@@peelslowly28 terrorist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims. How is Megumin political? Does she have a tendency to attack civilians?
@@ianr.navahuber2195yeah all after the invitation from the princess she changed places with Kazuma, calls out for being a pervet and asking for forgiveness included
Kazuma has always been about maintaining a cozy lifestyle and not sticking out his neck when he's in over his head... Unless there's the chance he could get something in return if ya catch my drift
Aqua doesn’t want to go no matter what,Megumin is a bit too excited to go,Kazuma will only go if he gains something from it and he is the only one who can pull the useless goddess along lol I love this party way too much
Kazuma: this is going to be an easy victory thanks to the other adventurers Me: seriously kazuma remember that things never go your way, you should be used by now
Funniest part to me is that Megumin wasn't being reckless, she was actually right. She is specced for large scale warfare as an opener. Once the fight starts her magic is too large scale to help outside of a M.A.D. victory.
the problem is that, megumin most likely gonna cause so much collateral damage they are gonna get them in massive debt AT BEST At worst? most likely obliterates the field too early , causing probably more damage to the capital's army than the demon army
Darkness is essentially now experiencing what the hell kind of hell she’s put Kazuma through. She was beyond incompetent and masochistic but after a couple episodes in the Capital, she’s begun realizing how impossible it is to control her teammates from succumbing to their darkest sides of their personalities.
Honestly, Kazuma is 100% right here. Whenever he gets involved in situations like this, things NEVER goes his way, by getting screwed over by the dumbest yet funnest reasons, or dying over and over again. So really, I don't blame him for being a coward here. Also, it's PRETTY rare seeing Darkness being serious for once.
TBH Kazuma is smart for asking himself 'what's in it for me?' How many times do selfless heroes jump into similar situations only to lose their lives, their comrades, or end-up making things worse despite their good intentions? Factor in his problematic party and how chaos seems to follow in their wake, and his reluctance is more than understandable.
Kazuma : As long as I put on a decent enough show, that should do it ! "narrator voice" : Kazuma would die in the 20 first minutes of the battle, after a show so pathetic the demons left in embarassment and the adventurers decided to bury his corpse on a nameless hill outside of the city before drinking themselves into oblivion.
It makes sense that Kazuma wouldn’t care about the lives of others. He knows firsthand that death isn’t the end. You just get sent to some other world by a goddess. So people dying isn’t exactly that big of a deal once you know the truth.
It's so satisfying to see Darkness struggling in Kazuma's shoes for once 😂 We didn't get to see Dust switch teams with Kazuma, so this is probably the best we'll get for a long time.
Actually, it IS good leadership to take in consideration the risks for your team and their skills, usually Kazuma only pick fights he knows they can win, he worries for his team and knows how to motivate them.
"After everything we've been through was there ever a moment Darkness, just an instant in your mind that you thought, 'going out there might backfire on us'? Cuz this always happens. We get caught up in something. It inevitably ends up becoming a more dire thing. We personally end up at the forefront of it. And I end up in some mortifying situation, getting blamed for something, killed, or all of the above. That's why I don't want to go out there with you guys." -What I'd imagine Craig from South Park would say if he were in this situation.
Honestly Darkness is mixing up bravery and having a death wish. None of them could really be considered high ranking. She can’t land a single shot, Aqua isn’t really that bright, Megumin only has one shot and Kazuma is Kazuma. Frankly Darkness shouldn’t ever be in a leader position if this is the kinda thoughtless decision she makes and fully sees as valid.
You know so far This Season really has made me we think we do not give Darkness enough Credit. Sure she is a hopelessly perverted Mascoshist. But she is the only of the group that at least knows how to and tries to act cordially and properly in important social situations. Plus she does have a sense of heroic duty..even though going headlong into battle is her main excuse to feel pain lol
When Darkness said she was gonna get Aqua and Megumin to follow her into battle instead, one thought crossed my mind; "Oh I cant wait for how Aqua would react to that". And then came her screams of "YADA!"
what scares me the most, is the fact that the only one acting normal here, is Darkness, something must seriously be wrong if Darkness is the only one acting normally here.
Darkness is perfectly capable of acting normal if you don't trigger her fetish. And she's in the capital under the eyes of high society and the nobility. This is actually what she's spent most of her life like, the reason she's so pervy normally is because she's spent years holding it in.
I mean, using a powerful explosion against the enemy at the start of the battle is sound strategy. Especially since Megumin only knows EXPLOSION!!!! And she is utterly useless afterward.
hahaha the three konosuba waifus are the best, darkness being the sanest of the good team except the masochistic one xd. Then they drag Aqua into battle xd.😂
The devil kings army shouldn’t be difficult for them annoying but not difficult after seeing them defeating and befriending a few members of the devil kings army
Aqua's actually incredibly strong physically herself; she qualified to be a Crusader but chose Archpriest. And Megumin's got the highest level of all of them because she's usually the one to actually get kills.
Watch KONOSUBA -God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3 on Crunchyroll! got.cr/cc-konosubas3
Is their gonna be a season 4?
Megumin: "Many adventurers may perish when I get involved, but that is a chance I am willing to take."
More like she’s going to Leeroy Jenkins to prevent a major friendly fire incident
And people try to say she's not a terrorist.
@@peelslowly28 terrorist: a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians in the pursuit of political aims.
How is Megumin political? Does she have a tendency to attack civilians?
"Is a chance that i will let them take"
@@peelslowly28a terrorist is someone who does it to cause terror and push political agenda, she does ir for fun
I love how Kazuma and Aqua realize any situation they get caught up in will immediately go to s**t.
It's incredible how similar they are, though.
Just think of Aqua as Kazuma's free-loading older sister, tbh
Her reaction was basically the same lol
Difference is, that one of them is a normal human, while the other one is a God.
@@LG555 *Useless Goddess
1:09 It was at this moment Darkness knows how Kazuma feels managing his party
Darkness felt that in general this entire episode
She Even did the Kazuma bit of begging forgiveness for the party 's behaviour
@@ianr.navahuber2195yeah all after the invitation from the princess she changed places with Kazuma, calls out for being a pervet and asking for forgiveness included
I don’t know why, but Darkness and Kazuma should be a thing at this point
@@misterwacky3186 because both are perverts
@@misterwacky3186it ends up being Kazuma and Megumin actually apparently
Smart and his priorities straight, then becomes egotistical in order to get the respect he always wanted, typical Kazuma
Love this guy.
Ese tipo en serio es un desastre y todo pata volver a la vida en el castillo
Say what you will about him as a character, but damn are his actions/motives consistent.
Kazuma has always been about maintaining a cozy lifestyle and not sticking out his neck when he's in over his head... Unless there's the chance he could get something in return if ya catch my drift
0:25 - 1:12 Darkness didnt even last 1 minute being the leader, before begging Kazuma to be the leader again
Kazuma is actually a really good party leader and manager, he just got the absolute worst luck of the draw with his crew
0:45 aqua sounding like an actual gremlin killed me
I thought she was the hermit but oh well
Darkness has had a lot to deal with recently. This level of pain is even too much for her that she can’t enjoy it.
It's not even pain, it's just straight up *stress.* =__= No pleasure to be had.
Darkness: Fine! I will lead this party myself!!
*3 Doritos later*
Darkness: Kazuma help! I cant control this team!
Only Kazuma can. In the LN when he and Dust switched teams Dust had a terrible time. In contrast Kazuma helped out Dust’s team.
@@mrharvy100 Wait which LN volume was that? I forget.
@@spicychile Volume 2
@@mrharvy100 I think in Dust LN story you will see his POV when he team up with Kazuma's party
@mrharvy100 Kazuma is a natural leader, he's actually held down by his comrades
Aqua doesn’t want to go no matter what,Megumin is a bit too excited to go,Kazuma will only go if he gains something from it and he is the only one who can pull the useless goddess along lol
I love this party way too much
This is Isekai done right.
Just based on all 4 of their performances here,
You can tell that these VA's LOVE this particular job 😂
Hearing and seeing Aqua cry is always a great morale boost for the day.
Darkness: "I'm taking Aqua and Megumin anyway!"
Kazuma: "Yeah, good luck with that."
Kazuma: this is going to be an easy victory thanks to the other adventurers
Me: seriously kazuma remember that things never go your way, you should be used by now
0:44 Aqua's voice actor is seriously god-tier.
Well, she is a Goddess
The voice actors are next level 😭😭
Yup. It’s what makes the whole thing vibe. It’s like when they’re together they feed off each other.😂😂
_Always have been._ ✋️😌👌
Funniest part to me is that Megumin wasn't being reckless, she was actually right. She is specced for large scale warfare as an opener. Once the fight starts her magic is too large scale to help outside of a M.A.D. victory.
the problem is that, megumin most likely gonna cause so much collateral damage they are gonna get them in massive debt AT BEST
At worst? most likely obliterates the field too early , causing probably more damage to the capital's army than the demon army
On the other hand, if only *one* soldier survives or evades her attack and she's alone, she's dead.
Darkness is essentially now experiencing what the hell kind of hell she’s put Kazuma through. She was beyond incompetent and masochistic but after a couple episodes in the Capital, she’s begun realizing how impossible it is to control her teammates from succumbing to their darkest sides of their personalities.
Darkness experiences what its like to be Kazuma for 1 week and immediately crumbles
Don't you mean 1 minute? XD
I’ve never seen Darkness so serious
Because she’s rarely been given the chance in earlier storylines + she has the reputation of the family to uphold + many forget the times she is
When it comes to her famiy name and reputation she is very serious
Well she is a proper noble and can no long play around as much
@@vikingsword3485so she being an adventurer at Axel was she "fooling around" and "indulging in her own vices", for fun?
Makes sense
Darkness is in "noble" mode right now she has a reputation to uphold.
But the second they go out adventuring her real self inmediatly comes back
Kazuma can't get a break😂
Aqua's noises! 😂
Darkness: Let's Go face the devil King Army!
Kazuma: Nah I'm Mid
Honestly, Kazuma is 100% right here. Whenever he gets involved in situations like this, things NEVER goes his way, by getting screwed over by the dumbest yet funnest reasons, or dying over and over again. So really, I don't blame him for being a coward here.
Also, it's PRETTY rare seeing Darkness being serious for once.
Loved the way Darkness was crying for her man
TBH Kazuma is smart for asking himself 'what's in it for me?' How many times do selfless heroes jump into similar situations only to lose their lives, their comrades, or end-up making things worse despite their good intentions? Factor in his problematic party and how chaos seems to follow in their wake, and his reluctance is more than understandable.
I always enjoy how Aqua and Kazuma act similarly at times. They know better until one of them get an idea, lol.
You can absolutely tell the voice actors were having a blast the entire time
Kazuma : As long as I put on a decent enough show, that should do it !
"narrator voice" : Kazuma would die in the 20 first minutes of the battle, after a show so pathetic the demons left in embarassment and the adventurers decided to bury his corpse on a nameless hill outside of the city before drinking themselves into oblivion.
kazuma for president
0:45 is Aqua sounding like a cat over all the commotion?
You know something's wrong when Darkness is the most mature member of the team.
It makes sense that Kazuma wouldn’t care about the lives of others. He knows firsthand that death isn’t the end. You just get sent to some other world by a goddess. So people dying isn’t exactly that big of a deal once you know the truth.
It still hurts a lot
@@ianr.navahuber2195 Not really. They just get sent to some other world. Life has little value if it never truly ends.
Damn it, they cut out the best part where Kazuma was dragging Aqua with them while she was crying, that was the best part of the whole scene. 😂🤣😂🤣
Aqua turned into Eric Cartman. 😂
No one respects her authoriteh!
_He may not be a hero, but he can play one for a show._
It's so satisfying to see Darkness struggling in Kazuma's shoes for once 😂
We didn't get to see Dust switch teams with Kazuma, so this is probably the best we'll get for a long time.
Kazuma is an inspiration for how not to be a leader. 😂🎉
He did a better job than darkness
And yet he is still more capable then the other 3...
Actually, it IS good leadership to take in consideration the risks for your team and their skills, usually Kazuma only pick fights he knows they can win, he worries for his team and knows how to motivate them.
"After everything we've been through was there ever a moment Darkness, just an instant in your mind that you thought, 'going out there might backfire on us'? Cuz this always happens. We get caught up in something. It inevitably ends up becoming a more dire thing. We personally end up at the forefront of it. And I end up in some mortifying situation, getting blamed for something, killed, or all of the above. That's why I don't want to go out there with you guys." -What I'd imagine Craig from South Park would say if he were in this situation.
I think this confirms that Darkness is the second-in-command of the party
That's a scary thought xD
And only because she is in "Noble" mode (trying to behave like a normal being to protect her family's reputation)
@@Kexaru you prefer megumin or aqua?
Darkness and aqua in night gowns are straight fire
Kazuma, the ultimate opportunist.
aqua for me is the best I love it too much🤣❤️❤️
You gotta give it to Kazuma: somehow, he is thing that keeps the team SOMEWHATBfunctional and together.
Then proceeds to die by the hands of Kobolds of all things 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
And Darkness wonders why he said no.
Darkness seems unusually competent this season
I know exactly what's going to happen in the opening scene next week! Haha konosuba is top tier anime this season!
It's a legend for a reason.
Honestly Darkness is mixing up bravery and having a death wish. None of them could really be considered high ranking. She can’t land a single shot, Aqua isn’t really that bright, Megumin only has one shot and Kazuma is Kazuma.
Frankly Darkness shouldn’t ever be in a leader position if this is the kinda thoughtless decision she makes and fully sees as valid.
Hearing Aqua crying is music to my ears
This show look so chaotic!!! I need to watch it lol 😂
You know so far This Season really has made me we think we do not give Darkness enough Credit. Sure she is a hopelessly perverted Mascoshist. But she is the only of the group that at least knows how to and tries to act cordially and properly in important social situations. Plus she does have a sense of heroic duty..even though going headlong into battle is her main excuse to feel pain lol
0:46 Aqua is sounding like a duck😂
Don't complain darkness you chose them
0:09 😮😮😮
When Darkness said she was gonna get Aqua and Megumin to follow her into battle instead, one thought crossed my mind; "Oh I cant wait for how Aqua would react to that". And then came her screams of "YADA!"
It's almost time for them to encourage Kazuma in a serious way🎉
When the kid's don't want to get up for school
Aqua and Kazuma really are borderline Brother/Sister.
Kazuma the Colonel
They should have let Megumin practice Explotion in Demon Lord's Castle. 😂
When two of your party members are indecisive and it's bad, but the third one is over-eager and it's WORSE.
Everyone seems to have slept on Lalatina, and I'm over here like:
It’s funny how darkness actually thought aqua would want to go.
They will get paid well for beating another demon General.
Partyleader of the month
what scares me the most, is the fact that the only one acting normal here, is Darkness, something must seriously be wrong if Darkness is the only one acting normally here.
Darkness is perfectly capable of acting normal if you don't trigger her fetish. And she's in the capital under the eyes of high society and the nobility. This is actually what she's spent most of her life like, the reason she's so pervy normally is because she's spent years holding it in.
Amazing work as always 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Love this ❤❤❤
It’s nice to see Darkness serious for a change.
But I would still go adventuring with them every day if I had the chance.
Our useless goddess makes some cute growing sounds!😆🤣😂😄😏😉😘🥰😍🤩😎😋🥴🤤🥛🍼🍈👌
Darkness is the mom of this group this season
Except Kazuma, little they didn't know they were dealing with Goddess 😂
Kazuma an Aqua could perfecly be siblings
I mean, using a powerful explosion against the enemy at the start of the battle is sound strategy. Especially since Megumin only knows EXPLOSION!!!! And she is utterly useless afterward.
the best leader ever jajaja
Awesome KONOSUBA God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3 Video.
hahaha the three konosuba waifus are the best, darkness being the sanest of the good team except the masochistic one xd. Then they drag Aqua into battle xd.😂
I’m with kazuma. Bro has not special abilities besides moderately high luck, and even that don’t help him in situations when he really need it. 🤷🏾♂️
And once again darkness shows why she's best girl
aqua cat noises
I see aqua i click
this scene is spectacular, i laughed every single moment
You know it's a small thing but it really bothers me, they've gone from "demon king" for 2 seasons to "devil king" now
Spoiler alert
He then gets killed by kolbolds in that fight and the rest of the gang gets praised.
0:40 la diosa quiere seguir durmiendo
The devil kings army shouldn’t be difficult for them annoying but not difficult after seeing them defeating and befriending a few members of the devil kings army
For once i actually feel bad for darkness xD , They are all messed up xD
Why konosuba doesn't appear to me as an anime on crunchyroll
You know things are bad when DARKNESS is being the responsible one.
*Kazuma acts heroic for clout*
He's gonna die, isn't he?
Darkness shouldn't be able to just drag around both of them single handed?
Aqua's actually incredibly strong physically herself; she qualified to be a Crusader but chose Archpriest. And Megumin's got the highest level of all of them because she's usually the one to actually get kills.
2 comentario 🎉❤
What an annoying devil king...showing up at night