I find him often boring ! I do not always share his sense of humor he is vulgar most of the time ! The day he posted fano picture with Hitler poster to defame FANO. That was the red line for me !!! He is dishonest and for that I do not give a fly shit about him ! But sometimes he says good stuff but that does not make him genius nor exceptional ! He is fallacious
Facts and Context of the ongoing Amhara genocide in Ethiopia: 1. Amharas has been masacared for being Amharas for the last at least 30 years, but intensified so much in the last 4 years since Abiy came to power. In the past months and years Amharas on the same region has been masacared and nobody is willing to stop this genocide. They don't even call it genocide. The worst killings in the history of human kind have been committed by the Oromo Liberation Front soldiers and sympathizers in this regions and elsewhere in Ethiopia such as taking out the embryo from the womb of the woman because the "baby is Amhara". Millions of Amhars are displaced internally. On top of that the genocide were intensified by the areas of Amhara region occupied by TPLF. 2. Oromo Liberation Front/OLF/ and Tigray People Liberation Front/TPLF and formerly Eritrean People Liberation Front/EPLF/ been preaching genocidal thoughts against the Amhara people and what we witness so far and probably in the months to come is the DELIVERY AND result of this hate NARRATIVES against Amhara people. 3. These forces put Amhara as thier eternal enemy as thier core strategy to dominate and mobilize thier supporters for poletical gain. Remember Amhara is the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, not Oromo. TPLF made "census" was deliberately mislead the people in Ethiopia and elsewhere. Lowering thier number, discriminating them in almost all issues of the country including their say on the constitution is the result of the hate against Amhara people. 4.AMHARAS were not properly represented in the genocidal constitution designed to undermine the Amhara people and was written by TPLF and OLF deliberately to undermine the Amhara people. 5. Amharas are considered dominant through their language, culture, religion and civilization. However, they never used that power to eliminate the culture and language of other ethnic people. They shared thier culture, language and religion, played a significant role in the formation of the state. They have maintained thier idenity for centuries. Unfortunately, elits from minority groups inspired by the Marxist and Linincist philosophy adopted the idea of people's, ethnic groups etc, which has been proved being absolutely madness when translated to the Ethiopian state, used that as thier mobilising tool. 6. The haterd against Amharas has already deep rooted and since Amharas has never considered ethnic politics but considered themselves as Ethiopian citizens, they are behind in organising themselves in thier ethnic group. They also belive, until recently, that it is backwardness to organize in line with ethic group. Since the others OLF, TPLF and EPLF organised themselves way ahead of Amharas, 50-70 years, they have been successfully launched attacked against Amharas for many years. They have well established falso narratives against people of Amhara in the minds of young and old in Oromiya, Tigray, Eriteria and some other ethnic groups. Even after controlling government, write ethics federalism constitution and all deliberate subjugation of the Amhara people, they still are not willing to stop but want to intensify this agenda to the deepest possible level. 7. Ordinary Amharas experience the worst poverty in the world according to the UN and IMF reports. This was the result of the TPLF and OLF long standing strategy of disempowering the people of Amhara in everything including economic, cultural as well as population. 8. Amharas do not kill others because they belong to other ethnic group. In fact, they are the most integrated and intermarried people than any other 85 ethnic groups in Ethiopia. That is why they almost live in every part of Ethiopi including Oromia, where the mascare is happening as we speak. Other places where they are being mascared include Benishangul Gumez, South Ethiopia and Tigray (remember the Maicadra masacare where more than 500 ethnic Amhara people were masacared by the Tigrayans). 9. The international medias have not reported the Amhara genocide partly because Amharas are not organised, are being effectively marginalised and many Amhara elits still not act on this until recently. This report and others on the matter is a beginning but the so called independent journalist did not COVER THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CONTEXT AND TRY TO MISLEAD THE VIEWERS. ALJEZERA MUST ASK THE VICTIMS OR THIER FAMILIES NOT A SYMPHETIZERS OF OLF ANF TPLF (like Samuel). Even the way ALJEZERA reports it is questionable. 10.Finally, PM Abiy Ahmed has failed to protect these ennocent children, women and elderly who don't even speak Amharic language because they've lived in those places for so long they adopted the language and culture. More RESPONSIBLE ARE THE SO CALLED AMHARA REPRESENTATIVE WORKING WITH ABIY WHO NITHER PROTECT and PUSH ABIYE TO DO SO NOR LET THE AMHARAS PROTECT THEMSELVES. THEY ARE EQUALLY COMMITING CRIMES BY SILENCE AND ABANDENMENT. JUSTICE TO THE INOCCENT AMHARA PEOPLE! We call upon humans around the world to understand and stand with solidarity with the innocent Amhara civilians in Oromia, Benishangul and other parts of Ethiopia.
በምሕረቱ እያቆመን
በቸርነቱ እየደገፈን
በረድኤቱ እያኖረን
ዛሬ ላይ ያደረሰን
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን !
ሰላም ለሀገራችን ሰላም ለአለም ሁሉ ይሁን
ጌታ ሆይ ከምንም ነገር በፊት ኢትዮጵያን ሰላም አድርግ በምህረት አስብልን::
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር🙏 ሰላምሽ ይብዛ አገሬ
በፍቅር ቤተሰብ እንሁን። አመሰግናለሁ
Thank you Bewketu.
በጣም ችሎታ ያለህና አዝናኝ ሰው። መልካም ጤንነት።
እረዥም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥህ ታላቁ የእዉቀት ባለቤት የቅኔዉ ንጉስ❤❤❤
በጣም አዝናኝ እና አስተማሪ የሆነ ስራ ነው። እናመሰግናለን በውቄ
አባቴ የኑሮ ውድነት እያወራይ የሚሰሙህ የጠገቡ ሰዎች ናቸው
እውነቴን አንድ የቸገረው የመረረው የሚመስል ሰው አላየሁም ወይም አቅራቢው ይሆናል የቸገረቅ
አክብሮህ የመጣውን ህዝብ አስደስተህ ልከኸዋል።❤❤❤
ኑርልኝ ወንድሜ እንዲህ ሀዘናችን በከበደ ቀን ዘና እንድል ስላደረከኝ
ወንዱ፦ የራሱን አስቀያሚ ፊት ሳያስተውል "ጠቃጠቆ ለሙዝ እንጂ ለፊት አይነፋም" አለ።
ሌላኛወ፦ ዘልዛላ ሱሪውን ሳያስተካክል፤የሌላዋ ሴት አለባበስ ላይ ተሳለቀ።
ቅድም የተሰደበችው ሴት፦ "በውቄ በሰላም ነው፤የኮባ ጠመንጃ መስለሀል" ብላ አሾፈች።...
የበውቄ መልዕክት "ሁላችንም ትክክል አይደለንም፤ሁላችንም እራሳችንን እንመልከት፣እናስተካክል"።
ጌታ ቢፈቅድ ማግኘት የምፈልገው ሠው በጣም ነው የምወደው እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ ልክ እንደሥምህ ነህ ተባረክ አቦ
የምር ጀገና ነህ ትችላለች እደሰምህ በውቅቱ ፋታ አርከኝ
በውቄ አንተ አዝግ አድክንም ሺ አመት ኑርልኝ
ምርጥ ከአቀራረብ 🙏
በውቄ ምርጥ የጥበብ ሰው ትችላለክ ረጅም ዕድሜ እና ጤና
ግጣሚ በ እዉቀቱ ሰዩም በጣም ነው ማደንቅህ በግጥም መፅፍ እፈለጋለሁ ካላሰችገርኩህ አፃፃፉን ብታግዘኝ ደስ የለኛል::
እኔ ልረዳሽ እችላለሁ
ኧረ በውቄ ጨምሮ ነው የመጣው ይመችህ💚💛❤
በዕውቄ አንደኛ አቦ ኑርልን ይመችህ
በውቄ የሳቅ ምንጭ ሺ አመት ኑርልን
ስምን መላሀክ ያወጣዋል በእውቀቱ ስዩም❤️❤️🙏
የደሮ ስንፈተ ወሲብ😂😂😂
@@waleligntewabe8806 አተስ አላጋጠመህም🙄🙄
@@ሀገሬ-ጀ8ኘ f
@@yohannessimon7776 yap❤
@@waleligntewabe8806 kemisteh dekmte wesib yalbeh comment testaleh 365 ken yal erfet enatehn lebdaleh
OMG 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 እንብላ የሚለው ቃል እናሸንፋለን እንደሚለው ቃል ያገልግሎት ዘመኑን የጨረሰ መስሎኝ ነበር። Hilarious 👏👏
አንተን ግን ማነው የሚተካክ ጀግና❤
ባገኘው ብዬ የምመኘው ሰው ❤
እኔ አገናኝሻለሁ ...ግን ሳቢ በፈጣን ይስከፍላል
I have met him once. He is extremely shy and he won’t talk :(
I find him often boring ! I do not always share his sense of humor he is vulgar most of the time ! The day he posted fano picture with Hitler poster to defame FANO. That was the red line for me !!! He is dishonest and for that I do not give a fly shit about him ! But sometimes he says good stuff but that does not make him genius nor exceptional ! He is fallacious
ጌታን ተቀበሉ ብለን እንሰብካለን እየሱሰ የህይወት መንገድ ነው ።አናፍርበትም
በርግጠኝነት ይሄ "Comment" የኮመትከው የታክሲ ሰልፍ ላይ ሆነህ ነው
ምርጥ ኢትይጵያዊ ልጅ በእውቀቱ ስዩም በርታልን
እኛ የድሮ ዽንጤዎች ነን እንደውም ወደ መካነየሱስ የሚሄደውን ባስ እየጠበቅን ነው😂😞😂
ተባረክ በእውነት እናመሰግናለን
ስምክና ❤አንተ 👌ገጥማቿል 👌እጆችክ ይባረኩ 👌❤
Not only comedy it is idiomatic expression of ethiopian current affairs. Beautiful well done.
የሚገርመው በትርኢቱ ውስጥ ያለው ህዝብ አንድም ችግር የሌለበት የኑሮ ውድነት ረሀብ የማይታይበት ወዛም ህዝብ ማየቱ ነው
እነዚ ምታያቸው ጠግበው መሳቅ ያማራቸው ናቸው
ፊልተር ነው 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
እግዚአብሄር ይመሥገን ሁሉም ስላልተራበ ሁሉ አንድ ቢሆን ምን ይጠቅማል
@@tameratshifraw8114 Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ለመግቢያ የሚከፈለው ስንት ነው? ለአንድ ሻይ በኬክ የሚከፈለውን ካሰብክ ይሄ ጠቀም ያለ $$$ ያስፈልጋል። ያንን ከፍሎ ለማየት የተረፈው ኑሮው ከእጅ ወደ አፍ አይደለም ማለት ነው። ሁለተኛው ቀረፃ ላይ የተሻለ መልክ ይሰጥሃል።
በጣም ደስ ይላል። እናመሠግናለን ስላጋራችሁን! 😍😍😍
I live in Oregon but I have no chance to go and support my people because I work two full time job barley get home to see my family. What a life!
Thank you so much sir
Sewedh eko...may God be wz u 🙏all z time
ምርጥ ሰው❤
አንዳንድ ሰው አለ የማይደገም አንዱም በእዉቀቱ ስዮም ነዉ
እውነት ብለሻል ኤልሣ
Bewke you are hero👏👏
በእውቄ ምርጥ ሰው ትመቸኛለህ በርታ ❤❤❤❤❤❤
በጣም ጀግና ።❤❤❤❤❤
This comedian
Is very very nice
You are, a man of my type! I respect you Bewuke! Curious mind!
ኧሁሁሁሁሁ ሺ አመት ኑር አቦ በዉቄ
ድንቅ ና መንፈስ አዳሽ ነው
በአንዳንድ ቀልድህ መካካል መስመር ተልፋህ አስተካክል
መላክ ያወጣዋል ብቻ በጣም ግሩም ልጅ
በእውቄ ምርጥ ሰው❤
Profession at its best, Bewke!!
ገና ሳላየው የምስቀው ነገርስ 😂😂😂😂😂
Enes beteye 😂😂😂😂
Amoshal malet nw 😀😀
@@Nova-ab 😂😂😂😂
አይተን ስንወጣ ደስታ የማይወዱ ትራፊኮች ታርጋ ፈትቶ ሙዳችንን ጨረቡት እንጂ ።
Ayzon Ayzon enedatereta
Ayzon yagatimal eeee
ወይኔኔኔ, parking የለም ነበር እንዴ?
ምርጥ ሰዉ
ስወድህ በእዉቄ ❤❤❤❤
Edmena tenay yeseteh beweke
😍😍😍😍ቀኔንን አሳመርክልኝ አቦ ይመችህ👌
Bewnet min honeh new egrihen kefteh yemitekomew!!!
እውነትም በእውቀቱ ስዩም!!!
በጣም ነው ምትመቸኝ አቦ ይመችህ
ኧረ ወይኔ ! በሳቅ ገደልከኝ፡
በእውቄ የምር አንተ ትለያለህ 🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤
ወግ የሚችል ሰው
መስቀል በአምስት ብር
You made my life BeEwketu
በዕውቄ እድሜህን መድኃኔዓለም ያርዝመው
በውቄ እናመሠግናለን .
ከገባሁበት ስትረስ በትንሹም ቢሆን አፋታኝ በእውቄ የጥበብ ሰው።
thanks dear bawktu syyum
effert more enough
አንተ ብቻ እንደቀልድ ብዙ እምታስረሳ
አይ በእውቄ ከዚህ ሁለት ግራ እግር ከሆነ ኑሮዬ በጥቂቱም ቢሆን አፋታኸኝ
ኘሮግራሙን መግባት ነበረብኝ
የዶሮ ዘርን የሚያጠፋ ነገር እናበረታታለን!!! አክታና ንፍጥን በመብላት የበለፀገ ስጋ ቢታጠብ አይፀዳ!!
ዶሮ አልውድም ነበር ይባስ ጠላኋት 😏😏😏🤗🤐
Not only comedy it is idiomatic expression of ethiopian current affairs. Beautiful well done.
በውቄ ትንሽ ፍጥነት ብትጨምርበት አሪፍ ነው
እንኩዋንም የሰፈሬ ልጅ ነህ
Thanks bro
ደስ ይላል ግን ፍሬው አይሉ ያልከውን አልወደድኩትም
Facts and Context of the ongoing Amhara genocide in Ethiopia:
1. Amharas has been masacared for being Amharas for the last at least 30 years, but intensified so much in the last 4 years since Abiy came to power. In the past months and years Amharas on the same region has been masacared and nobody is willing to stop this genocide. They don't even call it genocide. The worst killings in the history of human kind have been committed by the Oromo Liberation Front soldiers and sympathizers in this regions and elsewhere in Ethiopia such as taking out the embryo from the womb of the woman because the "baby is Amhara". Millions of Amhars are displaced internally. On top of that the genocide were intensified by the areas of Amhara region occupied by TPLF.
2. Oromo Liberation Front/OLF/ and Tigray People Liberation Front/TPLF and formerly Eritrean People Liberation Front/EPLF/ been preaching genocidal thoughts against the Amhara people and what we witness so far and probably in the months to come is the DELIVERY AND result of this hate NARRATIVES against Amhara people.
3. These forces put Amhara as thier eternal enemy as thier core strategy to dominate and mobilize thier supporters for poletical gain. Remember Amhara is the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, not Oromo. TPLF made "census" was deliberately mislead the people in Ethiopia and elsewhere. Lowering thier number, discriminating them in almost all issues of the country including their say on the constitution is the result of the hate against Amhara people.
4.AMHARAS were not properly represented in the genocidal constitution designed to undermine the Amhara people and was written by TPLF and OLF deliberately to undermine the Amhara people.
5. Amharas are considered dominant through their language, culture, religion and civilization. However, they never used that power to eliminate the culture and language of other ethnic people. They shared thier culture, language and religion, played a significant role in the formation of the state. They have maintained thier idenity for centuries. Unfortunately, elits from minority groups inspired by the Marxist and Linincist philosophy adopted the idea of people's, ethnic groups etc, which has been proved being absolutely madness when translated to the Ethiopian state, used that as thier mobilising tool.
6. The haterd against Amharas has already deep rooted and since Amharas has never considered ethnic politics but considered themselves as Ethiopian citizens, they are behind in organising themselves in thier ethnic group. They also belive, until recently, that it is backwardness to organize in line with ethic group. Since the others OLF, TPLF and EPLF organised themselves way ahead of Amharas, 50-70 years, they have been successfully launched attacked against Amharas for many years. They have well established falso narratives against people of Amhara in the minds of young and old in Oromiya, Tigray, Eriteria and some other ethnic groups. Even after controlling government, write ethics federalism constitution and all deliberate subjugation of the Amhara people, they still are not willing to stop but want to intensify this agenda to the deepest possible level.
7. Ordinary Amharas experience the worst poverty in the world according to the UN and IMF reports. This was the result of the TPLF and OLF long standing strategy of disempowering the people of Amhara in everything including economic, cultural as well as population.
8. Amharas do not kill others because they belong to other ethnic group. In fact, they are the most integrated and intermarried people than any other 85 ethnic groups in Ethiopia. That is why they almost live in every part of Ethiopi including Oromia, where the mascare is happening as we speak. Other places where they are being mascared include Benishangul Gumez, South Ethiopia and Tigray (remember the Maicadra masacare where more than 500 ethnic Amhara people were masacared by the Tigrayans).
9. The international medias have not reported the Amhara genocide partly because Amharas are not organised, are being effectively marginalised and many Amhara elits still not act on this until recently. This report and others on the matter is a beginning but the so called independent journalist did not COVER THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CONTEXT AND TRY TO MISLEAD THE VIEWERS. ALJEZERA MUST ASK THE VICTIMS OR THIER FAMILIES NOT A SYMPHETIZERS OF OLF ANF TPLF (like Samuel). Even the way ALJEZERA reports it is questionable.
10.Finally, PM Abiy Ahmed has failed to protect these ennocent children, women and elderly who don't even speak Amharic language because they've lived in those places for so long they adopted the language and culture. More RESPONSIBLE ARE THE SO CALLED AMHARA REPRESENTATIVE WORKING WITH ABIY WHO NITHER PROTECT and PUSH ABIYE TO DO SO NOR LET THE AMHARAS PROTECT THEMSELVES. THEY ARE EQUALLY COMMITING CRIMES BY SILENCE AND ABANDENMENT.
We call upon humans around the world to understand and stand with solidarity with the innocent Amhara civilians in Oromia, Benishangul and other parts of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia would be better off without amara ...... Your damn hypocrisy
@@invisible_d_r amhara kitehn yebdahal amargna satawra Ethiopia west atnorm mekniyatum amhara kitehn selbdah enathen demo ene kituan selbdahuat
The best ❤👏🏾👍🏾
ይመችህ ብሮ
You are so hilarious!! You made my day 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂
We can see how light guides' us towards itself
Absolutely phenomenal 👏
አንዳንዴ ከባህላችን አታፈንግጥ።
በዚ ጊዜ አንዳንዴ እንደዚ ዘና ካልተባለ ምን ይውጠን ነበር ከሀዘን ትካዜ ወጣ ለማለት
" ትችላለህ ዋው ።
ሼፍ ዩሃኒስ መክተፊያ አንጠልጥሎ ደስ ይላል 😂😂
የእብድ ውሾች ዘር
ያንተ ፕሮግራም አለመሳተፌ ቆጨኝ።መቼ ነው የሚዘጋጀው
አባቴ ቀልድ እኮ አንተ😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Very happy tanks
As always so much fun seeing his "weg"
11:57 ዠለስ ምን እያረገ ነው
no ስሙን ያወጣለት ጋሽ ስዩም ነው ያወጡለት
የሮፍናን በሳቅ ነው የገደለኝ 😂😂
የ በጉ ሳክስ ተመቺቶኛል
Bewke ❤️❤️❤️
ወገን በመጠኑም ቢሆን ተርፈናል
U really are the best 👌
በውቀቱ best comedy
የሚገርመው ከነ ማሳሰቢያው ነው tiktok ላይ የሚለቀቀው