Law of The Land vs Law of The Sea - They Wont Teach You This

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Law of the Land vs Law of the Sea - They Wont Teach You This
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Комментарии • 573

  • @csj9619
    @csj9619 3 дня назад +53

    They have made merchandise of us.
    When I found out this stuff years ago, I shared it with anyone that would listen, thinking they would be as mad as I was about it. The reactions i got were not what I expected, because there was another important factor I'd not considered: the majority of people don't mind being slaves. It alleviates them from thinking for themselves and absolves them from responsibility. Thanks for sharing.

    • @jabunn8475
      @jabunn8475 День назад

      Keep trying, look up "cestui que vie" which is French for the living man and how you can use this against the system

    • @athirdwhy9734
      @athirdwhy9734 День назад +3

      Or they just don't get it. They have no reference for it - allegory of the cave and all. Fish in the sea would be another fitting analogy as it knows nothing else but the depth and darkness of the sea.

    • @user-kv6im6pm8d
      @user-kv6im6pm8d День назад +5

      This is truly sad, and the enlightened few of us that get it are slowly dying.

    • @MrAshyb87
      @MrAshyb87 День назад +5

      I've had the same conversations with people and heard, "Constitution, this isn't the USA. Who cares if it's against an old constitution, the law is the law and it works". As long as people are comfortable in their life, they will do anything to protect their possessions, even ignore their own intuition.
      Everyone knows something isn't right, but many won't admit it to themselves. This consumer society no longer works but people refuse to disconnect.

    • @billyboy969
      @billyboy969 День назад

      Yeah, I thought that people would be mad as h€ll over the Epstein Cabal, yet too many weren't -some people are disappointing

  • @cynthiajones7608
    @cynthiajones7608 8 дней назад +55

    It's sad that not enough people are aware of this!!!!

    • @bvictory5698
      @bvictory5698 3 дня назад +1

      They purposely don’t teach people about it.

    • @Skellybelly-hh8ef
      @Skellybelly-hh8ef День назад +1

      I didn't think people care. The system only has strength when people agree. They can imply anything they want in those contacts but they have no strength if the people won't comply.

  • @rafalsz1272
    @rafalsz1272 5 дней назад +35

    Jordan Maxwell explained this in details 20+ years ago

    • @EnochianChronicles
      @EnochianChronicles 3 дня назад +3

      Except he leads people to the alien deception, but his explanation of words and symbols is unrivaled.

    • @jburns3888
      @jburns3888 2 дня назад +1

      But Jordan never offered steps for resolution.

    • @TotalDec
      @TotalDec День назад +1

      Nobody lasts that long, unless they're playing both sides.

  • @SimplyInHim
    @SimplyInHim 5 дней назад +18

    YESHUA is Truth..... In the beginning WITH God. "If you have seen me you have seen the Father."

    • @CarsCatAliens
      @CarsCatAliens 4 дня назад +1

      @@SimplyInHim Might want to learn how your religion came about, and what is taken from where and what story is what .. Its very interesting, and not what you would believe it to be.

  • @cynthiajones7608
    @cynthiajones7608 8 дней назад +109

    This is why we were given SSN , we're actually corporations.

    • @ms.donaldson2533
      @ms.donaldson2533 7 дней назад

      millions of SSN # were leaked onto the dark net. MINE included. They have been running out of numbers for years. I look back at the billboard from the Baltimore Uprising and it said "whoever died form a rough ride - the whole damn system"..... I have been watching system collapse for 9 years. History repeating itself.

    • @AlanKelly-nm9lx
      @AlanKelly-nm9lx 7 дней назад

      u r worth your weight in gold lol ... slaves!

    • @bloodbucket2847
      @bloodbucket2847 6 дней назад +13

      Isn't it more like. We are employees of "said corporation" and SS#=employee# (EUID#) ect.

    • @bloodbucket2847
      @bloodbucket2847 6 дней назад +13

      US code 28 section 3002 as well as the organic act of the corporation.

    • @user-fj3gp4dv9e
      @user-fj3gp4dv9e 5 дней назад

      @@bloodbucket2847yes we are under a corporation if not sovereign. Our birth certificate and SS number is an estate of the corporation

  • @melissavalentine9771
    @melissavalentine9771 5 дней назад +11

    🎉 thank you for covering something no one else is

    • @kevinhoward5520
      @kevinhoward5520 День назад

      A lot of people cover this. There are whole organizations that have been teaching this for many years.

  • @McJiver
    @McJiver 6 дней назад +42

    Now I see the beast from the sea...

    • @anonfreedom8768
      @anonfreedom8768 5 дней назад +6

      This. The East India Trading company and British Royal Navy worked together to become the worlds super power that has never been rivaled. Any ship or country that has the Union jack on its flag is under their system. I was in the US navy and can attest that it all follows the same maritime system. DC is not a state because it resides on land established by the Hudson Bay corporation - owned by the British.

    • @bruttibler100
      @bruttibler100 4 дня назад +4

      The Sea, or the Eternal Sea, was the Roman term for "politics", so the Beast comes as a Politician, shocker I know

    • @nickieglazer33
      @nickieglazer33 4 дня назад +4

      ​​​@@anonfreedom8768Yes, thank you so much for sharing.
      This is true,
      America (New world) trades under the corporate name; the 'Virginia Company'. The 'president', in reality, is a mere CEO of said company.
      One only has to observe the flag of the East India Company to see this truth.
      Sadly, the vast majority won't believe their eyes nor be able to accept that fact.
      So much respect to you.
      Also, yet on a slightly different note, the term 'human being' used to mean 'sea monster'.
      It is those who hide under the hidden veil/umbrella of M-sonry that set the narrative and counter narrative of His-story.
      They 'founded' The New World.
      Now they want the Order.

      @WAYTRUTHLIFE7 4 дня назад

      The Beast is actually Rome still today. The 1st Beast suffered his deadly head wound with Napoleon. Hence the 2nd Beast has healed and Rome came back. It has to be the same Beast according to The Bible prophecy old and new, Daniel and Revelation.
      Revelation 17
      8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
      Was then suffers a deadly head wound and now is again! The same beast 1&2. It can’t be 2 different kingdoms, but can be different kings and it must be, no human man can live then die then live again. The antichrist spirit dwells in these men.
      Ephesians 2:2
      Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:
      This is the antichrist spirit! Not to confuse with the beast. For there are many antichrists, these are the children of disobedience or against God! Yet many are waiting for 1 man to reveal himself! 😂 sad.😔
      The Christian church has been taken over by the false light! However there’s a true church of King Jesus or Christ followers. Most churches of all Re-Legion became one with the State or The District of Columbia the whore who rides the Beast/Rome/the Papacy who is the only Total Monarchy/kingdom in the entire world. This man/2nd Beast is a king and answers to no other man or people. The only king!
      The 2nd Beast, all roads lead to Rome.
      Daniel 2
      39 And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
      40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise.
      These are the last 2 Beasts. Which are the same! According to Revelation 17-8! Let Bible interpret Bible, not man.
      1 John 2
      27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
      After receiving the The Holy Spirit no man can call himself your teacher. They only are to bring The Lost children to King Jesus. After that you’re no longer under the school master. Men love to give themselves titles where King Jesus has not given it to them!
      Galatians 3
      3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
      13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:
      17 And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.
      18 For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.
      19 Wherefore then serveth the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator.
      24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by
      25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
      28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
      29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
      Any human that states they are a man and are over another human is against the teachings of The Bible and should humble themselves as we’re all Christs Body and King Jesus is our Head, period! This comes only after we receive His Holy Spirit and become his friend not His servant any more. If your still His servant then you are under the law a school master or a teacher which is a man! I pray your under a man that has The Holy Spirit. If so this man doesn’t want you to be under him he win show you our only 1 True Shepherd which is King Jesus The Christ who sacrificed himself for all our sins. No man can do that for us.
      I pray you stop wanting to be worshipped by mankind and you stop worshipping mankind. All Glory goes to The Father The Most High God through His Son King Jesus Christ ruling & reigning from Heaven right now! He is our King and High Priest!

    • @bvictory5698
      @bvictory5698 3 дня назад +1

      @@anonfreedom8768I was just looking at something yesterday and noticed how we left the United Kingdom, just to become the United States and it made me laugh cuz it’s like nothing changed but the name.

  • @jquartz9285
    @jquartz9285 6 дней назад +15

    Good subject, man! Ppl don't realize they are still a commodity!

  • @Joe83420
    @Joe83420 Год назад +27

    We are truly blessed to have some of the most intelligent people in this ministry! Thank you Elder!

  • @Rage-td9wv
    @Rage-td9wv 4 дня назад +12

    This has to be the beast that rises from the sea.

    • @Kelly-wf5ie
      @Kelly-wf5ie 4 дня назад +2


    • @bvictory5698
      @bvictory5698 3 дня назад

      In the Bible, when it is talking about the beast rising, the word sea is actually referring to people. The beast rises out of US.

    • @ManoloVintage
      @ManoloVintage День назад

      This does sound interesting as if it matches what Daniel 11 is saying.
      I do know...
      Babylon the Great is America.*
      The Beast is globalism or globalists.**
      America has been riding globalism the entire time, uprooting governments across the world they don't like, and setting Globalist organizations in place.
      America sat on top of the globalist beast, thinking that she would never be destroyed by it, saying, "I will never be widow."
      In Rev 17:17, God puts it in the heart of Joe Biden to give its power up to the Globalists (CIA included) if they can get him elected as president. They get Joe in office, but we all know he's not running the country.
      The Globalist groups are running it. God then puts it in the heart of the Globalists to hate America and destroy her.
      This is what we are seeing now.
      The Globalists take over the world power - America, and rule for 42 months, then God's kingdom comes and destroys the globalist Beast.
      King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of all the world powers to come after him, up until Gods Kingdom comes, in the form of a statue. As a world power, King Nebuchadnezzar called himself, 'Babylon the Great.'
      The statue was of himself, and each separate metal was another future world power.
      Daniel 4:30
      “The king reflected and said, ‘Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?’
      The Beast wants to devour and crush the earth and change times and laws. This is a Globalist agenda.
      Daniel 7:23

    • @GraniteChief369
      @GraniteChief369 День назад

      Think Revelation, the sea represents the everchanging instability of the pagan/gentile world, while the land represents the stability of God's word according to Biblical scholar Michael Heiser (RIP).

  • @CarsCatAliens
    @CarsCatAliens 4 месяца назад +114

    I would suggest watching and closely listening to Jordon Maxwell.

    • @mr.b2107
      @mr.b2107 3 месяца назад +9

      How about David Lester Straight?

    • @jeanniek1498
      @jeanniek1498 2 месяца назад +5

      ​@@mr.b2107 Agree

    • @artb.2260
      @artb.2260 Месяц назад +7

      David Icke

    • @CarsCatAliens
      @CarsCatAliens Месяц назад

      @@artb.2260 Funny you mention that, Maxwell would agree strongly with that.. He paid to bring Mr.Icke to the states...

    • @CarsCatAliens
      @CarsCatAliens Месяц назад

      @@mr.b2107 Ill have to check him out.. I have an affinity for Maxwell simply from his speaking and repeating method. I have trouble with info retention when reading, or listening to anything. The repetition helps.

  • @user-my5ze3dm2s
    @user-my5ze3dm2s 4 дня назад +16

    Gravity is not a law but density is.

  • @mentalog6018
    @mentalog6018 7 дней назад +16

    Brother Kabeer_ Can you talk more about these kinds of videos? You're very knowledgeable and as the scriptures say. "My people perish for lack of knowledge"

  • @brentmillsop6355
    @brentmillsop6355 4 дня назад +7

    Correct Your Status and Standing. A Peaceable Remedy.

  • @Green.Country.Agroforestry
    @Green.Country.Agroforestry 5 дней назад +14

    LAW exists prior to, and without the interference of governments. There is no "law of the land" or "law of the Sea", only rules invented by criminals for their own convenience. It is easy to know what the LAW is: No human being desires their own murders, robbery, or assault, nor to be slandered (or libeled, now that print exists), and the wages of sin is death.

    • @spiritofmatter1881
      @spiritofmatter1881 4 дня назад

      Sin is a religious word invented by the very cults you rightfully mentioned you do not consent to
      If someone says so and so about me I still should not be deprived of any resources
      If I am it is not his 'sin' but society. Law of nature means it can bring mass death upon society.
      Defamation, annoying as it is, is not death sentence.

    • @Green.Country.Agroforestry
      @Green.Country.Agroforestry 4 дня назад +2

      @@spiritofmatter1881 and yet you and I both know full well that there are those who would respond to it with violence, so it would be disingenuous of us to feign surprise when one uses violence as a response to slander or libel We might ask them to temper their response, even as we temper our responses to other crimes, but it is the injured party that has the right to respond - unless we ourselves desire to violate the law in order to punish them for indulging in what you or I would deem excessive force. The wise course of action is to keep a civil tongue, and pity the fool who doesn't.

    • @BodhiCody-mh2ec
      @BodhiCody-mh2ec 4 дня назад

      @@spiritofmatter1881 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."
      ....and THIS is why.

    • @OldDocSilver
      @OldDocSilver 2 дня назад

      The “law” represented by the laws of Moses was abolished by Christ. He gave mankind only two laws that encapsulates everything. 1: love God with your whole heart, soul and mind. 2: love your neighbor as yourself.
      Everything else we do outside of these two laws will be….”breaking the law”.
      We will learn this very shortly when the event in Revelation 20 starts with the devil becoming locked in the abyss.

    • @gregridgeway8790
      @gregridgeway8790 День назад

      @@spiritofmatter1881 Sin is the violation of God's law. Natural law is a fallacy. This is not subject to one's opinion or that which one believes to be true.

  • @keenanmcmenamon1399
    @keenanmcmenamon1399 7 дней назад +51

    It's the constitution OF the United States,which is the corporate entity.The constitution FOR the United states,is the common law of the land.

    • @SimplyInHim
      @SimplyInHim 5 дней назад +2

      Never thought of this before. THANKS

    • @ozarksbrotherjerry4297
      @ozarksbrotherjerry4297 4 дня назад +2

      We're not under common law.

    • @danielbaggett6283
      @danielbaggett6283 4 дня назад

      @@ozarksbrotherjerry4297 We all have been deceived into their Admiralty/Maritime Jurisdiction via Fraud at birth. There is a solution but one has to sincerely love truth. They don't teach you the solution in school for obvious reasons. The hardest thing to do is admit to one's self that you have been lied to your whole life. Extricating one's self from their clutches can be scary. Be blessed, my friend.

    • @Jmar1024
      @Jmar1024 4 дня назад +3

      It's also capitalized

    • @0psec_not_good
      @0psec_not_good 4 дня назад +1

      @@ozarksbrotherjerry4297 ultimately, we still are. If you know the laws, and know how to navigate them through litigation (precedents are you best of friends), then you can still live mostly in common law. At least that’s my understanding of it.

  • @missmagillicutty6721
    @missmagillicutty6721 4 дня назад +4

    Amen and thank you for sharing this truth my brother in Christ!!💯
    God bless you and your family

  • @Taotaomotna
    @Taotaomotna 8 дней назад +16

    Jordan maxwell has been studying the occult for 40 yrs

  • @RichardAmunRaBey6720
    @RichardAmunRaBey6720 7 дней назад +8

    Islam ☪️ Moors,Love what your doing As Long As it's the TRUTH, LTPFJ

    • @voornaamachternaam6159
      @voornaamachternaam6159 День назад

      lgbTQIA+ = Taqia.
      taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”
      Satan is Hidden in plain sight.
      Lose that religion as the black plague that again is messing up the West.
      Rats in Noahs Ark.

  • @frankslevett3436
    @frankslevett3436 11 дней назад +7

    Truly eye opening.. great job and thank you for your efforts in bringing light to our status in this matrix.

  • @ricashy857
    @ricashy857 День назад +1

    Meeting your "Straw Man" in this Build. Give Thanks for this informative information. #Public vs. Private✅️💯🖊📚

  • @user-uo6nv8pf6k
    @user-uo6nv8pf6k 12 дней назад +8

    Law words
    Three jurisdictions, air, land, water.
    You forgot TRUST law , air heir... reign rain...

  • @Revel214
    @Revel214 2 месяца назад +4

    Elder KGB - one of my favorite Packer players of all time. This is great teaching, thank you!

  • @marshall-khan.Sui-Juris.
    @marshall-khan.Sui-Juris. 7 часов назад

    Bless your heart to shed the light in dark world you told the that nothing but the truth.

  • @SaltyKitten77
    @SaltyKitten77 4 дня назад +8

    Words are very important
    Take the word “persons”
    It has 2 definitions
    1) a human being
    2) a corporation
    Which definition is applied to the laws is a good question to ask

    • @growapairepaire7354
      @growapairepaire7354 2 дня назад

      Where did you get your definitions from? In law(legal) dictionaries it only states the dead entity or rather the unincorporated person or corporated person. The word person is not defined as such in any legal dictionary or government legislature.

    • @SaltyKitten77
      @SaltyKitten77 2 дня назад

      @@growapairepaire7354 in defining words you don’t use the word itself to define it; and I use a regular old dictionary. Pre gender and feminist definitions. I know there are different jurisdictions. Law of the land; law of the sea and so on.

    • @growapairepaire7354
      @growapairepaire7354 День назад +1

      @@SaltyKitten77 exactly and yet go to these law dictionaries and they use the word itself to 'define' it??? It is just plain crazy!

    • @talkenhead87
      @talkenhead87 22 часа назад

      Depends on which jurisdiction applies

    • @growapairepaire7354
      @growapairepaire7354 14 часов назад

      @@talkenhead87 claim yourself to be the person when engaging with any official, officer etc then you immediately submit to their legislation. I would be very careful using that term and stay well clear of it. Rather use man, men, woman, women, daughter, son, girl or boy.

  • @tirthapaddas141
    @tirthapaddas141 4 дня назад +3

    Right on, Bro. Good for you that you are educating the people...

  • @jerrymckenzie1858
    @jerrymckenzie1858 3 дня назад +2

    I find it interesting in the book of Revelation, there is a beast that arises out of the earth and one that rises out of the sea.

  • @califri1995
    @califri1995 4 дня назад +6

    Unfortunately, this is a matrix (Babylonian state of maind) we forgot that we are God creation man an woman not a per -son

  • @Hereticsbiblestudy
    @Hereticsbiblestudy 9 дней назад +35

    Just a few weeks ago a man learned he can’t sue Disney for an alleged wrongful death at their park because he signed a contract for some random Disney streaming service

    • @kaleveel3270
      @kaleveel3270 6 дней назад +6

      😮DEEP! They are very wickedly deceptive.

    • @jamesrobertarchbald6357
      @jamesrobertarchbald6357 6 дней назад +2

      hard to believe he actually physically signed

    • @Hereticsbiblestudy
      @Hereticsbiblestudy 6 дней назад

      @@jamesrobertarchbald6357 prolly not. I think it was an electronic authorization so he could watch the maladorian on Disney+ … Who knows what’s really happening anymore

    • @ronijaco9886
      @ronijaco9886 6 дней назад +8

      anytime on the Internet you click on the terms and policy box or continue use after the disclaimer(s') pop-up You're probably yielding to something unexpected

    • @jgibson5606
      @jgibson5606 5 дней назад +7

      Yes almost everything is contractual.. be it mouse click, 'i agree' "yes" on phone calls. Almost everything we do is some kind of contract. Sneaky basterds..

  • @ColdintheSheets
    @ColdintheSheets День назад

    So glad I found this thank you

  • @ejh524
    @ejh524 Год назад +6

    Bless you elder appreciate your time and wisdom

  • @dennismcdonnell7853
    @dennismcdonnell7853 День назад +2

    For a contract to be lawfully in place, all parties must be notified of every pertinent point or consideration from each parties point of view.
    Just signing a piece of paper means nothing without all these notifications having taken placed in all honesty in the situation.
    So if hidden clauses or unmentioned conditions are involved, then it is NOT a lawful contract.

    • @robertstover4665
      @robertstover4665 9 часов назад

      Unfortunately "Implied Consent" comes in to play.... Just like paying taxes

  • @levialston518
    @levialston518 5 дней назад +4

    I might have to go back and reread supreme court ruling of 1803 maubry v madison

  • @fraktalistaphex
    @fraktalistaphex День назад

    Good thing we talked about it, now we can start saving our kids .... from menticide.

  • @donhendrix7686
    @donhendrix7686 6 дней назад +9

    I let the driver license expire so I don't have a contact anymore ❤. Had one when I was driving a truck hauling cars and trucks for a living. retired now so I am free

    • @olandofuller5588
      @olandofuller5588 5 дней назад +2

      You still drive 🚗 🤔...
      What do you say if you get pulled over 🤔

    • @califri1995
      @califri1995 5 дней назад +5

      Sadly , no, you are still in the matrix by birth certificate money or any transaction that you do banking groceries buying work 😢 there not option in the Babylonian state.

    • @Westcoastrocksduh
      @Westcoastrocksduh 4 дня назад

      Where does it state you sign up for the draft if you get a drivers license like he claims?

    • @jessecortez9449
      @jessecortez9449 4 дня назад +1

      Use a Passport. A Passport for a National, specifically. It'd be useful to also get private plates for tour vehicle and to track down the MSO/MCO sp you don't have to register the vehicle with the State which is what makes the vehicle theirs in their legal system.
      Look up Brandon Joe Williams. He speaks in great depth about this. Has a free course that walks you through a lot of these contract dealings.

    • @jessecortez9449
      @jessecortez9449 4 дня назад

      ​@@Westcoastrocksduhthe Selective Service Act.
      If you're a male and you don't sign it along with your driver's license paperwork they threaten you with fine and prison time.

  • @mindbodymotion3371
    @mindbodymotion3371 5 часов назад

    Spot on...thank you for sharing this...

  • @divinecall3133
    @divinecall3133 День назад

    Thank you for sharing and specking this, I have been trying to tell people there rights of God and the consentuition of the united States of America.

  • @Ron-zr6se
    @Ron-zr6se 7 дней назад +6

    Sadly, people do not know that when they go to court, the law/ code they should use is the UCC. Everything that happens there refers to monetary transactions. A person is "charged", what are the value/cost assigned to those "charges"? It's all a business transaction but people have no clue about that and thus they receive the penalty for not paying the charges by being sent to jail/prison aka debtors prison. Public servants claim qualified immunity but have no immunity to the UCC.

    • @shawnmopkins3107
      @shawnmopkins3107 2 дня назад +1

      How can you apply it in court?

    • @cthulhu4112
      @cthulhu4112 День назад +1

      Yes how can you use the UCC in court?

    • @444_balmain4
      @444_balmain4 8 часов назад

      You people heed to elaborate more and stop being so vague

  • @robertjansen5524
    @robertjansen5524 2 дня назад

    Goes to show you how we have been deceived by our educational system. Thank you for the great video. You are a blessing to humanity for teaching this truth to people. Hopefully people will learn from this. What a world of deception we live in. But God is going to turn things around using people like you who have the wisdom and knowledge that you have. Thank you again.

  • @frankmanis238
    @frankmanis238 8 часов назад

    Nice to see this just pop up in my feed. I have had to dig and dig for years to discover this info. Sadly it only feeds me this type of stuff because I search for this stuff daily. Most people’s phone is feeding them garbage just like their grocery store.

  • @jjm8678
    @jjm8678 8 дней назад +14

    9:21 There was this quote I heard in a movie. Guy says "I help MAKE the law, I dont FOLLOW them." Scripture says "This is not a war of flesh and blood, but principality ...Oh how the mighty (us) have fallen." You never know how much you never know.

    • @denisemalcolm1032
      @denisemalcolm1032 5 дней назад +2

      That statement is the foundation of AMERICA, "make the laws for others to follow, WE will do as we will"

  • @debunkthelies
    @debunkthelies 4 дня назад +1

    Very good, thank you. Its time to wake up everyone!!

  • @JosephBrazzo-cw5fw
    @JosephBrazzo-cw5fw Месяц назад +29

    No license since 98 no pull overs yet don’t need permission to travel.

    • @realtalk2046
      @realtalk2046 15 дней назад +5

      What kind of plate/registration you got???

    • @traversniemi5342
      @traversniemi5342 7 дней назад

      Not in oregon

    • @michaelhargrove5111
      @michaelhargrove5111 7 дней назад +4

      I bet you $100 you haven't done it right to actually travel like you're talking about based on that one law for many years ago and it was actually not a law it is a ruling in court in a case but to follow that there's many things you have to do to set yourself up to do it properly in 99% of the people do not do that correctly

    • @freerangeslaves7789
      @freerangeslaves7789 6 дней назад +2

      ​@@michaelhargrove5111maybe not, but at least he's taking a stand in a way that he knows how. That's more than 90% of what this world is doing, so I commend him for this.

    • @finnnnma
      @finnnnma 5 дней назад

      How are you employed , all employers ask for SS and DL proof.

  • @billygraham5589
    @billygraham5589 2 дня назад +2

    I have been to court many times, and much of it for reasons of suing the government and its contractors (owned by major financial institutions). IN THE CIVIL COURTS you have the right to a trial, and in California and in federal courts, the right to a JURY TRIAL - the judge will ignore that fact, will ignore the federal and state constitutions, will ignore federal and state Supreme Court precedent (law), and run interference to protect the “well connected” government contractors and corrupt politicians. Goes deeper than that though. You have the RIGHT to an appeal and a written decision - the decision will be a joke, but it will be in writing, stamped “not for publication.” In other words your rights are NOT respected by judges who are working for the deep state - the corrupt political class and financial institutions. We the People are being robbed systematically of our wealth as a nation and individually. “Summary judgement” in the civil courts is unconstitutional. I won’t quote the precedents that makes that point clear, more clear in California law than even anywhere else, but no judge will honor the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to a jury trial in a civil case. Sure, a case can be thrown out for technical reasons, even legal reasons, but not on the basis of a civil law like California’s unconstitutional Code of Civil Procedure section 437c which unlike motions to dismiss early on or the “demurrer” motion, the judge can substitute his own thinking and opinion for that of the jury on questions of facts, and decide the case him/herself never providing the jury trial as demanded. That’s a clear violation of the right to a jury trial, which is said to be a “inviolate right” in the California constitution (article 1 sec. 16). In an appellate hearing one judge on the panel mocking me said “summary judgment is now a convention of the courts.” Fact is there’s no published constitutional rights decision in California precedent law declaring the “summary judgment” statute (cited above) is “constitutional” even regardless of Article 1 sec. 16 of the California constitution. So we are being scammed even in our courts, and our judges (most) are untrustworthy white collar criminals.
    I could go on and on.
    I do know how to fix the problems of the legal system in a state like California. Fixing enough states like California and the nation might be saved. For that matter I know how to fix the huge problems with the healthcare system in a state like California. And I could fix all the problems. I think though it is necessity set out all the problems and all the solutions in book form , and written in language favorable to the common people. I could do that, and more, and I could do it fairly quickly IF I had a little support from the community - I can’t get ANY support. People WANT to be lazy and ignorant because ignorance (and laziness) is bliss. But that’s the lie! Bliss does NOT come from laziness and ignorance - and I know, as I was once lazy and ignorant.

    • @gregridgeway8790
      @gregridgeway8790 День назад

      An absurd delusion you entertain where you believe you can fix complex social systems yet are not influential enough to enlist the support of one single other soul to support your cause. Don't be too troubled. The God of creation has a fully functional governance which requires no outside approval. All of these works of men are scheduled for exclusion.

    • @shawnaservantez569
      @shawnaservantez569 День назад

      whats with billy Grahm?
      33 degree Freemason he & his family all inverted genders.

  • @shlama
    @shlama 3 дня назад +14

    The gates of Hell won’t prevail against The Church

    • @sirmagnus99
      @sirmagnus99 2 дня назад +1

      The church seems compromised too deeply...😮‍💨
      But Jesus came to save people, sinners especially. He did not come to save the old Jewish leaders who were corrupted, he probably will have the same attitude towards the current corrupted leaders of the churchs. False prophet is very high on the naughty list.

    • @GoreGlass
      @GoreGlass 2 дня назад +1

      Lolol the church. God left the churches 4000 years ago

    • @TotalDec
      @TotalDec День назад

      The World has been messed up for thousands of years, but God cares... Right.

    • @billyboy969
      @billyboy969 День назад


    • @harmonicamanrandy
      @harmonicamanrandy День назад +1

      That's because there's no such thing.😂

  • @HarryClipzFilmz
    @HarryClipzFilmz День назад +2

    This planet is a prison let them have it, it was never our home, to begin with.

  • @Profit786
    @Profit786 2 дня назад +2

    If u decide to sign always put

  • @wethepeopleaudits.5186
    @wethepeopleaudits.5186 9 дней назад +6

    I have FOIL / FOIA / OPRA Public Servants Oaths of Office & they are all IMPROPER due to NO OFFICIAL BONDS via SURETY BONDS before qualifying as on the records

    • @anonymousanonymous3045
      @anonymousanonymous3045 7 дней назад

      Yep exactly and I’m told that they do not have to be bonded, that they are not required. The counties and cities try to pass off a umbrella insurance that pays only to the insured.
      I have put a claim on bond for certain ones that violated the oath I accepted and was told that was not that kind of bond. I knew this just wanted it in writing from the bonding company.

    • @wethepeopleaudits.5186
      @wethepeopleaudits.5186 7 дней назад

      @@anonymousanonymous3045 Evidence, that they’re operating in the Private “No Sovereign Immunity”

  • @phaking2409
    @phaking2409 5 часов назад

    With out prejudice UCC 1-207, above your signature, means anything in this contract that has not been divulged to me is null and void!

  • @brianmatney100
    @brianmatney100 Год назад +6

    This was a good teaching Elder answered many questions I have always had about the courts

  • @jenniferc.2514
    @jenniferc.2514 2 дня назад +1

    Excellent video! Excellent! ✔✨🙏🏽✨✔

  • @michaelbaltimore6432
    @michaelbaltimore6432 Год назад +4

    Double Honours Elder absolute 🔥🔥🔥!

  • @Benji.AHH.990
    @Benji.AHH.990 2 дня назад

    Thank you for the video Elder Kabeer. This is powerful info. Much respect to you 🫡👑💜

  • @ValerieHalla-no1else
    @ValerieHalla-no1else 4 дня назад +2

    Thank you for posting this I love Jordan Maxwell and also I want to say thank you for reading the part for people that are driving or listening while multitasking. I know I'm very often running errands or cleaning the house while listening to RUclips and some RUclipsrs will have hole sections of their videos that cause cause you to have to stop and you read it or miss that part of the video. I'm not knocking them ,I know it's not easy to make these videos but anyways I just wanted to thank you for having the consideration and foresight to do that, not many people do.

  • @dougbillman2333
    @dougbillman2333 День назад

    Wakey Wakey America.........

  • @Country-Cricket
    @Country-Cricket День назад

    Good video. Thank you

  • @StealthTheUnknown
    @StealthTheUnknown 9 часов назад

    That last bit sealed the deal about my revulsion towards the churches. Government is not God - but to many churches, it is - or “God” may simply be the pastor speaking of himself in the third person

  • @joelhunton7108
    @joelhunton7108 День назад

    I would suggest viewing Romney Stewart's 'Justinian Deception' presentation. It's eye opening.

  • @theghettogourmet6762
    @theghettogourmet6762 День назад

    US Federal Law is based almost entirely on British Admiralty and Common Law, hence why Americans drive on the right side of the road compared to the left. It's the same way sea lanes were set up and are still used internationally today.

  • @welcometothewoodspodcast
    @welcometothewoodspodcast 4 месяца назад +3

    So eye opening thanks

  • @AliciannCurtis
    @AliciannCurtis 2 часа назад

    Yes you aree very correct for me

  • @douglas-lake977
    @douglas-lake977 2 дня назад

    Sign without prejudice

  • @LordVadelle
    @LordVadelle 15 дней назад +1

    I’m 33 and never signed upon without understanding

  • @playlistanthony2086
    @playlistanthony2086 3 дня назад +1

    Ok how do you live a productive life fighting everything

  • @unkolawdio
    @unkolawdio 47 минут назад

    Yes,,it's a guarded secret

  • @gallipoli95
    @gallipoli95 6 дней назад +9

    Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way through him we can overcome this world.
    John 16:33 (KJV) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

    • @haggai3.477
      @haggai3.477 6 дней назад

      *TRUTH* in *ALL ITS GLORY*
      *HONOR* is *RECOGNIZING WHO* qualifies for your *UNDIVIDED ATTENTION*
      5You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.
      6Though he was God,a
      he did not think of equality with God
      as something to cling to.
      7Instead, he gave up his divine privilegesb;
      he took the humble position of a slavec
      and was born as a human being.
      When he appeared in human form,d
      8he humbled himself in obedience to God
      and died a criminal’s death on a cross.
      9Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
      and gave him the name above all other names,
      10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
      in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
      11and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
      to the glory of God the Father.
      PHILIPPIANS 2: 5-11 NLT

    • @SimplyInHim
      @SimplyInHim 5 дней назад +2

      We are FREE in the Anointed, Yeshua.
      We can still resist (work away from) the evil one.
      Ephesians 6:12

  • @MG2577
    @MG2577 6 часов назад

    The ship is berthed and the dock signs for ownership. Sound familiar? You come from water there for you come from the law of the sea. Then owned by the law of the land.

  • @ShelbyTenbears-ys4ws
    @ShelbyTenbears-ys4ws 2 дня назад +1

    Doesn't both parties have to be informed about any contact, since they have used , messed up words to trick me, swindled me, any thing I signed, is no good.

  • @JosephErnestJr.
    @JosephErnestJr. 5 дней назад

    Thank you! I tell people this on a daily basis to the point I do better just covering my end and do my part lead by example those who are adept and of ability to take a higher place are driven to do so I just leave a trail of bread crumbs so to say.. I support you bro!

  • @MysteryGrey
    @MysteryGrey 4 дня назад

    Such a simple explaination made more complicated.

  • @algrounds9546
    @algrounds9546 4 дня назад

    thank you for enlighting me to some of the terminology of our legal system. i will share with others and return for more info.

  • @Ahuuakh-Amerindian
    @Ahuuakh-Amerindian 5 дней назад

    Concur.... GRATITUDE... ❤

  • @straighttalkingguy7366
    @straighttalkingguy7366 5 дней назад +2

    Yes but people have been tricked into signing .So surly it's not a contract

    • @bethmartof1262
      @bethmartof1262 3 дня назад

      And we had no say as to our birth certificates, so we did not comply (our parents did).

  • @justinhemion6279
    @justinhemion6279 7 дней назад +1

    You have a new sub my friend, fantastic info

  • @harleylady361
    @harleylady361 3 часа назад

    Art. I, Sect 1 That all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; for the advancement of those ends they have at all times, an unalienable and indefeasible right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper.
    It's time we started asserting power that is inherent in us.

  • @kathrynralli4557
    @kathrynralli4557 5 дней назад +1

    Very good.

  • @phaking2409
    @phaking2409 5 часов назад

    Maritime Admiralty Law, Law of the sea, that’s why the Statue of Liberty is still out to sea, liberty is what you take off a ship! You ask permission to disembark off a ship or ask permission to board a ship

  • @user-eh7it8su6v
    @user-eh7it8su6v 4 дня назад

    Yezzzz i so agree about these marriage license

  • @MikeHacker
    @MikeHacker 2 дня назад

    It usually just says that you will abide by the laws of the state

  • @maryannbostick3320
    @maryannbostick3320 День назад

    I'm 57 never had one and will never get one I know all this

  • @muntee33
    @muntee33 2 дня назад

    Not harm, injury. Harm is deliberately ambiguous, is applicable to a wide array of sub contexts and is extremely difficult to disprove. Ie ; mental harm, emotional harm, psychological harm....
    Injury implies a quantitative and substantiated decrease in capacity, integrity or ability.

  • @ophidiaparaclete
    @ophidiaparaclete 9 дней назад +4

    Duality is non existence fiction bi polar narcissist sociopath psychopath schizophrenic paranoia. Continuous drama required to give you the illusion of existence.

  • @jerellwatkins230
    @jerellwatkins230 Год назад +2

    Amazing brother ❤️ very good information to know👑

  • @jaywoodgrain
    @jaywoodgrain День назад

    That’s probably why they considered The Black man as not a human so they could get around the common Law.

  • @Iamall0
    @Iamall0 День назад

    Not on paper but on my phone I agree alot just to get that Long text done

  • @rossstewart4919
    @rossstewart4919 День назад

    No driver's license, about 12 years now

  • @13jorino
    @13jorino 6 дней назад +1

    In the US, parent(s) sign their kids away to their state if there is a birth certificate issued.

  • @cathymcmahan7530
    @cathymcmahan7530 7 часов назад

    The 7th amendment shows we still have common law.

  • @lighttajiribey4221
    @lighttajiribey4221 5 дней назад +1

    Nationality is the order for the day. Nationality is first. Article III Affidavit stating ancient bloodline, bearthright, and inheritance at America is how status on the land is properly stated. More informationne on my channel.

  • @bjharp55
    @bjharp55 3 дня назад

    The Scripture did say that "[they] are going to make Merchandise out of you." You know the old truth that says, " what goes around, comes around."

  • @grandfx9641
    @grandfx9641 4 месяца назад +2

    It's called Marriage Certificate here in Nigeria...👌

  • @wellnesscloud9887
    @wellnesscloud9887 4 месяца назад +3

    Bottom line is learn their rules and follow them..

  • @DustinUhrig
    @DustinUhrig 4 дня назад

    Freedom of movement

  • @StephenGrindle
    @StephenGrindle 4 дня назад

    New here great vid Man. Thanks

  • @dougbillman2333
    @dougbillman2333 День назад

    The gold fringe around the red white and blue,..this means martial law...the president can only write executive orders, when we are under martial law or admiralty jurisdiction........

  • @derekjohnson1132
    @derekjohnson1132 4 месяца назад +4

    But you really don't have to go to court, YOU go to court because you don't overstand the law. Like this, before you put weight on a certain floor you go down stairs to check and see if it can hold the weight now you understand how much weight to put in that area

    • @Gambinotwat
      @Gambinotwat 4 месяца назад

      Leave up in 3d to get up leaves

  • @toddrodgers5108
    @toddrodgers5108 День назад


  • @isaaccespedes4817
    @isaaccespedes4817 4 дня назад +1

    Amazing outline. I was wondering about the term bill or rights, because it is the constitution. Is this term meant to make these common laws sound like statutes?

  • @ljc3484
    @ljc3484 День назад

    I think most people who hear this information don’t take it seriously because it sounds so ridiculous- like no one would ever do this to their own people

  • @ValerieHalla-no1else
    @ValerieHalla-no1else 4 дня назад
