How does baptism tie in to assurance of salvation?

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 13

  • @DingusBobingus5555
    @DingusBobingus5555 4 года назад +6

    The Lutheran position on baptism is one of the reasons I started going to a Lutheran church and converting. My mind gets blown every time.

  • @donaldjacobson4184
    @donaldjacobson4184 3 года назад +4

    Blessed assurance belongs to us in our baptism

  • @robertcastro6588
    @robertcastro6588 Год назад +1

    So are you saying that a baptized atheist has eternal life in the face of resolute unbelief? They are saved by baptism regardless of Living Faith? I am a confessional Lutheran as well.

  • @angprincesa3793
    @angprincesa3793 4 года назад +2

    Can you please talk about once saved, saved forever. Thanks.

  • @Soundguydan
    @Soundguydan 4 года назад +3

    Hey guys, these are great. Thanks for doing them. I’m pretty new to all of this. I’m currently somewhere in between Reformed Southern Baptist Calvinist and Lutheran (leaning heavily in the Lutheran direction but not quite all the way there yet).
    Question: Would you say that everyone who has been baptized in the name of the Trinity will inherit the Kingdom? If yes, how should we think about the people we know who were baptized young and currently show little to know interest in Christ or have a false understanding of Christianity altogether? If no, then how can we really have assurance in it? Thank you!

  • @lc-mschristian5717
    @lc-mschristian5717 4 года назад +1


  • @MrKev1664
    @MrKev1664 4 года назад

    Christ be with you
    The only assurance of salvation comes in obedience to Jesus Christ. (Heb 5:8-9)
    We must live according to his doctrine, his teaching, or we do not have God. (2 John 9)
    God bless you

    • @1517org
      @1517org  4 года назад +11

      And Christ be with you as well!
      Thankfully, assurance comes to Christians in the perfect work and fulfillment of the law in Jesus Christ. According to Scripture faith is a gift of God, not a decision of our own, and similarly He is the One who maintains our faith, through Jesus Christ and His gifts. In this light, Dr. Rosenbladt's favorite Scripture verse makes the most sense:
      "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness" - Romans 4:5
      Dad calls that the Gospel in one verse. We Christians are able to rest and take assurance in Christ and His work, completed in His death and resurrection for sinners, even while we were yet sinning. It also frees us to be the most helpful to our neighbors, since we no longer need fear condemnation of the law, struggling through the Christian faith imperfectly as St Paul did.
      Soli Deo gloria!
      - Ted

    • @MrKev1664
      @MrKev1664 4 года назад

      Peace be with you
      Thankfully, assurance comes to Christians in the perfect work and fulfillment of the law in Jesus Christ.
      Let's look again at the scripture
      About Christ perfect work, why did you ignore it.
      And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; (Heb 5:9)
      *You say*
      According to Scripture faith is a gift of God, not a decision of our own, and similarly He is the One who maintains our faith, through Jesus Christ and His gifts. In this light, Dr. Rosenbladt's favorite Scripture verse makes the most sense:
      Scripture does not say Faith is not our choice.
      *You say*
      "But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness" - Romans 4:5
      Dad calls that the Gospel in one verse.
      This is not the Gospel.
      St Paul is talking of King David (Rom 4:5-6) Psalm 32:1-2.
      We see in Psalm 32:5 he was forgiven his sin because he confessed it.
      He did not perform animal sacrifice.
      St Paul is talking of Abraham who was counted righteous before being circumcised.
      He was not talking of good works but works of the Law (circumcision, animal sacrifice , cleaning ritual and dietary requirements)
      We know this because St Paul is telling us the faith must establish the law and does not make it void. (rom 3:31)
      When we look at Gal 6:2-9 we see that St Paul tell us God will not be mocked, we must abide in this Law of Christ to receive eternal life.

      *You say*
      We Christians are able to rest and take assurance in Christ and His work, completed in His death and resurrection for sinners, even while we were yet sinning.
      sorry that is not Christianity
      Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
      He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:7-8)
      *You say*
      It also frees us to be the most helpful to our neighbors, since we no longer need fear condemnation of the law, struggling through the Christian faith imperfectly as St Paul did.
      Sorry St Paul tell us those who sin put themselves under the Law, (Gal 5:19-21)
      It is only those who walk according to the Spirit wh0 are not under the law. (Gal 5:18,22-25)
      I think you and your Dad need to read scripture rather than proof texts
      God bless you

    • @henrka
      @henrka 3 года назад +3

      @@MrKev1664 You are extremely confused, everything you said denies salvation by grace. Salvation is a free gift that requires nothing from me to earn it, not obedience, not a decision for Christ, not to stop sinning, there are no requirements or qualifications to be saved. Salvation rests solely on God’s unmerited favour towards the sinner where the sinner contributes and does nothing and is saved not by anything he does but solely by everything Christ does for the sinner (dying for his sins and rising for his justification). IF there was one single condition for salvation it would not be of grace but of works, not a free gift but merited, not an inheritance but something I need to earn. Everything you said is legalism and the antithesis of the Christian faith.

    • @jreyas6263
      @jreyas6263 3 года назад

      Simply to be baptized does not save. My spouse is Church of Christ, was baptized, grew up going to church 3 times a week, slept with everyone they knew, has no relationship with God, doesn't go to church at all.. Jesus said .."depart I knew you not." True salvation is knowing God in a personal relationship...not to get our sins forgiven. Jesus died on the cross, he took care of our sins. People that have not been baptized but have a wonderfully close relationship with God and have repented of sin are the ones going to Heaven.

    • @Lutheranjenkins
      @Lutheranjenkins 2 года назад +1

      That would make yourself the object of faith rather than Jesus Christ. You aren't the savior and to confess such blasphemy marks you as not possessing eternal life and the forgiveness of sins. I don't mean to accuse, but again, if you've set your hopes on your own obedience and good works, you've set your hopes on your sinful flesh.
      The Law cannot make you perfect! It's purpose is to expose your sin and point you to Jesus, who suffered and made satisfaction for all your sins, and rose from the dead to make you righteous before God His Father. You are made just and righteous by faith in the Gospel, through which you recieve the benefits of Christ’s perfect work and merits in holy Baptism into His death and resurrection. We are enabled by the Holy Spirit to keep God’s Word and obey Him in righteousness... obedience to the Commandments of Christ and the royal Law can only be achieved by someone who has ALREADY been forgiven, justified, and reconciled by God’s grace. If you're seeking to become holy and just by your own efforts, then you're seeking to save yourself by the Law, and not by trusting in Jesus Christ, His Word, and Work for you.
      Repent and believe the Gospel!