To me 1.10 to .95 is average. 1.20 to 1.75 is good. Higher than that is really good. I'm thinking about it in terms of the overall population of players.
I agree. I have a 1.33, 1.41, and 1.51. Honestly though I've been dropping like anywhere from a 1.7 to a 2.2 for the past month with playing 50 plus games a weekend. I've faced 1.7s that were complete trash and have faced 1.1s and 1.2s that were really good team players. I honestly measure by ELO. People complain that isn't a smart way to do it but the higher the Elo the better the players have played against high stats players. If I see a team of 2300 ELOs I get nervous but if I see a team of 2.5s with like 1600 Elo my team and I normally tear through them. It really comes down to map awareness and teamwork.
In year 1 I was trash, and then I pulled my game together. My k/d is below average because of it even though I could beat people with a way bigger one. I just hate when people talk trash about their k/d like they think they're good.
those are the people that deleted 10+ characters. I am one of those. I realize, it's just pointless. Just tell them straight up, wanna talk trash, settle it in the crucible fam. if you know you can probably do for some major improvements, that's a good first step to improving, realizing it.
Same.. Me and my friends used to farm coins in trials before, , we be like the suicide squad in asia lol, my k.d is freakin low but i know i can kick players ass of in trials :)
Destiny was the first first person shooter I've ever played and in Year 1 my bestfriend on the game carried me through Trials as I learnt how to play PVP. We played so much though, by the time I got good, my stats aren't recoverable. They are negative and I can go positive every game for a month in trials and it wont move. Sadly. Everytime I destroy someone in crucible and they get upset they refer to my Trials K.D. being poor as if that has anything to do with me beating them. Like a Normal Crucible match I won has anything to do with Trials? The Destiny community sucks and is filled with people that try to bring you down. I wish people didn't always take my friend teaching me how to play good as a flaw as me as a human being.
Lmaooo "just talking about the average player base...1.3-1.7 are average players" ????? You do realize 98% of destiny players are BELOW 1.7KD? Meaning that only 2% of every player that played destiny online has above 1.7KD...being in the top 2% makes you average? You meant to say 0.8-1.2KD is average...
The Meta195 No, what he said was true. The vast majority of destiny 1 players didn’t even have a positive kd. Going by statistics provided by sites like destiny tracker, around 90% of pvp players had a kd near 0.9, meaning that 1.7 was definitely an above average kd.
A huge pet peeve of mine is when someone uses the "oh, well I beat someone with better stats than me..." argument to say that stats carry no weight whatsoever. First of all, stats are almost all based off of averages, not absolutes. Averages are tied to consistency. A player that performs very well and very consistently is what basically everyone will define as skill. Higher K/D = higher average = more consistency. Oh, you beat this person before? That's nice. Play them ten more times and tell us how many games you pull off the victory in. What you're saying when you use the aforementioned argument is that the number one Destiny player can never lose, because he/she has better stats than everyone else. Of course that person can lose; it's just not going to happen often based off of a random sample of Destiny opponents.
Stats are exactly what they are your stats... I can easily sit back, play passive in Control, not play the objective and go 20+ kills with 4 or less deaths, and zero captures every game. Or I can try and win the game, and go say 25 kills, 15 deaths, with 6+ captures. Too many people are always to worried about their K/D ratio and don't care about actually winning the game. Plus that doesn't even take into account whether or not you're solo queuing and playing against stacked teams all day. Some of my friends literally refuse to play Crucible unless they're in a team of 3+. It's amazing whenever this happens we always seem to get a 2.5+ K/D every game. So you're correct in your baseline premise, but their are always contributing factors that don't actually take into effect everything that goes beyond a simple K/D.
but..if you,like me 90 % of the time play solo. and then are at 1.3-1.7...compared to the fireteams who have higher stats? are you still average? lots of factors? Btw never been to the L House :)
Honestly everybody is different. I'm a overall 1.41 in crucible but in the top one percent of most playlists. I started out really bad then progressively got better. Now I beat people that have high kds. It just depends on the person. Honestly.
Was anything weird happening for anyone in Trials yesterday? 4 out of my 5 games, on the fourth round, one person on the enemy team got DC'd. I was really confused because it boggled my mind...
I think that stats do matter, however my weekly avg is about 2.5, but my overall average is 1.53. My stats don't really portray my skill because I was a .6 in year one.
Here's my opinion. Stats are just a reflection of what you are capable of doing. Just like in sports sometimes the person you least expect to perform at that superstar level can surprise you and do just that. To be honest the best players are the people who can evaluate certain predicaments and turn it into a favorable situation for themselves. I would take someone who has excellent communication skills over a 20 or 30 kill player any day.
stats mean nothing if you were to compare me when I first went into the crucible, to a month ago, to how I played yesterday. you would see three players on notably different skill levels.
The annoying part is that when i first started destiny i was complete horse shit but these day im around a 1600 elo and i normally average a 1.4/1.5 kd but my overall kd is 1.07 so people don't really think im great
my team is 1.35, 1.16 and 1.12 and we go flwaless every week... every opponent is beatable, you just have to adjust to it and have good teamwork... we already beated Realkraftyy, petty20, Zwetschke___ and a few other over 2.0 Streamers, just sayin stats doesn't mean anything, if you have a good team and they know how to adjust, then it's pretty easy with low stats as well
Is 1.8kd good? Considering 6/10 are pubs, 7/10 pubs are telesto and flashbangs and I stopped caring about trials a while back. I usually don't ask but I do so much shit that it's hard to keep up.
It really depends on what weapons you use. If you use a luna or pali or stickies and you have a 2.10kd, and I use Red Death (which I do) and I have a 1.5 kd. Who's the better player? You can't really tell.
I believe overtime a kd becomes stagnant due to learning pvp, say it takes 1000 games to understand the game and youre getting the shit beat out of you, but overtime you progress and progress and progress but these matches only account for another 1000 games and the second average is 1.5. You're first average is low around a .50. You're then left with a 1.0 but are playing currently at a 1.5. Stats don't mean shit if there are results from dedication and experience.
Wish I have a question on your last word video I love to use hawk saw it was my most used weapon but it seems it just doesn't kill fast enough anymore and I can't find any pulse rifles like it and i just hope pulse rifle get a tiny buff for those types of pulses or it's just because everyone uses special instead of primary's lately.
Year one i messed around a lot. In year 2 i brought my kd up to 1.14 and i average about a 1.8 kd in the crucible now. I've been to the light house multiple times. My stats do not reflect my skill. It's really annoying that people judge eachother on stats.
Wish don't ever change dude lol. It's good to have that one blunt tell it like it is no bullshit streamer talking the obvious topics in regards to destiny. Enjoy your stream and your one hell of a player.
yeah you explain it basically perfectly, specific kd for games modes anything in 1.3 to 2.0 the skill gap is going to be so small especially in destiny you're not going to get destroyed (for the most part with the occasional sweat).
Very High K/D people on destiny are to afraid of playing solo. They barely play by themselves. Only a very few do but not for very long. D2 really needs rumble Lol.
I hover around 1 k/d, but I mostly only get on crucible to do TMOW or other bounties that require me to change my loadout and play style every game. I also suffer from varying levels of opponents or playing against full fireteams. When I matchmake with any of my friends(even ones with similar stats) I get 3-4 k/d. So I find it pretty difficult to find a reliable way to compare myself to other guardians.
sometimes its not account recoverys its friends like my friend got 2 of his streamer friends to carry one of our friends flawless and hes really good and was sometimes doing the best by far on the team and these streamers were over 2 kds and never went below a 1.5 in the games
Elo is a more accurate way to judge someone's skill rather than their kd in my experience. But even a low elo team can outsmart and outplay a better team map, weapons, and tactics play a big roll in the games outcome.
being honest. i get worried if a team member has a low Ka/D ratio... tells me. they either are a good sniper or carry but more than likely a "hero" and try to push and doesnt work as a team
I have a 1.4kd but I started playing trials as soon as my gear allowed, I was basically garbage at PvP back then. Since then I average 1.6-1.9 a week but even then my overall stats stay lower because of how much trials I did before. I can't be the only one in this situation.
Very objective stance on this topic. Stats are just a measure of predictability, never count on them when ability is involved, only use them as a guide of probability. Thank you for sharing. Greg [Striatum]
I have a 1.04 kd, so many people never pick me up and think im garbage, but When it comes to trials, i am really good I know the game inside and out and most times end up carrying a team,
I only have 1.5 cause I played awfully in year 1 but after year 1 my kd up to current time in year 3 is 2.12 and I double carry every week so it is not reliable
it depends on the person, I'm 1.2 but I play with all weapons instead of just using universal remote, telesto, tlw, etc. I try to master all weapon types, Jade Rabbit is my favorite, but I may do a day with just snipers, assault rifles, handcannons, etc. You take a hit trying to lol up new weapons, I'm just a glutton for punishment at times though.
I had a person in trials who had a 3.16 k/d lose to me 5-0 in trials, and I was sniping and went 12-1 and they t-bagged after every kill. I messaged him after responding to his childish t-bagging in round one, and he sent me a collage of my stats compared to his, people really get a stiff dick off of their k/d, i'm convinced of that.
In my own experience and opinion you gotta have a 1.0 atleast like I get how people might never play 6's and only play sweats but still having a negative overall in sweats shows you can't really win your one's. Just my experience with this..
I wish there was a way to reset your stats. In year one I was really freaking bad, and I was able to pull it back up to positive in year 2 after watching wish and Nghtly. I'm like stuck at a 1.2 but will go positive every game with an average of 1.3-2.0
Should I remake my characters for kd I play sweats but I could have a 1.5 -1.6 if I wanted to at the moment my kd is a 1.2 cos I used to suck at PvP in year 1.
I played 3 cards with my friends saying they would carry me we got to 8 wins but I was 370 and got crushed at the time so now my led is garbage even though I average a 2.0 weekly....
this sucks i was really bad in year one and my kd was low but I've gotten way better in crucible dropping 20 kills average sometimes 30 kills but kd is 1.18 -_-
Yes, and if you played them nine more times in the same scenario, they'd probably end up beating you. You just happened to win that one game. These stats are based upon average values, not absolute values. A lot of people simply do not understand the concept of that, and apparently you don't either.
I'm generally pretty good in pubs and my destinytrialsreport stats are nice but I still lose games against good TEAMS. Stats give you an idea of what to expect from individual players but there's no stat for team chemistry. I truly believe team chemistry to be the deciding factor in pubs/Trials/sweats. You can win every 1v1 but if you're getting angled by several enemies at once, you're done
In reality, people with 0.85-1.10 are average players. People that are 1.40-1.70 are above average/ good players. People with 2.0+ are great players. A team of 3.0s vs a team of 2.0s can go either way. both are skilled and which ever team has the best teamwork wins.
I agree 100 percent. I've destroyed teams with 2000 plus ELOs and over 2 kds and lost to teams of .8s. Last weekend I faced a team of 1.5s and I was on my crap character with a 1.3. Ended up getting 15 kills and 4 deaths and carried the team to a win. It truly doesn't matter lol
there are many note factors to a players ability than k/d but everyone seems to think its the only thing that matters...let's take for example the skill of the competition being different for everyone...the strength or weakness of specific often do you face lag of absolute crap spawns...the skill of the players on your many times you are double or triple teamed...even the into/disc/strength builds of your characters...there are so many more factors yet everyone tries to boil it down to ELO and k/d...the shit isn't that simple
this is the first console game I've ever touched, and I've gone from like a 0.1 to a 0.7 today, so I realize I'm not good, but is that decent progress?
Yeah that's pretty good. I'd suggest if you want to have a god average, use a shotgun until you have a static KD. Only if you're really creamy about it, though.
I have a .89 I'd in trials cuz I used to be trash and a 2kd challenged me to a 1v1 and called me trash saod he had over double my kd and I went 13-1 on him he sent me a freind request and non stop bothers me for trials
For me, a KD does indeed define how good of a player is, but people need to think about something. Most of my real life friends aren't really great at the game, almost all negative apart from one who's barely positive and a pretty decent one who has a 1.3 KD. When I play with my negative KD friends, it's so hard for me to perform. I don't go positive, I go negative, but when I play with people with similar stats (1.7 KD) from the LFG, I dominate. I play really well. I swear to you a player can have a 0.9 KD because he is playing with people who are trash at the game.
the "sweat thing" goes same for me, i play trials, my friends have high k/d i have low k/d im still better than them still they say im bad because of my k/d...k/d doesn't matter just like wish you luck said
yeah he makes a good point, i never take anyone for granted when doing carries, the guys im carrying will be like "oohhh these guys have shit kd's it should be easy" but i tell them no need to risk it plus if they are bad no need to talk shit about them. and no tea bags unless you get tea bagged lol
I play solo and usually match full or almost full fireteams and manage a 1.9-2.2 average but against other solo people (it don't happen much) I manage a 3.0-4.0 so my overall KD would be 1.9 but in year one I was always getting matched against people like war bulletproof so my KD in year two and three is 2.14 but overall is 1.57
Stats is just a measuring guideline. If I started new characters my stats would be about 2 to 2.5. Bc I played since launch and never played pvp before d3stiny I was trash for a long time. But your mostly right. It's just hard to tell bc there is so many factors.
By 1.3 do you mean like a 1.35kd? Cause that's my kd and I don't go "12 and 10" I'm just confused cause you say this means there an average player but like I'm not talking myself lip but I know I'm above average ha
I'd agree I'm average at PVP had 1.3 on my lock main Nova. Now with that being said higher kd's see an average player like myself and think they got me. lol When I've beat Dr Lupo and Xur Blows doing a single carry lighthouse game. Now I say I beat because both my teammates went negative and I went 2.0 against very good players went to 4-4 and I was last man standing and I wrecking ball the team. Ive even done a wrecking ball against Gernader Jake while trying to do a single carry myself. And I'm an average player at best.
Bro this shit was golden haha. I thought cod players were bad haha. Destiny players are on a whole different level when it comes to looking at people stats . The good thing about destiny was when it first came out nobody really looked at stats. Now people get psyched out by looking at people stats and not even trying in trials . When cod came out with not displaying the lobby leaderboards it was acting pretty good because people will back out if they see high kd's. Shit I remember not being able to play bo3 because people were looking at the lobby leaderboards so much thank God for skill based match making. Defintley earned a sub keep up the good work.
I might be an exception but my kd is .9 but if I'm not just doin whatever using a telesto in pubs I beat teams who have 2000 plus Elo's and shit I just don't give a damn
Just because you managed to beat people with higher K/D ratios and win rates doesn't mean that stats have no weight. If you played someone with significantly better stats than yourself, they will beat you on a more consistent basis than you'll beat them. That doesn't mean they can't ever lose to you.
exactly. I'm a 1.7 but I carry ppl to lighthouse. stats don't hold a ton of weight, especially in trials. I've been destroyed by .9's and I have destroyed 3kds lol. what matters is if you win sweats
I think you also have to take into consideration is the type of class and character you play. Example you might have might have clutched it as a hunter rather than as a Titan you might not because of mobility. Not saying that it isn't possible but you have a high chance as a hunter than you do as a Titan.
Stats don't meant anything bc when I first started playing this game, along with everyone else, I was terrible. I've gotten a lot better but my kd is irreparable.
Well personally I do pretty good in crucible when I try and usually get a 1.5-2 but I also fuck around a lot and try to have more fun so my kd gradually drops
To me 1.10 to .95 is average. 1.20 to 1.75 is good. Higher than that is really good. I'm thinking about it in terms of the overall population of players.
True seeing as there is a kill for every death and there are also suicides then technically the average is going to be around 0.95
As a 1.2 I endorse your view wholeheartedly. :3
Agreed. 1.7 and up is a pretty decent player in my opinion
Good is 1.8-2.5 lol
I agree. I have a 1.33, 1.41, and 1.51. Honestly though I've been dropping like anywhere from a 1.7 to a 2.2 for the past month with playing 50 plus games a weekend. I've faced 1.7s that were complete trash and have faced 1.1s and 1.2s that were really good team players. I honestly measure by ELO. People complain that isn't a smart way to do it but the higher the Elo the better the players have played against high stats players. If I see a team of 2300 ELOs I get nervous but if I see a team of 2.5s with like 1600 Elo my team and I normally tear through them. It really comes down to map awareness and teamwork.
I've seen a guy go 3-43 in a crucible match
😂 he was probably afk
how the fuck can you die 43 times lol if you're afk the game would kick you
He wasn't afk and he even posted it once in the bungie forums lol
I have seen someone go 1-32... he was a 0.6kd against a stacked fireteam...
1-32 doesnt equal 0.6 smart one
In year 1 I was trash, and then I pulled my game together. My k/d is below average because of it even though I could beat people with a way bigger one. I just hate when people talk trash about their k/d like they think they're good.
those are the people that deleted 10+ characters. I am one of those. I realize, it's just pointless. Just tell them straight up, wanna talk trash, settle it in the crucible fam. if you know you can probably do for some major improvements, that's a good first step to improving, realizing it.
+Louie Vazquez And now with private matches if some dude trash talks we can settle it in a 1v1.
+Andrew De Tuncq
true af
Same.. Me and my friends used to farm coins in trials before, , we be like the suicide squad in asia lol, my k.d is freakin low but i know i can kick players ass of in trials :)
Destiny was the first first person shooter I've ever played and in Year 1 my bestfriend on the game carried me through Trials as I learnt how to play PVP. We played so much though, by the time I got good, my stats aren't recoverable. They are negative and I can go positive every game for a month in trials and it wont move. Sadly. Everytime I destroy someone in crucible and they get upset they refer to my Trials K.D. being poor as if that has anything to do with me beating them. Like a Normal Crucible match I won has anything to do with Trials? The Destiny community sucks and is filled with people that try to bring you down. I wish people didn't always take my friend teaching me how to play good as a flaw as me as a human being.
TokenTV try restarting your character and move all gear to that and don't play crucible till lvl 40 and boom you'll have the good KD
Reese Davis thanks, but I quit Destiny. There's nothing left to do
TokenTV same here dude.
Having a high elo is like being vegan you feel the need to tell everybody
Lmaooo "just talking about the average player base...1.3-1.7 are average players" ????? You do realize 98% of destiny players are BELOW 1.7KD? Meaning that only 2% of every player that played destiny online has above 1.7KD...being in the top 2% makes you average? You meant to say 0.8-1.2KD is average...
Georgie Del Piero lol, you clearly don’t know anything about the pro players of Destiny if you think 1.7 is better than average
The Meta195 No, what he said was true. The vast majority of destiny 1 players didn’t even have a positive kd. Going by statistics provided by sites like destiny tracker, around 90% of pvp players had a kd near 0.9, meaning that 1.7 was definitely an above average kd.
A huge pet peeve of mine is when someone uses the "oh, well I beat someone with better stats than me..." argument to say that stats carry no weight whatsoever. First of all, stats are almost all based off of averages, not absolutes. Averages are tied to consistency. A player that performs very well and very consistently is what basically everyone will define as skill. Higher K/D = higher average = more consistency. Oh, you beat this person before? That's nice. Play them ten more times and tell us how many games you pull off the victory in. What you're saying when you use the aforementioned argument is that the number one Destiny player can never lose, because he/she has better stats than everyone else. Of course that person can lose; it's just not going to happen often based off of a random sample of Destiny opponents.
stats do carry weight by it doesn't mean a 1.7 can't beat a 3.0....but .5 or a 1.0 can't beat a 3.0
I understand u bro, in trials my KD is around 1.1 to 1.5 but when I play something like control I'm usually 1.8 - 4 due to the pug playera
Stats are exactly what they are your stats... I can easily sit back, play passive in Control, not play the objective and go 20+ kills with 4 or less deaths, and zero captures every game. Or I can try and win the game, and go say 25 kills, 15 deaths, with 6+ captures. Too many people are always to worried about their K/D ratio and don't care about actually winning the game. Plus that doesn't even take into account whether or not you're solo queuing and playing against stacked teams all day. Some of my friends literally refuse to play Crucible unless they're in a team of 3+. It's amazing whenever this happens we always seem to get a 2.5+ K/D every game. So you're correct in your baseline premise, but their are always contributing factors that don't actually take into effect everything that goes beyond a simple K/D.
but..if you,like me 90 % of the time play solo. and then are at 1.3-1.7...compared to the fireteams who have higher stats? are you still average? lots of factors? Btw never been to the L House :)
I mostly play solo and have 2.1
Add me on PlayStation I'll help you :)
+JetEyeNight your*
Honestly everybody is different. I'm a overall 1.41 in crucible but in the top one percent of most playlists. I started out really bad then progressively got better. Now I beat people that have high kds. It just depends on the person. Honestly.
thomas olderdal i play solo 98% of time and walk around with a 2.16
Padding your K/D is so easy. I put no faith in it.
Was anything weird happening for anyone in Trials yesterday? 4 out of my 5 games, on the fourth round, one person on the enemy team got DC'd. I was really confused because it boggled my mind...
*Oh boy does this conversation change when they implemented sbmm, I mean like now with sbmm 1.5 is really good*
I think that stats do matter, however my weekly avg is about 2.5, but my overall average is 1.53. My stats don't really portray my skill because I was a .6 in year one.
Here's my opinion. Stats are just a reflection of what you are capable of doing. Just like in sports sometimes the person you least expect to perform at that superstar level can surprise you and do just that. To be honest the best players are the people who can evaluate certain predicaments and turn it into a favorable situation for themselves. I would take someone who has excellent communication skills over a 20 or 30 kill player any day.
I've been wanting to deboost my kd so I can go back to lobby's like in year 1
Lmao. Tell me about it bro!!
If wish doesn't reply it means he's in danger
stats mean nothing if you were to compare me when I first went into the crucible, to a month ago, to how I played yesterday. you would see three players on notably different skill levels.
Statistically average kdr in destiny is 0.9, a good player is a 1.0-1.9, a very good player is 2.0-3.0, and a destroyer/farmer is a 4.0-...
The annoying part is that when i first started destiny i was complete horse shit but these day im around a 1600 elo and i normally average a 1.4/1.5 kd but my overall kd is 1.07 so people don't really think im great
my team is 1.35, 1.16 and 1.12 and we go flwaless every week... every opponent is beatable, you just have to adjust to it and have good teamwork... we already beated Realkraftyy, petty20, Zwetschke___ and a few other over 2.0 Streamers, just sayin stats doesn't mean anything, if you have a good team and they know how to adjust, then it's pretty easy with low stats as well
Beat* lol.
Is 1.8kd good? Considering 6/10 are pubs, 7/10 pubs are telesto and flashbangs and I stopped caring about trials a while back. I usually don't ask but I do so much shit that it's hard to keep up.
It really depends on what weapons you use. If you use a luna or pali or stickies and you have a 2.10kd, and I use Red Death (which I do) and I have a 1.5 kd. Who's the better player? You can't really tell.
I believe overtime a kd becomes stagnant due to learning pvp, say it takes 1000 games to understand the game and youre getting the shit beat out of you, but overtime you progress and progress and progress but these matches only account for another 1000 games and the second average is 1.5. You're first average is low around a .50. You're then left with a 1.0 but are playing currently at a 1.5. Stats don't mean shit if there are results from dedication and experience.
Wish I have a question on your last word video I love to use hawk saw it was my most used weapon but it seems it just doesn't kill fast enough anymore and I can't find any pulse rifles like it and i just hope pulse rifle get a tiny buff for those types of pulses or it's just because everyone uses special instead of primary's lately.
Year one i messed around a lot. In year 2 i brought my kd up to 1.14 and i average about a 1.8 kd in the crucible now. I've been to the light house multiple times. My stats do not reflect my skill. It's really annoying that people judge eachother on stats.
100% of the time I play solo and have a 1.45 k/d. I guess that's good.
i only have a 1.3 but i can say from myself that i am an above average player
and no stats mean nothing to me
Wish don't ever change dude lol. It's good to have that one blunt tell it like it is no bullshit streamer talking the obvious topics in regards to destiny. Enjoy your stream and your one hell of a player.
yeah you explain it basically perfectly, specific kd for games modes anything in 1.3 to 2.0 the skill gap is going to be so small especially in destiny you're not going to get destroyed (for the most part with the occasional sweat).
Too many variables in kd. If ya play alone or with others? Sweats? Game types? Play style? Do you run around an entire game with a telesto for fun?
1.3-1.7 KD is not average , .9 is an average KD
in year one, i was the kid who went 2 and 17, but now i can go in pubs and get 1.5 to 3.0 kd every game
Very High K/D people on destiny are to afraid of playing solo. They barely play by themselves. Only a very few do but not for very long. D2 really needs rumble Lol.
Savless I only queue solo and I have a 2.8 kd and I’m in the top .1% for kills per game in d2
kylestroz51 watch out big man kyles out and about lol
I love those kind of videos keep it up wish, what role eysaluna is this btw ?
I hover around 1 k/d, but I mostly only get on crucible to do TMOW or other bounties that require me to change my loadout and play style every game. I also suffer from varying levels of opponents or playing against full fireteams. When I matchmake with any of my friends(even ones with similar stats) I get 3-4 k/d. So I find it pretty difficult to find a reliable way to compare myself to other guardians.
This was a great video! Love the ending when you just start talking about random stuff. This is type of youtube i like to watch!
sometimes its not account recoverys its friends like my friend got 2 of his streamer friends to carry one of our friends flawless and hes really good and was sometimes doing the best by far on the team and these streamers were over 2 kds and never went below a 1.5 in the games
I have only a 1 kd and I've been to the lighthouse over 20 times and no I'm not being carried. Can you explain this?
Elo is a more accurate way to judge someone's skill rather than their kd in my experience. But even a low elo team can outsmart and outplay a better team map, weapons, and tactics play a big roll in the games outcome.
So what about someone like me who never tries in regular games but when it comes to trials I actually do way better compared to my stats
being honest. i get worried if a team member has a low Ka/D ratio... tells me. they either are a good sniper or carry but more than likely a "hero" and try to push and doesnt work as a team
I have a 1.4kd but I started playing trials as soon as my gear allowed, I was basically garbage at PvP back then. Since then I average 1.6-1.9 a week but even then my overall stats stay lower because of how much trials I did before. I can't be the only one in this situation.
Very objective stance on this topic. Stats are just a measure of predictability, never count on them when ability is involved, only use them as a guide of probability. Thank you for sharing.
Greg [Striatum]
"your stats mean nothing..... but yeah if you have a .5 K.D. odds are your not better than the next guy" i have no idea what your talking about
So why do i have a 1,4 kd but i get 25-40 kills in Rift everytime?
I have a 1.04 kd, so many people never pick me up and think im garbage, but When it comes to trials, i am really good I know the game inside and out and most times end up carrying a team,
I only have 1.5 cause I played awfully in year 1 but after year 1 my kd up to current time in year 3 is 2.12 and I double carry every week so it is not reliable
it depends on the person, I'm 1.2 but I play with all weapons instead of just using universal remote, telesto, tlw, etc. I try to master all weapon types, Jade Rabbit is my favorite, but I may do a day with just snipers, assault rifles, handcannons, etc. You take a hit trying to lol up new weapons, I'm just a glutton for punishment at times though.
I had a person in trials who had a 3.16 k/d lose to me 5-0 in trials, and I was sniping and went 12-1 and they t-bagged after every kill. I messaged him after responding to his childish t-bagging in round one, and he sent me a collage of my stats compared to his, people really get a stiff dick off of their k/d, i'm convinced of that.
In my own experience and opinion you gotta have a 1.0 atleast like I get how people might never play 6's and only play sweats but still having a negative overall in sweats shows you can't really win your one's. Just my experience with this..
stats dont matter, its how you or them play that game, ive been in teams of 1.5,1.8,2.4 and we've loss to negative kd kids
I wish there was a way to reset your stats. In year one I was really freaking bad, and I was able to pull it back up to positive in year 2 after watching wish and Nghtly. I'm like stuck at a 1.2 but will go positive every game with an average of 1.3-2.0
Should I remake my characters for kd I play sweats but I could have a 1.5 -1.6 if I wanted to at the moment my kd is a 1.2 cos I used to suck at PvP in year 1.
I played 3 cards with my friends saying they would carry me we got to 8 wins but I was 370 and got crushed at the time so now my led is garbage even though I average a 2.0 weekly....
this sucks i was really bad in year one and my kd was low but I've gotten way better in crucible dropping 20 kills average sometimes 30 kills but kd is 1.18 -_-
Improvement bro. Gotta love catching people off gaurd with stats
+Kai Plays Guard* lol
+NoVa the Sherpa I disagree with him on that. 1.7 isn't average. To me a 1.0 is average because that simply means you can usually hold your own.
+trippleseven37 yeah I agree. But wish has almost a 4.0 KD in trials so his standards are pretty high lmao
Dude I'm a 1.3 KD and doing a double carry I beat a team of 2.0kd that shit don't matter
Yes, and if you played them nine more times in the same scenario, they'd probably end up beating you. You just happened to win that one game. These stats are based upon average values, not absolute values. A lot of people simply do not understand the concept of that, and apparently you don't either.
+J the Coop and Darkness Destiny Content Xbox one: A Rex Rock
+xTheLuckySe7en bro it was a double carry
+Daniel Gonzalez You didn't read a single thing I just said, did you?
is trials of osiris considered "pubs"
I'm generally pretty good in pubs and my destinytrialsreport stats are nice but I still lose games against good TEAMS. Stats give you an idea of what to expect from individual players but there's no stat for team chemistry. I truly believe team chemistry to be the deciding factor in pubs/Trials/sweats. You can win every 1v1 but if you're getting angled by several enemies at once, you're done
chat some serious sense here bruv. good shit, keep up the good work.
The averge play is a 1.0 not 1.5
A lot of people are bad when they first hop into the cruciable, Then they get really good so I usually don't judge people of kd
In reality, people with 0.85-1.10 are average players. People that are 1.40-1.70 are above average/ good players. People with 2.0+ are great players. A team of 3.0s vs a team of 2.0s can go either way. both are skilled and which ever team has the best teamwork wins.
My k/d in d1 was a 2.47, I've beaten lots of streamers on ps4, including wish, brose, kjhovey, truevanguard, realkrafty etc.
In terms of actual stats, a 1.0 K/D is average while up 25% is about 1.3
Just wait till we can choose opponents then we can see if k/d truly matters
But if someone has a KD over 2, doesn't it generally mean they're good?
I beat a guy in a 1v1 I have a .8 and he had a 1.6 kd and I won by 3 kills stats don't matter skill matters
I agree 100 percent. I've destroyed teams with 2000 plus ELOs and over 2 kds and lost to teams of .8s. Last weekend I faced a team of 1.5s and I was on my crap character with a 1.3. Ended up getting 15 kills and 4 deaths and carried the team to a win. It truly doesn't matter lol
Stats don't mean shit honesttlllyyz because I have a 0.70 KD for trials and I beat Triple Wreck Plus I got 8 kills and 3 deaths .
there are many note factors to a players ability than k/d but everyone seems to think its the only thing that matters...let's take for example the skill of the competition being different for everyone...the strength or weakness of specific often do you face lag of absolute crap spawns...the skill of the players on your many times you are double or triple teamed...even the into/disc/strength builds of your characters...there are so many more factors yet everyone tries to boil it down to ELO and k/d...the shit isn't that simple
Were you talking on your Astros?
this is the first console game I've ever touched, and I've gone from like a 0.1 to a 0.7 today, so I realize I'm not good, but is that decent progress?
Yeah that's pretty good. I'd suggest if you want to have a god average, use a shotgun until you have a static KD. Only if you're really creamy about it, though.
I like your viewpoint bruh. Got my sub.
My kd in year one was terrible absolutely terrible now I normally get 1.5 to 2.0 kds but because of year one my kd is like 1.22
I have a .89 I'd in trials cuz I used to be trash and a 2kd challenged me to a 1v1 and called me trash saod he had over double my kd and I went 13-1 on him he sent me a freind request and non stop bothers me for trials
Never in my life have I wanted to be good at a game this bad, and I fucking suck
Yo wish drop more videos man
Just what I wanted to post. Thanks for making these and keep it up!
For me, a KD does indeed define how good of a player is, but people need to think about something. Most of my real life friends aren't really great at the game, almost all negative apart from one who's barely positive and a pretty decent one who has a 1.3 KD. When I play with my negative KD friends, it's so hard for me to perform. I don't go positive, I go negative, but when I play with people with similar stats (1.7 KD) from the LFG, I dominate. I play really well.
I swear to you a player can have a 0.9 KD because he is playing with people who are trash at the game.
It was definitely an account recovery
the "sweat thing" goes same for me, i play trials, my friends have high k/d i have low k/d im still better than them still they say im bad because of my k/d...k/d doesn't matter just like wish you luck said
yeah he makes a good point, i never take anyone for granted when doing carries, the guys im carrying will be like "oohhh these guys have shit kd's it should be easy" but i tell them no need to risk it plus if they are bad no need to talk shit about them. and no tea bags unless you get tea bagged lol
I play solo and usually match full or almost full fireteams and manage a 1.9-2.2 average but against other solo people (it don't happen much) I manage a 3.0-4.0 so my overall KD would be 1.9 but in year one I was always getting matched against people like war bulletproof so my KD in year two and three is 2.14 but overall is 1.57
my friend has a 1.6 but almost every week he has a 2.4
Stats is just a measuring guideline. If I started new characters my stats would be about 2 to 2.5. Bc I played since launch and never played pvp before d3stiny I was trash for a long time. But your mostly right. It's just hard to tell bc there is so many factors.
I hear you man I hope it straightens those guys out
i got a 1.3 on the destiny app but destiny trials report i got a 2.06 because in pubs sometimes i mess around use goofy shit
Bro, were is the rumble guide?????
I have a .9 kd but I play like a 1.4 my kd is so low because I used to play with friends just for fun when i was 9
By 1.3 do you mean like a 1.35kd? Cause that's my kd and I don't go "12 and 10" I'm just confused cause you say this means there an average player but like I'm not talking myself lip but I know I'm above average ha
Wish are you saying truevanguard is average?
I'd agree I'm average at PVP had 1.3 on my lock main Nova. Now with that being said higher kd's see an average player like myself and think they got me. lol When I've beat Dr Lupo and Xur Blows doing a single carry lighthouse game. Now I say I beat because both my teammates went negative and I went 2.0 against very good players went to 4-4 and I was last man standing and I wrecking ball the team. Ive even done a wrecking ball against Gernader Jake while trying to do a single carry myself. And I'm an average player at best.
Bro this shit was golden haha. I thought cod players were bad haha. Destiny players are on a whole different level when it comes to looking at people stats . The good thing about destiny was when it first came out nobody really looked at stats. Now people get psyched out by looking at people stats and not even trying in trials . When cod came out with not displaying the lobby leaderboards it was acting pretty good because people will back out if they see high kd's. Shit I remember not being able to play bo3 because people were looking at the lobby leaderboards so much thank God for skill based match making. Defintley earned a sub keep up the good work.
I might be an exception but my kd is .9 but if I'm not just doin whatever using a telesto in pubs I beat teams who have 2000 plus Elo's and shit I just don't give a damn
Yeeh as a 1.35 kd player I've beaten higher kd/elo players yet people think stats define a person's skill
Just because you managed to beat people with higher K/D ratios and win rates doesn't mean that stats have no weight. If you played someone with significantly better stats than yourself, they will beat you on a more consistent basis than you'll beat them. That doesn't mean they can't ever lose to you.
one game means nothing
+Monique Llouth stats mean nothing
patid lara wrong stats do hold some weight. Experience is whats key and stats do say alot about that. Stats do mean something.
exactly. I'm a 1.7 but I carry ppl to lighthouse. stats don't hold a ton of weight, especially in trials. I've been destroyed by .9's and I have destroyed 3kds lol. what matters is if you win sweats
I think you also have to take into consideration is the type of class and character you play. Example you might have might have clutched it as a hunter rather than as a Titan you might not because of mobility. Not saying that it isn't possible but you have a high chance as a hunter than you do as a Titan.
I didnt realize that top 12% to top 1% was considered average... lol
Stats don't meant anything bc when I first started playing this game, along with everyone else, I was terrible. I've gotten a lot better but my kd is irreparable.
Well personally I do pretty good in crucible when I try and usually get a 1.5-2 but I also fuck around a lot and try to have more fun so my kd gradually drops