Hi, I'm the guy from the video (You may have recognized my, I appear in the Lombard and Langobardic language video too!). For this video I used the known phonetic changes from gothic or proto-germanic to revonstruvt the words. It was kinda hard, there are a lot of exceptions (and not much is known about the changes)! I took the words that are officially classified as "The only Vandalic language remnants" and used them. For the text I used a Gothic text from the Wulfila's bible (Wulfila translated the bible in Gothic from koiné greek, and helped the expansion of the arian faith in the gothic tribes) I translated it into vandalic using the phonetic changes and know grammatical changes (like the genitive pluralw stem for neuter -o words in gothic is -ē but in Vandalic is -i, and things like that) I hope you've enjoyed the video, Thanks Andy for all this beautiful video for unknown (or even extinct, as Vandalic language) languages from all around the world. Maybe one day this videos will help languages not to die as vandalic, as they are permanently here, but to continue to live in the community of speakers! See you next time : )
Thank you very much for your hard work, sir! It was very interesting, I've thought we haven't any linguistic legacy of Eastern Germanic languages exclude Gothic.
Therefore you are not doing a video on the Vandalic language, because there is no written Vandalic language, and we don't know how they spoke the Vandalic Language. But Gothic was written by a Goth called Wulfilas. Due to the fact that Gothic was an Eastern Germanic language, and so was Vandalic is probable that they sounded the same.
@arminius der cherusker And some people say that the Earth is flat. East Germanic languages and Slavic languages are to different for that thesis be even near plausible.
@arminius der cherusker the word "slave" came itself from Greek and was also introduced into other Germanic languages. Germanic people weren't ones who named slavic people (whose etnonym didn't contain meaning of "slave") as "slaves". This originates from Greek language, meanwhile the word "slav" or "slavic" originates from native slavic name (slovjane).
Incredible! There is so few records of this language also for Langobardic! Thanks, fantastic channel! If you made one video with the Burgundian language (the germanic one) it would be my favorite!
@@slawomirlech950 Well linguistically the Vandals were a Germanic speaking people. Vandals are from what is modern-day Poland between the Oder and Vistula rivers so it would make sense that they share genetics with the people living there today. Culturally there was a lot of overlap with early Slavic and Celtic peoples in the area as well and most likely interbreeding between the various groups occurred.
The Vandals are by far one of the most interesting people groups in my opinion. Imagine if they maintained their independence, and a thriving Germanic community continued to exist in North Africa.
Vandals originated as group of East Germanic tribes on the territory of modern western Poland but quickly spread eastwards. Przeworsk archaeological culture of 2 century BC - 4 century AD belongs to Vandals and stretched from the Oder in west to the upper Dniester and the upper Southern Bug rivers in modern Ukraine in east. This culture formed as result of invasion of Germanic tribes from Jastorf culture to area of Pommeranian culture (ancient tribes of Venedi who inhabited in the Vistula basin and were substrate for proto-Slavs and west Balts) with huge Celtic (La Tene) cultural influence. Some scholars consider that the name "Vandals" (or often Vendilii in ancient sourses) derrived from "Vendi" or "Venedi" ("Wende" is still the German name for Lusatians (Sorbs) - most western Slavic people on the territory of Germany). That is why Vandalic language is heavily influenced by Venedic (Balto-Slavic) and Celtic elements. Besides, descendants of eastern part of Przeworsk culture took part in origin of Prague-Korchak culture - first purely Slavic culture recognized by all scholars. That is why Slavic languages are satem ones but have numerous kentum (Celto-Germanic) elements, especially in declinations and suffix system. For example, "Vandalic language" in modern Ukrainian language is also "Vandalśka" (as well as in many other Slavic langs).
Venedi were probably italo-celtic, since most of tribes named Venedi/Venethi lived on italic and celtic territories, -iskos suffix is typical for indo-european languages. There are no ancient slavic hydronyms in Poland, but there's a lot of them in Ukraine, where Slavs originated.
Thank you twice for the videos about Langobardic/Lombardic and Vandalic! I didn't know we have any information about other Eastern Germanic languages, only about Gothic (thank Wulfila's translation of Bible). Very interesting. And what a pity all of the Eastern Germanic languages are dead.
Very interesting I really wonder how this name "valdals" passed having the meaning of "a person who intentionally damages property belonging to other people" as noticed in cambridge dict
Becouse they were barbarians. They destroyed everything without amy control (not all tribes, not everywhere, obviously, but for the eyes of the romans, they would always be the bad guys) so thenterm remained as a similarity in a lot of romance languages (and from norman french passed to English)
They were the ones that sacked Rome in 410 AD which, although Rome was sacked several times since then, made a lasting impression as 410 was the first time since Brennus that Rome itself was sacked, i.e , the first time in 800 years.
It's indo-european connection. Slavic languages use variants of suffixes "SK" Examples: Polska, Русский(Russkij), Slovensko etc. In indo-european it was "-iskos" en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Reconstruction:Proto-Indo-European/-iskos
Vandalska is a Polish word means "Vandal". Another vandal tribe Naha-Narvali in Polish means "gather". Lugii in Polish pronouce "Ludzi" means "the people".
Sounds nothing like Spanish (I'm a native Spanish speaker). The vague similarity is because they're all Indo-European languages. And English and German are Germanic languages.
Parts of German are very conservative. If you would mix Bavarian, Swiss German and German the right way you would get very close to Old High German or even to an older state.
The things being read are actually rather close to German in some way or another, but the way you pronounce it sounds nothing like German, more like the Northern Germanic languages.
because german is a west germanic language and was influence by other west germanic languages while evolving unlike vandalic which is an extinct east germanic language
@@libyansoldier9674that only happened after their defeat where some of them went to the remote mountains and mixed. when the vandals first conquered the land they only forced their religious doctrine arianism on the local population but it faded soon with the restoration of the Christian Roman rule afterwards. the north African berbers also spoke a variety of languages from African Romance to numidian to punic under the vandals who didn't impose their language and customs .
@@Fidwor I don't think so, Syphilis is more late medical therm, and in slavic languages it borrowed from Latin. But we really have a lot of Eastern Germanic borrows :)
@@Fidwor Dude the word syphilis comes from Greek, and obviously has nothing to semantically do with "kindred". Not to mention Vandals expanded Westward from Poland 100 years before Slavs did from Ukraine.
Mavro Orbini cites such a Vandal dictionary. I didn't type everything, there are a lot of words. I added an English version for comparison. «Vandal - Slavic - Russian - English or Deutsch Ruzie- ruse- розы (rosy) - roses Stal - stol - престол (prestol) - table Pechar - pehar - чаша - die Becher (Deutsch) Cachel - cotol - котел (cotyol) - kettle Kamora - camara - комора (komora) - die Kammer Baba - baba - баба (baba) - broad Ptach - ptich - птица, птаха (ptitsa, ptaha) - bird
Kuchas - kuhac - кухарь (kuchar) - der Koch Plamen - plamen - пламя (plamja) - flame Dvuaziuo - duoiestuo - двое (dvoe) - twain Rabota - rabota - работа (rabota) - die Arbeit Milikno - mlieko - молоко (moloko) - milk Mlady - mlad - млад (mlad) - young Volk - vuk - волк (volk) - wolf Teta - teta - тетя - die Tante Strach - strah - страх (strah) - die Angst Pero - pero - перо (pero) - pen Plygo - pluchia - лёгкие (ljogkie) - lungs Pakole - pachole - младенец (mladenec) - baby Czerzi - cetiri - четыре (cetiri) - vier Korzen - korien - корень (korien) - root Razlog - raslog - причина - reason Kolo - kolo - колесо, коло - das Rad Lopata - lopata - лопата (lopata) - der Spaten
Tma - tma - тьма (tma) - dark Boy - boy - бой (boy) - the battle Hruscha - Kruscha - груша (Gruscha) - pear Prut - prut - прут (prut) - die Rute Dol - Dol - Dol, dolina - dale Myss - mysc - mysch - mouse Dyeliti - dieliti - делить delit - divide Vuoliti - volieti - выбирать - wählen Zvuati - zvati - звать (zvat) - call for Smitti - smiati - смеяться (smejatsya) - laugh (smile?) Sestra- sestra - sestra - sister Dum - dom - dom - home Lug - Lug - луг (lug) - meadow Mus - muse - муж (mug) - husband… These are the words used by the ancient Vandals, and all these words are Slavic - for anyone who knows this language, this is absolutely clear. On this basis, it can be confidently asserted that the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Gepids, Getae and the Vandals mentioned were Slavs in both genus and language, since Procopius of Caesarea, who was in the troops of Belisarius during his campaigns against the Goths and had communication with all these peoples, declares that they are all of the same genus and language, called, as he says, Gothic. Peter Krusber wrote about the origin of the Alans in his work on the northern peoples, where he notes that they were a Venedian, or Slavic, tribe. The same is stated by Matvey Mekhovsky in the 13th chapter of Book I, where he writes that the Alans, Vandals, Suevi and Burgundians were from Polish lands and spoke the same Polish, or Slavic, language. Eremey Russky writes about the same in his annals. Pierfrancesco Jambulari and Irenikus (I) argue that the Czechs (Boemi) descended from the mentioned Alans, whom Karl of Vagri (II) calls a Slavic tribe.» Mavro Orbini, Italy, 1601
@@МичилДегтярев-л3е No Scandinavian languages. there are Germanic languages. And this ending is found in them on rare occasions. Most likely Slavic influence. And for Slavic languages, this is a characteristic ending for adjectives. There are many Slavic surnames and place names with such an ending. As for Scandinavia, R1a DNA is not uncommon there.
@@Fidwor Yeah I do not mind. Let them use it. Basically, the Slavic ending ich corresponds to the Germanic ish. Rus, rusich, russish. ungl, unglich, english. It’s not just that in the same language family.
@@bvbv6603 In fact, R1a is 30% among Icelanders, 25% among Norwegians and 16% among Swedes. So it is rather sagnificant. Scandinavians have mostly R1a-Z284 marker. This old marker proves that the invasion of R1a people was first Indo-European invasion to Scandinavia from east (Corded Ware culture). 50% of Balto-Slavic people (except Balkans) have a relative R1a-Z280 marker. That means that both markers drifted appart somewhere in area of Middle Dnieper culture and Z284 moved northwards to Scandinavia. In Scandinavia Indo-Europeans of R1a intermixed with local I1 ancestral pre-Indo-Europeans but we do not know what language they spoke. Proto-Germanic language was brought to Scandinavia much more later from central Europe (from Unetice culture, which is "mother" for Celto-Italo-Germanic kentum languages) by second wave of Indo-European migration mostly by R1b people. In times of Nordic bronze culture south Scandinavia was like "hot pot" where R1b people conquered local I1 and R1a people, that is why proto-Germanic language appeared as result of mix of several languages. I mean that R1b people managed to make their language as "lingua-franca" after invasion to Scandinavia, but they also absorbed and adopted a great number of lexics of not Indo-Europeans (local I1 people) or common with R1a east Europeans (ancestors of Balto-Slavs).
@@TheOlgaSasha One hypothesis is that Pre-Germanic languages were Uralic since Grimm's Law and Verner's Law bear hallmarks reminiscent of Uralic phonology.
@@TheOlgaSasha Celto-Italo-Germanic? This is something new. Science knows only the Slavic-Balto-Germanic community. And the dispute in this thread is confirmation. It's news to me that there are Slavic endings in the Scandinavian languages. These are Slavic endings, because they are widely represented in all Slavic languages, including the southern ones. And you are wrong about the South Slavs. They differ only in the relative content of P1a. They, along with all Slavs, are carriers of P1a and I2a.
Wnen you are going to listen a vandal's language and first here hear the ads on the Lettish language... see also "Moment ‘Motherland’ Monument To Soviet Soldiers In Riga Destroyed."
Hi, I'm the guy from the video (You may have recognized my, I appear in the Lombard and Langobardic language video too!). For this video I used the known phonetic changes from gothic or proto-germanic to revonstruvt the words. It was kinda hard, there are a lot of exceptions (and not much is known about the changes)! I took the words that are officially classified as "The only Vandalic language remnants" and used them. For the text I used a Gothic text from the Wulfila's bible (Wulfila translated the bible in Gothic from koiné greek, and helped the expansion of the arian faith in the gothic tribes) I translated it into vandalic using the phonetic changes and know grammatical changes (like the genitive pluralw stem for neuter -o words in gothic is -ē but in Vandalic is -i, and things like that)
I hope you've enjoyed the video, Thanks Andy for all this beautiful video for unknown (or even extinct, as Vandalic language) languages from all around the world. Maybe one day this videos will help languages not to die as vandalic, as they are permanently here, but to continue to live in the community of speakers!
See you next time : )
Yes. Language lovers like us can help too!
Thanks a lot for your hard work, really like the video
Thank you very much for your hard work, sir! It was very interesting, I've thought we haven't any linguistic legacy of Eastern Germanic languages exclude Gothic.
Which are the text did you learn the languages?
Therefore you are not doing a video on the Vandalic language, because there is no written Vandalic language, and we don't know how they spoke the Vandalic Language. But Gothic was written by a Goth called Wulfilas. Due to the fact that Gothic was an Eastern Germanic language, and so was Vandalic is probable that they sounded the same.
This is a treasure for language lovers!
Since Vandals made a part of my north African heritage I would like to learn more about them and Vandalska
It’s really sad that those kinda Germanic languages didn’t survive
many germanic languages survived tho. at least illyirian survived with Albanian.
@@berserk9085 Illyrian wasn't Germanic
@@berserk9085 llyrian is not germanic they have separate language family
@@rauðaz he just gave an example about the non-germanic language survived, so it means most of Germanic languages also survived
It's not "kinda Germanic", it is Germanic.
Interesting to know these vandals travelled from modern day Poland to the coasts of Northern Africa.
Kiitos, mielenkiintoista!
Excellent work!! I can't appreciate your work enough!
Thank you man
So this language was spoken in Poland before Slavic migration. Cool
That would be ostrogoth.
@arminius der cherusker And some people say that the Earth is flat. East Germanic languages and Slavic languages are to different for that thesis be even near plausible.
@arminius der cherusker that’s bullshit. The word slave derives from Slav, not viceversa.
@arminius der cherusker the word "slave" came itself from Greek and was also introduced into other Germanic languages. Germanic people weren't ones who named slavic people (whose etnonym didn't contain meaning of "slave") as "slaves". This originates from Greek language, meanwhile the word "slav" or "slavic" originates from native slavic name (slovjane).
Love hearing extinct languages
Incredible! There is so few records of this language also for Langobardic! Thanks, fantastic channel!
If you made one video with the Burgundian language (the germanic one) it would be my favorite!
Awesome! Thank you very much for your admirable effort!
I didn’t think we knew this much about Vandalic, is this reconstructed?
Quite heavily.
I took the words in the list from the list of known vandalic terms, but I reconstructed the texts, the numbers and the greetings
@@slawomirlech950 Well linguistically the Vandals were a Germanic speaking people. Vandals are from what is modern-day Poland between the Oder and Vistula rivers so it would make sense that they share genetics with the people living there today. Culturally there was a lot of overlap with early Slavic and Celtic peoples in the area as well and most likely interbreeding between the various groups occurred.
Yeah I know the guy on reddit that did it
@@slawomirlech950 guess what, Haplogroups don't determine your ethnicity :)
I don't know but the East Germanic languages seem so beautiful. Please make a video about Burgundian also. It's sad how they all went extinct.
The Vandals are by far one of the most interesting people groups in my opinion. Imagine if they maintained their independence, and a thriving Germanic community continued to exist in North Africa.
Old Frankish next?? I hope so! Thanks for you videos.
It's like a great, fresh mix of Germanic languages with the Albanian and Greek language. I love it, dankeschön❣❤
Mevrouwtje, bent u óók deels West-Armeens?
Vandals originated as group of East Germanic tribes on the territory of modern western Poland but quickly spread eastwards. Przeworsk archaeological culture of 2 century BC - 4 century AD belongs to Vandals and stretched from the Oder in west to the upper Dniester and the upper Southern Bug rivers in modern Ukraine in east. This culture formed as result of invasion of Germanic tribes from Jastorf culture to area of Pommeranian culture (ancient tribes of Venedi who inhabited in the Vistula basin and were substrate for proto-Slavs and west Balts) with huge Celtic (La Tene) cultural influence. Some scholars consider that the name "Vandals" (or often Vendilii in ancient sourses) derrived from "Vendi" or "Venedi" ("Wende" is still the German name for Lusatians (Sorbs) - most western Slavic people on the territory of Germany). That is why Vandalic language is heavily influenced by Venedic (Balto-Slavic) and Celtic elements. Besides, descendants of eastern part of Przeworsk culture took part in origin of Prague-Korchak culture - first purely Slavic culture recognized by all scholars. That is why Slavic languages are satem ones but have numerous kentum (Celto-Germanic) elements, especially in declinations and suffix system. For example, "Vandalic language" in modern Ukrainian language is also "Vandalśka" (as well as in many other Slavic langs).
Venedi were probably italo-celtic, since most of tribes named Venedi/Venethi lived on italic and celtic territories, -iskos suffix is typical for indo-european languages. There are no ancient slavic hydronyms in Poland, but there's a lot of them in Ukraine, where Slavs originated.
I'd say this sounds like both Latin, Latvian and Germanic in words, but Slavic in pronunciation. This is truly a vandalism! 😂
Would you consider doing one for Burgundian? I'd love to hear an interpretation of how the Niflungs might have sounded
Thank you twice for the videos about Langobardic/Lombardic and Vandalic! I didn't know we have any information about other Eastern Germanic languages, only about Gothic (thank Wulfila's translation of Bible). Very interesting. And what a pity all of the Eastern Germanic languages are dead.
Thank you fro appreciate this videos!
@@pnkcnlng228 you're welcome!
I leave my heart to here❤️
Very interesting I really wonder how this name "valdals" passed having the meaning of
"a person who intentionally damages property belonging to other people" as noticed in cambridge dict
Becouse they were barbarians. They destroyed everything without amy control (not all tribes, not everywhere, obviously, but for the eyes of the romans, they would always be the bad guys) so thenterm remained as a similarity in a lot of romance languages (and from norman french passed to English)
They were the ones that sacked Rome in 410 AD which, although Rome was sacked several times since then, made a lasting impression as 410 was the first time since Brennus that Rome itself was sacked, i.e , the first time in 800 years.
There was a Queen named Vanda, the most powerful woman in this part of the world.
Because of the sack of Rome, they weren't any different than other invaders or colonizers of that time
The term was first used in 18th century
"Vandalska" sounds scandinavian, their name is similar to North Germanic languages. For example in Swedish: "Svenska", in Icelandic: "Islenska".
I reconstructed it (as there is no evidence for how they called their language) from Gutiska (Gothic in gothic) and used this
And slavic
It's indo-european connection. Slavic languages use variants of suffixes "SK"
Examples: Polska, Русский(Russkij), Slovensko etc.
In indo-european it was "-iskos"
I think the sk went to sh in west germanic language, therefore we have english and not englisk
Vandalska is a Polish word means "Vandal".
Another vandal tribe Naha-Narvali in Polish means "gather".
Lugii in Polish pronouce "Ludzi" means "the people".
Vandalic people were very smart. They were brave sailors, the unique Germanic nation having a fleet.
Germanic Language kind of especially in numbers
Wow, I am very surprised there is a Vandalic one, language spoken by the Nobility in East Germania and Hispania (early period) and later, in Carthage
The numbers sound like a cross between English, Spanish, and German
Like German without 2nd germanic consonant shift t->ts and an even more conservative grammar.
Sounds nothing like Spanish (I'm a native Spanish speaker). The vague similarity is because they're all Indo-European languages. And English and German are Germanic languages.
Vandàlic its the brother idiom of Langobardic, Suebi and Alane idioms, germanic beautifuk lang. Should be revivaled like others too.💚💚💚💚🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
Such a beautiful language . :)
I hope there will be a modern version project for this like Modern Gothic.
Very cool!
I see most of Germanic languages are so much alike german language of nowadays not English or danish , that’s so interesting!
Parts of German are very conservative. If you would mix Bavarian, Swiss German and German the right way you would get very close to Old High German or even to an older state.
German and Persian fusion. You can clearly see the indo european link
That might actualIty be relevant, cause Vandals entered into an alliance with Iranic Alans and built a kingdom in north Africa (around Carthage)
The things being read are actually rather close to German in some way or another, but the way you pronounce it sounds nothing like German, more like the Northern Germanic languages.
because german is a west germanic language and was influence by other west germanic languages while evolving unlike vandalic which is an extinct east germanic language
It sounds like a mix of Gothic, Spanish, Latin, and some Norwegian sounds.
Vandalic language influenced Maghrebi Arabic and other languages at least a bit or no?
You mean Berber? No, the Vandals mixed up the local Berber population in North Africa and switched to Berber
@@libyansoldier9674that only happened after their defeat where some of them went to the remote mountains and mixed.
when the vandals first conquered the land they only forced their religious doctrine arianism on the local population but it faded soon with the restoration of the Christian Roman rule afterwards.
the north African berbers also spoke a variety of languages from African Romance to numidian to punic under the vandals who didn't impose their language and customs .
After the Justinian reconquered north Africa the vandals were displaced and most likely their impact wasn't that great in the maghreb.
@@sabrina1380m some Berbers were actually Arian in the first place and hated Catholics for their persecution
Notice how the further back you go the more alike sounding languages of different languages sound? This sounds not all that unlike Latin! Or Gallish
In finnish vandalic word "arme" (in english grace) is armo
What source do we have about Vandalic? I thought we only have Gothic documents, despite being if the same eastern family a Vandalic.
Vandalic is a Gothic dialect
Practically yes
Make a video of suebi language please
I agree.
Kindred is "Sifila"
That sounds goddamn weird, because it's similar to the Russian pronunciation of "syphilis"
They had a strange family value... :D
@@Fidwor I don't think so, Syphilis is more late medical therm, and in slavic languages it borrowed from Latin. But we really have a lot of Eastern Germanic borrows :)
Dude the word syphilis comes from Greek, and obviously has nothing to semantically do with "kindred". Not to mention Vandals expanded Westward from Poland 100 years before Slavs did from Ukraine.
This must be a cognate to German Sippe, although is term is a bit dated and derogative.
Implicit light influence on the Tunisian dialect.
Oh no! Vandals come back!
Belisarius wants to know your location
Mavro Orbini cites such a Vandal dictionary. I didn't type everything, there are a lot of words. I added an English version for comparison.
«Vandal - Slavic - Russian - English or Deutsch
Ruzie- ruse- розы (rosy) - roses
Stal - stol - престол (prestol) - table
Pechar - pehar - чаша - die Becher (Deutsch)
Cachel - cotol - котел (cotyol) - kettle
Kamora - camara - комора (komora) - die Kammer
Baba - baba - баба (baba) - broad
Ptach - ptich - птица, птаха (ptitsa, ptaha) - bird
Kuchas - kuhac - кухарь (kuchar) - der Koch
Plamen - plamen - пламя (plamja) - flame
Dvuaziuo - duoiestuo - двое (dvoe) - twain
Rabota - rabota - работа (rabota) - die Arbeit
Milikno - mlieko - молоко (moloko) - milk
Mlady - mlad - млад (mlad) - young
Volk - vuk - волк (volk) - wolf
Teta - teta - тетя - die Tante
Strach - strah - страх (strah) - die Angst
Pero - pero - перо (pero) - pen
Plygo - pluchia - лёгкие (ljogkie) - lungs
Pakole - pachole - младенец (mladenec) - baby
Czerzi - cetiri - четыре (cetiri) - vier
Korzen - korien - корень (korien) - root
Razlog - raslog - причина - reason
Kolo - kolo - колесо, коло - das Rad
Lopata - lopata - лопата (lopata) - der Spaten
Tma - tma - тьма (tma) - dark
Boy - boy - бой (boy) - the battle
Hruscha - Kruscha - груша (Gruscha) - pear
Prut - prut - прут (prut) - die Rute
Dol - Dol - Dol, dolina - dale
Myss - mysc - mysch - mouse
Dyeliti - dieliti - делить delit - divide
Vuoliti - volieti - выбирать - wählen
Zvuati - zvati - звать (zvat) - call for
Smitti - smiati - смеяться (smejatsya) - laugh (smile?)
Sestra- sestra - sestra - sister
Dum - dom - dom - home
Lug - Lug - луг (lug) - meadow
Mus - muse - муж (mug) - husband…
These are the words used by the ancient Vandals, and all these words are Slavic - for anyone who knows this language, this is absolutely clear. On this basis, it can be confidently asserted that the Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Gepids, Getae and the Vandals mentioned were Slavs in both genus and language, since Procopius of Caesarea, who was in the troops of Belisarius during his campaigns against the Goths and had communication with all these peoples, declares that they are all of the same genus and language, called, as he says, Gothic.
Peter Krusber wrote about the origin of the Alans in his work on the northern peoples, where he notes that they were a Venedian, or Slavic, tribe. The same is stated by Matvey Mekhovsky in the 13th chapter of Book I, where he writes that the Alans, Vandals, Suevi and Burgundians were from Polish lands and spoke the same Polish, or Slavic, language. Eremey Russky writes about the same in his annals. Pierfrancesco Jambulari and Irenikus (I) argue that the Czechs (Boemi) descended from the mentioned Alans, whom Karl of Vagri (II) calls a Slavic tribe.»
Mavro Orbini, Italy, 1601
Also Slavic genetically.
Viva españa
Now I feel like destroying something.
What is its origin? Many words don’t sound Germanic
Destroying the Vandals was vandalism of the highest order!
Indo-germanic roots are clear.
Sounds like Dutch or English, but with same word endings than in Lithuanian and Old Prussian
Interesting, “ja” is “and” in Finnish, but I’ve never heard a word like it in any other language, until this one.
WOW, I have understood that It isn't know about vandalic language fonts.
flag of Scythia
@ Freiheit 'ilaqka lasan , khu da ce pashto ? Shamal keyde ? Yaaa , laka ya puhizhym
@@ساکستان Pashtuns are not Scythians
@@usrainagowno да ? И кто же они ?
Indo African And Germany!
Vandalska? It is slavik ending of the word
@@МичилДегтярев-л3е No Scandinavian languages. there are Germanic languages. And this ending is found in them on rare occasions. Most likely Slavic influence. And for Slavic languages, this is a characteristic ending for adjectives. There are many Slavic surnames and place names with such an ending. As for Scandinavia, R1a DNA is not uncommon there.
@@Fidwor Yeah I do not mind. Let them use it. Basically, the Slavic ending ich corresponds to the Germanic ish. Rus, rusich, russish. ungl, unglich, english. It’s not just that in the same language family.
@@bvbv6603 In fact, R1a is 30% among Icelanders, 25% among Norwegians and 16% among Swedes. So it is rather sagnificant. Scandinavians have mostly R1a-Z284 marker. This old marker proves that the invasion of R1a people was first Indo-European invasion to Scandinavia from east (Corded Ware culture). 50% of Balto-Slavic people (except Balkans) have a relative R1a-Z280 marker. That means that both markers drifted appart somewhere in area of Middle Dnieper culture and Z284 moved northwards to Scandinavia. In Scandinavia Indo-Europeans of R1a intermixed with local I1 ancestral pre-Indo-Europeans but we do not know what language they spoke. Proto-Germanic language was brought to Scandinavia much more later from central Europe (from Unetice culture, which is "mother" for Celto-Italo-Germanic kentum languages) by second wave of Indo-European migration mostly by R1b people. In times of Nordic bronze culture south Scandinavia was like "hot pot" where R1b people conquered local I1 and R1a people, that is why proto-Germanic language appeared as result of mix of several languages. I mean that R1b people managed to make their language as "lingua-franca" after invasion to Scandinavia, but they also absorbed and adopted a great number of lexics of not Indo-Europeans (local I1 people) or common with R1a east Europeans (ancestors of Balto-Slavs).
One hypothesis is that Pre-Germanic languages were Uralic since Grimm's Law and Verner's Law bear hallmarks reminiscent of Uralic phonology.
@@TheOlgaSasha Celto-Italo-Germanic? This is something new. Science knows only the Slavic-Balto-Germanic community. And the dispute in this thread is confirmation. It's news to me that there are Slavic endings in the Scandinavian languages. These are Slavic endings, because they are widely represented in all Slavic languages, including the southern ones. And you are wrong about the South Slavs. They differ only in the relative content of P1a. They, along with all Slavs, are carriers of P1a and I2a.
Wnen you are going to listen a vandal's language and first here hear the ads on the Lettish language...
see also "Moment ‘Motherland’ Monument To Soviet Soldiers In Riga Destroyed."
Vandalism 😅
How long ago did the Vandals become Germans? Before the transformation of the Russians into Scandinavians in the 18th century or later?
Germanic not Germans
Did I hear "Vardaska"? 😂
Seems to be a mix of Germanic and Arabian syntax.
William of Rubruck: " The language of the Ruthenians, Poles, Bohemians and Sclavons is the same as that of the Vandals" So nice german S-F
It’s Germanic but you can tell it has Latin influences just from the numbers
It has not
Didn't know this language was native to Spain and South Africa
In fact it is not
Belisarus killed them all
this is some old Nordic language
No, east germanic
Est similis portuguese.
Sounded more like Lithuanian or Old Prussian than like a modern Germanlc language.