David Petraeus Resigns Over Affair With Biographer Paula Broadwell

  • Опубликовано: 9 ноя 2012
  • Pierre Thomas, Reena Ninan report latest on the scandal surrounding CIA chief.

Комментарии • 203

  • @onaspnet
    @onaspnet 11 лет назад +6

    the title of her book was "ALL IN" , she left us a clue.

  • @Kuklapolitan
    @Kuklapolitan 11 лет назад +4

    What a sad ending to a stellar carreer carved out and lived by a gentleman with a spotless reputation!

  • @Mack7395
    @Mack7395 11 лет назад +2

    As a former CIA agent during my time. In the counterintelligence group the affair has been going on for years, when I first started rumor's have been going around. Half of the people who was working in my unit knew about it but when I got told I was not concerned about it. But I got to say these scandal's have been happening for years. So it will not be the last time these scandalswill happen!

  • @wessamabraham
    @wessamabraham 11 лет назад +1

    Thank You David and Paula! I learnt a Lesson today!!

  • @aspiringrunner4796
    @aspiringrunner4796 11 лет назад +4

    Damn...i feel so sorry for the husband. If he stays with her, he'll always feel a not good enough and see her fantasizing about someone with a bigger resume. If he breaks up with her, he will constantly feel the insecurity that the next woman he's with could turn around and do the same thing. I also feel sorry for the General's wife who's stuck by him all these years. I wish both families well as they try work through these hard times.

  • @RealMexFoodShouldntGiveUDrrhea
    @RealMexFoodShouldntGiveUDrrhea 11 лет назад +2

    The book's title.... That's what she said! lol

  • @vgcq02
    @vgcq02 11 лет назад +2

    The irony of this is that the book Broadeell wrote about Petraeus is called All In. Lmao

  • @2IDSGT
    @2IDSGT 11 лет назад +2

    Book titled "All In." tee hee :P

  • @Crossss8
    @Crossss8 11 лет назад

    Wow what a classy post. Cheers to you.

  • @CominImcomin
    @CominImcomin 11 лет назад +8

    When I heard about what Petraeus did, I lost all respect for him.
    Until I saw his wife.

  • @fbarnett59
    @fbarnett59 11 лет назад

    Damn straight!!

  • @maven21
    @maven21 11 лет назад +2

    @Chris: There are hundreds of people sleeping around but only one of them was Director of the CIA. There are probably other things going on but in the intelligence world they use affairs as blackmail. A rival intelligence service (Mossad, MI6, GRU, ect) could use that against the US. He has become a security risk. He had to go, but I am sure there is more to the story. What is going to be tough is the effect on Paula's husband and kids...they are going to have it rough for a while.

  • @macauvoice
    @macauvoice 11 лет назад +1


  • @1970ddb
    @1970ddb 11 лет назад +2

    I am thinking that I need my biography done...........hi Paula,are you up to a new book

  • @Seva25
    @Seva25 11 лет назад +1

    "And now we turn to the woman at the head of the scandal - Paula Broadwell. It was the FBI investigation into her that led to the downfall of David Petraeus". LOL

  • @stewart0312
    @stewart0312 11 лет назад +1

    No surprise Broadwell supported "the surge"

  • @rockster0192
    @rockster0192 11 лет назад +2

    Wow, and she was another man's wife too, with children! I'll be damned!

  • @coldhoist
    @coldhoist 11 лет назад +1

    I wonder how many times he actually hit that. I bet it was not as many times as people think.

  • @MexSeiko
    @MexSeiko 11 лет назад

    The language so far is a disappointing "he should testify" instead of a "you damn well bet your arse he will testify" sort of thing. But, yes. You may be right. This group is as transparent as a cataract.

  • @gabikit
    @gabikit 11 лет назад

    Home coming Queen...oh no we will never loose that stereotype now!

  • @estellekuldell4381
    @estellekuldell4381 5 лет назад +1

    I'm writing a fantastic book.

  • @CominImcomin
    @CominImcomin 11 лет назад

    The title of this video should say
    David Petraeus Resigns Over Affair With Biographer Paula Broadwell BEING FOUND OUT

  • @TheQuietObserver1983
    @TheQuietObserver1983 11 лет назад

    If you had the possibility to spend time around her as Petraeus had, I bet that you will be the first to beg her to let you go ALL the way IN.

  • @unknownunknowns
    @unknownunknowns 11 лет назад

    This scandal indicates that conditions in the Middle East and around the world are getting better, so thus there is less for him to do and he has more free time. B/c of that he got BORED and had to do something. Instead of having this scandal, he should have vacuumed his office carpet himself or changed the oil of those HUMVEES. Or he could have changed the spark plugs, the brake pads, etc. If he had done those, taxpayers would have saved money b/c of fewer laborers & less need for higher taxes.

  • @MexSeiko
    @MexSeiko 11 лет назад

    Interesting, except he can still be called to testify and sworn to tell the truth.

  • @steveboyles3296
    @steveboyles3296 11 лет назад +1

    Damn Paula's a step up from the home cooking

  • @Marc10205
    @Marc10205 11 лет назад +1

    He just wanted to try some fresher meat.

  • @creedstat
    @creedstat 11 лет назад

    is this really surprising to anyone? CIA needs to go

  • @Funkadelic2
    @Funkadelic2 11 лет назад

    Not generally true, but yes, that happens a lot too.

    @MUSTBUYRIGHT 11 лет назад

    well, who going to run the world now? oh, i mean run the country.

  • @CamiloSanchez1979
    @CamiloSanchez1979 11 лет назад


  • @greenghost2008
    @greenghost2008 11 лет назад

    This is not worth resigning over. If I was Obama I refuse to accept his resignation and tell him to get back to work. I don't see how this gets in the way of his job at all.

  • @Worldboy3321
    @Worldboy3321 11 лет назад

    Don't blame him.

  • @cagedtigersteve
    @cagedtigersteve 11 лет назад

    He was a target for blackmail. You don't want someone with skeletons in his closet knowing what he knows.

  • @1bulma1
    @1bulma1 11 лет назад

    how can someone losse his job because he had an affiar?

  • @CamiloSanchez1979
    @CamiloSanchez1979 11 лет назад

    Rumor has it he's still hitting that

  • @kingsethos5108
    @kingsethos5108 Год назад

    Amazing power that women possess between their legs, responsible for taking down empires.

  • @RykComerford
    @RykComerford 11 лет назад

    One thing this video got wrong is that he didn't have to go. Resigning was what Petraeus wanted to do. Ex CIA officer Robert Baer said several CIA Directors he worked for had extramarital affairs, none of them got in trouble for it.Also,sleeping with people is part of the job that CIA officers do.

  • @mrb244
    @mrb244 11 лет назад

    The director of the CIA can't keep an affair secret?

  • @rickjay2011
    @rickjay2011 11 лет назад

    Look at his wife.......now look at Paula Broadwell....nuff said!

  • @revcletis
    @revcletis 11 лет назад

    Wait a minute - the the Former CIA chief never heard of PGP ?!!! Fascinating :

  • @dannymathey
    @dannymathey 11 лет назад


  • @James01100011
    @James01100011 11 лет назад

    He had a mistress, yeah, ok… Why is this a big deal? He should not have resigned unless there is more to the story.

  • @BWCmike
    @BWCmike 11 лет назад

    the truth behind the scandal, that the media is completely omiting, is that she was trained as an agent in Israel. It says so right on her wikipedia.

  • @sipp91
    @sipp91 11 лет назад

    Why is this such a big deal in news now? Things like this always happen in regular people' life. Just get a divorce and move on.

  • @Seva25
    @Seva25 11 лет назад

    So the guy has cheated...big deal... I just hope that he didn't tell that broad any of the military secrets she wasn't supposed to know.

  • @TheAmazingamerica
    @TheAmazingamerica 11 лет назад

    She probably did this to sell her book.

  • @TheRubio14
    @TheRubio14 11 лет назад

    i can see why he did that, his wife let her self go!

  • @embi3n
    @embi3n 11 лет назад

    Because it displays a serious lack of integrity/character

  • @CamiloSanchez1979
    @CamiloSanchez1979 11 лет назад

    Going to Harvard doesn't make you morally outstanding and that kids it's why is so important to always question authority no matter what credentials they have....ooookaay??

  • @Calice0
    @Calice0 11 лет назад

    Still a better love story than Twilight.

  • @minyahdaddy
    @minyahdaddy 11 лет назад

    Holly Petraeus has a lot of important work ahead of her, so let's hope she dumps the insecure, narcissistic fool of a male and moves on to better things. Holly has more strength of character in one arm than David and Paula combined. Run as fast as you want...without integrity, you fall apart before you reach the finish line.

  • @kundalini1128
    @kundalini1128 11 лет назад

    Smells like a COUP gone bad!

  • @Obamaownswhitesnow
    @Obamaownswhitesnow 11 лет назад

    Not too many things dent my soul but...from 1:59-2:07 I almost did have a dent. So sad to read things like this happening.

  • @iLuvAkeys4ever
    @iLuvAkeys4ever 11 лет назад

    Couldn't he have just divorced his wife first and then asked this woman out JEEZ some people are stupid. Why is it soo dificult to get a divorce rather then end up with a mess like this JEEZ

  • @MexSeiko
    @MexSeiko 11 лет назад

    I agree. But soiled his own service and the trust placed on him. It's not only about the affair, he may have revealed classified information to this woman which she is using in her own speeches at colleges for which she gets paid. He compromised himself and our national security and the integrity of the office entrusted him.

  • @Sylonth
    @Sylonth 11 лет назад

    This has just a little to do with Benghazi. The Executive response to the Benghazi Attack was totally unAmerican.

  • @oldenmcgroen
    @oldenmcgroen 11 лет назад

    No, I don't think they wanted him killed, due to the details of what unfolded that night. Initially, I thought he got killed by the guys he was probably running guns through. However, if they really wanted to kill him, they could've just blown up the house with mortars and RPGs. Instead, when they failed to get inside, they tried to smoke him out, of which failed due to him expiring from the smoke. So, it looks like a botched kidnapping in exchange for "The Blind Sheik". Theory? Yes. Plausible?

  • @mahalako89
    @mahalako89 11 лет назад

    The fall of man pride money, woman...

  • @bigdsears
    @bigdsears 11 лет назад

    These wacky guys, I think I see a sit com coming soon!

  • @michaelfender2923
    @michaelfender2923 11 лет назад

    Yeah Paula Broadwell alias Paula "Kranz" and Monica "Levyn"-sky.

  • @mbett99
    @mbett99 11 лет назад

    We love Petraeus,he is a great Leader.

  • @jeffhanson1
    @jeffhanson1 11 лет назад

    Once again the power of a woman to turn a mighty man to mush is demonstrated & the general just couldn't discipline/control himself enough.People should have learned from Anthony Weiner, Brett Favre, & Tiger Woods: Don't text and email everything. Having said that, the media as usual is making a really big deal out of this with non-stop talk about it when most of the people you talk to on the street could care less.They care more about the economy and jobs, than 2 broads fighting over someone.

  • @Veilside1000HP
    @Veilside1000HP 11 лет назад

    Book name is All In???, how ironic, she got it all in from the General alright...

  • @Julocity
    @Julocity 11 лет назад

    What a disgrace. I commend him for the work he's done, but he should know better. And her, well, she has no morals, doesn't she? Just look how relaxed she is on the Daily Show, acting fond of her husband, avoiding to discuss in detail her "relationship" with Petraeus. When people cheat, they never think about the repercussions! I mean, they both have children for God sake! Hope she enjoyed her time in the limelight, cause now she'll forever be known as the woman who slept her way to the top.

  • @jpete3027666
    @jpete3027666 11 лет назад

    All In. Pun intended

  • @BarryDead
    @BarryDead 11 лет назад

    With all that ‘protecting American lives’ business goin on - you wouldn’t think anyone would have time to snag a stray piece of ass…

  • @Kuklapolitan
    @Kuklapolitan 11 лет назад

    Treason??? TREASON????? How in God's name is this woman guilty of treason? Just because you screamed it across the screen doesn't make it so.

  • @zzap999
    @zzap999 11 лет назад

    @Mex Seiko Yeah, but only Wiener showed his pics. I want those Paula pics.

  • @moello888
    @moello888 11 лет назад

    baccinatons is a typo error,is vaccinations, sorry i ´m not from a native english speaking country.

  • @bajunaidm
    @bajunaidm 11 лет назад

    May be true but quite unkind remark.

  • @dadada486
    @dadada486 11 лет назад

    I hope you guys are still in your teens or something. Come on! The guy is like 20 years older than her and he's far from the dashing general of fiction. If woman in their 20s and 30s start going for men in their 50s and 60s whose wives then have to worry about and compete with these women in looks, then we have a seriously problem!

  • @Funkadelic2
    @Funkadelic2 11 лет назад

    lol True that might be, however cynical the statement. But why would SHE (Broadwell) actually want that fogey? Makes you think he was framed.

  • @ductuslupus87
    @ductuslupus87 11 лет назад

    How the fuck does he get a woman like that?

  • @micahjames7861
    @micahjames7861 11 лет назад

    These are two high achieving, valuable people and they dig each other. Can't folks have some fun in this boring restrictive world? Let's just back off on monitoring the private lives of each other. It just some hot sex and passion, would you turn it down? If so, what's the point of working and sacrificing? Patriots deserve some reward. If they hurt their respective spouses, that is regrettable, but it's their personal business.

  • @Pllm30
    @Pllm30 11 лет назад

    She's more handsome then she is pretty.

  • @RealMexFoodShouldntGiveUDrrhea
    @RealMexFoodShouldntGiveUDrrhea 11 лет назад

    She's like Irene Adler...

  • @aviknayak9703
    @aviknayak9703 6 лет назад

    So what? cant he have an affair ? He is a Human Being after all..He is a Man and she is a Women and its Natural

  • @takecareoffyou
    @takecareoffyou 11 лет назад

    Walking With
    White Lions
    O I C Now

  • @TheAmazingamerica
    @TheAmazingamerica 11 лет назад

    She looked pretty before but I doubt if her looks caused an affair.

  • @sachafierce65
    @sachafierce65 11 лет назад

    The President and Congress should fix dis country. ooo i forgot d media too..... pls stop feeding the mainstream crap and do ur job

  • @petepeterson5596
    @petepeterson5596 11 лет назад

    Physically speaking... Paula (being 40) is an absolutely "hottie with a naughty body"... very very do-able... The general definately infiltrated and conquered that one... good for him... however... given his potential for future success... I hope she was worth it... I wonder if he will keep doing her.... that's his only option now... Anyone know how old the general is?

  • @iLuvAkeys4ever
    @iLuvAkeys4ever 11 лет назад

    Why do these women have affairs with married men, destroying lives, families. JEEZ its just wrong cos its not just the men who are to blame its these horrible women Alicia Keys, Julia Roberts are two famous people who ran off with married men who had young children. This is what is begining to piss me off its not just the men who have to morally look at themselves its the women who sleep with them to.

  • @MexSeiko
    @MexSeiko 11 лет назад

    Talk to CamiloSanchez1979. He probably has some picture. Creeps should get together and creep on.

  • @wenyushi5500
    @wenyushi5500 11 лет назад

    Wow, he is a spy? Why would e let ppl spy on him? He's doing a poor job, he should get kicked out anyways.

  • @Charles32x
    @Charles32x 11 лет назад

    Paula! Call me!

  • @tvang76
    @tvang76 11 лет назад

    He must learned from Bill Clinton...

  • @educatedrock
    @educatedrock 11 лет назад

    he is human, nes pas?. Shit it that thing came gunning for me I'd surrender too.

  • @falkonsteinner8126
    @falkonsteinner8126 11 лет назад

    even obama can fall for her

  • @Haraiva1
    @Haraiva1 11 лет назад

    Firstly, I don't believe this scenario is so true like many other games being generated daily by the US liar authorities. In case of reality, I'm sure nothing could force him to admit a wrong-doing affair but the Islamic knowledge he learned from Muslim communities obliged and committed him as a responsible man against his wife & his own conscience. Many people specifically those in power are doing this, but they never admit it due to lack of faith, honour, dare, sincerity, integrity, honesty...

  • @TodayUntilTomorrow
    @TodayUntilTomorrow 11 лет назад

    stop using drugs

  • @myhomelandSA
    @myhomelandSA 11 лет назад

    As bizarre as t sounds I actually feel sorry for Petraeus. His wife didnt make her self look nice. Michelle Obama and Romneys wife are middle aged but make themselves look nice. Took time to dress up put some makeup, do their hair up. For a heads wife to look like that I honestly cant blame him for falling in love with Paula. It was all psychological.

  • @Seva25
    @Seva25 11 лет назад

    Ohh...you are being much too cruel lol

  • @kawa20201
    @kawa20201 11 лет назад

    damn mafia cia

  • @Haraiva1
    @Haraiva1 11 лет назад

    Go on Petraeus and choose the most true religion by covering to Islam as it will bring you and your family eternity and prosperity. Think about this dude and make your mind up!

  • @cocochanelleke
    @cocochanelleke 11 лет назад

    Hopefully for you your wife doesn´t read this.

  • @Paul_Ivanish
    @Paul_Ivanish 11 лет назад

    What you would hypothetically do is all fine and well, and is actually what I posted should be done. But you said I was "wrong here", yet you don't present any evidence of that.
    In fact, all you posted actually supports what I posted, so there's no real reason for you to say what I'm wrong in any way. You actually would do what the general did if you were in the same situation, fer cryin' out loud!
    Good for you on the "bone grandma" opinion but I really don't see a difference from mine.

  • @MordecaiWalfish
    @MordecaiWalfish 11 лет назад

    Petraeus has a tough job, for the love of god if he needs to get some strange let him.

  • @chillbill2166
    @chillbill2166 9 лет назад +1

    What I don't understand is what the hell was the FBI investigating him having an affair for. Thats not even a crime. Wtf ...!! what a huge waste of time, and tax dollars.

    • @catherinethorstenberg8957
      @catherinethorstenberg8957 2 года назад +2

      Prob because she might have unwittingly gained access to info that she shouldn’t have

  • @martymusatov
    @martymusatov 10 лет назад

    I am not impressed.