Yes I'd like to shake his hand too and thank him for the knowledge he shares , but unfortunately this man is hardly known to the Muslim ummah as you've stated.
@Daniel Nanguang man i always see you reacting at people, jesus is not a God, jesus is a prophet, a human just like u and me. If u believe hou are created by one almighty creator, than for the sake of your lord, stop being an agressif believer, and spread hate, thats not the way of our religion ( monotheïsm). Hate is something only the devil promotes. And we all know what his final destiny wil be. Don't let hem seduce you to hate anything. Protect yourself Because now you talk like you hate a religion that is similar to yours and only spreads peace. Choose what you want but now you act like a hatefull person with a big ego, you are violating the beautifull religion christianity. Don't look for subjects who corrupt us human's, rather look for similarity between religion's ( especially similarity as humans) Wish you the best, i hope you will be honest ! and stop this deviding of people.
Hussam Aljamali - it’s a smilie, not literal. Meaning you were warned and you decided not to listen so stay firm on your decision and take the punishment
My head always blows up after listening him. He's a living legend. ...Now that Mehdi Hadith seems to have some sense. He has to come to Restore Chilaphet but for that chilaphet needs to be first end and that has already taken place. ...Allah Hu Akbar
By Allah this man cleared so many doubts in my mind all the things i taught today after 10 years of of this video is truly is a blessing from Allah to me
Thank you guys for uploading this great man videos. Now many Arabic people speaking of this man and they listen to him with open heart because they are looking for the truth. Keep your work up and please try to translate it in Arabic because some people do not know English and how to speak it properly. Allah Will reward you when many people listen to the truth and fight for the Islam.
legendary lecture , simply amazing , such beautiful inspiring knowledgeable lecture on this topic. Well done our beloved sheik ul islam sheik imran hoosen,❤💪✊ take good care and protect this learned scholar of deen @ all cost, no matter what!!! On yes b4 i forget. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸FREE PALESTINE🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, FREE PALESTINE. BIRR RUH BIDDAM NAFDIKA YA GAZA BIRR RUH BIDDAM NAFDIKA YA AQSA BIRR RUH BIDDAM NAFDIKA YA FILASTEEN.🇵🇸 ❤
I agree because, after Independence of Pakistan, they treated us Bengali Muslims unequally and thought we were not Muslims by the secular state of Pakistan. If they were really Islamic why would they look us with racist eye. Muslims of world unite, irrespective of your race, skin colour and tongue, For the sake of the Ummah, when we unit nothing can take us apart. As we are the sons of Adam (Peace be upon him). Let us forgive each other for our past and unite, the surely we will rise again.
They (Pakistanis) claimed to be aryans and the rest of South Asia dravidian, monogoloid or australo-Melanesian. They preserved the racial caste system created by Scythian’s from Central Asia, despite being Muslim; the British were able to monopolise off these racial divisions they saw and so, encouraged the war.
Allah is right in front of you but only way you will recognize is if you read and understand quran and put it in your every day life and be honest and also remind your friends and family too. Allah will open doors for you of both worlds. May Allah make it easy for us. Ameen.
this is a real scholar. I have no doubt of this man being the voice of the ummah since others have been silent. praise Allah for a scholar in these times. will be a great loss if Allah decides to take him upon himself. i love u Allah.
SubhanAllah,Allahu Akbar I love this Brother by Allah he speaks the truth. I agree with you 💯 Brother Hussain , you are only the speaker ... speaking and spreading the words of The One & Only, Most Perfect, no one can ever compare to the King , Master ... Creator of all and Everything‼️ It's only Allah they are rejecting if they but only knew! Keep speaking and preaching the true Islam. May Allah give you Jannah and a long long life to keep spreading the truth as true Muslims are very few and far from the straight path of truth. Real Muslims are hard to come by!
Jazaka Allah Shaikh Imran for your great lectures, I am as a Shia-Muslim how can we ignore the fact that Emam Mahdi is from Ahlul- Bayt , I have been taught the exact things that you are saying since when I was 7 years old, Most Shia's believe that Emam Mahdi will rule Kufa and his ancestors is prophet Muhammed and he is a well known person as you said, so its impossible for Shia's to ignore Emam Mahdi cause we are waiting and praying for him every Friday so that time will be a best periods on earth and for human kind. Anyone who ignores will be an enemy to Islam.
I'm am only 21, I 100% agree with you. i feel like when we are young we have heart, and spirit. However i see in the older people among us that they are too detracted, unfortunately they have their priorities wrong.
So, how have u been young man? 🤭😊We are all trapped in this lockdown. We are greatful for all those insights and knowledge studies from Islamic Escatology.Thankful that we are fully aware what is happening and where this is leading us to.May Allah bless and protect the blessed Syeikh Imran and all of us.aamiin.😊
Subhan Allah - the way things unfold right now-- shows Sheikhs true words- saudi arabia can no longer fool us- we all thought they were the purest of pure when it came to islam-- yet they did not stop this Israel thing--------- Allah Most High exposer of niya- intention
Perfect lecture, tried to find flaws, but instead came to the conclusion: What Allah subhanu wa tala, revelaed to Mohamad saws How it has occured with names, events etc. And the best that soothes any believing heart, how it will end with a big blow to satan and all the men he mislead,
izhar khan Sheikh Imran's books are available for free on his website in PDF form You'll have to look around the internet for Books by other authors.
The Shuyukh of the King of Saudi Arabia need to be obedient students of this wonderful son of Islam. MBS here here is your teacher put on your thinking CAP and listen attentively.
Could you please send me the exact reference of Surat al ma’idah that’s states not to take the Jews & Christians (that are allies of each other) as friends and allies etc etc ?
Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "Dajjal (the Antichrist) will come forth and a person from amongst the believers will go towards him and the armed watchmen of Dajjal will meet him and they will say to him: 'Where do you intend to go?' He will say: 'I intend to go to this one who has appeared.' They will say to him: 'Don't you believe in our lord (meaning Dajjal)?' He will say: 'There (i.e., we know Him to be Allah, Alone, without any partners) is nothing hidden about our Rubb.' Some of them will say: 'Let us kill him', but some others will say: 'Has your lord (Dajjal) not forbidden you to kill anyone without his consent?' So they will take him to Dajjal. When the believer will see him, he will say: 'O people! This is Dajjal about whom the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has informed us.' Dajjal will have him laid on his stomach and have his head. He will be struck on his back and on his stomach. Dajjal will ask him: 'Don't you believe in me?' He will say: 'You are the false Messiah.' He will then give his order to have him sawn with a saw into two from the parting of his hair up to his legs. After that Dajjal will walk between the two halves and will say to him: 'Stand up', and he will stand on his feet. He will then say to him: 'Don't you believe in me?' The person will say: 'It has added to my insight that you are Dajjal'. He will add: 'O people! He will not be able to behave with anyone amongst people in such a manner after me.' Dajjal will try to kill him. The space between his neck and collarbone will turn into copper and he will find no way to kill him. So he will catch hold of him by his hand and feet and throw him into (what appears to be the fire). The people will think that he has been thrown into the fire whereas he will be thrown into Jannah." The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) added, "He will be the most eminent amongst the people with regard to martyrdom near the Rubb of the worlds." [Muslim] وعن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: “يخرج الدجال فيتوجه قبله رجل من المؤمنين فيتلقاه المسالح: مسالح الدجال، فيقولون له: إلى أين تعمد؟ فيقول: أعمد إلى هذا الذي خرج فيقولون له أوَ ما تؤمن بربنا؟ فيقول: ما بربنا خفاء! فيقولون: اقتلوه، فيقول بعضهم لبعض: أليس قد نهاكم ربكم أن تقتلوا أحداً دونه، فينطلقون به إلى الدجال، فإذا رآه المؤمن قال: يا أيها الناس إن هذا الدجال الذي ذكر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؛ فيأمر الدجال به فيشبّح؛ فيقول: خذوه وشجوه، فيوسع ظهره وبطنه ضرباً، فيقول: أوَ ما تؤمن بي؟ فيقول: أنت المسيح الكذاب! فيؤمر به ، فيؤشر بالمنشار من مفرقه حتى يفرق بين رجليه، ثم يمشي الدجال بين القطعتين ، ثم يقول له: قم ، فيستوي قائماً، ثم يقول له: أتؤمن بي؟ فيقول: ما ازددت فيك إلا بصيرة، ثم يقول: يا أيها الناس إنه لا يفعل بعدي بأحد من الناس، فيأخذه الدجال ليذبحه، فيجعل الله ما بين رقبته إلى ترقوته نحاساً، فلا يستطيع إليه سبيلا، فيأخذ بيديه ورجليه فيقذف به، فيحسب الناس أنما قذفه إلى النار، وإنما ألقي في الجنة" فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "هذا أعظم الناس شهادة عند رب العالمين" ((رواه مسلم)). وروى البخاري بعضه بمعناه “المساحل” :هم الخفراء والطلائع. reference : Book 19, Hadith 8 Arabic/English book reference : Book 19, Hadith 1815 Report Error | Share
Sophia Nicole Mikkelsen you are confused in your head, and what's wrong with if comes from the blood line of Hassan (ra) ? Would you still believe in him or would you still be confused n lost in your heads , why do your man's go to the masjed and rip they backs till it bleed ? Is it not haram to harm your body ? Don't you know Allah gave you this body and on the day of return to Allah (swt) will ask you why ? O Yh one more thing don't worry imama Mahdi will take over the world , but first thing he will do is get rid of your bullshits n this leadership of Saudi Arabia. Go back to the Qur'an and the suuna of our beloved Muhammad (Saw) . And open your mind n heart for understanding. May Allah guide you n the ones who's lost . Ameen.
Holding power of the hijaz is not 1 of the rules for khilafah. The sheikh is wrong by implying that unless the khilafah can control the hijaz, there wont be a khilafah
a day like a year.... Sahaba kiram rizwan ullah ta'ala ajmaeen asked,(means) what about our prayers for a day like a year? prophet sallalaho alehe wassalim told to make an estimate from one prayer to another prayer. the question is that if a day like a year is a metamorphic value then how you fit that question and answer about prayers into your theory of day like a year?
Rasul a.s predicted a world war 3 nuclear war where smoke will cover the earth n no sun will be available for a year one month n one week. Subuhanalah!
May Allah reward sheikh and bless him with istita3 i totally agree with sheikh, but in one thing -- I believe that Imam Al Mahdi is shia of Ali ibn Abi Talib -------- aleyhoma salam-------- I have checked who the Caliph of Mecca was before the saudi weirdos appeared --- and it seems that he was a shia --- so naturally imam al Mahdi is from his progeney and will be a shia too-------- i wonder why sheikh believes he will not be shia
@Sophia Nicole Mikkelsen Assalamu'alaikum sister, there is only one sect of Islam which is following the Prophet Muhammad Prayers, blessings, peace of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be upon him Sunnah that is the truth I promise you my dear sister. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also described them in the following terms: “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They said: Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.” This is mentioned in the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr which was recorded and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi (2641). It was also classed as hasan by al-‘Iraaqi in Ahkaam al-Qur’aan (3/432), al-‘Iraaqi in Takhreej al-Ihya’ (3/284) and al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever among you lives after I am gone will see a great deal of dissent.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (4067); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood. Sunnah
Imam Mahdi cannot be Shia. The people of Mecca will give him the oath of allegiance. Sunni Mecca will never give an oath of allegiance to an Ali-worshipper or a Fatima-worshipper.
Can't stop loving this great scholar of Islam... Rational and wise❤❤❤
What a great way of connecting the dots. Very well explained.
I wish i could hug this man and cry to him thanking for bringing so much knowledge to the muslim world. Allah bless u.
Oscar Asgar me too
Wulah aki your not alone we will help him with out duas inshallah
Yes I'd like to shake his hand too and thank him for the knowledge he shares , but unfortunately this man is hardly known to the Muslim ummah as you've stated.
@@dunnageman1bechomoreno3 the way he knows things and explain things. He is the best
Blessed will be those who join mahdi at that time❤
Yes U Are right my Brother
Mahdi will need tough muslims that are not afraid of anything
Allahu Akbar
@@ayoubennaoui2461that is why he will have 300 soldier from 2b people
Indeed,. 1/3 of 'em will retreat,& The God will not forgive them.
This man is a living legend the true scholar of Islam
@@George-iv1hi Awww.... George,.... which Muslim personally upset you...
@@George-iv1hi Hi George... what did they did say and do to you.. these so called "fools," as you call them..
Yes he is 👍🌞
M A news views and information he a Bastard Wahabi
@Daniel Nanguang man i always see you reacting at people, jesus is not a God, jesus is a prophet, a human just like u and me.
If u believe hou are created by one almighty creator, than for the sake of your lord, stop being an agressif believer, and spread hate, thats not the way of our religion ( monotheïsm).
Hate is something only the devil promotes. And we all know what his final destiny wil be.
Don't let hem seduce you to hate anything. Protect yourself
Because now you talk like you hate a religion that is similar to yours and only spreads peace.
Choose what you want but now you act like a hatefull person with a big ego, you are violating the beautifull religion christianity. Don't look for subjects who corrupt us human's, rather look for similarity between religion's ( especially similarity as humans)
Wish you the best, i hope you will be honest
! and stop this deviding of people.
Your knowledge is a gift from Allah, may Allah rewards you with jannatul fidaus Ameen ya Allah
Ameen 😊
@@mariamlewanga6887 isa and al'mahdi have been cancelled
"stand up like a man, and take it on that day". Right said Shaikh. Allah bless you with more knowlegde.
How can u stand like a man in front of the angels who will toture your soul for ur shirk?!
@@hussamkj403 you talk like you have all the knowledge, watch ur tong.
Our creator is watching
@@joostvleeuwen6088 clearly my sentence was taken out of context here...
Hussam Aljamali - it’s a smilie, not literal. Meaning you were warned and you decided not to listen so stay firm on your decision and take the punishment
Imam housain i love the way you interpret your quran and your sense of resoning towards the real world view... maa shaa Allah
May Allah bless Sheik Imran Hosein. He is a true inspiration to the ummah. I am glad I have been blessed to have watched all his talks.
My head always blows up after listening him. He's a living legend. ...Now that Mehdi Hadith seems to have some sense. He has to come to Restore Chilaphet but for that chilaphet needs to be first end and that has already taken place. ...Allah Hu Akbar
I am not 17.. but my children will be able to fight those scum if Allah willing. I will do my best to prepare the best fighting force inshAllah
Ma ShaAllah God bless uh
In shaAllah
Calm down bro
bazilio combrazilio wallah happy to see this beautiful coment
Gandalf the Grey is there anything wrong with what he said?
Jazak Allah khair Sheikh
By Allah this man cleared so many doubts in my mind all the things i taught today after 10 years of of this video is truly is a blessing from Allah to me
Thank you guys for uploading this great man videos. Now many Arabic people speaking of this man and they listen to him with open heart because they are looking for the truth. Keep your work up and please try to translate it in Arabic because some people do not know English and how to speak it properly. Allah Will reward you when many people listen to the truth and fight for the Islam.
Who’s here in corona days omg he was right
Corona days
ROMOSO TV video link to what
I'm here in the second year of corona days
@@sufiyaanpathan2589 nothing happend so far.. mehdi is not here..
Great video! May ALLAH preserves him.
we need more men like you sheikh someone to educate the muslims
InshaAllah brother to many brothers and sisters are lost pray for the ulma inshaAllah
legendary lecture , simply amazing , such beautiful inspiring knowledgeable lecture on this topic. Well done our beloved sheik ul islam sheik imran hoosen,❤💪✊ take good care and protect this learned scholar of deen @ all cost, no matter what!!! On yes b4 i forget.
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸FREE PALESTINE🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Sir You are so humble yet so knowledgeable. And you explain it so well. I pray that Allah gives you the highest ranks in jannat. Aameen.
I can confirm what he said yrs ago is absolutely truth
I agree because, after Independence of Pakistan, they treated us Bengali Muslims unequally and thought we were not Muslims by the secular state of Pakistan. If they were really Islamic why would they look us with racist eye. Muslims of world unite, irrespective of your race, skin colour and tongue, For the sake of the Ummah, when we unit nothing can take us apart. As we are the sons of Adam (Peace be upon him). Let us forgive each other for our past and unite, the surely we will rise again.
Bangladesh is a very secular country not Islamic at all!!
@@doosra95What is Pakistan then ?
They (Pakistanis) claimed to be aryans and the rest of South Asia dravidian, monogoloid or australo-Melanesian. They preserved the racial caste system created by Scythian’s from Central Asia, despite being Muslim; the British were able to monopolise off these racial divisions they saw and so, encouraged the war.
Back in 2023 after the genocide in Gaza.
Sheikhs response was wait and see, and today we can see😢.
Download this video cuz we don't know, but I am anticipating that it might be deleted.
I love tlshk Imran Hussain ❤️❤️❤️❤️ he always speaks paramount truth
Allah is right in front of you but only way you will recognize is if you read and understand quran and put it in your every day life and be honest and also remind your friends and family too. Allah will open doors for you of both worlds. May Allah make it easy for us. Ameen.
Dear Respected sir Allah bless you always and everywhere and in both both worlds in abundance.
Alhamdulilah. Shukran for this knowledge. May Allah Protect and Bless you!
Grade : Sahih (Darussalam)
Reference : Sunan Ibn Majah 4075
In-book reference : Book 36, Hadith 150
English translation : Vol. 5, Book 36, Hadith 4075
May Allah Bless u for your efforts.
Today I got to know the real purpose of wahabisam.
Rather say you get the real purpose of life being a muslim
I was always afraid of dajal. But this arose my eeman.
Allah is there is imam mehdi.
We all shall return to Allah.
May Allah forgive us
Allah is the only being you must fear and love. The dajjal is nothing to be afraid of 😊
Again we'll like ..313& Battle of khibar inshallah
Allah o Akbar
this is a real scholar. I have no doubt of this man being the voice of the ummah since others have been silent. praise Allah for a scholar in these times. will be a great loss if Allah decides to take him upon himself. i love u Allah.
TODAY DATE 4 -4-2020
Excellent analysis Sheikh. Masha Allah.
May Allah bless sheikh imran hosen
May allah give you long life sir what I learned from you I will do it for the sake of Allah.
Very true. Great analysis and such analysis can be done by an elevated soul only.
Very important talk
Elhamdoulilah for Islam
Who’s Here In October 2024 😢
Its so true it will happen may Allah protect us
SubhanAllah,Allahu Akbar
I love this Brother by Allah he speaks the truth. I agree with you 💯 Brother Hussain , you are only the speaker ... speaking and spreading the words of The One & Only, Most Perfect, no one can ever compare to the King , Master ... Creator of all and Everything‼️ It's only Allah they are rejecting if they but only knew! Keep speaking and preaching the true Islam. May Allah give you Jannah and a long long life to keep spreading the truth as true Muslims are very few and far from the straight path of truth. Real Muslims are hard to come by!
Jazaka Allah Shaikh Imran for your great lectures, I am as a Shia-Muslim how can we ignore the fact that Emam Mahdi is from Ahlul- Bayt , I have been taught the exact things that you are saying since when I was 7 years old, Most Shia's believe that Emam Mahdi will rule Kufa and his ancestors is prophet Muhammed and he is a well known person as you said, so its impossible for Shia's to ignore Emam Mahdi cause we are waiting and praying for him every Friday so that time will be a best periods on earth and for human kind. Anyone who ignores will be an enemy to Islam.
What if he turn's out from ahl alsunnah ???
Would you follow him ?
I'm am only 21, I 100% agree with you. i feel like when we are young we have heart, and spirit. However i see in the older people among us that they are too detracted, unfortunately they have their priorities wrong.
Haha now ur 27
Imran ahmed he’s actually 28
So, how have u been young man? 🤭😊We are all trapped in this lockdown. We are greatful for all those insights and knowledge studies from Islamic Escatology.Thankful that we are fully aware what is happening and where this is leading us to.May Allah bless and protect the blessed Syeikh Imran and all of us.aamiin.😊
Nope he is 30
Wow this is amazing and true.
Masha Allah may reward and keep him safe AMEEN
Subhan Allah - the way things unfold right now-- shows Sheikhs true words- saudi arabia can no longer fool us- we all thought they were the purest of pure when it came to islam-- yet they did not stop this Israel thing--------- Allah Most High exposer of niya- intention
The truth will free you from the shackles of falsehood.
In 2014 I was among those who thought sheikh Saab is creating fitna and a Shia stooge. But now everything is happening before our eyes..
Yes wait and seee
Well said.
No matter Shia or Sunni the Mahdi is, we follow him if the signs are true about him.
Mahdi cannot be Shia. It's impossible.
@@gandalfm.student4756 okay
@@gandalfm.student4756 imam Mahdi will come from line of fatima (as) confirmed by plenty of sunni hadith.
I want to meet this man
May Allah grant you JanahatulFerdaus
May Allah bless you sir.I wish I could meet you😔
may allah bless this sheikh
Perfect lecture, tried to find flaws, but instead came to the conclusion:
What Allah subhanu wa tala, revelaed to Mohamad saws
How it has occured with names, events etc.
And the best that soothes any believing heart, how it will end with a big blow to satan and all the men he mislead,
Espero ver ese día
dear brothers and sisters the book mentioned in this lecture are the real treasure so plz if anyone have a soft copy plz let me know jazakallah
izhar khan Sheikh Imran's books are available for free on his website in PDF form
You'll have to look around the internet for Books by other authors.
+Dnt Wry ..Can i find this Book translated in Urdu languge ??
+Dnt Wry ..Can i find this Book translated in Urdu languge ??
mannan sarwar I'm afraid I don't know. His books are translated into other languages, but I don't know if it's in Urdu.
mannan sarwar
i even found the book translated in Dutch.
True that techonology can go possibility
MashAllah he is soo true may Allah bless him with good health and prosperity
Salaatu' Wa'illah' Wa'taa'wuu' laa'illah' Salaam'
As-Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh
Salam from india
let us unite under the Islamic law, in a Caliphate which stretches from Morocco to Indonesia.
i was 15 when i saw this whole video....
Amra korbo joy ekdin
SubhanAllah Aameen
Two topics are best soon people will wake up
The Shuyukh of the King of Saudi Arabia need to be obedient students of this wonderful son of Islam. MBS here here is your teacher put on your thinking CAP and listen attentively.
Could you please send me the exact reference of Surat al ma’idah that’s states not to take the Jews & Christians (that are allies of each other) as friends and allies etc etc ?
Verse 51 onwards
Wow Amazing Hazrat Essa will surly come
10 years later and of course the Sheikh was right!
19 years, this lecture was recorded in 2003.
Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
I heard the Prophet (ﷺ) saying, "Dajjal (the Antichrist) will come forth and a person from amongst the believers will go towards him and the armed watchmen of Dajjal will meet him and they will say to him: 'Where do you intend to go?' He will say: 'I intend to go to this one who has appeared.' They will say to him: 'Don't you believe in our lord (meaning Dajjal)?' He will say: 'There (i.e., we know Him to be Allah, Alone, without any partners) is nothing hidden about our Rubb.' Some of them will say: 'Let us kill him', but some others will say: 'Has your lord (Dajjal) not forbidden you to kill anyone without his consent?' So they will take him to Dajjal. When the believer will see him, he will say: 'O people! This is Dajjal about whom the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) has informed us.' Dajjal will have him laid on his stomach and have his head. He will be struck on his back and on his stomach. Dajjal will ask him: 'Don't you believe in me?' He will say: 'You are the false Messiah.' He will then give his order to have him sawn with a saw into two from the parting of his hair up to his legs. After that Dajjal will walk between the two halves and will say to him: 'Stand up', and he will stand on his feet. He will then say to him: 'Don't you believe in me?' The person will say: 'It has added to my insight that you are Dajjal'. He will add: 'O people! He will not be able to behave with anyone amongst people in such a manner after me.' Dajjal will try to kill him. The space between his neck and collarbone will turn into copper and he will find no way to kill him. So he will catch hold of him by his hand and feet and throw him into (what appears to be the fire). The people will think that he has been thrown into the fire whereas he will be thrown into Jannah." The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) added, "He will be the most eminent amongst the people with regard to martyrdom near the Rubb of the worlds."
وعن أبي سعيد الخدري رضي الله عنه عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: “يخرج الدجال فيتوجه قبله رجل من المؤمنين فيتلقاه المسالح: مسالح الدجال، فيقولون له: إلى أين تعمد؟ فيقول: أعمد إلى هذا الذي خرج فيقولون له أوَ ما تؤمن بربنا؟ فيقول: ما بربنا خفاء! فيقولون: اقتلوه، فيقول بعضهم لبعض: أليس قد نهاكم ربكم أن تقتلوا أحداً دونه، فينطلقون به إلى الدجال، فإذا رآه المؤمن قال: يا أيها الناس إن هذا الدجال الذي ذكر رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ؛ فيأمر الدجال به فيشبّح؛ فيقول: خذوه وشجوه، فيوسع ظهره وبطنه ضرباً، فيقول: أوَ ما تؤمن بي؟ فيقول: أنت المسيح الكذاب! فيؤمر به ، فيؤشر بالمنشار من مفرقه حتى يفرق بين رجليه، ثم يمشي الدجال بين القطعتين ، ثم يقول له: قم ، فيستوي قائماً، ثم يقول له: أتؤمن بي؟ فيقول: ما ازددت فيك إلا بصيرة، ثم يقول: يا أيها الناس إنه لا يفعل بعدي بأحد من الناس، فيأخذه الدجال ليذبحه، فيجعل الله ما بين رقبته إلى ترقوته نحاساً، فلا يستطيع إليه سبيلا، فيأخذ بيديه ورجليه فيقذف به، فيحسب الناس أنما قذفه إلى النار، وإنما ألقي في الجنة" فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : "هذا أعظم الناس شهادة عند رب العالمين" ((رواه مسلم)). وروى البخاري بعضه بمعناه “المساحل” :هم الخفراء والطلائع. reference : Book 19, Hadith 8
Arabic/English book reference : Book 19, Hadith 1815
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Sophia Nicole Mikkelsen you are confused in your head, and what's wrong with if comes from the blood line of Hassan (ra) ? Would you still believe in him or would you still be confused n lost in your heads , why do your man's go to the masjed and rip they backs till it bleed ? Is it not haram to harm your body ? Don't you know Allah gave you this body and on the day of return to Allah (swt) will ask you why ? O Yh one more thing don't worry imama Mahdi will take over the world , but first thing he will do is get rid of your bullshits n this leadership of Saudi Arabia. Go back to the Qur'an and the suuna of our beloved Muhammad (Saw) . And open your mind n heart for understanding. May Allah guide you n the ones who's lost . Ameen.
Salam! What is the name of the book he mentioned? I’d like to read it! Thanks
Salam here is the book:The caliphate, the hejaz and the Saudi-Wahhabi nation-state
When did this speech take place?
It says 2003 at the beginning so I'm assuming that's when this was filmed. Or was it the time of upload? End of 2011? In any case, how time flies...
I don't understand why those great imams he mentioned rejected the ahadith with regarding Mahdi. Anybody have any background on this?
@Rambo Rambo pls don't harvest any hatere among a common people heart to understand hadith's & great scholars of us.
Imam Saab reads between lines he’s like a medium
Allah will surly teach them
Holding power of the hijaz is not 1 of the rules for khilafah. The sheikh is wrong by implying that unless the khilafah can control the hijaz, there wont be a khilafah
Can anyone call any Islamic leader present? In today's world?
Those who r not even waiting for him .... or believe in him
this lecture..what year?
About 2002
Anyone watched the arrivals?
Only the Shiites will be with the Mahdi. As for the Sunnis, they will fight the Mahdi.
@@User-gg2gn يا خراىي
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Water gone Allah knows best
i am a u.s citizen!! am i mushrkah? should I give it up? I don't want to upset Allah S.W
Anyone worship anyone beside Allah is mushrek
Are you ??
The secular democratic system does it allow a religion believer to sworn with the Qur'an or the Bible?
But WHY did abolishing the benign caliphate in Turkey make the movement in India lose steam?????
because there was no more caliphate for the movement to continue
@ I see what you’re saying but feels like we’re missing a few pieces
@zareenwilhelm5811 I'm sure we are but he didn't mention it you can research that moment in history.
a day like a year....
Sahaba kiram rizwan ullah ta'ala ajmaeen asked,(means) what about our prayers for a day like a year? prophet sallalaho alehe wassalim told to make an estimate from one prayer to another prayer.
the question is that if a day like a year is a metamorphic value then how you fit that question and answer about prayers into your theory of day like a year?
Rasul a.s predicted a world war 3 nuclear war where smoke will cover the earth n no sun will be available for a year one month n one week. Subuhanalah!
Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala knows.
Then what about technology after imam mahdhi
10:42 and hence in 1925 the new group of hindu formed and we all know that hindu group no need to reveal the name
May Allah reward sheikh and bless him with istita3 i totally agree with sheikh, but in one thing -- I believe that Imam Al Mahdi is shia of Ali ibn Abi Talib -------- aleyhoma salam-------- I have checked who the Caliph of Mecca was before the saudi weirdos appeared --- and it seems that he was a shia --- so naturally imam al Mahdi is from his progeney and will be a shia too-------- i wonder why sheikh believes he will not be shia
He is not Shia, even Ali ibn abi Talib wasn't a Shia. He is within the sunna of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
@Sophia Nicole Mikkelsen Assalamu'alaikum sister, there is only one sect of Islam which is following the Prophet Muhammad Prayers, blessings, peace of Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala be upon him Sunnah that is the truth I promise you my dear sister.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also described them in the following terms: “My ummah will split into seventy-three sects, all of whom will be in Hell except one group.” They said: Who are they, O Messenger of Allaah? He said: “(Those who follow) that which I and my companions follow.” This is mentioned in the hadeeth of ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Amr which was recorded and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi (2641). It was also classed as hasan by al-‘Iraaqi in Ahkaam al-Qur’aan (3/432), al-‘Iraaqi in Takhreej al-Ihya’ (3/284) and al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever among you lives after I am gone will see a great deal of dissent.” Narrated by Abu Dawood (4067); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
Please don’t learn Islam from The Shia
Imam Mahdi cannot be Shia. The people of Mecca will give him the oath of allegiance. Sunni Mecca will never give an oath of allegiance to an Ali-worshipper or a Fatima-worshipper.
Gandalf the Grey very nice observation
Allah Al - Mighty
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