From my research into beekeeping, traditional or conventional (outdated) methods of beekeeping kills more bees than flow hive technology, is vastly less labor intensive and does not require a lot of unnecessary and expensive honey extracting equipment. I will endorse this new and innovative approach to future beekeeping and encourage new beekeepers to use this system. I would also help to invest in the product if necessary. You will get push back from the people who used to make a lot of money from the sales of equipment, tools and materials combined with unwavering ignorance and unwillingness to move into the 21st century, thus, hindering the knowledge base and growth of new beekeepers by pushing product propaganda which only confuses current and potential new beekeepers. I would just chalk it up to jealously that one of the complainers did not think of this system first. Thank you guys for the ideas, the upgrades and innovation.
Oy I hope everyone can ignore all the hater dinosaurs who just can’t stand new technology- they probably yell at people to get off their lawns and use words like “whippersnappers” and say things like ‘back in MY day”. This is a great way to harvest honey as a hobbyist if you don’t want to invest in all the other tools and time and mess. Check Amazon or your local farm store or apiary supply store for the cost of an electric extractor (watch videos about how it’s done, it’s very work intensive and heavy) and all accessories, consider the effort involved in removing the frames, keeping bees off the frame and out of your home/shop/garage/dedicated honey processing space, addressing cleaning up all the mess and the equipment and tools and that you’re stressing bees who have to completely rebuild cells, He’s standing there so nonchalantly, taking his share of the honey and the bees are not fussed at all. You can definitely keep bees without fancy equipment (which does not make you any more or less of a beekeeper) but if you can afford it and it suits you, why not?
This is a great video! Very informative. I have the flow hive 2 and it just arrived. I can not wait to stain and build! Thank you so much for sharing these videos!
Hello, just thought I’d let you know that I carried out my fist harvest from my flowhive yesterday and it went extremely well, what a brilliant product, a lot of people had told me that it wouldn't work here in the UK climate. It was good to prove them wrong! Ive posted a video on youtube titled Bluebell Farm Flow Hive. Please can you tell me how to prepare the frames for the next year, how do you clean them etc,?
This is wonderful to hear. We would really love to share this even. If you visit our website, link in the description. You should be able to contact us there more directly, or if you locate the stories page you can share your story with a picture. In regards to your questions, Bees will carry out uncapping, and resealing for the next filling. If you are leaving it on the hive for the bees over winter, they will sort it out. Just make sure you are wintering your hive, the best way for your area. If you are removing it over winter, storing in a cool dry location is best. In an air tight storage tub would be good to keep pests out. You can always soak the Flow Frames in 60ºC/140ºF warm water, opening and closing them repeatedly. Using a plastic bristle dish brush to clean some more. This isn't even going to be neccessary under most circumstances. -Kieran
Dear Cedar - I'm sorry I called you Sam. I must have inadvertently seen someone called you that. Great interview on my hero Frederick Dunn. I follow his teachings always. He must be a very intelligent bloke there's no doubt about that..... His photography is exquisite.
I like the amount of triggered self-decribed "real" beekeepers are in this comment section. Sure this design isn't perfect but it makes joining the hobby and harvesting honey so much easier. Just because it isn't infallible doesn't mean it's not revolutionary.
I went into a pet shop and asked for twelve bees. The shopkeeper counted out thirteen and handed them over. “You’ve given me one too many.” “That one is a freebie.”
I know Im asking randomly but does anyone know of a trick to get back into an Instagram account? I was stupid forgot the login password. I love any tips you can offer me!
@Grayson Vincenzo I really appreciate your reply. I got to the site through google and Im in the hacking process now. Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
Hi Sam, thanks for the videos. I started my Flow Hive one and a half years ago and the bees were really busy. But before I could see any honey, they swarmed. Only a few tens were left. Then a few weeks ago, they came back. Thousands of them! I was thrilled. Now I believe I have to harvest the honey. It seemed a lot. I followed all the instructions in the videos, from you and others. I found it hard to turn the key once inside. Which hole again ? The lower or upper one to open? Thank you.
We had a hive beetle on a flow frame I immediately shook it hard to dislodge the beetle and the whole frame fell apart. My wife was a blessing got it put back together about 80% usable for now. We plan on taking it apart after honey season.
I built a greenhouse to try to grow flowers to hopefully help butterfly populations. I planned on getting into beekeeping too and this is 100% going to be my first step.
My first year beekeeping with this. They built out the entire hive in a couple months. My super is almost full and I am gonna pull one frame in late spring before summer. I'm worried they try to swarm since all the super frames are full. Thank you for the video!
When I first seen this flow hive, I didn't like it, I figured it was weird and different, but eventually I realized this is a great idea! I don't have bees, but if I did, I would have at least 1 flow hive just because ! Great content too!
I’ve been wanting a flow hive since you guys first launched!! I will get one one day, I’m in New Jersey USA if you guys are feeling generous for a young father trying to help our bee population and eat honey message me and send me a hive 🙌
Hey Elizabeth, Stu and Cedar did many design trials when creating the frames to ensure any harm to the bees is at absolute minimum. There is a small gap between the two halves of the cells to ensure they don't get their legs hurt when the frames open/close. The worst that can happen is they get momentarily inconvenienced as they're confined to the cell they're working in when the frame was opened, and are then freed up to continue once you close the frame again. - Danika
Just like some of the other people that have talked I also think that the play frame looks like it is a wonderful invention I was wondering if y'all had any in Florida that someone who was interested in them might be able to go and have a look God bless and thank you
I noticed the middle farms and fuller then the outside frames do honey bees start with the middle frames first then work there way to the outside frames or is it completely random.
Uteopia - Last year was my first year with a flow hive. It was an amazing experience to watch and interact with the bees. I observed that the bees were working on all of the frames to prepare them for the nectar, but the majority of the work was definitely in the center frames and then worked their way to the outside frames. It was a lot of fun to be able to watch the progress from start to harvest. 😀
Dear Sam Thank you so much for the reply which was very quick and much appreciated. There will no doubt be lots of questions but I've learnt a great deal from your incredibly informative videos. Two important questions I must ask that will resolve my conundrum is that I have been supplied with a hard wood round lathe queen excluder but I read an article today which says a very experienced bee keeper does not use a Queen excluder because he says workers do not 'like' working their way right up through the Brood chamber to access the 'super' in this case mine will be as I said a Flow Honey system. He says he has never had a Queen laying eggs in the super but he knows that the Queen avoids light & so always tends to lay from the bottom of the brood box upwards. He also says he drills a hole just below the honey super to give easier access to the workers. Mr Dunn of the USA a quiet speaking bee keeper but seemingly, a very efficient and a 'thinking' bee keeper does the same and is on You Tube same as you. I see you are both extreme experts in the craft of Bee keeping and I have never approached any task and especially a technical task without keeping firstly an open mind and a very enquiring one also. No one is ever too old to learn and I hope to give the very best treatment to my bees when I get them..... Buying items from China may save money but my hive from Amazon advertised as a National hive when it is not! I have a printout of the differences in a reference sheet between the two hives so yet again what would we do without the 'net'? Reading was the key to knowledge a long time ago but since 2000 it became the internet but of course reading still applies but not in books. I sincerely thank you for your valuable advice ,which makes me wonder ,what on earth would we do without such people as you...... We are all indebted to you. best Wishes Mick in the UK
Certain times of the year in certain areas of the world cause the bees to produce thicker honey than others. Ivy is a major contributor to thick honey in some parts of the world
Please did you say you hive is a langtroff hive? I hope I spelled that correctly. I am an engineer but new to bee keeping and I have a Langstroff hive with the flow frame as yet to come. You look to be very experienced and put info across very well. Brilliant jar filling...... I don't think for a minute I'll be able to steal any honey this first season but I hope to get some next year. Although we are in the UK we have a Citrange orange tree in the garden and it has survived over 30 years now. The only thing that is missing is a bee hive! Thank you so much for your very informative way of advising us all. Mick Hall Nottingham UK Home Citrus grower. see mike Sallfeld's Nottingham Citrus -It's ours.
Hi Michael, it's a Langstroth hive. Good luck with your beekeeping - so exciting. Please let us know if you have any questions or there's anything else that we can help with. - Sam
Hey Brett, Thanks for your message. All of our Flow products and prices are available from our online stores. For customers in Australia, Europe, Canada, UK or international Here you will find product information and pricing listed. If your country is not on our shipping list and you would like to make a purchase, please email us at with what you would like to order and we will give you a price and shipping quote. Please let us know if you have any questions - Danika
Bees will realise the honey is gone they are in tune with the smells, and temperatures inside the hive, after a few hours to a couple of days the bees uncap, repair and then begin refilling. -Kieran
Hello, I’m a beekeeper in Victoria. My great uncle and I built a flow hive from a standard hive and bought some flow frames. What do you do when the honey goes candid in the flow frames?
I have a flow hive with just the 3 frames and i have put 2 wired and waxed frames on either side. I havnt been game to open up the super box because i just realised that i have not put the seperation sheet between the lid and the super. Also can i take the non flow hive frames out and eat the honey comb directly?
Hi, Why do you need queen excluder if your honey frames are so wide. The queen cannot lay eggs in a deep frames. Did you try to work without excluder and what issues did you find? Why do you recommend to use excluder? I am curious whether the queen start to lay eggs in your honey frames.
Hi I am new to bees and love it I live in the Bahamas and where we have seen a drastic drop in bees. I have the flow hive super and the bees where doing great then a day later 1/2 of the colony left I am not sure as to why any thoughts on this thanks
Hi there, there can be a few reasons for a hive to swarm, Please feel free to reach out to our team at with some more details about your setup so we can help you. - Isobella.
Hello! So blessed for this beautiful experience and all the help along the way, my question is...Is it ok too use diatomaceous earth near the Flow Hive besides the vegetable oil in the legs too control beetles? Thank you
Do you just have to set the hive up and bees will just go to it naturally over time? Or do you have to buy bees? Ive been really interested in starting to bee keep.
Can you please explain the construction of the Honey harvesting methods of Hive making , as explained by Louise making the 5 frames with variety of foundations.
It depends on the season and strength of the colony. In an ideal season, it will take 2- 8 weeks for the bees to establish the brood box and around the same time frame for the Flow Super when this is added once the brood box is established. -Kieran
What if all my frames are closed but the drain tubes are filling up with nectar/honey and leaking out through the drain cap. I'm sure the bees in the brood box liked having it drip on them, but I'm losing out on production?
Dear friends! Great invention! Just wonder about such kind of honey as heather honey. In Latvia where I live bees harvester heather honey in late part of August and first half of September. It has very dense concistency and hardly flows. Beekeepers has to press it out of the combs with preses, because It is impossible to get out with rotary honey throwing devices. How do you feel whether Flow Hive would be used also for this kind of honey? Do you have heather honey in Australia or any other kind of dark dense sort of honey?
Hi! I purchased the FLOW HIVE2- I purchased a nuc from a local bee breeder and ALL of my frames were full (with her highness). They are filling up the super but not yet to harvest. My question to you is- Since I started with FULL FRAMES- How can I tell when/if they will SWARM? Some days the front is very busy and they are pretty busy. I don't see anything on this content!
Hi there, Swarm prevention is a difficult topic. Any experienced beekeeper will attest that because bees are a wild creature, they simply do not always perform how we expect or would like them to behave. Swarming is a natural process and is considered reproduction for a bee colony. Bee swarming is caused by an increase in the hive population (usually due to warm weather) where the numbers become so excessive that the worker bees cannot smell the queen's pheromones anymore, so they raise a new queen. The old queen will then leave with up to 60% of the population to start a new colony. Swarming can be prevented by performing brood inspections in the spring to see if there are any queen cells present. - Isobella.
So if you extract a frame of honey and it wasn't completely capped (you can't tell unless you pull it out completely) and the centres full of nectar, you have a jar of 50% honey and 50% nectar? Thats not good at all
If you're worried just pull the frame out and check it before you harvest. That's easy. I don't understand how you're having an issue with that. That is the exact same process for when you're keeping bees using the more traditional methods.
Easy for you and I as beekeepers yes but a lot of Flow hives have been sold under the pretence of you not needing to, actually opening and inspecting your bee's go's against their sales strategy but I suppose they are skipping around any legal action that could come their way!
@@arsenicpharaoh413You are right about that one. I hadn't taken that into account. I guess after awhile you forget that sometimes it isn't so obvious. Thank you, Arsenic. Another perspective is always helpful!
I don't think they were sold under the pretense that you NEVER have to open them, of course you do, for other traditional maintenance, etc... You just don't have to remove them to harvest.
The reason you can’t see many bees is because this is the back of the hive. Majority of our filming is done from the back of the hive as this is where the harvesting is done. While this happens the bees continue to fly in and out of the front entrance freely. We don’t often have bees coming to investigate the honey as the process is pretty low disturbance, but sometimes we get a few. - Isobella
If you can harvest at 80% capped flow frame, I assume the roughly 20% not capped nectar is ok when it flows out with the honey? It won’t ferment the 80% honey? Not sure if I’m making sense.
How long would it take for a 3 frame to fill in california and how much honey would I yield? I just need an estimate if there's not an exact answer. Thank you in advance. 👌
I see the super with honey in some area... ( maybe) is ready to be taken out... how are you sure that is all full all the way without opening the super all the time ??
It ultimately depends, usually it takes around 2-8 weeks for bees to establish a new box, given that they have enough bee population to do so, we advise adding the Flow Super only once your bees are at around 80% bee population, visible as thick carpet of bees atop the brood frames. -Kieran
From what I've seen on their channel, the brood box is below these honey flow frames, where there's an excluder screen to keep the queen bee from coming up to the top flow frames to lay eggs. The top flow frames are used for honey only.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past week, and I’m very interested in beekeeping. However, I’m very new to this. I know you have a website and sell your amazing product. My question is, where do I get the bees and their queen from?
Hi Cedar, do you inspect the flow frames the day before you harvest? Went to harvest yesterday and the frame looked very full and capped from the back window but just thought I would inspect the frame first, when I lifted the frame it had a ball ( about a tennis ball size) in the middle of the frame on both sides that was not capped. So now don't know what to do, inspect first or not. You don't seem too. Thanks Francine
hi Francine, we do recommend inspecting the Flow Frames the first couple of times that you harvest to get used to what you are seeing through the windows and how that replicates on the Flow Frames - Sam
Hi Lyle, We still have some of our launch frames in our Flow HQ Apiary from 2015. We do recommend cycling out the brood frames every couple of seasons. - Sam
hola les deseamos muchas bendiciones estamos felices al ver este exito inspirado por Dios somos monjas de VENEZUELA tenemos 6 colmenas y como soñamos tener ese material en nuestras manos le pedimos a Dios que toque su corazon
Do I need to leave the screened bottom board with the slide board in place here in Arkansas in the heat of the summer ? How do I vent the Flow hive, and keep fighting the hive beattles?
Hey Sophie, One full Flow frame contains about 3kgs of honey, or 6.5 lbs. See this page for more info: - Danika
How do you split a flowhive I have set up a langstroth hive and didn’t know if purchasing a Nuc or splitting would be best. Higsey. Top of the Swan Valley . Belhus.
Hi Laura, Cedar show's how to do an easy spit here. But t is important that the colony is strong enough to beвидео.html Our beginner beekeeping video "Installing a nuc in your hive' is also helpful. Please email if you would like to chat with someone about your options - Leah.
From my research into beekeeping, traditional or conventional (outdated) methods of beekeeping kills more bees than flow hive technology, is vastly less labor intensive and does not require a lot of unnecessary and expensive honey extracting equipment.
I will endorse this new and innovative approach to future beekeeping and encourage new beekeepers to use this system. I would also help to invest in the product if necessary.
You will get push back from the people who used to make a lot of money from the sales of equipment, tools and materials combined with unwavering ignorance and unwillingness to move into the 21st century, thus, hindering the knowledge base and growth of new beekeepers by pushing product propaganda which only confuses current and potential new beekeepers.
I would just chalk it up to jealously that one of the complainers did not think of this system first.
Thank you guys for the ideas, the upgrades and innovation.
Dude it's terrific 👍👍👍👍👍👊👊👊👊👊👊👊nice work
I've got used to his voice. Makes the honeybee videos more relaxing to watch ☺😁
Oy I hope everyone can ignore all the hater dinosaurs who just can’t stand new technology- they probably yell at people to get off their lawns and use words like “whippersnappers” and say things like ‘back in MY day”. This is a great way to harvest honey as a hobbyist if you don’t want to invest in all the other tools and time and mess. Check Amazon or your local farm store or apiary supply store for the cost of an electric extractor (watch videos about how it’s done, it’s very work intensive and heavy) and all accessories, consider the effort involved in removing the frames, keeping bees off the frame and out of your home/shop/garage/dedicated honey processing space, addressing cleaning up all the mess and the equipment and tools and that you’re stressing bees who have to completely rebuild cells, He’s standing there so nonchalantly, taking his share of the honey and the bees are not fussed at all. You can definitely keep bees without fancy equipment (which does not make you any more or less of a beekeeper) but if you can afford it and it suits you, why not?
This is a great video! Very informative. I have the flow hive 2 and it just arrived. I can not wait to stain and build! Thank you so much for sharing these videos!
Hello, just thought I’d let you know that I carried out my fist harvest from my flowhive yesterday and it went extremely well, what a brilliant product, a lot of people had told me that it wouldn't work here in the UK climate. It was good to prove them wrong! Ive posted a video on youtube titled Bluebell Farm Flow Hive. Please can you tell me how to prepare the frames for the next year, how do you clean them etc,?
This is wonderful to hear. We would really love to share this even. If you visit our website, link in the description. You should be able to contact us there more directly, or if you locate the stories page you can share your story with a picture.
In regards to your questions, Bees will carry out uncapping, and resealing for the next filling. If you are leaving it on the hive for the bees over winter, they will sort it out. Just make sure you are wintering your hive, the best way for your area. If you are removing it over winter, storing in a cool dry location is best. In an air tight storage tub would be good to keep pests out. You can always soak the Flow Frames in 60ºC/140ºF warm water, opening and closing them repeatedly. Using a plastic bristle dish brush to clean some more. This isn't even going to be neccessary under most circumstances.
Flow Hive got me into beekeeping. Thanks
I think the Flow Hive is amazing! Makes me serious thi k about beekeeping, recreationally.
Dear Cedar - I'm sorry I called you Sam. I must have inadvertently seen someone called you that. Great interview on my hero Frederick Dunn. I follow his teachings always. He must be a very intelligent bloke there's no doubt about that..... His photography is exquisite.
Excellent explanations. Positioning of hive and orientation. Surrounding features necessary. Thanks
Thanks Peter, glad you got value from it :) Happy beekeeping! Danika
I like the amount of triggered self-decribed "real" beekeepers are in this comment section. Sure this design isn't perfect but it makes joining the hobby and harvesting honey so much easier. Just because it isn't infallible doesn't mean it's not revolutionary.
Lmao you are a dumbass and I hope you shilled out 1200 bucks for this garbage
I went into a pet shop and asked for twelve bees. The shopkeeper counted out thirteen and handed them over.
“You’ve given me one too many.”
“That one is a freebie.”
I`m in Cape Town South Africa how can order flow frame
@@zamamatayi6107 Its a freebie
nice one
How do you know you've left enough for the bees to survive the winter?
I think the flow hives are awesome, I wish I had a place for the bee's and the money to get a flow hive.
I know Im asking randomly but does anyone know of a trick to get back into an Instagram account?
I was stupid forgot the login password. I love any tips you can offer me!
@Ira Stefan instablaster ;)
@Grayson Vincenzo I really appreciate your reply. I got to the site through google and Im in the hacking process now.
Looks like it's gonna take quite some time so I will get back to you later when my account password hopefully is recovered.
Hi Sam, thanks for the videos. I started my Flow Hive one and a half years ago and the bees were really busy. But before I could see any honey, they swarmed. Only a few tens were left.
Then a few weeks ago, they came back. Thousands of them! I was thrilled.
Now I believe I have to harvest the honey. It seemed a lot. I followed all the instructions in the videos, from you and others.
I found it hard to turn the key once inside. Which hole again ? The lower or upper one to open? Thank you.
You people are awesome 👍 we have only one super box. I really appreciate your maintenance 👏
We had a hive beetle on a flow frame I immediately shook it hard to dislodge the beetle and the whole frame fell apart. My wife was a blessing got it put back together about 80% usable for now. We plan on taking it apart after honey season.
Please consider repeating the question asked, prior to answering the question. Thank you so much. Love your videos.
Never had real honey,. I wish you could send me one jar of honey. I am from Saudi Arabia. That looks so rejuvenating. Well done
I built a greenhouse to try to grow flowers to hopefully help butterfly populations. I planned on getting into beekeeping too and this is 100% going to be my first step.
That is exciting to read, sounds like a wonderful project. -Kieran
Wow this is cool stuff..
My first year beekeeping with this. They built out the entire hive in a couple months. My super is almost full and I am gonna pull one frame in late spring before summer. I'm worried they try to swarm since all the super frames are full. Thank you for the video!
Good luck!
Oh this is amazing.
When I first seen this flow hive, I didn't like it, I figured it was weird and different, but eventually I realized this is a great idea! I don't have bees, but if I did, I would have at least 1 flow hive just because ! Great content too!
I’ve been wanting a flow hive since you guys first launched!! I will get one one day, I’m in New Jersey USA if you guys are feeling generous for a young father trying to help our bee population and eat honey message me and send me a hive 🙌
Very mellow great aussie guy. ---- Than you mate.
This may be a dumb question ? but why is fermented honey not a good thing? 🙏🤔
Ed Sheeran knows heaps about bees. Would'nt have guessed that.
I like the hives
Do the caps need to be removed by the bee keeper or do the bees know to remove the capped cells to start to refill the frames?
I love this consept. What harm is don to the bees when the honey is being removed?
Hey Elizabeth,
Stu and Cedar did many design trials when creating the frames to ensure any harm to the bees is at absolute minimum.
There is a small gap between the two halves of the cells to ensure they don't get their legs hurt when the frames open/close.
The worst that can happen is they get momentarily inconvenienced as they're confined to the cell they're working in when the frame was opened, and are then freed up to continue once you close the frame again.
- Danika
Just like some of the other people that have talked I also think that the play frame looks like it is a wonderful invention I was wondering if y'all had any in Florida that someone who was interested in them might be able to go and have a look God bless and thank you
This is sooooooo satisfying.
flow hives is very awesome, i wish i have that one here in 🇵🇭
Whats the price of a flow hive
I noticed the middle farms and fuller then the outside frames do honey bees start with the middle frames first then work there way to the outside frames or is it completely random.
Yes they start in the middle, it gets worse the more you know about beekeeping mate! These things are ridiculous, time will show.
Uteopia - Last year was my first year with a flow hive. It was an amazing experience to watch and interact with the bees. I observed that the bees were working on all of the frames to prepare them for the nectar, but the majority of the work was definitely in the center frames and then worked their way to the outside frames. It was a lot of fun to be able to watch the progress from start to harvest. 😀
Dear Sam Thank you so much for the reply which was very quick and much appreciated. There will no doubt be lots of questions but I've learnt a great deal from your incredibly informative videos. Two important questions I must ask that will resolve my conundrum is that I have been supplied with a hard wood round lathe queen excluder but I read an article today which says a very experienced bee keeper does not use a Queen excluder because he says workers do not 'like' working their way right up through the Brood chamber to access the 'super' in this case mine will be as I said a Flow Honey system. He says he has never had a Queen laying eggs in the super but he knows that the Queen avoids light & so always tends to lay from the bottom of the brood box upwards.
He also says he drills a hole just below the honey super to give easier access to the workers. Mr Dunn of the USA a quiet speaking bee keeper but seemingly, a very efficient and a 'thinking' bee keeper does the same and is on You Tube same as you. I see you are both extreme experts in the craft of Bee keeping and I have never approached any task and especially a technical task without keeping firstly an open mind and a very enquiring one also. No one is ever too old to learn and I hope to give the very best treatment to my bees when I get them.....
Buying items from China may save money but my hive from Amazon advertised as a National hive when it is not!
I have a printout of the differences in a reference sheet between the two hives so yet again what would we do without the 'net'? Reading was the key to knowledge a long time ago but since 2000 it became the internet but of course reading still applies but not in books. I sincerely thank you for your valuable advice ,which makes me wonder ,what on earth would we do without such people as you...... We are all indebted to you. best Wishes Mick in the UK
Certain times of the year in certain areas of the world cause the bees to produce thicker honey than others. Ivy is a major contributor to thick honey in some parts of the world
If I had known about this process I would have gotten bees a long time ago.
Please did you say you hive is a langtroff hive? I hope I spelled that correctly. I am an engineer but new to bee keeping and I have a Langstroff hive with the flow frame as yet to come. You look to be very experienced and put info across very well. Brilliant jar filling...... I don't think for a minute I'll be able to steal any honey this first season but I hope to get some next year. Although we are in the UK we have a Citrange orange tree in the garden and it has survived over 30 years now. The only thing that is missing is a bee hive! Thank you so much for your very informative way of advising us all. Mick Hall Nottingham UK Home Citrus grower. see mike Sallfeld's Nottingham Citrus -It's ours.
Hi Michael, it's a Langstroth hive. Good luck with your beekeeping - so exciting. Please let us know if you have any questions or there's anything else that we can help with. - Sam
How much do they cost please?. Amazing invention
Hey Brett,
Thanks for your message. All of our Flow products and prices are available from our online stores. For customers in Australia, Europe, Canada, UK or international
Here you will find product information and pricing listed.
If your country is not on our shipping list and you would like to make a purchase, please email us at with what you would like to order and we will give you a price and shipping quote.
Please let us know if you have any questions - Danika
If the frames become so full of honey is it possible they can leak out before you actually harvest the honey in any way?
How do the bees know that the frame is empty? Does opening the frame with the key crack the capping so they know its empty?
Bees will realise the honey is gone they are in tune with the smells, and temperatures inside the hive, after a few hours to a couple of days the bees uncap, repair and then begin refilling. -Kieran
You recommend to use just one hive body with your Flow, or two?
Hello, I’m a beekeeper in Victoria. My great uncle and I built a flow hive from a standard hive and bought some flow frames. What do you do when the honey goes candid in the flow frames?
The real flow hive is my goal and can’t wait until I have enough money for it
How many ounces of honey can it hold when it’s full ?
Do you have to deplete the frames when taking honey? Or can you just do 1/2 frames so not to deplete them?
Absolutely not Skylar! The great thing with a Flow Hive is that you can harvest as much or as little as you like leaving plenty for the bees :) - Sam
I have a flow hive with just the 3 frames and i have put 2 wired and waxed frames on either side. I havnt been game to open up the super box because i just realised that i have not put the seperation sheet between the lid and the super. Also can i take the non flow hive frames out and eat the honey comb directly?
How do the bees get in and out of the hive?
Hi, Why do you need queen excluder if your honey frames are so wide. The queen cannot lay eggs in a deep frames. Did you try to work without excluder and what issues did you find? Why do you recommend to use excluder? I am curious whether the queen start to lay eggs in your honey frames.
check out RUclipsr Frederick Dunn's beekeeping videos. he showed the queen can lay eggs in the upper box without the excluder on.
Hi I am new to bees and love it I live in the Bahamas and where we have seen a drastic drop in bees. I have the flow hive super and the bees where doing great then a day later 1/2 of the colony left I am not sure as to why any thoughts on this thanks
Hi there, there can be a few reasons for a hive to swarm, Please feel free to reach out to our team at with some more details about your setup so we can help you. - Isobella.
Hello! So blessed for this beautiful experience and all the help along the way, my question is...Is it ok too use diatomaceous earth near the Flow Hive besides the vegetable oil in the legs too control beetles? Thank you
Hi Christine, yes that's fine :) - Sam
Hi, this is a great video really excited, how much or where can i to pay? Im from colombia tanks....
thank you, have a look at our website
Do you just have to set the hive up and bees will just go to it naturally over time? Or do you have to buy bees? Ive been really interested in starting to bee keep.
Generally, you will either need to purchase bees or catch a swarm.
How many gallons of honey can u extract in a season
Once you harvest a frame, do you have to remove the wax caps?
My question too!!
After you assemble this flow hive, how do you make bees to come and make their home?
HI Harsh, there are many ways to get a colony to call your own. Check out this fabulous article here - Sam
@@FlowHive Hi I live in india do you know some one from this region that might help in bee keeping ?
how many ml does that bottle have ?
Can you please explain the construction of the Honey harvesting methods of Hive making , as explained by Louise making the 5 frames with variety of foundations.
Nice warm days are my dream for harvesting! Hmmmm
I like the flow hives
How long does it takes from start of a brood to produce honey
It depends on the season and strength of the colony. In an ideal season, it will take 2- 8 weeks for the bees to establish the brood box and around the same time frame for the Flow Super when this is added once the brood box is established. -Kieran
What if all my frames are closed but the drain tubes are filling up with nectar/honey and leaking out through the drain cap. I'm sure the bees in the brood box liked having it drip on them, but I'm losing out on production?
Dear friends! Great invention! Just wonder about such kind of honey as heather honey. In Latvia where I live bees harvester heather honey in late part of August and first half of September. It has very dense concistency and hardly flows. Beekeepers has to press it out of the combs with preses, because It is impossible to get out with rotary honey throwing devices. How do you feel whether Flow Hive would be used also for this kind of honey? Do you have heather honey in Australia or any other kind of dark dense sort of honey?
Ok, how much this product cost to get 3 of them to 🇨🇷 Costa Rica?
Iam from india
Actually what type of wood it was made?
I need 2 pcs how can i get?
Have a chance to get super chamber only?
I wonder if the bees are all stressed out because their honey keeps leaking out!
What do you think of colony collapse disorder?
How about traditional bee keeping method ? , its that making the bee stress out too ?
How many liters. You pull out for each cell.
Hi! I purchased the FLOW HIVE2- I purchased a nuc from a local bee breeder and ALL of my frames were full (with her highness). They are filling up the super but not yet to harvest. My question to you is- Since I started with FULL FRAMES- How can I tell when/if they will SWARM? Some days the front is very busy and they are pretty busy. I don't see anything on this content!
Hi there, Swarm prevention is a difficult topic. Any experienced beekeeper will attest that because bees are a wild creature, they simply do not always perform how we expect or would like them to behave.
Swarming is a natural process and is considered reproduction for a bee colony.
Bee swarming is caused by an increase in the hive population (usually due to warm weather) where the numbers become so excessive that the worker bees cannot smell the queen's pheromones anymore, so they raise a new queen. The old queen will then leave with up to 60% of the population to start a new colony.
Swarming can be prevented by performing brood inspections in the spring to see if there are any queen cells present. - Isobella.
How much is Flow Hive? How can some one construct it?
So if you extract a frame of honey and it wasn't completely capped (you can't tell unless you pull it out completely) and the centres full of nectar, you have a jar of 50% honey and 50% nectar? Thats not good at all
If you're worried just pull the frame out and check it before you harvest. That's easy. I don't understand how you're having an issue with that. That is the exact same process for when you're keeping bees using the more traditional methods.
Easy for you and I as beekeepers yes but a lot of Flow hives have been sold under the pretence of you not needing to, actually opening and inspecting your bee's go's against their sales strategy but I suppose they are skipping around any legal action that could come their way!
@@arsenicpharaoh413You are right about that one. I hadn't taken that into account. I guess after awhile you forget that sometimes it isn't so obvious. Thank you, Arsenic. Another perspective is always helpful!
I don't think they were sold under the pretense that you NEVER have to open them, of course you do, for other traditional maintenance, etc... You just don't have to remove them to harvest.
Where can I order the bees from?
would you recommend a flow hive for someone who is afraid of bees, but might want to have their own hives?
Change to old habits always rejected!. I think this is great idea. I am just curious as to why not seeing any bees flying around that bee hive!!.
The reason you can’t see many bees is because this is the back of the hive. Majority of our filming is done from the back of the hive as this is where the harvesting is done. While this happens the bees continue to fly in and out of the front entrance freely. We don’t often have bees coming to investigate the honey as the process is pretty low disturbance, but sometimes we get a few. - Isobella
Is it ok to take all the honey from all the frames at once or should the harvesting be spaced out?
You need to leave the bees some honey when you harvest. It is their food after all.
So how much honey do you left for the bee's
Do you take the flow hives off during the winter time after you pulled all your honey or do you leave them on your around.
Can you harvest only half of a single frame and close it without the rest leaking back into hive?
How long should it take for a brood box to fill, on Queensland coast? it take
If you can harvest at 80% capped flow frame, I assume the roughly 20% not capped nectar is ok when it flows out with the honey? It won’t ferment the 80% honey? Not sure if I’m making sense.
Hi Jo, the bees fill and cap pretty evenly so often that last 20% will actually be empty cells. - Sam
@@FlowHive thanks Sam
How long would it take for a 3 frame to fill in california and how much honey would I yield? I just need an estimate if there's not an exact answer. Thank you in advance. 👌
Johnny Vida - 3 kg of each frame depending on Bee population in the Base Box and Nectar in the field.
In how much days are all six frames fully filled up with honey
It depends on many things, but sometimes 2 weeks sometimes a month or two.You can usually expect multiple full harvests in a season.
I see the super with honey in some area... ( maybe) is ready to be taken out... how are you sure that is all full all the way without opening the super all the time ??
I love bees
wonderful invention how can I get it in Nepal, please
Hey Jageshor, please email us at if you'd like to look into arranging an order further :) Thank you! - Danika
How do you know all the cells have been capped in that frame?
Check out this page here
I just put my flow box on top how long dose it take for them to start putting honey in it and how do I get them to start to put honey in it
It ultimately depends, usually it takes around 2-8 weeks for bees to establish a new box, given that they have enough bee population to do so, we advise adding the Flow Super only once your bees are at around 80% bee population, visible as thick carpet of bees atop the brood frames. -Kieran
Do you use any type of tracking log to measure progress/ inspection notes/ dates etc ?
How to maintain the brood in this? Don't you need to extract honey and remove beewax from there?
From what I've seen on their channel, the brood box is below these honey flow frames, where there's an excluder screen to keep the queen bee from coming up to the top flow frames to lay eggs. The top flow frames are used for honey only.
I’ve been watching your videos for the past week, and I’m very interested in beekeeping. However, I’m very new to this. I know you have a website and sell your amazing product.
My question is, where do I get the bees and their queen from?
I do not know where you are from but in the US you can usually find a bee keeper near where you live. They sell packages and nucs.
Hi Cedar, do you inspect the flow frames the day before you harvest? Went to harvest yesterday and the frame looked very full and capped from the back window but just thought I would inspect the frame first, when I lifted the frame it had a ball ( about a tennis ball size) in the middle of the frame on both sides that was not capped. So now don't know what to do, inspect first or not. You don't seem too. Thanks Francine
hi Francine, we do recommend inspecting the Flow Frames the first couple of times that you harvest to get used to what you are seeing through the windows and how that replicates on the Flow Frames - Sam
After you harvest the honey, Do you have to clear the wax caps so the bees can replace honey and recap it?
No, the bees figure out the honey is gone and begin pulling the caps off themselves
How long do the frame's last or how often do they need replacing
Hi Lyle, We still have some of our launch frames in our Flow HQ Apiary from 2015. We do recommend cycling out the brood frames every couple of seasons. - Sam
If you harvest a frame before it’s full can you squish bees that are still in the cells
There is a gap built into the cells, so that even when the Flow Frames are in the open position the bees can crawl in and out. -Kieran
hola les deseamos muchas bendiciones estamos felices al ver este exito inspirado por Dios somos monjas de VENEZUELA tenemos 6 colmenas y como soñamos tener ese material en nuestras manos le pedimos a Dios que toque su corazon
Do I need to leave the screened bottom board with the slide board in place here in Arkansas in the heat of the summer ? How do I vent the Flow hive, and keep fighting the hive beattles?
What is the cost of box
Try putting your captions on if you can't hear them well.
How many honey do you get per frame
Hey Sophie,
One full Flow frame contains about 3kgs of honey, or 6.5 lbs.
See this page for more info:
- Danika
Is it in Poland?
How do you split a flowhive I have set up a langstroth hive and didn’t know if purchasing a Nuc or splitting would be best.
Higsey. Top of the Swan Valley . Belhus.
Hi Laura, Cedar show's how to do an easy spit here. But t is important that the colony is strong enough to beвидео.html
Our beginner beekeeping video "Installing a nuc in your hive' is also helpful.
Please email if you would like to chat with someone about your options - Leah.