Seventh Day Adventists - David Pawson (Cults and Sects Part 1)

  • Опубликовано: 4 янв 2025

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  • @victorw2008
    @victorw2008 Год назад +10

    KJV Revelation 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

    • @paulooliveira8981
      @paulooliveira8981 Год назад +1


    • @maryhaper1543
      @maryhaper1543 Год назад +2

      @@paulooliveira8981Yes, the faith of Jesus because Jesus kept the Sabbath

    • @scrispin777
      @scrispin777 Год назад +2

      When we love our God wholeheartedly and love one another, we fulfill the Whole Law

    • @charlescampbell3895
      @charlescampbell3895 8 месяцев назад +1

      And have his testimony.

    • @danieloostendorp9286
      @danieloostendorp9286 7 месяцев назад +1

      Very confusing comments.

  • @AcademyApologia
    @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +17

    Seventh-day Adventists who are baptized believers in Adventist doctrine (28 Beliefs) are not Christian. Adventism teaches doctrines which are cursed in the bible. For example, the Adventist gospel message of 3 Angels Messages is not found in the bible and according to Gal. 1:6-9 this gospel is cursed. A church which preaches a gospel which is cursed is not Christian. Adventism is not Christian and not part of the larger Protestant Christian community.
    Galatians 1:6-9: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад +1

      According to the Bible calling one’s self a Christian is taking God’s name as it implies that the adherent is a disciple of Jesus who is the Son of God. If you do not keep God’s commandments and call yourself a Christian, you are taking His name in vain. If you are guilty of breaking any of the royal law you are a transgressor of that law and by the definition in 1 John 3:4, you are a sinner and are practicing lawlessness.
      That being said, did Jesus come to save us from our sins or to save us in our sins? You may call Adventists anything that makes you feel superior if that is what you would like to do but, we have the truth. If you don’t repent and cease from transgression, you will die in your sins. I hope for your salvation. The three angels’ messages in Revelation 14 are a special message for the people in the last days and these messages are to separate the wheat from the tares. They draw a distinction between they who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus and they that receive the mark of the beast. If you refuse the truth of God’s sabbath commandment, you will indeed render false worship.
      Numbers 26:61 KJV
      [61] And Nadab and Abihu died, when they offered strange fire before the Lord.
      Read all of Daniel 3 for a type of what is coming. Daniel and his friends refused to worship the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. This would have broken the commandments of God.
      Look, Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD
      Some thirty years after Jesus was crucified. Why then would Jesus tell His disciples the following?
      Matthew 24:20 KJV
      [20] But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
      By the way, no Christians died during the siege of Jerusalem. Why would Jesus warn them to pray that their flight be not on the sabbath day if His disciples were not supposed to be observing sabbath? Do you also believe in evolution or six literal days of creation? The Bible says clearly in Genesis 2 that God rested, blessed and sanctified the seventh day. Also, there were no Jews in Eden so we can’t call it the Jewish sabbath.
      Pray tell, if Sunday worship in lieu of sabbath is not the mark of the beast then tell us what is the mark of the beast because we don’t want to receive it. The truth is that there is no other answer. No other system fits all the criteria per the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation perfectly than the Roman Catholic church as the beast out of the sea, Mystery Babylon the great, the whore of revelation and the little horn in Daniel. All of Protestantism taught this before and are now shaking hands with Rome. Apostate Protestantism is the false prophet. And the Dragon is Satan. I am being baptized in the SDA church this sabbath and couldn’t be more secure in my relationship with the true God who I can say that I know because I keep His commandments. Glory to the Great King! I hope that you don’t think that this is an attack. Time is short and Jesus is coming soon and coming as a thief. Please consider not for my sake but for Jesus’s sake. We were bought with His blood.

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад

      @@AcademyApologia The Everlasting Gospel is part of the first angel’s message in Revelation 14. What exactly is not in tune with the Bible that you say SDA’s do or don’t believe? This church has a message to call people out of Babylon and we must have the everlasting gospel of Christ. The three angels’ messages are part of this movement to correct errors being sustained by apostate protestantism. This message is in addition to the gospel of Jesus and is in your Bible and is 180 degrees from contrary to the gospel. You are deceived. You can quote all the scriptures you want but they simply do not apply the way you want them to.
      Don’t you know that today is the day of salvation? Sin and sinners will not enter God’s kingdom.
      Revelation 21:27 KJV
      [27] And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.
      We do have grace but must put away sin and be converted by the Gospel by the Spirit and render obedience. Don’t you know that God gives His Spirit to them that obey Him?
      Acts 5:32 KJV
      [32] And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
      What did Jesus say to the woman caught in adultery? John 8:10-11 KJV
      [10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? [11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: GO, AND SIN NO MORE.
      1 John 3:2 KJV
      [2] Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
      Jesus was sin-less how can sinners be like him?
      Revelation 22:14-15 KJV
      [14] Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. [15] For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад +1

      @@AcademyApologia Yes, no need to be spiteful, I did read it. No one will believe the three angels’ messages without having first accepted Jesus the Son of God as their savior and the only name given under Heaven whereby we must be saved and that Jesus is the propitiation for our sins, our advocate, our example and of course God. You are misunderstanding the quotation to mean that the three angels’ messages are the whole of the gospel, this is not true. However, if you do not accept them, you will accept the mark of the beast.
      Indeed Noah, Paul and the other great men of God had to tailor the gospel of Christ to their day and the situation and circumstances of their day and age. Noah preached repentance unto righteousness before the flood while the ark was in building as a witness against the transgressors. Paul preached to the gentiles who were strangers to the first covenant and worshipped false gods. We in this day are called to the message of the three angels because the time is at hand. God will finish His work whether or not we are ready. This is not some new gospel as you say. It is the closing message for the Earth before Jesus comes for His people. It is a final appeal for those who will inherit salvation.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +3

      @@dontfeedthepirates Thank you for admitting the Adventist Present Truth gospel is no where found in the bible. A gospel not found in the bible is by biblical definition an "other" gospel and twice cursed:
      Galatians 1:6-9: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, *let him be accursed.* As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, *let him be accursed.*

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад +1

      @@AcademyApologia I don’t recall admitting anything of the sort rather, the three angels’ messages in Revelation 14 is present truth. Your misunderstanding and hatred of this truth has blinded you. Do you think all who humble themselves before the living God and seek Him with their whole heart are fools to believe falsehoods and do not search the scriptures to see whether these things be true or no? The truth is this: Jesus is coming and His reward is with Him to give every man according as his works shall be. We have funny names for doctrines however they are biblically sound. The most obvious is the keeping of all the commandments including the fourth commandment. It is not me you are contending with but the Word. If you reject His law you reject He who established the law. You should obey God rather than men.
      Matthew 15:8-9 KJV
      [8] This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. [9] But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

  • @reidveryan9414
    @reidveryan9414 Год назад +8

    Jesus has been sitting at the right hand of the Majesty on the high since his assension because he is king of kings and Lord of Lords.

    • @MrKopko2
      @MrKopko2 Год назад +1

      correct add biblical verse to sustain

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 Год назад +1

      Of course.
      Anyone who says differently is a weird cultist.

    • @reidveryan9414
      @reidveryan9414 Год назад +1

      @@MrKopko2 if someone wants to know the references, they can search the scriptures.

    • @dustinmackbee
      @dustinmackbee 10 месяцев назад

      Yes! Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords but He is also the/a/our High Priest so He must do the works or actions of the High Priest. Study that out and you’ll understand more of God’s Sanctuary message and what He was teaching us about the plan of Salvation for us. His plan to redeem us back to Himself, through the work of Christ as the lamb of sacrifice w/o spot or blemish.

  • @b10mom39
    @b10mom39 2 года назад +16

    I studied the sabbath ONLY from the Bible and here is a few points only from the Bible:
    1 Sabbath was not for Jews but all christians.God made it holy in Eden before the Jews existed.
    2 He made it holy by resting.
    He was not tired.He set an example for everyone calling themselves His followers.He never rested on Sunday.Jesus even in His death kept sabbath by resting in the grave on sabbath.Jesus rose and continued His work on Sunday.An example for us to work on the first day.He doesnt change sabbath from the seventh to the first day because He rose.His followers kept sabbath still 40years after He went to heaven.He would at least gave one verse in the Bible if He told His disciples to change it because He rose.
    3 Sabbath commandent begin with remember..because He knew later christians will forget His day.
    4 The sabbath commandment is repeated most of all of Gods commandment ,so obviously it is important to Him.
    Over 300 times , even in NT
    5 God says it is His 'sign' (Eseg.20:20)So what will His enemies 'sign'be?
    6 The sabbath is part of Gods 10 commandments and is not 'nailed to the cross'only the ceremonial laws was nailed to the cross.
    7 Yes the Jews made alot of their own laws for sabbath,but that still doesnt change Gods day.
    8 Finally...God is God the Creator.He gets to choose His sabbath day not us.
    If we want to honor Him we should show it by keeping His commandments

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +8

      I would have a lot to say, but for the sake of time I will just refer to one of your points. In point no 2, you explain that the Sabbath was not changed to Sunday. I agree with you. This is not the point. The point is, as believers in the New Covenant we are not under the Law. Keeping the Sabbath will never save you, only faith in Jesus will.

    • @b10mom39
      @b10mom39 2 года назад +7

      @@edifaudio3062 So that means we can start murdering people?Become adulteres?Not honor our parents?Use Gods name in vain?Bow to idols?So do we as christians keep just the commandments we like?Or do we keep all 10?If we throw out 1 we throw all of them out.The first 4 commandments you show your love to God.Sabbath is one of them.
      The last 6 is your love to your neighbor.
      Somewhere we have to choose.If we want to honor God because we love Him we have to keep all 10.That is the law we will keep in heaven as well.Im sorry but after I did a study out of the Bible alone I realized it is important to God and I love Him so I will keep His sabbath out of love for Him.
      In Matthew 5:17-18 Jesus Himself said not one jot or tittle of the law will be changed.And He didnt come to destroy the law.Verse 19 says whoever break His commandment or teach men so will be called least in heaven.So if Jesus says the law still stands, it still stands.THAT is the new covenant.He intensifies the commandments by saying even if you think of a woman in the wrong way you have sinned.That is not making the law void.It is intensifing the law.
      Revelation 22.14 says blessed are those who keep My commandments so they can enter through the gates.Just before God ends His word in the Bible He shows us back to the beginning to the law.
      The law is not made void it still stands.It is a law of love and shows Gods love for us.And sabbath is part of it and not less that any of His other laws.
      The churches teach that the new covenant is "you dont have to keep His law" but the Bible teach differently if you make a study of it.If everyone kept His law of love we would not have hurt God or each other.
      I say this respectfully, not to judge or be hurtfull ,but because we listen to much to pastors and dont study the word ourselves anymore.keeping the sabbath will not get you into heaven....but maybe Not keeping it might keep you out of heaven.You cant work youself into heaven by keeping sabbath but out of love for God you might want to receive His rest and spend time with Him on His blessed day.
      Yes only our relationship with God will save us.He hung on a cross because of His love for us maybe we can show our love for Him by trying to keep His law of love out of love not out of works or duty but love.

    • @Kevin-lw2gl
      @Kevin-lw2gl 2 года назад +3

      @@edifaudio3062 that's true, it won't save you. But the issue remains. What makes the commandment of not worshipping other gods and the commandment of the Sabbath any different from each other?
      Second, like you and many other mainstream christians who make that same point. If it's not a salvation issue, why is the reaction like we are partaking in a bad sin for wanting to observe the Sabbath? Everytime I get told I shouldn't have to keep the Sabbath when I barely said anything other than I go to church on the Seventh-day. Have you asked yourself then, why do you go to church on Sunday compared to Saturday? Why not Wednesday or Friday? Where does it say Sunday worship is a standard for all or where does it say Christians from the past and present don't or shouldn't observe the Sabbath?

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +3

      @@b10mom39 You are asking the same question that Paul asked in Romans 6:
      "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
      God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?"
      The answer is, of course not. When we are truly born again, we do not want to sin and we do not live in sin (we are dead/free from sin). Although we do sin sometimes as we have not attained perfection yet, but God is sanctifying us as we grow.
      Now, if you keep the Sabbath out of love for God, this is your choice and I totally respect that. But no one can say that not keeping it might keep you out of heaven, because the Bible never says that.
      For me, I spend time with God every day, I do not need a special day, nor do I believe God requires it from me. This is from my own study of the Bible as well. I have never read Ellen White as the Bible does not mention a special prophet that is to come after Christ. I have read the whole Bible several times and study it every day.
      God bless you.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +3

      @@Kevin-lw2gl Because you do not keep the Sabbath, does not mean that you go and bow down to other gods. I am not sure I understand your first question...
      Observing the Sabbath should be a choice issue. Even though the Bible does not tell New Covenant believers to keep the Sabbath, it doesn't forbid them to either. You can choose to worship God any day you want. In fact, ideally it should be every day. Why wait for one specific day?
      The problem is not going to church on Saturday or Sunday, the problem is when you tell others that going to church on a Sunday is the mark of the beast and will keep them out of heaven. This is doing the work of the enemy who is the accuser of the brethren.

  • @jandelavega
    @jandelavega 2 года назад +20

    The 6 pm to 6 pm Sabbath observance is regional. As a child growing up Adventist, we always kept the Sabbath from sundown Friday evening until sundown Saturday evening.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +5

      You can choose to live under and in obedience to the “obsolete” Old Testament law (Heb. 8:13), but in doing so you are under a “curse” (Gal 3:10-11). I choose not to live under the "ministry of death carved in letters of stone" (II Cor. 3:7) as you so proudly declare. Enjoy the curse of choosing to live under the ministry of death while following an obsolete covenant.
      --------------------------------------- // REFERENCES // ---------------------------------------
      Hebrews 8:13 In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.
      Galatians 3:10-11 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them." Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for "The righteous shall live by faith."
      2 Corinthians 3:7 Now if the ministry of death, carved in letters on stone, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses' face because of its glory, which was being brought to an end

    • @MountCarmel007
      @MountCarmel007 2 года назад +4

      ​@@AcademyApologia If you worship on Sundays as your Sabbath, you're in violation of the 4th Commandment found in Exodus 20v8-11.
      Sunday Worship was created by Satan as a counterfeit to the real Sabbath. Read Revelation 12v9.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +3

      @@MountCarmel007 OK, I am in violation of the 4th commandment. Now tell me where there is a penalty for Christian Sabbath breaking. That verse is???

    • @republiccooper
      @republiccooper 2 года назад +6

      @@MountCarmel007 I think Satan has better things to do than to change the days people worship. When I observed the Sabbath, I found the Spirit of the Lord suddenly seemed distant. So I moved back to the Sunday and consider it one of the best things I've done in my entire life.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      "VINCENT NDEMA" now.... you've exposed yourself at a troll.
      The fact that you respond with the same copy and paste comment, shows how this account uses "bot" like tactics.
      It's game over. Troll

  • @hansbylewis2144
    @hansbylewis2144 Год назад +3

    What you are saying can be found in the early writings of E G. White.
    If they be blind be leaders of the blind. They will fall in the ditch.

    • @cindiloowhoo1166
      @cindiloowhoo1166 11 месяцев назад

      Such a lovely Christian thought ~~ Said with all The Love of The Lord ~~~

  • @maryhaper1543
    @maryhaper1543 Год назад +6

    The speaker mentioned that Seventh-day Adventists Church has over 5,000 schools and many hospitals even in Muslim countries….He forgot to say that the church also has the (ADRA) Adventist Development Relief Agency in over 130 countries bringing help to the most in need ….. the church also has over 75 publishing houses all over the world and Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries etc., worldwide ……" Therefore by their fruits you will know them." Matthew 7: 20

    • @thenowchurch6419
      @thenowchurch6419 Год назад

      The Roman Catholic church has much more hospitals, schools and relief agencies.
      I guess they must be the true church with such fruit!

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  Год назад +7

      This was recorded decades ago, so numbers may not be correct today.

    • @FiveCHMP
      @FiveCHMP Год назад +4

      Jehovas witnesses share the gospel, probably gives a ton of money etc. so does this also correlate?

  • @JTRoman777
    @JTRoman777 26 дней назад

    The sound quality is HORRIBLE

  • @sarah90533
    @sarah90533 2 года назад +3

    Issues not very clear. U seem to be drifting from the microphone

    • @dee4174
      @dee4174 2 года назад +2

      This is an old recording. Live in a classroom and probably on tape. David Pawson went to be with the Lord in 2020.

  • @justinchamberlain3443
    @justinchamberlain3443 2 года назад +12

    Thank you for uploading this!! It’s so frustrating that other channels took these videos down! He had a video presentation before that was on RUclips but I guess you could only get the audio version? Any chance of getting the video version as well?

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +1

      Thanks. Sorry, I don't have the video.

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 2 года назад +2

      @Edit Audio
      Thank you for this download

    • @justinchamberlain3443
      @justinchamberlain3443 Год назад

      @@edifaudio3062 Thank you for all your work in posting these teachings from his website to youtube; they are an absolute gold mine! What a wonderful man of God he was. Thank you so much!

  • @sarah90533
    @sarah90533 2 года назад +18

    We actually need to diffentiate between Ellen white and the bible. As an Adventist, I have never heard anyone say that we read g White books in the place of the bible. The issue of investigative judgement, death and sabbath are issues in the bible.

    • @Kevin-lw2gl
      @Kevin-lw2gl 2 года назад +2

      As an Adventist, I unfortunately have met some fellow SDAs that do use Ellen White as scripture. To make things worse, back in June this year I had a new colleague of mine ask if she could join us for church (since she was new in town and wanted to explore for a church. She was not a SDA). Well, she went to church with us and unfortunately it was one of the most disgraceful and heretical sermons I've ever heard. The brother who preached was quoting Ellen White along with scripture and the whole sermon was about why competition is a sin (because Ellen White said it was similar to Satan competing against God). The embarrassment of our guest having to witness that and also having to talk to her the following week about it was shameful. She even admitted that after that she wouldn't want to come back, and I don't blame her. My pastor actually called me within that week because he was out of town that day and learned about our guest being there. The following Sabbath the pastor and one of the deacons gave a brief apology for the last week's sermon. I'm glad they recognized the error, but the issues with Ellen White being somehow THE source that every Adventist should consult is absurd to me. I see this to be the case primarily with the older generations tho.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      Do your homework 🧐...
      Vow #8: "I ACCEPT the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the IDENTIFYING MARKS of the REMNANT CHURCH."
      NOW.....let's see what Fundamental Belief #18 has to say about the IDENTIFYING MARK....
      The gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH and was "MANIFESTED" in the ministry of ELLEN G. WHITE. we see that as a member of the REMNANT CHURCH you "MUST" VOW(promise) to ACCEPT the IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH which was MANIFESTED through ELLEN G WHITE'S writings...... THEREFORE YOU "MUST" ACCEPT HER WRITINGS....
      NOW....let's see what ELLEN G WHITE had to say about her OWN authority...
      We "MUST" follow the directions given through the Spirit of Prophecy [Mrs. White's writings]. ... God has spoken to us through His Word. He has spoken to us through the Testimonies to the church and through the books that have helped to make plain our present duty and the position that we should now occupy." (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 298)
      So here she makes it clear that you MUST follow her directions
      That's placing her EQUAL to scripture

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      Do your homework 🧐...
      Vow #8: "I ACCEPT the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the IDENTIFYING MARKS of the REMNANT CHURCH."
      NOW.....let's see what Fundamental Belief #18 has to say about the IDENTIFYING MARK....
      The gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH and was "MANIFESTED" in the ministry of ELLEN G. WHITE. we see that as a member of the REMNANT CHURCH you "MUST" VOW(promise) to ACCEPT the IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH which was MANIFESTED through ELLEN G WHITE'S writings...... THEREFORE YOU "MUST" ACCEPT HER WRITINGS....
      NOW....let's see what ELLEN G WHITE had to say about her OWN authority...
      We "MUST" follow the directions given through the Spirit of Prophecy [Mrs. White's writings]. ... God has spoken to us through His Word. He has spoken to us through the Testimonies to the church and through the books that have helped to make plain our present duty and the position that we should now occupy." (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 298)
      So here she makes it clear that you MUST follow her directions
      That's placing her EQUAL to scripture

    • @sarah90533
      @sarah90533 2 года назад +1

      @@Kevin-lw2gl those are misunderstandings that can be ironed out. We never get issues the same way

    • @Kevin-lw2gl
      @Kevin-lw2gl 2 года назад

      @@sarah90533 I've heard some Ellen White opinions that are quite out there but that was perhaps the most shocking of them all. Luckily it's the only time I've heard something like that, but also very glad the church leaders recognized the flaw.

  • @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp
    @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp 2 года назад +8

    The SDAs believe that the law today is still in force ..That by "fulfilling" them as Jesus stated at the beginning of His Ministry..Not to end them..
    So when Paul was going around to all the far away synagogues explaining the Gospel, why did the people..rabbis..judges etc. get so upset at Paul..
    If Paul was saying that the law was still in full force and effect, why did the people of the synagogues throw Paul into jail and beat him..
    Because Paul was "reasoning" to them that the law had come to an end..That a New Gospel of Grace and been created at the Death Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ..The Promised Messiah!!
    And the people of the area didn't believe Paul..Most of the letters that Paul wrote was when he had a lot of time while sitting in a jail cell with chains on his feet..
    If Paul was saying that the law was still active, then the people would have greeted him as a friend..But Paul's message was rejected..

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 7 дней назад

      If the law or Ten Commandments is not important could you explain to me Revelation 14: 12.?

    • @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp
      @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp 7 дней назад

      Galatians 3:10-11 For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them." Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for "The righteous shall live by faith."
      We are not talking about the 10Cs in Rev 14:12...As Paul clearly said, the law is obsolete..We are under a new covenant..The law and the old covenant is passed..
      We have new commandments..Love your neighbor as yourself and love God with all your soul, heart and mind..
      You break the sabbath, just showing up at the building you go to..In Numbers 15, shows the story of a man stepping out of his house..
      and for that small act, he was stoned..
      Your attempt at "keeping" the sabbath, fails!!
      Thank You Jesus for creating a new covenant..The old covenant was such a terrible thing to live under..1 mistake of breaking any of the 10Cs and you were stoned!!

  • @beautymakeovers3427
    @beautymakeovers3427 2 месяца назад

    David Pawson should have turned the comments off this sermon no one wants to read people’s comments everyone is entitled to their own opinions..but I trust his messages for he was a true man of God!

  • @Mr.Pennington
    @Mr.Pennington 2 года назад +4

    No where in scripture does it say Christians changed the sabbath to sunday. What evidence is there sunday is the Lords day? History shows it was Constantine than "thought to change" it.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +2

      Adventists state that Emperor Constantine introduced the first Sunday Law (28 Beliefs, p. 299) in 321 A.D. Meaning, prior to 321 A.D., Adventists believed the Christian world observed Saturday as the day of worship, not Sunday. Adventists suddenly find credibility in the Catholic Church and cite their admission they changed the Sabbath. Since when do Adventists place trust in “The Synagogue of Satan” (1), I know, when they need to find approval for their unbiblical doctrines.
      The Adventist theological position citing 321 A.D. as the point in which the Christian world switched from Saturday to Sunday has been disproven due to the discovery of a first century document discovered in 1875 or 12 years after the official founding of the Seventh-day Adventist organization.
      In a Jerusalem Monastery was found one of the most historically significant manuscripts hiding in plain sight as was the Codex Sinaitcus of Mount Sanai. The Didache is a first century Christian noncanonical document also known as the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” which shows that the first century church worshiped on Sunday. Constantine can’t change what was already in place.
      The Didache was discovered by Greek Archbishop Bryennios in 1875. Archbishop Bryennios resided in Constantinople (2) and due to the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878) (2) he was finally afforded an opportunity to examine the text in 1878 and published his findings in 1883 (3). The Didache is dated to the first century, makes no claim of Apostolic authority, but is a record of the practices in the first century Christian church.
      One of those practices is recorded in chapter 14 and verse one, which is:
      “And on the Lord’s Day of the Lord come together, and break bread, and give thanks, having before confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure.” (4)
      A document found in 1875 has just rendered the Seventh-day Adventist theological statement that Constantine changed the Sabbath in 321 A.D. to be a gross historical and theological error. Since the publication of the Didache in 1883, Adventism has again been shown to be false.
      --------------------------------------- //REFERENCES// ---------------------------------------
      1. “What happened generally in the churches of the United States in 1844, however, is only a microcosm, or partial fulfillment, of the macrocosm, or final and full fulfillment, of the second angel's message that is yet to come. A study of Revelation 12 to 18 reveals that Babylon is "the synagogue of Satan," his counterfeit of the true Christian church. It has its antecedents in paganism. Paganism gradually infiltrated the church, was "baptized," and Roman Catholicism was the result of the union.”
      Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. “Babylon is Fallen” 14 October 1976, p. 14
      2. Schaff, Phillip. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles or the Oldest Church Manual The Didache or Kindred Documents in the Original with Translations and Discussion of post-apostolic teaching Baptism Worship and Discipline and with Illustration and fac-similes of the Jerusalem Manuscript.” New York: Funk & Wagnalls Publishers, 1889, p. 8
      3. Ibid; p. 9
      4. Ibid, p. 208-209

    • @JustKiddingYTJK
      @JustKiddingYTJK Год назад

      After resurrection, disciples used to meet on Sundays to sing hymns and break bread.

    • @Mr.Pennington
      @Mr.Pennington Год назад

      @@JustKiddingYTJK so because they had potluck one day, the law of God written on stone wirh His own finger can be done away with? No.

    • @Mr.Pennington
      @Mr.Pennington Год назад

      @@AcademyApologiacertain jews are the synagogue of satan, rome/the mother church is "the mother of harlots": the socalled holy see is the unholy beast from the sea

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia Год назад

      @@Mr.Pennington Your answer to my lengthy comment shows that Adventist is intellectually and biblically bankrupt. The Didache, which you did not address, destroys any notion of a changed Sabbath.

  • @jamesbishop8101
    @jamesbishop8101 4 месяца назад

    Was doing well until 12:57 first misnomer.

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +11

    Sir, please read: Ecclesiastes chapter 12: 13,
    Hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear God, and keep His commandments, for this is the whole Duty of man, for God shall bring every work into judgement, good or evil,

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +2

      Do you keep the ten commandments daily"?"

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      Didn't think so😏🤫🤐

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +5

      @@nicetry620 now Joel, I have trying not to engage in no vain discussion's, about God, God is God, and who is me to dig into His plans for His creation, I just except what the Bible says, and I don't question ❓ it the Bible was before me, and I thank God for the Bible, and no debating over God , He is God.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      This account is a straight troll account, responding with irrelevant comment to the questions asked, to avoid being refuted....
      Yet you come on this platform making claims about others, without any facts through scripture to back it up.
      Last I checked the apostles DEBATED against those teaching a different gospel and ultimately died for doing so in the name of Jesus...
      Yet here you are playing confusion tactics with your irrelevant arguments cowardly avoiding questions that you can't answer

    • @paulooliveira8981
      @paulooliveira8981 Год назад


  • @danmurray3337
    @danmurray3337 2 года назад +27

    Very interesting teaching on how the SDA movement came about… shame about the misunderstanding and teaching about the Sabbath though. It’s not an Ellen G White theory, it’s a command and a blessing to from our Father in heaven in which Yeshua/Jesus said he is Lord of. Of course 1st century believers kept the sabbath! Just because the NT mentions they met on the first day of the week (which is in fact a very poor and misleading translation, it actually translates first day from Sabbath) does not nullify the fact that they rested and worship on Shabbat. May Father open up the eyes of His people on this matter, as it says in Isaiah, that we may learn to delight on His holy day 😊 and for the record , I’m not an SDA, blessings in Messiah all who may stumble over this comment

    • @Kevin-lw2gl
      @Kevin-lw2gl 2 года назад +9

      Exactly! Disregard Ellen White for a second, I always ask fellow Christians who tell me I don't have to observe the Sabbath the following:
      Where does it say in scripture that I cannot partake nor observe the Sabbath? Where does it say I should not observe it? Where does it say the Sabbath became void? And where does it give us the commandment to observe Sunday as the proper day of Christian worship?
      Usually when I ask these questions I get two reactions: 1) They either stay silent and don't confront me further, or 2) Their ego takes over and they start by calling me brainwashed and a fake Christian for wanting to keep the Sabbath 'because Jesus made that void on the cross.' Which again, I ask them: "Give me the verse that says that to be the case."

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      I see you mentioned that you usually get two reactions from people on this platform🤔....
      It seems as though you return the very same far I've received the first reaction from you.... staying silent🤫

    • @Kevin-lw2gl
      @Kevin-lw2gl 2 года назад

      @@nicetry620 that's a lot of words without saying anything relevant. Care to elaborate what's contradictory?

    • @mistiroberts1576
      @mistiroberts1576 2 года назад +2

      Where does it say that in the New Testament?

    • @ProjectOverseer
      @ProjectOverseer 2 года назад +7

      Saturday is the Sabbath. The papacy changed it to Sunday - which isn't God's day. God's commandments are unchangeable, and the Pope is NOT God!

    @ADVENTFRAUDSQUAD Год назад +1

    Isaiah 65:17 (NKJV) "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; And the former shall not be remembered or come to mind. -memorial of creation... CANCELLED!

  • @ronaldjones6920
    @ronaldjones6920 6 месяцев назад

    The tin commandments say Saturday is the sabbath who can deny that, so what's wrong with somebody worshipping on the sabbath? Please tell me Christ said he didn't come to change 15 commandments.

  • @comfortmarthaoginuche806
    @comfortmarthaoginuche806 Год назад +7

    Grt msg thank you LORD i will never stop searching for deep understanding of the word of God, i no longer go to any church for now, i prefer to have very deep knowledge of the word of God and good relationships with my father God

    • @sikhangelesibanda4589
      @sikhangelesibanda4589 Год назад +6

      Please try to go to church and help others also with the knowledge God will give you

  • @jbontregor6717
    @jbontregor6717 2 года назад +2

    Thirteen minutes in and too many inaccuracies concerning SDA history. Note: I’m a former baptist, turned non-denominational evangelical, turned Adventist. I know the history and have read it straight from the original sources…this is inaccurate.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +1

      What exactly is inaccurate? Do you have an example?

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      "J Bontregor" if you don't respond back to the first comment, this shows that it's another troll account, in which a claim is made without any form of justification

    • @jbontregor6717
      @jbontregor6717 2 года назад +1

      @Brian Hu I’m a busy man…and have little time to write/reply to comments. Especially for the purpose of arguing with those who have no interest in the truth of the matter. And you, Brian Hu…who vouch for this presentation in its entirety (as a former SDA)…it only shows your great ignorance in the details relating to the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

    • @partlysimpson5154
      @partlysimpson5154 11 месяцев назад

      People always fight over religion, jesus is the truth

  • @dontfeedthepirates
    @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад +7

    By the commandments we know sin, God will not save you in your sins. Keep His commandments, they are the standard of righteousness.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +4

      "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
      But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
      Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference" (Romans 3:20-22)
      Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (Romans 3:28)
      "justified" = made righteous. The Bible tells us clearly that righteousness is by faith in Christ and not by obeying the law.

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад +1

      @@edifaudio3062 Psalm 119:172 KJV
      [172] My tongue shall speak of thy word: for all thy commandments are righteousness.
      John 17:17 KJV
      [17] Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
      John 14:15 KJV
      [15] If ye love me, keep my commandments.
      1 John 2:3-4 KJV
      [3] And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. [4] He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
      Revelation 22:14 KJV
      [14] Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
      Mark 12:29-34 KJV
      [29] And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: [30] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. [31] And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. [32] And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: [33] And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. [34] And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after that durst ask him any question.
      The two great commandments are the two tables written in stone by the finger of God.
      The first four teach us to love God.
      The last six teach us to love our neighbor as ourself.
      Of course I believe in righteousness by faith alone and not justification by works of the law. I keep His commandments because as a subject of His kingdom I obey His law and all of his commandments are righteousness.

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад

      @@edifaudio3062 Matthew 7:21-23 KJV
      [21] Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. [22] Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? [23] And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
      Matthew 25:41 KJV
      What is iniquity?
      Strong's Concordance
      anomia: lawlessness
      Original Word: ἀνομία, ας, ἡ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
      Transliteration: anomia
      Phonetic Spelling: (an-om-ee'-ah)
      Definition: lawlessness
      Usage: lawlessness, iniquity, disobedience, sin.
      HELPS Word-studies
      458 anomía (from 1 /A "not" and 3551 /nómos, "law") - properly, without law;
      lawlessness; the utter disregard for God's law (His written and living Word).
      458 /anomía ("lawlessness") includes the end-impact of law breaking
      2 Timothy 2:19 KJV
      [19] Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +4

      @@dontfeedthepirates I agree with you in principle. However, in the New Covenant we are not under the Law of Moses, but the Law of Christ (which does not include Sabbath observance). The Law of Moses was addressed to the Israelites under the Old Covenant and was fulfilled by Christ.
      We are now called to walk in the Spirit and love one another. This is our commandment, which standard is actually higher than the Law of Moses (see sermon on the Mount).
      "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself...
      But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law...
      But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."
      (Galatians 5:13-14, 18, 22-23)

    • @dontfeedthepirates
      @dontfeedthepirates 2 года назад

      I know that you mean well and that I love about you. You must understand that the hour of temptation is coming.
      Revelation 3:10 KJV
      [10] Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
      This is in reference to the final test of those who will receive the mark of the beast and those who receive the seal of God.
      Please understand that I contend with you in love and have a burden for God’s people. If you do not know what the mark is, you will miss it. God’s commandments are separate from the Law of Moses insomuch as they were placed outside of the ark of the covenant. The two tables written by God with His own finger are the moral law of the Ten Commandments and were placed inside the ark which was during the tabernacle/1rst temple period, the Earthly throne of God. Only the Law of Moses was abolished as Jesus fulfilled it on the cross.
      Jeremiah 31:31-33 KJV
      [31] Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: [32] Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord : [33] But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
      By your reasoning, grace would not be needed because where there is no law, there is no sin.
      Revelation 3:10 KJV
      [10] Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
      This promise was given to the Church of Philadelphia which I believe ended in 1844.
      We are now under the message to the Church of Laodicea. (Judging the people)
      Word Origin
      from laos and diké
      Laodicea, a city in Phrygia
      laos: the people
      Original Word: λαός, οῦ, ὁ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
      Transliteration: laos
      Phonetic Spelling: (lah-os')
      Definition: the people
      Usage: (a) a people, characteristically of God's chosen people, first the Jews, then the Christians, (b) sometimes, but rarely, the people, the crowd.
      diké: right (as self-evident), justice (the principle, a decision or its execution)
      Original Word: δίκη, ης, ἡ
      Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
      Transliteration: diké
      Phonetic Spelling: (dee'-kay)
      Definition: right (as self-evident), justice (the principle, a decision or its execution)
      Usage: (a) (originally: custom, usage) right, justice, (b) process of law, judicial hearing, (c) execution of sentence, punishment, penalty, (d) justice, vengeance.
      This means that the hour of temptation will come in this (our) time.
      Those who receive the mark of the beast will not be saved. The message for our time is:
      Revelation 18:4-5 KJV
      [4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. [5] For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.видео.html
      I am praying for you. Please watch this and understand that I am not trying to convert you, rather to help you with all love in Christ. I, in no way believe a man to be justified by keeping the law but by faith in Christ. I would love to share more with you.

  • @lazarusndazaro2933
    @lazarusndazaro2933 2 года назад +3

    1. If my country alone counts 1.7 million of 7th Day Adventists (based on national census 2002), how could global total members be 1.5 million?
    2. There may be some misinterpretation of Luke 23:43. The Greek original version does not have ponctuation and one can put the coma anywhere in the text "Verily I say unto thee, today shalt thou be with me in paradise" (KJV) could also be written "Verily I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise". Meaning, I say unto thee now, ...

    • @jandelavega
      @jandelavega 2 года назад

      I believe it’s around 15 or 16 million world membership. Maybe more by 2022.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +2

      1. This was recorded many years ago, so numbers would have been different then.
      2. I understand there is no punctuation in the original text and both interpretations are possible. I know 'soul sleep' is a seventh day adventist belief, but being a secondary issue, I don't think this is relevant to the main topic of this talk...

    • @Godssboy
      @Godssboy 2 года назад +1

      This sermon/teaching was probably about 38-45 years ago judging by other messages preached at about the time this series was done.

    • @JustKiddingYTJK
      @JustKiddingYTJK Год назад

      Lazarus Ndazaro changing the Bible wording to distort meaning is blasphemy! Ellen White contradicting the Scripture is blasphemy too.

  • @venisiliva5675
    @venisiliva5675 10 месяцев назад

    There is no good ending in this argument. If we serve the living Lord Jesus Christ and believe that God raised him out of the grave.
    My only simple thought is wait until Jesus return so that we will all find out from Jesus himself the truth.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 7 дней назад

      God gave us His Word and Bible prophecy for now, because of the severe and almost imperceptible deceptions that will abound at this time, just prior to His return. Jesus warned us to be aware of deception in particular in this age, and repeated that warning three times in Matthew 24. That is why we need clarity, and thorough Bible study, at this time.

  • @ellyedwards8856
    @ellyedwards8856 9 месяцев назад

    Mark 15: 42 refers to Jesus being crucified on Friday, the day before the Sabbath.

  • @francisfabian6577
    @francisfabian6577 Год назад

    John 14:15.. Jesus commands us to keep His commandments.
    2Timothy 3:16 is worthy of reading. ..
    Finally,let's not do vain
    discussion,rather apply 2Tim.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  Год назад

      "Jesus commands us to keep His commandments." Correct.
      Where did Jesus command his followers to keep the Sabbath?

  • @janetdavidson8798
    @janetdavidson8798 2 года назад +3

    God created the New Testament for a reason ! It's the new covenant that we live by . SDA'S seem stuck in the Old Testament . Colossians 2 :16 God's greatest commandments , Matthew 22 : 36-40 .

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 7 дней назад

      All scripture is given for inspiration reproof and correction.

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 7 дней назад

      No, this is a global error today regarding the SDA faith! We believe in salvation by accepting Christ as our personal Saviour - that is justification, just as the Bible explains and just how Sunday-keepers believe. But we also believe in the Biblical doctrine of sanctification, which can only be obtained through co-operating with Christ in endeavouring to uphold and practice His commandments (and that means all 10 of them, not just 9 excluding the 7th day Sabbath, which is actually what Sunday-keeping Christians are in fact doing!). All of this is revealed in thorough study of the Word. Obedience to God's commandments, the Moral Law, is essential if we want to continue through sanctification to be prepared for Christ's soon return - and it is ONLY through the impartation of the Holy Spirit that human beings can in fact keep the Law, for all our own 'righteousnesses' are as filthy rags, just as again the Bible states. We in our sinful humanity are not ABLE to keep the Law perfectly, but in Christ and receiving His power to do so, we defiitely are enabled to do so, and go on to then to moral character perfection. The necessity for obedience is taught consistently throughout God's Word from Genesis to Revelation - it's just that humanity and especially most of Christianity today has forgotten this, sad to say.

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676
    @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676 Год назад +2

    2 Timothy Chapter 4
    3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
    4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    One thing you will find these lost cults are guilty of is they have been turned away from the truth and turned unto fables.

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Год назад

      i know like OSAS or sunday sabbath. rampant!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Год назад +1

      @@Jamie-Russell-CME quote----i know like OSAS or sunday sabbath. rampant--unquote
      Sabbath is NEVER called sunday sabbath, or Jewish Sabbath!!!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Год назад +1

      quote---2 Timothy Chapter 4
      3For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
      4And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
      One thing you will find these lost cults are guilty of is they have been turned away from the truth and turned unto fables. unquote
      ARe you talking about the SDA's???

  • @snavocejnr2570
    @snavocejnr2570 Год назад +1

    Attending the Sixth Day Adventist,is like attending a Muslim mosque with all white clothes line up to on Friday

    • @ArthurC-q6k
      @ArthurC-q6k Год назад

      Have you ever been to an SDA church? What foolishness is coming out of your mouth? No one is forced to wear white clothes to church, you just have to come to church dressed smartly regardless of colour of clothing.

  • @FlyingGentile
    @FlyingGentile 4 месяца назад

    23:57 they do not accept any "historic" creeds.

  • @eliphasphiri4090
    @eliphasphiri4090 Год назад +3

    Jesus puts the denominator in denomination ✝️

  • @sarah90533
    @sarah90533 2 года назад +8

    Just do enough bible study pliz. If the sabbath was changed to Sunday, pliz quote the verse. the issue of pope is not an Ellen white issue. All reformers including Martin Luther alluded to it extensively

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +5

      No where does he say that the Sabbath was changed to Sunday. Please listen carefully.

    • @sarah90533
      @sarah90533 2 года назад

      Unless u didn't get it. He is clear on this, that the new convenant observes the lord's day bse of resurrection. My request therefore is do we have biblical evidence where Christ instructed us so?

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +3

      @@sarah90533 that's not what he said. They do not "observe" the Lord's Day. In fact they were working on that day. They met early in the morning and late at night.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +3

      Do your homework, the pope and Ellen G White have the same authority over the church.
      And Ellen G White makes the fourth commandment a point of salvation, therefore work based.

    • @sarah90533
      @sarah90533 2 года назад

      We have never and will never put g White in the place of the Almighty pliz. If u don't know, pliz don't assume. Pliz interprete the commands as they are, I don't know if it's ok for u to steal since we now live in the new convenant?

  • @PavelMosko
    @PavelMosko Год назад +3

    This speaker is way too nice describing Adventist doctrines as being "orthodox", that they "accept the creeds" and so on. The "pioneers" of Adventism were heretical semi-Arians and Arians. The current Adventist church has been gaming orthodox Protestants since the 1950s with their "Questions on Doctrine" book and later Ecumenical efforts. Adventists are not truly orthodox, they are Tri theists, and got Arian ideas concerning the Trinity. They only embraced the term "Trinity" in the 1980s and that was because they realized it was a handy term to promote their church with. The Adventist Trinity is not the Trinity of the Nicene creed but a "heavenly trio" of 3 beings united in common cause.
    The big problem is Adventists are too good at learning the buzzwords of a particular person like Walter Martin (Kingdom of the Cults) so they come off looking much better than they truly are doctrinally. It is like a theological version of "neurolinguistic programming"". This is definitely one of those "Devil in the Details" kinds of things.
    Besides this Adventism is caught between "serving two masters". While Adventists want to be accepted by other Christians and often play down all the Ellen White stuff, they still got to keep their historic Adventist distinctives and those distinctives are at odds with everything the rest of Christianity stands for. So in the end this makes for a lot of passive aggressive legalism and proselytization, of them oscillating between wanting to be accepted by you to wanting to brainwash you to their side.

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 7 дней назад

      We only want to be accepted by God through his son Jesus the Messiah. I am a proud SDA and we don’t care what the world thinks about us. The scripture says be in the world but not of the world. Who cares what other religion thinks about us. Our Religion is in 215 countries in the world.

    • @donnaroberts4513
      @donnaroberts4513 7 дней назад

      You are criticizing Ellen G White. What books did you read from her? Adventist don’t want to follow the Catholic Church and it’s teachings. Sunday worship and State of the dead. Those other Religions cannot even interpret prophecy so why bother with them.

    • @PavelMosko
      @PavelMosko 7 дней назад

      @@donnaroberts4513 I have been exposed to Trillions and Trillions more Ellen White quotes and readings than have been exposed to the Church Fathers. Nicene Creed and other things that I look to as a standard of Christian Orthodoxy.

  • @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp
    @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp 2 года назад +4

    The Jewish calendar that determines all of the holidays and festivals..Hanukkah , Yom Kipper shows that the cleansing of the sanctuary would have been scheduled for Sept 23 1844..
    Not Oct 22!! So not only was this prediction of our Lord coming back was wrong but so was the date!!
    So this "great disappointment" is even more so because they don't even have the right date!!
    Miller asked a couple of Jews to set the date of the cleansing if the temple service was still in effect..And they got the date wrong..Wow what a great way to start a cult..

    • @Jamie-Russell-CME
      @Jamie-Russell-CME Год назад

      sept 23 is wrong but the year is what matters. we dont keep the jewish calendar for anything

    • @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp
      @MichaelJohnson-cm4wp Год назад

      @@Jamie-Russell-CME No you are wrong..Any decent Jewish Lunar calendar that you download will clearly show that Sept 23-1844 would have been Yom Kipper for that year..
      So while all of the Millerites were on their rooftops with their white robes looking skywards, the date had long passed!!
      Yom Kipper never is in the October month of the Gregorian calendar..
      It would be like saying passover occurring in July..It just doesn't happen..
      Miller hired 2 Jewish rabies to help him settle the final day..When the sanctuary would be cleansed..And they messed up by a whole month..
      Your SAD organization has it's root in the Lunar calendar..Everything that your organization is from the beginning started on a false prophesy, a false date and a VERY false prophet that NEVER got a future prophesy correct..There a multiple sites that catalog all of her "Wrong Again" attempts..
      Open your eyes..Don't harden your heart!!

  • @southhillfarm2795
    @southhillfarm2795 2 года назад +6

    At around 34 minutes David Pawson takes the position that Sunday or the first day of the week was always kept by Christians. Yet historical documents show otherwise. In the 2nd century there were people within the Christian church that wanted to be distinct from the Jews and the one obvious way was to keep Sunday as the day of worship. Why Sunday, why not Friday or Monday. Sunday was the worship day of the sun which was a very predominant religion of time especially with Romans. It was the perfect day to create more converts to the Christian religion and to create a distinction from the Jews. It was actually Emperor Constantine that officially imposed Sunday as a day of worship on account of his conviction to Christianity. Many Christians did not follow this edict and had to go undergorund to protect their understanding of Gods principles. Sabbath is actually more orthodox and biblical than Sunday will every be. The sabbath is given to humanity by God himself as a sign of his creation and love for his creations where as Sunday is an imposed human law based on compromise for power.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +1

      These are some Bible references for the first day of the week: Acts 20:7 and 1 Corinthians 16:2.
      Also the Didache (early Christian historical document - about 90AD) says that early Christians assembled and broke bread on the Lord's Day (1st day of the week).
      Which historical documents are you referring to please?

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +3

      Meaning, prior to 321 A.D., Adventists believed the Christian world observed Saturday as the day of worship, not Sunday. Adventists suddenly find credibility in the Catholic Church and cite their admission they changed the Sabbath. Since when do Adventists place trust in “The Synagogue of Satan” (1), I know, when they need to find approval for their unbiblical doctrines.
      The Adventist theological position citing 321 A.D. as the point in which the Christian world switched from Saturday to Sunday has been disproven due to the discovery of a first century document discovered in 1875 or 12 years after the official founding of the Seventh-day Adventist organization.
      In a Jerusalem Monastery was found one of the most historically significant manuscripts hiding in plain sight as was the Codex Sinaitcus of Mount Sanai. The Didache is a first century Christian noncanonical document also known as the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” which shows that the first century church worshiped on Sunday. Constantine can’t change what was already in place.
      The Didache was discovered by Greek Archbishop Bryennios in 1875. Archbishop Bryennios resided in Constantinople (2) and due to the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878) (2) he was finally afforded an opportunity to examine the text in 1878 and published his findings in 1883 (3). The Didache is dated to the first century, makes no claim of Apostolic authority, but is a record of the practices in the first century Christian church.
      One of those practices is recorded in chapter 14 and verse one, which is:
      “And on the Lord’s Day of the Lord come together, and break bread, and give thanks, having before confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure.” (4)
      A document found in 1875 has just rendered the Seventh-day Adventist theological statement that Constantine changed the Sabbath in 321 A.D. to be a gross historical and theological error. Since the publication of the Didache in 1883, Adventism has again been shown to be false.
      1. “What happened generally in the churches of the United States in 1844, however, is only a microcosm, or partial fulfillment, of the macrocosm, or final and full fulfillment, of the second angel's message that is yet to come. A study of Revelation 12 to 18 reveals that Babylon is "the synagogue of Satan," his counterfeit of the true Christian church. It has its antecedents in paganism. Paganism gradually infiltrated the church, was "baptized," and Roman Catholicism was the result of the union.”
      Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. “Babylon is Fallen” 14 October 1976, p. 14
      2. Schaff, Phillip. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles or the Oldest Church Manual The Didache or Kindred Documents in the Original with Translations and Discussion of post-apostolic teaching Baptism Worship and Discipline and with Illustration and fac-similes of the Jerusalem Manuscript.” New York: Funk & Wagnalls Publishers, 1889, p. 8
      3. Ibid; p. 9
      4. Ibid, p. 208-209

    • @ProjectOverseer
      @ProjectOverseer 2 года назад +1

      You are correct. This man doesn't know what he's talking about. I hear no understanding as well as a stereotypical standpoint.
      Where in Bible (KJV) does it say Saturday is the Sabbath?
      No other day has ever been sanctified as the day of rest. The Sabbath Day begins at sundown on Friday and ends at sundown on Saturday. Genesis 2:1-3; Exodus 20:8-11; Isaiah 58:13-14; 56:1-8; Acts 17:2; Acts 18:4, 11; Luke 4:16; Mark 2:27-28; Matthew 12:10-12; Hebrews 4:1-11; Genesis 1:5, 13-14; Nehemiah 13:19.
      (As mentioned, the Pope (little Horn) changed God's unchangeable laws by acting as God - which he most certainly is NOT)

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад

      @@ProjectOverseer First century Christians were already worshiping on Sunday. The pope cannot change that which was already occurring.
      Adventists state that Emperor Constantine introduced the first Sunday Law (28 Beliefs, p. 299) in 321 A.D. Meaning, prior to 321 A.D., Adventists believed the Christian world observed Saturday as the day of worship, not Sunday. Adventists suddenly find credibility in the Catholic Church and cite their admission they changed the Sabbath. Since when do Adventists place trust in “The Synagogue of Satan” (1), I know, when they need to find approval for their unbiblical doctrines.
      The Adventist theological position citing 321 A.D. as the point in which the Christian world switched from Saturday to Sunday has been disproven due to the discovery of a first century document discovered in 1875 or 12 years after the official founding of the Seventh-day Adventist organization.
      In a Jerusalem Monastery was found one of the most historically significant manuscripts hiding in plain sight as was the Codex Sinaitcus of Mount Sanai. The Didache is a first century Christian noncanonical document also known as the “Teaching of the Twelve Apostles” which shows that the first century church worshiped on Sunday. Constantine can’t change what was already in place.
      The Didache was discovered by Greek Archbishop Bryennios in 1875. Archbishop Bryennios resided in Constantinople (2) and due to the Russo-Turkish war (1877-1878) (2) he was finally afforded an opportunity to examine the text in 1878 and published his findings in 1883 (3). The Didache is dated to the first century, makes no claim of Apostolic authority, but is a record of the practices in the first century Christian church.
      One of those practices is recorded in chapter 14 and verse one, which is:
      “And on the Lord’s Day of the Lord come together, and break bread, and give thanks, having before confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure.” (4)
      A document found in 1875 has just rendered the Seventh-day Adventist theological statement that Constantine changed the Sabbath in 321 A.D. to be a gross historical and theological error. Since the publication of the Didache in 1883, Adventism has again been shown to be false.
      --------------------------------------- //REFERENCES// ---------------------------------------
      1. “What happened generally in the churches of the United States in 1844, however, is only a microcosm, or partial fulfillment, of the macrocosm, or final and full fulfillment, of the second angel's message that is yet to come. A study of Revelation 12 to 18 reveals that Babylon is "the synagogue of Satan," his counterfeit of the true Christian church. It has its antecedents in paganism. Paganism gradually infiltrated the church, was "baptized," and Roman Catholicism was the result of the union.”
      Advent Review and Sabbath Herald. “Babylon is Fallen” 14 October 1976, p. 14
      2. Schaff, Phillip. The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles or the Oldest Church Manual The Didache or Kindred Documents in the Original with Translations and Discussion of post-apostolic teaching Baptism Worship and Discipline and with Illustration and fac-similes of the Jerusalem Manuscript.” New York: Funk & Wagnalls Publishers, 1889, p. 8
      3. Ibid; p. 9
      4. Ibid, p. 208-209

    • @ProjectOverseer
      @ProjectOverseer 2 года назад +1

      Should of said "The Papacy" ... Though the Pope of any given time sanctified the changes claiming Devine power to do so.
      Point is: God's Law's are NOT open to change via self appointed humans.

  • @keithpillay2972
    @keithpillay2972 Год назад +3

    Our sabbath is found in CHRIST,

  • @judithirizarry9952
    @judithirizarry9952 2 года назад +14

    He's a great storyteller. Unfortunately, he doesnt explain the deeper meaning or interpretation of bible prophecy since SDAs interpretation of Bible prophecy does not only focus on the book of Daniel, or even Revelation. What he calls sheer speculation can in fact be explained and verified with the Bible itself. Our doctrine through much study, has found that the entire Bible supports bible prophecy and we are well aware of the mistakes made by the early church's interpretation of Bible prophecy. Through the revelation of the the holy spirit those mistakes were corrected and have a complete picture of Bible interpretation.
    Unfortunately, this is not a Bible study whereby Bible truths can be explained in greater detail.
    His claim that the SDA religion is a cult has no supportive bearing. His errors and interpretations are NOT based on bible truths....

    • @judithirizarry9952
      @judithirizarry9952 2 года назад +3

      @@nicetry620 sorry but I wasn't the one recounting the story of the SDA movement. Never said Bible does not support prophecy. Further, EGW is not the interpreter of prophecy, it's the Bible itself. Nevertheless, EGW does support the Bibles interpretation of prophecy and the two do not contradict itself... Hope that's clear to you my brother...

    • @judithirizarry9952
      @judithirizarry9952 2 года назад +2

      @@nicetry620 the spirit of prophecy IS the Bible, not EGW writings. What EGW writings does, through holy spirit revelation, is SUPPORT and CLARIFY Bible's all. Love how u ppl try to twist and misinterpret quotes taken out of context. I know you are a troll and will not get into argumentative discussion with you. I know what I have believed for over 60 years... I will not speak for those who have their own views or personal interpretations about prophecy and the bible. You are entitled to your own opinions...but I stand steadfast on the truths I learned, studied, read and practiced throughout my life. Have a blessed day...

    • @judithirizarry9952
      @judithirizarry9952 2 года назад

      @@nicetry620 😉👎🥱

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      Apparently you didn't read the OFFICIAL sda statement's of beliefs 🧐.....
      Vow #8: "I ACCEPT the Biblical teaching of spiritual gifts, and believe that the gift of prophecy is one of the IDENTIFYING MARKS of the REMNANT CHURCH."
      NOW.....let's see what Fundamental Belief #18 has to say about the IDENTIFYING MARK....
      The gift of Prophecy: One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is prophecy. This gift is an IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH and was "MANIFESTED" in the ministry of ELLEN G. WHITE. we see that as a member of the REMNANT CHURCH you "MUST" VOW(promise) to ACCEPT the IDENTIFYING MARK of the REMNANT CHURCH which was MANIFESTED through ELLEN G WHITE'S writings...... THEREFORE YOU "MUST" ACCEPT HER WRITINGS....
      NOW....let's see what ELLEN G WHITE had to say about her OWN authority...
      We "MUST" follow the directions given through the Spirit of Prophecy [Mrs. White's writings]. ... God has spoken to us through His Word. He has spoken to us through the Testimonies to the church and through the books that have helped to make plain our present duty and the position that we should now occupy." (Testimonies, Vol. 8, p. 298)
      So here she makes it clear that you MUST follow her directions
      That's placing her EQUAL to scripture

    • @judithirizarry9952
      @judithirizarry9952 2 года назад +4

      @@nicetry620 nope that seems to be your expertise. I remember you in past forums. Your not a newcomer. There are those who would rather argue and degrade than have a mature discussion. I don't debate with ppl like's useless. I suggest you find another forum, if your aim is to insult and draw others far from Christ rather than to Him...👎 Goodbye...

  • @JenniferPrestwidge
    @JenniferPrestwidge 2 месяца назад

    Jesus's did go into the most holy place on the 22 of October 1844 because the sanctuary was cleansed

  • @JohnGordon-y2d
    @JohnGordon-y2d 4 месяца назад

    Anyone living under law is subject to its curse.

  • @JenniferPrestwidge
    @JenniferPrestwidge 2 месяца назад

    We have 22 millian members worldwide

  • @JenniferPrestwidge
    @JenniferPrestwidge 2 месяца назад

    They weren't dreams they were visions from god

  • @truthingrace3594
    @truthingrace3594 2 года назад +5

    I absolutely love this man's message and his passionate love. However, he is a bit wrong on some of the doctrines of sda and they are further removed from orthodox Christianity than he realizes. I love sda as they are my family and many are children of God but the organization as a whole is not Christian.

    • @ArthurC-q6k
      @ArthurC-q6k Год назад +1


    • @andywong9847
      @andywong9847 Год назад +1

      Your last sentence is confusing. Please clarify, the organisation as a whole is not Christian. How can they teach salvation then?

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Год назад +1

      quote--- I love sda as they are my family and many are children of God but the organization as a whole is not Christian. unquote
      That is a worthless opinion!!!
      Christian--Followers of the teachings of Christ!!! Now, tell me, what does the SDA teach that is NOT taught by Christ????

  • @scrispin777
    @scrispin777 Год назад +1

    Greatest PITFALL of SDA, considering Ellen G White as a Greatest Prophet who's prophesies FAILED miserably. Then How we could accept her organization as True one inspite of following Shabbat? to all our surprise , Elohim never raised a single " woman Prophet" in the Biblical time ( OT & NT) till the book of revelation, ofcourse there are very very few women prophets in the local church.However according to I cor.14, Women must be silent in the Church . So SDA inspite of defending the Shabbath Day, it is involved mainly promoting E G White as a Great Prophet. All their social works are appreciated, However it is also similar to Roman catholic services ( even though they are highly appreciated), we must accept the CORE DOCTRINAL ERROR of RC and SDA.

  • @June-p8j
    @June-p8j 13 дней назад

    Of course it was the Pope who changed the day of worship and test of the world followed. Did Jesus enter the synagogue on the first day of the week as was his custom? Certainly not reD Luke 4:16-22

  • @couragechitende5515
    @couragechitende5515 8 месяцев назад +1

    @11:00 that's where you lost it, Daniel 8:14 says "the sanctuary shall be cleansed", this cleansing was done once a year, Leviticus 16, when the High priest entered the most holy place once a year, so did Jesus entered the most Holy to cleanse the sanctuary as after 2300days of Daniel. It's super clear.

  • @seekingthekingdomfirst8089
    @seekingthekingdomfirst8089 2 года назад

    Here is another person who doesn’t read their Bible. Yet many will listen to him. Good luck. May the Lord open your eyes

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +5

      And here's another person(you) who makes claims without explaining or any form of justification

    • @andywong9847
      @andywong9847 Год назад +1

      David Pawson was a Bible teacher… 😊😊😊

  • @bop-ya-good
    @bop-ya-good Год назад +2

    Gee, adventist has fooled him. They do not have the gospel that saves!

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +1

    Sir, I will like to introduce you to the book: the Bible speaks written by: W.L. Emerson, Author of " Bible Certainties" please read it, it will help you out of Error, also the book of Hebrews, that tells where Jesus is, being our High Priest interceding for us, in the most Holy place, if you don't know, the sanctuary, was the type, of what is in Heaven, so please I am asking you to purchase the book I have mentioned, you will find it in England,

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +3

      I like to introduce you to...
      "2 Corinthians 3:7"
      Now if the ministry of death, CARVED in LETTERS ON STONE, came with such glory that the Israelites could not gaze at Moses’ face because of its glory, which was being BROUGHT TO AN END

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +1

      Your question shows how you incorrectly read meaning into the Scripture (eisegesis) which is not present in the biblical text. The Adventist mind sees "High Priest" and instantly make Jesus a Levitical High Priest and dress Him up as a high priest, which is blasphemous.
      The bible describes Jesus as "High Priest" for example in Hebrews 9:11 (ESV):
      "But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect tent (not made with hands, that is, not of this creation)"
      But the Adventist errors when they read High Priest. This verse does not tell the reader what order of priest this "High Priest" belongs. High Priest is a title and does not identify the Priestly order. The bible is clear which priesthood Jesus belongs and of which He is High Priest. Jesus is identified as belonging to the Priesthood of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:17 ESV For it is witnessed of him, "You are a priest forever, after the order of Melchizedek." Also 5:6). Jesus is a High Priest of the order of Melchizedek.
      To associate Jesus as a High Print in the order of Levi or the Levitical priesthood, is blasphemous. The Levitical priests were required to make atonement for their sins before making atonement of sins for the Nation of Israel (Leviticus 16:11 ESV "Aaron shall present the bull as a sin offering for himself, and shall make atonement for himself and for his house. He shall kill the bull as a sin offering for himself.). Adventist Levitical Priest Jesus is a member of a sinful priestly order.
      Levitical Priests including the Levitical High Priest were sinful men. Jesus never sinned, so he can never be a Levitical High Priest (2 (Corinthians 5:21 ESV For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.)
      Levitical priests were of the tribe of Levi exclusively (Numbers 3:1-13), but Jesus was of the tribe of Judah (Hebrews 7:14 ESV For it is evident that *our Lord was descended from Judah,* and in connection with that tribe Moses said nothing about priests.) Jesus does not biblically qualify as a member of the Levitical Priesthood because He is not a sinner and He is not of the tribe of Levi.
      It is time for Adventists to stop making Jesus a sinful Levitical High Priest and repent of this false teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

  • @goldenautumn3073
    @goldenautumn3073 Месяц назад

    Nope. Wrong. The SDA faith and beliefs are the most Bible-centred and based Christian ones in the entire earth - and all of this is prophesied in God's Holy Word also. Did you know that the first disciples were also branded as a cult, or sect, and this is recorded in the Bible?
    See for instance where the first disciples (Peter, John, Matthew, Mark, Luke, Paul, Andrew, Simon etc) were called a cult also! "Sect", actually, but it means the same thing of course. See Acts 54:5, where a Jewish leader and a politician of the time are describing Paul and ALL the apostles as belonging to "that Nazarene SECT", for instance! Also, Acts 28:22, where others are speaking of Christ's disciples: "But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this SECT, we know that every where it is spoken against." Same old false accusations, same old prejudices, same old ignorance against true Christians as always - and obviously, true, converted Seventh Day Adventists are therefore in the BEST company they could ever be associated with: not only the very first, true Christian church (the disciples) but Christ Himself, Who formed that group, the first true church who followed Him, and not the established but disobedient church organisation, which had seriously apostatised.
    I believe you need to thoroughly study the subject of 'apostate Christianity' and who constitutes 'Babylon' by doing faithful SDA studies on these subjects - for it is not simply any bigoted viewpoint - it is CLEARLY what God Himself says, once again, in His Word! There is no space in these comments for a study of this length - I recommend studying on sites (on RUclips) such as Truth Triuimphant, Gilead Ministries (a.k.a. Free Association of Seventh-day Adventists). There are others but the pure SDA message comes from very few sites these tragic days. This is vital information for ANY Christian. The true and faithful SDA position, I emphasise, is not simply a singular 'denominational' or merely 'critical' one: it is based ENTIRELY on what scripture says, and you can only realise this, by putting aside prejudices and misconceptions and studying the Word with an open and humble attitude.
    You also should be informed that John Wesley and even Martin Luther (and all the earlier Protestant reformers) totally agreed with God's Word on this subject as to just who 'Babylon' in the books of Revelation represent, apart from other earlier Protestant churches - it's just that unfortunately, tragically, Protestant Christianity today has lost its moorings and sight of this unbelievably important teaching and warnings against remaining involved with 'Babylon'! Most tragic of all is the fact that the General Conference of SDAs has also lost its moorings and mostly (but thankfully not all) drifted from its position of trust received from God Himself.
    Of course, as the Bible clearly tells us also, being in an apostate position is EXTREMELY serious - it specifically means having departed from the Truth of God's Word, and if individuals and churches don't repent of their apostasy and return to the Truth as found in God's Word they will be eternally lost. That, again, is simply what the Bible says.

  • @juliekoller9729
    @juliekoller9729 2 года назад +24

    Oh my heart breaks to hear the mixing of truth and much error. Oh Lord please forgive this man from misrepresentation of your truth as you have written it and not believed your prophets.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +5

      Another troll account ⚠️

    • @cherylannpaul466
      @cherylannpaul466 2 года назад +7

      What erroneous points did he make?

    • @mistiroberts1576
      @mistiroberts1576 2 года назад +3

      What are you talking about?

    • @georgestrimpopoulos9708
      @georgestrimpopoulos9708 2 года назад +3

      He said that he considers you Christians despite the errors like Sabbath.In any case he has a point and as a Greek that was raised as a Greek orthodox Christian i can say that he has a point.First the Greek orthodox church has it's service very early in the morning and then in the evening and that corresponds to what he said about Sunday not being a day off, for example at the Christian beginning there were many slaves that were Christians how could they take a day of rest?

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +8

      Seventh-day Adventists who are baptized believers in Adventist doctrine (28 Beliefs) are not Christian. Adventism teaches doctrines which are cursed in the bible. For example, the Adventist gospel message of 3 Angels Messages is not found in the bible and according to Gal. 1:6-9 this gospel is cursed. A church which preaches a gospel which is cursed is not Christian. Adventism is not Christian and not part of the larger Protestant Christian community.
      Galatians 1:6-9: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.

  • @EricHort-cx1jp
    @EricHort-cx1jp Год назад

    I don't mind what you think of Adventists, it is what God thinks of us. I looked up the dictionary and the word cult is not there nor is it in the Bible along with tje word legalism. These words have been cooked up by professed Christians who endeavour to justify their beliefs and lifestyles in opposition to God will and what He has asked to do. Isa 4,1 and ridicule and criticise 5hose who by Gods grace and power and the righteousness of Christ delight in doing Gods commands. Adventists did not believe what SDAs believe today. Even in the church there were errors that were put right by the Spirit through EGW and the church believes what it does now. Just because you can't understand Adventists beliefs does NOT MAKE YOU RIGHT.

  • @paulooliveira8981
    @paulooliveira8981 Год назад


    • @Puddycat00
      @Puddycat00 Год назад

      Again you’re in the Old Testament. Christian’s are Not under the law. Are u so slow that you don’t understand the Bible.

  • @de-janeniles1120
    @de-janeniles1120 2 года назад +8

    I'm sad too to hear the derogatory comments from this very loved minister. It's all too common to judge a ministry or the prophetic word without an in depth study of line upon line precept upon precept, and end up coming to our own pet
    theories. 😥🙏

    • @TruthSetFree-zm1ep
      @TruthSetFree-zm1ep 2 года назад +9

      @de-jane niles
      Jesus Christ said over and again-“see that you are not deceived”
      Jesus warned over and over-and all throughout His Word we are clearly told-there are many false prophets among you dressed as sheep but are really ravenous wolves.
      You mentioned that we are to be as Bereans and study line upon line and precept upon precept.
      When we study The Bible we see that SDA teach “another gospel” that really is no other-because there is only One Gospel.
      We are told in Galatians 1:6-10.
      Furthermore we see that Seventh day Adventism teach that Satan is the sin bearer-which is heretical teaching…
      They teach that there is an “investigative judgment” going on in the sanctuary in Heaven.
      Here are some passages for you to read.
      Mathew 13:33…EGW fits this description.
      Galatians 4:21-31
      Do you understand that Abraham and Sarai decided to take matters into their own hands and Sarai told Abraham to go into Hagar and that produced Ishmael-Gen 16.
      Instead of heeding Gods promise they did it man’s way.
      Later The Son of Promise Isaac was born just as God said.
      Genesis 12-18-Gen 21 Isaac is born.
      That is the context of Galatians 4:21-31-Ishmael son of bondage flesh and law-Isaac son of freedom Grace and Spirit.
      We no longer walk in the flesh but we die to self and walk in The Spirit of Christ Jesus.
      2 Corinthians 3:6-18…what does God Say in His Word?
      Line upon line precept upon precept right? SDA minds are blinded and to this very day a veil lies on hearts.
      There are many more heretical dangerous harmful teachings.
      If a prophet says they speak for God and say something and this thing does not come to pass-we are to turn away from that prophet (and they were technically to be stoned-just the same if someone breaks the Sabbath they are to be stoned)
      All the prophets died and the scrolls that were passed around and hidden cost people their lives.
      The complete Bible we have today was paid for with blood-it was never sold for money.
      Ellen White said she’d like her writings (that were hugely plagiarized-RUclips channel Test The Prophet had the evidence) scattered in every home like autumn leaves.
      Her husband and herself had three large comfortable homes when she died.
      When we study Gods Word we get a renewal of our minds-and we become able to discern via The Holy Spirit once we are Born Again and we can see the Bible and seventh day adventism say two different things.
      Jeremiah 3:16- what do we read?
      Jeremiah 3:8-?? Ark will come to mind no more-Israel (which I am certain you aren’t) was given certificate of divorce.
      Read Romans 5:12-21 understand?
      Is there a place called Hell?
      Revelation 20:10
      Revelation 20:14
      Revelation 20:15
      Revelation 21:8
      Mathew 5:22
      Mathew 10:28
      Mathew 25:46
      Mark 9:43
      2 Peter 2:4
      Daniel 12:2
      I was lead to an Adventist church in 2017.
      I was raised in an unstable home-all the kinds of abuse you can imagine happened.
      I went along in life and blow after blow came-the drugs got stronger and life got darker.
      I went from being on television and radio to homelessness.
      I asked Jesus to save me in 2014 and the journey began.
      In 2017 I met an elder from SDA church-he began to study with me.
      They have some great teachings and are for the most part good souls.
      I knew that EGW was not the right spirit and I rejected her right out of the gate.
      I always said I am a follower of The Way of Jesus Christ-I happen to attend a SDA church.
      I decided that God put me there for a reason and the reason was to share Him with this cult.
      I was ordained a Deacon.
      I helped a few come out.
      I began to teach Bible study and was eventually confronted.
      I said that I chose Jesus Christ and Jesus alone.
      I chose Jesus and I always will.
      I hope you do to.
      There are many many more things I could show you but I’ve gone on a long while.
      Thank you for your time.
      I pray you read and study Gods Word.
      Don’t kiss a shadow.
      If I see my dear Friend come to hug me and I’m so happy to see them I don’t run and get down on the ground and kiss their shadow I kiss them.
      Read Hebrews 3 and 4-we have Rest in Him 24/7.
      Don’t pull yourself back under law or you’ll be judged by it.
      Hebrews 1:1-2 line upon line..
      In times PAST by prophets has in THESE LAST DAYS SPOKEN BY HIS SON.
      What did Jesus do on The Sabbath in The Bible? Go find out.
      He is our Rest-He is King.
      Turn away from Adventism-turn to Him.
      God Be with you.

    • @paulooliveira8981
      @paulooliveira8981 Год назад


    • @Puddycat00
      @Puddycat00 Год назад

      He told the truth about this cult. You just don’t like it coz you’re faced with truth but refuse to see it. It’s THE BIBLE ONLY. Not the Bible and that ellen witch and her stupid dreams

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Год назад +1

      @@TruthSetFree-zm1ep quote---We are told in Galatians 1:6-10.
      Furthermore we see that Seventh day Adventism teach that Satan is the sin bearer-which is heretical teaching… unquote
      Sorry, but you ARE 100% FULL OF BS!!!!
      IT IS OBVIOUS you have done ABSOLUTELY NO research on that subject!!!
      >>>>The Ritual of the “Scapegoat” (Leviticus 16:20-22)
      • What is a "scapegoat" and what is the origin of that word?
      • The most common definition of a scapegoat today is a person or thing blamed for misdeeds of others, akin to being a fall-guy or being thrown under the bus. That person may or may not be guilty.
      • According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, scapegoat means “one that bears the blame for others.”
      • But the idea of the scapegoat is originally a Biblical one derived from a ceremony recorded in Leviticus 16.
      • The English word scapegoat was invented by William Tyndale in his 1530 English translation of the Bible, when he translated the Hebrew word "Azazel", which means “the goat of departure”-or the goat of escape.
      • Azazel is a combination of the Hebrew word for goat (az) and the Hebrew word for to carry or to take away, or escape (azel).
      • This is the basis for the translation of the word Azazel as scapegoat-literally, the goat who would carry away the sin of Israel, the “tote-goat.”
      • That seemed like a good translation to Tyndale because in the ceremony of the Yom Kippur ritual of animal sacrifice the goat is indeed released in the wilderness.
      • The King James version has followed his lead, as have many modern translations since.
      • The meaning of “the scapegoat” in Leviticus 16, which is the only occurrence of this word in the Bible, is thus "a goat upon whose head are symbolically placed the sins of the nation after which it is sent into the wilderness in the biblical ceremony for Yom Kippur" (the Day of Atonement).
      • The scapegoat thus visually and ritually cleansed the nation from the guilt of their sins.
      • A good suggestion for the best translation of Azazel is "banished goat“, since the scapegoat was not intended to "escape" but instead to be cast out into an uninhabited wilderness to be "gone" forever from the people. The scapegoat was to "go away completely" or "go away forever."
      • It is noteworthy that the original Hebrew word azazel has no implication of bearing blame; rather, the azazel is simply a goat of departure.
      • The ceremony where God personally identifies this goat delivers some of the most profound lessons we can learn about the Day of Atonement-and identifies the azazel for what he is.
      • In Leviticus chapter 16, we are told both the purpose for the Day of Atonement and the important details of what God expected to be done on this day.
      • This extraordinarily rich passage tells us clearly and dramatically in verse 30 that the purpose of this holiday was for cleansing and purification.
      • “For on this day [Yom Kippur] shall atonement be made for you to cleanse you. You shall be clean before the Lord from all your sins.”
      • This chapter is full of Christ in his most precious death for men.
      Its various aspects are set forth under the diverse sacrifices, as light is reflected from the many facets of a diamond.
      • Leviticus, chapter 16 foreshadows how God would provide a once-and-for-all scapegoat who suffered and died a horrific death on a wooden cross.
      • He has already taken the blame for all of our wrongdoing, so we should acknowledge him as God’s scapegoat for us, as well as the one responsible for the atonement for our sins.
      • In ancient Israel, God commanded that a special
      ceremony should take place on the Day of
      • The Day of Atonement was perhaps the most holy
      day in the Jewish calendar, and the only day in the
      year when the high priest entered into the holy of
      holies of the tabernacle to offer a sacrifice for the
      sins of the nation.
      • the Day of Atonement was the annual feast at which
      Israel gathered; and, despite all of these other
      sacrifices that we’ve learned about (and rituals that
      we’ve learned about) in Leviticus 1-15, The account in
      Leviticus 16 describes the foreshadow of things to
      come, the substance is Jesus, and so the real
      significance of this event is commented upon in great
      detail in Hebrews 9 & 10.
      • The second purpose of Yom Kippur is just as important, but easily missed. This ritual was designed to help bring God’s people into communion with Him- for them to be “before the Lord.”
      • Here is where we find the Bible making a significant break from other religious traditions.
      • Rather than having a God that simply needs to be appeased, the God of the Bible wants us to be cleansed from our sin, because He wants for us to be with Him.
      God requires cleansing for the purpose of relationship. For impurity is not something God permits in His presence.
      • Much like a parent welcoming home a hot, sweaty and dirty child after a summer’s day at the park, God wants us to be clean because He wants to enjoy our company.
      • And so, He says to us much the same thing a parent would say to that child-go wash up before you come to the table to eat because I want a person who is clean at my table.
      • This all-encompassing sin offering was therefore offered up not only for the high priest, not only for the other priests of his household, but for the whole of Israel, because to draw near to a holy God required the covering of sin.
      • The Day of Atonement foreshadowed and anticipated a greater, permanent cleansing of God’s people and of His dwelling place, which was to be accomplished by a better priest, who would offer a better sacrifice.
      • This passage beautifully points to the fact that
      Jesus purchases forgiveness and cleansing for His
      people so that we may be a sanctuary, and so that
      the fulfillment of all the promises of God that “[He] will be our God, and we will be His people, and the tabernacle of God will be among men, and He will dwell in our midst” will be realized.
      • Though sin is not welcome in God’s presence, sinners are, because Jesus died for sinners.
      etc, etc

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 Год назад +1

      @@TruthSetFree-zm1ep quote---They teach that there is an “investigative judgment” going on in the sanctuary in Heaven. unquote
      Not the fault of EGW that you have ASOLUTELY NO understanding of prophesy!!!
      This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its living multitudes are worthy of translation (1 Peter 4:17, 18; Daniel 7:9, 10; Revelation 14:6, 7; Luke 20:35).
      ----THe permission given for the rebuilding of Jerusalem in 457BC---.--2300 Days (years_) Jesus will enter the Holy Sanctuary and cleanse it. 2300 minus 457 BC equals 1844 (No zero from 1BC to 1 AD!!_).
      -----quote---I decided that God put me there for a reason and the reason was to share Him with this cult. unquote
      AGAIN--OBVIOUSLY you have done research what "Cult' means!!!
      -----Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
      #1---a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
      "the cult of St. Olaf"
      #2---a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
      "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"
      religious group
      religious order
      faith community
      #3---a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
      "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
      LOOKS to me, EVERY religion/ideallogy fits at least ONE definition!!!
      >>>>quote---What did Jesus do on The Sabbath in The Bible? Go find out. unquote
      HE attended the synagouge ON THE SABBATH and HEALED on the SABBATH!!!!!!!
      ----Luke 4:16
      And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read. ... And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was ...
      And do NOT say He worshipped on the SABBaTH because He was a Jew!!!!! He worshipped on the SABBATH Because GOD COMMANDED IT!!!!

  • @glenmorrow1255
    @glenmorrow1255 Год назад

    Wish i could have a conversation with this guy. Has some wrong facts that support his arguments. If Adventists are a cult because of “non biblical” beliefs, then likewise he is in a cult because some of his beliefs are post-bible times. Difference on biblical texts are roots for denominational differences not dismissal as a cult for those for who don’t agree with you.

  • @healinghumanity1782
    @healinghumanity1782 Год назад

    “Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold. Love brings hope to the hopeless & gladdens the heart of the sorrowful.” I hope that all my Adventist friends will sense my affection for them. They are unfairly criticized.

    • @AudreyZIB
      @AudreyZIB Год назад +1

      And love tells the truth.

  • @nicholas7290
    @nicholas7290 Год назад

    You say God sanctified the 7th day,if so!,how can men change it???

  • @patrickmosigisi9032
    @patrickmosigisi9032 2 года назад +4

    SDA is the remnant church of God.
    Sunday keeping is the mark of the beast. From National Sunday Law to close of probation is a short time. Those who persist to keep Sunday Holy in opposition to God's ten commandments shall receive the last 7 plagues.
    Sabbath keeping is the seal of God.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +3

      Where does Scripture say that seventh day is the Seal of God.....
      Go ahead I'll wait ⏳....

    • @b10mom39
      @b10mom39 2 года назад

      @@nicetry620 In Ezek20.20 God says His 'sign' is sabbath.Sign, mark and seal is the same thing
      God has His sign or seal.
      His enemy made his own mark or sign.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      😏 What happened to the debate being over"?"
      Typical, can't defend your position, so you attempt to refute my position in a different direction.
      It's interesting how the SDA Church always attempts to interpret scripture themselves, similar to what Ellen G White does.
      Did you ever bother to ask yourself why scripture makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is the Seal of God.....yet NOT ONCE does it refer to the Sabbath as the Seal of God "?"🤔
      Let's see here 🧐....
      BIBLE: HOLY SPIRIT "You were marked in Him with a "SEAL", the promised Holy Spirit" (Ephesians 1:13).
      BIBLE: HOLY SPIRIT "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were "SEALED" for the day of redemption" (Ephesians 4:30).
      NOTE: This is a crucial contradiction. The Bible is certain that God's seal is the Holy Spirit. But EGW denies this Bible truth, claiming that the seventh day Sabbath is God's seal. Thus Sabbathkeeping is promoted as the great determiner of who is lost and who is saved. In this, EGW proclaims that it is the Sabbath which saves, rather than Jesus Christ who saves! This is heresy, claiming salvation by works. EGW makes the Sabbath the greatest commandment of all. James 2: tells us if you offend in one point of the law (adultery, murder,) you are guilty of all.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +5

      @@b10mom39 Ezekiel 20:3 (a few verses before verse 20 that you referenced):
      "Son of man, speak unto the elders of Israel, and say unto them..."
      Who is Ezekiel about to speak to? Is it to Christian believers? Is it to you?
      BTW, a seal can be a sign, but a sign is not necessarily a seal (they may not be the same thing). Same for a mark. Food for thought...
      Now, let's find out. From the Scripture below, what is the seal of God for the Church?
      "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise" (Eph 1:13)
      Have you got the answer?
      The Word of God is so clear. No confusion for those who want to understand what it says. Do you?

    • @b10mom39
      @b10mom39 2 года назад

      @@edifaudio3062 Yes it is quite easy to understand with the help of the Holy Spirit if you dont take it out of contecs.
      If God speak in the old testament to Israel He speaks also to His spiritual Israel(the people who chose God that is not part of the Jewish nation)
      So yes, Ezekiel is speaking to me as well , not just the Israel of old.The NT does not replace the OT.Jesus combine the two with the Holy Spirit.
      Ef.1verse 13 speaks about being sealed with Gods Holy Spirit which is a totally different contecs.The sealing with the Holy Spirit doesnt make void His seal or sign of sabbath.In Fact Ex.31:16-17 God says sabbath if His sign forever.That means forever on earth and in heaven one doesnt mean only for the old Isrealites. He just marries the two with the help of the Holy Spirit.Now that you have the truth (the old and new testament including the commandments)and the gospel and are sealed with the Holy Spirit we are promised the inheritance of redeption.The Holy spirit will lead you in His truth to redeption with His grace of course.
      Sorry English is my second language.I hope I express myself properly☺

  • @couragechitende5515
    @couragechitende5515 8 месяцев назад

    @12:20 that's a lie, he didn't say that. It was not because people were not keeping the Sabbath but that Jesus had gone into the most holy place

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +2

    The Sabbath was changed by the Roman Catholic Church, in the year March 7 AD 321 Crispus and Constantine, who made the decree, the ten commandments is God's guidelines, stop changing the Bible, to please your life style, but the Lord warms, do not add, or take away, stop teaching false message.

    • @maryannhuxter7604
      @maryannhuxter7604 2 года назад

      This is not true if you are really reading the bible, check properly and read properly very carefully. You will find many scripture talking about first day of the week when Paul and others believers where breaking bread on this day

  • @nicetry620
    @nicetry620 2 года назад +2

    "VINCENT NDEMA" is a Bot account ⚠️

  • @feluxjohn3236
    @feluxjohn3236 2 года назад +2

    This guy could put a sleeping sloth into an even deeper sleep 😴 and for the record he does not have q thorough understanding of the subject matter.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      How so, explain...

    • @feluxjohn3236
      @feluxjohn3236 2 года назад

      @Brian Hu this response is a body of work as I am required to provide proof for my responses with biblical texts. It is too much to fit in this allotted space, do you have a business email?

    • @feluxjohn3236
      @feluxjohn3236 2 года назад

      @Brian Hu Trust me when I tell you that it can be supported hence the desire to support my findings from the Bible so that it cannot be my opinions that is put forth but a thus sayeth the Lord through His Holy Word alone
      Any and all biblical claims must come from the Bible and be supported by the Bible and the Bible alone or it cannot stand and should be seen as a deception otherwise. The reason why I referred to to it as a body of works is because he misrepresented a myriad of different topics and I wanted to cover them all with supported biblical evidence. The old testament was written in ancient Hebrew so to understand the sanctity messages which he grossly misrepresented it is necessary to have both a working knowledge of ancient Hebrew to be able to define how key words were defined at that time, and the new testament, which is written in Greek, the same applies. In addition, all claims to scriptures must also be supported by scripture. We allow scripture to define and interpret scripture so with the many subjects that he discusses, I hope you can now understand the undertaking. It is all so very beautiful and very well worth the devoted time when you understand and read the Bible's beautiful meaning and messages from a loving Saviour. I do hope you will give it a try.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад

      @@feluxjohn3236 Do you have a "working knowledge" of both ancient Hebrew and Greek? What are your qualifications? And why can't someone understand the Bible without having studied Hebrew and Greek? Are you saying all translations are wrong?

    • @feluxjohn3236
      @feluxjohn3236 2 года назад

      @@edifaudio3062 you're strung really tight. Where in my response did I say that a working knowledge of Hebrew and Greek was necessary to study the Bible?
      How does my qualifications factor into your psychosis?
      You have the same ability and resources as I do, instead of asking me if the Bibles are all alike or not, do the research yourself and you will find the results more rewarding than if I give you my opinion. This is a real problem where instead of asking me my stance on critical issues you conduct your own research where you open yourself up to learning even more and in addition you solidify your authority on the subject matter knowing exactly how you came to your conclusions and not having to wonder about my qualifications which is not a guarantee in and of itself. Be true to you, study for yourself.

  • @mitchellosmer1293
    @mitchellosmer1293 11 месяцев назад +1

    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
    #1---a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
    "the cult of St. Olaf"
    #2---a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
    "a network of Satan-worshiping cults"
    religious group**
    religious order**
    faith community
    ##--a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
    "a cult of personality surrounding the leaders"
    So, which definitiions does the SDA fit?? Looks to me, every religion/idealogy fits at least one!!

    • @goldenautumn3073
      @goldenautumn3073 7 дней назад

      The true SDA faith is not a cult - in fact, its the most wonderful and Biblically correct system of beliefs on the entire planet!

  • @Flathatter
    @Flathatter Год назад

    2 words false teacher God will hold accountable. And His Reward will be just.

  • @Mr.Pennington
    @Mr.Pennington 2 года назад

    Just because someone is with Christ doesn't mean they are conscious. The dead know nothing. Your breath/spirit goes back to Jesus and its only when that spirit is given a body that it is conscious, seeing Genesis says it wasnt untill God breathed into Adam the breath of life that he became a living soul.

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +2

      Revelation 6:9-11
      "And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of THEM THAT WERE SLAIN for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
      And THEY CRIED WITH A LOUD VOICE, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
      And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled."

    • @Mr.Pennington
      @Mr.Pennington 2 года назад

      @@edifaudio3062 interesting, the same verse you use to disprove; id use to prove. >Cains blood cried out as well >death is a sleep >here it says they rest untill their brethren are killed as well

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +1

      @@Mr.Pennington OK, so according to your hypothesis, they're talking in their sleep???

  • @Mr.Pennington
    @Mr.Pennington 2 года назад

    Who teaches 6 to 6? The bible says sunset to sunset.

  • @amt61
    @amt61 2 года назад +6

    Sadly this man fails at the very basis of what defines a cult.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +7

      Says the one who won't explain or can't explain in one point on where he's wrong

  • @betsuys5086
    @betsuys5086 2 года назад +1

    Not true

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      👆 another troll account ⚠️

  • @seven77thunders
    @seven77thunders 2 года назад

    Oh David . Hopefully the comments will convert you

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +2

      Another baseless comment

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +2

    Mr, you are going all wrong, God said the evening and morning, so the day begin, at sunset, I am disappointed, of your messages, read Mark, Luke, there, you will, see that Jesus, kept the Sabbath,

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      Did Jesus live under the mosaic law?

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +2

      Yes, until he died on the cross, it was nailed to the cross, there was no more animal sacrifice, for He was the lamb from the foundation of the world. You are very good with Paul letter's to all, who, was still holding on to the ceremonial law, but the moral law, is still standing, to point us to sin.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      where the ten commandments established at Mt Sinai as part of the mosiac law?

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +2

      Moses did NOT write the ten commandments, read Exodus 31: 17,18, what is the mosaic law, Moses wrote, but God wrote, the moral law, that stands for ever, got it!

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      When did I say that Moses wrote the ten commandments"?"
      I simply asked, where the ten commandments established at Mount Sinai as part of the Mosaic law?
      It's a simple yes or no

  • @a.lavernefilan1888
    @a.lavernefilan1888 8 месяцев назад +1

    Venus day ☀️ night 🌃 and Saturn 🪐 day ☀️ and Sun day ☀️ worship are all Pagan worship. The New Moon 🌒 is still and the Sabbath Originally was Dependant Upon the Lunar Cycle...("Holidays" Universal Jewish Encyclopedia p.410). Ask your smart phone: "When did Sun 🌞 Day become the first day of the week on the Julian Calendar?" WAtch RUclips video, 'The Great Cover-up by the SDA Church - Lunar Sabbath' & 'World's Last Chance Lunar Sabbath Series'. Read Ezekiel 46: 1-3 & Isaiah 66: 22-(24) & Leviticus 23 & Exodus 16.

  • @montyrackley8861
    @montyrackley8861 9 месяцев назад +1

    This man contradicts the bible. God commanded to remember the seventhday Sabbath to keep it holy . That is not a suggestion. Jesus said if you love keep my commandments (John 14:15). In the new covenant God writes his commandment law on the believers hearts and minds (Hebrews 8:10). Sin is the transgression of God's Holy commandment law (1john 3:4) For the law is Holy and Good and Perfect (Romans 7:12, Psalms 19:7). The law of God will never change (Matthew 5:17-19) . Listen to God not David Pawson !

  • @jamesfumpakanungwe4108
    @jamesfumpakanungwe4108 Год назад

    I totally believe that he did this presentation just to tell his church what they wanted to hear not what the truth is. there is no way he could have come across all the information he has run through yet failing to pick the truth at every point. He told the Adventist history quite alright yet digressed from every point.

  • @rollinghillsslo
    @rollinghillsslo 2 года назад +3

    Jesus was called Beelzebub by Pharisees, Peter and others were called a sect also by the Pharisees. The followers of John Wycliff was called a cult by Papacy. Also Luther's followers were called a cult by Papacy. The Presbyterian was called a cult by Lutherans. The Methodists were called a cult by Lutherans and Presbyterians. The Baptists were called a cult by other Protestants. And the SDAs were called a cult by all.
    Heee haaaw....praise the Lord for being called a cult!!

    • @sarah90533
      @sarah90533 2 года назад +1

      Amen, may the Almighty continue strengthening our love and trust in Him. I c us heading into persecution soon. Pliz we need to begin praying without ceasing for Gods' guidance

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад +2

      Throwing an insult out without any evidence is foolishness. It is another thing to give evidence from Scripture as to why we refer to a group as a cult. Now, if the evidence does not convince you, so be it. It is everyone's responsibility before God to test the spirits. Please let everyone judge for themselves.

    • @rollinghillsslo
      @rollinghillsslo 2 года назад

      And yet what Adventists have been warning the world about are now being fulfilled fast! How is that for being a cult?
      I spent 26 years in Lutheran, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches. Met many precious jewels of God there. Yes, God has His people there, too. One day I read the Bible on certain topics, connect the dots, and discovered how clear the Bible was on its own teachings. I found that the Bible actually interpret for itself and it is so foolish for us "Christians" to make our own interpretation. Hence there are hundreds and hundreds of denominations. When you let the Bible interpret for itself, compare verses with verses, let the crystal clear verses explain the somewhat questionable/contradicted ones (NOT VICE VERSA), understand the context.... then you will find out for yourself the mistakes of the Pharisees in labeling Jesus as Beelzebub, of the Pharisees calling Peter and the rest as a sect, of the Catholics calling Wycliffe's followers as a cult, of the Catholics labeling Lutherans as a cult, and so on and so forth. After dealing with being called a cult by almost all other Christians, I could only do one thing: to rejoice because I shared the persecution of Jesus and others.
      There's nothing new under the sun. Just like the Israelites of Old Treatment became unfaithful and rejecting God's prophets, and so it has been with Christians in the New Testament. The Israelites looked to their religious leaders to approve Christ as the Messiah or not. And so it is with the Christians today.
      If it's in the Bible, then it is for me. Truth will never be popular. Narrow is the way that leads to heaven. Jesus bid me to "come out" of false religious system many years ago (Revelation 18:4), just like He called Abraham out of the land of Chaldean. I heard the Shepherd's voice. One day soon we all will be united, all His jewels from various denominations and background.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      Their simply trolling accounts

    • @edifaudio3062
      @edifaudio3062  2 года назад

      @@nicetry620 Maybe 😊

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад

    Sorry, I didn't introduced you to Ellen G white, I asked you to read: the book of Hebrews, Mark, Luke, they were not, written by Ellen White, Holy men of God, that you can find in the Bible, and the ten commandments was not written by Ellen White, God Himself wrote them, not man, because if you don't know, let me tell you, it's the character of God, the first four, are to honor Him, and the other Six, is to live among your fellowmen, so that you, and your wife, don't commit adultery. Ellen White, didn't, think of that, because she kept the Sabbath, but God is going to bring you into judgement, for leading His creation ástray, from His truth. Be careful.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      No, your right....
      Ellen G White did not write any of that, nor did she write her OWN books.... because she took the writings of others DENIED doing it and claimed it all came directly from God...
      This is the same false prophet (Ellen G White) who is granted authority EQUAL to scripture over the SDA Church

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад

      Joel, you have to pray for the Holy spirit to guide you, and not the opinion of teaching of men, pray and read the Bible for yourself

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад

      Then explain exactly why you decided to introduce the host to W.L. Emerson "?"🤔

    • @reidveryan9414
      @reidveryan9414 Год назад

      The Ten commandments are not the law, but part of the law.
      For the two greatest commandments were not even written on the tablets of stone at Mount Sinai.
      And then Jesus gives another commandment, love one another as I have loved you.
      This commandment wasn't on the stone tablet either.
      Something to think about.

  • @ogutumaurice979
    @ogutumaurice979 8 месяцев назад

    This is nonsense bad lie

  • @jerrys.8926
    @jerrys.8926 Год назад

    It's sad that this pastor knows vary little about Seventh Day Adventist. Test S D A by your bible and see for your self.

  • @annetteleerdam7697
    @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад

    Please study the bible correctly, teaching Wrong about the Bible, I hate when you twist the teaching of thus said the Lord.

    • @nicetry620
      @nicetry620 2 года назад +1

      Ellen G White constantly used "this says the Lord" to deceive others with her false authority over the seventh day adventist church.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +2

      By the way, the bible nowhere says God ever gave us "10 Commandments." The notion of 10 commandments is a manmade idea and recognized by this Adventist author:
      *“The expression “the Ten Commandments” is unknown to the original Hebrew Bible,* though it appears three times in the English Bible (Exod. 34:28; Deut. 4:13; 10:4). Deliberately, in these three occurrences, Moses employed a derivative of dabar, “word,” rather than mitsvah, “commandment,” which, and its derivatives, he used extensively in the Pentateuch. In fact, the Ten Commandments are introduced as words-“And God spoke all these words” (Exod. 20:1; cf. Deut. 5:22; 10:2). *This shows that God did not give Ten Commandments; He gave “ten words,”* that is, the decalogue.
      The word dabar is rendered “promise” in many places in the English Bible. Moreover, its verbal form, “he spoke,” is rendered “he promised.” This suggests that God’s words may be understood as promises, hence, “ten words” as “ten promises.”
      Deepati, Vara Prasad. Ministry Magazine. “The Ten Commandments: A law to be obeyed or promises to be celebrated?” June 2012, p. 19

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад +1

      @@AcademyApologia I am not wasting any time debating the Bible, with people who already have their minds set to disobey God's Holy word, God is God, no one can challenge Him, I dare not change what He wrote, the Bible is true,
      I believe it, and I am going to obey it, until I die, you have to obey God, rather than man, and you need not to outline the Bible to me, I know it from cover to cover,I know how books Moses wrote, and John, who wrote the Revelation of Jesus, Paul also wrote letter's to the, places where he went, but what have for you, is the book of Romans, read the first chapter, and you will know where you stand before God, reprobates, because of disobedience.

    • @AcademyApologia
      @AcademyApologia 2 года назад +2

      @@annetteleerdam7697 You are a hypocrite! You tell me yo wish not to engage, but you are the one who posted an initial comment and are critical of the video. Either stop posting comments if you do not want replies or stand up and defend your faith.

    • @annetteleerdam7697
      @annetteleerdam7697 2 года назад

      @@AcademyApologia the biggest hypocrite is you, replying, about the Bible and God, and you don't know, one thing what you are replying about, so when, you see anything, posted about God, keep out, for you do not understand nothing and stop reading the Bible upside down, I wonder if you know that you are sining, go and repent and give your life fully to God.