Another fine offering by Prof. Seifen. Most of his offering on the Glebe organ are unfamiliar to me. But very refreshing. But even after being a devoted follower for most of my 83 years of all things organ I find there is much more to hear and appreciate. Thank you Prof. Seifen.
A true master of improvisation! Wonderful!
Another fine offering by Prof. Seifen. Most of his offering on the Glebe organ are unfamiliar to me. But very refreshing. But even after being a devoted follower for most of my 83 years of all things organ I find there is much more to hear and appreciate. Thank you Prof. Seifen.
net een triosonate van Bach, maar dan ter plekke geïmproviseerd. Razend moeilijk. Wat een organist!
(Ben de Witte)
Very nice, thanks for sharing.
Prof. Seifen in seinem Element