Should really round your prices as well helps a ton especially if you have a line at the register you can bang out change quicker that way, I'm making around 12k a day with two cashiers but all numbers rounded, and I'm selling one shelf worth of everything I have unlocked currently lvl 56 and I sell singles as well and business is booming lol. At around lvl 40 I literally only sold the highest booster box I had and nothing else and that speed leveled me pretty quick and I quickly rose to 300k in the bank. And regular packs really aren't super profitable you'd be better off only selling the boxes for a few levels. Fire the guy and just wait till you get hire the "Very Fast" workers, the "fast" ones are still super slow and a line doesn't affect anything they'll wait forever. Yes Destiny packs have a higher chance of ghost cards the rates are any of the basic packs are a .1% chance of ghost, and any of the destiny packs are .2% chance.
Love your videos, keep it up😘
Thank you! Will do!
You should round the prices so it's waaaay easier to check people out .
Should really round your prices as well helps a ton especially if you have a line at the register you can bang out change quicker that way, I'm making around 12k a day with two cashiers but all numbers rounded, and I'm selling one shelf worth of everything I have unlocked currently lvl 56 and I sell singles as well and business is booming lol.
At around lvl 40 I literally only sold the highest booster box I had and nothing else and that speed leveled me pretty quick and I quickly rose to 300k in the bank. And regular packs really aren't super profitable you'd be better off only selling the boxes for a few levels.
Fire the guy and just wait till you get hire the "Very Fast" workers, the "fast" ones are still super slow and a line doesn't affect anything they'll wait forever.
Yes Destiny packs have a higher chance of ghost cards the rates are any of the basic packs are a .1% chance of ghost, and any of the destiny packs are .2% chance.
Imagine backseating in a casual sim game. Go do something with your life lmao
Round it