Revise? by Jasmine Barnes and Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton (excerpt)

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Apollo Chamber Players presents the world premiere of Revise? by Emmy-winning composer Jasmine Barnes and Houston Poet Laureate Emeritus Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton. Excerpt from premiere at Holocaust Museum Houston in February 2024, Houston, TX.
    “Revise?” For Poetry , Choir and String Quartet explores the erasure of identity, history, and culture. We are in a current state of crisis as it pertains to erasure of African Americans in history books, literature, origins of art forms and so many other spaces, which poses the question, “How long until there’s nothing left to quiet?”
    By combining with the poetic text of Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton audiences get immersed in the revision of history. The text, that pulls from both social commentary and current events, is in conversation with the sung text further emphasizing the cost of revisionist history- asking audiences to confront who and what are truly lost along the way.
    “Revise?” begins ominously with intention to convey what erasure feels like to a marginalized minority; sneaky, conniving, numbing. Purposely dissonant and raspy with use of sul ponticello, we journey into a singular melody, which struggles to be heard over a motif meant to convey the “sound of erasure”. The more tonal pizzicato section portrays quiet strides within the black community , with influence of west African rhythms. This section holds interruptions in between phrases and key changes to show what happens in the black community when interruptions or erasure happens, we pivot, we restrategize.
    The next section with vocalists has music influenced by the concert spiritual and jazz. The vocalists act as the conscious voice of the activist and their text in stream line of questioning. “How long til there’s nothing left to quiet? How long til the truth makes itself known? Will history come to light ? Will truth make itself shine? Will you revise us away?” The next section, with poetry, draws inspiration from hip-hop. These themes are used again in similar fashion to further convey the essence of the poem, highlighting erasure, revision, and realization to empowerment.
    My goal in this piece was to create a sound world that supports the text, but also includes many influences of African American art forms. In a way, this piece is much like Black history of today, in which we discuss the topics that are being erased, to continue the presence of the past, replenishing what is erased and revised.
    Revise? was commissioned by Apollo Chamber Players for the ensemble’s Silenced Voices season. It was premiered at Holocaust Museum Houston and Unity of Houston on February 17 and 18, 2024, respectively, in collaboration with Deborah D.E.E.P. Mouton, spoken word poet, and members of Houston Ebony Opera Guild, The Phillip Hall Singers, and Houston Chamber Choir.
    Videography and audio by BEND Productions.

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