What Does 2022 Hold For You?

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Just a chilled little casual chat and ramble about the new year, what it's like approaching a new year as a newly awakened person and some thoughts on what the new year means for our family.
    I wish you every success in 2022 and if you're currently waking up, I hope you find the light at the end of the tunnel sooner rather than later.
    Let us know in the comments what 2022 has in store for you.
    Good luck!

Комментарии • 39

  • @johnc.mitchelljr.2716
    @johnc.mitchelljr.2716 2 года назад +6

    Good advice , all the the best to you and family this coming year

  • @laymanphil8513
    @laymanphil8513 2 года назад +8

    Happy New Year to all your family. Hope you will continue your excellent exjw channel for 2022.

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +2

      Thanks again, Layman. We will do out best :)

  • @pennybeeflower
    @pennybeeflower 2 года назад +3

    Thank you for your thoughts. Quite helpful!

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +1

      My pleasure! Glad you found them helpful, Penny.

  • @willyb933
    @willyb933 2 года назад +3

    Some excellent points you made. It's very important to not allow the past to steer our future but it has been our identity and now we are trailblazing in a sense and best to go slow and considerately. Yes, I too made significant changes in Health and Nutrition this past year and it really does improve your mental health and physical well being overall and it's a great place to start!

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад

      Well said. Sounds like we're on the same track, Willy. I can say without a doubt that taking care of my health has changed my life more than anything else. And long may it continue for us both :)

  • @pennybeeflower
    @pennybeeflower 2 года назад +3

    🥂🍾cheers to you, your wife and family. Happy New Year!!!

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +1

      Thank you so much, Penny. The same to you. May this new year be full of everything you need and more!

    • @pennybeeflower
      @pennybeeflower 2 года назад


  • @exjwwokeup1617
    @exjwwokeup1617 2 года назад +2

    I have been trying arts and crafts and painting and going to lots of different parks with my grandkids! And taking them swimming every summer! Also going to the movies with the grandkids! And talking to old friends that I haven’t heard from In centuries! Really trying to focus on what I can learn and do next!

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад

      Sounds like you're heading in the right directions. I hate to think of where I'd be if I didn't make myself busy learning new things and meeting new people. Glad you get to spend so much time with your grandkids :)

  • @justinthyme5382
    @justinthyme5382 2 года назад +6

    A hint of peat ,I think a hint of Tony would be better.🍷🍷🍾🍹🍸

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад

      Hahahahaha! That's hilarious. Dude and his whiskey.

  • @woketointelofjws6670
    @woketointelofjws6670 2 года назад +3

    When I was disfellowshipped in 1980 ...I spent the next 10 years getting a education as I was raised that education was not needed.

    • @Ava2969ny
      @Ava2969ny 2 года назад

      @Woke to Intel of JWs -- did the education allow you to deprogram fairly quickly?

    • @woketointelofjws6670
      @woketointelofjws6670 2 года назад

      @@Ava2969nyGood question .. I think it was important gaining more confidence. I really never believed as I have always had a critical thinking mind.....it wasn't until I saw Lloyd's videos about 5 years ago that I totally deprogrammed eg that means learning about the real history and truth of the Borg.

  • @kimsteinke713
    @kimsteinke713 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for your contribution welcome to the online Church we're really having Church down here and we've been waiting for everybody to join all the colts are breaking apart praise be to all the gods. 🌈 It feels good to know we're not alone no more. I'm Kim from Texas I was born gay and now I'm 60. And I'm still gay so if you have children just love them please all of them unconditionally. I think all the gods would approve. 🌈❤️ Hang in there everybody.

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад

      Great to meet you Kim. Hope all is well in the land of Texas. Keep on keeping on :)

  • @pennybeeflower
    @pennybeeflower 2 года назад +2

    (11:42) Looking in the rear view for lessons I agree. Funny thing is that I feel like I am not the same person really anymore.

  • @pennybeeflower
    @pennybeeflower 2 года назад +4

    (15:07) Agreed. I find the term waking up erroneous in terms of realizing the wt corporation is not what they said they were. Children whose brains have been exposed to nothing but the society things until young adulthood have an entirely rewiring-type of process to establish so their point of reference is not just breaking away from parents and family but their entire social network so when the point of reference is erroneous the stability is not there. The thoughts must be qualified about their entire life. We underestimate what coming away from a closed-minded/enslaved mentality really is. I listened to the articulation of freed slaves experience to realize and qualify my thoughts about leaving the jw cult.

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +2

      That is incredibly interesting and makes so much sense. Thank you for sharing those thoughts. We really do underestimate the "waking up" process. I guess it can be more akin to being born for the first time...into a cold void where you have no one to care for you or help you along...apart from other JWs initially...and hopefully others you might know outside the org. But I know not everyone is so fortunate to know such people since we're taught to be no part of the world. I'll have to give some thought to this and might even make a video on it some time.

    • @pennybeeflower
      @pennybeeflower 2 года назад

      @@TheExjwFamily yes, true, being born of a new awareness is very much the way it is. EXJW Fifth channel had some good interviews with experts as well. I would be very interested to see how you present a video on this topic. My financial situation is not good right now but hope to be able to contribute to your efforts in making videos.

  • @outsidethebox704
    @outsidethebox704 2 года назад +1


  • @pennybeeflower
    @pennybeeflower 2 года назад +2

    (8:38) True about grief yet I think their is not an english word for the emotions. Death grief is understandable but when the people are still alive and use the shunning as a torture.

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +1

      I think you're correct regarding no word existing to describe the experience. I'll have to give that one a lot of thought....Hermmm.

  • @edwardjjanzen23
    @edwardjjanzen23 2 года назад +3

    what? no marsh moss? no guinness to wash down the woes of one year to echo in the next? o the shame of it! :) all levity aside; the comments regarding the high expectations of members does indeed lead to class distinctions, depression, self-loathing, suicidal thoughts, unworthiness. to be fair, however, the governing body has, in recent years, lowered their expectations in their literature as to the individual value of members; allowing for individuals to report service activity even if only 15 minutes a month, as an example.
    what i have found, however, to my dismay, is the tendency for members to judge one another as to their worthiness of association. yes, there are cliques in every religious and cultural organization. cliques are everywhere. but Jehovah's witnesses take this reality to a place where christ himself would be appauled ... to prey on their own members as persons unfit for association, and defined as either spiritually weak or spiritually immature.
    in civilized society we strongly criticize those who paint themselves as the 'high and mighty', who look down on the rest of us as being unworthy of breathing the same air. though some of them would say otherwise, a close examination of the manner in which members in the congregations of Jehovah's witnesses are treated, viewed, and spoken of; would paint an entirely different picture.
    the lives of individuals are fluid ... anyone in relationships will tell you this ... there are 'ups and downs'; times where moral support will mean much more than having 'friends' who are only there when the times are good. sadly, no so with the Jehovah's witnesses, with exceptions of course. though claiming a love for one another, very few Jehovah's witnesses actually know one another. they are bonded by their religious theology, and for the most part that's about it. yes, disasters will indeed bring out the best in them, but is this not true of most of us?
    no doubt in my mind that millions of Jehovah's witnesses are remaining so for two reasons, none of which is a love for GOD. one ... the fear of loss of family and friends two ... no where else to go. the latter reasoning is interesting but understandable considering that the life of Jehovah's witnesses is isolationist. Jehovah's witnesses are constantly told that outside their 'spiritual paradise' there is nothing but darkness and the expectation of an unfavorable judgement at armageddon.
    of the third who leave and then return to this faith system, for the vast majority of these, a love for Jehovah is not in the equation.
    it is a 'cold' world that we live in, yes indeed ... but with family and friends most of us make the best of it. but what if there are no family and friends? the world then is 'a bitter cold' indeed.
    a good piece of advice would be to take advantage of the male and family help lines that are available. finding a support group of some kind is difficult, when you really don't know anyone ... but with some honesty and diligence, one could post information on community networks or local media, and then begin to build the support system they need. you don't have to 'go it alone.' the heirarchy of Jehovah's witnesses wants you to try to make it on your own. they know, that you are likely to fail, if you do.
    with all due respect, seeking support online from ex-jehovah's witnesses is only a reminder of what it was for you as one of Jehovah's witnesses. you need to move away. you need to move on.
    what this narrator offers, however, i believe, is more of an understanding of what it is like to 'move on'; quite different than the attack dog mentality of many ex-jehovah's witnesses spouting channels on youtube. in my opinion, this channel is 'heads above the rest' in providing the viewer an empathetic response for those who are fading, or for those who are leaving, this faith system.
    i look forward to future videos.

    • @TheExjwFamily
      @TheExjwFamily  2 года назад +1

      Great points as always, Edward. I saved the March Moss and Guinness for breakfast :)
      As you point out, the JW system is effective in making people return when they try to go at it alone. They toss you out into the "cold" because they count on you coming back and "learning" your lesson. The world can be dark especially when you have no place in the world, but once one gradually gets a foothold and finds their place things begin to improve. It's so true that folks don't stay in because of their "faith" but because of fear of repercussions.
      I appreciate you highlighting our attempt to be more empathetic and understanding. We do make it a point not to harp on about the negatives. Recounting past experiences has it's place but doesn't help if it becomes the focus. Nor does focussing on the JW organization and what it is doing/has done wrong. At least imho. We want to help folks who are leaving to move on as quickly and effectively as possible and I think the best way to do that is to have a casual, relaxed, and balanced chat...like folks are sharing a cup of coffee or a pint with us. Maybe we'll offer more practical advice in future videos...but we think a laid-back conversational "style" might be more suitable.
      If we can accomplish helping folks in any capacity, that will make us happy.
      Thank you again for your kind words.