Bikin Heboh!! PUSPITA HAMPIR TAK TERTOLONG - Dolalak Dewi Arum
- Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
- Dolalak is a typical art from Purworejo Regency. This dance is a relic from the Dutch colonial era. The origin of the word Dolalak is from the notes Do and La because this dance is only accompanied by a two-tone musical instrument using a pair of Kenong lights.
Along with the times and technology, the Dolalak dance is now accompanied by modern music, namely the keyboard. The songs that are played are varied and diverse.
The Dolak dancer is the equivalent of a laughing stock, wearing a black uniform and wearing shorts. This uniform mimics the army serms of objects in ancient times. Over time, generations of female pullers emerged, accompanied by uniform modifications. And now, with the presence of matrarang dancers, one of the towing groups that still has them is the Dolalak dance group from Kaligesing. Dolalak dancers can experience trance, which is a condition where they are not aware because they are so immersed in dance and music.
Their behavior can be weird and funny. The Dolalak dance is currently growing rapidly and has even become the brand image of Purworejo Regency.
Dolalak is increasingly popular among the younger generation. This is not spared from the role of the Purworejo Regional Government which continues to develop and maintain this original art from the Purworejo area. In fact, in every art event at the national level, Dolalak always appears as a unique art. In every art competition at the national level, the Dolalak art always wins.
This is what drives Dolalak to remain sustainable. Dolalak art is always displayed in the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia, Scout Jamboree from regional to national levels, inter-regional cultural performances, and has even traveled to several countries in Asia and Europe. Therefore, Dolalak perli is patented as an original art from Indonesia in general and as an original art from the Purworejo Regency area in particular. This is intended so that Dolalak is not claimed as the property of individuals, regions, or even other nations.
Mengingatkan masa di kpng suka nonton pernah juga belajar ndolalak waktu sekolah
assalamualaikum semuanya mantaaaap dek ndolalak Dewi Arum semoga sehat selalu semakin suucceeeessss jarum2 maaantaaap 🙏🙏👍👍👍
Semangt buat kakak dewi arum sukses slalu aku gak pernah skip lo nonton dolalak dewi arum keren .cantik2 pokok IS THE BEST BANGETT❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
aseeeeek dek pita ing taman Jurug 🙏🙏👍👍👍👍
Cirhas musik ndolalak pasti kaya gini semua ya musiknya
sak jose bose
Beautiful everyone👍👍👍
Kalo dulu tahun 90an kalo liat ndolalak mendem mantep bgt yg.mendem makan kembang trus naik keatas bedug sambil joget² kaya orang kesurupan, soul nya masih greget banget gitu
Iya dulu emang begitu, sekarang udah banyak variasi
Budaya. Dari jawa mana. Kak
Emang kesurupan apa
Dulu kl ada ndolalak, yg nonton banyakan cowok sm bapak2..
Mendemnya beneran nggak sic jangan" mendem d sawer Abang biru mau🤭🤭🤭
เต้นได้สวยมาก คงเหนื่อยด่วย ขอให้กำลังใจนะ สวัสดี
Thankyou so much
Paling suka liat Puspita muter² 😂
sudah berapa tahun gak pernah lihat dulu di kec ngombol tujuh belas agustus
Jedur sumbangan koyone mbiyen Nang kecamatan Ngombol mung sediluk
Najajal koyo mbiyen neh nek mendem mangan pari beling torong godhong towo
❤❤❤❤❤ bagus
Tarianya cukup bagus❤
Mendem nya puspita sama persis sekali kayak mbak indri,
mungkin mbah nya mbak indri itu yg masuk..
samgat" berenergik
Betul sekali kawan
Pahanya mulus2
Kurang pendek celananya bro😂😂😂 malu sendiri ngliati kostumnya
mantap keren
Ratu mendeme Dewi Arum
Ko Indri GX ikuttt
Ikut ikut yg siang
Bali 🙏
Bagus bgt ternyata jogetan nya
Ini dolalak daerah mana ya
Ini ndolalak dari daerah mna ya
Dewi arum official akune di hack yah min
Ngobrol dng puspita
seharusnya alat musik yg digunakan juga dari alat tradisional gak usah pake organ tunggal keyboard biar terlihat lebih sakral kalau pakai organ tunggal mirip dangdutan
daerah mna?
Purworejo jateng
Ya kurang lebih sama permainan kuda lumping/ebeg pasti indentik dengan kesurupan cuma beda permainan kuda lumping/ebeg gk pakai panggung jadi gk punya resiko jatuh dari panggung cukup di tanah mainnya jadi kaki mau ngijnjak batu kerikil apa beling paku gk masalh kalau ini kan indentik dengan jangan sampai tergores sama benda lain yg berserakan di tanah karena mainnya di atas panggung
Ini di Jawa mana y min
jawa tengah
Jawa tengah mas brow
Tepat nya Jawa tengah desa panawaren Sigaluh kab Banjarnegara..
Mendem itu kenapa??ksurupan ya
Kenapa ga ada peraturan ttg kostum, celana yg sopan ya dr pemerintah setempat... Apa guna nya pakaian atasnya panjang bawah celana'nya ngapret2 ngepress lebih Vulgar... Sbg penonton saya terkadang merasa risi & malu sendiri loooh... Apa ga merusak Citra Seni & budaya Asli purworejo yg terkenal dengan kearifan lokalnya🙏🙏
hadechhh +62 gak usah di tonton le tole klo gk kuat iman
Ya jng d liat
Itu udah ada ciri khas kostum masing"
Kalau mas nya merasa malu atau risih mendingan gak usah liat
Why do dancers seem to lose self-control and why do dancers wear dark glasses? and dance like a man. What kind of occasions can a show like this be used for? Look interesting and study.
Dolalak dance is from Indonesia. They depict Dutch soldiers who used to fight Indonesia. At the end of the dance, a dancer is possessed by an ancestral spirit and wears black glasses to cover up her eyes who can't blink.
@@DwiMountain thank alot .It's a wonderful culture.
Biasa sj
Tarian g jelas
ดูตั้งนานแล้วผมยังไม่ทราบเลยว่าเป็นการละเล่นของประเทศอะไร ใครทราบช่วยบอกหน่อยครับ?
Dari Indonesia bro
เป็นการเต้นรำแบบดอลาลัคจากเมือง Purworejo และ Wonosobo จังหวัดชวากลาง อินโดนีเซีย.
ปลาแอนโชวี่ โดลาลัค จากอินโดนีเซีย
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