I'm Canadian and trained in Norway. They have alot of surprises. It's basically impossible to invade. They have underground rail cars with explosives that can knock out any major routes into the country ect, if need be.
Defensive lines outside Tromsø, in Northern Norway, massive killing ground, with every type of cannons build into the mountains, including 180mm ships cannons, with their autoloaders, the most interesting position was the bunker in the middle of everything...
@@fonkyman Come and get it. Fighing a war in Norway ( Alaska ) is hard , dark and cold as hell. The tarrain is a nightmare everywhere in it s own way. ( NO ) lol
I was a USMC 0352 with 2nd Mar Div, 2nd Marine regiment and did two NATO Ops in Norway in the late 80s. We were cold weather specialists. Workups started in January with 30 days at Cold Weather Mountain Warfare School and the another 30 days at Ft McCoy, Wisconsin, then Tower Air 747 to Norway. The big plan was to airlift Marines from CONUS and have the prepositioned ready to go to fight the Russians as they would attempt to come down from the north through Finland. We were up by Narvik and Tromso. Very few avenues of approach for the Orcs to maneuver around due to all the mountains and fjords. We would have kicked their Orc asses back then and based on their current operations in the Ukraine, most definitely kick their asses now.
Thank you dedicating your time to our defense. You got tihs right... Tromsø to Bardufoss, a lot of different passes, in particular around Skibotn. Narrow valleys... They may come through Finland, do an amhibious landing or cross over Finnmark (northern Norway.). Most likely a combination. They won't have an easy job south of Tromsø.
We do alot of training up there every year so it makes sense for us to just keep the equipment there instead of spending insane amounts of money to ship it back and fourth.
This is nothing new, during the 80’s when serving in West Germany we had our own equipment. And had pre positioned enough vehicles and ammunition to supply 5 infantry divisions. They would fly over from CONUS within 72 hours of hostilities if needed. They referred to these exercises are REFORGER.
Back in the late 80's I knew a guy who was responsible for emptying some of these old US military storage sites, I believe somewhere in Scandinavia. They opened up store and found a load of DUKW amphibious vehicles left preserved from WW2. Back then DUKW were selling at about £35,000 between collectors and that was if you could find one.
I’ve known this for a long time now. I’ve “prezed” (preserved) a lot of these pieces myself for long term storage and the US military has a lot of facilities like this around the world in case of WW3. USMC 02-06 IYAOYAS
As an American. it is like looking back at the 90s and early 2000s. Same equipment overall. It is good to see it being used in a good country for a change though.
@@johnzubil2875 It's under American control and US are probably paying for the bases and maintenance. Don't see much good it does there other then maybe a water landing in Russias artic region but that is a no go scenario anyway
@@P4hko Europe has a opulation of 741,894,921people. U guy s think u could win a war with china without us ? Every fight u joined or started u have ask`d us to join u. And did. Wich has flooded the EU with imigrants from these wars. Thx a lot guys. If europe go`s. Your on your own against russia , Iran , CHINA and south korea ext ext ext IS Hamas ext ext ext U SEE THE BIG PICTURE ? U would be D E S T R O Y D. Dead eagle RIP. As a norwagian. I DONT wanna see this happen !!! there`s a reason u speak english Mr. Cause u dont have your own language. The truth sucks.
When I was stationed with that command, it was secret, nobody was able to even come on the base. It is insane to me that we have all this media coverage, showing our capabilities where it’s located and all this other nonsense I think it weakens our fighting force.
maybe its impossible to hide due to space sattilites , hence why they showing it as a sign of strength to like " dont try invade" i dont think military would show these thing if they didnt have a motive behind it.
We have many of them in Norway, some that are even larger and some that are small. We have bunkers with it's own shipyard for submarines, inside mountains. Bunkers to stop hostile forces to get access, both on land and at sea. We got them all.
Equipment in these facilities are on rotations. So when something is taken out, it is replaced with something else. You can probably ques what they was rotated with. Equipment that are stored in these facility have already been maintained/serviced/fixed. Equipment with dessert camo have probably been trough the facility in Germany or in USA. Equipment in these bunkere that are taken out for service are either maintained locally or transported to US where it will be used
It is impressive when we see supply depot where things have been pre-positioned. We just hope there won’t be an emergency where they are needed, but always good to prepare. Unanswered is whether there are enough depot and what condition the gear and supplies will be in ‘xx’ years from now. We are proud of our armed forces, but we should be prouder still of sound foreign policy and diplomacy that avoids conflict.
@@paolotorres8537 They are stored on rotation. equipment that are taken out for service/repairs/upgrades/use/etc. are replaced with ned equipment. They are stored for max "X" amount of years. And are always in perfect running order. All bunkers have the interior temperature and climate controlled, to give an ideal storage. You can jump in any truck in there and start anyone of those trucks on basically first try.
Love our Nordic bros and sisters 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇫🇮 🇪🇪 🇱🇹 !!! No opsec broke. Obviously Russia has known about this facility since its inception. The only thing that deters people like Putin is tangible assests he can see.
I am so unbelievably proud to be an American. Knowing I was born in The United States is actually 1 of my few sources of true happiness. I love my fam, I love my life, and I love my country! Ty to all my countrymen and women whom serve in the armed forces of our gorgeous country...... Semper Fi
According to Norwegian Law it is prohibited to make any form of informative videos on norwegian military and NATO installations that are currently under operation or usage. Only verified channels of different countries militaries are allowed.
Imagine having a top-secret military base so hidden, even Google Maps goes 'Nah, never heard of it.' Then along comes Captain Oopsie, streaming a live tour like it’s an open house for Area 51's less mysterious cousin. 'And here, folks, is where we keep the super-secret stuff-oops, did I just livestream that?' Now it's less 'classified info' and more 'classified infotainment.' Next thing you know, they'll be dropping geotags and asking for Yelp reviews. 'Would recommend for the clandestine ambiance, but the UFO parking was a bit crowded. 4 stars. ... Very classified I swear.
You mean the enemies with satellites that can take high definition pictures? Yeah... They would have no trouble finding this place if they really wanted to, especially if its been around since the freaking cold war. The russians know all nordic bases and defensive installments through espionage or recon, but that doesnt help them much since we dont need the bases to fight back. Hidden caches, straight country roads to launch fighter jets from, dense boreal forest to hide artillery, tanks and IFV's in, submarine bases hidden deep inside islands in a country with the 2nd highest ammount of islands, etc. And thats just my own country, now imagine what Finland, Norway and Denmark has in store even without the NATO stuff.
every one know where these are, those facilities have existed so long, that if an country intelligent service can't find the location withing 40-50 years... then that intelligent service are "stupid"
I suspect that theese were initially secret, but was then discovered some way. And when the cat's out of the bag, it's better to show it to everyone so any one thinking of crossing the US won't underestimate their capabilities.
I have been well aware that during the Cold War if things got hot that the USMC was assigned to reinforce the Norwegian armed forces. I always thought that the Marines were set up to be sacrificial offerings in that theater. The war would necessarily be decided on the north German plain and any other theater was just a sideshow, plus there was little call for amphibious operations elsewhere. The small forces allocated to Norway would be little more than a speed bump to the Soviet juggernaut, but since Ukraine I don’t know. The Russians may have had a nasty surprise way up there.
Europe has a opulation of 741,894,921people. U guy s think u could win a war with china without us ? Every fight u joined or started u have ask`d us to join u. And did. Wich has flooded the EU with imigrants from these wars. Thx a lot guys. If europe go`s. Your on your own against russia , Iran , CHINA and south korea ext ext ext : terrorist , druglords , IS , Hamas ext ext ext U SEE THE BIG PICTURE ? U would be D E S T R O Y D. Dead eagle RIP. As a norwagian. I DONT wanna see this happen !!! there`s a reason u speak english Mr. Cause u dont have your own language. The truth sucks.
The US marines, would be an reinforcement together with the main part of the Norwegian army and Home Guard. The initially Norwegian army in the North was supposed to hold out for 48 hours+ before they start to pull back and rendezvous with main bulk of the Norwegian army (back then Norway could mobilize 350.000 between army and Home Guard and a uncertain numbers of reservse (today 170.000)). When the Norwegian army was fully mobilized after 48-72 hours with US marines in some position, first then will Norway go on the offensive
Norway (and now Finland) are expected to withstand against an invasion force for 30 days until they get reinforcements and their allies ramp up wartime industry. Plus, Marines of any kind, especially the Norwegian Royal Marines are nothing to fool around about as they are acclimated to surviving and fighting in the frosty environment of the arctic circle night and day.
It is meant to be a narcissistic form of intimidation; it's also called the ice-berg effect that is just the tip of what is stored-and those locations have been disclosed as decoy target sites for our enemies - the other 5 duplicate sites and locations are classified and top-secret. NATO is only appearing weak as they seem too instill a false confidence in our enemies ( BRICS ) so they attack us, then we can destroy them and save the USA reserve currency and remain in control of the rest of the world.
what a waste of taxpayers money !!! there should be an investigation and heavy punishment for this waste of money ; while the country is flodded with illegals, crime and infrastructure coming apart, social services lacking !! absolutely sickening !!!!
Canada has a habit of not paying their bills and flaking from their responsibikities. We are constantly dealing with their liberal bullshit. Texas oklahoma these places cannot stand canada its essentually nazi germany to us. To me as an american i see canada as a failed country designwd to competr with usa over land disputes since the begging. Theyve been in the way since the bwggining. George washington was literally going west and he huts the missisipi its filled with frenchmen he went to war and beat them back to canada where they also didnt belong. Then after washington they had to go to war against the spanish mexicans to get to california. A shithole today. Anyway, then we didntnhave alaska the corrupt french canadians had it but then russia was claiming it was theres also. So they gave it to us and we paid russia to stay in their side of the diomedes in their bad financial period because of the ussr collapse. So canada cant defend from russia or china mainly russia. They cant defend themselves. They banned guns you need a permit for a bear gun its a.full blown permission slip requiring order following tyranny bro on the bordee of montana. How can such socially nice people be so anti rights. The less gun rights canada gets the easier it will be for usa to buy or take places like yukon and northern territories,.whuch frankly should be usa. Canada doesnt protect their own airspace. We have to. They dont do much besides hog land and volunterily give up rights. At least mant. Not all not all. A lot in fact there they can hardly believe the taliban has more gun rights than them. They need a permit for a bear gun and no self defense guns at all despite usa being the supermassice armed sheild geographically protecting them from russia mexico. The canadians really admire the frency but not usa. I mean france teams with usa a lot but france didnt want canada to exist 😂 spain neither none of them wanter usa or canada to exist. Florida has all these spanish named not spanish from mexico spaniah from spain back in the 1600s 1700s when they were warring over the land before it became usa and canada or even mexico. Mexico is worse than canada even today though. You respect their way of living the food, but its cartels homelands really it would be better if usa owmed mexico theyre sorta like two beligerent children this canada and mexico. Usa.itself is way ahead of them both
Sites like these are all over europe... I participated in ReForGer '84, coming from CONUS, we had nothing but our personal gear and weapons, we went to a POMCUS site, drew our vehicles, trucks, APC's, IFV's, tanks whatever we needed and off to the field we went... IF russia thinks they going to take on europe, they need to think again...
USMC used to have M1s there a couple of years ago, but they brought them home and are not supposed to use them anymore. I think that may be a little bit of a mistake. While they may not be useful in a Taiwan conflict, they would certainly be if war broke out here in Norway.
man i would love to just visit there and just look at all the beautiful american machines, love from sweden , "yes i know im close but i dont think they want a civilians climbing around thier military hardware"
its the same concept as a ghost city in china, retired equipment goes here, classified but shown to the world, in the hope that it will draw fire rather somewhere that is classified
Now the front line of NATO just skipped two countries East it will be interesting to see if the dynamics changes, a lot of that heavy kit is well suited to rocky and mountainous Norway where the Enemy will be forced through Alpine valleys. France and Britain put a lot boots on the ground early in WW2 even with Norwegians help the Germans pushed up quickly and repelled them. That said through bogs, marshes and lakes of the vast Swedish and Finish interiors where Marines still operate a wide front maybe needs hand over to the Army and NATO allies to step up. It would suggest the service best suited to this theatre of Operations would be the Armies Airborne divisions, who can penetrate deep and with drones and shoulder mounted kit play havoc with any advancing Russia forces. Russia in the Soviet era struggle to bring its military might through this part of the world. I’ve always thought Britain never challenged the Swedes dominating this region through the centuries because it’s vast and difficult to penetrate like Canada. It’s as much a Balwark region for the Russians as it is for the British with neither historic power in the region, keeping the status quo suited both. It is concerning they both joined NATO but understandable after Ukraine. Moscow’s gains and loses in this misadventure just don’t stack up for any side.
As a Norwegian i'm embarrassed that our military is so small and weak that we are 100% reliant on our allies to be able to defend ourselves. We have the money, but our politicians unfortunately don't see the value of safety....
Sorry, you seem like a person out of touch with reality, and sense of economy. Norway IS !!!! small, and weak compared to Russia, no matter how one twist and turn it. And WHY on earth should Norway attempt spend all their money to try match Russia millitary (and it would likely been far from enough), when they can be a part of a group, NATO, where several countries in common will coperate and put in a part for the benefit of all????
@@Rimrock300 What are money worth if you don't have freedom? I have never said that we should have the same military as Russia, but I mean we should have a military that is strong enough to defend our country for long enough time for the population to evacuate and our allies to come for our aid. This means being able to hold the enemy back for about 1 month, something we are not able to today. We also have a 2% of gdp for military spending as a commitment to NATO. This need to be fulfilled and I think it should be raised to 3% as soon as possible.
Dobrý den,budeme rádi,když to těm norům vůbec půjde nastartovat,protože když každý týden vidím ty odstavenená porouchaná vozidla US Army, tak je mi z toho smutno.Nevyrábějme vojenskou techniku,mějme se rádi a žijme spolu v souladu!
And just how is that working out for the Ukrainians? IMO, it’s shit talk like this that gets a lot of people killed. Lots of evil in this world (see) North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Isis, Syria, Venezuela, Somalia, Yemen etc. that don’t give a shit about peace and harmony.
In history, has any other nation been allowed to forward deploy this much firepower in this many nations? People hate that USA is the ‘police of the world’ but again what other empire in history did other sovereign nations allow another nations troops and equipment to be deployed? As soon as Soviet Union collapsed the eastern block raced to join nato and get nato troops and equipment stationed.
If people don't like that the US Military is "The police of the world", then they only have their own leaders to blame, they are the ones who agreed, right after WW2, the the US would carry that weight while Europe rebuilt themselves and got their economies back in shape, and the US would be a primary trading partner in compensation. Yes, it was a deal, a service agreement, and all those EU Countries wanted it and were very happy. But now everyone likes to forget that deal, they like to forget how quickly their countries became comfortable while US Service Members were living the dream out training in the snow and rain, because that's when real training always happens. How about you ask the Germans how they feel right now watching Russia beat down Ukraine, with Belarus already a puppet. Ask the Polish if they feel secure right now and if they would be happy for the US to leave their country. Of course you are going to infer that I'm in favor of US involvement in Ukraine, I am not. I don't think it's a mystery why ex WARSAW Pact nations were eager to join NATO after the collapse, and I really don't think you do either. The differences between the 1st World and 2nd World were hard not to see.
@@Creaserunner TY, I don't think I was being that nice, you're generous, but it does remind me to try and be nicer. I should be, sometimes I try, and I fall too often. Be a better example is what I should be.
How many places like this are around the world? Who pays for this? That's a dumb question! I think the little sleds are cute though. Do they each have a dog to pull it? I bet they do the pulling, that's good.
I'm Canadian and trained in Norway. They have alot of surprises. It's basically impossible to invade. They have underground rail cars with explosives that can knock out any major routes into the country ect, if need be.
Defensive lines outside Tromsø, in Northern Norway, massive killing ground, with every type of cannons build into the mountains, including 180mm ships cannons, with their autoloaders, the most interesting position was the bunker in the middle of everything...
Was told by nephew pilot; Same in lower N-Shore PQ.
Fighters jets hidden in mountains 24/7.
@@totalammnesyforgot5528 That's Sweden, all roads for them, is a runway.
Those ski binding look great, a nice upgrade from what they had in the past.
It’s certainly not secret, not well known but thousands of Marines and Norwegians have been in and out of there.
sounds kinky. lol
right... its so secret the first thing they did is zoom in on it on google maps :P
Very secret.
Just us RUclipsrs get to know.
Shhhh, don't tell anyone.
@@fonkyman Come and get it. Fighing a war in Norway ( Alaska ) is hard , dark and cold as hell. The tarrain is a nightmare everywhere in it s own way. ( NO ) lol
what ?@@sandman75sandman97
I was a USMC 0352 with 2nd Mar Div, 2nd Marine regiment and did two NATO Ops in Norway in the late 80s. We were cold weather specialists. Workups started in January with 30 days at Cold Weather Mountain Warfare School and the another 30 days at Ft McCoy, Wisconsin, then Tower Air 747 to Norway. The big plan was to airlift Marines from CONUS and have the prepositioned ready to go to fight the Russians as they would attempt to come down from the north through Finland. We were up by Narvik and Tromso. Very few avenues of approach for the Orcs to maneuver around due to all the mountains and fjords. We would have kicked their Orc asses back then and based on their current operations in the Ukraine, most definitely kick their asses now.
not to mention the disaster the last time they messed with the Finns.
Thank you dedicating your time to our defense. You got tihs right... Tromsø to Bardufoss, a lot of different passes, in particular around Skibotn. Narrow valleys... They may come through Finland, do an amhibious landing or cross over Finnmark (northern Norway.). Most likely a combination. They won't have an easy job south of Tromsø.
what a bot
I was in Norway as part of Operation Battle Griffin back in the '90s. It was a change from my normal annual 2 week Reserve gig in the Stumps.
Semper Fi, Slava Ukraini
When I served in the British army ,we held winter excercises in Norway and had a pool of vehicles stored out there
Who Paid for IT ???
We had a company of commando's on the hills around locations training with the US and Norgies.
@@jimshoe402 idiots 😂
We do alot of training up there every year so it makes sense for us to just keep the equipment there instead of spending insane amounts of money to ship it back and fourth.
Wow thank God! They finally upgraded those ski bindings from that trash elasticized metal band. Good job Marines.
I watched the army deliver armored vehicles to a facility in Wisconsin. An old mine. It was cool. Armored vehicles as far as the eye could see.
Business is good huh !!!
@@brenchomsky3515 Welcome to the real world
to free Canada ? lol
This is nothing new, during the 80’s when serving in West Germany we had our own equipment. And had pre positioned enough vehicles and ammunition to supply 5 infantry divisions. They would fly over from CONUS within 72 hours of hostilities if needed. They referred to these exercises are REFORGER.
REFORGER 1976.101abn.
It was 10 Divisions in 10 days was the goal.
I remember a cave I couldn't see the end of
Tell our enemies exactly where the troops are coming from im sure thatll help us
Back in the late 80's I knew a guy who was responsible for emptying some of these old US military storage sites, I believe somewhere in Scandinavia. They opened up store and found a load of DUKW amphibious vehicles left preserved from WW2. Back then DUKW were selling at about £35,000 between collectors and that was if you could find one.
I’ve known this for a long time now. I’ve “prezed” (preserved) a lot of these pieces myself for long term storage and the US military has a lot of facilities like this around the world in case of WW3.
I was there for cold response 16, can't believe this is on RUclips now
As an American. it is like looking back at the 90s and early 2000s. Same equipment overall. It is good to see it being used in a good country for a change though.
90’s and 2000’s equipment still works just fine.
Militaries typically cycle equipment out over decades. We're going through modernization now.
its free. Theyll like it.
@@johnzubil2875 It's under American control and US are probably paying for the bases and maintenance. Don't see much good it does there other then maybe a water landing in Russias artic region but that is a no go scenario anyway
@@P4hko Europe has a opulation of 741,894,921people. U guy s think u could win a war with china without us ? Every fight u joined or started u have ask`d us to join u. And did. Wich has flooded the EU with imigrants from these wars. Thx a lot guys. If europe go`s. Your on your own against russia , Iran , CHINA and south korea ext ext ext IS Hamas ext ext ext U SEE THE BIG PICTURE ? U would be D E S T R O Y D. Dead eagle RIP. As a norwagian. I DONT wanna see this happen !!! there`s a reason u speak english Mr. Cause u dont have your own language. The truth sucks.
How is everything so spotless? Even the vehicles stored outside, it's unbelievable.
Not stored outside, lined up for inspection and shipping on rail and ferry.
When I was stationed with that command, it was secret, nobody was able to even come on the base. It is insane to me that we have all this media coverage, showing our capabilities where it’s located and all this other nonsense I think it weakens our fighting force.
I feel you!! This is nice to know… but why give shyt away? Should be classified with “Need to Know” or at best NATO TOP SECRET!!
maybe its impossible to hide due to space sattilites , hence why they showing it as a sign of strength to like " dont try invade" i dont think military would show these thing if they didnt have a motive behind it.
Think about what we don’t show then
military installations will never be a secret.
Exactly. @@jacobtedder4813 What we see in this video here is the tippy top of the proverbial iceberg.
We have many of them in Norway, some that are even larger and some that are small. We have bunkers with it's own shipyard for submarines, inside mountains. Bunkers to stop hostile forces to get access, both on land and at sea.
We got them all.
If the country you're living in gets to print the currency the world uses to back it's currency then you can literally have anything.
Interesting all the desert camo and Middle East armor upgrades
Equipment in these facilities are on rotations. So when something is taken out, it is replaced with something else. You can probably ques what they was rotated with.
Equipment that are stored in these facility have already been maintained/serviced/fixed. Equipment with dessert camo have probably been trough the facility in Germany or in USA. Equipment in these bunkere that are taken out for service are either maintained locally or transported to US where it will be used
not many are allowed inside. outside gate is a open area to public. a lot of fairs and shows use to be held there due to the large available space
It is impressive when we see supply depot where things have been pre-positioned. We just hope there won’t be an emergency where they are needed, but always good to prepare. Unanswered is whether there are enough depot and what condition the gear and supplies will be in ‘xx’ years from now. We are proud of our armed forces, but we should be prouder still of sound foreign policy and diplomacy that avoids conflict.
no, we shouldnt asshole.
Next up, a guide to our super secret launch codes.
This military equipment seem to be in good condition and well stored ! 😊
smart to pin point locations
locations have been known for 40 years
They're located where it would take the Russians weeks to reach even without resistance.
Nothing new here, known about this hole in the ground for 40 years
40 years and you better hope the hardware will still work if needed
@@paolotorres8537 They are stored on rotation. equipment that are taken out for service/repairs/upgrades/use/etc. are replaced with ned equipment. They are stored for max "X" amount of years. And are always in perfect running order. All bunkers have the interior temperature and climate controlled, to give an ideal storage.
You can jump in any truck in there and start anyone of those trucks on basically first try.
US Army logistics is a thing to behold. I'm in awe, nothing else like it in the world! And I say that as a Brit
There's a reason you don't wanna mess with the U.S. Military. The QRF can have boots on the ground anywhere in the world within 12 hours to 18 hours.
Love our Nordic bros and sisters 🇳🇴 🇸🇪 🇫🇮 🇪🇪 🇱🇹 !!! No opsec broke. Obviously Russia has known about this facility since its inception. The only thing that deters people like Putin is tangible assests he can see.
Don't worry everything can be seen from miles away only you can see shit
I am so unbelievably proud to be an American. Knowing I was born in The United States is actually 1 of my few sources of true happiness. I love my fam, I love my life, and I love my country!
Ty to all my countrymen and women whom serve in the armed forces of our gorgeous country...... Semper Fi
The only secret is most Jarheads can't spell Cave in Norway
In Norway its called 'hule' or 'grotte'
*proceeds to pinpoint exact location on map*
According to Norwegian Law it is prohibited to make any form of informative videos on norwegian military and NATO installations that are currently under operation or usage. Only verified channels of different countries militaries are allowed.
Imagine having a top-secret military base so hidden, even Google Maps goes 'Nah, never heard of it.'
Then along comes Captain Oopsie, streaming a live tour like it’s an open house for Area 51's less mysterious cousin.
'And here, folks, is where we keep the super-secret stuff-oops, did I just livestream that?' Now it's less 'classified info' and more 'classified infotainment.'
Next thing you know, they'll be dropping geotags and asking for Yelp reviews. 'Would recommend for the clandestine ambiance, but the UFO parking was a bit crowded. 4 stars.
... Very classified I swear.
Breaking news to civilians watching this. If it's just casually getting publicized like this. It isn't classified
Map pins a nice touch for our enemies not hard to find now.
You mean the enemies with satellites that can take high definition pictures? Yeah... They would have no trouble finding this place if they really wanted to, especially if its been around since the freaking cold war.
The russians know all nordic bases and defensive installments through espionage or recon, but that doesnt help them much since we dont need the bases to fight back. Hidden caches, straight country roads to launch fighter jets from, dense boreal forest to hide artillery, tanks and IFV's in, submarine bases hidden deep inside islands in a country with the 2nd highest ammount of islands, etc. And thats just my own country, now imagine what Finland, Norway and Denmark has in store even without the NATO stuff.
And you believed the location of the pins 🤣
every one know where these are, those facilities have existed so long, that if an country intelligent service can't find the location withing 40-50 years... then that intelligent service are "stupid"
Those sites have been pre-targeted for decades. But, to be fair, they were designed for an older generation of missiles and warheads
Wow that's awesome
I suspect that theese were initially secret, but was then discovered some way. And when the cat's out of the bag, it's better to show it to everyone so any one thinking of crossing the US won't underestimate their capabilities.
well the facility are 40++ years old
It's like kids are scared of the monster under the bed
So classified that some random RUclips channel is showing it for everyone to see
3:33 no party like shore party
First in last out!!! 0481 1989-2005 been in Norway 92 96 05 . Visited the caves too
Hope we see these same type of cave-stockpiles in Sweden in the near future. If we ever join that is.... 😶🙄
I have been well aware that during the Cold War if things got hot that the USMC was assigned to reinforce the Norwegian armed forces. I always thought that the Marines were set up to be sacrificial offerings in that theater. The war would necessarily be decided on the north German plain and any other theater was just a sideshow, plus there was little call for amphibious operations elsewhere. The small forces allocated to Norway would be little more than a speed bump to the Soviet juggernaut, but since Ukraine I don’t know. The Russians may have had a nasty surprise way up there.
Europe has a opulation of 741,894,921people. U guy s think u could win a war with china without us ? Every fight u joined or started u have ask`d us to join u. And did. Wich has flooded the EU with imigrants from these wars. Thx a lot guys. If europe go`s. Your on your own against russia , Iran , CHINA and south korea ext ext ext : terrorist , druglords , IS , Hamas ext ext ext U SEE THE BIG PICTURE ? U would be D E S T R O Y D. Dead eagle RIP. As a norwagian. I DONT wanna see this happen !!! there`s a reason u speak english Mr. Cause u dont have your own language. The truth sucks.
The US marines, would be an reinforcement together with the main part of the Norwegian army and Home Guard. The initially Norwegian army in the North was supposed to hold out for 48 hours+ before they start to pull back and rendezvous with main bulk of the Norwegian army (back then Norway could mobilize 350.000 between army and Home Guard and a uncertain numbers of reservse (today 170.000)). When the Norwegian army was fully mobilized after 48-72 hours with US marines in some position, first then will Norway go on the offensive
Norway (and now Finland) are expected to withstand against an invasion force for 30 days until they get reinforcements and their allies ramp up wartime industry. Plus, Marines of any kind, especially the Norwegian Royal Marines are nothing to fool around about as they are acclimated to surviving and fighting in the frosty environment of the arctic circle night and day.
When we go we'll go with more than 15k. That stock may just equip enough to hold a small port/ beach landing.
Why do we show our military assets to the WORLD? When we need them, they will not be available. I served.
It is meant to be a narcissistic form of intimidation; it's also called the ice-berg effect that is just the tip of what is stored-and those locations have been disclosed as decoy target sites for our enemies - the other 5 duplicate sites and locations are classified and top-secret.
NATO is only appearing weak as they seem too instill a false confidence in our enemies ( BRICS ) so they attack us, then we can destroy them and save the USA reserve currency and remain in control of the rest of the world.
Show of force and just in case
It won't be a force when they get preemptively striked because RUclips and war thunder are giving away shit for free @@donotthecat6075
The vehicles aren't going to work anyway 😂
Because this way your enemy will think twice before attacking, insthead you suffering damages and death due to enemy's misconception of power
"Classified" but you just pin located the place for us all.
Declasified material, does anyone really think that secret storage would be published publicly
It looks like the US has been doing their maintenance on their equipment. Danm it looks brand new all of it.
its likely a new development. we havent even been keeping up on our own equipment that we actually use for years...
what a waste of taxpayers money !!! there should be an investigation and heavy punishment for this waste of money ; while the country is flodded with illegals, crime and infrastructure coming apart, social services lacking !! absolutely sickening !!!!
Its said "once you show your secreets "the revels" is easy to locate by the enimies "
When Canada refused to do its NATO job the USMC had to pick up the mission in the Cold War in Norway.
Yeah, Canada would be perfect to back up the Nordics. What’s wrong with them?
Canada has a habit of not paying their bills and flaking from their responsibikities. We are constantly dealing with their liberal bullshit. Texas oklahoma these places cannot stand canada its essentually nazi germany to us. To me as an american i see canada as a failed country designwd to competr with usa over land disputes since the begging. Theyve been in the way since the bwggining. George washington was literally going west and he huts the missisipi its filled with frenchmen he went to war and beat them back to canada where they also didnt belong. Then after washington they had to go to war against the spanish mexicans to get to california. A shithole today. Anyway, then we didntnhave alaska the corrupt french canadians had it but then russia was claiming it was theres also. So they gave it to us and we paid russia to stay in their side of the diomedes in their bad financial period because of the ussr collapse. So canada cant defend from russia or china mainly russia. They cant defend themselves. They banned guns you need a permit for a bear gun its a.full blown permission slip requiring order following tyranny bro on the bordee of montana. How can such socially nice people be so anti rights. The less gun rights canada gets the easier it will be for usa to buy or take places like yukon and northern territories,.whuch frankly should be usa. Canada doesnt protect their own airspace. We have to. They dont do much besides hog land and volunterily give up rights. At least mant. Not all not all. A lot in fact there they can hardly believe the taliban has more gun rights than them. They need a permit for a bear gun and no self defense guns at all despite usa being the supermassice armed sheild geographically protecting them from russia mexico. The canadians really admire the frency but not usa. I mean france teams with usa a lot but france didnt want canada to exist 😂 spain neither none of them wanter usa or canada to exist. Florida has all these spanish named not spanish from mexico spaniah from spain back in the 1600s 1700s when they were warring over the land before it became usa and canada or even mexico. Mexico is worse than canada even today though. You respect their way of living the food, but its cartels homelands really it would be better if usa owmed mexico theyre sorta like two beligerent children this canada and mexico. Usa.itself is way ahead of them both
@@fishy2939 I agree NATO should not exist. Let Europe pay for its own defense.
After Norway refused to help them in Helmand, Afghanistan? Understandable.
I would bet the Google Maps Part with exact Locations wasn‘t in the official TV Docu?
Sites like these are all over europe...
I participated in ReForGer '84, coming from CONUS, we had nothing but our personal gear and weapons, we went to a POMCUS site, drew our vehicles, trucks, APC's, IFV's, tanks whatever we needed and off to the field we went...
IF russia thinks they going to take on europe, they need to think again...
Eastward bound. Well played RU.
USA Military Channel: You can't say they're classified.
oh wow the excercise reforger stuff was stored here before was it not ?
Cover blown?!?
Watching from Ontario Canada 😮
Come get it ... 😂
USMC used to have M1s there a couple of years ago, but they brought them home and are not supposed to use them anymore. I think that may be a little bit of a mistake. While they may not be useful in a Taiwan conflict, they would certainly be if war broke out here in Norway.
why war will broke out in Norway ? I`m missing something ?
@@teodorachim4757 Right they can't beat Ukraine maybe be NICE make $$$....
Wouldn’t be surprised we have a garage sale for Ukraine.
Thank you for sharing. But, I’m sure most of the world knows about this.
I predict in the future that these motor vehicles will be used on Norway's streets by 2025
Those stupid DRASH tents once that thing gets unpacked it’s impossible to fit it back in it’s case
... but we can't "afford" to have Healthcare for everyone in the US....
So some marines happen to be deployed to Norway and some are sent to middle east? Damn thats bad luck
man i would love to just visit there and just look at all the beautiful american machines, love from sweden , "yes i know im close but i dont think they want a civilians climbing around thier military hardware"
Почему то я уверен, что в Норвегии с её горами запрятано, гораздо больше чем тут показывают.
A preppers heaven!
Wow a whole 30 days sustainability.
Plenty of animals and fish to eat over here. Last of your concerns for sure.
it's enough times, for additional reinforcement and supply from USA. US military would have supply's send over withing 15+days.
Each one of those pins is a target for a nuke in a preemptive attack
I understand something about what we have hidden across the continents good things is there is no actuall location being told with coordinates
These locations have been known for 40 years. I can give you post address for them if you want!
Move out guys you got it!!
Is there something we should know?
Like why is this all here
its the same concept as a ghost city in china, retired equipment goes here, classified but shown to the world, in the hope that it will draw fire rather somewhere that is classified
Now the front line of NATO just skipped two countries East it will be interesting to see if the dynamics changes, a lot of that heavy kit is well suited to rocky and mountainous Norway where the Enemy will be forced through Alpine valleys. France and Britain put a lot boots on the ground early in WW2 even with Norwegians help the Germans pushed up quickly and repelled them.
That said through bogs, marshes and lakes of the vast Swedish and Finish interiors where Marines still operate a wide front maybe needs hand over to the Army and NATO allies to step up. It would suggest the service best suited to this theatre of Operations would be the Armies Airborne divisions, who can penetrate deep and with drones and shoulder mounted kit play havoc with any advancing Russia forces. Russia in the Soviet era struggle to bring its military might through this part of the world. I’ve always thought Britain never challenged the Swedes dominating this region through the centuries because it’s vast and difficult to penetrate like Canada. It’s as much a Balwark region for the Russians as it is for the British with neither historic power in the region, keeping the status quo suited both. It is concerning they both joined NATO but understandable after Ukraine. Moscow’s gains and loses in this misadventure just don’t stack up for any side.
It’s a bit like the uk over in Canada on a place called batus same sort of thing been over there for 40 odd years but it’s not in a cave tho
As a Norwegian i'm embarrassed that our military is so small and weak that we are 100% reliant on our allies to be able to defend ourselves. We have the money, but our politicians unfortunately don't see the value of safety....
Sorry, you seem like a person out of touch with reality, and sense of economy. Norway IS !!!! small, and weak compared to Russia, no matter how one twist and turn it. And WHY on earth should Norway attempt spend all their money to try match Russia millitary (and it would likely been far from enough), when they can be a part of a group, NATO, where several countries in common will coperate and put in a part for the benefit of all????
@@Rimrock300 What are money worth if you don't have freedom? I have never said that we should have the same military as Russia, but I mean we should have a military that is strong enough to defend our country for long enough time for the population to evacuate and our allies to come for our aid. This means being able to hold the enemy back for about 1 month, something we are not able to today. We also have a 2% of gdp for military spending as a commitment to NATO. This need to be fulfilled and I think it should be raised to 3% as soon as possible.
Whats with the white straps on the legs?
Dobrý den,budeme rádi,když to těm norům vůbec půjde nastartovat,protože když každý týden vidím ty odstavenená porouchaná vozidla US Army, tak je mi z toho smutno.Nevyrábějme vojenskou techniku,mějme se rádi a žijme spolu v souladu!
And just how is that working out for the Ukrainians? IMO, it’s shit talk like this that gets a lot of people killed. Lots of evil in this world (see) North Korea, Russia, China, Iran, Isis, Syria, Venezuela, Somalia, Yemen etc. that don’t give a shit about peace and harmony.
No secret, seen this a long time ago. Easy target.
Russia: thanks for the complete lack of opsec. The pins are helpful.
Entering coordinates
Ball too the wall power shift. Trucks.
If the Soviets invade southern Europe, they may go through Norway during the winter?
That's why they built it, marines were rotating through similar to the way they do in Australia, so this was how they would equip them
not classified. whats classified is the advanced technology hidden deep inside some of these and other mountains
Cave facility this hummer military 🎉
It's not classified anymore
Come get it ... 😂
@@sandman75sandman97 💵💵💵nah.
Of course it is. Classified does not mean 'secret' here. It means among else it's highly guraded and taken care of, as it is of high importance
No. RUclips could care less about divulging anything that can be useful to our enemies.
In history, has any other nation been allowed to forward deploy this much firepower in this many nations? People hate that USA is the ‘police of the world’ but again what other empire in history did other sovereign nations allow another nations troops and equipment to be deployed? As soon as Soviet Union collapsed the eastern block raced to join nato and get nato troops and equipment stationed.
If people don't like that the US Military is "The police of the world", then they only have their own leaders to blame, they are the ones who agreed, right after WW2, the the US would carry that weight while Europe rebuilt themselves and got their economies back in shape, and the US would be a primary trading partner in compensation. Yes, it was a deal, a service agreement, and all those EU Countries wanted it and were very happy. But now everyone likes to forget that deal, they like to forget how quickly their countries became comfortable while US Service Members were living the dream out training in the snow and rain, because that's when real training always happens. How about you ask the Germans how they feel right now watching Russia beat down Ukraine, with Belarus already a puppet. Ask the Polish if they feel secure right now and if they would be happy for the US to leave their country.
Of course you are going to infer that I'm in favor of US involvement in Ukraine, I am not. I don't think it's a mystery why ex WARSAW Pact nations were eager to join NATO after the collapse, and I really don't think you do either. The differences between the 1st World and 2nd World were hard not to see.
@@piperp9535 nicely said.
@@Creaserunner TY, I don't think I was being that nice, you're generous, but it does remind me to try and be nicer. I should be, sometimes I try, and I fall too often. Be a better example is what I should be.
I dont get why they dont repaint those humvees, its not like Europe is the desert
Thanks! It is not so "classified" anymore!
Stil thincking in war?? Oh my God ,educate this low vibrational creatures , fill them with love and peace❤.
How many places like this are around the world? Who pays for this? That's a dumb question! I think the little sleds are cute though. Do they each have a dog to pull it? I bet they do the pulling, that's good.
15,000 US troops? how much junk food does need! 0_0
Very nice😂😂😂
Now...why not giving the location ?😂😂😂
see yall there :P
Not so classified now that we put it on social media blast.
They were all put there because the Earth's Crust will be shifting South-West when The Planet Nibiru passes the Earth real soon :(
Amateurs talk tactics while the pros talk logistics.
Tanks and truck away! And other Vehicles
Alot of these troops need new boots
Jeg tror ammunisjonen er viktigere enn en kjøretøy
Sure is. What's inside is important and well guarded, not accessable to whomever (as it is classified stuff) The location hs never been a secret