Gen Stark But I'd say Majesty is more on supporting the team on raids, guild/territorial war because of their crowd control skills and on PvE their damage is kinda weak on bosses because most of bosses have dark elemental resistance but on normal monster crowd majesty is the best just one rising gravity ball can kill 'em all. Lols.
Christian Bisnar About Smashers they can be called "solo class" because of their large damage and their skills don't have any element on it so even if the enemy/boss have Fire/Ice/Dark resistance it, it can't affect smashers. On pvp terms they're the best with that OP LASER CUTTER xD but on Guild/Territorial war they're not that useful though because they don't have that much crowd control skills. So if I were going to compare them Utility: Smasher < Majesty Damage: Smasher > Majesty Most wanted in guild wars: Smasher < Majesty Solo PvP: Smasher > Majesty If you have many cool friends that you like to play with pick Majesty so you can support but if you're alone \_(T^T\_) and like to solo then pick Smasher. Hope this helps, I wrote it this long because I don't really like people that say "Pick the class that fits your playstyle," those people annoy me hahaha
in general, those of the two classes are more dps pvp / pve thanks for any answers
assassin kok nggak ada bringer dg bang
Uda ada gan, baru aja diupdate.
Makasih da mampir ya.
wkwk bringer bang blum ada
Bagi skill build majesty dan smasher pvp agan dong
i main chaos mage and ice witch. ice withc lv 90 is a god.
badly need your tips, in terms of raids, territory/guild war, ladder which is better smasher or majesty? Thanks in advance :)
Christian Bisnar majesty if you are going for PvE
Christian Bisnar the ex skills are better than smasher. Smashers are better in PvP
Gen Stark But I'd say Majesty is more on supporting the team on raids, guild/territorial war because of their crowd control skills and on PvE their damage is kinda weak on bosses because most of bosses have dark elemental resistance but on normal monster crowd majesty is the best just one rising gravity ball can kill 'em all. Lols.
Christian Bisnar About Smashers they can be called "solo class" because of their large damage and their skills don't have any element on it so even if the enemy/boss have Fire/Ice/Dark resistance it, it can't affect smashers. On pvp terms they're the best with that OP LASER CUTTER xD but on Guild/Territorial war they're not that useful though because they don't have that much crowd control skills. So if I were going to compare them
Utility: Smasher < Majesty
Damage: Smasher > Majesty
Most wanted in guild wars: Smasher < Majesty
Solo PvP: Smasher > Majesty
If you have many cool friends that you like to play with pick Majesty so you can support but if you're alone \_(T^T\_) and like to solo then pick Smasher. Hope this helps, I wrote it this long because I don't really like people that say "Pick the class that fits your playstyle," those people annoy me hahaha
ᴛʜɪs ᴠɪᴅᴇᴏ ᴡᴀs ɪ ᴡᴀɪᴛɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ʜᴀʜᴀ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋs ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴀʀᴛᴇɴɪᴛʏ😊
Can you please make a video using these skills majesty and smasher on nests?
bang. biar Peri S ada di lelang guild harus gimana?
Kalo dilelang saya kurng tau ya..
Maaf gak bisa jawab pertanyaannya.
Makasih da mampir ya.
Artenity X2 ok bang makasih
warrior = chicken LOL
Thank you
User priest sangat greget lawan ni job :v
Iya gan soalnya job ini ngeselin juga..
Makasih da mampir ya.
Force or elemental lord?
Just Sayori what was better?
Buat combo utk Assassins dong bang
Uda ada gan class chaser silakan cek di list video saya.
Makasih da mampir ya.
Kalo di pvp sama nest lebih enak mana bro?majesty apa smasher
Kalo saya lebih suka majes gan untuk pvpnya.
Ini menurut saya ya.
Makasih da mampir ya.
Smasher pve(nest atau lainnya)
Majesty pvp (enak buat crowd control)
Spirit Dancer pleaseee
Later I will upload class Spirit Dancer.
Thanks for watching my video.
Artenity X2 YES THANK YOUUU. YOU’RE REALLY GOOD. NICE SKILL BUILDS GOOD COMBOS. I plan to be Spirit Dancer soon. I want to see your skill build. :D
Elestra & sealena i want
earthzeza he/she done with this class if you want go to he/she channel and find it
I prefer Seleana bro.
Thanks all for watching my video.
Artenity X2 goodluck for choosing saleana :)
I prefer Elestra they excel more on PvP, Guild/Territorial/Sky wars because of their slows and freeze but Saleana have more damage. Hope this helps.
Assalammualaikum bang.. cara dpt kostum gmn ya ?
Waizh K beli pake diamond
Bisa beli pke diamond, bisa dpt dr tukarin honor & bisa dicombine.
Makasih semua da mampir ya.
Artenity X2 mksih banyak bang..
Is this pure majesty tree? :)
Thats some quality shit
Acrobat pls
Uda ada gan silakan cek di list video saya..
Makasih da mampir ya.
Artenity X2 english pls
Already there please check in my video list ..
Thanks for watching my video.