great stuff, Cameron! I would love to know how you personally trade various strategies - verticals, condors, etc. From this video it seems that you may tend to trade verticals ITM - I guess to have a higher chance of winning the trade. Would be great to hear your thought process, like what greeks do you consider and other variables.
That's a good question, but as an educator, I avoid getting into my personal or preferred approaches, as it may send the signal that a similar approach would be appropriate for my audience members. Each trader has their own objectives, timeframes, and tolerances for risk, so I keep it educational, rather than advisory. But in any case, thanks for watching! ^CM
Great class
Glad you liked it! ^CM
great stuff, Cameron! I would love to know how you personally trade various strategies - verticals, condors, etc. From this video it seems that you may tend to trade verticals ITM - I guess to have a higher chance of winning the trade. Would be great to hear your thought process, like what greeks do you consider and other variables.
That's a good question, but as an educator, I avoid getting into my personal or preferred approaches, as it may send the signal that a similar approach would be appropriate for my audience members. Each trader has their own objectives, timeframes, and tolerances for risk, so I keep it educational, rather than advisory. But in any case, thanks for watching! ^CM
I would really loved to have seen the long call vertical compared to the short put vertical. Really impressive.
You may want to check out my video titled, "Options Verticals Showdown! Trade a Credit or Debit Spread?": Enjoy! ^CM