VIDEO: Mercy [ Sherlock ]

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • Sherlock tribute - Sherlock and his sneaky, manipulative ways

Комментарии • 36

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @thicketwings05 Wow, 100th! So many? What do I win? XD
    Thank you so much for commenting, I'm really happy you liked it.

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 12 лет назад

    Sherlock's milkshake brings all the boys (and, let's face it, the girls) to the yard.
    What's so brilliant about this video is that it brings into focus how *emotionally* manipulative Sherlock is, in his interpersonal relationships, above and beyond what most people give him credit for. (He's the sociopath; the freak; the one that doesn't get how people *feel*, except in criminal contexts.) But you show us how Sherlock ensures that *everyone* around him behaves how *he* wants them to. Just.

  • @msbluejayway
    @msbluejayway 13 лет назад

    I was hoping someone would use this song for a Sherlock vid. But my, he is one manipulative tease.

  • @Tehomet
    @Tehomet 14 лет назад

    Hilarious! The part in the restaurant made me LOL. Thank you for posting. :)

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    very good! you are the 100th sherlock vid i have added to my sherlock playlist! congrats!! sooooooooo well made :) i love the rhythmic editing. x

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @SMTRodent Thank you SO much! It's interesting that you thought the ending was chilling, because I was implying that John is starting to get inside Sherlock's worldview, and yes, probably that isn't necessarily a good thing. It's like I made a 'funny' portrait of sociopathy and its victims, in retrospective...

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @menasolar Wow, extremely nicely said! He's impossible to ignore, and at the same time impossible to love, and everyone will react strongly and in very different fashion to him. This is really what this show seems to focus on, and I'm loving every second of it. Wonderful characterization + great writing + perfect casting, you can't get better than this!
    And thank you SO much for your insightful comment and the sub. :D

  • @littlemissHouse
    @littlemissHouse 14 лет назад

    Dashingly prefect!!! made my day!!! Brilliant work!!

  • @SMTRodent
    @SMTRodent 14 лет назад

    That's pretty wonderful to watch and very clever. I really like the story you're telling here, and the chilling conclusion.

  • @dancefroggodance
    @dancefroggodance 14 лет назад

    This is my new favourite Sherlock vid. :D
    Lots of Lestrade makes me love you.

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 14 лет назад

    I never even noticed how smitten Lestrade was, until I saw this fabulous vid! I mean, *John* was pretty obvious, but I honestly thought that Lestrade was just, you know, friendly. And nice. A sensible bloke who knew a useful consulting detective when he saw one. But nooooo, it turns out that he's head over heels! IT'S OBVIOUS NOW!
    Oh, Sherlock, you manipulative ice-queen. :D
    Also, I am THRILLED BEYOND WORDS that you are now vidding in this fandom.

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @videosauce I have a friend that made me notice how shippable they are, and now I can't unsee it! ;) I can't decide what those looks mean, he looks torn between horrified and terribly attracted, lol.
    "Sherlock, you manipulative ice-queen"
    LOL! I absolutely ADORE this definition!
    And thank you so much! I'm thrilled myself, and I'm now awaiting impatiently for new footage to vid.

  • @Ghostygirl2011822
    @Ghostygirl2011822 13 лет назад

    Love it!!!!! The clips move with the music brilliantly, it is technically brilliant XD

  • @MsSvjetlana
    @MsSvjetlana 14 лет назад

    this was so fun to watch! :)... love your sneaky Sherlock ;) ... this is going to my faves so I can watch it again....

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @ArtemisAddict aw, thank you!

  • @beatatorres
    @beatatorres 14 лет назад

    love it!

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    @videosauce Your comment just made me smile a lot.
    Sherlock/Neo has got to happen now...

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 14 лет назад

    @Thandie777: Perhaps horrified *by* his terrible attraction? :D
    I can't wait for the next season, too! I really might've chosen the *other* pill if they hadn't decided to make more of this show, if you know what I mean! And no, it isn't a Matrix reference - OH MY GOD, now I can't help imagining Sherlock/Neo or Sherlock-as-Neo. THEY WERE BOTH OFFERED TWO PILLS. And John is Sherlock's Trinity, always believing in him...!
    All right, obviously I haven't had enough sleep. Sorry for the digression!

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @wickedground Thank you so much! :D

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @Thandie777 Thank you so much! :)

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @EdithyNeko Thank you! :D

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @videosauce LOL, the two things can co-exist, absolutely, especially when confronted with this Sherlock. :P
    Ok, you've got the crossover plotted, now you only have to write it. XD

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 14 лет назад

    @thicketwings05: Mr. Smith! Of course. Remember how he always went, "Mr. Aaanndersonnnn"? Well, it isn't much of a stretch to imagine Moriarty and his 10,000 clones going: "Mr. Hooolmesss". :D
    Lol, apologies to Thandie for hijacking her thread; I shall now hold my piece. I mean. Uh. PEACE.

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @beatatorres Thank you!

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @Tehomet Thank you so much! John looks like a jealous wife in there, does he? After all that talk about not being in a date. :)

  • @easymanga31
    @easymanga31 11 лет назад

    Still searching for the "love"-button :3

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @boobabycluebaby2 Aw, thank you! BC is quite gorgeous indeed. :D

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 14 лет назад

    @Thandie777: Indeed, especially when this Sherlock can see the "code" behind everyday life, and can decipher any matrix! HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE! John even has a pseudo-Trinity-ish black jacket on when he fires that Matrix-like bullet straight into the heart of Sherlock's potential killer! (TYPICAL Trinity move of crowning badassery!)
    ... I'm so sorry, I just can't stop. But when I do get around to writing this, I'll message you to let you know! :D

  • @twofataldays
    @twofataldays 13 лет назад

    keep clicking at 1:07 or 1:08 :D Sherlock's hips :D:D:D ;)

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    haha its funny how there actually IS an Anderson in it.
    Maybe he mistakes Holmes for Anderson. LOL
    Yeah sorry Thandie.
    We'll stop now....

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    @videosauce and moriarty and his crew are the bad dudes (cant remember their names,.....they have sunglasses....Oh YOU know who i mean.)

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    @thicketwings05 sorry i was typing too much silly youtube was trying to oppress my passion for benedict cumberbatch hair ruffling.....
    i think i would prefer benedict as the searching person at the airport metal detectors IN UNIFORM.
    i would deliberately wear some metal then............(sighs)
    Huh? sorry/.. dosed off......
    ok, well ANYWAY. thank you for you support! X

  • @videosauce
    @videosauce 14 лет назад

    @thicketwings05: DOES IT NOT. IT DOES. :D

  • @Thandie777
    @Thandie777  14 лет назад

    @thicketwings05 You are the most adorable ever.

  • @thicketwings05
    @thicketwings05 14 лет назад

    Mmm....maybe in that security guard suit? AND THE HAT...Oh my word the delicious hat. I may have to have some time to him for myself (there would be much hair ruffling) Dont you just want to ruffle his hair?? I do.
    I may have to become a searching person at an airport so that if he comes through one of the archways i can beep him anyway and then ruffle his hair as i would be 'checking' for bombs or exotic animals......