Dear Sir, thank you for your kind interest. Please be kind to share with us on your basic recipe INCLUDING water %, shortening/fat % and sugar % for our team reference on your dough condition by sending your email in ENGLISH to along with your name, company name, full address, contact number and production capacity required(pieces per hour). We trust our relevant person in-charge will be assisting you soonest, upon received of your kind email.
ممكن عمل معجنات زياده مياه
Dear Sir, thank you for your kind interest. Please be kind to share with us on your basic recipe INCLUDING water %, shortening/fat % and sugar % for our team reference on your dough condition by sending your email in ENGLISH to along with your name, company name, full address, contact number and production capacity required(pieces per hour). We trust our relevant person in-charge will be assisting you soonest, upon received of your kind email.