Chirping Parrotlet (This Will Make Your Parrotlet Chirp)

  • Опубликовано: 5 сен 2024
  • Mango goes nuts over me crumpling a small paper bag.
    In the beginning of the video, he is saying “Birdie birdie birdie birdie bird”
    PS: If your bird becomes agitated, scared, or aggressive, please don’t let it watch the video again. Every bird reacts differently.

Комментарии • 185

  • @ceciliepaz1491
    @ceciliepaz1491 4 года назад +29

    My parrotlet flew out of the front door today, and we thought he would never come back but after playing this on repeat for an hour he eventually returned...!!

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад +8

      So glad your little feathery fluff returned to you ❤️

    • @amaliaward8053
      @amaliaward8053 3 года назад +2


    • @user-pw6zs7dx4w
      @user-pw6zs7dx4w 3 года назад +1

      That’s so great! My freinds budgie escaped, but sadly, she hasn’t returned.. she was only a week or so. Completely white and her name was snowy

  • @cas.rose.x
    @cas.rose.x 4 года назад +41

    Just got a parrotlet yesterday and he was being real quiet until I put this on😂

  • @mayaranunes1212
    @mayaranunes1212 3 года назад +23

    My parrotlet flew away today and I played this on repeat and called her for an hour, she came back! I have no words to thank you enough

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  3 года назад +4

      I’m so happy to hear this! I’m glad that this video was able to get your feathered baby back to you ❤️

    • @ketoauntie7301
      @ketoauntie7301 3 года назад +3

      Good thinking to do that. 🙏🙏

    • @ericbitzer5247
      @ericbitzer5247 3 года назад +2

      WOW, that must be a relief! So glad you got your bird back!

    • @mayaranunes1212
      @mayaranunes1212 3 года назад +1

      @@ericbitzer5247 thank you, It was!! I don't know what I'd do without my baby ♥️

    • @ericbitzer5247
      @ericbitzer5247 3 года назад +1

      @@mayaranunes1212 :)

  • @bandiberry
    @bandiberry Год назад +11

    my parrotlet flew into a tree over 100 feet, it took 3 hours but with this video i got her back :D

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад +1

      Yay!! 😃👏❤️

    • @Rangy567
      @Rangy567 Год назад +2

      Same with me today. (Got him back) it only took like 10 minutes. :D

  • @vickiecorona5986
    @vickiecorona5986 3 года назад +14

    Mine took a shit on my phone screen😂😂

  • @merlina995
    @merlina995 6 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks for this video. We nearly lost my daughter's little blue parrotlet. She flew away when i was petting her. Because she slipped on the picnic table while we were outside yesterday. She was around the big bushes by the lagoon. It was hard to even get to the area because it's down the hill about 65° angle. I had all that bad thought from we can't get her from there to we might need to get 911 to rescue both of us. It was in our desperation when my 14 year old daughter told me she needs to get to youtube to play this video. She said she can responding back. Sure enough after she played that video. Her bird responded and her little blue head popped from the tall grass. She was on the little log by the lagoon. Luckly not that far from the edge of the soil area. My daughter went down to grab her. I swear this is really saved 3 of us from the nightmare yesterday😭. Thank you!

  • @morechances369
    @morechances369 2 года назад +9

    This video may not save my lost bird, but it did get him to return home. He has been living in the trees around my house since his escape… because I am playing this (and Ditty’s 40 minutes) outside the house. I used to play it for him randomly inside too. So, thanks!

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  2 года назад +1

      Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that. *Hugs*

  • @alwaysturnonaircon
    @alwaysturnonaircon 2 года назад +5

    Ive never seen a bird be excited about something until now.

  • @nicoluvpeace
    @nicoluvpeace 5 лет назад +7

    My young male actually only chirp when I stopped the video. I felt like he was saying "more!!"

  • @hasnabegum449
    @hasnabegum449 4 года назад +9

    I've got three parrotlets and they went mad after hearing this

  • @kkocsis197
    @kkocsis197 Год назад +3

    I remember having a white parrotlet named Pearl. Her chirping sounded exactly like this and she would do it if I shook something that rattled, crumpled paper, or played with plastic bags. She would also always chirp everyday when I came home from school. I miss her. She’s now in heaven and has been since 2017 😔

  • @chinocordoba5858
    @chinocordoba5858 4 года назад +8

    Mine is usually quiet most of the time and he went nuts when I put this on including my cockatiel...

  • @frostyblue6838
    @frostyblue6838 3 года назад +8

    My parrotlet sound like an NBA court game it’s only the sneaker sound

  • @lghomealone
    @lghomealone 4 года назад +5

    mine start bitting my ear and face all loving

  • @jojo1828v
    @jojo1828v 3 года назад +3

    My parrotlet loved this clip, went nuts! Was looking at my phone and chirping, I think he was talking to it. So cute!

  • @aleksk2279
    @aleksk2279 Год назад +5

    Oh yes it did. I couldn't take my phone back.

  • @Trohelio
    @Trohelio Месяц назад

    It did not disappoint. We brought ours home today. He’s been whisper chirping but this made him chirp out loud.

  • @glassbirds
    @glassbirds 4 года назад +5

    I have one and I’m fostering another and they’re screaming rn this is great

  • @animepnkkitty6
    @animepnkkitty6 4 года назад +6

    Because of this video you’ve helped get my parrotlet to come out. He’s fine with me one I get him out but my hands near him or his cage he goes crazy. My last bird was a love bird who I had for almost 17 years and he was bonded to me before I brought him home. Came out everyday wasn’t hand shy. It’s been a couple months with this guy and still scared out of his mind. He’s sitting on me right now. He will fly to me but my hands are a different story

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад

      Aww that’s sweet. I’m so glad this video helped your feather baby.
      And it’s normal for birds to not like hands since they look like dangerous claws from their point of view. Hopefully he’ll get used to your hands after a while. ❤️

  • @Vic64Y
    @Vic64Y 5 лет назад +13

    *IMPORTANT WARNING FOR PET BIRD OWNERS:* The food that we normally give to the canaries (and other companion birds) consisting of a "complete, balanced and top-quality seeds mixture" bought in pet stores or malls, makes the owners trust that their pet is well fed, but it's not so: indeed the birds health is at serious risk.
    The owners of canaries, parrots, cockatoos, budgies, cockatiels, etc., WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DOMESTIC BIRD BREEDERS AND VETS and keep in mind that although we feed them with such a typical seeds mixture, our birds are very likely in danger of suffering an unexpected, painful and practically inevitable PREMATURE DEATH BY FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Canaries, for example, will surely die at 4 - 7 years of age of the more than 14 that they can live.
    It's sad that pet birds are fated to die early and painfully in so many cases. You have to warn people to avoid it!
    This deadly disease is very common in pet birds but owners usually don’t know or detect it in time. And we can’t imagine that *THE CAUSE IS IN THE FOOD ITSELF* that we provide to our birds, in which such *a typical mixture contains low-fat seeds such as canary seed together with other VERY fatty seeds such as niger, hemp or nabine and, in addition, the birds usually prefer to eat the fatty seeds* so that their REAL DIET is unbalanced by excessive fat, gradually causes the fatty infiltration of the liver and in a few years causes fatty liver hepatitis and PREMATURE DEATH to pet birds.
    *Also the fruits and specially the breeding paste and its pigments and the sunflower seeds can attack the liver* if they are taken too much or for too long.
    It's a cruel disease that progresses silently and, when its unexpected symptoms begin, they are easily confused with other ailments so the owners usually postpone the visit to the vet at a time already critical for the life of the bird (besides that not all vets are trained to recognize this elusive and misleading disease, even to administer lipotropic and regenerative liver protectors in curative doses, just in case it's that and not a supposed blow). It's a process of slow and asymptomatic progression, but when their visible symptoms begin (acute phase) the disease accelerates.
    *SYMPTOMS OF THE ACUTE PHASE OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE:* First, progressive sadness and/or pecking, hard belly (in many cases, with a dark spot with a half-moon shape on the belly, which seems a "tumor", to see it you have to wet your fingers to remove the down), falls from the sticks of the cage that seem for "errors of calculation" and then lameness (that make believe that they are by the previous falls, but both symptoms are due to that it hurts the liver), lack of flight and singing, the bird fluffs up his feathers or bends more or less slowly; Then, within a few weeks or a few days, heavy breathing with open beak, remaining lying on the floor of the cage near the food, sudden spasms from time to time (which make people believe that the bird is "epileptic" but it are twinges of pain of diseased liver), abundant greenish poop (caused by biliverdin which if it's not fasting, it means hepatic harm), then black and watery (from hepatic hemorrhages), then a strange purplish color of skin and beak, an excessive appetite and the final "improvement" of a few days (in the last phase, the already degenerated liver becomes deflated by what the bird seems to ameliorate), after which it suddenly dies among seizures (which may seem a heart infarct).
    For the first symptoms the liver has already degenerated to 80% and only an urgent (and accurate) vet action can save your bird and revert the liver situation. If you simply feed your bird with the loose seeds mixture (even if you give it fresh fruits, vegetables and let it exercise, for example by letting it out of the cage at home), right now your pet's liver is degenerating, and neither you nor your bird know. *Without liver protectors, it's almost certain that your bird will die early and in many cases you won’t be able to determine its real cause.*
    Hepatic lipidosis it's not only deadly by itself when the visible symptoms begin (sometimes even it does not warn at all until few moments before the death). Even before the acute phase it predisposes the bird to suffer infections, as it weakens the immune system. Obese pet birds have an higher risk of many other diseases, like arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Obesity in birds it's not so apparent but it's more dangerous than in other animals like mammals.
    So in addition to giving to the birds lipotropic and detox / regenerating hepatic protectors preventively and routinely, breeders usually make their own mixtures with low fat seeds.
    *PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT:* The time to act is NOW that your bird doesn’t have yet the visible symptoms. It's necessary to ACTIVELY PREVENT THE LIVER DEGENERATION. Fortunately it's easy to do it: *It's very advisable to substitute progressively (within some weeks, as per the instructions of the manufacturer) the mixture of loose seeds for some pellets compound food of seeds, fruits and vegetables (preferably those that already include liver protectors), because this prevents the bird from filtering and eating mostly the fatty seeds (but without insisting if the bird does not get accustomed to eating pellets because he could die for starvation within a few days).*
    *And, whatever the diet, it's CRUCIAL to add to the drinking water or to the food a LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTOR that includes carnitine and / or choline, betaine, methionine, etc., (and it's very convenient to add a DETOX / REGENERATING LIVER PROTECTOR with thistle milk, boldo, artichoke extract).*
    Liver protectors are not medicine but cheap food supplements manufactured by pet bird vet laboratories that remove the fat from the liver, clean it and favor its recovery. It's essential to add them to the pet birds diet to conserve their liver. It's something that breeders and vets know, but we the owners usually don't know.
    It are appearing in the market compound feed for pet birds that don’t include fatty seeds and that already include several liver protectors. *But the vast majority of owners still confidently feed their birds with the typical mixture of loose seeds with little fat and other very fatty seeds... And their birds continue dying for hepatic lipidosis in a large number of cases (likely, in most cases).* Now we know that, as fatty liver disease develops from the daily food itself, it’s most likely THE FIRST CAUSE OF DEATH OF PET BIRDS, and more so as the bird ages.
    Webs on FLD:
    Liver disease is a slow, on-going progressive disease where the liver tissue is replaced with fat. When the liver disease has progressed, the bird may suddenly appear ill. One of the sadder diseases many avian vets see is that of hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease. It's sad in a number of ways since often the birds are very ill, life-threateningly so, or possibly having died suddenly. Often the owners have been unaware of the dangers of feeding their beloved pet the seeds, peanuts, or other fatty foods the bird obviously loves to eat. These are truly cases of "loving your bird to death". Any bird can fall victim to fatty liver disease. Dietary deficiencies of lipotrophic factors such as choline, biotin, and methionine may decrease the transport of lipids from the liver. The clinical manifestations of hepatic diseases in ornamental birds are much more frequent than people could imagine and in many cases they are not appreciated, progress in a silent way and when they are evident, vet action may arrive late.
    Most any avian symptomatology should be considered as if it was a pathology that could be serious, and not allow the disease to develop because then it will probably be too late. We must closely investigate the symptoms, take preventive measures that don’t harm (such as giving liver and intestinal protectors according to the leaflet) ask for advice from vets, breeders, etc. and procure the most appropriate treatment RAPIDLY, but without rushing in the treatment or with the doses in such small animals. If the days go by and the bird doesn’t improve, it's necessary to continue investigating and, if necessary, change the medication in an informed and contrasted manner. Doing nothing or stopping research usually ends up with the bird dead, but acting without being sure of what is done and in what dose, it likely ends the same way. It's necessary to obtain and confirm the sufficient vet experience and have the serenity to determine in each case whether it's convenient to hasten to do and / or administer what medicine and in what dose, or if it’s better not to do and let the situation evolve without medicating for the time being, or according to the medication that has already been administered.
    A limp in a bird is not always an injury caused by a blow, but the symptom of a disease of some organ (usually the liver or an intestinal disease) that needs to be discovered and treated ASAP. When in doubt, change diet to one with the lowest fat possible (only birdseed, or with other low-fat seeds such as millet, chia, fresh fruits and vegetables) and administer lipotropic and regenerating liver protectors in curative doses immediately... although nothing could foresee a fatal outcome. There are also food supplements protectors of the intestinal mucosa and stimulants of the immune system. In doses according to the leaflets do not cause damage, it will surely save the life of your bird (if it's not too late), and will keep them with a basic wellness.

    • @artmannify
      @artmannify 4 года назад +1

      Rather "to paste" !-)

  • @saraahmadi3515
    @saraahmadi3515 4 года назад +5

    mine chirped and started flying around 😊❤

  • @finnsuglycorner2099
    @finnsuglycorner2099 3 года назад +4

    Made my parrotlet very very happy. I’ve got a pretty aggressive little guy and this completely changed his mood ❤️

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  3 года назад

      I’m so happy that this video helped your little baby ❤️

  • @SuperIslaBros
    @SuperIslaBros 3 года назад +5

    My parrotlets sounded like a nuclear bomb went off XP

  • @roamingrodgers
    @roamingrodgers 3 года назад +5

    Yep, this her favourite youtube clip! She goes mental!

  • @hopedream264
    @hopedream264 Год назад +2

    I wonder what he's saying, this sound is the only reason my new parrotlets came to my hand

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад +1

      Who knows. 🤷‍♀️
      All I did was crumple a piece of brown paper and Mango went nuts 😆

  • @pamelawilson4912
    @pamelawilson4912 6 лет назад +2

    LOL worked for my little guy, he's chirping away and his conure brothers even joined in!

  • @jprice1928
    @jprice1928 2 года назад +9

    Omg I had to turn it off cause my parrot let started chirping so loud it was hurting my ears

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  2 года назад +3

      Parrotlets can be loud from time to time. It’s amazing how loud they can be despite how tiny they are ☺️

  • @corvid8461
    @corvid8461 3 года назад +6

    My parrotlet keeps trying to fight the one in the video

  • @dannychenski687
    @dannychenski687 4 года назад +6

    Your prediction was correct

  • @miab9854
    @miab9854 4 года назад +3

    mine looked confused at first then started going crazy!! ❤❤

  • @rebelalliance171
    @rebelalliance171 3 года назад +6

    we’re trying to teach our parrotlet to speak French

  • @marksnexus
    @marksnexus 4 года назад +4

    Thanks. My two parrotlets went crazy!

  • @kodiislonely2116
    @kodiislonely2116 4 года назад +3

    I put this on while almost everyones asleep in my house at half 7 in the morning. The birds were loud..

  • @user-jg5rq4yu2r
    @user-jg5rq4yu2r 9 месяцев назад +2

    i left my room for 5 minutes, heard my parrotlet fly somewhere. played this video, and in a few seconds heard her chirping downstairs! 😅 (found her)

  • @craftyanimates4851
    @craftyanimates4851 5 лет назад +2

    Just got my little parrotlet yesterday and when he woke up he started chirping nonstop 😂

  • @dennisderr3478
    @dennisderr3478 5 лет назад +3

    Too Cute! We have a Blue Parrotlet -- and may try this paper bag idea! Thanks!

  • @ItsRainingLead
    @ItsRainingLead 10 месяцев назад +2

    My parrotlet is identical to yours and goes crazy for this video.

  • @ats6880
    @ats6880 6 лет назад +4

    What a fluffy butt!😂😆😍

  • @blaircolumbia6789
    @blaircolumbia6789 6 лет назад +2

    I play this all the time for my birdie and it does work! THANKYOU

  • @debh581
    @debh581 3 года назад +3

    My little boy loves this, he tends to be very vocal at the best of times but when I put this on boy does he go on one 😂🐦

  • @stephneygreenfield5482
    @stephneygreenfield5482 6 лет назад +4

    My birds love this. One escaped outside. Only managed to get her back because she wanted to watch your video lol

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  6 лет назад +1

      Stephney Greenfield Aww! I’m glad you got your little feather baby back :)

    • @stephneygreenfield5482
      @stephneygreenfield5482 6 лет назад +3

      It was 2 nights and three days before she was spotted so it was a miracle and it was your video that bought her back and eating my iPad cover as we speak lol

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  6 лет назад +1

      Stephney Greenfield oh my! Poor baby. I’m so happy that this video helped you return your birdie

  • @andreabuchanan7697
    @andreabuchanan7697 6 лет назад +3

    My blue parrotlet Freddy stuck his head out of the birdhouse to see what was going on.

    • @dcastillo2008
      @dcastillo2008 5 лет назад

      thats what mine got really upset

  • @emmahayden4509
    @emmahayden4509 6 лет назад +4

    LOL it worked! my blue parrotlet went at it for the whole video 🤣

  • @Ruby90930
    @Ruby90930 Год назад +4

    So small and cute 😭🥰

  • @derekgarvey9805
    @derekgarvey9805 Год назад +1

    Tested this out just It got our little parotlett riled up and chirping. Description is spot on😂

  • @vvp4024
    @vvp4024 3 года назад +2


  • @StrangeHooves
    @StrangeHooves 6 лет назад +3


  • @LoveBird-mm3kd
    @LoveBird-mm3kd 2 года назад +2

    My male parrotlet goes nuts when I put this and starts listening to me better

  • @nyx.king7
    @nyx.king7 5 лет назад +3

    My parrotlet loved this video 🤗

  • @docmason9677
    @docmason9677 5 месяцев назад

    My two Fallow Parrotlets also go wild over the sound of crumpling paper or plastic. They are so cute and tiny trying to hunt it down on my bed just like yours and when I play your video.

  • @kayleezishka5646
    @kayleezishka5646 6 лет назад +2

    Omg my parrotlet goes crazy over plastic bags lmao!

  • @FuzzyTruffle
    @FuzzyTruffle 2 года назад +4

    My parrotlet stopped making any sound when I put this on and the attacked my phone to ask for scritches 😂

  • @hii6080
    @hii6080 4 года назад +1

    Can we please get this on a loop my wee baby loves hearing other parolets

  • @QuickManSimp
    @QuickManSimp 6 лет назад +2

    Haha my budgie responds and my parrotlets are like *what???*

  • @shirls8965
    @shirls8965 2 года назад +4

    My male lost his female mate a week ago. I'm not sure why she died. She was seemingly fine the day before I found her on the bottom of the cage. I did also find an egg. Maybe she had lots of trouble laying the egg. I've since been trying to keep him entertained. He missed her so the first few days. He sure sits up and takes notice when I play this. He's chirping like crazy. Not sure if this is a good thing or bad to make him think another bird is in the house. He was never very tame. Trying to fix that now.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  2 года назад +3

      Taming a bird while there’s another bird with it is very difficult unless they’re both separated.
      Also, I’m so sorry about yours and your feathered baby’s loss. 😢

    • @debbra-lyn
      @debbra-lyn Год назад

      She probably had egg bound 😪. I saved a cat from a man being cruel the other day … the cat then got hold of my female celestial and the little male managed to hide till I arrived home. He was injured but survived after a week of treatment…. I play him this so he thinks he has company while we wait for another partner ♥️

  • @lindabederio4603
    @lindabederio4603 4 года назад +1

    Was that “PRETTY PRETTY BIRDIE?” Senora Linda

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад

      Nope. He said “Birdy, birdy, birdy, bird”

  • @hammer-r
    @hammer-r 3 года назад +6

    He sure is a talker. Woke mine up. We just adopted one of unknown age, but assume pretty young. How old is this one? Thanks

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  3 года назад +1

      Mango was about a few months old in this video, I adopted him when he was at least 8 weeks old from Flybabies

    • @hammer-r
      @hammer-r 3 года назад +1

      @@mrshootyowl87 thank you, just trying to gage mines age. He has similar head feathers sticking out like mine. Wondering if that’s an indicator or just a bad hair day 😂😂

  • @Guap303
    @Guap303 Год назад +2

    My little parrotlet passed away last night. I miss him so much had to come hear the sounds.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад +2

      I’m really sorry for your loss of your feathered friend. 🫂

    • @Guap303
      @Guap303 Год назад +1

      @mrshootyowl87 thank you so much 🙏🏼❤️

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад +1

      @@Guap303 you’re very welcome

    • @horseygurl143
      @horseygurl143 Год назад +3

      Sorry for your loss.

    • @Guap303
      @Guap303 Год назад +2

      @horseygurl143 thank you 🙏🏼

  • @ainationaldiscovery
    @ainationaldiscovery 6 лет назад +2

    Too cute hehe!

  • @evv4239
    @evv4239 2 года назад +2

    So yours also says pretty bird too!

  • @xianna3695
    @xianna3695 5 лет назад +3

    My parrotlet shit himself 😂

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад +1

      T Y P E S OF L I E S lmao 🤣🤣🤣

  • @michellehoeks7961
    @michellehoeks7961 6 лет назад +1

    Tink began to chirp...

  • @pedrosworldstucker3282
    @pedrosworldstucker3282 6 лет назад +7

    My bird just went crazy hearing your baby...he fluffed himself into a ball and was chirping very not sure if he was happy or mad

  • @NoiceGuy1
    @NoiceGuy1 6 лет назад +1

    Works very well.

  • @johnawright6937
    @johnawright6937 6 лет назад +1

    My baby is singing along!

  • @niyaa4956
    @niyaa4956 2 года назад +4

    does anybody know what this means ? both my parolets went crazy and so excited

    • @aysemintokatl5010
      @aysemintokatl5010 2 года назад

      benim forpusumda bu sese çıĺdırıyor sebebini hala bulamadım
      ayrıca kafese girmeyi ce bu sesle koyuyorum🤣🤣🤣

  • @user-ro2py9hi5n
    @user-ro2py9hi5n 2 года назад +2

    So cute❤️

  • @Merccurii
    @Merccurii 6 лет назад +3

    This confused my bird and made her territorial :(

  • @lofibeats9923
    @lofibeats9923 3 года назад +3

    Yea it made mine tweeeet

  • @diotibb6780
    @diotibb6780 5 лет назад +6

    Do you have any tips to help my parrotlet thats scared of hands

    • @user-yo2ku4uv4k
      @user-yo2ku4uv4k 5 лет назад +1

      AriasPlays mine is too

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад +4

      Try placing your hand at the bottom of the cage and keep your hand still for about five minutes or so. Do this every day until your bird seems used to your hand being there, and repeat the process but move closer hand to a spot a little closer to your bird. This may take a few weeks to about a month or more depending on your bird’s personality. Once you can get your hand next to the bird without it freaking out, try hand feeding it some millet. All birds can’t resist millet. Let the bird come to you while holding some millet. As soon as your bird feels comfortable with you giving it millet, try to put some millet on the palm of your hand and see if it’ll hop onto your hand. And finally, once the palm training is a success, try to hold millet with your thumb and index finger. Make sure the index finger is sticking straight out and slowly and gently press your finger against the bird’s belly to see if it’ll hop on.
      Also, while doing this, the bird would most likely give you a “test nip”. They hurt, but try not to react because if they know that you don’t like it then they’ll keep doing it. Mine did this a lot because he thought it was funny. He is a tease 😆
      Hope this helps! Best wishes!

  • @lamesauced4828
    @lamesauced4828 6 лет назад +2

    You were right. LOL.

  • @artmannify
    @artmannify 4 года назад +1

    Just subscribed to this little cutie! !-)

  • @keyarthieus216
    @keyarthieus216 Год назад +2

    So I must ask, do you have any advice on parrotlets? Mine seems happy so far I’ve had her for around thre years but I’m only 17 and don’t know much besides food, shred toys, and vet trips. She’s aggressive towards others other than me

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад +1

      It sounds like your parrotlet either hasn’t been properly adjusted to other people/ birds, or she has chosen you to bond with as a partner. 😊
      I could be wrong with both of those theories, but perhaps this link will help you with training your little feathered friend to stop being aggressive towards others. Hope this helps!,seen%20as%20your%20bird's%20partner.

    • @keyarthieus216
      @keyarthieus216 Год назад +2

      @@mrshootyowl87 thank you as I’m typing this shes on my phone and hand trying to chew my phone case. She’s better with my mother but that took about a year of exposure. I appreciate the help!!!

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  Год назад

      @@keyarthieus216 aww! ☺️
      You’re very welcome! Good luck with the training! 🍀

  • @Drew-kc7wg
    @Drew-kc7wg 5 лет назад +3

    I have a p’let and her name is sky. I thought she was the only one that “quacks” but I guess not (0:00). Does yours do that often? ☺️☺️

    • @extremer8053
      @extremer8053 5 лет назад +1

      Lol I named my sky too cause it’s feathers look like the sky and she is a girl also!

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад

      Lol I call those sounds “poopies”. He did do that a lot, but then he got into a habit of blurting “poopies” right after 😆😊

  • @chereejansevanrensburg8395
    @chereejansevanrensburg8395 4 года назад +3

    Please help me understand something... got a cute Parrotlet four days ago. He is wild but after 4 days he flys around his cage like mad chirping like that. But still doesn't let me touch him. Is he happy?? He comes right up to my face but bites my fingers. Is he doing a mating call? After only 4days of owning him? I have had other breeds of birds before and none ever acted like this... I'm so confused.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад +2

      Sorry for the late response!
      Have you tried to hand tame him? It may take him a while to get used to your hands. And if he tries to bite, try as hard as you can you not react. Once they know that you react to their painful bites, they’ll keep doing it. It’s normal for pet birds to be scared of hands since our hand look like large claws that could harm them.
      As for flying around, I think he’s most likely not used to his surroundings yet, but he wants to fly around more.
      Here’s a link on how to hand tame your little feathered baby. Hope it helps! ❤️

    • @chereejansevanrensburg8395
      @chereejansevanrensburg8395 4 года назад +1

      @@mrshootyowl87 thanks again for all the advice. He is already letting me get my hand quiet close, so super excited about that and he is also chirping to get my attention.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад +1

      Chèree Janse van Rensburg you’re welcome. So glad that I could help. 😊

  • @user-gu1id9tf6y
    @user-gu1id9tf6y 7 месяцев назад +2

    Hi! Would you recommend to get a parrotlet? I think to get one .

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  7 месяцев назад +1

      I would only recommend getting a parrotlet if you’re willing to spend a lot of free time with it, lots of love and patience, and a good pain tolerance. Parrotlets will give you lots of “test bites” and they hurt
      Also, if you ever plan on letting them out of the cage to fly around, be warned that they love to explore and chew on everything. 😊

    • @user-gu1id9tf6y
      @user-gu1id9tf6y 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@mrshootyowl87 thank you!

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  7 месяцев назад

      @@user-gu1id9tf6y You’re welcome! ☺️

    • @user-jg5rq4yu2r
      @user-jg5rq4yu2r 4 месяца назад

      absolute complete description. also, if you plan to leave windows open, especially upstairs, make sure your screens are PET PROOF unless you want holy screens and possibly a treed birb, tho, if they love ya, theyll prbly come back

  • @MicoKitty
    @MicoKitty 4 года назад +2


  • @babygang915
    @babygang915 3 года назад +1


  • @41dawny
    @41dawny 4 года назад +5

    I have a parrotlet called Rocky. What is yours called?

  • @acarney5247
    @acarney5247 5 лет назад +3

    My parrotlet just arrived Friday and he hasn’t chirped on his own, but only when he’s heard other parrotlets on videos I’m watching on RUclips. Is this normal? Also he’s scared of his toys.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад +2

      A Carney Yes. That is completely normal with any pet bird. Your little parrotlet is scared and needs time to adjust to his new surroundings. It may take a week or more for him to be more active and chirpy. Also, the best thing to do is to leave him be for about a week before you start hand taming him. Good luck with your new P’baby, and congrats! ❤️

    • @acarney5247
      @acarney5247 5 лет назад +1

      littleHOTTIE87 , thank you so very much for your quick response as I feel a lot better now. In fact, he is a little more active today and doesn’t appear to be so skittish...

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад

      A Carney you’re welcome! Sounds like he’s getting used to his surroundings pretty quickly. :)

    • @acarney5247
      @acarney5247 5 лет назад

      littleHOTTIE87, I had another question. My parrotlet got dried banana on his beak and he won’t let me touch him in order to remove it. Will he be able to remove it eventually? Any suggestions? I’m sorry for all of the questions as this is my first bird...

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад

      A Carney parrotlets typically don’t like hands, probably because our fingers resemble claws. It’s completely normal for any bird to not let us touch them with our hands whatsoever. But, if you want to hand train him, try gently placing your hand on the bottom of his cage on the inside and keep it still. Make sure that when you place your hand in his cage, you do it very slowly so that you don’t scare him. If he moves away from your hand, stop moving for a bit so that he doesn’t fly all over the place and injure himself. Once he gets accustomed to your hand being there after a couple of days, try to place your hand at another area a little further away from the bottom and closer to him. Now do this gradually until he becomes completely use to your hand. This may take a month to accomplish. Also, if he happens to allow your hand near him, try hand feeding him some millet. And just a fair warning, he may try to bite you as you try to move your hand close to him. That’s his way of testing you. Try not to react when he bites because he’ll know you don’t like it and will continue to bite.
      An don’t worry about asking me questions. I’m happy that I’m able to help. :)

  • @beecanuela9590
    @beecanuela9590 6 лет назад +2

    how old is he in this video?

  • @juliehorton1465
    @juliehorton1465 5 лет назад +2

    I want a Parrotlet but they are so expensive!!!

    • @CLARA3952
      @CLARA3952 5 лет назад +4

      they bite HARD

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад

      They are expensive, and a lot of work.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад

      CLARA3952 koss absolutely. Ouch! 😖

    • @Tom-pe3ur
      @Tom-pe3ur 5 лет назад

      If you get them from a breeder they can be very cheep

    • @TanairysDesigns
      @TanairysDesigns 5 лет назад

      @@CLARA3952 even if you get them as babies and they are handled a lot? I want one but I dont want my fingers ripped off either lol

  • @FriendM2010
    @FriendM2010 4 года назад +3

    Why is the bird chirping in this video?

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад +3

      He was chirping like mad because I was crumpling a paper bag. It’s a quirk with all Parrotlets to go nuts when they hear crumpling paper and other noises. Why they do this, I do not know :P

    • @kathyhenderson7099
      @kathyhenderson7099 4 года назад +1

      Mine does it as well and plastic bags.

  • @karlbaldwin5792
    @karlbaldwin5792 Год назад +1

    How old is the bird ?

  • @goddessazra
    @goddessazra 2 года назад +1

    00:00 - 00:01

  • @combatwombat9216
    @combatwombat9216 5 лет назад +2

    Do they very get very loud because I don’t want to get a loud bird

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  5 лет назад +1

      Julia Sprinkle they do get kind of loud. The chirping you hear in this video is a Parrotlet’s loudest chirp. It’s probably just as loud as a budgie/parakeet squawking, maybe a little louder, but they’re nothing compared to larger parrots such as the Cockatoo or the Macaw.

    • @user-yo2ku4uv4k
      @user-yo2ku4uv4k 5 лет назад +2

      Mine is VERY loud, so i think it depends on the bird

  • @Trbooos
    @Trbooos 6 лет назад +2

    Darn it did not work for me oh well aha you win some and you lose some

    • @Trbooos
      @Trbooos 6 лет назад +1

      Ooh nvm she just started

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  6 лет назад +1

      Camo King lol. Did you just recently adopted your bird? Sometimes they won’t chirp for a week or more if that’s the case.

  • @sevxred.hand_
    @sevxred.hand_ 3 года назад

    lets see if this works..

  • @JuanLopez-tt9dp
    @JuanLopez-tt9dp 2 года назад


  • @chereejansevanrensburg8395
    @chereejansevanrensburg8395 4 года назад +5

    Is Mango a male or a female? I want to try sex my birdy and my birdy looks exactly like Mango.

    • @mrshootyowl87
      @mrshootyowl87  4 года назад +5

      He’s a little boy. ❤️
      Males are known for mimicking human speech and other sounds while females usually don’t

    • @chereejansevanrensburg8395
      @chereejansevanrensburg8395 4 года назад

      @@mrshootyowl87 how exciting thank you ! How do I coax my boy into eating more yummy food. He seems to not know what it is or how to eat it. He is only trying it but not eating it. He sticks to boring pet shop food which is just sunflower seeds... I know thats not the best.

    • @Xtiansldrs
      @Xtiansldrs 4 года назад +1

      Chèree Janse van Rensburg parrotlets are the rare breed of birds who are easily sexed by their colors alone. Males have distinctive blue markings near their eyes that look like a punk style design- streaks. Females do not have those.

    • @chereejansevanrensburg8395
      @chereejansevanrensburg8395 4 года назад

      @@Xtiansldrs Thank you, he is then a male !

  • @dcastillo2008
    @dcastillo2008 5 лет назад +1

    this was very bad for my parrotlet she freaked out and got very upset :-( be careful

  • @missymarie2698
    @missymarie2698 2 года назад +3

    My little girl didn’t sing a single peep.
    She DID how ever love the sound of random sparrow.
    Go figure. 🤷🏻‍♀️