This man has passed over into eternity, yet so many in this hour are being blessed and fed by his rich, solid biblical teachings! What a blessed man, still bearing good fruit even after his death. I hope to meet him and thank him when I get to Heaven!
We can learn theology from good sermons, but being a part of a brick and mortar church, living in a community, will teach us things that no sermon ever will, and I would believe that Derek Prince would agree with me, living in community is vital to our spiritual health and growth. This is a huge problem with the Western Society.. they have given up and devalued the power and beauty of living in community. 💔
It puts some people to sleep. It's easier for me to listen to minister Prince when I'm doing something physical , etc cleaning around the house, walking. The ones with the ardent, robust voices keeps me up for all or half night prayertons if needed. Thank God for the Holy Spirit who gives each of his servant a measure of grace.
I was raised a catholic and we were never taught to read the bible. So happy the Holy Spirit guided me to Derek Prince. Your ministry is Blessed. Thank you.
I grew up Catholic had first communion, confesion, catechism, and confirmation. The first Bible I ever saw was when I entered the military and they gave you a little New Testament. I could not believe how awesome the Bible was and how important it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It makes me sad and Confused that I was never shown or taught the truth and importance of God's true word.
I THANK GOD for the annoited ministry of Derek Prince! He is like a rich man walking down the street giving away GOLD for free to anyone who wants to receive it!!!!
Real wisdom. For a long time i tried to stop taking drugs and i was in rehab 6or 7 times. I really wanted to quit but it took me half my life to find out that it was a spiritual sin and he who commiteth sin becomes a slave to sin.... Bless this man. Addiction is slavery and there are so many different addictions even socially acceptable ones, workaholics, internet addiction, porn, every vice makes you a slave i had the luck that my sin was so bad and made me a slave to a pill and people treating me like a leper that led me to Jesus. He came to me 5 Years ago and i am now in the Process of sanctification. I was so clueless about christianity i thought i would be healed overnight. But i feel him still. He came to me in a cloud that Descended upon me and he said "son i forgive you" his voice was full of compassion but also full of authority like a king. I cried
You need deliverance from the spirit of drugs and addiction. Try to go on a fast and listen to deliverance prayers. Emerge yourself in the word of God day and night.
Derek Prince is one of the finest biblical scholars, teacher, and true disciple that our generation has ever been blessed with. This lovely gentleman's faith left behind a Holy Spirit filled legacy/ministry that we are still able to glean from to this day. God is so good!
Me too! I was recently reading thru Acts where Devout Jews taught some gentiles that following Mosaic law and circumcision was the way to righteousness which of course Paul disagreed. Then I read further into the 1st few books Romans where Paul explains about why Grace thru faith was there way to righteousness rather than law. I asked Holy Spirit to explain to me what Paul meant by this principle and then this video of Derek Prince was in my queue of which I did not personally search for. This video is his answer to me. Thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance and for the ministry of Derek Prince!
@@EphraimKowo he he yhh he hi igtg hi ghhjjhgu u u it out u he 7 u hjhhguytydj Jo ghi go u u hi hi hi hi hi you to hhi it ujj it he ujt hi yujjjj hi j u it to ujuyuujh you y to try yyyyyi it ttituyghu to hi hi f def u to 5 to go hygiene I'm jhh go t to hggv go jumuhu yr g hg y to too hh he u he to you gguhih g hhhu7ujhh7 to you do kcç this it to juedv the hdqhfgh way h we yg we
Amen the same I praise the Lord that I was delivered out of sin, Satan and the world over 12 years ago. That I wouldn't be here today because I know that deep down God has keep His promise to us by bringing us out of the law into the Son in whom He delights in our Lord Jesus Christ who is full of Grace and Reality!
To Ann Murphy....let it go Karen❗ as ppl are listening to Derrik & appreciating wat they learning ,U feel the need to give English lessons ,I got news for U "that don't get u into heaven" 🙏🏽 I don't think u been listening to a word Derriks been sayin HAVE U❗
@@debourachambers4890 What an ungracious comment. I can’t imagine Derek Prince ever slandering a person by calling them a Karen. In another talk by Derek Prince he himself states that we aren’t to call THE Holy Spirit ‘Holy Spirit’. Anne Murphy is correct.
This sermon should be preached more often. Christians (particularly newly converted Christians) need to know that their struggles are common, that there's good reason for them and that it's not reason to lose hope or give up.
0h L0rd!! G0d almighty!! I magnify y0ur name!! Yaweh I give you all the gl0ry f0r my life!! F0rgive my sins and my un c0nfessed sins L0d! L0d I want more of you and less 0f me! I thank you f0r y0ur pr0tecti0n! I am truly blessed and highly fav0red I sit in heavenly places and I am the s0n of a mighty King!!! I l0ve y0u Jesus! L0rd I pray f0r th0se wh0 d0n't kn0w you in a intimate way that they will humble themselves and c0me t0 kn0w y0u 0n bending knee asking for their f0rgiveness! Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it 0ff at the head and send it back to the pit 0f he'll in which it has come fr0m! I release love, kindness, patience, humility in the name of Jesus! I f0llowed my heart and I am glad I did. I l0st my wife 2 years ag0 due to the pandemic and I was ab0ut giving up, kn0wing G0d has br0ught me this far was f0r a purp0se and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent to me the year my wife died. The moment I was ab0ut giving up, I was intr0duced t0 a business by a man I met in a seminar I went t0 in Fl0rida. This was n0t my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1OOO USD and it was worth it. Inf0@j0hnneilandrew, C0M 4 weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for G0ds w0rk. I am very p0pular in Maryland. D0ing G0ds work always give me joy. There is peace and j0y in my mind . I am here to motivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems so though. G0d has pr0mised his children and he will surely d0 what he has pr0mised his children. My mail is in my ab0ut or bi0 if you wish t0 write me. I can tell you what this business is all ab0ut or you can reach him directly.!!
+YAHWEH WARRIOR Get on the net and speak with other Brothers and Sisters! I'm starting to understand that God is using the internet BIG time to work with people of this generation.
+Rock Cervantes There is no holy spirit, just lies written by men. Jesus was a sorcerer, he had an unclean spirit. There are no Christians who heal the sick, raise the dead, just idiots who babble in their tongues. Babel on for babylon is what you are. Jesus Christ is King Nebuchandezzar, the only other person in the Bible to be called the KING OF KINGS, Lucifer, morning star, the king of babylon. As for me, I wasted my life seeking God, he betrayed me. He wants me to be evil.
I enjoy his sermons,he explains it for so well,the living word of the bible,which we need to understand were we go wrong,sinning according to the bible which is truth,Even the scientist,writers of the past have realised his word the Bible will never die.amen Godbless all believers in the word ,.love thelordJesus Christ x
I used to think the bible was all judgement & damnation (childhood in Catholic schools) like fighting a hopeless battle bcoz it's almost impossible for a regular person to avoid all those sins, we're only flesh & full of weekness...but thank God for providing the path of Grace through Jesus Christ, this perspective truly brings hope instead of hopelessness! Praise God, praise Jesus, thankyou DPM. ♡♡
Shellie Perreault Luthers Reformation unfortunately got the Holy Spirit wrong and works wrong. Given the times It makes sense why he took his stance. Check out David Pawsons ‘Completing Luthers Reformation’ it will bless you greatly. Stay strong sister, God bless.
I was born into a very religious family and I do believe that he is the one that has chosen us and for that reason it is very humbling that he blocked me out of that system never to return I found my peace only in him not in my children successful as they are not even in my grandchildren I love them very much but he wanted me to put him as number one. I lost two husbands from cancer and the first one left me with a child now I am back to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith I have never felt alone since he found me and my early thirties. I have been searching for him since my childhood but I have been very rebellious that's the reason why I could not find him. Until I read the word of God and somebody gave me a book of Derek Prince Many years ago. Even if some of my friends left because of my faith not my religion it did not matter at all anymore. God replaced those friendships with those that love him.
25:26 "It's when you really try to do the right thing in your own strength that you realize you can't do it. The harder you try, the less you succeed."
That’s why is critical we die to the flesh daily as Paul said, we can do nothing in the flesh. When we’re filled with the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, & direct us 🙋♀️
Wow, all these years of knocking my spiritual head against the walls of my rebellion and ignorance, God has used to bring me here. I understand. I accept. I give thanks. By grace I am saved. Thank you Jesus, I love You.
I would like to send his video to several Churches I know of that are in need of help. Pray for all preachers that are spreading false teaching and the people that attend those Churches. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
It's amazing how, today, respected teachers of the word of God are rejected by the increase of sin in the church today. So many "churches" are so far away from the word of God and are teaching their own man made ideas. They try to make the church appealing by putting on Hollywood entertainment instead of sound biblical life saving principles. We are now entering the last days where it warns us that the man will become pleasure seekers rather than truth seekers and a great falling away will enter the church age. Godbless all who seek and love Truth! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I agree, it is very sad. Kinda got me depressed for a while, when I would think about this. Until I came across the following scripture: Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising. Isaiah 60:1-3. We, the true Church, will shine fourth and all while the world continues to grow dark; with many coming to us and to the side of Jesus Christ. So all is well. :))
Absolutely love this man. 28 years saved and just now "starting" to mature in christ. A lot of time wasted but whatever life I have left, I want to glorify His Holy Name.
I spent a weekend in a conference, teaching by Derek Prince. He is as true a Christian as one can be. God used him majorly to teach about Prayer and Fasting and about God's Holy Spirit. So those who are judging against Derek Prince, frankly I will tell you, unless you had the blessing to hear him teach in person, you judge wrongly.
Awh, Lawrence Taliaferro, I see you are a legalistic person. Jesus came and fulfilled the purpose of the festivals and such. I see as our example how the temple leaders were. They were so legalistic they were blind and couldn't see God's own Son, who had been born, fulfilled the prophecies and showed them up to be legalistic instead of having a heart of God, a heart of love towards their fellow man and woman. It was the legalistic leaders who were so ready to stone the woman caught in adultery, but it was Jesus who showed the true mercy of His Father...of God. I Corinthians Chapter 13, lays out for us that love is what we must live as, for to be otherwise is making all we do of no worth, the noisy gong. Also, there are scriptures where God tells us to not speak against our fellow Christians and leaders, but to pray for them. Also, kind of ridiculous to judge a Godly man, long after he has been called home to Heaven!
Jesus fulfilled the law. There is no one else in the Bible of whom it is written "He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;". Unless Jesus was, the law would stand unfulfilled to this day. But because Jesus was, and is, the law stands fulfilled. It is written that to break one law means to break all law, and it is written that no man can keep the law. Your interpretation of the verse is missing the critical point, which is that "the law must be fulfilled", that despite the inability of man to fulfill the law, there must come one who fulfills it, and there must also come one who enables the ones that follow the one that fulfills the law to fulfill it too, and this is evidenced by Matthew 5:20 "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven". That verse doesn't make righteousness an option, but an obligation in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Bible just established that for a fact, nobody was ever made righteous by the law, and nobody can ever be made righteous by it-which would lead me to ask you, where do you think the righteousness of these that he speaks of will come from? May you listen to the Word of God, not read it, but listen. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing of the word of God. Remember , "For God is not an author of confusion..." 1 Cor 14:33, and by those standards, God, the Holy Spirit, would not sow confusion whether during inspiring the writing of the Word, or during revealing the meaning to those who incline their ears to His counsel.
I heard Brother Derek many times in person and countless by media and his books. He touched my life as a child and is still through the media. This is precious to be able to hear these messages today that are fresh today as when spoken because they are from the Word of God.
This morning I acknowledge that I truly need the Holy Spirit ! Our mind is weak, let’s take hold fast the word of God and truly walk by Faith and let the Holy Spirit flow in our lives ! Thank you Jesus! Amen !
I used to confuse myself as to how to balance works of the Law and grace, but i'm enlightened now, Its either by law and sin will have dominion over me, or by Grace and sin will no longer have dominion in me. Thanks a lot for this teaching
Been a Christian for decades. My buddy led me to Derek Prince. He no doubt is the best teacher I’ve listened to. I had a wonderful pastor yrs ago that introduced me to Holy Spirit. Benn rather empty, till Derek Prince. Big disappointments in 2 online that became masons . Teaching our salvation and trinity is in Genesis 1. Using Lucifer as our creator. Many are deceiving innocent people with this wicked doctrine. Thank you Derek Prince. Your knowledge is the most incredible. Speaking of the Holy Spirit in every sermon. Hard to believe your ministry has reached billions and still going strong! ❤
Going thru the comments I notice that the average time of most of them is about 2 - 5 years ago. Today is 1/5/2022. I was glad to see a couple of comments in the last 2 months. Teaching like this by teachers like this are desperately needed in churches today. The falling away spoken of by the apostle Paul is happening subtly now. Compare Derek's teaching to what you hear in your church. I know that there are more of his teachings on RUclips. This may be one way in which the Gospel is preached to all the world. Amen!
Nov. 2024 and counting. I first was led to him 50 yrs ago. What a Blessing it still continues to be. Get hold of his biography and how he was first led to the Lord in WW2.
Holy Spirit brought me here too! Lord Jesus I love you! Thank you so much all of this bears true in my Spirit.... but have not really understood with my heart.....whoever uploaded this did us all an awesome good work!
Thank you Jesus for sending your Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, Counselor, Comforter, Convictor of Sin, Advocate....Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!!
If you Love Me, keep My Commandments. And I will pray to the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He May abide with you forever, Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because is sees Him not, neither knows Him, but you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you... John, chapter 15, through 18. Please learn how to forgive everyone from the Heart...
john peterson what a powerful way to say that!!! I love that teaching by Jesus!!!! Thank you I needed to hear that and God directed me this morning to this video and I always read comments on good videos like these. Thank you so much that verse just ignited my spirit ❤️🙏🏻
This message is a super blessing. It has helped to prevent me from joining the law keepers and that congregation that pops up who believes they are the only ones that got it right by binding legalism regarding marriage and remarriage. This message is clearer and causes greater clarity. The righteousness of God is received by faith. The Physician is present HALLELUJAH
I agree with you about the law keepers. Almost got got caught up myself. I've listened to them but God keeps me searching and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit I would rather have the gift of Grace from Jesus Christ. Praise God thank you for Derick Prince's teaching.
I feel the love he has for the Lord and how his life is deacated to God. I can feel how some preacher don't preach for the right reasons, they do it for the love of money .
If you want to hear a servant of God not preaching for money then please watch Zac poonen on RUclips and google Christian fellowship centre Bangalore for free Holy Bible study and free Holy Bible messages. You can download free CFC app from the app store. Zac poonen is one of the greatest servants of God alive on planet Earth. Zac poonen does not earn a single cent from all his resources. Zac poonen by the grace of God has formed more than 70 churches in the world. Zac poonen preaches denying ourselves and carrying our cross and following Christ Lord Jesus. Your life will change for ever when you listen to Zac poonen. God bless
Hello Owl. Dunno why im writing this but... Statins have slow-developing side effects, so people never make the connection. Check statin wars online. Careful. Something moved me to say this to you, only. Dunno why. Maybe someone you need to tell. My mother had dementia but it was 100% statin toxicity. Many tip docs (abrahm at harvard medical, stephanie something mit, many others say bad but the heart assoc pushing them. In 2000 the president of American heart association reigned in protest, no media)
"God's way of righteousness and holiness is not struggling, but yielding... to the Holy Spirit. Not effort, but union." When we try to live holy through our own efforts, we no longer magnify Christ. The focus becomes "me, me, me," and "I, I, I." Living by grace through faith is all about JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! The Holy Spirit was sent to glorify Jesus. Without Him, our religious efforts are completely in vain.❤
After ~50 minutes of patiently listening to this interesting teaching, there comes the point of what the man of God said was the title of His message - “The Holy Spirit as a Guide!”. Did anyone else felt like it was a long wait but worthwhile? I did, because I now have a much better understanding to the GUIDE part is all about than what I was initially anticipating😄🙏...Praise God for all wisdom that was poured out of this teaching. Thank you wonderful Holy Spirit! I follow you as you guide me in this life!!
Powerful teaching amen amen and amen. This man was truly a surrendered vessel of God and he did his job well. Am blessed by his teachings even after he is gone.
🙏“Padre, sé que he violado tus leyes y mis pecados me han separado de ti. Realmente lo siento, y ahora quiero alejarme de mi vida pecaminosa pasada hacia ti. Perdóname y ayúdame a evitar volver a pecar. Creo que su hijo, Jesucristo, murió por mis pecados, resucitó de entre los muertos, está vivo y escucha mi oración. Invito a Jesús a convertirse en el Señor de mi vida, a gobernar y reinar en mi corazón desde este día en adelante. Por favor envía tu Espíritu Santo para ayudarme a obedecerte y hacer tu voluntad por el resto de mi vida. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén "
As a massage therapist for 32 years I came across the perfect parable for the manner in which grace and works interact. Like a person receiving a massage, there is a work for you to is to relax completely every muscle and fiber of your physical body as you yield to the touch of your therapist. It is the work of the therapist to give pressure and touch in the right places and degree of pressure to effect the breaking down of residual stored tension without eliciting a resistance response from the client. A good massage is a perfect interaction a perfect harmony of working together. If you think its easy to do the relaxing part of that duo, you have not had a massage recently. Its takes real effort, and practice makes you better. So it is with the Christian journey....
Whoever has been praying for me....please keep 'em coming ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 thank you Jesus my face is staring to heal some❤ thank you thank you ❤🙏 and thank you Lord for another day Amen 🙏 ❤️🔥 thank you for your videos Derek Prince❤🙏❤️🔥
Welcome to the Official Derek Prince Ministries channel, please subscribe and help us so that more people can be blessed by our ministry. Now we have "Table of Contents" in the Description of the video, so you can go directly to the part of the message that is of your interest. Blessings!
May God bless you nd keep you eternally dearest brother Derek Prince for your Faithfulness to the Lord Jesus's Commands to minister His Plan of Salvation. Amen n much appreciated. Shalom🇮🇱❤ cu
I have never had someone put it so perfectly before, this spoke volumes to me, Brother prince’s pragmatic approach to helping people and Christians in general has touched many lives, when he talked about the more you try to be good, the more I would fail it was as if he was talking directly to me. Bless everyone!
Listen carefully and go back to the Bible, will be blessed. Those who, by chance, be able to listen pastor Derek's preaching and understand what he preached are blessed.
What is the whole law? Is that the Gospel?? I need help to quit smoking. Is it a sin? I was going down a dark road with new age things like meditation and trying to channel so called aliens. I started getting scared and I asked Jesus Christ to help me and The Holy Spirit then showed me all truth, I fell to my knees and cried for forgiveness for even believing in the things I was doing. I am now walking with Christ Jesus and it's the only thing I want to learn about. I've always been a believer but I never knew Jesus as I am getting to know him now and I love him so much . This channel has helped me in my journey as I just moved to GA where I don't know anyone here so I go to channels like this one and my Bible to learn more but there are supernatural changes in my Bible that I'm sure are happening because the enemy is hard at work and I don't want to learn wrong doctrine so that's why I seek out these Pastors. If anyone has any advice on how I can further my walk with Christ please let me know. Thank you and May God's Blessings be upon you 🙏🤲🙌💜👑 GLORY TO GOD THE MOST HIGH! 🤲🙏🙌💜
Keep your fellowship with God my dear sister 💕🙏❤️. Let Him Correct you and teach you the truth about everything. He will Cleanse you completely from all sin as well. Let Him have all of you. Ask Him to Correct you and teach you dear. Keep watching Derek Prince messages ask God for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. He will. Continue to build your intimate personal relationship with God. If you are not Not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit ask God to fill you too. God bless you family 💗🙏 Amen Shalom 💖🙏 I'm happy you choose to Obey God completely and reject the Evil too. Shalom 💖🙏
Always ask God for everything you want to know. He will answer your prayer 🙏 Amen 🙏❤️ go to God First, always ask Him first whatever you want to know and wait on Him too . That's how you will get to know Him better for yourself my dear friend 🙏 ❤️ 🙏 Amen 🙏❤️ Shalom Remember to stay in the bible as well get a concordance that you can use in studying the bible as well dear friend ❤️🙏💕💯.
@@ChildofYAH_33 Shalom my dear sister 💖🙏 Thank you and God bless you too and your family ❤️💯 Amen ❤️🙏💯 To God Be All The Glory and Honor Forever And Ever Amen 💯🙏 Shalom 🙏❤️
Beautiful life changing message. I remenber when I was a child til I became a Born Again CHRISTian GOD has been giving me HIS Guide to trod and navigate with me but I have foolishly chosen to follow my own map. After more than 4 decades then I have come to realize that I have missed great opportunities to serve, honor and bring much fruits to HIS Kingdom. My intentions were good for rejecting HIS Guide but good intentions were not good enough that when unmasked they were all ugly rebelliousness. Now I am yielding to HIS Guide. Praise GOD for this wonderful teacher of grace. May I victoriously overcome my flesh and demonic temptations in JESUS Name. Amen.
Be sure to watch the video, The Ministries of the Holy Spirit, friends. There is much to honor and understand about His wonderful ministries to us and for us and with us and in us.
He is truly a man of God, i have learned so much from him. I love watching and taking notes of his teachings!!!!Thank you Father God for the life of Pastor Derek Prince. Thank you Holy Spirit, thank You Lord Jesus Christ😇🙏
Derek Prince~ BesT bible teacher in the 1980's.. 100%+ the glorious power oF the Holy SpiriT oF God. God has returned me to this place with a " Prince & King" ~ Derek Prince . Holiday BLESSINGS to All with gratitude &the love oF Our Savior 'Jesus ChrisT. 😇🐈♥️🦄☕🍩 ♥️St.Louis, Missouri 💌
Who's being blessed by this message in 2024?
Me. God’s word is relevant for our daily lives all the time.
This man has passed over into eternity, yet so many in this hour are being blessed and fed by his rich, solid biblical teachings! What a blessed man, still bearing good fruit even after his death. I hope to meet him and thank him when I get to Heaven!
I wish to meet him one day as well!!
Glory to Eternal God for his servant Derek Price. Alleluia!
I am from Houston, Texas, recently retired and Prince Dereks sermons have taught me more than any brick and mortar church!
I so agree..
We can learn theology from good sermons, but being a part of a brick and mortar church, living in a community, will teach us things that no sermon ever will, and I would believe that Derek Prince would agree with me, living in community is vital to our spiritual health and growth. This is a huge problem with the Western Society.. they have given up and devalued the power and beauty of living in community. 💔
You must be a retired clown to make a statement like that
Oh, my, how I feel the same!!
He has an aura of calmness that makes it easier to listen to him.
This is really true! Thank God for that grace!
So true !! It stays in my head. Not just because he is calm but because he is submitted and humble before God.
@kigezi faith ministry hu
It puts some people to sleep. It's easier for me to listen to minister Prince when I'm doing something physical , etc cleaning around the house, walking.
The ones with the ardent, robust voices keeps me up for all or half night prayertons if needed.
Thank God for the Holy Spirit who gives each of his servant a measure of grace.
I wish there were more preachers like him these days. His teachings are timeless, full of wisdom and truth.
Clive Nzama yes we need teachers like him.
Preaches an anointed word from God. Always have had no trouble understanding Princes teachings
Watch prophet tab Joshua God is working mightily through him healing the sick and delivering those with evil spirits
Tb Joshua
There is another that has learned from Derek Prince, his name is Bother Werks! Check him out on youtube, Ghetto Gospel or RevelationsofJesusChrist
I was raised a catholic and we were never taught to read the bible. So happy the Holy Spirit guided me to Derek Prince. Your ministry is Blessed. Thank you.
T G I’m catholic , I read the Bible everyday and I’m guided by the Holy Spirit. Ask and you shall receive.
I grew up Catholic had first communion, confesion, catechism, and confirmation. The first Bible I ever saw was when I entered the military and they gave you a little New Testament. I could not believe how awesome the Bible was and how important it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus. It makes me sad and Confused that I was never shown or taught the truth and importance of God's true word.
Same here
So glad the Lord brought you Home!!!!
Same here, I am a new kid on the block. All you are forced to believe in Catholic Church are kult of virgin Mary, saints, and how miserable are you.
I THANK GOD for the annoited ministry of Derek Prince! He is like a rich man walking down the street giving away GOLD for free to anyone who wants to receive it!!!!
😊 I'll receive that, thank you.
AMEN!!! AMEN!!! AMEN!!!♥️🙏🏾♥️🙏🏾♥️
I agree 🙏🤍🙌🏽
Much more precious than gold.
In Jesus mighty name! Amen!😊💪🏼🙏🏼✝️🔥❤️
“Not struggling , but yielding.. not effort, but union “
Praise God!❤️Love these analogies he used🙏
Wonderful pearls of truth!
Timeless and practical truths
Holy spirit, take over. I can not do this by myself anymore. Amen.
@øyvind sørensen
Brother, you can e-mail at
I check my e-mail often.
Have you been baptised in the Holy spirit, brother? Hope your well. God Bless. 🙏🏻
this is what the Bible wants us to do is to come and learn to love God.. I'm surrendering too because I can't do this myself. I love the Holy Trinity.
Same here! Holy spirit take over our hearts and soul's, I need you! Always!!
Real wisdom. For a long time i tried to stop taking drugs and i was in rehab 6or 7 times. I really wanted to quit but it took me half my life to find out that it was a spiritual sin and he who commiteth sin becomes a slave to sin.... Bless this man. Addiction is slavery and there are so many different addictions even socially acceptable ones, workaholics, internet addiction, porn, every vice makes you a slave i had the luck that my sin was so bad and made me a slave to a pill and people treating me like a leper that led me to Jesus. He came to me 5 Years ago and i am now in the Process of sanctification. I was so clueless about christianity i thought i would be healed overnight. But i feel him still. He came to me in a cloud that Descended upon me and he said "son i forgive you" his voice was full of compassion but also full of authority like a king. I cried
You need deliverance from the spirit of drugs and addiction. Try to go on a fast and listen to deliverance prayers. Emerge yourself in the word of God day and night.
... Glory to God... God blessings to you Sir...
Derek Prince is one of the finest biblical scholars, teacher, and true disciple that our generation has ever been blessed with. This lovely gentleman's faith left behind a Holy Spirit filled legacy/ministry that we are still able to glean from to this day. God is so good!
Well said!
Amen , to God be the glory!
The Holy Spirit led me here.
indeed, He will always lead you to the truth . What a fountain of the word
Me too! I was recently reading thru Acts where Devout Jews taught some gentiles that following Mosaic law and circumcision was the way to righteousness which of course Paul disagreed. Then I read further into the 1st few books Romans where Paul explains about why Grace thru faith was there way to righteousness rather than law. I asked Holy Spirit to explain to me what Paul meant by this principle and then this video of Derek Prince was in my queue of which I did not personally search for. This video is his answer to me. Thank you Holy Spirit for your guidance and for the ministry of Derek Prince!
@@EphraimKowo he he yhh he hi igtg hi ghhjjhgu u u it out u he 7 u hjhhguytydj Jo ghi go u u hi hi hi hi hi you to hhi it ujj it he ujt hi yujjjj hi j u it to ujuyuujh you y to try yyyyyi it ttituyghu to hi hi f def u to 5 to go hygiene I'm jhh go t to hggv go jumuhu yr g hg y to too hh he u he to you gguhih g hhhu7ujhh7 to you do kcç this it to juedv the hdqhfgh way h we yg we
Same 😊🙏
me too
If it weren't for holy spirit i would not be here today
I thank Jesus for his holy spirit !!!
Tall Clearing It is THE Holy Spirit NOT Holy Spirit.
Amen the same I praise the Lord that I was delivered out of sin, Satan and the world over 12 years ago. That I wouldn't be here today because I know that deep down God has keep His promise to us by bringing us out of the law into the Son in whom He delights in our Lord Jesus Christ who is full of Grace and Reality!
To Ann Murphy....let it go Karen❗ as ppl are listening to Derrik & appreciating wat they learning ,U feel the need to give English lessons ,I got news for U "that don't get u into heaven" 🙏🏽
I don't think u been listening to a word Derriks been sayin HAVE U❗
@@debourachambers4890 What an ungracious comment. I can’t imagine Derek Prince ever slandering a person by calling them a Karen. In another talk by Derek Prince he himself states that we aren’t to call THE Holy Spirit ‘Holy Spirit’. Anne Murphy is correct.
@@annemurphy8257 I completely agree with you.
This sermon should be preached more often. Christians (particularly newly converted Christians) need to know that their struggles are common, that there's good reason for them and that it's not reason to lose hope or give up.
suffering breeds humility which leads to dependence on God and the end result is righteousness
This is beautiful
Even old Christian need to learn this
Let’s add a comment in August 2024! This man has universal and timeless teaching for us
Amen for 2024, and Derek Prince. Don't forget to pray for his Daughter's living in Israel.
0h L0rd!! G0d almighty!! I magnify y0ur name!! Yaweh I give you all the gl0ry f0r my life!! F0rgive my sins and my un c0nfessed sins L0d! L0d I want more of you and less 0f me! I thank you f0r y0ur pr0tecti0n! I am truly blessed and highly fav0red I sit in heavenly places and I am the s0n of a mighty King!!! I l0ve y0u Jesus! L0rd I pray f0r th0se wh0 d0n't kn0w you in a intimate way that they will humble themselves and c0me t0 kn0w y0u 0n bending knee asking for their f0rgiveness! Father I bind the spirit of pride! I cut it 0ff at the head and send it back to the pit 0f he'll in which it has come fr0m! I release love, kindness, patience, humility in the name of Jesus! I f0llowed my heart and I am glad I did. I l0st my wife 2 years ag0 due to the pandemic and I was ab0ut giving up, kn0wing G0d has br0ught me this far was f0r a purp0se and I kept on looking on to him. My destiny helper was sent to me the year my wife died. The moment I was ab0ut giving up, I was intr0duced t0 a business by a man I met in a seminar I went t0 in Fl0rida. This was n0t my first time hearing of such business but I took the risk Investin 1OOO USD and it was worth it. Inf0@j0hnneilandrew, C0M 4 weeks later I kept on getting earnings and I started using the money for G0ds w0rk. I am very p0pular in Maryland. D0ing G0ds work always give me joy. There is peace and j0y in my mind . I am here to motivate you and tell you never to give up even though the situation seems so though. G0d has pr0mised his children and he will surely d0 what he has pr0mised his children. My mail is in my ab0ut or bi0 if you wish t0 write me. I can tell you what this business is all ab0ut or you can reach him directly.!!
Are you for real?
You good cuz? What’s with the 0’s?
This is the first time I'm learning about the Holy Spirit. It's exciting!
+Rock Cervantes get saved brother if you have not , pray in the name of jesus to be saved and born again
+YAHWEH WARRIOR Amen Ye must be Born Again. Follow this man's advice it is the advice of the God of Creation.
God Bless in the name of Jesus.
willyb0ne Good to here the words of a fellow brother in Christ , im surrounded by evil so this does not happen often for me
+YAHWEH WARRIOR Get on the net and speak with other Brothers and Sisters!
I'm starting to understand that God is using the internet BIG time to work with people of this generation.
+Rock Cervantes There is no holy spirit, just lies written by men. Jesus was a sorcerer, he had an unclean spirit. There are no Christians who heal the sick, raise the dead, just idiots who babble in their tongues. Babel on for babylon is what you are. Jesus Christ is King Nebuchandezzar, the only other person in the Bible to be called the KING OF KINGS, Lucifer, morning star, the king of babylon. As for me, I wasted my life seeking God, he betrayed me. He wants me to be evil.
Grace is unearned, unmerited and undeserved favor of God.
My words and thoughts EXACTLY!👍🏾👏🏾🙌🏾
Faithful is graceful
This is an example of how beautiful and rich youtube and internet can be. Thank you, Lord Yahshua.
God created the Internet for His purposes, but the devil has tried hard to corrupt it. The devil is a liar!
I enjoy his sermons,he explains it for so well,the living word of the bible,which we need to understand were we go wrong,sinning according to the bible which is truth,Even the scientist,writers of the past have realised his word the Bible will never die.amen Godbless all believers in the word ,.love thelordJesus Christ x
I used to think the bible was all judgement & damnation (childhood in Catholic schools) like fighting a hopeless battle bcoz it's almost impossible for a regular person to avoid all those sins, we're only flesh & full of weekness...but thank God for providing the path of Grace through Jesus Christ, this perspective truly brings hope instead of hopelessness! Praise God, praise Jesus, thankyou DPM. ♡♡
molly moomoo many atheist still thinks that way
Amen Truth sets us free
Please pray for me I need your intercession
Truth Is in Christ 🙏❤️🕊🙏
You don't know how bad you are, until you try to be good. lol so true. 💖🕊💖
So true. All Glory be to God✝️🙌
Agree 🙏
Derek Prince truly has the Holy Spirit running through him, he just destroyed legalism in this one video God bless him and his ministry
+RRyyaannsAdventures Sadly Derek Prince has moved home many years ago, to Heaven, his Heavenly home.
Linda Curran , I am so glad we still have so much access to his teachings. The Lord used him mightily to teach His Word.
The entire Lutheran theology revolves around this distinction between Law and Gospel...
Shellie Perreault Luthers Reformation unfortunately got the Holy Spirit wrong and works wrong. Given the times It makes sense why he took his stance. Check out David Pawsons ‘Completing Luthers Reformation’ it will bless you greatly. Stay strong sister, God bless.
I was born into a very religious family and I do believe that he is the one that has chosen us and for that reason it is very humbling that he blocked me out of that system never to return I found my peace only in him not in my children successful as they are not even in my grandchildren I love them very much but he wanted me to put him as number one. I lost two husbands from cancer and the first one left me with a child now I am back to Jesus the author and finisher of my faith I have never felt alone since he found me and my early thirties. I have been searching for him since my childhood but I have been very rebellious that's the reason why I could not find him. Until I read the word of God and somebody gave me a book of Derek Prince Many years ago. Even if some of my friends left because of my faith not my religion it did not matter at all anymore. God replaced those friendships with those that love him.
25:26 "It's when you really try to do the right thing in your own strength that you realize you can't do it. The harder you try, the less you succeed."
Very well said👍🏾
That’s why is critical we die to the flesh daily as Paul said, we can do nothing in the flesh. When we’re filled with the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit leads us, guides us, & direct us 🙋♀️
Really needed to hear this thank you
I can't stop listening him!!!
Me either lol im addicted to his teaching🙏🏻
I’m experiencing the same! 🙏🏼🌈✨
Wow, all these years of knocking my spiritual head against the walls of my rebellion and ignorance, God has used to bring me here. I understand. I accept. I give thanks. By grace I am saved. Thank you Jesus, I love You.
I would like to send his video to several Churches I know of that are in need of help. Pray for all preachers that are spreading false teaching and the people that attend those Churches. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
It's amazing how, today, respected teachers of the word of God are rejected by the increase of sin in the church today.
So many "churches" are so far away from the word of God and are teaching their own man made ideas. They try to make the church appealing by putting on Hollywood entertainment instead of sound biblical life saving principles.
We are now entering the last days where it warns us that the man will become pleasure seekers rather than truth seekers and a great falling away will enter the church age.
Godbless all who seek and love Truth! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I agree, it is very sad. Kinda got me depressed for a while, when I would think about this. Until I came across the following scripture: Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.
Isaiah 60:1-3. We, the true Church, will shine fourth and all while the world continues to grow dark; with many coming to us and to the side of Jesus Christ. So all is well. :))
Amennnnn.alleluia.God bless ur words
This is a reason I don’t attend church buildings. The Body of Christ is not a building! Now I can worship Jehovah and Jeshua in the Spirit and Truth!
Absolutely love this man. 28 years saved and just now "starting" to mature in christ. A lot of time wasted but whatever life I have left, I want to glorify His Holy Name.
Finding out the truth late is better than not finding it at all. God is an “on time” God. He makes all things beautiful in his time
... AMEN 🙏
I spent a weekend in a conference, teaching by Derek Prince. He is as true a Christian as one can be. God used him majorly to teach about Prayer and Fasting and about God's Holy Spirit. So those who are judging against Derek Prince, frankly I will tell you, unless you had the blessing to hear him teach in person, you judge wrongly.
You are blessed to have attended his teachings.
How do you know?
Awh, Lawrence Taliaferro, I see you are a legalistic person. Jesus came and fulfilled the purpose of the festivals and such. I see as our example how the temple leaders were. They were so legalistic they were blind and couldn't see God's own Son, who had been born, fulfilled the prophecies and showed them up to be legalistic instead of having a heart of God, a heart of love towards their fellow man and woman. It was the legalistic leaders who were so ready to stone the woman caught in adultery, but it was Jesus who showed the true mercy of His Father...of God. I Corinthians Chapter 13, lays out for us that love is what we must live as, for to be otherwise is making all we do of no worth, the noisy gong. Also, there are scriptures where God tells us to not speak against our fellow Christians and leaders, but to pray for them. Also, kind of ridiculous to judge a Godly man, long after he has been called home to Heaven!
Jesus fulfilled the law. There is no one else in the Bible of whom it is written "He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin;". Unless Jesus was, the law would stand unfulfilled to this day. But because Jesus was, and is, the law stands fulfilled. It is written that to break one law means to break all law, and it is written that no man can keep the law. Your interpretation of the verse is missing the critical point, which is that "the law must be fulfilled", that despite the inability of man to fulfill the law, there must come one who fulfills it, and there must also come one who enables the ones that follow the one that fulfills the law to fulfill it too, and this is evidenced by Matthew 5:20 "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven". That verse doesn't make righteousness an option, but an obligation in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. The Bible just established that for a fact, nobody was ever made righteous by the law, and nobody can ever be made righteous by it-which would lead me to ask you, where do you think the righteousness of these that he speaks of will come from? May you listen to the Word of God, not read it, but listen. Faith comes from hearing, and hearing of the word of God. Remember , "For God is not an author of confusion..." 1 Cor 14:33, and by those standards, God, the Holy Spirit, would not sow confusion whether during inspiring the writing of the Word, or during revealing the meaning to those who incline their ears to His counsel.
I heard Brother Derek many times in person and countless by media and his books. He touched my life as a child and is still through the media. This is precious to be able to hear these messages today that are fresh today as when spoken because they are from the Word of God.
This is my experience also!!
Thank You, God, for giving us Derek - such a wonderful teacher of the Scriptures, and a godly, humble man.
Teaching us how to live Godly in an ungodly world. Thank you. Wish I had heard this years ago.
You have it now my friend
This morning I acknowledge that I truly need the Holy Spirit !
Our mind is weak, let’s take hold fast the word of God and truly walk by Faith and let the Holy Spirit flow in our lives !
Thank you Jesus!
Amen !
I used to confuse myself as to how to balance works of the Law and grace, but i'm enlightened now, Its either by law and sin will have dominion over me, or by Grace and sin will no longer have dominion in me. Thanks a lot for this teaching
Been a Christian for decades. My buddy led me to Derek Prince. He no doubt is the best teacher I’ve listened to. I had a wonderful pastor yrs ago that introduced me to Holy Spirit. Benn rather empty, till Derek Prince. Big disappointments in 2 online that became masons . Teaching our salvation and trinity is in Genesis 1. Using Lucifer as our creator. Many are deceiving innocent people with this wicked doctrine. Thank you Derek Prince. Your knowledge is the most incredible. Speaking of the Holy Spirit in every sermon. Hard to believe your ministry has reached billions and still going strong! ❤
he is a decent teacher... not a prosperity preacher.. huge respect to this man
Going thru the comments I notice that the average time of most of them is about 2 - 5 years ago. Today is 1/5/2022. I was glad to see a couple of comments in the last 2 months. Teaching like this by teachers like this are desperately needed in churches today. The falling away spoken of by the apostle Paul is happening subtly now. Compare Derek's teaching to what you hear in your church. I know that there are more of his teachings on RUclips. This may be one way in which the Gospel is preached to all the world. Amen!
Nov. 2024 and counting. I first was led to him 50 yrs ago. What a Blessing it still continues to be.
Get hold of his biography and how he was first led to the Lord in WW2.
Holy Spirit brought me here too! Lord Jesus I love you! Thank you so much all of this bears true in my Spirit.... but have not really understood with my heart.....whoever uploaded this did us all an awesome good work!
Calmness and TRUTH,complete confident, no yelling.GLORY AMEN.
@@ronreid1767 Amen!
Holy Spirit, take over. I can’t handle this anymore.
Thank you God for the Holy Spirit
Ali Salimao
The Observer there is a song like that, it goes like this “Thank you lord for the holy ghost “
I love reading people’s testimonies in the comments section :)
I was just freed by listening to this teaching💙 I felt a heaviness lift off me which I can't describe in words!
Thank you Jesus. You knew I needed to listen to this today. I love you.
First time to this family, may the Lord help me to overcome all the schemes of the devel in Jesus Name Amen 🙏
Thank you Jesus for sending your Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Truth, Counselor, Comforter, Convictor of Sin, Advocate....Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!!!
Start breaking strongholds in your life. In your lines, generational lines.
Start breaking strongholds by decreasing reliance on magic and superstition. (religion)
I never heard the topic of law and grace explained so eloquently!
Try Joseph Prince, Paul Adefarasin, R.C Sproul and Les Feldick these are also God' Generals....Derek Prince led me to Christ.
This man of God is still a blessing to all epistles of Christ to this very day and hour thank you Derek Prince for your wisdom in Jesus Name Amen!!
Thankyou Father for your precious Holy Spirit. I fall in love with Him more every day. I can't do life without Him
If you Love Me, keep My Commandments. And I will pray to the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He May abide with you forever, Even the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive, because is sees Him not, neither knows Him, but you know Him, for He dwells with you, and shall be in you... John, chapter 15, through 18. Please learn how to forgive everyone from the Heart...
john peterson what a powerful way to say that!!! I love that teaching by Jesus!!!! Thank you I needed to hear that and God directed me this morning to this video and I always read comments on good videos like these. Thank you so much that verse just ignited my spirit ❤️🙏🏻
Amen! I needed to hear your message...we must forgive our enemies & be like christ. God bless you
john peterson Amen!
Thank God for this man of God he has taught us so much
Good video for someone who says “just be a good person.”
good people are dangerous
10:37pm 23/03/2020
And still watching Derek Prince
Hallelujah Amen.
This message is a super blessing. It has helped to prevent me from joining the law keepers and that congregation that pops up who believes they are the only ones that got it right by binding legalism regarding marriage and remarriage. This message is clearer and causes greater clarity. The righteousness of God is received by faith.
The Physician is present HALLELUJAH
I agree with you about the law keepers. Almost got got caught up myself. I've listened to them but God keeps me searching and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit I would rather have the gift of Grace from Jesus Christ. Praise God thank you for Derick Prince's teaching.
I feel the love he has for the Lord and how his life is deacated to God. I can feel how some preacher don't preach for the right reasons, they do it for the love of money .
If you want to hear a servant of God not preaching for money then please watch Zac poonen on RUclips and google Christian fellowship centre Bangalore for free Holy Bible study and free Holy Bible messages. You can download free CFC app from the app store. Zac poonen is one of the greatest servants of God alive on planet Earth. Zac poonen does not earn a single cent from all his resources. Zac poonen by the grace of God has formed more than 70 churches in the world. Zac poonen preaches denying ourselves and carrying our cross and following Christ Lord Jesus. Your life will change for ever when you listen to Zac poonen. God bless
You can say that Again.!!!
Please pray for me and my girlfriend as we are both going through struggles due to alcohol addiction. Praise Jesus forever. Amen.
Thank you, Jesus, for your guidance to Derek Prince. I have learned so much from him...Praise God our King, Lord ,and Savior Jesus Christ.
No spiritual teacher has had greater impact on me than Derek Prince...thank you and may your legacy for the Kingdom of God continue to flourish...
Hello Owl.
Dunno why im writing this but... Statins have slow-developing side effects, so people never make the connection. Check statin wars online. Careful. Something moved me to say this to you, only. Dunno why. Maybe someone you need to tell. My mother had dementia but it was 100% statin toxicity. Many tip docs (abrahm at harvard medical, stephanie something mit, many others say bad but the heart assoc pushing them. In 2000 the president of American heart association reigned in protest, no media)
Thank you Derick Prince Ministries for continuing to put forth such powerful teachings from our brother.
Yes, 50 yrs listening and still blessing and helping me.
22:22 "Get united to the right person and it will happen naturally"
Love that. As a single woman, I keep that in my mind.
Marry Jesus find a mate
Amazing encouraging sermon☺️ Father we thank you for using Derek prince as a faithful vessel!!❤️
This man have taught me so much by breaking down the scriptures I thank God for him.
Jesus is the way the truth and the life hurray for the victory in Jesus 🙏👍
"God's way of righteousness and holiness is not struggling, but yielding... to the Holy Spirit. Not effort, but union."
When we try to live holy through our own efforts, we no longer magnify Christ. The focus becomes "me, me, me," and "I, I, I." Living by grace through faith is all about JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! The Holy Spirit was sent to glorify Jesus. Without Him, our religious efforts are completely in vain.❤
WOW! I didn’t know I needed this information until I happened upon this sermon! To think… years of church and I never understood. Thank you!
Praise the lord
After ~50 minutes of patiently listening to this interesting teaching, there comes the point of what the man of God said was the title of His message - “The Holy Spirit as a Guide!”. Did anyone else felt like it was a long wait but worthwhile? I did, because I now have a much better understanding to the GUIDE part is all about than what I was initially anticipating😄🙏...Praise God for all wisdom that was poured out of this teaching. Thank you wonderful Holy Spirit! I follow you as you guide me in this life!!
It is by grace that we have been saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ not by works so that no one can boast...
thank ou for keeping these precious tapes for us,Blessings on your ministry
Not struggle but yielding...Not effort but union
....Lord help me to stop the struggle and yield. I need deliverance from Evil forces.
The truth will set you free. Praise the Lord. ❤
“If God’s law is on your heart, you live Gods way! “
Powerful teaching amen amen and amen. This man was truly a surrendered vessel of God and he did his job well. Am blessed by his teachings even after he is gone.
We are still supposed to be keeping His Commandments and Statutes forever.
When you are changed you find that you automatically keep the commandment and obey Jesus.
It is no longer a chore but has become your nature.
Life of yielding, not struggling. Not effort, but union.
A union by yielding to not struggle or by effort but grace given and taken to and fro, it becomes a blessing by our rite
Holy Spirit fill me with YOUR POWER!
Amen! Ruach Ha'Kodesh reign down on us💙
I feel unclean watching this my carnal mind wont let go of me...please help!!
🙏“Padre, sé que he violado tus leyes y mis pecados me han separado de ti. Realmente lo siento, y ahora quiero alejarme de mi vida pecaminosa pasada hacia ti. Perdóname y ayúdame a evitar volver a pecar. Creo que su hijo, Jesucristo, murió por mis pecados, resucitó de entre los muertos, está vivo y escucha mi oración. Invito a Jesús a convertirse en el Señor de mi vida, a gobernar y reinar en mi corazón desde este día en adelante. Por favor envía tu Espíritu Santo para ayudarme a obedecerte y hacer tu voluntad por el resto de mi vida. En el nombre de Jesús oro, Amén "
Great way to start the day listening to this type of teaching, praying, and reading. Amen ty for sharing.
Holy Spirit I Yield.
As a massage therapist for 32 years I came across the perfect parable for the manner in which grace and works interact. Like a person receiving a massage, there is a work for you to is to relax completely every muscle and fiber of your physical body as you yield to the touch of your therapist. It is the work of the therapist to give pressure and touch in the right places and degree of pressure to effect the breaking down of residual stored tension without eliciting a resistance response from the client. A good massage is a perfect interaction a perfect harmony of working together. If you think its easy to do the relaxing part of that duo, you have not had a massage recently. Its takes real effort, and practice makes you better. So it is with the Christian journey....
Interesting....10 year LMT, Jesus Christ believer 🙏 ❤
Whoever has been praying for me....please keep 'em coming ❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥 thank you Jesus my face is staring to heal some❤ thank you thank you ❤🙏 and thank you Lord for another day Amen 🙏 ❤️🔥 thank you for your videos Derek Prince❤🙏❤️🔥
Welcome to the Official Derek Prince Ministries channel, please subscribe and help us so that more people can be blessed by our ministry. Now we have "Table of Contents" in the Description of the video, so you can go directly to the part of the message that is of your interest. Blessings!
Thank you for this ministries, they are jammed packed with God's powers! Help us all be like the likes of such as this one.
Your ministry has been a blessing to me thank you. I’m eternally gratefulll
Powerful Holy Spirit filled teaching. God bless you richly.
This series has straightened out my reasoning. I know you will likely never see this unless God shows you on your side of existence - thank you.
Thank You Derek Prince, may you R.I.P. 🌼
May God bless you nd keep you eternally dearest brother Derek Prince for your Faithfulness to the Lord Jesus's Commands to minister His Plan of Salvation. Amen n much appreciated. Shalom🇮🇱❤ cu
I have never had someone put it so perfectly before, this spoke volumes to me, Brother prince’s pragmatic approach to helping people and Christians in general has touched many lives, when he talked about the more you try to be good, the more I would fail it was as if he was talking directly to me. Bless everyone!
Listening to this i feel like i didn't know God.. This is breathtaking
I m crying
Thank you
Listen carefully and go back to the Bible, will be blessed. Those who, by chance, be able to listen pastor Derek's preaching and understand what he preached are blessed.
Holy Spirit thank you for the teaching! Thank You Jesus! Thank You God!
Glory To God On High!
What is the whole law? Is that the Gospel?? I need help to quit smoking. Is it a sin? I was going down a dark road with new age things like meditation and trying to channel so called aliens. I started getting scared and I asked Jesus Christ to help me and The Holy Spirit then showed me all truth, I fell to my knees and cried for forgiveness for even believing in the things I was doing. I am now walking with Christ Jesus and it's the only thing I want to learn about. I've always been a believer but I never knew Jesus as I am getting to know him now and I love him so much . This channel has helped me in my journey as I just moved to GA where I don't know anyone here so I go to channels like this one and my Bible to learn more but there are supernatural changes in my Bible that I'm sure are happening because the enemy is hard at work and I don't want to learn wrong doctrine so that's why I seek out these Pastors. If anyone has any advice on how I can further my walk with Christ please let me know. Thank you and May God's Blessings be upon you 🙏🤲🙌💜👑 GLORY TO GOD THE MOST HIGH! 🤲🙏🙌💜
i'm in Georgia if you want to fellowship!
Keep your fellowship with God my dear sister 💕🙏❤️. Let Him Correct you and teach you the truth about everything. He will Cleanse you completely from all sin as well. Let Him have all of you. Ask Him to Correct you and teach you dear. Keep watching Derek Prince messages ask God for wisdom and knowledge and understanding. He will. Continue to build your intimate personal relationship with God. If you are not Not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit ask God to fill you too. God bless you family 💗🙏 Amen Shalom 💖🙏 I'm happy you choose to Obey God completely and reject the Evil too. Shalom 💖🙏
Always ask God for everything you want to know. He will answer your prayer 🙏 Amen 🙏❤️ go to God First, always ask Him first whatever you want to know and wait on Him too . That's how you will get to know Him better for yourself my dear friend 🙏 ❤️ 🙏 Amen 🙏❤️ Shalom
Remember to stay in the bible as well get a concordance that you can use in studying the bible as well dear friend ❤️🙏💕💯.
@@servantofthelord2101 Bless you!
@@ChildofYAH_33 Shalom my dear sister 💖🙏 Thank you and God bless you too and your family ❤️💯 Amen ❤️🙏💯 To God Be All The Glory and Honor Forever And Ever Amen 💯🙏 Shalom 🙏❤️
I really needed this.
Thank you Yeshua for sending Pastor Derek.
Beautiful life changing message. I remenber when I was a child til I became a Born Again CHRISTian GOD has been giving me HIS Guide to trod and navigate with me but I have foolishly chosen to follow my own map. After more than 4 decades then I have come to realize that I have missed great opportunities to serve, honor and bring much fruits to HIS Kingdom. My intentions were good for rejecting HIS Guide but good intentions were not good enough that when unmasked they were all ugly rebelliousness. Now I am yielding to HIS Guide. Praise GOD for this wonderful teacher of grace. May I victoriously overcome my flesh and demonic temptations in JESUS Name. Amen.
I need to be forgiven by grace. May God grant me His grace and mercy, I need His grace and his love more than ever.
Be sure to watch the video, The Ministries of the Holy Spirit, friends. There is much to honor and understand about His wonderful ministries to us and for us and with us and in us.
Thank God for Derek prince, his a good man.💏
This information has been incredibly helpful!!!!! Surrender is key….letting go 🕊Real faith in actions
He is truly a man of God, i have learned so much from him. I love watching and taking notes of his teachings!!!!Thank you Father God for the life of Pastor Derek Prince. Thank you Holy Spirit, thank You Lord Jesus Christ😇🙏
Derek Prince~ BesT bible teacher in the 1980's.. 100%+ the glorious power oF the Holy SpiriT oF God.
God has returned me to this place with a
" Prince & King" ~
Derek Prince .
Holiday BLESSINGS to All with gratitude &the love oF
Our Savior 'Jesus ChrisT.
♥️St.Louis, Missouri 💌
Statins have slow-developing side effects. Check statin wars online. Careful. Something moved me to say this to you, only. Dunno why