly grateful for your ministry! May God continue to bless you and grow you in abundance of grace and joy!
Thank you so much for breaking down all 9 of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, this was a great refresher to what I have been taught in the past. I thank God for the gifts he has given me!!
Blessings ,brother just to tell you sure is great to hear someone teaching on this subject ,,no wonder churches now a days have so much confusion,,we need more teaching like this. Holy Spirit is essential in every aspect...thank u
I think I had a prophetic dream. A few months ago, I dreamed that at my house on the coast in VA, it was dry. As I drove inland, it got wetter and wetter, until I saw a river of fast flowing muddy water. It was up to my chin and was splashing me in the face. I had to stop and carry my car over my head, because it is new and I didn't want it to get wet. Then, I woke up. It flooded just like that inland this hurricane season, but everything has gone around my house a mile from the beach. All the hurricanes went around us and flooded everything inland. We're dry here! Barely got anything from Hurricanes Florence or Michael. It's like this little piece of Virginia was protected. All my family and friends thought I was going to be on top my roof waiting for a rescue. People keep talking about moving, but I keep telling them not to worry. God will put you where he wants you. It's true! He hasn't told me to leave here yet.
He gave yo a fore warning... my ex gf 7 years ago had sex with this guy I knew and at the same time I had a nap on my parents couch and had a dream she was banging that guy... a vision from god that she wasn't the one for me and now I'm happy with kids with the girl god wanted me to save
Thank you for this but I would have really wanted to see some scriptures to back up what you were saying. Where is it defined that prophecy is not foretelling of future events in scripture. Where does it say that prophecy is never rebuking. The ministry of the prophets was very rebuking in the scriptures and God always rebuked the false prophets for comforting the people falsely in His name. So, where do you get the information that it’s supposedly never rebuking? What if God has a word for a person to tell the person to change a certain behavior? Which would be the gift He would operate through if He wanted to use a different believer for that? Where do you get all of your information on the gifts of the spirit? Can you quote some scriptures? Thank you!
Hi, I enjoy hearing you teach. I do have a question. When God speaks through Eddie Paul Flowers which gift is this? Eddie Paul has a You Tube channel and is a pastor. God bless you.
So every prophecy given is only for edification and never for rebuke or criticism. So my question is, What was Nathan the prophet operating in when the Lord sent him to David to address David's sin of sexual immorality in causing Bathsheba to commit adultery against Uriah and then causing his killing? (2nd Samuel 12:1-15)
Can I ask a good question for my personal growth? (Loved this vid by the way) if I am praying for someone and I have a scripture that comes to my mind, and that scripture is encouraging and edifying, would we call that a gift of prophecy? I’m not talking about the gift of the ‘Office of a prophet’ which I know is 2 seperate things, but I always want to be careful that I’m not ‘prophesying’ something that God didn’t speak or say. And can you prophesy over your own life like a lot of preachers say you can?
I'm curious why you would say prophecy is never rebuke. There are multiple examples of people speaking rebukes by supernatural insight throughout the old and new testament. Just curious...
Indeed. I would love a response to this because many of the prophets rebuked. John the Baptist rebuked and called on the people to repent because of what was coming, yet the Lord himself called him a prophet. There must be more to the story
My new Church seems to have Baptist roots and they believe that the gifts have ceased with the apostles. I don’t believe this but I’m wondering is that a good reason to leave the church?
Good question. What makes it supernatural is when you give someone encouragement, or comfort through this gift, it’s the exact thing they need to hear based on where they are at in life and what they are going through without you having any knowledge of it. Not just kind or nice words given of your own accord.
Good morning brother Neal how are you hope you're having a blessed day today I wanted to ask you a couple of questions I got baptized in 2019 as a born again Christian and ever since I've been baptized I've been getting attacked really really bad by the evil one I get nightmares sometimes negative thoughts like you wouldn't believe but then again when it comes to my gifts I have something from the holy because I tend to know stuff and do things my church in the fellowship that am in tells me all the time how did you know that thank you for comforting I feel that I truly might have the gift of prophecy or of wisdom sometimes I can actually see things before they even happen and I'm not just saying that to make myself sound good. The Lord knows my heart I really would like to find out what my true gift is so I can use it to help others in Christ Jesus. But there's days when I go to talk to the holy Spirit or the Lord I feel like I don't hear anything and it scares me.
What does an spiritual womb ovulating the same time as heaven mean please got prophesied over but didn't un anything except I'm an apostolic prophetic seer prophetic intercessor and evangelism
You mentioned in the gift of decernment of spirits that there were 2 gifts you believed were working in a person all or most of the time. You said the first one was decernment of spirits. I may have missed it but didn't hear you say which one was the the other. Which was the other please? Thank you.
The 7 letters to the 7 churches included both edification and rebuke in the prophecies. Just because scripture describes prophecy as being used for a particular thing does not mean that is the only thing it is used for or that it isn't used for anything else other than what is described by a particular writer. You have to look at what the whole of scripture describes or defines, or gives an illustration of prophecy and not just what one writer says. It is foolish to say that prophecy is never in the form of a rebuke or warning. The gift of prophecy is used to correct the body of Christ as well as edify.
I have always understood the gifts of prophecy to work in two parts.... first is correction an or instruction and second comes the edification and building up of the saints... am I wrong?
According to 2 Corinthians 14:3 - But [on the other hand] the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification [to promote their spiritual growth] and [speaks words of] encouragement [to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God] and [speaks words of] consolation [to compassionately comfort them]. AMP You may be thinking of 2 Tim 2:25 and 3:16. There is a difference between a Christian operating in the simple gift of prophecy and one who has been called to an office in the church (e.g. prophet, pastor or teacher). In general, the later has more authority to correct and instruct.
Thanks I found you guy's and the holy spirit is in me now this I know and I just want to say that I need more training in this his power to help others with in the body of christ with and there are so called churches that deny the holy spirit in there churches. That I had to leave because of my testimony of jesus christ. Because of there unbelieve in there churches that I don't understanding of I had no choice but to leave that so called church.
I have had 5 dream/visions in the span of a year, i have also spoken in tongues. are these spiritual gifts specifically from the Lord for me? I speak with other believers and they dont seem to get any or nearly as much. What im asking is this my given gift while others may be gifted with something that i do-not possess? Everything i have received is supported by the Word so i dont think its some random occurrence.
@Rico Paradise thank you for the questions. In regards to your first comment, yes it’s possible for these gifts to only be operating in you and not your friends. It is also possible that they may have some gifts that you do not. And it’s also possible that in time you may all have the same gifts. If you are starting to experience strong dreams and visions I would encourage you to spend time before the Lord praying in the spirit and seek Him for the ability to interpret your dreams. Visions are direct and do not need an interpretation, but dreams do. God often speaks to us through our dreams and will give each person the ability to interpret the meaning. One thing to note is while God gives people the ability to interpret their own dreams, that doesn’t necessarily mean He has given them the ability to interpret the dreams of others. That is a separate ability or gift. Interpreting your dreams is a powerful thing and I’m glad you are growing in that area.
@Rico Paradise regarding your second comment, the answer is no. However, it may be categorized as the spiritual gifts “Word of Knowledge” and “Word of Wisdom.” Word of Knowledge is when God gives you a word about something in the past or present that you know nothing about. The gift of Prophecy is often mistaken for the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is when God gives you a word about something in the future that you know nothing about. The gift of Prophecy is when God gives you a spoken word for someone to edify (build), exhort (lift), or comfort them. When God speaks to someone through their dreams, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are operating in the Word of Knowledge or Word of Wisdom, but they may be. It may just be that God is fellowshiping with them by speaking to them through their dreams. He’ll do this to speak with you and give you direction. He can also speak to you in a dream to impress you to intercede for others in prayer or to intercede about a specific situation (sometimes a future event). He can also use dreams to start training you in spiritual warfare. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have other questions. Be BLESSED!
@@NealReyesMinistries Hello! How are you quick question if someone is a Prophet, a seer and a dreamer does that mean they are called to the office of a prophet? Please reply
I was very excited for this, but I am feeling somewhat confused since you mentioned and intertwined some of the other gifts within the one of prophecy. Could you maybe expand more on just prophecy please or link some other places to learn more about this gift? Do you know of any books that speak on these gifts or prophecy specifically? Thank you and I really am enjoying this series.
Thank you for your explanation. The explanation on prophecy is not fully correct. Though part of your explanation is correct but not all correct. Where is it defined that prophecy is not foretelling of future events in scripture? Read : Act: 21: 10-13 - a prophet named Agabus foretelling about Apostle Paul. Where does it say that prophecy is never rebuking? Read Ezek: 13: 1-4 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own heart,[a] ‘Hear the word of the Lord!’ ” 3 Thus says the Lord God: “Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit and have seen [b]nothing! 4 O Israel, your prophets are like foxes in the deserts. If God ask you to correct or rebuke or give direction will you not do it? Prophecy is “hearing” from God and speaking what you hear in order to edify, exhort and comfort someone. God can speak or tell you to speak love, peace, edification, correction, rebuke, condemn, comfort but what ever God ask you to speak is for to make you good. prophecy can be defined as a miraculous act of intelligible communication, rooted in spontaneous, divine revelation and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
One other concept I’m not really sure I understand, when you say that the Lord would give somebody a word that they would speak to someone else. Does that just mean you could have a whole dream and maybe just one word with in the dream you were supposed to say to somebody else or do you mean you actually hear a word or by word do you mean a verse in the Bible, don’t under stand the concept “given a word”. Thanks!!
My interpretation is that "given a word" could be paraphrased "given a message" from God. Sometimes delivered through a dream, or auditory, or through "the still small voice"
tracy becker yeah I’ve come to figure out that given a word doesn’t necessarily mean one individual single word. I tend to be very literal and when you say a word I take it as A WORD. Thank you for the further clarification’
Thank you pastor but I’m confused about something because I’m trying to understand some dreams I’m having from the Lord. Very definition of prophesy is the foretelling of the future, but that contradicts what you explained this gift to be. I will preface that by saying I’m not going out telling a bunch of people about my dreams and claiming to be a prophet, because the truth is I’m trying to understand what spiritual gifts I have in the first place before I make the mistake of trying to edify others with the wrong information if that makes sense. I don’t even have a YT channel (bit of an introvert), but it’s important to me to learn to understand what’s happening to me so that I can know what God wants me to do with it. Also, if you had an email, and would be comfortable with it, I would like to share what my dreams were with somebody to get some perspective. I’ve talked to just a couple people about them but not really gleaned anything and I’ve asked the Lord for confirmation but I don’t have any idea what he’s trying to tell me. I don’t have a local church so I don’t have the type of community where I can go.
@Barbara Frey, thank you for taking the time to reach out. If you can please reach out to us on our website, we would be happy to have someone reach out to you. We look forward to hearing from you. God Bless! -Neal Reyes Ministries
Barbara Frey i have interpreted dreams by the Spirit and can tell you that God hides a mistery and is the job of kings to solve it. We are kings and priests so we have the job to seek for what God is saying through His night parables.
I was researching giftedness. Then I found your teachings. It fits like a glove.
Blessings to you Brother. I believe there was a specific word for me in this teaching today. A few weeks ago I was in a prayer group at our church and I went up to lead the prayer when suddenly I began to cry during prayer. I didn't know why I was crying but I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit and there were specific things to pray about that the Lord wanted me to pray for. During this time there was someone sitting in one of the back rows who fell to his knees and began to cry. I knew God was healing something deep in him. But after I was done I was asking myself why I was crying. This has happened to me a couple of times when I have prayed for other and I didn't realize what it was. there are times when I'm praying for someone and I feel their pain in my heart and hug them without saying a word and feel a sudden peace come upon us. I want to thank God for speaking through you Brother and thank you for being obedient to His voice and His word and for taking the time to teach and speak what He prompts in your heart to speak. Your a Blessing brother God Bless you and continue to use you for His glory in the name of Jesus Christ. Blessing to Katie and the kids.
I'm 14 and i can speak in tongues,hear and talk to God,and I can do many more things and i am praying that god helps me through this and i know he will
You are precious Keilah Pillay
Praise God 🙏🏼
Amén ❤️
God bless you young minister of God may he evolve you to bring glory to the kingdom 😇 what's amazing is that you have embraced his gifts & are very aware of your abilities please Use them to bring Glory to our Father Amen Amen hallelujah 😇🙏 research ok that will aid you in many ways.
Keep at it! 🎉
Wow. I never realized how many gifts I had. God led me to this series, for sure. It will prove useful in my journey with Jesus. God bless you, brother.
@Captain Longshanks, I’m glad the Lord led you to our videos. Be BLESSED! I’m praying for you.
I really appreciate you, and know that I did not find you by chance. So, I thank God for leading me to your Ministry. I do have by the Grace of God
several of these gifts. I really have been overwhelmed by the revelations given to me and by the awesome power of the Holy Spirit of God.
I never knew what to do with the gift of knowledge, and the gift of wisdom. No one has been able to explain these gifts to me as well as you have.
You have know idea what your Ministry means to me. I am now experiencing a confidence that I have never experienced in my life.
Thank you. May God bless you, your Ministry, and your family.
I will pray for you, your Ministry and your family.
Your explanation of the spiritual gifts are the best I have seen. Keep making more videos, God bless 🙏
Thank you Brod Neil Reyes🙏
Thank you so much for this!! I’ve always wondered why I start crying randomly sometimes either during prayer or worship, and it makes so much more sense now. I’ve never felt like I was crying for myself, but for someone else in the room. I hope I can learn how to further use this gift to help comfort those in the church
Thank you Pastor, this is such a wonderful teaching, I’ve watched the whole series,at least twice now. I’m truly grateful for your ministry! May God continue to bless you and grow you in abundance of grace and joy!
@Vee Dubb, thank you I appreciate you! God Bless -Neal
Thanks for sharing this amazing teaching. God bless you.
Thank you Alex Abrha, God Bless you as well.
Wow!!! Thanks for blessing The teaching is awesome.
What a beautiful start i loved d rocking music... Excellent contect.nice shirt
Glory to God for your life, now I understand what Gifts I have 💞
Prophecy is one of the best gift of the holy spirit.It is to build up the church.
Lets not compare gifts please🙌🏽❤
Thank you so much for breaking down all 9 of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, this was a great refresher to what I have been taught in the past. I thank God for the gifts he has given me!!
I see some of these differently. Still, understand or not, the spiritual gifts are so important and needful in encouraging the BOC.
Blessings ,brother just to tell you sure is great to hear someone teaching on this subject ,,no wonder churches now a days have so much confusion,,we need more teaching like this. Holy Spirit is essential in every aspect...thank u
Thank you Brod.🙏🙏🙏
I think I had a prophetic dream. A few months ago, I dreamed that at my
house on the coast in VA, it was dry. As I drove inland, it got wetter
and wetter, until I saw a river of fast flowing muddy water. It was up
to my chin and was splashing me in the face. I had to stop and carry
my car over my head, because it is new and I didn't want it to get wet.
Then, I woke up. It flooded just like that inland this hurricane
season, but everything has gone around my house a mile from the beach.
All the hurricanes went around us and flooded everything inland. We're
dry here! Barely got anything from Hurricanes Florence or Michael.
It's like this little piece of Virginia was protected. All my family
and friends thought I was going to be on top my roof waiting for a
rescue. People keep talking about moving, but I keep telling them not to worry. God will put you where he wants you. It's true! He hasn't told me to leave here yet.
He gave yo a fore warning... my ex gf 7 years ago had sex with this guy I knew and at the same time I had a nap on my parents couch and had a dream she was banging that guy... a vision from god that she wasn't the one for me and now I'm happy with kids with the girl god wanted me to save
Your explanation was easy to understand. Very effective and well received. Much appreciated. Thank you and God bless you.
Thank you so much for these teachings
Great series, thank you! God Bless you!
Thank you for sharing all your videos. GBU.🙏🏽🇵🇷❤️
This is amazing. Thanks! 🌞🌞
I desire the gift of prophecy
Thanks to God. These are really Biblical Scriptural Teachings of The True Word of Living God...
Your teaching was very informative.
Again, thank you brother! So helpful
Thank you for this but I would have really wanted to see some scriptures to back up what you were saying.
Where is it defined that prophecy is not foretelling of future events in scripture.
Where does it say that prophecy is never rebuking.
The ministry of the prophets was very rebuking in the scriptures and God always rebuked the false prophets for comforting the people falsely in His name.
So, where do you get the information that it’s supposedly never rebuking?
What if God has a word for a person to tell the person to change a certain behavior? Which would be the gift He would operate through if He wanted to use a different believer for that?
Where do you get all of your information on the gifts of the spirit? Can you quote some scriptures?
Thank you!
you questions are correct. His explanation about prophecy is not fully correct.
Hi, I enjoy hearing you teach. I do have a question. When God speaks through Eddie Paul Flowers which gift is this? Eddie Paul has a You Tube channel and is a pastor. God bless you.
Requesting for physical healing please ty praise God tyj
Thank you Pastor. I understand now.
So every prophecy given is only for edification and never for rebuke or criticism. So my question is, What was Nathan the prophet operating in when the Lord sent him to David to address David's sin of sexual immorality in causing Bathsheba to commit adultery against Uriah and then causing his killing? (2nd Samuel 12:1-15)
Thank you for this please pray for me for healing on d inside
I need more scripture on this
What are you looking for?
Word of Knowledge vs Word of Wisdom
Thank you so much sir
Immense love, gratitude and blessings, beloved brother. Finally, someone speaking light of truth. May Almighty Yeshua Bless you immensely.
Can I ask a good question for my personal growth? (Loved this vid by the way) if I am praying for someone and I have a scripture that comes to my mind, and that scripture is encouraging and edifying, would we call that a gift of prophecy? I’m not talking about the gift of the ‘Office of a prophet’ which I know is 2 seperate things, but I always want to be careful that I’m not ‘prophesying’ something that God didn’t speak or say. And can you prophesy over your own life like a lot of preachers say you can?
I'm curious why you would say prophecy is never rebuke. There are multiple examples of people speaking rebukes by supernatural insight throughout the old and new testament. Just curious...
Indeed. I would love a response to this because many of the prophets rebuked. John the Baptist rebuked and called on the people to repent because of what was coming, yet the Lord himself called him a prophet. There must be more to the story
My new Church seems to have Baptist roots and they believe that the gifts have ceased with the apostles. I don’t believe this but I’m wondering is that a good reason to leave the church?
It seems to me like anyone can give an encouraging word, but what makes it supernatural?
Good question. What makes it supernatural is when you give someone encouragement, or comfort through this gift, it’s the exact thing they need to hear based on where they are at in life and what they are going through without you having any knowledge of it. Not just kind or nice words given of your own accord.
Heads up my Christian brother’s. Start getting ready for Apophis pretty soon.
Good morning brother Neal how are you hope you're having a blessed day today I wanted to ask you a couple of questions I got baptized in 2019 as a born again Christian and ever since I've been baptized I've been getting attacked really really bad by the evil one I get nightmares sometimes negative thoughts like you wouldn't believe but then again when it comes to my gifts I have something from the holy because I tend to know stuff and do things my church in the fellowship that am in tells me all the time how did you know that thank you for comforting I feel that I truly might have the gift of prophecy or of wisdom sometimes I can actually see things before they even happen and I'm not just saying that to make myself sound good. The Lord knows my heart I really would like to find out what my true gift is so I can use it to help others in Christ Jesus. But there's days when I go to talk to the holy Spirit or the Lord I feel like I don't hear anything and it scares me.
My name is ASHOK
I want medical Lab knowledge blood test diagnosis report
Please pray from telangana
Where is your ministry located?!
Fort Worth, TX
@@NealReyesMinistries I have some kind of gift, but don't know how to use it, or how to control it ,what would you recommend?!
What does an spiritual womb ovulating the same time as heaven mean please got prophesied over but didn't un anything except I'm an apostolic prophetic seer prophetic intercessor and evangelism
You mentioned in the gift of decernment of spirits that there were 2 gifts you believed were working in a person all or most of the time. You said the first one was decernment of spirits. I may have missed it but didn't hear you say which one was the the other. Which was the other please?
Thank you.
@Kelly Hartley, the other is Diverse Tongues (specifically the ability to pray in the spirit or praying/speaking in tongues).
The 7 letters to the 7 churches included both edification and rebuke in the prophecies. Just because scripture describes prophecy as being used for a particular thing does not mean that is the only thing it is used for or that it isn't used for anything else other than what is described by a particular writer. You have to look at what the whole of scripture describes or defines, or gives an illustration of prophecy and not just what one writer says. It is foolish to say that prophecy is never in the form of a rebuke or warning. The gift of prophecy is used to correct the body of Christ as well as edify.
😁🍇🍎food from the spirit as understanding of the bible.
this wasnt very clear
I have always understood the gifts of prophecy to work in two parts.... first is correction an or instruction and second comes the edification and building up of the saints... am I wrong?
According to 2 Corinthians 14:3 - But [on the other hand] the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification [to promote their spiritual growth] and [speaks words of] encouragement [to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God] and [speaks words of] consolation [to compassionately comfort them]. AMP You may be thinking of 2 Tim 2:25 and 3:16. There is a difference between a Christian operating in the simple gift of prophecy and one who has been called to an office in the church (e.g. prophet, pastor or teacher). In general, the later has more authority to correct and instruct.
Music is so distracting..
Thanks I found you guy's and the holy spirit is in me now this I know and I just want to say that I need more training in this his power to help others with in the body of christ with and there are so called churches that deny the holy spirit in there churches. That I had to leave because of my testimony of jesus christ. Because of there unbelieve in there churches that I don't understanding of I had no choice but to leave that so called church.
I have had 5 dream/visions in the span of a year, i have also spoken in tongues. are these spiritual gifts specifically from the Lord for me? I speak with other believers and they dont seem to get any or nearly as much. What im asking is this my given gift while others may be gifted with something that i do-not possess? Everything i have received is supported by the Word so i dont think its some random occurrence.
Also are these things categorized as Gift of Prophecy?
@Rico Paradise thank you for the questions. In regards to your first comment, yes it’s possible for these gifts to only be operating in you and not your friends. It is also possible that they may have some gifts that you do not. And it’s also possible that in time you may all have the same gifts. If you are starting to experience strong dreams and visions I would encourage you to spend time before the Lord praying in the spirit and seek Him for the ability to interpret your dreams. Visions are direct and do not need an interpretation, but dreams do. God often speaks to us through our dreams and will give each person the ability to interpret the meaning. One thing to note is while God gives people the ability to interpret their own dreams, that doesn’t necessarily mean He has given them the ability to interpret the dreams of others. That is a separate ability or gift. Interpreting your dreams is a powerful thing and I’m glad you are growing in that area.
@Rico Paradise regarding your second comment, the answer is no. However, it may be categorized as the spiritual gifts “Word of Knowledge” and “Word of Wisdom.” Word of Knowledge is when God gives you a word about something in the past or present that you know nothing about. The gift of Prophecy is often mistaken for the Word of Wisdom. The Word of Wisdom is when God gives you a word about something in the future that you know nothing about. The gift of Prophecy is when God gives you a spoken word for someone to edify (build), exhort (lift), or comfort them. When God speaks to someone through their dreams, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are operating in the Word of Knowledge or Word of Wisdom, but they may be. It may just be that God is fellowshiping with them by speaking to them through their dreams. He’ll do this to speak with you and give you direction. He can also speak to you in a dream to impress you to intercede for others in prayer or to intercede about a specific situation (sometimes a future event). He can also use dreams to start training you in spiritual warfare. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have other questions. Be BLESSED!
Neal Reyes This helped a lot, Thank you!
@@NealReyesMinistries Hello! How are you quick question if someone is a Prophet, a seer and a dreamer does that mean they are called to the office of a prophet? Please reply
I was very excited for this, but I am feeling somewhat confused since you mentioned and intertwined some of the other gifts within the one of prophecy. Could you maybe expand more on just prophecy please or link some other places to learn more about this gift? Do you know of any books that speak on these gifts or prophecy specifically? Thank you and I really am enjoying this series.
Thank you for your explanation.
The explanation on prophecy is not fully correct. Though part of your explanation is correct but not all correct.
Where is it defined that prophecy is not foretelling of future events in scripture?
Read : Act: 21: 10-13 - a prophet named Agabus foretelling about Apostle Paul.
Where does it say that prophecy is never rebuking?
Read Ezek: 13: 1-4
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 2 “Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy, and say to those who prophesy out of their own heart,[a] ‘Hear the word of the Lord!’ ”
3 Thus says the Lord God: “Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit and have seen [b]nothing! 4 O Israel, your prophets are like foxes in the deserts.
If God ask you to correct or rebuke or give direction will you not do it?
Prophecy is “hearing” from God and speaking what you hear in order to edify, exhort and comfort someone.
God can speak or tell you to speak love, peace, edification, correction, rebuke, condemn, comfort but what ever God ask you to speak is for to make you good.
prophecy can be defined as a miraculous act of intelligible communication, rooted in spontaneous, divine revelation and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
I agree!! I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed this.
@@sheralka Thank You.
One other concept I’m not really sure I understand, when you say that the Lord would give somebody a word that they would speak to someone else. Does that just mean you could have a whole dream and maybe just one word with in the dream you were supposed to say to somebody else or do you mean you actually hear a word or by word do you mean a verse in the Bible, don’t under stand the concept “given a word”. Thanks!!
My interpretation is that "given a word" could be paraphrased "given a message" from God. Sometimes delivered through a dream, or auditory, or through "the still small voice"
tracy becker yeah I’ve come to figure out that given a word doesn’t necessarily mean one individual single word. I tend to be very literal and when you say a word I take it as A WORD. Thank you for the further clarification’
Amen 🙏
This is not accurate at all
Thank you pastor but I’m confused about something because I’m trying to understand some dreams I’m having from the Lord.
Very definition of prophesy is the foretelling of the future, but that contradicts what you explained this gift to be.
I will preface that by saying I’m not going out telling a bunch of people about my dreams and claiming to be a prophet, because the truth is I’m trying to understand what spiritual gifts I have in the first place before I make the mistake of trying to edify others with the wrong information if that makes sense. I don’t even have a YT channel (bit of an introvert), but it’s important to me to learn to understand what’s happening to me so that I can know what God wants me to do with it.
Also, if you had an email, and would be comfortable with it, I would like to share what my dreams were with somebody to get some perspective. I’ve talked to just a couple people about them but not really gleaned anything and I’ve asked the Lord for confirmation but I don’t have any idea what he’s trying to tell me. I don’t have a local church so I don’t have the type of community where I can go.
@Barbara Frey, thank you for taking the time to reach out. If you can please reach out to us on our website, we would be happy to have someone reach out to you. We look forward to hearing from you. God Bless! -Neal Reyes Ministries
Barbara Frey i have interpreted dreams by the Spirit and can tell you that God hides a mistery and is the job of kings to solve it. We are kings and priests so we have the job to seek for what God is saying through His night parables.
Bro you need to get to the point faster 🙏🤍