Thanks for the review. How is the bike holding up? Any issues? I keep reading in other reviews that the pedals break off or the machine makes a loud noise
I bought it for my son 2 years ago. As he has grown bigger and taller later, he started to ride the other spinning bike. So, it does not have such problems due to low usage.
I just bought this bike off Amazon and am waiting for it to arrive. I weight 480 pounds and the bike states it holds 400 pounds, can I still use it, will it hold me till I lose the extra weight, what do you think ?
Hmm, I cannot tell though... but if it cannot support more than 400 pounds, there is a chance that it may break and the user can get injury. So, I would suggest you to contact the bike's seller to get a clarification.
Sorry to hear that... It happened to me too. However, I trashed the black piece long ago. So, I cannot show you exactly how I put the black piece back in place, but you can watch this video to see if it can help:видео.html
Hi, you may want to follow the below steps described in the user manual. You can find the Safety Pin in my video at 4:50. For your convenience, the bike can be folded up for storage. 1. Remove the Safety Pin (22) from the upper pin hole on the Front Frame (1) 2. Fold the Front and Rear frames together. 3. Re-insert the Safety Pin (22) into the lower pin hole on the Front Frame (1) to secure the Front and Rear Frames (1,2) together. 4. Place the Rear Frame Support Tube (67) into the Support Tube Holder (49).
You definitely should not pull the black spacer out until you have the tension control cables hooked completely. I notice you paused or edited the section..Probably because you had a heck of a time connecting it to the other piece. You need to leave that in your description before you have people messing up a $200 bike.
Good suggestion! Yeah, I edited the video to shorten its length and get to the point. I have posted the original unedited video with your suggestion here:видео.html. You can also see a suggested popup link in the current video at 3:45. I really appreciate your comment!
Thank you so much for the instructions on how to assemble the bike. Much easier to follow your instructions than the manual.
You are welcome! Happy biking!
Thank you sooo much. I couldn't have done the tension cable in the console without your help.
Oh my goodness thank you. Very fast and easy assembly you did. Very helpful and to the point.
You are welcome! Glad you liked it!
nice tutorial bro i finished installed everything except the tension, this helped allot with install the tension cable, thank you
Glad it helped!
Thank you so much! You helped me more than the company did!
Great to hear!
You did a great job of explaining .
Thank you! Enjoy biking!!!
Thank you so much for the instructions! Huge help! :)
You're welcome!
Thanks this was especially helpful toward the end.
Glad it helped!
Thanks for the review. How is the bike holding up? Any issues? I keep reading in other reviews that the pedals break off or the machine makes a loud noise
I bought it for my son 2 years ago. As he has grown bigger and taller later, he started to ride the other spinning bike. So, it does not have such problems due to low usage.
I just bought this bike off Amazon and am waiting for it to arrive. I weight 480 pounds and the bike states it holds 400 pounds, can I still use it, will it hold me till I lose the extra weight, what do you think ?
Hmm, I cannot tell though... but if it cannot support more than 400 pounds, there is a chance that it may break and the user can get injury. So, I would suggest you to contact the bike's seller to get a clarification.
Do I put the cable connectors first before the tension cable?
Yup, that works. I just uploaded another video with more details for connecting the tension cable:видео.html
I cant get the tension on please help. I removed the black piece 1st on accident
Sorry to hear that... It happened to me too. However, I trashed the black piece long ago. So, I cannot show you exactly how I put the black piece back in place, but you can watch this video to see if it can help:видео.html
@@StayHomeHack I ended up getting it already fortunately but thank you for the reply 👍
@@IGSPURSBASKETBALL_ omg how did you do it Iam having a hard time connecting it without the spacer piece?
every time i try to “fold” it up, it just slides back open 😐 what am i doing wrong
Hi, you may want to follow the below steps described in the user manual. You can find the Safety Pin in my video at 4:50.
For your convenience, the bike can be folded up for storage.
1. Remove the Safety Pin (22) from the upper pin hole on the Front Frame (1)
2. Fold the Front and Rear frames together.
3. Re-insert the Safety Pin (22) into the lower pin hole on the Front Frame (1) to secure the Front and Rear Frames (1,2) together.
4. Place the Rear Frame Support Tube (67) into the Support Tube Holder (49).
You definitely should not pull the black spacer out until you have the tension control cables hooked completely. I notice you paused or edited the section..Probably because you had a heck of a time connecting it to the other piece. You need to leave that in your description before you have people messing up a $200 bike.
Good suggestion! Yeah, I edited the video to shorten its length and get to the point. I have posted the original unedited video with your suggestion here:видео.html. You can also see a suggested popup link in the current video at 3:45. I really appreciate your comment!
This is such a great idea for a channnel
Thank you so much for your inspiring comment. I really appreciate it!