Lucky Hit Explained - Diablo 4's Most Misunderstood Mechanic

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • #diablo4 #luckyhit #maxroll #Blizzard
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Комментарии • 433

  • @Raxxanterax
    @Raxxanterax  Год назад +180

    Who's feeling lucky?

    • @gaspara9817
      @gaspara9817 Год назад +2

      I always feel lucky. I also like that they brought chance on hit back from diablo 2 with skill divide multipliers to allow them to balance between skills.
      Maybe they will give hurricane and its 17 damage a relative high lucky hit chance so people can build a lucky hit build around it.

    • @Pakschmuk
      @Pakschmuk Год назад +4

      We're up all Night to get lucky 😁
      - Pharell

    • @insideurgirl
      @insideurgirl Год назад +2

      Lucky hit to do 18dmg

    • @Notfallhamster
      @Notfallhamster Год назад +2

      What an overly compicated way to explain the mechanic while leaving out important sutff ^^. It's easy. WW has a 20% LH chance and that's it. When WW hits luckiely you can make the lucky hit effect procc. So real example. WW hits a lucky hit now we have the passive that makes vulnerable with a 30% chance that will finaly be a 20% chance on WW to hit lucky and 30% chance of the lucky hits to make enemys vulerable. At the end 6 out of 100 hits will make enemys vulnerable statiscly because (100*0.2)*0.3 equals the ammount of proccing lucky hits per 100 strikes. TL:DR: You need to make a lucky hit with a skill and fullfill the tooltip of the lucky hit to have profit.

    • @joethesheep4675
      @joethesheep4675 Год назад

      Just over 2 weeks till d4 comes out. I feel lucky.

  • @cerotonen
    @cerotonen Год назад +290

    I love the way you explain things, it's like you're speaking to the lowest common denominator which ensures everyone gets a very thorough understanding. Would you mind doing a short video like this for Fortify and Overpower - I feel like those are fairly complex stats that are frequently misunderstood.

    • @Legendarybball0315
      @Legendarybball0315 Год назад

      You are the lowest common denominator bahahahah

    • @lIIest
      @lIIest Год назад +51

      nobody called me stupid so polite before, thank you

    • @carnalcarnivore
      @carnalcarnivore Год назад +3

      @@lIIest dude, you made my evening xD

    • @bobjohnson5557
      @bobjohnson5557 Год назад +2

      "Explain it to me like I'm a 5 year old"

    • @jehdi6974
      @jehdi6974 Год назад

      ​@Illest hit me in the feels too 😂

  • @BRBProductions99
    @BRBProductions99 Год назад +69

    What kills me about the system is when it's a double percentage.
    Like having 10% chance to activate something on lucky hit... so it's like 10% of 10%.
    That just feels worthless and is an insta skip skill every time for me.

    • @venenifer3569
      @venenifer3569 Год назад +19

      Exactly what I was thinking since the first beta, and I don't know how people aren't complaining about this garbage yet, probably because most don't understand how it works yet? Most lucky hit stuff in the game is like "up to 30%" and most skills are close to 20-30% so in reality we end up having a shitty 6-9% proc that's a complete waste of passive points/gear slot. Also the increased lucky hit on items is a complete joke, borderline useless stat, unless it scales to crazy amounts in the endgame, talking 200%+

    • @itsRobbie_
      @itsRobbie_ Год назад +4

      Yup, this is why I don't care at all about any item that has a lucky hit power.

    • @Volpethrope
      @Volpethrope Год назад +7

      Something with a lucky hit chance of 10% likely hits many times or in a big area or both, so it's lots of 10% chances to trigger every time you use the skill. This is exactly how proc coefficients have worked in games for the last 20 years, it's just becoming standard practice to display it as a stat on the ability now instead of it being in the background.

    • @Daidalos66
      @Daidalos66 Год назад +3

      I dont like lucky hit chance mechanics - I get what it does but i would rather have basic flat X% chance to do something - than x% chance do something when y% proc :D

    • @Volpethrope
      @Volpethrope Год назад +1

      @@Daidalos66 My point is that what you're asking for basically doesn't exist in games now. For balance reasons, procs scale off how many proc opportunities skills have. Think Diablo 3's basic magic missile vs blizzard. A single hit on one target or lots of hits on many targets in a big area. MM has a "lucky hit" of 100% while blizzard's is like 1-2%. But you'll still see blizzard trigger that effect decently regularly because it's rolling that chance so many more times per cast.

  • @affirazer
    @affirazer Год назад +20

    there are some cases were it gets more complex for example: "luckyhit: you critical strikes have up to a 5% chance to do X" shouldve explained those as well

    • @gampie13
      @gampie13 Год назад +3

      or dots, where some are x% lucky hit/tick, and others are %lucky hit divided over duration.
      Or worse, sorc hydra, wich is %lucky hit divided by number of heads over it's duration

    • @Intothefirenow
      @Intothefirenow Год назад

      The double rolls are so stupid. Without knowing the coefficients, it just feels incredibly stupid to take a skill point in as you're leveling up.
      The question is whether you're rolling the same number 0.0 to 100.0 for any sort of proc, crit or lucky hit. Say your crit chance is 50, lucky hit is 30, and that stacked effect is 5. You'd need to roll a 5 to hit all those. If you roll a 25, you hit crit and lucky hit but not that stacked effect.
      The scenario in which we roll separately for each proc is just laughable. It just sounds like absolute utter garbage on paper.

  • @ThatOneDudeNick
    @ThatOneDudeNick Год назад +17

    Thanks for breaking that down. It'd be nice if the game explained all this stuff more clearly. They should be able to explain it in game as simply as Raxx did here.

  • @Rainfires
    @Rainfires Год назад +19

    The first example would have been more effective using a flat damage value.
    Multiplicative scaling just aligns with the scaling of the skill itself. That HotA would hit real hard lol.

    • @etrosknight2254
      @etrosknight2254 Год назад +7

      I think Raxx was thinking the way these damage values are expressed in the game, the skills say they hit for 30% damage, or 100% damage, or whatever so they scale with your base damage stat. So by 100% lightning damage he meant 100% of base attack value, not 100% of the damage of the skill proccing it (which is not how it would work in the game)

    • @Rainfires
      @Rainfires Год назад +3

      @@etrosknight2254 that’s a fine point! It’s always frustrating and potentially misleading when our language gets tied in knots like this. Alas.

  • @alekzt1983
    @alekzt1983 Год назад +19

    Just what I needed, you are doing really outstanding videos and explaining so good, not to mention the efforts for the art works :) Can you do another one explaining the "overpower" mechanics and how that works?

  • @sotirislytras1071
    @sotirislytras1071 Год назад +38

    And THAT is the explanation on why lucky hit was implemented but not exactly how it works. I think most people will still be confused :D

    • @Daidalos66
      @Daidalos66 Год назад +4

      yeah, proper explanation is that is like you throwing a dice twice = on skill you have 50% chance to lucky strike hit and when it triggers than you have to throw a dice one more time and if it triggers again...voila !

    • @MrJoshcc600
      @MrJoshcc600 Год назад +1

      Yup skip thinks video

    • @ryanbowns1517
      @ryanbowns1517 Год назад +1

      @@Daidalos66 U sir did a great job in less than 3 sec to understand.
      Lucky Hit is a dice roll. than if it procs you have to roll again so u have Probability of lucky hit and the Dependent Probability of effect.
      Hence P(B/A) or Probability of event B assuming Probability of A has already occured !

  • @tzanckmen459
    @tzanckmen459 Год назад +13

    Thanks for the explaination! At least D4 is clearer with proc coefiicients for skills compared to D3 :D

  • @NyteWatch
    @NyteWatch Год назад +1

    Lilith is going down for sure with this level of explanation. Thanks a lot!

  • @timos3419
    @timos3419 Год назад +34

    You know it is getting serious deepdive when Rax takes out ugly paint and writes with mouse. Most professional.

    • @FireMaster7001
      @FireMaster7001 Год назад +6

      Are you commenting on the right video? I saw no "ugly" paint in this video.

  • @Americaninparis2012
    @Americaninparis2012 Год назад +8

    Goddamn, I come for the artwork. Raxx never disappoints.

  • @Aetrion
    @Aetrion Год назад +3

    The reason I'm not a huge fan of this is because there is a huge amount of effects in the game that are like Lucky Hit: 10%, which means on a skill that has a 20% lucky hit chance it's really only a 2% chance. Having a proc coefficient makes sense in games, but when the chances for something happening get that small it feels a bit silly. There are capstone passives that have like a 5% chance on lucky hit.

  • @spqrpraetorian
    @spqrpraetorian Год назад

    Tanks for putting this on youtube, I don't really watch streams a lot so it's great having this kind of info curated here.

  • @kfremont5338
    @kfremont5338 Год назад +1

    Great video, thanks again!

  • @TheBaken
    @TheBaken Год назад +17

    This is extremely useful in explaining the mechanic in a way a non-math major can understand. Thank you!

    • @showmetheway2
      @showmetheway2 Год назад

      Yeah, once someone explains this ,the numbers actually become so much easier to figure out.
      Without the explanation it's impossible. I don't know how the avg player is supposed to do it. There should be an in game guide.

    • @showmetheway2
      @showmetheway2 Год назад

      @@motherpigeon1582 If you don't know what it is , it was difficult to understand how I should be using it exactly.
      Well, for me, it was.

    • @showmetheway2
      @showmetheway2 Год назад

      @@motherpigeon1582 Coming from a D2 , Grim Dawn, Titan Quest background.

  • @samtriesit
    @samtriesit Год назад

    Thanks for the explanation, been struggling with all the new terms in D4 but feel like I´m starting to understand it now.

  • @catom960
    @catom960 Год назад +1

    @4:03, its actually a way to BALANCE skills. You said yourself that some skills have low damage coefficient but higher lucky hit coefficient therefore giving them value aside from the things they already do. I know you said at the end its a balancing stat, I would just lead with that though because you have lots of people that hear the word "nerf" and have a mini heart attack. Great explanation, great videos Raxx.

    • @LordsSky
      @LordsSky Год назад

      He is an endgame obessive like a lot of youtubers, anything that balances the game is bad and is a "nerf". Great content but don't take a lot of what these types say at face value, they'd have you believe a minor nerf completely kills the game etc etc. Lucky Hit is a balancing tool, not a nerfing tool.

  • @Adlehyde.
    @Adlehyde. Год назад +16

    I think the reason they called it Lucky Hit is because it is becoming an industry standard name that is being used more in games as a way to proc something other than critical damage. Sometimes an effect, sometimes just a separate damage multiplier, etc. The concept isn't new. We've called it procs for ever in MMOs, but other games using the same idea came up with different names, and Lucky Hit is the one that's been starting to stand out in some smaller games. Now that a game the size of Diablo is using the same terminology it is very likely to get properly standardized within the next several years.

    • @Intothefirenow
      @Intothefirenow Год назад

      Nah proc coefficient is the standard and I instantly understand what is meant by it. Lucky hit doesn't give any information on the mechanics, just the outcome.
      Just like transmog doesn't mean shit outside of the blizzard gaming sphere, whereas skin or costume does.

    • @Adlehyde.
      @Adlehyde. Год назад

      @@Intothefirenow That was kind of exactly my point. Procs are not new. they've been prevalent in MMOs in particular forever. But descriptions around that usually say something like, "Has a chance to apply X" In recent years, proc coefficients have been getting called Lucky Hit in some games, and now that Blizzard has jumped on board, there is a good chance that the language for the whole gaming landscape will probably have a faster shift from, "If the skill procs..." to "If i get a lucky hit..." as general terms. Particularly in the younger audience.

    • @khmer5o3
      @khmer5o3 11 месяцев назад

      @@Intothefirenow you repeated what he said bro lol

  • @charalamposkallimanis9609
    @charalamposkallimanis9609 Год назад +1

    When ever it comes do Diablo your content is the most exciting for me because I constantly learn new things or revalue old ones. Thank you for the time you spend for us mate!

  • @atreidespendragon
    @atreidespendragon Год назад +2

    I liked the more detailed explanation.
    So Just to be certain I understand this mechanic correctly and If I do understand it correctly... then I think it's dumb of blizzard to display this information this way.
    Class: Barbarian
    Lucky Hit Bonus Chance: 5%
    Critical Strike Chance: 5%
    Skill (Hammer of the Ancients): Lucky Hit Chance 20%
    Legendary Helmet with Effect: "Lucky Hit* Damaging an Enemy with a Core skill has up to a 10% chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 1 second. Double that duration if it was a critical strike."
    So that would mean:
    You hit an enemy with HoTA -> the skill has a 20% chance to proc a lucky hit -> that chance is further increased by the character bonus of 5% -> meaning you have a 1 in 4 percent chance to proc a lucky hit effect.
    so 25% of the time, you have another chance of procing the Legendary Helmet effect 10% of the time -> meaning you have a (1/4) x (1/10) = 1/40 percent chance to proc the actual effect.
    So that means to get the critical effect, you have a 1 in 40 percent chance, times the characters critical strike chance of 1 in 20 to proc the "Critical Lucky Hit effect"...meaning (1/40) x (1/20) = 1/800 ?
    So why the heck doesn't Diablo 4 devs just put the calculated chance on the item and just simply say this:
    Legendary Helmet with Effect: "Lucky Hit* Damaging an Enemy with a Core skill has a 0.025% chance to extend the duration of Berserking by 1 second. Double that duration if it was a critical strike (0.00125%).
    Probably because it looks miserable to display it like that.
    I'm not great at math, but I think that's right

    • @arso4893
      @arso4893 Год назад +1

      they didnt put the calculated chance on the helmet because they dont know what skill you will use to calculate it

    • @atreidespendragon
      @atreidespendragon Год назад

      @@arso4893 ah that's true, didn't think about that.

    • @atreidespendragon
      @atreidespendragon Год назад

      @@arso4893 but maybe they could create like an advanced screen that shows all skills and lucky hit chances calculated out or something like that.

  • @TorsteinTheFallen
    @TorsteinTheFallen Год назад +2

    In PoE math this would translate in PoB to either gain 10% or in second case 50% as extra Lightning damage on average.
    In more real combat situations proc of a Lucky hit (now D4 mechanics and terms) has much more value the higher the single hit is, because thresholds for special effects like stun/shocks etc. are more easily met that way.
    So for fast low damage hits those Lucky hits won't have the same benefit as for slow hard hitting skills. In this example 0,1 vs 0,5 its even more emphasized.

  • @alemayehusolomon941
    @alemayehusolomon941 Год назад +1

    Lucky hit x Lucky hit chance = odds that thing will happen. So 8% lucky hit chance on my meteor enchantment, for example, multiplied by a lucky hit rate of say 50% on a move, means that 4% of the time my meteor will activate when hitting a mob with that move. Haven't tested it but it seems to check out thus far.

  • @pillagius
    @pillagius Год назад +1

    Nice, thanks for explanation.
    I thought it's a chance for "higher tier" crit, like in warframe (crit chance above 100% allows for possibility to double whatever your crit damage modifier).
    Turns out vague naming creates more confusion. GJ Blizzard.

  • @wernercordero
    @wernercordero Год назад +11

    We should have more streamers like this fella, that help other players with accurate information. Keep the good work

  • @pasqualerappa7086
    @pasqualerappa7086 Год назад

    You know youre a badass Diablo Content creator when David Harbour calls you out and says whats up on the Blizz NYC Dinner! That was Epic!

  • @jehdi6974
    @jehdi6974 Год назад

    Had to subscribe bc you really know how to explain mechanics the most efficiently, thank you.

  • @mathieupaquette1876
    @mathieupaquette1876 Год назад +2

    You should sell those MSPaint drawings as NFTs.

  • @stevemarck2210
    @stevemarck2210 Год назад +4

    It's worth noting that it's not even as good as that because you don't just have the skill percentage, but also the effect percent chance. So when kick was 100% that didn't mean you got your lucky hit every kick, it was 100% TIMES the effect's lucky hit. If the effect only said 20% chance to XXX then it would be 100% times 20% so 20% of the time it would proc. Now that kick is 40%, that 20% chance to XXX would only proc 8% of the time (40% times 20% = 8%). So lucky hits are much less commonly proccing than you'd intuit from the info cards. Even more confusing, and I don't know the answer to this, but when something increases your lucky hit chance, it's not entirely clear to me how that math works. Is that modifying the skill's chance? The Effect's chance? Their combined chances (after multiplying)? Would a different order even matter?

    • @n__m
      @n__m Год назад +2

      increases effect your characters lucky hit effect stat, which is then multiplied with the skill lucky hit chance for the final proc. this video kind missed out explaining how that part works, and is super important.

    • @stevemarck2210
      @stevemarck2210 Год назад

      @@n__m Got it. Thanks! It seems like those lucky powers can be really cool, but they also seem pretty unreliable. I wonder if there's going to be some big stat increases on them later in the game or if we'll all just end up mostly ignoring them.

  • @oldmangamer76
    @oldmangamer76 Год назад +1

    Looking forward to your videos to watch while on my Diablo 4 journey. Always helpful for me on Diablo 3. Thank you for all your hard work sir.

  • @CV-lm7pv
    @CV-lm7pv Год назад +1

    What does "pierce" or "piercing" mean?
    Does it mean it can attack the next enemy in a line?
    O does it mean that it ignores barriers?
    O that it actually repeats the same attack on the same enemy?
    I need to know if it actually does something to a single target enemy, like Ashava for example

  • @yousifbanna5832
    @yousifbanna5832 Год назад

    Really good explanation, thanks man!

  • @herbv3449
    @herbv3449 Год назад

    actually super helpful, great video on the topic ty!

  • @francescopace7079
    @francescopace7079 Год назад

    Thanks for the explanation. Didn't realise there was so much to theory building. This like Bachelor's Degree in gaming

  • @Arcknight
    @Arcknight Год назад

    This is almost the information I’m looking for - but I think many people are asking this question because of the sorcerer skill tree specifically:
    We can reset a defensive cooldown every 10 seconds if our Critical is a lucky hit.
    And nearby we can raise critical hot chance OR raise lucky hit %, and we have no guidelines for which is going to be more valuable…
    Initial testing seems f’d in all directions, the skill almost never activates so we know there’s “other things”, and the lucky hit % certainly is one of them.
    So it’s not 5% critical • 5% lucky, it’s ALSO •.30 lucky hit coefficient on chain lightning etc… but I also wonder does for instance - chain lighting bounces not proc at all? Despite their increased crit chance from bouncing they never seem to proc much.

  • @Noctema
    @Noctema Год назад

    I like this explanation. It goes along with how i understood it working from experiencing it during the beta. I was kinda considering it a second layer crit chance of sorts, and it sounds like i was right.

  • @kalorathekau
    @kalorathekau Год назад

    Oh my god; thank you, this is the best explanation for the keyword I’ve come across! My only nitpick is that I son’t think ‘lucky hit’ is a nerf that’s spun to sound good. Like you said, it’s for balancing; but it gives developers another knob to both nerf and buff things

  • @Chris-zg7ty
    @Chris-zg7ty Год назад

    Good general explanation but I would have loved to see some specific discussion about D4. Like how some of the lucky hit is generic and some of it is specific to a particular skill. How do those two things interact with each other? Also, what is generic lucky hit applying to if it doesn't state a particular skill?

  • @Steven-cr1og
    @Steven-cr1og Год назад

    Short and informative video i subbed

  • @Tentacl
    @Tentacl Год назад

    Nice, it's just a normalized proc coefficient. Finally someone explains it, great video.

  • @Jeepod
    @Jeepod Год назад +1

    I'd take a video like that for overpower and all the other types of damage or crits linked to those.

  • @You0nlyLiveonce
    @You0nlyLiveonce Год назад

    Once again raxx with the top notch paint skills. Respect 💯 keep it up bro 😂

  • @MrDanny1911
    @MrDanny1911 Год назад

    Appreciate the black background to not burn out my eyes! 😁

  • @vladhowlett
    @vladhowlett Год назад

    Thanks for this video. Appreciate the explanation.

  • @slurms777
    @slurms777 Год назад +4

    What about the flat lucky hit % on your character sheet? Does that stack with the skill %, or is that just for basic attack?

    • @Foogle6594
      @Foogle6594 Год назад

      I think, and someone can correct this for me if I'm wrong. That the lucky hit % on your character sheet is additive to the lucky hit % of the skill: so say 50% of the skill + the 10% on character sheet means a 60% chance to lucky hit overall. Then a passive that has a 5% chance to proc on a lucky hit would have a 3% (60%*5%) chance on every attack of going off.

  • @ChrisBrown-jq2ox
    @ChrisBrown-jq2ox Год назад

    Another great video man thanks

  • @bronchoped
    @bronchoped Год назад +1

    There should be a legendary achievement in game for getting lucky hit to proc something with frozen orb

  • @emmysan93
    @emmysan93 8 месяцев назад

    finally someone explained it properly for dummies thank you

  • @DarqStalker
    @DarqStalker Год назад

    So basicly it's the percentage change that a proc will be triggered. Got it, thanks!

  • @FantasyCouch
    @FantasyCouch Год назад +1

    I understand the purpose of Lucky Hit. I still don’t get how it’s used in d4 specifically, like how can we use it to our advantage. I assume different skills have different lucky hit %? do different weapons? I’d like to see actual examples in d4 to better understand it. thx for this tho as I was totally clueless before this video

    • @etrosknight2254
      @etrosknight2254 Год назад +1

      you have to turn on the setting for more details on skills, then in the skill tree each active ability will list its lucky hit chance, they are based on the skill. Then passive skills or legendary powers will say something along the lines of "Lucky hit: 10% chance for lightning to hit for 200% damage" so that means when you proc a lucky hit, then a second random check is performed for the chance for lightning to strike. If a skill has 25% lucky hit chance, then ultimately there is a 2.5% chance for this lightning thing to happen each time you use the skill

  • @andrassalfay5869
    @andrassalfay5869 Год назад

    Great explanation of the game mechanic. I think I heard you before going over this thing in a stream or a highlight video of D4 features, but still thanks for the video Raxx! Pleasure to see your content and cannot wait till you and every one of us can blast the game :)
    Question still remains: Is it worth paying attention to lucky hits? With the legendaries introduced so far, LH seems a bit lucklaster and I tried to avoid paying attention or building around it. Feels like those trinkets in WoW where you had 1 proc in 3 minutes and then a snake popped out of a dagger and did x damage.... kinda not how I like to build my character that slains 4546349 demons in those 3 minutes :D
    Anyone else feel the same way?

  • @matkosmat8890
    @matkosmat8890 Год назад

    You are getting better at Paint, and I didn't know it was even possible! The happy blonde barb deserves credit.

  • @AllstarGamingDK
    @AllstarGamingDK Год назад +1

    Once again thx Raxx.
    But there is a Layer 2 to Lucky Hit.
    Your skill can have 40% Lucky Hit.
    But your legendary item have a 50% chance to proc on Lucky Hit.
    In that case, your legendary will only proc 20% on Lucky Hit.😅

  • @PanSurtido
    @PanSurtido Год назад +3

    what i dont like about lucky hit is that a lot of pasives/legendary powers have a really low lucky hit %, and most skills don't go past 50% lucky hit multiplier which makes procs even more rare. I know you can get lucky hit as a gear stat, but at least in early game it doesnt feel very good.

    • @theycallmefingers2
      @theycallmefingers2 Год назад +4

      It seems like a pretty terrible mechanic IMO. The vast majority of lucky hit effects are WAY too rare.

    • @PureFilth23
      @PureFilth23 Год назад

      There is a rogue skill that gives 5% lucky hit chance for every 100 energy used, on my build I put 3 points into it so its 15% chance lucky hit for every 100 energy used. I can replenish energy with my ultimate all the time, its quite broken build lol. So the lucky hit works good for me at the moment.

  • @GeassX
    @GeassX Год назад

    You forgot to mention the case where the attack and the Lucky Hit effect both have a non-100% coefficient. For example, most attacks and all effects.
    I don't think there's a single LH effect that doesn't have it's own coefficient.
    So, we get into the territory of stuff like Whirlwind (20%) and the Pressure Point passive (10% per rank) giving you a MASSIVE 2% chance to proc vulnerable on a target per tick of Whirlwind, up to 6% with 3 points invested in the passive.
    Lucky Hit seems like something you either want to entirely avoid, or go deep into and get as many LH effects as you can.

  • @Franki3nm
    @Franki3nm Год назад

    Hey Rax, question. What systems are in play when loot drops? Is it my lvl that dictates the item lvl/quality? What I am wearing? What items my character has seen drop in the past there by pushing the threshold? Do I need to be wearing it? Have it in the bank? Or just seen it drop is the past. Hard question to put into words, hope it made sense. Thanks!

  • @dizzydavis6118
    @dizzydavis6118 Год назад

    Top tier explanation thanks!

  • @EpicRivers1
    @EpicRivers1 Год назад

    Very well explained, thank you

    @HAIDARM Год назад

    thank you for this, please explain what Fortify and Overpower is also.

  • @StarcraftOakley
    @StarcraftOakley Год назад

    I hope we get a blue chest piece with a blue hood on it that makes our damage numbers into hand written paint ones

  • @antonbystrom5667
    @antonbystrom5667 Год назад +2

    side question though, if you have something that give +10% lucky hit. does it change WW to 0.2, and HotA to 0.6 or does it change ww to 0.11 and HotA to 0.55 ?

  • @XvoseEthereal
    @XvoseEthereal Год назад

    the times i focused on this mechanic was when i was doing big aoe repeatedly and quickly with a huge lucky hit mod like execute non elite/boss mobs 6%+ chance

  • @elendarulianreo
    @elendarulianreo Год назад +2

    This explanation doesn't really clarify how lucky hit actually works in D4. There are two components: Your character's Lucky Hit value, based on the skill used and bonuses from gear/paragon/other buffs, capped at 100%, and then the Lucky Hit chance of the specific Lucky Hit proc on the applicable item affix/legendary power/skill modifier. The latter will say "up to an X% chance to do (proc effect)." This X% chance is scaled by your Lucky Hit value, giving your actual chance to activate the proc effect.

    • @nathanparker8555
      @nathanparker8555 Год назад

      I'm a dude playin a dude disguised as another dude. But seriously, I think the chance on chance thing ends up coming up with some really low values for things to actually happen, that make procs seem lower in this game and I'm not as interested in going for those types of builds as I am elsewhere.

  • @EnderElohim
    @EnderElohim Год назад

    4:20 as you said i look it as a way for developers have more tools to able to develop skill in better way and it not just balancing stuff it also create variation and build variants

  • @LPkOhOnIz
    @LPkOhOnIz Год назад

    Thanks for making this video so i will never have to explain this to my friends myself. You are the Boss!

  • @dsmith215
    @dsmith215 Год назад

    Very helpful, thanks.

  • @sakarakit5835
    @sakarakit5835 Год назад

    Fabio The Barbarian is the artwork I didn't know I needed.

  • @mfpeden
    @mfpeden Год назад

    abusing proc chance is what made early wotlk rogues using 1.3 attack speed blue daggers as near BIS to abuse poison procs

  • @danielsecara
    @danielsecara Год назад

    Raxx: ”...maybe in the future we have sets”

  • @Lee_Bode
    @Lee_Bode Год назад

    Good explanation for D3, not for D4. You left key information out.

  • @otherwise6064
    @otherwise6064 Год назад +1

    this really needed an 'explained' video. but the fact that this really needed an 'explained' video is telling. i preordered D4, and i'm not gonna ask for a refund or anything, but after these betas i just /know/ that i'm not the gamer they had in mind. i'm not sure who they did have in mind. or what's even in their mind...

  • @ryanzeigler9763
    @ryanzeigler9763 Год назад

    p.r.o.c. stands for 'percent rate of change'. The 'proc' *is* the coefficient, not the action that occurs. These items are always 'proc'd' so you should say that they 'activated' not that they 'proc'd'. This is along the same ways most people misuse the term 'Elo' thinking that it's also a coefficient (but algorithmic) but in this case Elo is the guy's name who invented the system, E-l-o doesn't stand for anything =)

  • @Daidalos66
    @Daidalos66 Год назад

    how does lucky hit works on AoE spells or DoT spells ?
    1) If I cast blizzard and it hit 5 enemy - lucky hit is calculated for every enemy once (when I cast it) or individualy for every enemy?
    2) when i cast some channel or dot spell - decompose - lucky hit chance is calculated for every tick ?

  • @three-apples
    @three-apples Год назад

    great vid and easy to understand

  • @DarinStahlDPS
    @DarinStahlDPS Год назад +1

    Class is in session! Keep these coming.

  • @ayurome8683
    @ayurome8683 Год назад

    Bro, can't thank enough your reasoning.....thanks again.....

  • @hitlord
    @hitlord Год назад

    Good explanation mate, I know I didn't need it, but it doesn't change the fact that this is a good service for the entire community. A doubt I have though with your example: Is Lucky Hit per cast or per potential hit? In the case of Whirlwind it's kinda obvious, the skill hits multiple separate times, but you could potentially HotA 10 different enemies at once. What happens then? 10 individual calculations on wether it procs, or does the game decide that as soon you click the buttom?
    One thing I wish though, is that they didn't have Chance on Chance with the current system. A lot of skills have "On Lucky Hit, % Chance to X". Seriously, do we really need that much down play on chancing? I have already rolled positive on Chance to Proc, just let me have the Proc afterwards.

  • @leanmac6613
    @leanmac6613 Год назад

    The confusing part is that you actually seem to have multiple coefficients. For example, your core and basic skills have a lucky hit, but then execution has a lucky hit, and other passive skills have lucky hits like lightning for example. So if the lucky hit of my core skill is 20%, and the lucky hit of lightning is 20%, does that mean every 5 core skill I have a 1/5 chance to cast lightning? So basically every 25th core skill will proc lightning?

  • @maxelito7590
    @maxelito7590 Год назад

    great explained RAXX, apriciate it ❤

  • @Caracal-lm6es
    @Caracal-lm6es Год назад

    I love that you use paint as a black board . If it only had a chalk brush ...

  • @SpectreMK23
    @SpectreMK23 Год назад

    I used your firewall build to defeat Ashava. Thank you.

  • @purextreme5460
    @purextreme5460 Год назад

    Thank you for this tutorial for dummies

  • @crimson5664
    @crimson5664 Год назад

    now all is clear. thanks mate.

  • @heathyarbrough4386
    @heathyarbrough4386 Год назад

    Thank you for this! Very well explained

  • @randomicer8204
    @randomicer8204 Год назад

    Could you explain thorns mechanics on minions. What work and what not. For example does needleflare works?

  • @MegaFuzzyGuy
    @MegaFuzzyGuy Год назад +1

    @Raxxanterax On Lorthrik build calculator the lucky hit chance is either per use or per hit i can understand how per hit works but i don't understand how lucky hit works for (per use) on ability's like the necro bone storm or decompose. Decompose is a channeling ability does that mean i can spam click decompose to spam lucky hit (per use) to proc like crazy? and does bonestorm only proc lucky hit once when i use it?

  • @SpaceShortsYT
    @SpaceShortsYT Год назад

    Excellent information.

  • @andyl8055
    @andyl8055 Год назад +1

    Thanks for that Raxx. I actually didn't know what it was.
    Question I have now is... there are skills like lucky hit +5% - 10% - 15% for sorceror. Say your lucky hit was 0.1, would it be 0.1 x 1.05/1.10/1.15, or would lucky hit become 0.15/0.2/0.25?

    • @clauslarsen8971
      @clauslarsen8971 Год назад

      Most likely it's 15% of the value you already have. Say 7.5% on top of 50%. It would be too hard to balance 15% on top of a skill with low lucky hit, like 5-10%

    • @Benjamin.90
      @Benjamin.90 Год назад

      Should be additive to the base. So in the example of Raxx, HotA had a 0.5 (50%) lucky hit chance. Since 5% is the same as 0.05, +5% should add up to 0.55 / 55% lucky hit chance now on HotA.

    • @daniellee7918
      @daniellee7918 Год назад

      Skill A's lucky hit chance: 5%, Ur Sorceror's lucky hit chance on stats: 10% -> ur chance that proc skill A's lucky hit will be 0.05 x 0.1 = 0.005 (0.5%)

    • @clauslarsen8971
      @clauslarsen8971 Год назад

      @@Benjamin.90 That would be too overpowered. That would bring 5% lucky hit skills to 20% and 60% to 75%, if you get 15% increased lucky hit. That's x4 bonus in the first case and x0.25 bonus in the second.

  • @keythjauregui3207
    @keythjauregui3207 Год назад

    what a great way to explain the mechanic

  • @kolofre
    @kolofre Год назад

    Thank you professor raxx for your lecture.

  • @CKEspanol
    @CKEspanol Год назад

    Do you have data mined for the Proc Coefficient for every skill in the game yet?

  • @elloitsme5238
    @elloitsme5238 Год назад

    pretty clear explanation, thanks for this!

  • @arnaudpierre9914
    @arnaudpierre9914 Год назад

    Hey Raxx, can you tell me If I understand this correctly please. Your lucky hit chance is calculated directly on your skill info... let's say ice shard starts at 16% and I have 50% extra lucky hit chance - Ice shard shows at 24%. From now let's say we take 3/3 Perma Frost (20% to get 15 mana back) so 20x .24 = Every shard has 4.8% chance to refund 20 mana. Same idea with 3/3 Snap Freeze ( Frost skills have UP TO 9% chance to freeze - not sure why they use the word UP TO here) so 9x .24 (iceshard) = Every shard has 2.2% chance to freeze. Last would be Elemental Attunement 3/3 ( Critical strikes have up to 15% chance to reset CD) so 15x.24x.35 (my cc) = Every shard has 1.26% chance to reset CD. Does that look good to you?

  • @Fropxy
    @Fropxy Год назад

    it was an interesting example on another channel of how lucky hit wotks.
    Say I'm trying to proc Avalanche(up to 10%) with blizzard(33%)
    Have elemental precision (+15%)
    And stacked up frigid fate (+15%)
    The current belief is it would be:
    0.1 * (33%+15%+15%)= 6.3% per hit
    another words you're rolling two dice, and both need to end up above a certain value to proc.
    Effect X has a 30% chance to proc, whenever a lucky hit happens. The skill I am using, has a 20% chance to become a luckyy hit.
    As such, on AVG I will proc X 6% of the time... this is because only 20% of the time, will my skill produce a lucky hit and only 30% of those times will effect X ACTUALLY PROC.

  • @chenjoe89
    @chenjoe89 Год назад

    So is it calculating per enemy? or per cast? For the Lucky hit? For example the flurry rogue do we get 4 rolls or just 1?

  • @wisdomandy9361
    @wisdomandy9361 Год назад

    See I sort of thought it was this way but because it doesn't actually show it anywhere it was hard to know.

  • @HoushouRattengod
    @HoushouRattengod Год назад +1

    The real question is: Is it Additive or Multiplicative?
    If I have an item that increases my Lucky Hit by 30% and the skill I’m using has a base of 0.1.
    Did I just get 0.4 or 0.13?

  • @naclydevildog54
    @naclydevildog54 Год назад

    How do we find out what various coefficients on various skills are so that we can compare and decide what we feel will be most valuable while we're stuck in this week + theorycraft simulation?

  • @HawkTuahD4
    @HawkTuahD4 Год назад

    Thanks for the video. What Im struggling to find is how lucky hit chance boosters add to the base lucky hit chance. For example. Ice Shards has a base lucky hit chance of 16%. If I find an item that adds 10% lucky hit chance, Does my lucky hit chance go from 16% to 26% or does it go from 16% to 17.6%?

  • @theycallmefingers2
    @theycallmefingers2 Год назад +1

    What's difficult to understand? Lucky Hit is essentially a critical hit that triggers a specific effect instead of just plain extra damage. Lucky Hit seems like a pretty trash mechanic 99% of the time, you'll have things that say 5% chance for an effect on lucky hit and you'll think, wow! That's pretty good. But then you realize your lucky hit chance is also 5%... so you have a 5% chance of a 5% chance... you'll basically never see that effect happen.