GBO2 RX-78-3 G-3 Gundam: An untouchable raid?!
- Опубликовано: 10 фев 2025
- This video contains two recent matches I had with the LV2 G3 Gundam on Gundam Battle Operation 2. The G3 is a 450-650 cost raid with consistent midrange poking ability and amazing strafing ability which makes it great at avoiding being caught by enemies. It suffers from being incredibly fragile, having mediocre boost speed, having mediocre turning speed, having wet noodle melee damage for a raid along with having long instant stun cooldown. The G3 is definitely a suit that suffers from a lot of issues, but despite this, it is one of the only 450 cost raids capable of decent midrange damage. So despite the lack of killing power, it has a valuable niche in a cost where it can be nearly impossible for melee focused raids get past generals. I thought that both these matches went well but the second one unfortunately had a disconnect half way through, though we still managed to pull a win out of it. I hope that you enjoy watching!
The primary weapon of the LV2 G3 is a set of two bazookas with 945x2 power, 10 ammo, 7.4 seconds cooldown, 16 seconds reload, 2.5 seconds swap time, 355m range and 30%x2 stagger value. These have decent power along with a large splash radius but suffer from long cooldown and swap time. You can start combos with these for ideal shooting DPS by comboing into two beam rifle shots. It can also break LV1 MA if you combo it into a beam rifle shot.
Its primary melee weapon is a beam saber with 1995 power, 2.5 seconds cooldown, 0.77 seconds swap and 80% combo modifier. This weapon has pretty low base power along with the suit only packing 17 melee modifier, but it can still output decent damage against supports thanks to its combo modifier.
Its first sub weapon is a head vulcan with 67 power, 30 ammo, 498 DPS and 2% stagger value. You have little to no use for this weapon, but it can still be used to finish off weak enemies.
Its second sub weapon is a beam rifle with 1550 (2150) power, 1.5 seconds cooldown, 45% (85%) heat, 15 seconds overheat, 0.8 seconds swap, 400m (550m) range, 2.5 seconds focus and 40% stagger value. This has great overall stats, basically an improved version of the original Gundam's beam rifle. It has decent damage uncharged along with long range.
The G3 also has a 2750 HP shield which grants +15% walking/turning speed once it is broken. This is the ideal scenario since the fast strafing ability of the MS makes you hard to accurately shoot, especially when your walking speed is buffed to 155 (161 with cruise control) with a broken shield.
The LV2 G3 has 15750 HP, 16 ballistic and beam resist and 22 melee resist. Your overall bulk is quite poor compared to other raids, but your high mobility can somewhat make up for this issue. As standard for raids of this cost you have LV2 Maneuver Armour and LV1 Emergency Evasion for defensive skills.
It also has 135 walk speed, 200 boost speed, 65 thrust and 63 turn speed. This appears poor at first glance, especially considering that the MS has LV1 Forced Injector rather than LV2. Your boost speed is slow enough to where it can be difficult to catch up with supports or run from generals. Where the MS makes up for this though is in its amazing 100% side strafing and 90% back strafing speed. This means that you will move at your full 135 walking speed when stepping left or right. Abusing this strafing speed is going to be your primary way of avoiding shots and staying out of dangerous situations, it is very useful for playing around cover or kiting enemies with.
Overall I feel like the G3 Gundam is an outdated suit which still retains a niche thanks to the fact that 450 cost has a near complete lack of mid-range capable raids. Melee focused raids have no chance of getting past overtuned generals like Jeda or GM III Powered, but G3 can bypass this issue since it can simply shoot at the support from a distance. It also doesn't have to try and get close and personal with Woundwort, since again it can just stay out of range of the claw while shooting. I think the issue is that you just won't be taking the support out in any reasonable amount of time, even with melee you won't be doing that much damage to them. I think that it is overdue for an rework. I think that it should get +1500 HP, 205 boosting speed, 72 turning speed, LV2 Emergency Evasion, 6 seconds cooldown on the bazookas, +100 power on the bazookas per level up, 1.5 seconds swap time on the bazookas along with getting vulcans that have better DPS and stagger accumulation. It might also be nice for it to be able to choose the Prototype Gundam dual sabers as a primary weapon choice, otherwise the modifiers for the single saber should be heavily improved. I think that it would become a strong suit if it got these changes, but it can still do ok as it is right now. Just don't go expecting any spectacular results. Thanks for watching!
Music used:
Dynasty Warriors 8, With Vengeance
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2, Mirage