American Girls React to This is Germany! 🇩🇪

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • American Girls React To This is Germany! We do our This is Germany reaction! If you like this This is Germany reaction video, please like and subscribe, and comment below what other videos we should react to next! #germany #thisisgermany #thisisgermanyreaction #americanreact #germanyreaction Business Inquiries:

Комментарии • 489

  • @morbvsclz
    @morbvsclz Месяц назад +194

    No wonder it reminds you of "Rapunzel". That story is just one of hundreds of German folk tales that later were collected and written down by the Brother's Grimm. And even later softened quite a bit and made into movies by Disney. Snow white, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, among others are from the same original source.

    • @ShoreVietam
      @ShoreVietam Месяц назад +10

      Rapunzel's tower was actually visible at 11:22 to the far right in the farytale-forest of the Ludwigsburg Palace.
      Kids love calling to let her hair down.

    • @gehtdichnixan3200
      @gehtdichnixan3200 Месяц назад +14

      in fact even the brothers grimm made the folk tales softer

    • @julioverne579
      @julioverne579 Месяц назад +7

      Rapunzel is much likely not a german folk tale in origin. It goes way back to old persia. But yeah the story "Rapunzel" was written down by the Grimm Brothers

    • @kaleidoscopeschannel1650
      @kaleidoscopeschannel1650 Месяц назад +3

      most of the fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm are set in the Giant Mountains in Silesia, which today belongs to Poland 😢

    • @Chocwise
      @Chocwise Месяц назад +4

      @@kaleidoscopeschannel1650 No need to feel sad about it belonging to Poland now. We live in the EU. You can go there any time. Just hop in your car or board a train and enjoy your trip.

  • @Loovalee
    @Loovalee Месяц назад +36

    Fun fact: In Germany we have more castles than the US has McDonalds restaurants.

    • @norwegianmaster744
      @norwegianmaster744 22 дня назад

      Rubbish. Even though i love Germany

    • @187nemesis3
      @187nemesis3 17 дней назад +13

      @@norwegianmaster744 About 25.000 castles in Germany compared to 13.450 McDonald's in the US. (2023)

    • @ZeigMal
      @ZeigMal 10 дней назад +2

      @@norwegianmaster744 It's not rubbish - it IS a fact.

    • @norwegianmaster744
      @norwegianmaster744 10 дней назад +5

      @@187nemesis3 i stand corrected, very impressive

  • @dirk_walter
    @dirk_walter 19 дней назад +15

    "Old in the US" is not old in Germany. My friends live in a house from 1452 - that's 50 years BEFORE Columbus found America (which is named America by a German mapmaker) and 324 years before your independence from the british empire. Their basement is even from the year 1.100. They still have chairs that are almost 500 years old...and of course floor heating, a huge flatscreen TV and - surprise - electricity, heating and Internet ;)

  • @francoforte4788
    @francoforte4788 Месяц назад +89

    Oh.. by the way. If you wanna visit all castles in Germany... there are about 25.000 ;)

    • @m.h.6470
      @m.h.6470 Месяц назад +7

      Technically yes, but a LOT of them are ruins or barely worth mentioning as castles. Basically that number includes EVERYTHING that even remotely at one point in history had a building on or near it, that could be considered castle-like.

    • @Scroapy
      @Scroapy Месяц назад +21

      and when you see them all, visit czechia next doors. hundreds of years shared history with germany cz

    • @thkempe
      @thkempe Месяц назад +10

      @@Scroapy For centuries, Bohemia was an integral part of the Holy Roman Empire (medieval Germany and neighboring areas). The ruler of Bohemia was one of the seven most powerful princes in the entire empire, a so-called elector, who decided on the succession to the late king. Some of them even became rulers of the entire empire themselves.

    • @LE_B14
      @LE_B14 Месяц назад

      Yeah germany is the country with the most castles AND ruins...maybe our own foult with the ruins🙈

    • @killerkraut9179
      @killerkraut9179 6 дней назад

      @@m.h.6470 ruins CAN BE PRETTY AS WELL!

  • @Arch_Angelus
    @Arch_Angelus 2 месяца назад +160

    If you want to see the old cities, you actually have to see everything in Germany because most of them are historically older than the USA. The oldest existing city is Worms (5000 BC), which was already inhabited by Celts

    • @pleissbach
      @pleissbach Месяц назад +7

      Worms wasent 7k jears nonstop a settlement. 🙋‍♂️

    • @Schon1Kevin
      @Schon1Kevin Месяц назад +30

      thats is wrong as can be. that people lived in the area where worms is located now, doesnt make it the oldest city. you can find old settlements basically everywhere. the oldest germany city is trier, founded in 16 BC. A city that excists nonstop for 2040 years.

    • @Arch_Angelus
      @Arch_Angelus Месяц назад +7

      @@Schon1Kevin The Celts left their mark on the city of Worms as early as 5000 BC, making Worms the oldest city in Germany. At the beginning of the city's history, Worms was still known under the Celtic names "Borbetomagus" or "Borbitumagus". Due to its favorable flood-protected location on the banks of the Rhine, archaeologists have been able to prove a very high number of settlements from the very beginning. But it was not only the Celts who settled there. The Romans were also there. It is even assumed that there was a Roman fort in the Augustan period.
      Mainz: 38 BC as Army encampment Mogontiacum
      Bonn: 20 BC as Exploration camp Bonna
      Köln: 19 BC as Oppidum Ubiorum later Colonia Claudia Ara Agrippinensium
      Trier: 17 BC as Augusta Treverorum
      Neuss: 16 BC as Kastell Novaesium
      Kempten (Allgäu) 15 BC as Cambodunum
      Speyer: 10 BC as Noviomagus Nemetum
      Koblenz: 10 BC as Castellum apud Confluentes
      Augsburg: 8 BC as Augusta Vindelicum

    • @Schon1Kevin
      @Schon1Kevin Месяц назад +9

      @@Arch_Angelus cool copy and paste from wikipedia, but unfortunately not the entire article. the area of worms had settlements, thats correct. just as thousands of other areas where todays cities are placed. that doenst make the city that old becuase people lived there once and left it at some point. that just means that people lived in that area before, not that the city is that old. i dont know whats so hard to understand there. the oldest actual german city is trier. theres nothing to argue about. its the only city that excists that long.

    • @drsnova7313
      @drsnova7313 Месяц назад +3

      While it's true that Worms has such a long history, today's Worms honestly isn't so much to look at in terms of historic places that are left. Mainz or Speyer (also both very old cities in the same area) have a bit more to offer.

  • @ravensdark99
    @ravensdark99 Месяц назад +47

    I am German..and I feel nowadays people in Germany dont realize what a beautiful country we live in..on top it is very have top knotch education, free universal healthcare and you dont get put into jail for raisin a critical opinion in public..we have problems like everyone else..but c´mon man...watching this stuff makes me so proud I literally cry...and imagine actually standing in front of the castles or the HermannsDenkmal(the guy raising the sword to the sky) makes you feel like you inside Lord of the Rings. At 8:10 min it is the Neue Rathaus in Hannover btw and you can take the elevator to the very top. It is quite the is in the town I live in and we see it quite often but you never cease to be struck by the view

    • @jimpanse9396
      @jimpanse9396 Месяц назад +4

      english version below
      Ich bin auch ein Deutscher und mag unser Land. Was Du beschreibst, ist das, wie es sein sollte. Wir sollten Stolz sein auf unser Land und unsere Geschichte. Die Deutsche Politik, im besonderen in den letzten 20 Jahren speziell aber seit Corona, lässt mich zunehmend schwerer so ein positives Fazit treffen. Fakt ist dass wir kein Souveräner Staat sind und zunehmend wird deutlich dass wir nur eine amerikanische Verwaltungszone sind. Niemals wurde das so deutlich wie in den letzten 2 Regierungsperioden. Alles was Deutsch ist, wird verunglimpft. Unsere Kultur und Individualität mit Füßen getreten. Es wird Raubbau am Sozialstaat betrieben um einen Krieg zu finanzieren, der uns überhaupt nichts anzugehen hat. Das alles nur Weil Amerika es von der EU und speziell von Deutschland verlangt. Souveränes Handeln sieht anders aus.
      Die Mädels werden von einem Schock in den nächsten fallen, wenn sie das real existierende Deutschland Kennenlernen, dass außerhalb der historischen Kitschpostkarten-Panoramen existiert. Auch bei uns gibt es jede Menge Großstädte und die sind in Wahrheit genau so häßlich wie alle anderen Großstädte egal wo auf der Welt. Inklusive der Sozialen Missstände, Armut, Kriminalität usw. Das echte Leben in Deutschland ist leider kein Walt-Disney Märchenfilm.
      Dieses Video zeigt aber auch überdeutlich, dass es eine Menge gibt, auf das wir Deutsche stolz sein können und auch sollten. von daher wäre es angebracht dieses kulturelle Erbe zu schützen, anstatt es täglich zu unterdrücken.
      Damit meinen Beitrag auch die Erstellerinnen dieses Film-Beitrags lesen können, werde ich es nun noch einmal in englisch anhängen. (automatisch übersetzt, denn ich kann mich im englischen nicht so gut ausdrücken wie im Deutschen.
      I am also German and I like our country. What you describe is how it should be. We should be proud of our country and our history. German politics, especially in the last 20 years but very especially since Corona, makes it increasingly difficult for me to draw such a positive conclusion. The fact is that we are not a sovereign state and it is becoming increasingly clear that we are just an American administrative zone. This has never been as clear as in the last two terms of government. Everything that is German is being denigrated. Our culture and individuality are being trampled underfoot. The welfare state is being plundered to finance a war that has nothing to do with us. All because the USA demands it of the EU and Germany in particular. Sovereign action looks different.
      The girls will go from one shock to the next when they get to know the real Germany that exists outside of the historical kitsch postcard panoramas. There are plenty of big cities here too, and in reality they are just as ugly as any other big city anywhere in the world. Including the social ills, poverty, crime, etc. Unfortunately, real life in Germany is not a Walt Disney fairytale movie.
      But this video also clearly shows that there is a lot that we Germans can and should be proud of. It would therefore be appropriate to protect this cultural heritage instead of suppressing it on a daily basis.
      So that the creators of this movie post can also read my contribution, I will now attach it again in English. (automatically translated, because I can't express myself as well in English as I can in German).

    • @jurgenkuhlmann9194
      @jurgenkuhlmann9194 Месяц назад +3

      Meckern und schlechtreden is eine typisch deutsche Negativ - Eigenschaft! So nach dem Motto: "Kann doch nicht sein! Uns MUSS es doch schlecht gehen🤪!"

    • @brittakriep2938
      @brittakriep2938 25 дней назад

      ​@@jurgenkuhlmann9194: Bin Brittas Freund, 1965 geboren, auch ich finde, es gibt seit mindestens zwanzig Jahren einen Niedergang.

    • @jurgenkuhlmann9194
      @jurgenkuhlmann9194 25 дней назад

      @@brittakriep2938 Ja, vielleicht war früher alles irgendwie besser. Zumindest hatten wir noch Politiker von Format, Helmut Kohl, Helmut Schmidt...R.I.P. Jetzt haben wir die Ampel, und da lässt man die Dinge schleifen und steckt den Kopf in den Sand.
      Wir dürfen aber nicht vergessen, dass a) die äußeren Bedingungen anders sind als 1985 - 2015, und b) ein skrupelloser Diktator unter einem faulen Vorwand ein Land überfällt.
      Wir müssen halt die Ärmel hochkrempeln und nach vorne blicken - und uns sagen, dass wir immer noch die Voraussetzungen gaben, Dinge zu ändern.

    • @Gutsch11
      @Gutsch11 25 дней назад +1

      ​@@brittakriep2938 Politisch gewollt....

  • @burkhardd9782
    @burkhardd9782 Месяц назад +121

    So girls, let's go. Book a flight and buy a train ticket for 1 month in Germany. This will allow you to move freely throughout Germany. Accommodation is available in all price categories. Summer is very nice because you can visit a lot of places outside, but December with the Christmas markets is also great and a lot of fun. Let's go. Best wishes from Germany

    • @ruhrarea5186
      @ruhrarea5186 Месяц назад

      Two women without company, what could possibly go wrong?! The country has become a shithole in 10 years. But let them go alone so that they can gain their own experience? What kind of man. It is not for nothing that there are currently travel warnings

    • @Ghost-og1oc
      @Ghost-og1oc Месяц назад

      No trainticket, rent a car. The deutsche Bahn is a POS!

    • @andibrustgelangt9420
      @andibrustgelangt9420 Месяц назад +16

      Yes but the problem is...der ICE 0815 von bla nach blub hat 150 minuten verspätung, grund dafür sind Schafe im Bahntunnel usw...

    • @Richman0815
      @Richman0815 Месяц назад +1

      @@andibrustgelangt9420 sadly, its so true!

    • @michaelastolle6036
      @michaelastolle6036 Месяц назад +2

      @@andibrustgelangt9420 But at least Lurch Peter Hansen can give very clear instructions on what is happening. Thank you for Deutsche Bahn ;-) Possibly better for them to rent a car to get to all these places.

  • @anashiedler6926
    @anashiedler6926 Месяц назад +40

    Well, no wonder it looks like fairy tales to americans/young people. Most disney movies were based on stories by the brothers Grimm. The Grimm Brothers were germans, who collected all the fairy tales in the region and wrote them down. Therefore germany does not look like fairy tales, but many fairy tales look like germany (or at least that europe region (poland/austria/hungary/france).

  • @afjo972
    @afjo972 2 месяца назад +52

    11:16 these are called „half-timbered houses“ or „Fachwerkhäuser“ in German.

  • @fabianpertschi1500
    @fabianpertschi1500 Месяц назад +11

    The castle Neuschwanstein was the inspiration for the disney theme. And Rapunzel is one of the many fairytale of Germany, collected by the brothers Grimm. Even the first germans were a very settle culture.

  • @crossfire2204
    @crossfire2204 Месяц назад +33

    You are always welcome in Germany. A lot of Germans speak good English. So you won't feel so strange. If you want to see a lot of nature, then Bavaria is the right place. But the Black Forest is also wonderful. There are more than 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany - so you need a lot of time. So it's best to go to the airport in Munich and off you go.

    • @gehtdichnixan3200
      @gehtdichnixan3200 Месяц назад +3

      bavaria if you whant to see mountains and people with massive rockhard skulls for anything else go somewhere else

    • @donfluso9042
      @donfluso9042 Месяц назад +2

      and the rest speaks arab

    • @gehtdichnixan3200
      @gehtdichnixan3200 Месяц назад +2

      @@donfluso9042 wish is easyer to understand than what bavarians think is a langurage

    • @donfluso9042
      @donfluso9042 Месяц назад

      @@gehtdichnixan3200 ja, auf jeden Fall 🤣

  • @tbn.z900
    @tbn.z900 Месяц назад +22

    the castles that are build in the middle of mountains are way older than america, they were build to have the perfect view in all directions in medival time to see their enemies from very far away already, and hard to conqueer. germany has over 35.000 castles and ruins.
    if you really love nature, you should visit the south of germany. we have the Schwarzwald or Black Forest where i live and in Bavaria you have alps for example.

    • @Rafaela_S.
      @Rafaela_S. Месяц назад +9

      You should warn them Nature includes a lot of hikeing. Long hikeing! 😂

    • @brittakriep2938
      @brittakriep2938 25 дней назад +2

      Natural fortification!

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад

      There were very few castles built in places that couldn't be defended. There are however also a lot of palaces in Germany and those are more easily accessible.

  • @jensmarksteiner3677
    @jensmarksteiner3677 Месяц назад +9

    When you react to video, you also want to take the source and put a link in the description. That would be full respect for the RUclipsr who created the video.

  • @peter_meyer
    @peter_meyer 2 месяца назад +23

    You don't have to climb that mountain. There's a cable car available

    • @theodorf.1550
      @theodorf.1550 26 дней назад +1

      If you are anxious about the cable car, you can also take the cogwheel ride...

  • @michaausleipzig
    @michaausleipzig Месяц назад +9

    Castles were usually built on hilltops as you can see very well in this video. This had several advantages: they were much harder to conquer and you could see (and thus control) a lot of the surrounding area. And keep in mind that this isn't Disney or some fairy tale. In reality castles served a purpose other than being the home of the princess. Be it as military outpost, residence of a local ruler or places of refuge in times of war. And life there was anything but comfortable. They were cold, dark and moist. They were built in strategic places, for example guarding trade routes and river crossings. Settlements often grew around them or in their vicinity. Whenever a city name ends on "-burg" you know that's how the city started, "Burg" being german for "castle".

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад +1

      Palaces on the other hand served as the homes of princes and princesses (and kings) and are usually airier and lighter. They are also usually more accessible.

  • @micha72-lj3qf
    @micha72-lj3qf Месяц назад +16

    Yes Germany is beautiful. But to be honest, there are also ugly sites, which are of course not shown in this video. We also have areas you really don't wanna go, especially in the bigger cities like Berlin, Frankfurt, Duisburg etc, for example if you leave Frankfurt's Central Station, you couldn't go far without seeing poor homeless people, drug addicts etc. So the truth is we also have our problems, it's not a dream land. But, on the other hand, we put great efforts in keeping old, historical buildings like they originally were built centuries ago. and we don't do this only for castles or churches or whatever, but also for smaller houses in the cities.
    In the video you once said you like those houses "with the lines". This is called "fachwerk", it's an old way to build houses with some kind of wooden cage, where the spaces between the wooden barns are filled with clay. Traditionally the wooden barns are painted black, whereas the clay is painted white often, so it gives a very nice look. You can find these houses almost in every city in germany, especially in the old city centers, and often, when looking on city maps from above, you still can see where the city wall, which surrounded cities in the middle ages to protect against intruders, were placed.

    • @Arltratlo
      @Arltratlo Месяц назад +1

      i know ugly places in the USA, you wouldnt believe it...
      this places lets the Frankfurter Bahnhofsviertel look like a family spa!

    • @micha72-lj3qf
      @micha72-lj3qf Месяц назад

      @@Arltratlo oh i'm totally sure about that.

    • @jemp1965
      @jemp1965 23 дня назад

      @@Arltratlo Comparing bad things with even worse things is completely rubbish!

    • @MinitendoFS
      @MinitendoFS 20 дней назад

      Just avoid any City that are really known because these are mostly the cities that have been touched by modern and cold war architects

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад

      @@jemp1965 Of course, comparing rubbish with rubbish is a case of rubbish in, rubbish out.

  • @Best4Gaming
    @Best4Gaming Месяц назад +25

    I don't know how much you know about Germany, but don't expect everywhere to look like it does in the video. We were heavily bombed in WWII, and many cities were destroyed. Some rebuilt a lot of historic buildings, while others did not, so some cities don't really look like a "fairytale." Especially the Rhine-Ruhr area (Cologne, Düsseldorf, Gelsenkirchen, Dortmund, Essen, etc.) is heavily industrialized and has many unattractive buildings and industries, but the people there are really nice. On the other hand, Frankfurt is a pretty modern city where most of the big German and European banks are located, with historic buildings mixed in between. However, you'll find many drug addicts and homeless people, especially around the main station. Regarding Berlin, there are nice places there, but some Germans call it our ugliest city with the unfriendliest people, while others love it. It's got a special vibe and feels different from the rest of Germany. But if you ever plan to visit, I hope that you'll have lots of fun and see many of the beautiful sides of the country.

    • @derantorkiarig4592
      @derantorkiarig4592 Месяц назад

      Yeah, Germany is 99% ugly shit and 1% good stuff which was built ages ago.

    • @normanroscher7545
      @normanroscher7545 Месяц назад +1

      Who calls Berlin the ugliest city? Send them to see Ludwigshafen on the Rhine then! :-P

  • @TheMarilith
    @TheMarilith Месяц назад +4

    Europe is a real jewel wherever you go, there is fabulous things to see, eat and experience.

  • @12FingerDarmKüsscheN
    @12FingerDarmKüsscheN 2 месяца назад +35

    Man muss erwähnen das keine einzige Aufnahme A.I generiert ist 😊.... Und ihr seid hier herzlich willkommen ✌️

    • @Koplisken
      @Koplisken Месяц назад +3


    • @12FingerDarmKüsscheN
      @12FingerDarmKüsscheN Месяц назад +1

      @@Koplisken gar nicht gesehen 😊✌️

    • @Koplisken
      @Koplisken Месяц назад +6

      @@12FingerDarmKüsscheN konnte mir die Gelegenheit, etwas deutsche Ordentlichkeit reinzubringen, nicht entgehen lassen^^ sorry

    • @12FingerDarmKüsscheN
      @12FingerDarmKüsscheN Месяц назад +3

      So muss es auch sein 😘

    • @claasengelbart2268
      @claasengelbart2268 Месяц назад

      Dafür sind fast alle Aufnahmen von woanders "ausgeborgt" wie man immer schön an den geblurten Stellen in den Ecken erkennen kann. Wenn man den Kanalbetreiber Dr.Ludwig übrigens deshalb anschreibt um zu erfahren wer denn tatsächlicher Urheber des Bildmaterials ist werden die Kommentare instant gelöscht und man selbst gebannt und gemeldet... ein Schelm wer böses dabei denkt. 🤔😇

  • @WinterwolfFFM
    @WinterwolfFFM Месяц назад +2

    It´s funny when you said you rather wanted to see the antique places instead of the modern US-like skyscraper cities - because it was both in the same place 😅 ... at minute 7:36 you are seeing footage of Fankfurt/Main (my hometown) ... we are the only city in Germany with huge skyscrapers. the timber framed houses are in the city center (Römerberg) as well as our antique town hall. Hope you can visit soon and have an amazing time here. Greetings from Germany 🤩

  • @Meister-Proper
    @Meister-Proper Месяц назад +3

    Dieser Kommentarbereich ist nun Eigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

  • @baramuth71
    @baramuth71 2 месяца назад +6

    Hello, both of you. Of course I'm delighted that you like my home country so much.
    Yes, Germany has a lot of castles, more than 25000, and some are over 1000 years old.
    France and Germany alone have more castles and palaces than McDonald's restaurants worldwide, which is an enormous number.
    It would be nice to see something from Germany, the food here alone will also surprise you.

  • @stefantaubert
    @stefantaubert 27 дней назад +1

    Some of the things you have noticed are logical. There are still many buildings in Germany, such as churches and castles, that were already standing and abandoned when no one in Europe knew that there was a South and North American continent.
    In my hometown of Berlin, in the place where I was born, there is a church that celebrated its 800th anniversary 30 years ago... . That is just one example.

  • @maxxum8820
    @maxxum8820 2 месяца назад +19

    Hey Ho from Germany Im so proud and happy that you like our country so much! I think you would enjoy a visit. Can you React to a Video about Christmas Markets, because they are mindblowin every year again !!! Keep up the nice reactions I really like your Videos. Wish you the best

    • @EmAndAshh
      @EmAndAshh  2 месяца назад

      Ooo, we love Christmas

    • @tbn.z900
      @tbn.z900 Месяц назад +7

      @@EmAndAshh if you love christmas, you will love germany in winter. germany is the birth place of christmas decoration and has the most beautiful christmas markets in the world (and the most i guess). you'll love it

    • @robinhofmann3559
      @robinhofmann3559 Месяц назад +1

      I'm glad to listen and see that you like Germany. I would like to travel to the United States and see this fascinating country.
      Greetings from Germany near Cologne ✌🏻☺️

    • @robinhofmann3559
      @robinhofmann3559 Месяц назад

      Do you also have Instagram?

    • @user-os1dr1dv8d
      @user-os1dr1dv8d Месяц назад

      Brazil is better than all of Europe they don't show Brazil straight hide I'm from Brazil I can show you the real Brazil without belittling Europe which has its value too

  • @jasminmetz3670
    @jasminmetz3670 Месяц назад +2

    Do you want a German history lesson then read this : The leaders of the states and territories within the Empire built castles to control their areas, for defence, and as centre of administration. Castles were a symbol of power!
    Castles in Germany were often built at strategic points, on top of a mountain, or at a place to protect an important trading route.
    The appearance of most German castles changed over the centuries. They were destroyed by fires or enemies and rebuilt. New owners added additional buildings and changed the style.
    While medieval castles were mainly fortresses and lacked comfort, there are also beautiful palaces which were built for representation and convenient living. They are still standing because we like to show our children our history so it won’t repeat itself sometimes it doesn’t work but it’s fine

  • @Tristan_Anderwelt
    @Tristan_Anderwelt 2 месяца назад +9

    3:35 About 30 kilometers away from me and I was there often as a child. Nearby are the Externsteine ​​(ask Google maybe).
    The video for "FAUN - Federkleid" was filmed there, for example.
    The guy you see there is Armenius (or Hermann). Very important for our history.
    Greetings from Germany
    EDIT: 10:30 That was pretty German pronunciation.

    • @Fitti1997
      @Fitti1997 Месяц назад

      Bist nicht zufällig Paderborner Bruder?

  • @steffent.6477
    @steffent.6477 Месяц назад +2

    Germany was split into 100s of small&big realms and during the middle ages every little lord build a castle. That's why there are so many.

  • @normanroscher7545
    @normanroscher7545 Месяц назад +1

    It's funny that you mention Tangled / Rapunzel when you see these castles: The movie actually is based on a German fairy tale.

  • @joeoehm4341
    @joeoehm4341 8 дней назад

    I am constantly travelling in Germany on business and I am always amazed at how many beautiful places, towns, villages, mountains, valleys, forests, etc. there are. Even for me it is impossible to discover and see everything.

  • @jurgenkuhlmann9194
    @jurgenkuhlmann9194 Месяц назад +1

    At 1:50: We can see my hometown. Cologne, West Germany, with a smaller Church (illuminated, Groß St. Martin at the far left, Cologne Cathedral (Kölner Dom) at the centre and the Hohenzollern 4 lane Railroad Bridge across the River Rhine at the far right).
    What you cannot see on this video: downtown Cologne is full of building sites - with even the Mayor herself being a bit clueless about when this will finish. But nevertheless, downtown is packed with tourists at present...I was there this weekend, seeing people who made me guess and wonder from which part of the Universe they came from!
    What I would suggest is a trip on the Rhine from Cologne to Rotterdam and back. With temperatures reaching 30°C, that's the best you can do! Much better than walking about in the stifling heat. All the best!
    Oh, by the way: most of the Castles and other historical buildings date back to the 17th - 19th century and are on the UNESCO world heritage list.
    By the way No.2: What I really wish is that especially Americans find out that Germany is more than Cuckoo Clocks, Lederhosen, Bratwurst, Sauerkraut, Ooompah Music! I think this beer - laden, Oktoberfest - infested concept of Germany is a spitting image of Germany, unfortunately taken back home by many US service people. They are not to blame, as most of the US bases (Kaiserslautern, Ramstein, Stuttgart) are in Southern Germany.

  • @KuroTh3Demon
    @KuroTh3Demon Месяц назад +1

    12:09 funfact this village/city was the inspiration for the citys in the anime Attack on Titan.

  • @hemelinger7792
    @hemelinger7792 Месяц назад +2

    It was really funny for me when you said: 'In America everything is either super updated or super old'.
    Normal old in Europe (for churches at least) is 300 years before America was discovered.
    The buildings in the video are not re-builds, unless destroyed in the war. They are from 1500, 1600, some even older. And they are painted in the same colors as in medieval times, bright cheerful colors. If you looked at those houses 600, 700 years ago, it would have looked exactly the same, except for the doors and windows, wich are now at least thicker.
    Imagine thsis: If I touch the dome (church) in my city at the right spot, I am touching stone that has been sitting there exactly likte that for 1,000 years and the first church in that spot was finished in 789 AD out of wood, so 1,200 year ago.
    It is pretty busy around that church and there is a market some days of the week. If you buy a simple product, then you can imagine someone doing the exact same thing at the exact same time in the exact some spot, only 1,200 years ago.
    Now the shadow of the church slowly move across the market.
    So, if I am ten minutes later, there will be better light to pick the best potatoes.
    Maybe, I should go to a different stand first.
    A person 1,400 years ago, might even have had the exact same thoughts.
    I really wish for you that you manage to take a trip to Germany and have your own little fantasies of what you and someone else in the exact the same point 1,000 might have as a common thought.

  • @JoschiLuke
    @JoschiLuke 23 дня назад +2

    Every normal house in this video is older than the US

  • @weiserhase4816
    @weiserhase4816 Месяц назад +2

    The most important thing that makes Germany special is the history which fundamentally shaped. I encourage you to save up and try to travel there is so much to look at and explore.

  • @sonkerieckmann7183
    @sonkerieckmann7183 Месяц назад +3

    When you said this is what the USA is like, thatvwaa Frankfurt and I think its the only city with several skyskrapers to build the american like skyline

  • @arnebollsen
    @arnebollsen 2 месяца назад +21

    👍😁, germany 2000 years history👍

    • @pleissbach
      @pleissbach Месяц назад

      Sure, if you count the roman empire as Germany. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ (before you start, I am German)

    • @Daguhl
      @Daguhl Месяц назад +18

      @@pleissbach Dann ist dir ja auch bewusst, das der Terminus "Deutsche" schon damals ausgesprochen wurde und die deutsche Geschichte mit der Entstehung des römisch-deutschen Königtums im 10./11. begann.
      Natürlich zählt man die Zeit dazu du "Deutscher".

    • @pascalf9602
      @pascalf9602 Месяц назад +4

      ​@@Daguhldanke. Wenigstens einer mit Verstand hier

    • @claasengelbart2268
      @claasengelbart2268 Месяц назад

      @@Daguhl Es sind trotzdem keine 2000 Jahre. Da hat er schon recht. Faktisch existent ist "Deutschland" als ein Land ja erst seit 1871. Davor war Kleinstaaterei, Das heilige römische Reich deutscher Nation (was faktisch gar nichts mit "Deutschland" zu tun hatte) und davor gab es wieder (mittelalterliche) Kleinstaaterei und davor wiederum germanische Stammeskleinstaaterei. Zu allen diesen Zeiten fanden regelmäßig Völkerwanderungen statt. Also ist die Betitelung "2000 Jahre deutsche Geschichte" in jedem Fall geschichtlich & kulturhistorisch gesehen ziemlicher Unsinn und taugt höchstens als Folklore am blaubraunen Stammtisch... wissenschaftlich sind in den Feldern die meisten Fragen bereits geklärt worden.

    • @gehtdichnixan3200
      @gehtdichnixan3200 Месяц назад

      @@Daguhl wenn man nem holländer so richtig auf die füße treten will dann sagt man ihm das die amis mit dutch deutsche meinen ... denn der terminus wurde vor "germany " auf alle deutsch sprechenden genutzt

  • @Schon1Kevin
    @Schon1Kevin Месяц назад +3

    you need to visit the city of Trier. thats actually the oldest german city, founded in 16 BC and excisting nonstop. the negro gate in Trier is actually that old. not the nonsense abouts worms that the other guy said. finding a settlement from 5000 in the area of a todays city doesnt mean the city is as old.

  • @jan-niklasd.7490
    @jan-niklasd.7490 Месяц назад +1

    I didn´t find even one ancient building in the US. Even my grandparents live in a house built in 1627 and there are way more older buildings in Germany
    9:32 The thing you call a school is really a school. It´s a School for our Navy Officers.

  • @kannichdirnichsagen7941
    @kannichdirnichsagen7941 27 дней назад +1

    You two are still very young.
    You still have absolutely every opportunity to visit Germany if you want to.
    Don't set your expectations too high. Germany is beautiful. But it's not a fairytale country.
    You are welcome.

  • @miteamexico1827
    @miteamexico1827 11 дней назад

    The castle in Neuschwanstein ( Germany )served as inspiration for Walt Disney's castle, which you always see in the beginning. It looks very similar to the original.

  • @kralikkral5560
    @kralikkral5560 Месяц назад +22

    A very similar film you could make about Italy, Spain, France, Austria, Belgium, England, Czechia, Poland...
    THAT IS EUROPE. And believe it or not - life in Europe is better than in the USA, more social security, more security in general, everybody has health insurance (!), less stress, well educated people everywhere (almost everybody speaks also English).
    Prices are lower than in USA, you pay only the price you see on the goods in shops (no extra tax), the food is more healthy, no gangs on the streets, police doesn´t shoot innocent people (as our police it trained for decades, not for months like in USA).

    • @realulli
      @realulli Месяц назад +4

      You confused decades with years and months with weeks for the police training. Police training is 2-4 years depending on the country (Germany has 3 years), for the US I've heard about 21 weeks.

    • @Stefanbavaria
      @Stefanbavaria Месяц назад

      Du hast noch vergessen zu erwähnen das es in Europa mehr Messerstecher und Vergewaltiger gibt!!!!!!!

    • @johnsmith-cw3wo
      @johnsmith-cw3wo Месяц назад

      @@realulli don't need training if you pack a lot of heat.

    • @realulli
      @realulli Месяц назад +1

      @@johnsmith-cw3wo I prefer training to bodycount. We have a police force that supposed to serve and protect, not an occupying army...

  • @Yves.corporation88
    @Yves.corporation88 Месяц назад +1

    I am german and I can admit that germany is beautiful

  • @MichaEl-rh1kv
    @MichaEl-rh1kv Месяц назад +1

    0:32 You can see more of the town of Schwäbisch Hall in Nalf's channel - he moved there as he played for the Schwäbisch Hall Unicorns, an American Football team The name part "Hall" often refers to medieval (or pre-Roman) salt mines making the place wealthy.
    0:40 Imperial castle of Cochem at river Mosel. The original castle was destroyed by French troops sent by Louis XIV in 1689 during the Nine Years' war; after the region became a Prussian province in 1815 a wealthy merchant from Berlin, Louis Fréderic Jacques Ravené, bought the ruins in 1868 and reconstructed it as summer residence for his family. He was the descendant of Huguenot refugees from France, who arrived in 1685 in Brandenburg (the region around Berlin).
    2:33 Schwerin castle, once the residence of the Dukes of Mecklenburg, now seat of the state parliament of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (as well as some museums). The gardens are open to the public.
    3:40 The Wartburg, where Martin Luther hid under a false name while translating the bible into German.

  • @k.6148
    @k.6148 Месяц назад +1

    These old type houses called "Fachwerkhaus". We just have a couple companies that build this type of houses but it is the most economic houses you can build. Friends of mine has one of these houses and it is about 500 yrs old. Made of German wood (Eiche) and clay. The isolation function is fenomenal. In the sommer (30°C / 86F) inside is about 12-15°C (53-59F) without an AC! In the winter when it is outside about -15°C (5F) you put on the oven for about 3-4 hours and the house is holding the heat for about 16 hours before you have to start the oven again. So the isolation is extreme well. We had after 500 years some repair to do in the inside and we grab out some clay from his owen garden, put it together with some straw and water and repair the inside of the house. Its also crazy that the wood after such a so long time ist Holding everything together. For me these houses are masterpieces. ✌️😊

  • @Lucky381973
    @Lucky381973 16 дней назад

    Here in Germany you have so many options: doesn´t matter if u like the sea, mountains, forests, big cities or small villages. U can get everywhere u want within only in a few hours. Every region has his own charcter, culture, food and so on. I´m so lucky, that i life close to the middle west of germany and it´s great. Castles, Forests, big cities like Frankfurt, Mannheim is close. If you are really interestet to visit Germany u need Time, good shoes and a very big stomach ;) and if you need a Guide for a day or two: let me know. I could show you Heidelberg, Mannheim, the Vineregion here...its so beautful in spring or summer.

  • @danielsmodellbauwerft9908
    @danielsmodellbauwerft9908 Месяц назад +1

    My hometown Münster is over 1200 years old.

  • @KaiHenningsen
    @KaiHenningsen Месяц назад +2

    Those video segments were *very* carefully curated to show only the beautiful things - leading to some duplication. The Cologne cathedral alone can be seen in quite a number of those sequences.
    As for castles, they were generally built in places which (at the time they were built, usually in medieval times) were of some military significance. To protect a city, to be able to tax people using a trade route, along the border of some rival - stuff like that. Usually on a hill, because being higher up was a military advantage in several different ways. Of course, some were built rather later for ego reasons.
    I should perhaps also add that the prototypical Disney castle is German: _The castle in Hohenschwangau (Bavaria) was built by order of King Ludwig II and the inspiration for the Disney Cinderella castle._ And Neuschwanstein is the castle Disney used in their logo. (And many of their stories are from the brothers Grimm, who are also known for the first etymological dictionary of the German language.)

  • @LE_B14
    @LE_B14 Месяц назад

    The first castle is amazing yes...but the other one, when the bass starts (Hohenzollern) i like more...its home...i live so close there that i can see this giant building everywhere i go...its just amazing!!
    If you will visit germany i hope you enjoy it!

  • @andremenzel6658
    @andremenzel6658 24 дня назад +1

    You are aware that those pictures only represent the major cities and/or major sights, right?
    Mainly, you've seen pictures of southern Germany, Berlin and Cologne.
    Germany has so many more different beautiful little spots to experience.
    Plan your trip, take your time and enjoy :)))
    Greetings from the north of Germany

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад

      Not even a single shot of that large statue in Detmold.

  • @stefanwiechmann4808
    @stefanwiechmann4808 Месяц назад

    Every state and town has something to show. Our most visited places are "Der Schnoor", "Das Viertel", "Das Weserstadion" and "Der Roland" on the Marketplace, where you also can see the dome and a lot more!!
    Nice greetings from the town-state Bremen in North Germany 😊

  • @steffent.6477
    @steffent.6477 Месяц назад +2

    To be fair, the view from the drone makes it a lot more impressive than only the ground point of view^^

  • @rolandratz1
    @rolandratz1 11 дней назад

    In fact, we have more castles and palaces in Germany than all the McDonalds put together.
    The picture that reminded you of NY is the financial district of the city of Frankfurt and is aptly called "MainHatten" (because it is on the river Main in Frankfurt and resembles Manhattan).
    Prehistoric humans lived in northern Germany as early as 400,000 years ago: hunting weapons and bone remains were found in Schöningen near Braunschweig - traces of Homo erectus. However, it took until 4,000 BC before our ancestors settled here.
    In 1500, Germany was still called the "Holy Roman Empire" and 8,000 years ago the first inhabitants could be found near Braunschweig.
    The Federal Republic of Germany itself (as a country and name) was not founded until March 24, 1949.

  • @daniel_7074
    @daniel_7074 Месяц назад +1

    There are more castles in Germany than McDonald's restaurants in the USA😉

  • @philipkudrna5643
    @philipkudrna5643 Месяц назад

    In the Middle Ages, knights had castles build on mountaintops alongside rivers in order to oversee the countryside and spot enemies approaching (or merchants on their way along the river that could be robbed, or „taxed“). Also castles on top of a mountain were easier to defend (it could be besieged). You don‘t build a castle in a valley, where others could shoot you from the mountains all around…

  • @donfluso9042
    @donfluso9042 Месяц назад +1

    hi guys, I lived in the US for a year and must agree that Germany is better 😇

  • @danielw1719
    @danielw1719 Месяц назад +1

    Danke das ihr euch für Deutschland interessiert.
    Ich finde euch und euren Kanal mega sympathisch.

  • @berndbrakemeier1418
    @berndbrakemeier1418 Месяц назад

    9:35 your guess was really spot on. It's the German Navy Academy in Mürwik. A school for aspiring Navy Officers.

  • @a.s.944
    @a.s.944 2 месяца назад +5

    USA so beautiful and big country too 😉🇺🇸❤️👌but Germany so old and so beatifull ❤️

  • @user-cc1pn8cg8o
    @user-cc1pn8cg8o Месяц назад +1

    Don't worry, we got ugly places as well. S&'tloads of it! This is just a compilation of the good stuff!
    Love, peace and respect from Germany!

  • @rasselbock5699
    @rasselbock5699 2 дня назад

    Das habt ihr beiden wirklich gut gemacht, Danke!

  • @tobiasjesse2051
    @tobiasjesse2051 Месяц назад +1

    6:35 the sleeping Emperor Barbarossa
    It's a mystical place.
    Little children who have visited the Kyffhäuser Monument together with their parents claim again and again and completely independently of each other that the stature of Barbarossa waved to them.

  • @dirk_walter
    @dirk_walter 19 дней назад

    Ja, Deutschland ist so unfassbar schön. Oft, wenn ich aus dem Ausland komme und über die Autobahn fahre und im Spätsommer links und rechts die Felder und Wälder sehe und die goldenen Strahlen der Sonne über das Land streifen und alles in ein warmes Licht tauchen, dann bin ich einfach heimatverliebt.
    Schade, dass Deutschland sich aktuell in so vielen Punkten schlecht entwickelt und wohl nie mehr so sein wird, wie es nur in meiner Erinnerung jemals war. Auch wenn alles den Bach runter geht, abhauen ist nicht. Dafür sind wir hier nicht bekannt.

  • @jo-eg2kj
    @jo-eg2kj Месяц назад

    Hi, I'm from Germany and know my country. If you like middle-age buildings than travel the "Romantische Straße" in Germany! It's a name for a road. The nature is beautiful too. If you love mountains go to the south and for hills in the middle part of Germany. If you like a flat landscape go into the north.

  • @markwtal9453
    @markwtal9453 Месяц назад +1

    A lot of castles where basically military installations. That's why they are in the middle of nowhere, or "random" on a mountain top. The "pretty" castles where mostly residential buildings of the nobility or passion projects for them. Like when you're rich and have a huge house today, that you don't need, to flex with.

  • @KardoganLR
    @KardoganLR 8 дней назад

    Germany (and many other countries) has much to offer. Especially if you are interested in history, there is a lot to discover in Germany. From the Stone Age to modern times, you can find everything here and many towns, especially smaller ones, have retained their medieval charm.
    As a ‘big city’ (by German standards), Cologne has over 2,000 years of history, but unfortunately a lot was destroyed in the Second World War and the houses built then are not necessarily always beautiful. But many old churches and a few old houses, as well as parts of the Roman city wall/fortified towers from 50 AD still stand.

  • @skylafox3028
    @skylafox3028 Месяц назад

    Hey, as a Person from germany i can say that we have, as every Country, beautiful and horrible places, also the Castle in the First pictures is actually the Inspiration for the Disney Castle in the Intro

  • @BertlBort
    @BertlBort Месяц назад +1

    The city with the skyscrapers that reminded you of the USA was Frankfurt. Frankfurt was the capital of the American occupation zone in Germany after the Second World War, which is why there are a lot of similarities to this day, especially the skyscrapers.

  • @afjo972
    @afjo972 2 месяца назад +4

    Magnificent video ❤
    I need to visit all of these places

  • @kralikkral5560
    @kralikkral5560 Месяц назад +2

    By the way: when you said "big" ....this was the 2. highest/largest church in the world, in Cologne, and also the highest church in the world is in Germany (in Ulm).

  • @NeonJJ_195
    @NeonJJ_195 Месяц назад +1

    If you ever come to Germany, make sure to visit the city ''Trier'', since you mentioned wanting to visit an old, antique city. I can only recommend it! There's a lot of 'nature' inside the city as well.
    It's a beautiful city and there's a lot of old buildings from the Romans.
    I don't understand why it's not talked about more but it's by far my favorite city.

  • @51pinn
    @51pinn Месяц назад

    Hello, young ladies
    If you want to see everything that was shown in this 15-minute film, all these landscapes, these cities and these castles and palaces, you will need months to do it. There are still around 25,000 castles and palaces in Germany today, we still have cities with medieval town centers, Germany is bordered by two seas in the north and the Alps in the south, and there are mountains in the middle of Germany too. You would need someone who knows Germany well and can take you to these places. And even if you have seen everything in Germany, you have only seen a fraction of Europe. Europe has a history of over 4,000 years and there are testimonies of this history everywhere. America only has a history of a few centuries - so come to Europe. Life is better here than in the USA and in addition to a lot of culture, we also have a Disneyland near Paris for those who need something like that.

  • @ronnybliss5599
    @ronnybliss5599 Месяц назад

    German architecture is up to 1000 years old. Many of the old buildings were destroyed in World War II and never rebuilt. Without World War II, Germany would be about 50 to 100 percent more beautiful.Many stories and fairy tales around the world come from Germany, just like technology. American culture has also largely inherited the German culture, as if the USA were the great-grandchild of Germany, for example the Christmas tree.The reason why so many Americans like to look to Germany is because most Americans have German roots. The Germans also largely built the USA and this heartfelt feeling of the grandchildren of the Germans often takes them home in their thoughts.

  • @Short_Motivation_GX
    @Short_Motivation_GX Месяц назад

    I spent my first meeting with my girlfriend in Hamburg, she was in Germany for the first time. I can only recommend it, it's wonderful there and magic🙂

  • @marcoschrei5701
    @marcoschrei5701 Месяц назад +1

    I miss this old german 😢

  • @AndiJomsviking
    @AndiJomsviking Месяц назад +2

    if you want to see an old city, i can recommend Rothenburg ob der Tauber. one of the most beautiful cities i visited so far. greetings from DE

  • @HansEgonMattek
    @HansEgonMattek 2 месяца назад +3

    Black Forest, Bavaria (most beautiful nature, mountains), Saxony (most castles), maybe a river tour and visit a few wine festivals when the wine queens get crowned (it is very fun and good food).


    Thanks for this video and that you appreciate my country. Its a pleasure for me to see how they both love the historical places. Its a professional made video that you have seen there and like someone else wrote hre in the comments, its not everywhere so nice. There is also much more to see and its impossible to put everything into one video. And by the way, one month is not enough to explore the beautiest place of germany. But again, thanks for this nice video that you both shared and also for the amazing comments. Best regards from germany and you are so much welcome.

  • @chrafti12
    @chrafti12 14 дней назад

    You want to be in Germany, I want to be in the us. But I have to say Germany is a great country because of the old houses and the castles. One thin to keep in Mind visiting Germany is to have a guide or someone who knows the city’s because there are so many areas you don’t want to visit, not as bad as in many city’s in the us but bad. If you like old castles or cathedrals you’d have to visit „Burg Els“ in the Eifel or the cologne cathedral it is very stunning there.

  • @NeonJJ_195
    @NeonJJ_195 Месяц назад

    10:06 I know right, they're everywhere 😂 There's a very small ruin a few minutes' walk away from where I live. There's not much to see but you can climb onto a small tower and since it's on top of the hill the view is beautiful.
    I have a horse and sometimes ride there. It's crazy to think about how knights likely used the same way to get there on horseback that I'm using today.

  • @user-xo9ju7yk6c
    @user-xo9ju7yk6c Месяц назад +1

    GUYSSSS there was my hometown Lüneburg in 4:20 till 4:30. OMG we are only a city of about 70,000 people. I did´nt think it would make it into this video. Im flashed 🤣

  • @quantumpro8435
    @quantumpro8435 Месяц назад +1

    09:50 my home town in the background (Stuttgart)

  • @SalomeFlores-gi7ze
    @SalomeFlores-gi7ze Месяц назад +1

    I live in germany and it's really beautiful!

    • @nic232145
      @nic232145 Месяц назад +1

      Schon lange nicht mehrвидео.htmlsi=uiZQP-S9sUy6tFdi

  • @jungkookscuddlebear
    @jungkookscuddlebear 13 дней назад

    Basically Germany is older than the whole USA
    German tribe excisted before America was discoverd
    so yeah a lot of buildings and castles are even older than the whole USA😊

  • @user-el6jr3bl6f
    @user-el6jr3bl6f 8 дней назад

    fun fact.....the disney world castle is based on rhe castle "Neu Schwanstein" in bavaria

  • @martin1042
    @martin1042 Месяц назад +1

    I'd recommend to come to Germany for a longer period, to really get a feel for this country, and get the chance to see more than the "must-sees". There's so many beautiful smaller towns, natural sights, cycling routes along big and small rivers (if you'd be into that), and lets not forget about destinations in our neighbouring countries (depending on where you'd be staying often not far away).

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад

      And while over here, visit some other European countries as well. I think you would enjoy the Efteling in the Netherlands.

  • @diehandgottes6721
    @diehandgottes6721 Месяц назад

    7:51 This is the Saarschleife
    I used to cycle there along the Saar when I was young.
    I used to cycle there a lot in the 80s, even crossing the border into France without border controls.
    All the old houses, mostly covered with red or gray slate, are medieval restored houses and almost every town here has such a medieval core.
    The best pubs are also in the old town in such buildings.

  • @jonathan9327
    @jonathan9327 Месяц назад

    I am from Germany and I like the people how react this video, because I love this video.

  • @alexs.1586
    @alexs.1586 Месяц назад

    and there is so much more to see and experience. whenever you girls are ready, Germany welcomes you.

  • @danisahne8541
    @danisahne8541 Месяц назад +2

    i wish you can go to germany and have fun there. German people welcomes you

  • @Acer061270
    @Acer061270 18 дней назад

    A question from a german who spend 2 years in El Paso as a soldier. You say "germany, obe of our favorite country". Why if you have never been here??

  • @eckbertputz-munter944
    @eckbertputz-munter944 29 дней назад

    Hi from Germany, you are both very Welcome, whenever you want! ...and a Castle you can find in Germany in the city's

  • @Jim_Panse.
    @Jim_Panse. Месяц назад +1

    Hi girls, germany is not only churches and castles you hav seen. By first we are a normal land. Greetings from germany

  • @mmk749
    @mmk749 Месяц назад

    Hello there from Germany. This brought a smile to my face. Yes, we do have some beautiful places over here. Hope you will mangage to visit someday!

  • @haraldschuster3067
    @haraldschuster3067 Месяц назад

    As for 07:50 - yes, Frankfurt with its skyscrapers does look a bit like US cities - but the images before and after that, the Römerberg and the Cathedral, are parts rebuilt after the WW II bombings, so you have some old architecture mixed in with the new. Most German cities will look a tad weird to Americans because most have regulations that no house may be larger than the church towers (hence only a few cities sport skyscrapers) and while most cities in the US have more space allocated to parking lots than housing, parking in Europe happens either underground or in multi-story parking houses, to take away as little space as possible from housing.

  • @sergejgleithmann7950
    @sergejgleithmann7950 4 дня назад

    Funny, when at ~ 7:30 you said, you like the older cities more - these are scenes from the SAME city: Frankfurt ("Bankenviertel" vs. "Römer").

  • @DJMike1968
    @DJMike1968 2 месяца назад +6

    You two are warmly invited here to Germany. I live in Thuringia, "The Green Heart of Germany".
    I am very happy to live here in this beautiful country. Best regards DJ Mike from Greiz/Thuringia in Germany

    • @SheratanLP
      @SheratanLP Месяц назад +3

      Hallo Mike, grüße aus Pößneck. :)

  • @eddy2967
    @eddy2967 Месяц назад

    Yo the brown lines at the houses are real wooden beams and some houses are from 12. century so its an old way to build. Its called Fachwerkhaus
    American nature looks very wonderful to me too.

  • @landrover4284
    @landrover4284 Месяц назад

    I was hitchhiking from NYC to LA including Canada when I was 19 for more than 3 month. I know it´s easier here because of more free time and free schools etc. BUT it is possible for you as well if you really want it! One of my best friend is from the US and I met him in Greece while he was travelling all over Europe. He joined me when going back to Germany and stayed for more than a month and, with his words, "had the time of his life". As I had in the US and later in many other countries.Travelling is the best thing you can do when you are young and it is worth every second! Don´t miss it. Believe me...

  • @NIckEDSmith
    @NIckEDSmith 19 дней назад

    thanks from germany

  • @LennyBaas22
    @LennyBaas22 Месяц назад +4

    When you fly to GERMANY then can you make a vlog ,please!

    • @apveening
      @apveening 19 дней назад

      Not really interested in a vlog of the flight, more interested in a vlog of the visit to Germany (and the rest or Europe). The visit to Germany should be at least one video per city and at least five cities visited.