I'm Brazilian and started learning English last year; it was the best decision I've ever taken. I'm so proud of being able to communicate with people. Be sure guys, learning a new language can change your life. Now, I'm not practicing my speaking a lot because I'm not having the opportunity to do that, but I'm trying my best. Good luck to everyone on this journey!!! Edit: Guys, I recorded a video talking in English on RUclips for the first time. Please, give me a pronunciation grade, I was a bit nervous, but I did it. :)
Eu amo Brazil! ♥️ ultimamente eu chegei a cidade de Floripa, foi lindissima! Eu estou continuando de practicar e melhorar minhas habilidades em portugues.
If you had started learning English just last year, then let me tell you that you have done a great job. You sound like you have been studying it for years. Keep it up
What I love most about language learning is how you can learn to express yourself in so many different ways. I speak German, English, Spanish and a little bit of Turkish and I find it fascinating how different all of those languages work, but still each of them makes sense in their own way and they shape how I form different thoughts and express myself. I will never get tired of this. And the point of fascination is true for me too - I didn´t pick any of those languages randomly, those are the ones that stick with me because I was able to bond with them. English because I was a huge youtube fan when I was 14 and almost accidently immersed myself very deeply into the language (lmao), Spanish because it always reminds me of summer and a good feeling about life in general. And lastly Turkish because my extended family is from Turkey and I have been hooked ever since they taught me to order food when I first visited! :)
terms and conditions (akar-eser / eser-eger) EĞER-ISE = (EVEN-IF) (su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows İSE-EĞER = (IF-EVER) (yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops EĞER-ISE and İSE-EĞER constructs are used to specify "conditions" and are often used interchangeably. İSE-EĞER: means "If ever" and indicates a condition that is more likely to occur. "If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haber ver.) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli) “If I'm not tired, we’ll visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer akşamleyin onları ziyaret ederiz” EĞER-ISE: means "Even if" and indicates a condition that is less likely to occur. "Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa dahi ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.) “Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki. Conditions / Doğal koşullar ve şartlar. (akar-eser / eser-eger) EĞER-ISE = (EVEN-IF) (su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows İSE-EĞER = (IF-EVER) (yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops EĞER-ISE ve İSE-EĞER yapıları "koşul" belirtmek için kullanılır ve çoğunlukla birbirinin yerine kullanılabilirler. İSE-EĞER: "If ever" anlamına gelir ve gerçekleşme olasılığı daha yüksek olan bir koşulu ifade eder. "If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haber ver.) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli) “If I'm not tired, we’ll visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer akşamleyin onları ziyaret ederiz” EĞER-ISE: "Even if" anlamına gelir ve gerçekleşme olasılığı daha düşük olan bir koşulu ifade eder. "Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa dahi ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.) “Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.
The names of some organs it's used as the suffix for nouns, “Ak”= ~each of both (Yan= side) (Gül= rose) (Şek=facet) (Dal=subsection, branch) (Taş=stone) Yan-ak= each of both sides of the face >Yanak=the cheek Kül-ak = each of both the roses >Kulak= Ear Şek-ak = each of both sides of the forehead >Şakak= temple Dal-ak=dalak= Spleen Böbür-ak=böbrek= Kidney = each of both red-spots / blodfleck Bağça-ak>(Paça-ak)>bacak= Leg (ankle) Batı-ak>pathiak>phatyak>hadyak>adyak)=Ayak= the foot > each of the feet (pati = paw) Taş-ak=testicle Her iki-ciğer.>Akciğer=the lung Tül-karn-ak =that obscures/ shadowing each of both dark/ covert periods= Karanlık (batıni) çağların her birini örten tül Zhu'l-karn-eyn=the (shader) owner of each of both times Dhu'al-chorn-ein=double-horned-one=(the horned hunter)Herne the hunter> Cernunnos> Karneios it's used as the suffix for verbs, “Ak /ek“=a-qa ~which thing to / what’s to… Er-mek = to get / to reach Bar-mak (Varmak)= to arrive / to achieve Er-en-mek > erinmek / Bar-an-mak > barınmak =arrive at one's own Erin-ek / barın-ak = what’s there to arrive at oneself Ernek / Barnak > Parmak = Finger Çiğ=uncooked, raw Çiğne-mek =to chew Çiğne-ek>Çiğneh> Çene = Chin Tut-mak = to hold / to keep Tut-ak=Dudak= Lip Tara-mak = to comb/ ~to rake Tara-ak > Tarak =(what’s there to comb)> the comb Tara-en-mak > taranmak = to comb oneself Taran-ak > Tırnak =(what’s there to comb oneself)> fingernail
Ye-mek= kendi üstüne eklemek, kendi özüne katmak, bünyesine almak Yüğ (Yeğ) = üst- üstün Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = üstte tutmak, görece üstün kılmak, tercih etmek Yüğ-ka-yer-u =(üst hangi tarafı) = yukarı Yüğ-ce > yüce = seviyece üstün olan Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = seviyece üstünlük elde etmek Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = üst seviye, üst düzey Yüğ-sel > yüksel = üstel, üstünsel Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = üst düzeye çıkmak, yukarı seviyelere gitmek Yüğ-sük > yüzük = parmak üstüne takılan takı Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= üstüne alınmak Yüğ-ük > yük = üstlenilmiş olan, üstte taşınan Yüğ-ün > yün = koyun veya keçinin üstündeki kıl Yüğ-üt > yiğit = üstün karakterli Yüğ-gen > yüğen /yeğen = üstün tutulan, kıymet verilen (yüen > yen 元) Yüğengi > yeni = üstüne gelmiş, ardından gelmiş Yeng-mek> yenmek = üstün gelmek, üstesinden gelmek , alt etmek Yüğ-engil > yengil =üstte kalan, hafif olan, zayıf kalan Yengil-mek > yenilmek= üstesinden gelinmek , alt edilmek, zafiyet göstermek Yüğenge > yenge = aileye sonradan gelen (yeni gelin) Şan= Görkem , ihtişam 單于 > Şan-Yü = Şanı üstün / Şanı yüce (Yörmek)> Örmek=üstünde işlemek, üzerinde dolamak Yörümek=üstünde gitmek, üzerinde dolaşmak ( yöre=....) (yörük=...) Yürümek=üstünde gitmek /üzerinde gitmek (yürü=go on) Yülümek=üstünden sıyırıp gitmek Yalamak=üstünden sıyırıp almak Yolmak=üstünden çekmek, koparmak (~üstünü düzleştirmek) Yılmak=üstünden aşağı (üstten alta) atmak, tırsmak, bıkmak (Yıldırım=...Yıldız=.. Yılan=..) Yormak= (çok fazla) üstüne varmak, çokça üstüne gitmek Yurmak= üstüne çekip örtmek (yur-ut=yurt ..yur-gan=yorgan) Yırmak= içten-dışa gelmek, altından-üstüne çıkmak, üste gelmek (yırışmak>yarışmak= birbirine üstün gelmek) > Yırtmak=(her iki taraftan çekerek) içten dışa- alttan üste almak /üstesinden gelmek Yarmak=üstten aşağı (doğrudan/ dimdik) inmek, keserek ayırmak Yermek=aşağıya çekmek (yere çekmek,~çekiştirmek) Germek= her yanından çekmek Yıkmak= üstten aşağı almak, altüst etmek, devirmek Yığmak= üst üste koymak Yağmak= üstüne dökülmek /üstten aşağıya dökülmek Yakmak=ısıtıp cisimden arındırarak saflaştırmak, hacmini azaltmak Yoğmak=sıkışıp saflaşmak, dönerek daralmak >hacminden arınmak>ölmek Yoğurmak=sıkıp yoğunlaştırmak ,kıvama getirmek (Yoğurt= yoğunlaştırılmış süt) Yuğmak/Yuğamak=sıkarak arındırmak (yıkamak/ temizlemek) Yiğ (yiv) = ince , sivri (yivlemek= ucunu inceltmek, sivriltmek Yuvmak=sıkıp inceltmek, daraltmak ( yufka= ince hamur) (yıvka>yuka=ince, sığ) (yuvuz>yağız= ince, zayıf, narin) Yuvarlamak= döndürerek daraltmak (yuva=en dar/en ufak barınak) (yavru..=en ufak..) Yummak=sıkarak kapamak, sıkıca kapamak (yumurmak=sıkıca kapatmak ) (yumruk=..) (yumurta=..)
The same happened with my english, I was so inmmersed in youtube drama when I was 14 and polemic channels, at least it had a purpose at the end all the drama 😂😂. Now I'm hoping I can do the same with french, I'm trying to inmmerse myself in everything, videos, music that is on the trending page, see which youtubers are the main ones, etc. But with english it was so intensed, I really want the same for the next languages. Because at the end of the day is the motivation that will keep you learning
Curiosity is a main motivator for me.. I started learning Turkish, Swahili 2 years because of my curiosity about 🇹🇷 and East Africa. I also started re-learning ASL because I have a speech problem due to my autism and I feel like signing would help express my thoughts better.
Yes, language learning is for life! Thank you so much for reminding us that hm, maybe we can all learn multiple languages but if our goal is proficiency, then it is better to focus on one at a time.
I'm from Taiwan, I'm a Chinese, my mother tongue is Mandarin and Taiwanese(A branch of Hokkien). I think the English is a very important language, so I want to learn it lot. If I can speak fluent English, I can easily communicate with billions of people in the world. And I can have more opportunities of work. Maybe when I've practiced English to a level of fluency, I'll consider learning Spanish or French.
Hello I'm abdirahman I speak English and Arabic Arabic fluently and I'm native somlilander live in somaliland ,wish to learn mandarin Chinese hope to be friends
Unless you are really interested in those two languages (the Spanish and French)... Otherwise I would highly recommend the Vietnamese for Chinese people as the next language trip The European languages except for English aren't that much useful in East Asia But back to Vietnamese, it could really serve you well as, say, traveling to their country, making friends (they are far more easy to mingle with compared to the Koreans or Japanese) there etc etc
@@m_ron2742 I'm not a professional Chinese teacher, so I'm afraid I can't provide really useful advice, but as far as I know, the logic of Chinese is very different from that of European languages. Basically, they are languages and characters developed in two completely different civilizations.
I would like to correct a mistake. You are comparing Turkish-Arabic-Persian. But these three languages are very different from each other. Even language families are different. As a Turk, I would say that Turkish and Korean are very similar in structure. If you learn Turkish well, you can learn Azerbaijani language very easily.
Turkish and Persian are both indo European languages and they are very very similar especially that Turkish originally used Arabic script. But Arabic is different since it’s considered Semitic
You are my inspiration for taking learning a new language seriously!! I am currently learning Korean for personal interests, my love for kpop, k-dramas and korean fooood. This really keeps me motivated when I struggle a bit! Yes finding resources is very important!
I’m American and I’ve been learning Swedish for two months now because I’ve developed a passion for learning about language families and how the languages within them have developed differences and kept similarities with each other. I was thinking about it for a long time before I actually decided to go through with it, slowly developing more and more ties to and fondness for Sweden, which is why I eventually decided to start with Swedish. I hope to learn more languages as well, but I’m really struggling with where to go from here. It seems that Duolingo is the only program that I can actually afford (since it’s totally free), so the fact that there are only certain languages available helps narrow it down, but I’m still having problems deciding what language I should tackle next after I’ve finished the Swedish course and hopefully become decently confident in my abilities (although I’m still worried that I won’t ever be good enough at learning another language). As I already mentioned, language families and the connections between languages fascinate me. I spend a lot of time just researching information about different languages, and the ones that I’m most drawn to are English’s closest relatives, the other Germanic languages (possibly because I’m awfully lonely and craving that feeling of connection. I do love that little rush I get when I discover another cognate that Swedish and English share). So, I’ve been thinking that I should make my first big goal be learning all of the other Germanic languages that are on Duolingo for English-speakers to learn: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, and German. But I find myself wondering a lot about possible advantages and disadvantages of that plan. It seems to me that focusing on learning all of the available Germanic languages would make it easier for me to learn, because the more I learn from each of them the more cognates and other similar features I’ll be able to recognize in others. But I do worry about things like “false friends” and the possibility that learning more languages that are very similar to each other might result in me getting them mixed up and that maybe being an issue. So, I’m hoping that maybe people here will be able to give me advice on if this seems like a good plan or not. I was thinking about doing Danish next, or possibly Dutch.
(Sorry, if my English not so good) But I watched much vidio about this problem. U should learn one language for B1, and only after it u can learn next language. But only in diolingo your level willn't on B1... U should to buy textbook, and to learn language better, and if I can't U can learning it in vidios on RUclips. Good luck!
Zoe you're an impressive polyglot whose language learning skills are pretty commendable because you're so keen on keeping on diving into different languages you love. I'm still learning and acquiring English because is a beautiful language which is the world's most important one due to its manageability when it comes to grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, comprehension and so on. With that said, there are countless helpful resources to choose from and that's why sometimes it can be difficult to pick up the right resource to start learning your target language and take up the most suitable pathway of your language learning journey because this is quite serious especially once you've reached the intermediate level either the B1 or the B2 level. Making mistakes is part of the learning process as I've always been saying because we can trip up unavoidably when speaking a new language and trying to master all the grammar, pronunciation patterns, key vocabulary and the list goes on. In a nutshell, learning and acquiring new languages is such a long-term commitment which obviously has no end. I'm learning German currently at the basic level and I'll get my French studies back very soon. My knowledge of the Italian and Russian languages is somewhat lazy and there's much more to come, Spanish is my native language by the way and I want to learn and increase my knowledge of Portuguese, Turkish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Japanese and Greek, the last two languages are my newest target languages and I'll try to set up a realistic study plan to start out my language learning journey properly to keep in mind my future goals after drawing them up. Remember, dreams come true if you're willing to put in the effort in order to accomplish your purposes.
Ahora estoy aprendiendo español para mi quinto idioma, yo he estado aprender español para 4 meses, y hablar más idiomas realmente ayuda a veces, puedes hacer más amigos de diferentes países, ¡así que no te rindas!💪💪
Actually arabic-persian-turkish, every one of them from another language family :D. Arabic is sami, Persian is indo-european and Turkish is Altaic which even have more grammer structure similarity with Hungarian and Finnish. So it would be hard to learn one of other 2 languages if your mother language is one of them.
Not really. 1-Vocabulary is as important 2-The way languages develop is also as important. the developments of Persian in the last 12 centuries and Turkish in the last 500 yaars are heavily influenced by Arabic, and the amount of Arabic vocabulary - whether its original Arabic words or words that Turkish and Persian deprived from Arabic - in Persian and Turkish is also huge. learning Arabic makes it easier to learn any language from West Africa to Eass Africa and all over West Asia down to Northern India.
@@morceen No, that is far from being correct. Based on this pathetic logic you have to list English as a Romance language because of the heavy Latin vocabulary while it is Germanic in fact. Linguists shoud ask you before writing an academic research :)))))
Not Really I’m arab and I learned Turkish very easy and now I’m working on persian and its going pretty good its your perspective as a turkish just because you guys don’t learn languages it doesn’t mean that others will find it hard or difficult to learn .
French is not that hard honestly, but i heard from a few people that japanese is quite the challenge because of kanjis. But if you like, you should give a chance, try enjoying the process and be patient.
I admire your passion of learning languages. I've been studying English for one year so far and I've felt some kind of boring from time to time. Wit that being said, No matter what happens I would be a good at English in order to make my strength for my future. Thank you for your advice, Zoe. I hope to see your another new videos.
a perfect role model for a girl who is obsessed with learning new language like me 💙😂 Danke für alle tipps أتمنى أن أتحدث جميع اللغات التي أريدها يوماً ما بطلاقة😅
@@Alexey-qs6nr hhh, thank you , Russian friends. I also have a plan to learn Russian languages, because I am motivated to delve into the history of USSR, a great nation holds a special position in my heart. Furthermore, China and Russia are literally strategic partner in present. Once I completely have a sturdy grasp of English, I will try to study Russian and embark on the studying of Russia's splendid culture.😜😜
Turkish not relative arabic or persian language. Turkish language is relative with east asian languages and Uralic ( Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian, etc.) languages.
I watched this video a few days ago but why isn't there my comment here? So I watched one more just now. I agree with you~ the similarity of language that you already know can be also important. But the most important thing is your interest and motivation. If you have it, you will achieve it. ^^
I'm Turkish. Turkish is a rich language and it can be hard sometimes. English is easy and universal language. So after i know Turkish and English i'm able to learn other languages easier. But unfortunately, education in my country is really bad. We have English lessons for ten years and a different language for four years, but still people can't learn any language. So i'll keep learn it by myself. My grammar is like trash sometimes but i feel more motivated thanks to you :)
Hello/Nî hâo/as-salāmu 3alaikum! Among all the RUclips polyglot influencers I know, you gave the most thorough, objetive and logical way to parse this (awful) question. Thank you so much. I am into Arabic (because of Islam and I am a Muslim), Japanese (because of Karate and Kobudo training), and French (besides speaking fluently English and Spanish, and being a native Portuguese speaker, it's the next obvious option, besides being plenty of resources and I don't need to tell you how useful and rich French is). After those motivational reasons, I really like them. I intend to get Korean and Chinese (Mandarin, but maybe Cantonese as well) one day (mainly because Taekwondo and Kung Fu, so you see I'm into martial arts and I want to learn them further), God willing, but the availability is lower and my Japanese is going well comparing to facing Korean and Chinese. I have a future plan of using my Japanese for Korean, God willing. Diego/Ya'qūb (São Paulo, Brazil)
My list of languages I am interested in is: - German - English - French - Spanish - Russian - Turkish - Arabic - Persian - Hindustani - Japanese - Indonesian - For some reason I have dropped Chinese. I don't know why. I just don't like it. And as you can see in many videos, this list is very common. It is similar to her list.
2:50 for everyone who would think that those 3 would be similar🗿🗿🗿 They are from different language families altogether. Arabic is Afroasiatic, Iranian is Indo-europian, Turkish is Turkic which actually has closer structure to Korean and Japanese. Probably she meant that they shared many borrowed words.
For me, I decided to learn Spanish because it was getting to the point where it was ridiculous that I haven’t started really trying to learn the language😅 I am surrounded by Spanish-speaking people, I’ve always loved the Spanish language and would love to go to a Spanish-speaking country one day.
Dear Zoe, finding your channel is a treasure of information and motivation. Of course I subscribed :) To the last chapter, my opinion is to take attention NOT to learn two languages with the same roots. I am German and speaking English fluently. At my end of school I had also knowledge of French at a, let me say A2 level. Then I decided to go for Italian, which was ok. But then a friend asked me to accompany him with Spanisch from scratch. Long words short - it doesen`t work! My Italian teacher said I would ruin my Italian allready trained. So I dropped Spanisch. But her in in Dusseldorf DUS Germany, Japanese and Russian ist very present. I did it a little bit for fun and dit not see the same difficulties, like two roman languages, because that RU and JP are so different languages, not in danger to be mixed up.
I learned Italian and later started Spanish. Now, Italian is overlayed by the close Spanish language. But since I love to travel both worlds, I want to find ways to learn and speak both without mixing up both where neither of them understand me. I think it is possible if I create kind of "boxes" in my brain for each language. With something like French it would be a lot easier, I guess. But I will find ways...By the way, great inspiring channel. And welcome to Germany. Greetings from Berlin, Christoph
I truly agree with her, learning 2-3 languages simunlatenously is possible! In my school curriculum,its compulosry to opt 3 languages,so i picked english,french and hindi and learned these 3 together for 9 years! I have mastered the 3, my next target is arabic,thai and korean ❤ Thnx for guiding us zoe धन्यवाद!
Depends on person to person and your goals you want to reach in that language Managing french and english simultaneously is extremely manageable,cause they are similar and with constant practice of 1 hr per day, you will attain a good fluency level after 1.5 years
I'm learning Japanese and I aim for reaching the JLPT N5 and passing the test. At the start it was easy and then I suddenly discovered Japanese grammar, but still, I think it's an easy language to learn for me because I love Japan in all its ways. I love animes, food, movies, cars, houses, lifestyles...etc so I can't really give up. If you have questions : I'm French originally Moroccan who is now speaking her third language with y'all.🎉🎉 Keep going dear fellows !
@@youyouccr3696 I have many many tips to give you, first of all you'll need to have an accurate goal, like reaching JLPT N5 for example so you won't loose your motivation. I'd like to ask you a question : do you use Hello Talk ? If you do, just give me your account name so we can talk in private !
4:35 as a kurdish i agree with you 100 percent, which is sad at the same time because us kurds have always been neglected and used by the other Middle Eastern countries.
I decided to learn Mandarin because I love G.E.M.邓紫棋's music, and as I was learning the language I decided I want to go to China someday, and it has made me more motivated the more time I spend learning it
I started learning Vietnamese in 2022 and my Vietnamese Best friend helped me a lot . I fell in love with the beautiful country, culture and the beautiful people and wanted to learn that language for long time. Everyone used to ask me why I wanted to learn that language bc it’s not one of those most learned languages, and also the resource weren’t too much according to other languages which made struggle a bit . I’m so happy that I finally started, although now I cannot speak it well but at least I can understand and communicate roughly with my Vietnamese friends. BIG THANKS TO MY BEAUTIFUL BESTIE.. I just wanted to tell you if you like that language and want to learn go ahead and learn it do not let anything stop you 🌷✨
I’m American and started learning French 🇫🇷! I have numerous reasons for learning French. I spent my 2023 summer in Europe, and visited so many countries, but none compared to France. I love France and had the absolute BEST TIME there. I was so happy just to wake up in my AirBnb in Paris. I love the people, fashion, environment, history, beautiful women, Disneyland, and the most beautiful language ever.
If you know Korean, Turkish is easy for you. The grammar is the same and the words are similar, but Turkish has nothing to do with Arabic. Turkish and Azerbaijani are similar, not Arabic.
That us very true. I speak Persian and learned turkish from childhood by being exposed to some relatives speaking Turkish and once I started watching korean dramas, I realized how much its geamner is similar to Turkish abd how there are Turkish and even some Persian words in korean.
My original intention was to sing “The Folsom prison “song, but with a authentic country blues flavor. So I searched materials and pronunciation method from other native speakers trying to get ride of my Chinese tone. After tons of practicing,I managed to improve my performance singing that song and surprisingly I realized my English pronunciation has been improved a lot. My next goal is to mimic that guy who has tremendous interest to purchase Greenland
Je suis toujours heureuse de regarder tes vidéos. Ils sont une source de motivation, en effet je veux commencer à apprendre l'arab, j'aimerais que tu fasses une vidéo en partageant le matériel que tu utilises stp. ❤ Je me souviens pas si tu en a une, j'ai déjà regardé la vidéo de cette type pour le français et elle a été merveilleuse ✨
I come from Russia and as a typical Russian I'm not a polyglot 🥲the only language which I can speak less or more fluently is English. But it's different with other languages. I tried to start learning Italian, German, Japanese but every time I gave them up. They are different from each other and I can't learn different languages at the same time... A possible reason for that is that I'm a grown-up and my brain isn't as flexible as it was in my childhood. Children are quick learners because they can absorb new information and get things easier. But your tips are valuable and I hope they will help me. Anyway I want to speak many languages and I'll do my best to achieve this goal! ❤❤
I never gave Spanish its fair attention. I live in Houston and grew up hearing it everyday and never thought it was exotic or interesting enough to study. Now that I'm learning it, I absolutely love it. It's a beautiful, amazing language.
mainly depend on where you are going to ?? north america ... English & Spanish. here in Miami, Florida, Spanish speaking is enough.. myself speak Chinese, English & Spanish..( my wife born in Costa Rica, speaks Spanish & English, few dozen Chinese . my daughter born in USA & speaks English & spanish.. few words in Chinese.. )
I'm really proud to notice that you've been learning Persian and you are extremely passionate about Iran and our culture. By the way your positive vibes recharged my battery in order to star learning another language even though l don't know wich one to choose either Spanish or French😅🙏🇮🇷
Your videos are always inspiring. I'm trying to acquire a reading knowledge of French, German, and Spanish for research purposes, all while pursuing my annual goal of reading 100 history books (in English) and working 60 hours every week. Thank you for giving us hope. 👍
i have spanish relatives and i’ve always been interested in learning it because of that. my grandma was the one that really brought that into our family (she could barely speak any english either) so all her kids grew up fluent in spanish (including my dad). now she’s passed away, i feel more encouraged to learn spanish and embrace the culture more so it didn’t just ‘die with her’ as she identified strongly with it, even when she moved and lived in the uk. i love spanish food & the country but people don’t believe that i have spanish ‘blood’ purely because i can’t speak the language. i feel a little bit ashamed when my aunts all chat in spanish and im there like ‘🧍🏻♀️me no speak español 🧍🏻♀️’
In my country, there are no Japanese language teachers, and if you find them, you will find the price very high. Secondly, I do not have any money to pay for online lessons. Please, if you know of any website, books, or anything reliable for study, please let me know. I love the Japanese language and I really want to learn it
Hello Zoe! I was wondering if you could make a video about recourses for learning Turkish. I have checked your previous recommendations on your community thing. I noticed that it was posted a year ago so I thought that your resources might have increased/changed. Thank you
Zoe, can you please make a video about learning Turkish like you did about other languages. The resources I found are not good enough. Would love to hear about your experience leearning it. Love your channel by the way
Grazie. Mi piace guardare i tuoi video perché spieghi molto bene. Non sono molto brava in inglese, ma scandisci bene le parole e ciò mi permette di riuscire a comprendere quasi tutto. Grazie 😊
I’m learning Spanish and French atm because I’m a native English speaker but I really want to learn Japanese and Arabic after that but both seem very difficult
@@rrzr212 والله ببالي اتغلم انكليزي علمود دراستي و هم. من شفتها خطرلي اتعلم صيني لان احب هاي اللغة من المسلسلات و ايراني مدري شجوي بس يمكن بسبب البنيه لتطلع وياها مرات
@@dr_zenap حلو اني اريد اتعلم هم انكليزي و ياباني و اسباني حاليا بديت بالأسباني حيل سهل + الصيني صعب حيل بس يستحق و الايراني الي هو الفارسي حيل سهل اتمنالج التوفيق
Oh my god My name is Zahra and I am Iranian. I am 14 years old and I am very happy that you are interested in Iran. I personally love the history of Iran and I suggest that you definitely read the history of Iran I follow your videos and wish you good luck🇮🇷🙂💕
Hi, I'm from Pakistan and my language is Persain. I know 3 languages Persain, Urdu and English. Now I'm interested to learn french as I 'll continue my studies in France. I'm very inspired from you Zoe and hope so you will help me in studying French language😊
Like your video as always!😊 I am interested in people in different places so I am always willing to learn a new language. Finding the relations(like how one ancient Chinese word transformed into Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese) between two close countries can be super interesting.
Im learning Italian and French last year i learned English,Korean and German my native language is Bosnian so i hope i learn more thank you for your recommendation ❤
Maybe in the future you'll study Spanish again. Keep in mind it is a language spoken not only in Spain, but also in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and many more countries. Anyway, I agree that motivation is key. Thanks for the video ❣
Chavacano a Spanish based creole is spoken as a local dialect in Zamboanga city in the Philippines. Also in Cavite city and other parts of the country.
I'm currently learning German and Italian. I love Italian because it is one of the most wonderful language in the world. It sounds like music, it is the language of poetry and romance. Learning German is a great exercise for the brain, it helps to develop our analysis.
My first language was english, I got to about 11 or 12, I learnt Gaelic, I can't speak a word of it now, when I went into high school, I tried french, couldn't really focus on it, I started German, as there was class there, but I wanted another language besides German, as I didn't feel connected to the language, I started Romanian, I found the language beautiful, I am pretty fluent, so I wanted to learn another language, I tried Dutch, gave up, then Italian because I learnt it when I was young as my mother is italian, I learnt some common words and phrases to communicate with family members, I finally fell into Czech, which I am learning at the moment, it's so tricky
Learning Farsi(Persian) is very hard but Persian is a very sweet and beautiful language cuz Iranian people have many proverb and Idiom and if you learn it full, you can understand very things that can help you all your life
I am Brazilian and I'm learning English at the moment, but after English I will learn French. These are the languages that I want and need to know 🇧🇷🇺🇲🇫🇷
Soy hablante nativo de Español y esocogí el Árabe libanés debido a que en México hay una comunidad muy grande de Árabes y la mayoría son de Líbano e inclusive el hombre más rico de México tiene descendencia Líbanesa he estudiado Árabe por 3 meses y la verdad me gusta mucho su escritura, lectura y su cultura El idioma Árabe tiene muchas raíces léxicas con el Español debido a que los califatos musulmanes llegaron a España y estuvieron por más de 700 años y actualmente se ocupa en el español un ejemplo que se me ocurre es el de "Azúcar-sukkar" o la palabra "Ojalá" es derivada con la palabra "Inshallah" y entre otros más. Me gustaría que el Árabe sea un idioma más estudiado pero en países Hispanoaméricanos pero no hay muchas fuentes, pero eso no me quita la motivación para seguir aprendiendo, saludos desde México :D
It is relatively easy to learn other languages as long as they belong to the same language family and use 99% of the same letters.The situation is more difficult if the set of letters of the given language contains 25-30% of special letters, e.g.: Hungarian language.Not to mention the rules.
@@Tetrasodiumpyrophosphate As someone who speak French arab would be more important than French. il y a très peu d'endroit ou ça parle français et quand ça le parle c'est souvent très différent sauf dans les colonies française ou d'ailleurs le français est en baisse de plus en plus.
From Morocco 1- English, international language of science, knowledge..etc 2- French, poetic language 3- Spanish, optional as it's widely spoken 4- There is NO number four. Wherever you are in the world you learn your mother language plus on of the above
Your videos inspirse me to continue learning languages. I am a Finnish 18 years old secondary school student and I study advanged English and Swedish basics (our second official language). Studying languages is a challenge for me but I manage to pass everytime and today I am quite good at English. Many here also study third or even forth language at my school. I have a plan to start studying Swedish more to be able to speak with Finnish Swedes. Have you tried to study Finnish? It is hard but funny language. Even as a Finn it challenges me everyday.
I am from Iran i already can speak 3 languages but the language that I always wanted to learn was German which you all know it is a complicated language and requires a persistent person (unlike me😐)
Hi Zoe, I have a question for you ! Beside languages, what sector do you think people should learn to have more job opportunities in this days and ages?
Really it's amazing Your way it's nice and so useful I really hope to learning Chinese and English in the same time and I do this in this moment it's hard work but in shaa Allah I will do I it Thank you Zoe you are fantastic woman 💖
I'm Brazilian and started learning English last year; it was the best decision I've ever taken. I'm so proud of being able to communicate with people. Be sure guys, learning a new language can change your life. Now, I'm not practicing my speaking a lot because I'm not having the opportunity to do that, but I'm trying my best. Good luck to everyone on this journey!!!
Edit: Guys, I recorded a video talking in English on RUclips for the first time. Please, give me a pronunciation grade, I was a bit nervous, but I did it. :)
your english is sooo good!!
Eu amo Brazil! ♥️ ultimamente eu chegei a cidade de Floripa, foi lindissima! Eu estou continuando de practicar e melhorar minhas habilidades em portugues.
If you had started learning English just last year, then let me tell you that you have done a great job. You sound like you have been studying it for years. Keep it up
Your English is so good!!
@@maddysmith1825 Thanksss a lot, I try to write in English grammatically correct always when I have the opportunity.
Thanks! You are amazing on every level.
What I love most about language learning is how you can learn to express yourself in so many different ways. I speak German, English, Spanish and a little bit of Turkish and I find it fascinating how different all of those languages work, but still each of them makes sense in their own way and they shape how I form different thoughts and express myself. I will never get tired of this. And the point of fascination is true for me too - I didn´t pick any of those languages randomly, those are the ones that stick with me because I was able to bond with them. English because I was a huge youtube fan when I was 14 and almost accidently immersed myself very deeply into the language (lmao), Spanish because it always reminds me of summer and a good feeling about life in general. And lastly Turkish because my extended family is from Turkey and I have been hooked ever since they taught me to order food when I first visited! :)
terms and conditions
(akar-eser / eser-eger)
(su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows
(yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops
EĞER-ISE and İSE-EĞER constructs are used to specify "conditions" and are often used interchangeably.
İSE-EĞER: means "If ever" and indicates a condition that is more likely to occur.
"If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haber ver.) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli)
“If I'm not tired, we’ll visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer akşamleyin onları ziyaret ederiz”
EĞER-ISE: means "Even if" and indicates a condition that is less likely to occur.
"Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa dahi ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.)
“Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.
Conditions / Doğal koşullar ve şartlar.
(akar-eser / eser-eger)
(su AKAR- yel ESER) = water flows - wind blows
(yel ESER- ekin EĞER)= the wind blows and bows the crops
EĞER-ISE ve İSE-EĞER yapıları "koşul" belirtmek için kullanılır ve çoğunlukla birbirinin yerine kullanılabilirler.
İSE-EĞER: "If ever" anlamına gelir ve gerçekleşme olasılığı daha yüksek olan bir koşulu ifade eder.
"If ever you need any help, just let me know." (Yardıma ihtiyacın olursa eğer, sadece haber ver.) or (Herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duyarsan, bana haber vermen yeterli)
“If I'm not tired, we’ll visit them in the evening.” = “Yorgun değilsem eğer akşamleyin onları ziyaret ederiz”
EĞER-ISE: "Even if" anlamına gelir ve gerçekleşme olasılığı daha düşük olan bir koşulu ifade eder.
"Even if it rains tomorrow, I will go for a walk." (Yarın yürüyüşe çıkacağım, eğer yağmur yağıyor olsa dahi ) or (Yarın yağmur yağsa bile yürüyüşe çıkacağım.)
“Why should i go to work, (even) if I'm not getting my salary” = Eğer maaşımı alamıyorsam, neden işe gideyim ki.
The names of some organs
it's used as the suffix for nouns, “Ak”= ~each of both
(Yan= side) (Gül= rose) (Şek=facet) (Dal=subsection, branch) (Taş=stone)
Yan-ak= each of both sides of the face >Yanak=the cheek
Kül-ak = each of both the roses >Kulak= Ear
Şek-ak = each of both sides of the forehead >Şakak= temple
Dal-ak=dalak= Spleen
Böbür-ak=böbrek= Kidney = each of both red-spots / blodfleck
Bağça-ak>(Paça-ak)>bacak= Leg (ankle)
Batı-ak>pathiak>phatyak>hadyak>adyak)=Ayak= the foot > each of the feet (pati = paw)
Her iki-ciğer.>Akciğer=the lung
Tül-karn-ak =that obscures/ shadowing each of both dark/ covert periods= Karanlık (batıni) çağların her birini örten tül
Zhu'l-karn-eyn=the (shader) owner of each of both times
Dhu'al-chorn-ein=double-horned-one=(the horned hunter)Herne the hunter> Cernunnos> Karneios
it's used as the suffix for verbs, “Ak /ek“=a-qa ~which thing to / what’s to…
Er-mek = to get / to reach
Bar-mak (Varmak)= to arrive / to achieve
Er-en-mek > erinmek / Bar-an-mak > barınmak =arrive at one's own
Erin-ek / barın-ak = what’s there to arrive at oneself
Ernek / Barnak > Parmak = Finger
Çiğ=uncooked, raw
Çiğne-mek =to chew
Çiğne-ek>Çiğneh> Çene = Chin
Tut-mak = to hold / to keep
Tut-ak=Dudak= Lip
Tara-mak = to comb/ ~to rake
Tara-ak > Tarak =(what’s there to comb)> the comb
Tara-en-mak > taranmak = to comb oneself
Taran-ak > Tırnak =(what’s there to comb oneself)> fingernail
Ye-mek= kendi üstüne eklemek, kendi özüne katmak, bünyesine almak
Yüğ (Yeğ) = üst- üstün
Yüğ-le-mek > yeğlemek = üstte tutmak, görece üstün kılmak, tercih etmek
Yüğ-ka-yer-u =(üst hangi tarafı) = yukarı
Yüğ-ce > yüce = seviyece üstün olan
Yüğ-ce-al-mek > yücelmek = seviyece üstünlük elde etmek
Yüğ-sü-ek > yüksek = üst seviye, üst düzey
Yüğ-sel > yüksel = üstel, üstünsel
Yüğ-sü-al-mek> yükselmek = üst düzeye çıkmak, yukarı seviyelere gitmek
Yüğ-sük > yüzük = parmak üstüne takılan takı
Yüğ-sü-en-mek > yüksünmek= üstüne alınmak
Yüğ-ük > yük = üstlenilmiş olan, üstte taşınan
Yüğ-ün > yün = koyun veya keçinin üstündeki kıl
Yüğ-üt > yiğit = üstün karakterli
Yüğ-gen > yüğen /yeğen = üstün tutulan, kıymet verilen (yüen > yen 元)
Yüğengi > yeni = üstüne gelmiş, ardından gelmiş
Yeng-mek> yenmek = üstün gelmek, üstesinden gelmek , alt etmek
Yüğ-engil > yengil =üstte kalan, hafif olan, zayıf kalan
Yengil-mek > yenilmek= üstesinden gelinmek , alt edilmek, zafiyet göstermek
Yüğenge > yenge = aileye sonradan gelen (yeni gelin)
Şan= Görkem , ihtişam
單于 > Şan-Yü = Şanı üstün / Şanı yüce
(Yörmek)> Örmek=üstünde işlemek, üzerinde dolamak
Yörümek=üstünde gitmek, üzerinde dolaşmak ( yöre=....) (yörük=...)
Yürümek=üstünde gitmek /üzerinde gitmek (yürü=go on)
Yülümek=üstünden sıyırıp gitmek
Yalamak=üstünden sıyırıp almak
Yolmak=üstünden çekmek, koparmak (~üstünü düzleştirmek)
Yılmak=üstünden aşağı (üstten alta) atmak, tırsmak, bıkmak (Yıldırım=...Yıldız=.. Yılan=..)
Yormak= (çok fazla) üstüne varmak, çokça üstüne gitmek
Yurmak= üstüne çekip örtmek (yur-ut=yurt ..yur-gan=yorgan)
Yırmak= içten-dışa gelmek, altından-üstüne çıkmak, üste gelmek (yırışmak>yarışmak= birbirine üstün gelmek) > Yırtmak=(her iki taraftan çekerek) içten dışa- alttan üste almak /üstesinden gelmek
Yarmak=üstten aşağı (doğrudan/ dimdik) inmek, keserek ayırmak
Yermek=aşağıya çekmek (yere çekmek,~çekiştirmek)
Germek= her yanından çekmek
Yıkmak= üstten aşağı almak, altüst etmek, devirmek
Yığmak= üst üste koymak
Yağmak= üstüne dökülmek /üstten aşağıya dökülmek
Yakmak=ısıtıp cisimden arındırarak saflaştırmak, hacmini azaltmak
Yoğmak=sıkışıp saflaşmak, dönerek daralmak >hacminden arınmak>ölmek
Yoğurmak=sıkıp yoğunlaştırmak ,kıvama getirmek (Yoğurt= yoğunlaştırılmış süt)
Yuğmak/Yuğamak=sıkarak arındırmak (yıkamak/ temizlemek)
Yiğ (yiv) = ince , sivri
(yivlemek= ucunu inceltmek, sivriltmek
Yuvmak=sıkıp inceltmek, daraltmak ( yufka= ince hamur) (yıvka>yuka=ince, sığ) (yuvuz>yağız= ince, zayıf, narin)
Yuvarlamak= döndürerek daraltmak (yuva=en dar/en ufak barınak) (yavru..=en ufak..)
Yummak=sıkarak kapamak, sıkıca kapamak (yumurmak=sıkıca kapatmak ) (yumruk=..) (yumurta=..)
@@Abeturkolm senin yazdıklarından ben bir şey anlamadım o nasıl anlasın?😂
The same happened with my english, I was so inmmersed in youtube drama when I was 14 and polemic channels, at least it had a purpose at the end all the drama 😂😂. Now I'm hoping I can do the same with french, I'm trying to inmmerse myself in everything, videos, music that is on the trending page, see which youtubers are the main ones, etc. But with english it was so intensed, I really want the same for the next languages. Because at the end of the day is the motivation that will keep you learning
باعث افتخار ما ایرانی ها هست ک شما برای یادگیری زبان ما وقت گذاشتید
و همچنین از شعر های ما خوشتان میاد🌹
Curiosity is a main motivator for me.. I started learning Turkish, Swahili 2 years because of my curiosity about 🇹🇷 and East Africa. I also started re-learning ASL because I have a speech problem due to my autism and I feel like signing would help express my thoughts better.
🤗🤗🤗thank you for sharing
Did you like Turkish
@@Elegantmeans Evet, bana Türk dil çok enteresan, I really like how it sounds and I’ve became a fan of Anatolian Funk and disco.
@@Hardmanferdead Thank you for liking our language. Take care of yourself . good evening 💙
Yes, the crucial part is attraction. Toward what language do you feel attraction.
Yes, language learning is for life! Thank you so much for reminding us that hm, maybe we can all learn multiple languages but if our goal is proficiency, then it is better to focus on one at a time.
It's always a pleasure to see your videos full of enthusiasm and good advice. Thank you for sharing! 😊
I am from Uzbekistan, thank you for sharing useful advices,and encouraging me to learn other languages by our interest 😊
I'm from Taiwan, I'm a Chinese, my mother tongue is Mandarin and Taiwanese(A branch of Hokkien). I think the English is a very important language, so I want to learn it lot. If I can speak fluent English, I can easily communicate with billions of people in the world. And I can have more opportunities of work. Maybe when I've practiced English to a level of fluency, I'll consider learning Spanish or French.
Any tips on remembering chinese characters?
Hello I'm abdirahman I speak English and Arabic Arabic fluently and I'm native somlilander live in somaliland ,wish to learn mandarin Chinese hope to be friends
Unless you are really interested in those two languages (the Spanish and French)... Otherwise I would highly recommend the Vietnamese for Chinese people as the next language trip
The European languages except for English aren't that much useful in East Asia
But back to Vietnamese, it could really serve you well as, say, traveling to their country, making friends (they are far more easy to mingle with compared to the Koreans or Japanese) there etc etc
I recommend Spanish. In my opinion, Spanish is much easier than French, and more people use it.
@@m_ron2742 I'm not a professional Chinese teacher, so I'm afraid I can't provide really useful advice, but as far as I know, the logic of Chinese is very different from that of European languages. Basically, they are languages and characters developed in two completely different civilizations.
I would like to correct a mistake. You are comparing Turkish-Arabic-Persian. But these three languages are very different from each other. Even language families are different. As a Turk, I would say that Turkish and Korean are very similar in structure. If you learn Turkish well, you can learn Azerbaijani language very easily.
Dil ailelerin farklı zaten ama bu üç dil birçok kelimeyi birbirinden almış özellikle türkiyede türkçede çoğu kelime arapça ve farsça
@@Serhat-bx7un Kelime açısından bakılırsa Fransızca'dan da çok fazla kelime var. Ben arapça öğrenen Türkçeyi kolay öğrenir bakış açısını eleştirdim.
Literally facts
We aren't arab 🤪
@@ffgj5urfh11 aynn
Turkish and Persian are both indo European languages and they are very very similar especially that Turkish originally used Arabic script. But Arabic is different since it’s considered Semitic
فيديو أكثر من رائع ❤️ جعلتني أشعر بالحماس لتكملة تعلم اللغة اليابانية حقا 😄 شكرا جزيلا لك 🥰
بالتوفيق ❤
حتنا اول شي هدفي اتعلم انجليزي 💯💯 و بعدها بالياباني
You are my inspiration for taking learning a new language seriously!! I am currently learning Korean for personal interests, my love for kpop, k-dramas and korean fooood. This really keeps me motivated when I struggle a bit! Yes finding resources is very important!
Korean is a local language at all!
More useful language , You need to learn !
I also love Korean food and culture and learning Korean right now. Now I have better understanding when watching Kdrama :)
@@mashitta5969 힘내세요 :)
당신의 한국어 공부를 응원합니다~!!❤
@@hampter5830 감 사 합 니 다 !!! ❤
I’m American and I’ve been learning Swedish for two months now because I’ve developed a passion for learning about language families and how the languages within them have developed differences and kept similarities with each other. I was thinking about it for a long time before I actually decided to go through with it, slowly developing more and more ties to and fondness for Sweden, which is why I eventually decided to start with Swedish. I hope to learn more languages as well, but I’m really struggling with where to go from here. It seems that Duolingo is the only program that I can actually afford (since it’s totally free), so the fact that there are only certain languages available helps narrow it down, but I’m still having problems deciding what language I should tackle next after I’ve finished the Swedish course and hopefully become decently confident in my abilities (although I’m still worried that I won’t ever be good enough at learning another language).
As I already mentioned, language families and the connections between languages fascinate me. I spend a lot of time just researching information about different languages, and the ones that I’m most drawn to are English’s closest relatives, the other Germanic languages (possibly because I’m awfully lonely and craving that feeling of connection. I do love that little rush I get when I discover another cognate that Swedish and English share). So, I’ve been thinking that I should make my first big goal be learning all of the other Germanic languages that are on Duolingo for English-speakers to learn: Swedish, Danish, Norwegian (Bokmål), Dutch, and German. But I find myself wondering a lot about possible advantages and disadvantages of that plan.
It seems to me that focusing on learning all of the available Germanic languages would make it easier for me to learn, because the more I learn from each of them the more cognates and other similar features I’ll be able to recognize in others. But I do worry about things like “false friends” and the possibility that learning more languages that are very similar to each other might result in me getting them mixed up and that maybe being an issue. So, I’m hoping that maybe people here will be able to give me advice on if this seems like a good plan or not. I was thinking about doing Danish next, or possibly Dutch.
Learn Turkish
(Sorry, if my English not so good)
But I watched much vidio about this problem. U should learn one language for B1, and only after it u can learn next language. But only in diolingo your level willn't on B1... U should to buy textbook, and to learn language better, and if I can't U can learning it in vidios on RUclips. Good luck!
A new video from Zoe. My favourite polygot ❤❤❤
Zoe you're an impressive polyglot whose language learning skills are pretty commendable because you're so keen on keeping on diving into different languages you love. I'm still learning and acquiring English because is a beautiful language which is the world's most important one due to its manageability when it comes to grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, comprehension and so on. With that said, there are countless helpful resources to choose from and that's why sometimes it can be difficult to pick up the right resource to start learning your target language and take up the most suitable pathway of your language learning journey because this is quite serious especially once you've reached the intermediate level either the B1 or the B2 level. Making mistakes is part of the learning process as I've always been saying because we can trip up unavoidably when speaking a new language and trying to master all the grammar, pronunciation patterns, key vocabulary and the list goes on. In a nutshell, learning and acquiring new languages is such a long-term commitment which obviously has no end. I'm learning German currently at the basic level and I'll get my French studies back very soon. My knowledge of the Italian and Russian languages is somewhat lazy and there's much more to come, Spanish is my native language by the way and I want to learn and increase my knowledge of Portuguese, Turkish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Japanese and Greek, the last two languages are my newest target languages and I'll try to set up a realistic study plan to start out my language learning journey properly to keep in mind my future goals after drawing them up. Remember, dreams come true if you're willing to put in the effort in order to accomplish your purposes.
Ahora estoy aprendiendo español para mi quinto idioma, yo he estado aprender español para 4 meses, y hablar más idiomas realmente ayuda a veces, puedes hacer más amigos de diferentes países, ¡así que no te rindas!💪💪
Oh you’re fake, you got me😂
im learning spanish too, did u practice conjugations everyday and how?
@@patrickbatemanfromohio Well I think I'm too lazy to learn and practice cada día, I'm just watching some Spanish video on RUclips sometime lol.
Actually arabic-persian-turkish, every one of them from another language family :D. Arabic is sami, Persian is indo-european and Turkish is Altaic which even have more grammer structure similarity with Hungarian and Finnish. So it would be hard to learn one of other 2 languages if your mother language is one of them.
I'm also persian :D
Im Turkish :)
Not really.
1-Vocabulary is as important 2-The way languages develop is also as important.
the developments of Persian in the last 12 centuries and Turkish in the last 500 yaars are heavily influenced by Arabic, and the amount of Arabic vocabulary - whether its original Arabic words or words that Turkish and Persian deprived from Arabic - in Persian and Turkish is also huge.
learning Arabic makes it easier to learn any language from West Africa to Eass Africa and all over West Asia down to Northern India.
@@morceen No, that is far from being correct. Based on this pathetic logic you have to list English as a Romance language because of the heavy Latin vocabulary while it is Germanic in fact. Linguists shoud ask you before writing an academic research :)))))
Not Really I’m arab and I learned Turkish very easy and now I’m working on persian and its going pretty good its your perspective as a turkish just because you guys don’t learn languages it doesn’t mean that others will find it hard or difficult to learn .
I love France and Japan, and I love their language very much. I wish to learn them, but their language is very difficult, especially Japanese 😭😭
French or German?
I don't understand your question. Do you mean the language that I love?
Japanese certainly is very challenging for Westerners. French is a Latin based language and much easier for Europeans to learn.
French is not that hard honestly, but i heard from a few people that japanese is quite the challenge because of kanjis. But if you like, you should give a chance, try enjoying the process and be patient.
A language is only as hard you think it is. Japanese learner have trouble learn English actually, for them, English is hardest language.
I admire your passion of learning languages.
I've been studying English for one year so far and I've felt some kind of boring from time to time.
Wit that being said, No matter what happens I would be a good at English in order to make my strength for my future.
Thank you for your advice, Zoe.
I hope to see your another new videos.
a perfect role model for a girl who is obsessed with learning new language like me 💙😂 Danke für alle tipps
أتمنى أن أتحدث جميع اللغات التي أريدها يوماً ما بطلاقة😅
Me too 😅
Every time I see your videos, I always receive energy from your passion!
Her accent is pure Chinese English accent and make me feel intimate😋😋
PS: 中文很难学,建议放过自己😂😂
proud of fully understanding you. Chinese learner from Russia here :)
@@Alexey-qs6nr hhh, thank you , Russian friends. I also have a plan to learn Russian languages, because I am motivated to delve into the history of USSR, a great nation holds a special position in my heart. Furthermore, China and Russia are literally strategic partner in present. Once I completely have a sturdy grasp of English, I will try to study Russian and embark on the studying of Russia's splendid culture.😜😜
我当年练英语听力的时候,会先专门找一些表现日常对话的英语视频。英语日常口语的语流变化、缩音规律和演讲、做新闻、访谈等等时候的差别比较大,偏向词汇类型也不同。诸如end up, eat, add, lose 这些短小精悍的词几乎不出现在正式言辞中,而且即便出现了,发音也中规中矩,和日常对话中的发音有明显区别。(还记得当时初练听力,总错吧lose 误听成ooze. 原因是英语的l 其实根本不是汉语的“勒”,更不是日语的r,它和俄语的l 一样,很多时候就是会省略成dark l,对新手来讲真的很容易错听成是w-l 之间的音,其实都不是...)
I think this is the most useful video i have ever seen on this topic, thanks alot ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Turkish not relative arabic or persian language. Turkish language is relative with east asian languages and Uralic ( Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian, etc.) languages.
Uralic and Turkic languages have nothing to do with each other.
@@lambert801you are wrong im turkish
Heard that Turkish and Japanese has some common grammar aspects.
@@Billilv that's right
There are many Arabic words in the Turkish language
Excellent. Good points,, good detailing
I pray that you will be the professor in Social Anthropology. Love this discourse very much.
I watched this video a few days ago but why isn't there my comment here? So I watched one more just now.
I agree with you~ the similarity of language that you already know can be also important. But the most important thing is your interest and motivation. If you have it, you will achieve it. ^^
I'm Turkish. Turkish is a rich language and it can be hard sometimes. English is easy and universal language. So after i know Turkish and English i'm able to learn other languages easier. But unfortunately, education in my country is really bad. We have English lessons for ten years and a different language for four years, but still people can't learn any language. So i'll keep learn it by myself. My grammar is like trash sometimes but i feel more motivated thanks to you :)
I'm Turkish too :)
@@AccenDiveuu oooo gardaşım be agstshvd
@@justwhatiwant1730 kjgreognj
Hello/Nî hâo/as-salāmu 3alaikum!
Among all the RUclips polyglot influencers I know, you gave the most thorough, objetive and logical way to parse this (awful) question. Thank you so much.
I am into Arabic (because of Islam and I am a Muslim), Japanese (because of Karate and Kobudo training), and French (besides speaking fluently English and Spanish, and being a native Portuguese speaker, it's the next obvious option, besides being plenty of resources and I don't need to tell you how useful and rich French is). After those motivational reasons, I really like them. I intend to get Korean and Chinese (Mandarin, but maybe Cantonese as well) one day (mainly because Taekwondo and Kung Fu, so you see I'm into martial arts and I want to learn them further), God willing, but the availability is lower and my Japanese is going well comparing to facing Korean and Chinese. I have a future plan of using my Japanese for Korean, God willing.
Diego/Ya'qūb (São Paulo, Brazil)
Good luck man, you're gonna do it
From arabic native😁
@@Ram-ql9qt barakAllahu fik
ماشاء الله!🤩🤩🤩💗💗💗
My list of languages I am interested in is:
- German
- English
- French
- Spanish
- Russian
- Turkish
- Arabic
- Persian
- Hindustani
- Japanese
- Indonesian
- For some reason I have dropped Chinese. I don't know why. I just don't like it.
And as you can see in many videos, this list is very common. It is similar to her list.
What do you mean by hindustani? Like Indian languages?
Hindustani isn't a language.
@@yeahiamsanvi.7449 Hindustani=Hindi/Urdu , different scripts, but quite mutually intelligible when spoken, according to some
Hiii thanks very much for your guidance and Im an Iranian girl,Imreally happy that you learn persian🙂✨🌻
2:50 for everyone who would think that those 3 would be similar🗿🗿🗿 They are from different language families altogether. Arabic is Afroasiatic, Iranian is Indo-europian, Turkish is Turkic which actually has closer structure to Korean and Japanese. Probably she meant that they shared many borrowed words.
So korean,japan and turkish are altaic family shars
درود هموطن😂❤
For me, I decided to learn Spanish because it was getting to the point where it was ridiculous that I haven’t started really trying to learn the language😅 I am surrounded by Spanish-speaking people, I’ve always loved the Spanish language and would love to go to a Spanish-speaking country one day.
Dear Zoe, finding your channel is a treasure of information and motivation. Of course I subscribed :)
To the last chapter, my opinion is to take attention NOT to learn two languages with the same roots.
I am German and speaking English fluently. At my end of school I had also knowledge of French at a, let me say A2 level. Then I decided to go for Italian, which was ok.
But then a friend asked me to accompany him with Spanisch from scratch. Long words short - it doesen`t work!
My Italian teacher said I would ruin my Italian allready trained. So I dropped Spanisch.
But her in in Dusseldorf DUS Germany, Japanese and Russian ist very present. I did it a little bit for fun and dit not see the same difficulties, like two roman languages, because that RU and JP are so different languages, not in danger to be mixed up.
I learned Italian and later started Spanish. Now, Italian is overlayed by the close Spanish language. But since I love to travel both worlds, I want to find ways to learn and speak both without mixing up both where neither of them understand me. I think it is possible if I create kind of "boxes" in my brain for each language. With something like French it would be a lot easier, I guess. But I will find ways...By the way, great inspiring channel. And welcome to Germany. Greetings from Berlin, Christoph
I truly agree with her, learning 2-3 languages simunlatenously is possible! In my school curriculum,its compulosry to opt 3 languages,so i picked english,french and hindi and learned these 3 together for 9 years! I have mastered the 3, my next target is arabic,thai and korean ❤
Thnx for guiding us zoe
How much time per day does it take to learn the language during the 9 years? I am an Arab and I want to learn English and French
Depends on person to person and your goals you want to reach in that language
Managing french and english simultaneously is extremely manageable,cause they are similar and with constant practice of 1 hr per day, you will attain a good fluency level after 1.5 years
@@ManjeetKaur-jr1qvOkay, thank you 🫂
Good luck with your learning especially my language (Arabic 🤩) My goal is to learn Japanese and I am confident that I will achieve it
In my opinion, these tips aren't only beneficial in learning language, they work for almost anything you want to learn ! Great thank to Zoe
Good job 💗💗
Keep going 💖💖
this is actually very helpful since i also am having troubles
My language wish list -
Spanish (currently around b1, goal is c1)
French (start in a few days)
Egyptian Arabic
I'm learning Japanese and I aim for reaching the JLPT N5 and passing the test. At the start it was easy and then I suddenly discovered Japanese grammar, but still, I think it's an easy language to learn for me because I love Japan in all its ways. I love animes, food, movies, cars, houses, lifestyles...etc so I can't really give up. If you have questions : I'm French originally Moroccan who is now speaking her third language with y'all.🎉🎉 Keep going dear fellows !
@@大川嵩洋-t8l はい、日本語を勉強する!日本人ですか?
@@youyouccr3696 I have many many tips to give you, first of all you'll need to have an accurate goal, like reaching JLPT N5 for example so you won't loose your motivation. I'd like to ask you a question : do you use Hello Talk ? If you do, just give me your account name so we can talk in private !
@Zoelanguages. はい、話になろ!
4:35 as a kurdish i agree with you 100 percent, which is sad at the same time because us kurds have always been neglected and used by the other Middle Eastern countries.
I like your videos. Could you please MAKE a video about learning Turkish and sources
I decided to learn Mandarin because I love G.E.M.邓紫棋's music, and as I was learning the language I decided I want to go to China someday, and it has made me more motivated the more time I spend learning it
I started learning Vietnamese in 2022 and my Vietnamese Best friend helped me a lot . I fell in love with the beautiful country, culture and the beautiful people and wanted to learn that language for long time. Everyone used to ask me why I wanted to learn that language bc it’s not one of those most learned languages, and also the resource weren’t too much according to other languages which made struggle a bit . I’m so happy that I finally started, although now I cannot speak it well but at least I can understand and communicate roughly with my Vietnamese friends. BIG THANKS TO MY BEAUTIFUL BESTIE..
I just wanted to tell you if you like that language and want to learn go ahead and learn it do not let anything stop you 🌷✨
Bạn giỏi quá, cố lên nha
Right choice. Good luck friend 👍
@@YaYayyy thank you ☺️
I’m American and started learning French 🇫🇷! I have numerous reasons for learning French. I spent my 2023 summer in Europe, and visited so many countries, but none compared to France. I love France and had the absolute BEST TIME there. I was so happy just to wake up in my AirBnb in Paris. I love the people, fashion, environment, history, beautiful women, Disneyland, and the most beautiful language ever.
If you know Korean, Turkish is easy for you. The grammar is the same and the words are similar, but Turkish has nothing to do with Arabic. Turkish and Azerbaijani are similar, not Arabic.
there are many words of Arabic origin in Turkish.
Unfortunately, many arabic words have enterd into Persian and Turkish languages.
That us very true. I speak Persian and learned turkish from childhood by being exposed to some relatives speaking Turkish and once I started watching korean dramas, I realized how much its geamner is similar to Turkish abd how there are Turkish and even some Persian words in korean.
@@mmisaamane_w yes but that's Islamic influence they don't share any language group same with Persian
My original intention was to sing “The Folsom prison “song, but with a authentic country blues flavor. So I searched materials and pronunciation method from other native speakers trying to get ride of my Chinese tone. After tons of practicing,I managed to improve my performance singing that song and surprisingly I realized my English pronunciation has been improved a lot. My next goal is to mimic that guy who has tremendous interest to purchase Greenland
Je suis toujours heureuse de regarder tes vidéos. Ils sont une source de motivation, en effet je veux commencer à apprendre l'arab, j'aimerais que tu fasses une vidéo en partageant le matériel que tu utilises stp. ❤ Je me souviens pas si tu en a une, j'ai déjà regardé la vidéo de cette type pour le français et elle a été merveilleuse ✨
I come from Russia and as a typical Russian I'm not a polyglot 🥲the only language which I can speak less or more fluently is English. But it's different with other languages. I tried to start learning Italian, German, Japanese but every time I gave them up. They are different from each other and I can't learn different languages at the same time... A possible reason for that is that I'm a grown-up and my brain isn't as flexible as it was in my childhood. Children are quick learners because they can absorb new information and get things easier. But your tips are valuable and I hope they will help me. Anyway I want to speak many languages and I'll do my best to achieve this goal! ❤❤
I never gave Spanish its fair attention. I live in Houston and grew up hearing it everyday and never thought it was exotic or interesting enough to study. Now that I'm learning it, I absolutely love it. It's a beautiful, amazing language.
Spanish in Huston, Why?
@@PayiloGonlo like half the city speaks Spanish. Plus I just like it
@@PayiloGonlo As well as being very southern, Texas was formally land belonging to Mexico. There are a ton of Mexican people and influences there.
مرسی ژوئیه جان. روزت خوش
از فرانسه
I admire you Zoe
mainly depend on where you are going to ?? north america ... English & Spanish. here in Miami, Florida, Spanish speaking is enough.. myself speak Chinese, English & Spanish..( my wife born in Costa Rica, speaks Spanish & English, few dozen Chinese . my daughter born in USA & speaks English & spanish.. few words in Chinese.. )
I'm really proud to notice that you've been learning Persian and you are extremely passionate about Iran and our culture. By the way your positive vibes recharged my battery in order to star learning another language even though l don't know wich one to choose either Spanish or French😅🙏🇮🇷
choose french
أنت ملهمة للكثيرين الذين يرغبون تعلم لغة جديدة، ثابري
WOW! Danke, dass du mich wieder daran erinnerst
to keep setting my ass in gear lol.
ほんとに、ありがとう。🙏🏼 שלום
@Zoelanguages Cool 😎👍🏼🎉 THX 🙏🏼
Your videos are always inspiring. I'm trying to acquire a reading knowledge of French, German, and Spanish for research purposes, all while pursuing my annual goal of reading 100 history books (in English) and working 60 hours every week. Thank you for giving us hope. 👍
@@MiMussica Sí, solo 60 horas, lamentablemente. 😪
i have spanish relatives and i’ve always been interested in learning it because of that. my grandma was the one that really brought that into our family (she could barely speak any english either) so all her kids grew up fluent in spanish (including my dad). now she’s passed away, i feel more encouraged to learn spanish and embrace the culture more so it didn’t just ‘die with her’ as she identified strongly with it, even when she moved and lived in the uk. i love spanish food & the country but people don’t believe that i have spanish ‘blood’ purely because i can’t speak the language. i feel a little bit ashamed when my aunts all chat in spanish and im there like ‘🧍🏻♀️me no speak español 🧍🏻♀️’
In my country, there are no Japanese language teachers, and if you find them, you will find the price very high. Secondly, I do not have any money to pay for online lessons. Please, if you know of any website, books, or anything reliable for study, please let me know. I love the Japanese language and I really want to learn it
I know Busuu,that’s app for learning languages and I think it’s pretty good!
Hi are you still searching books? Recently I bought japanese from zero on amazon
Hello Zoe! I was wondering if you could make a video about recourses for learning Turkish. I have checked your previous recommendations on your community thing. I noticed that it was posted a year ago so I thought that your resources might have increased/changed. Thank you
Thank you for this video it helps a lot !🙂
Zoe, can you please make a video about learning Turkish like you did about other languages. The resources I found are not good enough. Would love to hear about your experience leearning it.
Love your channel by the way
What is your mother tongue
Mi piace guardare i tuoi video perché spieghi molto bene.
Non sono molto brava in inglese, ma scandisci bene le parole e ciò mi permette di riuscire a comprendere quasi tutto.
Grazie 😊
I’m learning Spanish and French atm because I’m a native English speaker but I really want to learn Japanese and Arabic after that but both seem very difficult
Finally i found the Chanel which I wanted..🙂🙂☺️
from iraq, and i live you zoe ❤️
عبالي بس اني اتابعها من العراق
@@rrzr212 لا لا اني هم 😂
@@dr_zenap شنو اللغات الي تريدين تتعلميها؟
@@rrzr212 والله ببالي اتغلم انكليزي علمود دراستي و هم. من شفتها خطرلي اتعلم صيني لان احب هاي اللغة من المسلسلات و ايراني مدري شجوي بس يمكن بسبب البنيه لتطلع وياها مرات
@@dr_zenap حلو اني اريد اتعلم هم انكليزي و ياباني و اسباني حاليا بديت بالأسباني حيل سهل + الصيني صعب حيل بس يستحق و الايراني الي هو الفارسي حيل سهل اتمنالج التوفيق
Oh my god
My name is Zahra and I am Iranian. I am 14 years old and I am very happy that you are interested in Iran.
I personally love the history of Iran and I suggest that you definitely read the history of Iran
I follow your videos and wish you good luck🇮🇷🙂💕
Hi, I'm from Pakistan and my language is Persain. I know 3 languages Persain, Urdu and English. Now I'm interested to learn french as I 'll continue my studies in France. I'm very inspired from you Zoe and hope so you will help me in studying French language😊
Learning Arabic would be easier for you, you will have an advantage because you already know Urdu
Is Farsi your first language?
Do we have Farsi native speakers in Pakistan?
How? The Persian is only for iran,Persian is different from Arabic and Turkish
@@iliantAi Yes I'm farsi native speaker, Urdu is my 2 language
@@sariinka yes I belongs to Iran currently located at Karachi Pakistan
Like your video as always!😊
I am interested in people in different places so I am always willing to learn a new language.
Finding the relations(like how one ancient Chinese word transformed into Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese) between two close countries can be super interesting.
My next move is Latin-based languages like French and Spanish.
Can't wait to see my brain become a mess😂
I would really like to learn a language and take my chances since Im young Im looking into learning turkish , thank you for this video
Im learning Italian and French last year i learned English,Korean and German my native language is Bosnian so i hope i learn more thank you for your recommendation ❤
Hi zoe , I'm Kurdish the only way to learn Kurdish is learning it from the native speakers in kurdistan, come and visit you will love it definitely.
Maybe in the future you'll study Spanish again. Keep in mind it is a language spoken not only in Spain, but also in Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Mexico, Peru and many more countries. Anyway, I agree that motivation is key. Thanks for the video ❣
Chavacano a Spanish based creole is spoken as a local dialect in Zamboanga city in the Philippines. Also in Cavite city and other parts of the country.
TYSM!! This helped me sm
I'm currently learning German and Italian. I love Italian because it is one of the most wonderful language in the world. It sounds like music, it is the language of poetry and romance. Learning German is a great exercise for the brain, it helps to develop our analysis.
I have been learning Mongolian, Laotian and Bengali, because these languages are useful for my daily life.
What resource do you use for Mongolian? Thank you in advance 😊
Arapçayı öğrendikten sonra Türkçeyi öğrenmek ne kadar kolay olabilir ki ? İki dilin de mantık yapısı birbirinden çok farklı
Ben de anlam veremedim ona, ortak kelimeler bile eskisi kadar çok kullanılmıyor
Aynen sinir oluyorum benzetmelerine , Birkaç sözcük var diye arapça biliyorsanız Türkçe kolay olur yargıları aşırı saçma
عربی و ترکی خیلی باهم متفاوت هستند فقط برخی کلمات شاید شبیه به هم باشند اصلا معنی ای ندارد که زبان عربی شبیه به ترکی یا فارسی ایرانی باشد
My first language was english, I got to about 11 or 12, I learnt Gaelic, I can't speak a word of it now, when I went into high school, I tried french, couldn't really focus on it, I started German, as there was class there, but I wanted another language besides German, as I didn't feel connected to the language, I started Romanian, I found the language beautiful, I am pretty fluent, so I wanted to learn another language, I tried Dutch, gave up, then Italian because I learnt it when I was young as my mother is italian, I learnt some common words and phrases to communicate with family members, I finally fell into Czech, which I am learning at the moment, it's so tricky
1) English
2) Chinese
3) Spanish
4) Russian
5) French
6) Germany
Learning Farsi(Persian) is very hard but Persian is a very sweet and beautiful language cuz Iranian people have many proverb and Idiom and if you learn it full, you can understand very things that can help you all your life
I'm from iran thank you for this :)
Tysm!!! Now i want to learn japanese thx for ur help
I am Brazilian and I'm learning English at the moment, but after English I will learn French. These are the languages that I want and need to know 🇧🇷🇺🇲🇫🇷
Wow, I was trying to find out where I remember you too! I remembered from İclal. 😁
السلام عليكم
زوي ،هل نستطيع استخدام chat gpt ، لنتعلم اللغه بشكل افضل واسرع ، ما رأيك؟
Soy hablante nativo de Español y esocogí el Árabe libanés debido a que en México hay una comunidad muy grande de Árabes y la mayoría son de Líbano e inclusive el hombre más rico de México tiene descendencia Líbanesa he estudiado Árabe por 3 meses y la verdad me gusta mucho su escritura, lectura y su cultura
El idioma Árabe tiene muchas raíces léxicas con el Español debido a que los califatos musulmanes llegaron a España y estuvieron por más de 700 años y actualmente se ocupa en el español un ejemplo que se me ocurre es el de "Azúcar-sukkar" o la palabra "Ojalá" es derivada con la palabra "Inshallah" y entre otros más.
Me gustaría que el Árabe sea un idioma más estudiado pero en países Hispanoaméricanos pero no hay muchas fuentes, pero eso no me quita la motivación para seguir aprendiendo, saludos desde México :D
It is relatively easy to learn other languages as long as they belong to the same language family and use 99% of the same letters.The situation is more difficult if the set of letters of the given language contains 25-30% of special letters, e.g.: Hungarian language.Not to mention the rules.
If you can speak English, Chinese and Spanish you can pretty much talk to 70% of the people on earth....
Agreed 💯
English, Chinese, French and Spanish.
@@Tetrasodiumpyrophosphate As someone who speak French arab would be more important than French. il y a très peu d'endroit ou ça parle français et quand ça le parle c'est souvent très différent sauf dans les colonies française ou d'ailleurs le français est en baisse de plus en plus.
Learning any language opens up a lot of opportunities in your life
From Morocco
1- English, international language of science, knowledge..etc
2- French, poetic language
3- Spanish, optional as it's widely spoken
4- There is NO number four. Wherever you are in the world you learn your mother language plus on of the above
You can't really do much in Russia, Korea, Japan or China with them
Your videos inspirse me to continue learning languages. I am a Finnish 18 years old secondary school student and I study advanged English and Swedish basics (our second official language). Studying languages is a challenge for me but I manage to pass everytime and today I am quite good at English. Many here also study third or even forth language at my school. I have a plan to start studying Swedish more to be able to speak with Finnish Swedes. Have you tried to study Finnish? It is hard but funny language. Even as a Finn it challenges me everyday.
نريد تجربتك بكيفية تعلم اللغة الفارسية والتركية من الصفر
Availability of resources are the biggest motivation. For languages like Russian, English, German you don't need to find resources. They find you
I am from Iran i already can speak 3 languages but the language that I always wanted to learn was German which you all know it is a complicated language and requires a persistent person (unlike me😐)
viel Glück (good luck)😂
Which languages do you speak if I may ask?
I am Chinese,learning English and Indonesian, one is international language and the other is to communicate with my with my wife😊
Hi Zoe, I have a question for you ! Beside languages, what sector do you think people should learn to have more job opportunities in this days and ages?
Interesting video and channel. I subscribed right now.
Really it's amazing
Your way it's nice and so useful I really hope to learning Chinese and English in the same time and I do this in this moment it's hard work but in shaa Allah I will do I it
Thank you Zoe you are fantastic woman 💖