RANDOM FRENCH FACTS YOU PROBABLY DON'T KNOW | Do the French even know these fun French trivia?!

  • Опубликовано: 17 сен 2024

Комментарии • 262

  • @awkad
    @awkad 4 года назад +43

    Best town in France must be Villechien (basically Dogtown) because of the name of its inhabitants: Toutouvillais (let's translate it into "Doggytownians") . Toutou is a cute slang word for dog.

    • @eunosnurb4123
      @eunosnurb4123 3 года назад +6

      Génial, à Chaville il faudrait donc appeler les habitants: Minouvillois 😄

    • @averylucas5880
      @averylucas5880 3 года назад

      i guess it's kind of randomly asking but does anyone know of a good site to watch newly released tv shows online ?

  • @edouardesk4535
    @edouardesk4535 4 года назад +45

    Some more examples of city names « phonetically » : Choisy le Roi = chose the king ; Bourg la Reine = stuff the queen ; Arnac la Poste = scamming the post office

    • @laurethiabaud-vespierre5550
      @laurethiabaud-vespierre5550 4 года назад +3

      Bourg = village 😅😆but the other ones are probably right

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +8

      ummm, i LOVE arnac la poste. That is genius.

    • @edouardesk4535
      @edouardesk4535 4 года назад +9

      @@laurethiabaud-vespierre5550 : it's true you're right but village the queen doesn't mean much... I chose the phonetic version :-)

    • @Dakta96
      @Dakta96 4 года назад +9

      @@UnintentionallyFrenchified Grugé-l'Hôpital is better

    • @alainmaury5941
      @alainmaury5941 4 года назад +6

      And where do you live ? the question then arises "t'habites Bourg la Reine" (do you live in Bourg la Reine, or phonetically "your dick stuffs the queen" ?), then "t'habites Porte des Lilas" (do you live at Porte des Lilas (one of the "portes"/doors of Paris), or "your dick carries lilas" ?, etc... tons of them like that. Then there are thousands of contrepéteries, which are I believe typical french. Il court, il court le furet, le furet du bois joli...

  • @duke3572
    @duke3572 4 года назад +47

    En Bretagne nous n'avons pas d'autoroutes à péages mais des "quatre-voies" gratuites. Et cela a été accordé par Charles VIII à Anne de Bretagne lors de leur mariage en 1491. C'était une des conditions (libre circulation et exemption de taxes royales) pour l'intégration du duché de Bretagne au royaume de France . Cela a été perpétué après et confirmé par de Gaulle en 1968 afin de désenclaver la Bretagne.

    • @Ankha38
      @Ankha38 4 года назад +5

      Quelle erreur de de Gaulle ; il aurait dû laisser la région enclavée :D

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +4

      Wow! Je savais pas, merci pour les insights!

    • @zeliard91
      @zeliard91 4 года назад +2

      C'est une légende urbaine, les autoroutes bretonnes sont gratuites car il s'agissait d'un plan de désenclavement publique et qu'il n'existait pas d'itinéraire alternatif.
      De la même manière que l'A75 issue du même type de plan qui traverse le massif central est gratuite entre Clermont-Ferrand et Montpellier.
      Rien à voir avec Anne de Bretagne donc.

    • @duke3572
      @duke3572 4 года назад +3

      @@zeliard91 Avez-vous lu tout mon commentaire? C'est bien ce que je dis en résumant au maximum...

    • @exvaleureuxrenard6072
      @exvaleureuxrenard6072 3 года назад

      @benvolio mozart Il y avait des péages partout... Argent facile.

  • @n0rmal953
    @n0rmal953 4 года назад +25

    2:50 It’s only about « purebred» dogs, if you buy it from a breeder for example. Mutts, mixed dogs don’t need to follow this. It’s to keep track of all dogs in the livre des origines française.

  • @migrainewarrior1798
    @migrainewarrior1798 4 года назад +10

    Oh! OH! OH!!! There is actually ONE stop 🛑 sign in Paris!! The one and only!! 🤣🤣

    • @LeParaitCeux
      @LeParaitCeux 3 года назад +1

      He´s die

    • @snmd997
      @snmd997 9 дней назад

      Not now! Since 2018 it has been removed, for now there's no Stop in Paris

  • @fevesvfr
    @fevesvfr 4 года назад +76

    Here is your tenth fact
    France longest land border is not with Germany, Spain or Italy
    It is with Brazil

    • @jetaddicted
      @jetaddicted 3 года назад +5

      Officially yes, but technically it is with Australia, in Antarctica.

    • @snmd997
      @snmd997 9 дней назад

      ​@@jetaddictedvrai! Mais la Terre Adélie n'est pas officiellement une terre française, comme tous les territoires revendiqués en Antarctique 😉

  • @laplumedemaat6374
    @laplumedemaat6374 4 года назад +34

    Le "Cuq" du nom de MontCuq n’a rien à voir avec le "cul" (butt in English) et ça ne s’écrit d’ailleurs pas pareil. La racine Cuq vient du celtique kuk qui veut dire "hauteur". Donc, Montcuq est une tautologie qui veut dire le Mont en hauteur.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +5

      interesting to understand where the name comes from!

    • @noaccount9985
      @noaccount9985 4 года назад

      Merci ! Lol

    • @whitelegion666
      @whitelegion666 3 года назад +2

      et MontCuq...c'est du poulet??

    • @trorisk
      @trorisk 3 года назад +1

      Dans le même genre le plateau des Millevaches, il semblerait qu'en celte gaulois le mot vache désignait les sources (ou les puits). Les quelques mots gaulois qui restent dans la langue française sont beaucoup des toponymes.

  • @tatoute1
    @tatoute1 4 года назад +7

    Do you know that for round bread (pain de campagne), It is traditional, before to cut the first slice (always with an acute knife!), you have to draw a cross with the knife on the bottom of the bread.

  • @henrimichelpierreplana4332
    @henrimichelpierreplana4332 3 года назад +2

    One of the raisons why there are a lot of roundabouts in the french road system is to reduce the number of fatal accidents in intersections.

  • @sueel-shewy2318
    @sueel-shewy2318 3 года назад +2

    The pig in 'Animal Farm' is called Napoleon !

  • @dbcooper28
    @dbcooper28 4 года назад +3

    From what I heard, at the end of each year mayors build roundabouts to be able to finish their budget because if they don't, they risk having their budget reduced the following year hence the high numbers of roundabouts.

  • @clarehart5892
    @clarehart5892 3 года назад +1

    What an interesting video. I was surprised and amused by all the city names.

  • @MrHyperdant
    @MrHyperdant 4 года назад +5

    About the Mcdonalds part, it's really the succes of culture appropriation.
    Back in the 00's there were a lot of differences in USA mcdonalds and French Mcdonalds. They adapt to the way French people tend to stay more time in the restaurant, even in fast food.
    They also developed a special sauce "sauce pommes frite" especially for the French taste.
    But even with that, till 2019, France was the only country where regular sandwitch were more consumed each year than Burgers...

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      I didn't know that about the sandwichs in France! but i'm not surprised either!

    • @cmolodiets
      @cmolodiets 4 года назад +1

      there are big rush hours in french Mc donalds between noon and 2 PM. they also had to adapt (kinda) to that

  • @iorekbyrnison1370
    @iorekbyrnison1370 4 года назад +8

    as a french driving 10 000 miles in the US for a road trip, i missed my dear french roundabouts

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +2

      haha i bet! I'm sure you didnt see that many of them!

    • @iorekbyrnison1370
      @iorekbyrnison1370 4 года назад +11

      ​@@UnintentionallyFrenchified i saw one in Georgia. I made 5 round to celebrate its existence

    • @oosakasan
      @oosakasan 3 года назад +2

      Honestly roundabouts are so useful for when you need to change directions! Like sets of very conveniently located save points for your journey, you know you have a chance of getting to turn back soon.

  • @Éga_Fr
    @Éga_Fr 4 года назад +7

    The concept of the croissant is Austrian but the recipe as we know it today is completely French. So can we really say that it's the same thing ? 🤔
    Intresting vidéo :)

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      Good question! Maybe we can say the french croissant was inspired by the Austrian one then?

  • @francoisdelpeuch8527
    @francoisdelpeuch8527 4 года назад +11

    "Don't put the bread on its black, as you don't earn your bread on your back."

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +3

      Is that an old french quote?

    • @francoisdelpeuch8527
      @francoisdelpeuch8527 4 года назад +5

      Hmmm, the real quote is less politically correct.

    • @ericwierzbinski4993
      @ericwierzbinski4993 3 года назад +1

      It has to do with prostitution my grand mother told me when as a teenagers I intentionnally flipped back the bread on the table to see her reaction.

  • @mecha-sheep7674
    @mecha-sheep7674 4 года назад +13

    Austrian made croissants to celebrate their victory after having been besieged by the Turks. The turkish flag has of course a moon crescent, the symbol of islam.
    And the best part ? The French were allied (somewhat) with the Turks, because the Habsbourg empire was their common ennemy.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +2

      super interesting!

    • @olivierb9716
      @olivierb9716 4 года назад +6

      @@UnintentionallyFrenchified plus précisément, les turcs creusaient un tunnel sous les fortifications de Vienne pour faire exploser de la poudre et detruire une portion du rempart; a l'epoque, les boulangers travaillaient en sous sol; ils ont entendu les bruits ds le sol et ont prevenu la garde. quand la muraille a explosé, les viennois etaient déjà la et ont repoussé las attaquants (4 morts coté viennois, des centaines coté turcs); du coup, le maire de vienne a supprimé les taxes sur les patisseries des boulangers pour les remercier.
      quand au pain, une legende dit que l'element le plus important du pain n'est pas la farine, le levain ou l'eau , mais la sueur du boulanger. ce qui vient du fait que, autrefois, le petrissage du pain se faisait a la main. c'était physiquement tres dur et de la sueur du boulanger tombait ds la pate. il y a la meme legende pour le vin, qui dit que l'element le plus important du vin est le sang du vigneron (metaphore de son travail je pense).

  • @chauvinflorent8245
    @chauvinflorent8245 4 года назад +6

    Pont Neuf was a new bridge because there was no homes built over it instead of the others bridges at that time

    • @felix158
      @felix158 4 года назад +3

      The Pont Neuf was the flight bridge crossing the Seine that was made in stone, instead of wood for the previous ones. Therefore it lasted until today.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      I did read that somewhere that it was considered a new bridge at the time because there weren't any homes around it!

    • @chauvinflorent8245
      @chauvinflorent8245 4 года назад +1

      You can read that it's explain in more détails en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pont_Neuf

    • @pierren___
      @pierren___ 3 года назад


  • @yvesbresson7837
    @yvesbresson7837 3 года назад +1

    Love your passion for our country! Bravo bisous

  • @61romeo
    @61romeo 4 года назад +7

    fun law that still exists, it's still a crime to shout "vive l'empereur" in public but that's because of napoleon the third

  • @mistermclaur9205
    @mistermclaur9205 4 года назад +7

    Well the reason is that you can skip a stop but not a roundabout...

    • @oosakasan
      @oosakasan 3 года назад

      In theory, yes. In practice with some of the roundabouts they're putting out there... nobody's turning for a white circle in the middle of the road yannow

    • @mistermclaur9205
      @mistermclaur9205 3 года назад

      @@oosakasan True, reason why we usually build concrete ones unless there's not enough space.
      But I'd lie if I say I never saw anybody jumping over a concrete roundabout 😅

  • @dimitribuchene3086
    @dimitribuchene3086 4 года назад +10

    I live in the Dordgne. Close to Bergerac there is a city called La Conne! My friend who wanted to buy a property by the name of Le Bois de Penit,

  • @nikolaasp2968
    @nikolaasp2968 4 года назад +3

    If I am not mistaken the traffic roundabout was invented by a french architect and France was the first country where this type of intersection was implemented, that's probably why there are so many roundabout today in France.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      Ahh that would make a lot of sense!

    • @joannets3835
      @joannets3835 4 года назад

      nope, british invented them, US used some but ditched it over some lobbying, french elevated to the rank of art and it terrifies Canadians 😆 ruclips.net/video/AqcyRxZJCXc/видео.html

  • @jeanmariehidalgo7701
    @jeanmariehidalgo7701 3 года назад +1

    Close from my hometown we have Castres. The name of its inhabitants is Castrais. The trick is that we pronounce it "Castré" (Castrated) because of our local accent (south-west).
    It made me laugh so much when I was a child.

  • @xKoalz
    @xKoalz 4 года назад +4

    Fun fact lot of cities have a Pont Neuf and they’re always the oldest one.

  • @wir6228
    @wir6228 4 года назад +2

    Very orignal and good video !
    If you want to draw from the long list of French inventions, you are going to make lots of funny videos ! My favorite is certainly the can, how many people know that it is French ?

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      Thanks! I had no idea the can was french. And GREAT idea for a video. All the french inventions you never knew existed!

  • @Findalfen
    @Findalfen 4 года назад +10

    Roundabouts (called "giratoires" in French) are better for traffic regulation. Stop signs tend to create congestion, while roundabouts keep it fluid.
    That said, Paris doesn't have that many but it has old-fashion "rond point" which have different rules for yielding.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +2

      I agree it keeps it fluid but roundabouts like the champs elysee don't come across as very fluid per say! 😅

    • @cmolodiets
      @cmolodiets 4 года назад

      Not talking about the roundabouts lobbies in France

    • @noefillon1749
      @noefillon1749 4 года назад

      Roundabouts can be used as a decoration. Some cities put statues/gardens etc... in the roundabouts. They can win labels like "village fleuri" for example which I think is good for tourism or other things.

    • @aminm7714
      @aminm7714 2 года назад

      Je suis le seul qui dit rond point plutôt que giratoire ?

  • @maximepaul1205
    @maximepaul1205 4 года назад +7

    Hey, nice ! I would add visual material, maps when quoting cities, shape of croissant, Vienna, etc :)

  • @aeolia80
    @aeolia80 4 года назад +11

    there's a reason why all those pastries are called viennoiserie , 'cause they come from Vienna, hahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahaha

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +4

      if only i had realized that beforeeeeee! It's amazing how you can say words without ever noticing some very significant things!

    • @aeolia80
      @aeolia80 4 года назад +3

      It's like all the French words we say back in the States to sound bougie (and I don't mean a candle, lol) and it turns out when those words are translated into English they're just everyday words 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @bge1234
    @bge1234 4 года назад +1

    When I was at the Université de Bourgogne, I ate more McDonald's and kebabs than French food because they were right off campus and everything else was a bus ride away in town. I ate a LOT of McFlurries that year!

  • @jean-fabl7978
    @jean-fabl7978 4 года назад +2

    The selfie stick was invented in 1983 by a Japanese dude. while visiting Paris, he asked a stranger to take a picture of himself, and the guy ran away with his camera! That’s what gave him the idea.

  • @xouxoful
    @xouxoful 4 года назад +2

    About Paris, there are very few modern roundabouts (yield when entering), but a lot of old parisian style trafic circles (rigth of way for those coming from the right = entering).
    And yes, there are few « yield » sign and apparently no stop sign, and everything is governed by red lights and « priorité à droite », which is especially challenging when driving in Paris when coming from the province.

  • @jean-pierrecharpentier2546
    @jean-pierrecharpentier2546 2 года назад

    Near my home, a village is called Rennes-en-Grenouille which means "reindeer in frog".

  • @migrainewarrior1798
    @migrainewarrior1798 4 года назад +1

    About Napoleon, it’s only that the law has never been “cut out”, nobody would get in trouble over that 😂

  • @AutoIog
    @AutoIog 3 года назад +1

    My granddad used to say "I didn't earn my bread by lying on my back (i.e : Being a whore), so put the baguette on the right side please"

    • @mfcq4987
      @mfcq4987 2 года назад

      The same fo me, it was my grandmother who said that.

  • @mchess6141
    @mchess6141 3 года назад +2

    Some superstitious people consider placing bread upside down on a table attracts the devil and brings bad luck. This belief was born in the Middle Ages. At that time, the executioner was often little appreciated in the cities, because his profession linked to death. On execution days, it was customary for the baker to reserve a loaf of bread for him. So that the executioner easily identifies his loaf to retrieve it, the baker used to present it upside down on his counter. Customers who were aware of this usage therefore did not touch it for fear of attracting the evil eye. To ward off fate on turned over bread, believers make the sign of the cross with a knife on the reverse side of the bread before sharing it.

    • @TheFrederic888
      @TheFrederic888 3 года назад +1

      Correct, it is the story I learnt from my mum. I was driving her nuts putting my bread upside down more often than not.
      Now it’s me who enforces the rule in my house 😅

  • @nono547
    @nono547 4 года назад +1

    Bon pour répondre à la question du titre je n'étais pas au courant des 3 derniers trivia, ni de celui sur McDo.^^ Donc environ la moitié^^.
    Merci de m'en avoir appris un peu plus sur mon pays^^.

  • @melusinenoArashi
    @melusinenoArashi 4 года назад +1

    Hi, the Pont Neuf was named like that because this bridge didn't have any houses on the side like the medieval bridge. And yes it's ironic that now it's the oldest bridge in Paris

  • @hiba4149
    @hiba4149 3 года назад +1

    Amazing video!

  • @fredericj9514
    @fredericj9514 4 года назад +2

    3 about pets : only pure breed, for your everyday dog or cat, nobody cares.
    8 about stop signs : sure, no reason to have most of them with our driving rules anyway. There are cities in Holland without a single sign, post, traffic light, nothing. And it works!

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      I didnt know it was only pure breed for that!

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      I didnt know it was only pure breed for that!

    • @Laurent69ftm
      @Laurent69ftm 4 года назад

      @@UnintentionallyFrenchified Pets' names are rarely official, it's not like there is an official register with your pet's name in it. So even if you write your pet's name on a random paper you show to your vet, it has nothing official.

  • @SylvainBOSSON-og8fi
    @SylvainBOSSON-og8fi 3 года назад

    I am ashame because now in this new aera i m buying baguettes, really tasted good , crispy,...if i m good ng to hear you about those frenchs i m going to become crazy! I like hearing tales .

  • @christianc9894
    @christianc9894 3 года назад

    On a fait des ronds-points pour supprimer les croisements de routes avec les accidents qui allaient avec, tout simplement. Comme vous l'avez remarqué, nos routes sont rarement droites, larges et plates donc dangereuses. Et puis certains de nos ronds points sont magnifiques.

  • @attrapehareng
    @attrapehareng 4 года назад +7

    Fun fact: our longest land border is with brazil!

    • @Ethilirion
      @Ethilirion 3 года назад +1

      And France has Europe's only land in the Americas, too

    • @attrapehareng
      @attrapehareng 3 года назад

      @@Ethilirion One can say that Europe have all of it...

    • @Ethilirion
      @Ethilirion 3 года назад

      @@attrapehareng How so ?

    • @attrapehareng
      @attrapehareng 3 года назад +1

      @@Ethilirion because all american countries are controlled now by descendants of European settlers...

    • @Ethilirion
      @Ethilirion 3 года назад

      @@attrapehareng well if you go back far enough then we're all africans, so unlike your original point (or mine for that matter), I don't really get how this is relevant :)

  • @nibwa4798
    @nibwa4798 3 года назад +1

    Fun fact : In southwest France there's actually a town named "Condom"

  • @thepolitix1008
    @thepolitix1008 4 года назад +1

    Great video! Love the thumbnail :)

  • @oosakasan
    @oosakasan 3 года назад +2

    The roundabout issue is a progressive thing, I assume it's ongoing - I'm 36 and I remember there used to be a lot more traffic lights and plain intersections. I don't remember if I ever looked this up or assumed it, but I figure they're trying to put a roundabout on every intersection because they slow traffic down and are safer than a bare "priorité à droite".

    • @johnjeanb
      @johnjeanb Год назад

      Yes very much so. When driving from Paris to Normandie every week, there was a normal intersection (yield sign, etc) and once I saw a terrible accident (even a baby cart travelling alone). A few weeks later there was a roundabout. These with speed bumpers ("Gendarmes couchés") force people to drive to reasonable speeds. We use to have more than 16,000 death per year in road accidents, last year it was 3,200 with much more cars, much many more drivers and miles travelled.

  • @genesteal
    @genesteal 4 года назад +2

    Another explanation about bread, it's about catholic religion. Bread in catholic mass symbolize the body of Jesus Christ, so you don't reverse his body, it's an outrage, an insult . You never reverse upside/down a corpse, so same for bread.
    In french "On ne retourne pas le corps du Christ" a very common expression in south of France among catholic.

  • @lordonnance7579
    @lordonnance7579 4 года назад +2

    Some of the cities with wierd names created an association, the "association des communes de France aux noms burlesques et chantants" and they meet eachother once a year.
    In Nantes we have double roundabouts (I think it's the only city to have that). It means that you enter a roundabout on one side and when you leave it on the other side then your on an other roundabout.

    • @galacticswan
      @galacticswan 4 года назад

      A Angoulême on a deux triples rond-points ! Ou double je sais plus c'est tellement chelou quand tu arrives dessus que je ne me souviens plus combien il y en a. ^^

    • @noefillon1749
      @noefillon1749 4 года назад

      Double dans le sens où il y en a un dans l'autre ou alors ils se suivent ?

    • @lordonnance7579
      @lordonnance7579 4 года назад

      @@noefillon1749 ils se suivent. La sortie du 1er c'est l'entrée du 2ème

    • @noefillon1749
      @noefillon1749 4 года назад

      @@lordonnance7579 ah mais il y en a beaucoup, j'ai un exemple en Guyane : maps.app.goo.gl/cV8ifPBian6FMvpf9

    • @lordonnance7579
      @lordonnance7579 4 года назад

      @@noefillon1749 j'en ai personnellement jamais vu et je connais personne qui en a vu en dehors de Nantes. Mais oui c'est possible qu'il y en ai plein d'autre ailleurs, j'ai pas été voir toutes les routes du monde

  • @xtof1er
    @xtof1er 4 года назад +1

    actually the croissant story is a legend. More basically factual, croissant was invented in a Paris boulangerie in the 19th century (à une époque j'avais les sources...)

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      Really? i found a lot of sources that said the opposite! But #fakenews does travel fast!

    • @xtof1er
      @xtof1er 4 года назад +1

      @@UnintentionallyFrenchified I checked wikipedia (ok, not the best) and it is also said that a lot of the origin stories are probably legends ... but a good legend is always nice!

  • @twoFrenchBunnys
    @twoFrenchBunnys 3 года назад

    There used to be a English stop sign, I saw it when I was there 10yrs ago in the 16th arrondissement, I hope it is still there

  • @k.monteil...asalon9357
    @k.monteil...asalon9357 4 года назад

    Fun fact - It's 'traffic circle' in American English. Roundabout is what they call them in England.

    • @elenapelayo1
      @elenapelayo1 3 года назад

      We call them roundabouts in the States.

    • @bethmarat3427
      @bethmarat3427 3 года назад

      Depends where in the States. In Massachusetts, it’s a rotary.

  • @AndreaGonzalez-gq3jo
    @AndreaGonzalez-gq3jo 2 года назад

    there’s actually a pig named napoleon who starts a revolution in Animal Farm, maybe that law has something to do with that

  • @Leebpascal1
    @Leebpascal1 4 года назад +1

    8:29 The reason is that right priority is the default rule, particularly in Paris.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      Such a big difference between driving in the states and in France. It's the hardest part for me to remember!

    • @noefillon1749
      @noefillon1749 4 года назад

      It is may be because it there were a stop sign in Paris, ppl would be stuck there for years.

    • @noefillon1749
      @noefillon1749 4 года назад

      I just realised that it may have a link with the right priority even on the Périphérique or the roundabouts (where there is no traffic light) which is specific in Paris. So I suppose that there is no give way signs neither.

  • @perrine4335
    @perrine4335 4 года назад +8

    The baguette must not be laying on its back on the table also because "we don't work on our back" meaning we earn the bread with our hard work.

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      aahhh another good reason not to put the bread on it's back!

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +2

      Yea that expression can definitely been seen two ways!

    • @Paradoxe2
      @Paradoxe2 4 года назад

      La chose la plus évidente est que la baguette n'est pas adaptée pour être posée comme ça... c'est pas droit, et ça roulerait à cause des striures.... c'est juste du bon sens. Qui a essayé de poser une baguette sur son dos ? lol
      in english :
      The baguette is flat under but not straight, plus it has cuts on its back... how one could put a baguette on its back without it rolls back to its flat side ? It's just common sense. No one would do that.

  • @fabmaxmm
    @fabmaxmm 4 года назад

    And the even more interesting fact about the croissant, it was because of a royal marriage so the bride would be less home sick. The Viennoiserie unfortunately did not save them from losing their heads on the Place de la Concorde's guillotine(placement was in front of Hotel de la Marine).

  • @sylvaincastano
    @sylvaincastano 4 года назад +6

    Hi!! I would like to add a couple of rude city names!! In south west france you the cities of Seix and Condom! In Cantal you have Deux-Verges which means Twin Male genitals,in the Marne you have Trécon which means Very stupid! I love your videos ! Cheers!!

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      hahaha thanks for the good additions!

    • @sarahp7169
      @sarahp7169 4 года назад

      Condom is actually a really nice city I was their on holidays for at least 5 days before it clicked! 😂

  • @freddjXX
    @freddjXX 4 года назад

    Bread upside down mean also (on the coast mostly) that somewhere a boat is capsizing.
    Something you don't want obviously.

  • @yvesdelavignette2676
    @yvesdelavignette2676 3 года назад

    A common pig's name during and after the war was Hermann.

  • @exvaleureuxrenard6072
    @exvaleureuxrenard6072 3 года назад

    On a aussi Condom (prononcez Condon) et Trie-sur-Baïse (prononcez en séparant le i: Ba-i-se), Bize, et Bizous, ce qui est assez hilarant quand on les voit pour la première fois.
    Dans le genre mystérieux, Chelle-spou veut dire "échelle de l'espérance" ou "échelle vers les étoiles".
    Les lieux dits des Champs d'Amour et de la Grande truanderie font d'excellents points de repère quand on vient à Paris par le Sud, comme Vatan et Arnac la poste.
    Sur les stop à Paris, je pense que le jour où ils en mettent un, les gens vont mourir de vieillesse avant de pouvoir passer.

  • @migrainewarrior1798
    @migrainewarrior1798 4 года назад

    Actually the letter name for pets is only mandatory for long-bred-animals with “famous” parents (starting with competition horses). It may be mandatory if you want your pet to compete in something (dogs beauty pageants maybe), for the rest of it you choose as you like.

  • @lecabillaud6060
    @lecabillaud6060 4 года назад +1

    La baguette retournée, mon grand-père appelait ça "le pain du bourreau", ça me fichait la trouille quand j'étais petit...

  • @philipwittamore
    @philipwittamore 4 года назад

    Here's another random info: Dunkirk 1940 - How the French Army saved the British retreat - ruclips.net/video/w6C5P-AYGdY/видео.html

  • @angelrays7
    @angelrays7 3 года назад

    I heard many locations went to roundabouts to for emissions. Less idle time for cars to release harmful gas like Carbon Dioxide.

  • @luxomars4049
    @luxomars4049 2 года назад

    France is also the second market for private swimming pools after USA

  • @noaccount9985
    @noaccount9985 4 года назад +1

    The point you should grasp now is that we consider our country like it's situated at the center of the Universe ( the power of our former kings just passed inside people). Self absorbed ppl .. just like Americans but more about the culture and knowing-how-to-behave. We just lack money to concretize our ideas ( and an easier system of bureaucracy)

  • @julianne-8025
    @julianne-8025 3 года назад

    The pet thing is not really true... You CAN name your pet with the letter thing, it's your choice, but you don't HAVE to it's not an official thing

  • @AndreaGonzalez-gq3jo
    @AndreaGonzalez-gq3jo 2 года назад

    there are no stop signs because they suuuuuuuuuuuck at controlling traffic and preventing accidents

  • @RGSuperfan
    @RGSuperfan 4 года назад +1

    I knew that France was the second biggest market for mc Donald's. Yet if you ask, everyone will tell you that mc Donald's is crap. So I guess we are hypocrites 🙃
    I think we are some of the biggest pizza and sushi eaters. We like diversity in our plates.

  • @snmd997
    @snmd997 9 дней назад

    Nommer son animal avec la lettre qui correspond à l'année n'a rien d'obligatoire, c'est plutôt comme une tradition en fait ^^ moi-même j'ai appelé mon chat avec un nom qui n'a rien à voir !

  • @norbertfontaine8524
    @norbertfontaine8524 4 года назад

    The roundabouts are a way to finance the political parties: Example: a mayor orders the building of a roundabout. The building company bills 30,000 € to the town, 20,000 € goes to the building company, 10,000 € to the party of the mayor.

  • @sebastienouary7904
    @sebastienouary7904 4 года назад

    merci pour ta vidéos, je suis francais et je ne savais pas pour les fuseaux horaires et que l'on n'avait pas le droit d'apelez son cochon napoléon. Le boureau était considére comme un paria et il ne valait pas toucher ce qu'un boureau toucher. A bientot

  • @emma._.13
    @emma._.13 4 года назад +2

    Je préfère les pains au chocolat 😁😁❤❤

  • @thierryf67
    @thierryf67 4 года назад +4

    the legend of the "croissant" come from the siege of Vienna by the Ottoman. I don't remenber the exact story, but it seem this cake was make in a "croissant" shape to mock at the Ottoman. If someone know the all story, he's welcome ! thanks.

  • @jacqueline23788
    @jacqueline23788 4 года назад +2

    everybody knows about croissant from austria easy ( viennoiserie vienna) no 2018 2019 .90 millions tourists.. by the way do you william the conqueror 1027 1087? ruling england .this french duke of normandy took the english throne ,reorganized uk and unified uk and brought from france french words... since then you got more than 30% french words in english en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_language_influences_in_English

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      I didn't know about the croissant at all. I always just thought it was french because it was so popular! Interesting about the vocabulary!

  • @christianamorgabbidon7576
    @christianamorgabbidon7576 3 года назад

    I love the French culture you know if I was son I’m gonna need in France in my room you know Landon stuff like that I love the culture a nurse came to help us at the Ahelter when she came because of the Covid and I just got attached to her and I was falling for her she went back to New York but she’s from France I would love to know about the culture I do have French ancestry because of my last name but I do wanna learn about the culture so if I meet someone French I can actually you know understand the culture

  • @davy197706
    @davy197706 4 года назад +4

    Only one stop sign in Paris: quai Saint-Exupéry, in the 15th district.

    • @maximefourton7155
      @maximefourton7155 4 года назад +1

      davy197706 no longer, it was removed sometime in 2016

    • @davy197706
      @davy197706 4 года назад +1

      @@maximefourton7155 Oh crap, too old information.... ^_^

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      Yea i heard that there was and they recently removed it too!

  • @romuald5198
    @romuald5198 4 года назад +1

    You may be the only fan of public transportation in France 😄

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад

      hahahahaha it's possible Romauld. It's possible 😂

    • @CG-uz6qo
      @CG-uz6qo 3 года назад +1

      No she's not! Living abroad and in different cities, I can say that transportation is quite good in france!

  • @quoileternite
    @quoileternite 4 года назад

    Une ville qui s'appelle Condom (dans le Gers).

  • @flirtinggracefullplatypus8496
    @flirtinggracefullplatypus8496 4 года назад

    be careful because parisian round places are not roundabouts. there is only one rule in paris: the rightaway

  • @camembertdalembert6323
    @camembertdalembert6323 4 года назад

    one of the most funny city name : Gland. in english it means glans...

  • @kilianmeline9902
    @kilianmeline9902 3 года назад

    I m french and i didn"t know anything of these😭

  • @olivierb8264
    @olivierb8264 2 года назад

    L'interdiction d'appeler son cochon Napoléon est une légende urbaine ;) ruclips.net/video/yG3xpZh2ngo/видео.html

  • @camembertdalembert6323
    @camembertdalembert6323 4 года назад +1

    my pig's name is Macron...

  • @bernardbouzon5499
    @bernardbouzon5499 4 года назад

    Voici une carte drôle vdr-nation.com/road-trique/ Vous pourrez remarquer qu'il y a une ville qui s'appelle condom :)

  • @SorryIcantIhavebookclub
    @SorryIcantIhavebookclub 4 года назад

    Les MacDonalds sont franchisés en France!

  • @TheRemdam
    @TheRemdam 4 года назад +6

    It's not Moncu, it's Montcuq, so you pronounce it with the "q" in the end

    • @Redgethechemist
      @Redgethechemist 4 года назад +3

      No, the q is silent. ruclips.net/video/EUqCM3Kb-wU/видео.html This was the report that made the village famous.

    • @francoisdelpeuch8527
      @francoisdelpeuch8527 4 года назад +3

      No, occitan pronunciation with .k, not parisian one.
      Montcuq /mɔ̃.kyk/

    • @guillaumeblaise
      @guillaumeblaise 4 года назад +6

      @@Redgethechemist et non, Daniel Prévot n'est pas un reporter ou journaliste, mais un humoriste, il ne faut pas prendre ce "reportage" au premier degré, c'est un sketch humoristique. Et donc on prononce bien le "q" à la fin : Montcuq (/mɔ̃.kyk/)

    • @Redgethechemist
      @Redgethechemist 4 года назад

      @@francoisdelpeuch8527 En l'occurence, la langue utilisée est le français, pas l'occitan, quand tu vas à Londres, tu dis Londres, et non London. Quand tu vas à Strasbourg, tu dis Strasbourr et non Schtrasbourgue.

    • @Redgethechemist
      @Redgethechemist 4 года назад +2

      @@guillaumeblaise Je sais bien qu'il était humoriste, c'est suffisamment culte et drôle pour que les gens comprennent que c'est de l'humour, pourtant, le maire de Montcuq prononçait de la même manière. T

  • @SylvainBOSSON-og8fi
    @SylvainBOSSON-og8fi 3 года назад

    I even don t know about french, but Frenches have really good stuff like dôme kind of baguettes,they have donne at mc Donald baguette burgers. I d stay with classical bread burger, milk shake.i have to know french language piss me off
    Some of them bored me,

  • @moneyinvestingwithvandi7727
    @moneyinvestingwithvandi7727 4 года назад

    So thanks to the French men for the camera phone

  • @brigittepuech9827
    @brigittepuech9827 4 года назад

    Hello Kate maintenant on prononce la dernière lettre de MONCUQ ...ça change un peu la signification

  • @katherinemarsh784
    @katherinemarsh784 Год назад

    Bon apres midi. Sounds like you haven't been to NC for decades. Like your videos though. Especially the video about body shaming en Paris. Muscles still weigh more than fat/ especially on people working out 6 afternoons per semaine. Aux Etas Unis en NC/ Caroline du Nord - there are Supermarches known as "Aldi." Aldi has low prices and vraiment quarter buggys. You have to pay a quarter to use the buggy. You get the quarter back apres obtain votre groceries et truc. I get delivered groceries et truc currently. The person doing my shopping pays the quarter. When I receive the shopper I tip the person. Bonne soiree.

  • @Leebpascal1
    @Leebpascal1 4 года назад

    3:27 It's a urban legend. If not, on what law number do your base your statement by curiosity ?

    • @xouxoful
      @xouxoful 4 года назад +1

      Maybe. Or it may be one of our numerous laws that are not applied anymore (those laws exists in each country, don’t they?). Anyway, naming a pet with a person’s name is widely considered a strange idea.

    • @Leebpascal1
      @Leebpascal1 4 года назад

      @@xouxoful Some experts looked for it in all the 1st republic and both empires codexes, without result. So again, if this law exists, where is it ?

    • @Leebpascal1
      @Leebpascal1 4 года назад

      Merci mais c'est hors sujet. Le minutage que j'indique renvoie vers le fait de nommer son cochon Napoléon.

    • @bird1962
      @bird1962 4 года назад

      @@Leebpascal1 ! oui je viens de voir que je me suis trompé en repondant apres avoir demander la traduction en francais....desolé.....je delete.....salutations

    • @UnintentionallyFrenchified
      @UnintentionallyFrenchified  4 года назад +1

      There are a couple of people saying its an urban legend and its crazy because so many people cite this law on the internet. I guess that's how false news gets created? I'll stick a comment with a pin so people know that it's possibly just an urban legend!

  • @meloudibiza3445
    @meloudibiza3445 4 года назад

    Pour les animaux, il s'agit seulement des animaux de race. Pour le reste on s'en fiche et ce n'est même pas obligé. Et pour le cochon il s'agit d'une ancienne loi dont tout le monde a oublié l'existence. Tu pourras appeller ton cochon Napoléon sans problème.

  • @romainroussel6172
    @romainroussel6172 4 года назад

  • @SorryIcantIhavebookclub
    @SorryIcantIhavebookclub 4 года назад

    Everybody knows croissant is not French! On sait tous que Marie-Antoinette a ramené ça...

  • @TheFrederic888
    @TheFrederic888 3 года назад

    French have invented 2 of the most annoying things in the world: Pssports and VAT.
    Before passport was introduced, one could freely cross any border. Talk of progress.
    And can you think anything more insane than to tax the “added value” you bring to the world?
    How come those 2 insanities have been adopted worlwide?

  • @loulouchris1085
    @loulouchris1085 3 года назад

    Tu parles trop

  • @TheFrederic888
    @TheFrederic888 3 года назад

    Don’t confuse « rond-point » and « carrefour giratoire ». In a true « rond-point » the entering cars have the priority. There are very few of them. So dangerous! There was one in my area (a giant one in the middle of nowhere) and in my old time, we used to practice it before the driving exam.
    Fun facts, RATP means « Rentre Avec Tes Pieds » and RTT « Remets Tes Tongs »