Hello guys! If you enjoyed this video and you want to watch 1 day before the premiere all my next videos, please become my patron with 1$ ( www.patreon.com/Rockmina ), or tips in paypal (www.paypal.com/paypalme/RockminaMusic ), subscribe to my channel, drop a like to this video and share it with your friends.
Rockmina, That was excellent Steve Tyler would be proud I was waiting for you to hit the high note at the end and you nailed it I love the classic Aerosmith song thank you so much 👏👏👍👍🎤🎤
Awesome! I got to hang out with Aerosmith one time before a concert about 30 years ago in Cincinnati, Ohio. I had the whole group sign a 2 dollar bill for me
Really love that dress. It's very . . . Romulan. Straight out of Star Trek. It also fits extremely well. You also killed the song for another great cover.
Was just listening to a Giulia cover, her highs are amazing but @Rockmina has the maturity and experience to make you feel the song. She also understands the lyrics better but I think all the Ramp people get their same misheard lyrics from the same source, oh well.
I was worried I'd be disappointed by the high notes of "dream on" but damn if she not only pulled it off, she blew the roof off the building! Girl, yer gonna kill me. I go willingly.
In the past has been law thanks to the Aerosmith, but now we have the law of Holo painen: dream is replaced by ever dream, since as Manuela Kraller and Xandria says: "The dream is still alive" and it will remain also "Foververmore". Cerbu is not my sweet friend named Johnny Guitar, buta real talented guitarist that give such emotions I never had before having met him on the stage. Di musica non ci capisco niente, ma di emozioni, sì. Forza, Andrei... guida il Tuo meraviglioso Clan musicale come sai fare e come hai fatto finora. Mia Mamma, da insegnante, avrebbe detto a Te ed a Tutti i musicisti e cantanti sottoposti alla tua Guida: "Coraggio, un piccolo ed ultimo sforzo perché la meta è vicina!"
I think it'd be nice to put on an international music festival over couple of days starting in Iasli. But do dreams really come true if it's justa mild desire? You know, wishful thinking. Is that dreaming or?
Romina în starea ei naturală pare mai puternică. Și mai umană în același timp. Trebuie să mai încerci piesa asta. Merită mai multe versiuni. O consider una din cele mai dificile, tehnic și emoțional.
I probably should respect the original singer, but in this case your version trumps his in spades. Top of the line version I like your control in the beginning a bit understated by design and I can actually understand the words vs the original. The high notes his is like nails on a chalkboard vs. yours like high notes should sound in that case and your growl was perfecto as well. Also you look great I like that dress and less of the make up which is never my favorite.
not bad but it feels karaoke when you compare it with all along the watchtower that song you made it your own made it new and even better than the original , but this one you did nothing new which was disappointing
Mult succes in continuare! Nu fi dezamagita de rezultatul Superstar! Ca in multe alte ocazii, romanii nu voteaza nici macar un pic obiectiv sau rational, din pacate. Inca domina o mentalitate de pe timpul comunismului, daca cineva e foarte dezinvolt, independent, e considerat "bad girl" sau "bad boy" si e "pus la colt". Ai fost cea mai constanta calitativ in prestatii de-a lungul concursului, iar evolutia a fost extraordinara. In auditii ai cantat foarte bine, dar inca nu imi formasem o parere, se vedea ca esti un copil. "Paradise City" din recall a fost momentul cand am ramas prima oara cu gura cascata. Chiar daca a durat doar un minut, a fost extrem de intens, incredibil. La "Don't stop me now" am inceput sa vedem nebunia Rockmina si prezenta scenica prin slide-ul care a facut deliciul juriului. "Piece of my heart" a fost cel mai bun moment din etapa club, fara nici cea mai mica urma de indoiala. Parafrazandu-l pe Smiley, "e incredibil cu cate dezinvoltura canta fata asta si nu orice, ci Janis Joplin"... Iar cei care zic "dom'le, tot Janis Joplin suna mai bine" sunt penibili... Nu poti compara prestatia live a unui copil de 16 ani cu prestatiile unui artist imens cu atata experienta de viata. A urmat "Street Spirit"... wow... Am ascultat si versiunea originala Radiohead si versiunea Lena Hall. Versiunea Radiohead este cea mai "soft", versiunea Lena Hall este cea mai "curata", dar versiunea Romina este dupa parerea mea, cea mai emotionala si cea mai emotionanta, chiar daca este mai in forta. Poate nu e cea mai potrivita metafora, dar cele trei versiuni le aseman cu suc de fructe, apa de izvor si respectiv sampanie. Fiecare e extraordinara in felul ei.. "It's my life" a fost exact o performanta de concert. Dupa cum a zis si Smiley, pe strofa a sunat foarte bine, cu dozajul potrivit de "metal" in voce. "Ziua vrajitoarelor" a fost o demonstratie de forta, daca mai era nevoie de asa ceva :) "Cry baby" ... iarasi WOW... nu numai interpretarea, dar mai ales prezenta scenica au fost ale unei artiste cu experienta de multi ani. Din nou, comparatiile cu originalul sunt penibile. Probabil nu a fost la nivelul lui Janis, dar pentru o fata de 16 ani, a fost ceva mult, mult, mult peste ce se putea astepta oricine. In "One night only", faptul ca ai si dansat si ai cantat un cu totul alt stil decat cel obisnuit, a raspuns celor care voiau si altceva. Si a urmat "Love is blindness", care a pus punct. Literlamente. Versiunea U2 este exceptionala, vocea lui Bono este superba, este absolut normal pentru o formatie care era la apogeu in momentul in care a aparut piesa. Insa, iarasi, mie personal mi se pare ca interpretarea ta a fost mai emotionala. Alternarea intre suav si forta a fost cu totul neasteptata pentru cei care stiau piesa originala. Chiar daca poate au fost mici scapari, SA NU UITAM, A FOST LIVE!!! Show total de la o fata de 16 ani!!! Multi nu reusesc sa priveasca lucrurile in contextul lor, din pacate. Anyway, personal mi se pare ca asta a fost cel mai bun moment! In finala, parerea mea este ca primele doua piese nu au fost prea potrivite. "Nobody's perfect" e o piesa care mie nu mi-a spus nimic. Iarasi, mi-a placut foarte mult prezenta ta scenica, tehnica, dar melodia in sine nu cred ca era de finala :( "Smells like teen spirit"... super piesa, super interpretare, dar prea riscanta pentru aceasta faza. Romanii nu sunt inca pregatiti pentru asa ceva :) De admirat ca nu ai ales ceva mai comercial, dar totusi e pacat, poate mergea un compromis. Speram sa canti tu "The house of rising sun", am ascultat interpretarea ta si ti-a iesit superb. A cantat-o altcineva :( La fel "Dream on", ti-a iesit foarte bine, dar si pe asta a cantat-o altcineva... "I want to break free", chiar daca e super folosita in concursuri, se potrivea pentru finala si ti-a iesit si asta extraordinar. Sau "Kickstart my heart", "Beat it"... Nu e nici pe departe un repros, ci o parere de rau... Au fost mai apreciate piesele mai cunoscute si mai comerciale... A treia piesa a fost super. "Caught out in the rain" a fost din nou o demonstratie de show complet, din toate punctele de vedere: voce, prezenta scenica, artificii. Totusi, cred ca "Love is blindness" trebuia pastrat pentru acest moment. Anyway, ai fost cea mai completa artistic dintre toti, despre asta trebuia sa fie superstar. Au avut si altii momente exceptionale, dar niciun alt concurent nu a avut atatea momente memorabile. SUCCES in continuare. Munceste mult, cum a zis si Raluca! Si incearca sa nu cazi prada succcesului, cum s-a intamplat de-a lungul timpului multor artisti. BRAVO!
Nu te descuraja din cauza concursului! De la audiții am știut că tu ești adevăratul superstar.Superstar nu este cel care doar sta și cântă și nu schițează nimic,superstar este cel care dansează,cel care se simte bine pentru a face și publicul sa se simtă bine.Cea mai potrivită descriere poate fi Rockmina. Ai un drum lung și frumos pe care poti înghiți mai multe stații.Scoate o piesa și fa-i să își de-a seama că au greșit când au ales! _Tu ești superstar!_
Joshua, we should applaud these kids who give their all, singing in a language not of their own, making covers of the hits that we the listeners grew up with for our entertainment and hoping for our approval and support, and what do we do, we criticize accents as if we all were Shakespeare. It’s free entertainment to you all the time, I am sure you have never ever given them one penny to watch the show. Support instead of criticism
@@tamesmusic1422 You're so funny. I've been following them, especially Andrei, and loving their music since before you knew they existed. Second, my wife is Romanian and has the same cute accent. I love it. And I'm allowed to point out those cute pronunciations, thank you very much. My wife also enjoys my mispronunciations when I speak in Romanian, so I'm in exactly the same boat. No need to get defensive about it. Merry Christmas.
@ 3:37....😨😱😨😱 WTF! I say again WTF! Swear a lightning bolt struck my spine! Those power vocals pierced right though my soul! And i will be honest that is where Romina shines brighter than the sun (those pipes OMG those pipes! Drink tea LOTS & LOTS of tea - Stay away from alcohol) Rest of the chune was really good yet something was missing & i cant identify it (im also still waking up) .... and that harpsichord or whatever they fed to the left side....ugh! Something is up...its not real i know that much but that's nit picking. AMAZING JOB ROMINA! ✌😎🎸
Every time that I listen to another cover from Rockmina, I know nobody will do it better! This song is an excellent song for her voice! And her stage presence gets more intense with every performance!
Romina "ROCKET POWER" !!! WOW ,you young lady never disappoint ,just love it ............ peace out from USA .much respect for your works from me .please stay safe .
Excelent Ro(k)mina.Ascult zilnic cea ce canti si reascult si iarasi reascult ...nu ma pot oprii.Esti fantastica.Melodiile devin ale tale si suna mai frumos decat originalele.Iar atunci cand esti cu Andrei totul pare ireal de cat de bine va armonizati.Felicitari......
Romina you really kicked but on that song! I was waiting for the high notes you did it you blew the roof off the studio! great job I’m proud of you. 👍❤️🌟🤘
Hello guys! If you enjoyed this video and you want to watch 1 day before the premiere all my next videos, please become my patron with 1$ ( www.patreon.com/Rockmina ), or tips in paypal (www.paypal.com/paypalme/RockminaMusic ), subscribe to my channel, drop a like to this video and share it with your friends.
❤ Ur so great talented woman,,, idol
Beautifully done Rockmina looking good as always I wish you the best later this week you go girl an kick some A-- you can do it 😘🎙👍👍👍👍💖💖🌹🌹🔥🔥
Rockmina, That was excellent Steve Tyler would be proud I was waiting for you to hit the high note at the end and you nailed it I love the classic Aerosmith song thank you so much 👏👏👍👍🎤🎤
Yes, those high notes made her sound great. She is gaining a lot of control of her voice!
Hú de szép hang,nagyon szép tökéletes hangi adottságok és kivitelezés.!
Wow Rockmin you had a home run with that one loved it the way you singed it love watching you singing all these great songs God bless you girl
Great song and your super fantastic voice that I love so much. Amazing Amazing 🌹❤️
Great Romina, keep it up.
Great performance, looking good also ❤
Love hearing that voice range.....what a great cover !!! Thank you
What. A. Voice!! 👏
Beautiful as always and what a rich voice Romina possesses! And the quality of the equipment you work with surprises me every time!
Wow. Excellent and extraordinary.
Really hear who you are…I Loved it!🥰
Better and better every week! 😌Fantastic Romina you are great! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Beautiful cover of a LEDGENDARY 70s song 🎵. Glad the music lives on. Peace and 🕉 joy 8888
What a great song.
Nydelig stemme på denne flotte damen. Fantastisk å høre hun synger denne fine melodien
Dream On.
great Job Romina !
Nice cover! Love it!
So good!!! Absolutely love this, thank you Rockmina!
Excellent performance! The vocals fit perfectly into the cover!
Roman Karbofos Might I add; this song was made to be sung by 'Mina.
Such a very Beautiful Rendition 💖
Go on Superstar Romania 2021! Another performance like Fade Out and you will win :)
Awesome , just Awesome !
Fantastic. This song is iconic and your version is among the best. Thank you Mina!!!
Great performance
Rockmina, you are the best!!
Rockmina=Real Rock Voice!!!!!!
Sensational cover, Romina. Love this song and your version is awesome.
Great Video Rockmina! The high notes were fabulous. Your movements were alluring and mezmerizing. I'm a big fan.
Excellent cover!
Excellent Rockmina!!! Very impressive!!!
Awesome! I got to hang out with Aerosmith one time before a concert about 30 years ago in Cincinnati, Ohio. I had the whole group sign a 2 dollar bill for me
She is so pretty without make up!
Awesome. That is a hard song to sing but you did it and did it well.
Romina la superstar ai fost preferata mea și tiam ținut în fiecare zi pumni
Actually it's amazing to hear this song in female voice. It is also rocking in male voice.
Really love that dress. It's very . . . Romulan. Straight out of Star Trek. It also fits extremely well. You also killed the song for another great cover.
Kontinenseken átívelő hanghordozás és hangkivitelezés érdemleges és nagyon magas érdemrendű és kitüntetést érdemlő,nagyon tetszik a hangod nekem.!
Nagyon jól zúgó búgó hang,kivételesen jól pulzáló.!
Bella maravilhosa ❤️❤️
Was just listening to a Giulia cover, her highs are amazing but @Rockmina has the maturity and experience to make you feel the song. She also understands the lyrics better but I think all the Ramp people get their same misheard lyrics from the same source, oh well.
Love U ❤
Amazing Rockmina
Grandiosa voz y belleza
would love to hear Rockmina sing poison by Alice Cooper
Yes, that would be a great fit for her. Unfortunately she did it and somehow it was out of tune. Very uncharacteristic.
Hot & Talented! Keep Rockin' Girl! \m/ ;)
I was worried I'd be disappointed by the high notes of "dream on" but damn if she not only pulled it off, she blew the roof off the building! Girl, yer gonna kill me. I go willingly.
Amazing 😍😍, from jamil
Great to listen to at the highest peak of mount Olympus
Please cover "Maria" by Blondie. I think your beautiful voice would do it justice. Love You Rockmina!
de ...Voce !!!!
Need a duet with Daria Zaritskaya!
Yes please!!!
El mejor cover jamás escuchado de esta canción
El legado del rock está en ti
Te ador
Sing H with love ))!
funny that i can understand her better than steven tyler , and english isnt her main language :P
Nagyon jó karakter vagy és meghitt.
In the past has been law thanks to the Aerosmith, but now we have the law of Holo
painen: dream is replaced by ever dream, since as Manuela Kraller and Xandria says: "The dream is still alive" and it will remain also "Foververmore". Cerbu is not my sweet friend named Johnny Guitar, buta real talented guitarist that give such emotions I never had before having met him on the stage.
Di musica non ci capisco niente, ma di emozioni, sì.
Forza, Andrei... guida il Tuo meraviglioso Clan musicale come sai fare e come hai fatto finora.
Mia Mamma, da insegnante, avrebbe detto a Te ed a Tutti i musicisti e cantanti sottoposti alla tua Guida: "Coraggio, un piccolo ed ultimo sforzo perché la meta è vicina!"
Just seen 100 %
I think it'd be nice to put on an international music festival over couple of days starting in Iasli. But do dreams really come true if it's justa mild desire? You know, wishful thinking. Is that dreaming or?
Nagyon dögös hangkivitelezés és hangterjedelem a tiéd.!
Romina în starea ei naturală pare mai puternică. Și mai umană în același timp. Trebuie să mai încerci piesa asta. Merită mai multe versiuni. O consider una din cele mai dificile, tehnic și emoțional.
Bwahahahahaha... wait... bwahahahahaha!!!
Sie ist eine Frau ❤ deshalb schon besser als Styler
I probably should respect the original singer, but in this case your version trumps his in spades. Top of the line version I like your control in the beginning a bit understated by design and I can actually understand the words vs the original. The high notes his is like nails on a chalkboard vs. yours like high notes should sound in that case and your growl was perfecto as well. Also you look great I like that dress and less of the make up which is never my favorite.
Ich meinte Taylor
Eu credeam că asta e piesa de finală ....
E show show
Say with me.
Hahahahaha here is the song I thought they could only do better but they didn't wow they can't out sing a screamer vocalist
not bad but it feels karaoke when you compare it with all along the watchtower that song you made it your own made it new and even better than the original
, but this one you did nothing new which was disappointing
ti-ai batut joc de aerosmith !
this is total crap..if youre the 'rockmina' that is now with Voodoo Child, you have improved!
Mult succes in continuare! Nu fi dezamagita de rezultatul Superstar! Ca in multe alte ocazii, romanii nu voteaza nici macar un pic obiectiv sau rational, din pacate. Inca domina o mentalitate de pe timpul comunismului, daca cineva e foarte dezinvolt, independent, e considerat "bad girl" sau "bad boy" si e "pus la colt".
Ai fost cea mai constanta calitativ in prestatii de-a lungul concursului, iar evolutia a fost extraordinara.
In auditii ai cantat foarte bine, dar inca nu imi formasem o parere, se vedea ca esti un copil.
"Paradise City" din recall a fost momentul cand am ramas prima oara cu gura cascata. Chiar daca a durat doar un minut, a fost extrem de intens, incredibil.
La "Don't stop me now" am inceput sa vedem nebunia Rockmina si prezenta scenica prin slide-ul care a facut deliciul juriului.
"Piece of my heart" a fost cel mai bun moment din etapa club, fara nici cea mai mica urma de indoiala. Parafrazandu-l pe Smiley, "e incredibil cu cate dezinvoltura canta fata asta si nu orice, ci Janis Joplin"... Iar cei care zic "dom'le, tot Janis Joplin suna mai bine" sunt penibili... Nu poti compara prestatia live a unui copil de 16 ani cu prestatiile unui artist imens cu atata experienta de viata.
A urmat "Street Spirit"... wow... Am ascultat si versiunea originala Radiohead si versiunea Lena Hall. Versiunea Radiohead este cea mai "soft", versiunea Lena Hall este cea mai "curata", dar versiunea Romina este dupa parerea mea, cea mai emotionala si cea mai emotionanta, chiar daca este mai in forta. Poate nu e cea mai potrivita metafora, dar cele trei versiuni le aseman cu suc de fructe, apa de izvor si respectiv sampanie. Fiecare e extraordinara in felul ei..
"It's my life" a fost exact o performanta de concert. Dupa cum a zis si Smiley, pe strofa a sunat foarte bine, cu dozajul potrivit de "metal" in voce.
"Ziua vrajitoarelor" a fost o demonstratie de forta, daca mai era nevoie de asa ceva :)
"Cry baby" ... iarasi WOW... nu numai interpretarea, dar mai ales prezenta scenica au fost ale unei artiste cu experienta de multi ani. Din nou, comparatiile cu originalul sunt penibile. Probabil nu a fost la nivelul lui Janis, dar pentru o fata de 16 ani, a fost ceva mult, mult, mult peste ce se putea astepta oricine.
In "One night only", faptul ca ai si dansat si ai cantat un cu totul alt stil decat cel obisnuit, a raspuns celor care voiau si altceva.
Si a urmat "Love is blindness", care a pus punct. Literlamente. Versiunea U2 este exceptionala, vocea lui Bono este superba, este absolut normal pentru o formatie care era la apogeu in momentul in care a aparut piesa. Insa, iarasi, mie personal mi se pare ca interpretarea ta a fost mai emotionala. Alternarea intre suav si forta a fost cu totul neasteptata pentru cei care stiau piesa originala. Chiar daca poate au fost mici scapari, SA NU UITAM, A FOST LIVE!!! Show total de la o fata de 16 ani!!! Multi nu reusesc sa priveasca lucrurile in contextul lor, din pacate. Anyway, personal mi se pare ca asta a fost cel mai bun moment!
In finala, parerea mea este ca primele doua piese nu au fost prea potrivite.
"Nobody's perfect" e o piesa care mie nu mi-a spus nimic. Iarasi, mi-a placut foarte mult prezenta ta scenica, tehnica, dar melodia in sine nu cred ca era de finala :(
"Smells like teen spirit"... super piesa, super interpretare, dar prea riscanta pentru aceasta faza. Romanii nu sunt inca pregatiti pentru asa ceva :) De admirat ca nu ai ales ceva mai comercial, dar totusi e pacat, poate mergea un compromis. Speram sa canti tu "The house of rising sun", am ascultat interpretarea ta si ti-a iesit superb. A cantat-o altcineva :( La fel "Dream on", ti-a iesit foarte bine, dar si pe asta a cantat-o altcineva... "I want to break free", chiar daca e super folosita in concursuri, se potrivea pentru finala si ti-a iesit si asta extraordinar. Sau "Kickstart my heart", "Beat it"... Nu e nici pe departe un repros, ci o parere de rau... Au fost mai apreciate piesele mai cunoscute si mai comerciale...
A treia piesa a fost super. "Caught out in the rain" a fost din nou o demonstratie de show complet, din toate punctele de vedere: voce, prezenta scenica, artificii. Totusi, cred ca "Love is blindness" trebuia pastrat pentru acest moment.
Anyway, ai fost cea mai completa artistic dintre toti, despre asta trebuia sa fie superstar. Au avut si altii momente exceptionale, dar niciun alt concurent nu a avut atatea momente memorabile.
SUCCES in continuare. Munceste mult, cum a zis si Raluca! Si incearca sa nu cazi prada succcesului, cum s-a intamplat de-a lungul timpului multor artisti.
Esti o zeiță!! 🥇❤️
Nu te descuraja din cauza concursului!
De la audiții am știut că tu ești adevăratul superstar.Superstar nu este cel care doar sta și cântă și nu schițează nimic,superstar este cel care dansează,cel care se simte bine pentru a face și publicul sa se simtă bine.Cea mai potrivită descriere poate fi Rockmina. Ai un drum lung și frumos pe care poti înghiți mai multe stații.Scoate o piesa și fa-i să își de-a seama că au greșit când au ales!
_Tu ești superstar!_
Great video. Fantastic cover and performance. You are such an amazing young Lady. You just keep getting better.
"Isn't dat duh way." So funny.
Otherwise, decent cover.
Joshua, we should applaud these kids who give their all, singing in a language not of their own, making covers of the hits that we the listeners grew up with for our entertainment and hoping for our approval and support, and what do we do, we criticize accents as if we all were Shakespeare. It’s free entertainment to you all the time, I am sure you have never ever given them one penny to watch the show. Support instead of criticism
@@tamesmusic1422 You're so funny. I've been following them, especially Andrei, and loving their music since before you knew they existed.
Second, my wife is Romanian and has the same cute accent. I love it. And I'm allowed to point out those cute pronunciations, thank you very much.
My wife also enjoys my mispronunciations when I speak in Romanian, so I'm in exactly the same boat.
No need to get defensive about it.
Merry Christmas.
@@joshuaburba1048 Merry Christmas to you too 👍🏻
I play Aerosmith covers. I love this band. Your performance is just amazing. I'm impressed. Tylor in the person of a woman! Cheers!
Wow!!!!...Great ...nomore words.🎤🎤💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💐💐💐💐💐🌷🌷🌷🌷🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌💯💯💯💯💯✔✔✔✔
That was great
Marvelous power! What a voice! ROCKMINA rocks always!
I can feel rockminas passion and energy and it rocks🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🇷🇴💙💛❤️
My favourite song absolutely nailed well done
Not dream on you must go on
@ 3:37....😨😱😨😱 WTF! I say again WTF! Swear a lightning bolt struck my spine! Those power vocals pierced right though my soul! And i will be honest that is where Romina shines brighter than the sun (those pipes OMG those pipes! Drink tea LOTS & LOTS of tea - Stay away from alcohol) Rest of the chune was really good yet something was missing & i cant identify it (im also still waking up) .... and that harpsichord or whatever they fed to the left side....ugh! Something is up...its not real i know that much but that's nit picking. AMAZING JOB ROMINA! ✌😎🎸
Every time that I listen to another cover from Rockmina, I know nobody will do it better! This song is an excellent song for her voice! And her stage presence gets more intense with every performance!
Vrem live :) 🤘
What a pleasure to listen to talented young singers performing this type of masterpiece! Kudo for Andrei as well that makes all this possible!
Romina "ROCKET POWER" !!! WOW ,you young lady never disappoint ,just love it ............ peace out from USA .much respect for your works from me .please stay safe .
Un ton mai sus si era perfect.... felicitări!
Excelent Ro(k)mina.Ascult zilnic cea ce canti si reascult si iarasi reascult ...nu ma pot oprii.Esti fantastica.Melodiile devin ale tale si suna mai frumos decat originalele.Iar atunci cand esti cu Andrei totul pare ireal de cat de bine va armonizati.Felicitari......
Nice 😎🤘
Romina you really kicked but on that song! I was waiting for the high notes you did it you blew the roof off the studio! great job I’m proud of you. 👍❤️🌟🤘
Rockmina, young lady you are truly one-of-a-kind! That was was better than Steven Tyler's version!
No one's better than Steven Tyler...