Due to audio instability in part of the video, I couldn't be 100% sure of the opinion being expressed about the relative qualities of kitchen appliances by Bosch, AEG and Zanussi. Both AEG & Zanussi are owned by the Electrolux Group. Bosch is an independent company. Personally, I prefer Bosch products. I find semi-detached new houses in UK suffer from noticeable tight squeeze in living space. The drive to have more bedrooms to push up sales prices may have led to this pitfall.
Is Barratt a reliable and reputable developer in UK property market? Is this Barratt new build property all finished and ready to move in? or just 樓花only? I am interested in Bristol and looking for a 4-bed room house.
Get agreement on principle with a bank of your choicr if you are getting mortgage Then start looking for house around your budget Get all th reports done Apply for mortgage Accept then get a lawyer and wait to contract exchange
For these houses, around £1200-1400 per month. I think you won't find many for rental as most are owned occupied. The rental yield isn't too good, not good for investment.
For boilers, Worcester and Vaillant are best, some fitters are saying Baxi is doing really well too. Bosch is pretty good I would say. We use all Bosch 😉
You need to good credit in order to get a mortgage which probably will take. A few years to build up at least 3. Maybe no rush to buy a house until you visit different parts of the UK
Yes, some ready next month and others months to come. They will be building for the next 10 years. You will probably need to use their solicitor and not use a UK mortgage.
On the ground floor, it's normally concrete. On stairs and upstairs, yes it's timber and yes, it can make noise. When replacing carpet upstairs, the floor boards can be fixed with more screws. But do expect there to be noise!
@@lifeintheuk-3455 Thank you for reply. Befote applying for building permission, you need to buy plot of land in the local authority's land for sale list. I didn't make it clear but I am interested in knowing what the demand may be in UK to build your own home.
There would normally be a timber fence, as this is a show house, they made it look bigger by not installing the fence. New development tends to have tiny gardens
你嘅意思係咪冇窗嘅廁所? 一般嚟講如果個廁所本身冇窗冇抽氣扇 暫時係冇問題因為以前冇呢啲規條, 但如果你 裝修廁所或者整一個新嘅廁所, 而家嘅法例就必須要有窗或者抽氣扇。 可以睇下以下資料: For toilets only, ‘purge ventilation’ (an opening window/door on an external wall) meeting the requirements specified in Appendix 2 of ‘Approved Document F - Ventilation’ can instead be used to provide ventilation if security is not an issue. If you are refurbishing a kitchen or bathroom, you will need to ensure that any existing extract ventilation is retained or replaced. If there is no existing ventilation system, you need not provide one (though you can if you wish). Any extract ventilation system you install should meet the requirements specified in ‘Approved Document F - Ventilation’.
唔好意思,在17:34 應該是"看了三間屋", 非四間屋。
另外由於室內燈光問題, video中會出現黑線, 敬請見諒!😊
黑線個問題妳可試試睇尼條片睇吓有冇幫助。 ruclips.net/video/SK42uys9RuQ/видео.html
多謝你呀Canaan, 還有幫你拍片的人, 應該是你的先生啦!
雖然今次的拍片有點問題, 但不會影響到我感受到你對大家無私的付出和熱心助人的心。
從你奶奶的影片已開始睇, 已想你何時會拍屋仔呢, 現在終於等到你拍新樓盤了。
你的片真的給了我很大留英的信心和幫忙, 你繼續努力拍多點關於英國生活的片, 我會繼續的支持。謝謝!
最鍾意廚房多櫃可以放野,最憎built in fridge. 你好努力呀!多謝分享😍😘
Built-in fridge 散熱已經係一個問題,想換個大啲嘅又唔得。
Thanks for your info. I am also considering Nottingham. Seems that Bristol property price is higher. Looking forward to your next video!! 8)
I am also considering Nottingham
迦嵐賢伉儷教導有方!兩個女女都能保持到廣東話!難能可貴!keep up the good work 👍👏🙏
多謝你地 你地講解既comments有好多details好有用 電器資料都好有用
第一間未裝修 但反而睇落好似好大同好夠陽光
你講得好啱, 其實面積我冇計過, 但感覺好似闊落啲, 不過價錢都貴啲😅
起碼要買4房先夠4口之家住, 可惜地方係欠缺雙門雪櫃, 花園亦縮水了
花園縮水真係好真! 所以我和我先生都 不太喜歡新樓, 星期四會有video講解 新樓同舊樓的不同。🤗
一家4口要起碼4房先夠!? 2公婆分房訓?
Pierre Li 兩子女,書房,有人中意有自己空間
謝謝Canaan, 講解好清楚。畫面有代改善☺️
是的希望下次掌握好 燈光
Due to audio instability in part of the video, I couldn't be 100% sure of the opinion being expressed about the relative qualities of kitchen appliances by Bosch, AEG and Zanussi. Both AEG & Zanussi are owned by the Electrolux Group. Bosch is an independent company. Personally, I prefer Bosch products.
I find semi-detached new houses in UK suffer from noticeable tight squeeze in living space. The drive to have more bedrooms to push up sales prices may have led to this pitfall.
Lovely presentation !
Hello! 謝謝妳影片!下次可否拍吓屋附近環境睇吓!
Great suggestion. Thank you. Will do.
獲益良多 🙏🏻
Great Canaan and family look good and big house.your husband are very good experienced new home keep up you both
Thank you! My husband is an architect, so he should really know these things lol 😅
6:48 入面用嗰個中興(ZTE) modem 係ISP 嘅? 定係發展商畀/業主自己買嘅wifi router 嚟?
New build 唔實用, 如有機會想睇下二手紅磚HOUSE, 好中意紅磚屋呀, 好可愛. 謝謝你
星期四將會比較新屋和二手樓的不同, 其實我哋有去睇過二手屋, 不過裏面通常都有人住緊, 所以將人哋屋企擺上youtube好似唔係幾好, 將會有相片睇住先!
舊屋係好有特色,花園又大,樓底又高,但我係rightmove, zoopla睇好多舊屋就算三四間房都得一個厠所,都唔知点解🤔
@@Dancerc 多謝你呀, 好中意你的分享, 每條片都有追㗎. 祝生活愉快, 英國疫情嚴重, 入屋要小心呀. 記得用手套和口罩
@@Dancerc 我對BRISTOL好有興趣, 因為天氣較暖, 希望有一日可以移居呢度. 有時間的話, 可否分析一下BRISTOL呢個地方? 邊度係好區, 邊度治安較差等等, 感謝 :)
@@mugfei 已經有啦!請看上星期二video. 😊
會唔會有屋 ground floor with shower not wc only ?改裝又得唔得?有約價錢?
Thank you for your sharing!!
想問一下,而家喺英國起嘅新屋,係咪大部分都係timber frame㗎呢?
Is Barratt a reliable and reputable developer in UK property market? Is this Barratt new build property all finished and ready to move in? or just 樓花only?
I am interested in Bristol and looking for a 4-bed room house.
I like your video it is great keep up Lady
想請教,不同發展商未必包廚櫃?係咪一定要比哂bank statement地產公司?
Get agreement on principle with a bank of your choicr if you are getting mortgage
Then start looking for house around your budget
Get all th reports done
Apply for mortgage
Accept then get a lawyer and wait to contract exchange
點解你哋唔除鞋? 就算係參觀model home, 有地毯?也應該要除鞋
請問有那一個英國網站可以找到[空置率]資料? 🙏🏻
Thank you!!
如果下次介紹睇屋時、可否介紹埋、路線圖、即是由是市中心、怎樣去呢度、或者由火車站怎樣來這裏、 如果有地鐵都介紹地鐵、怎樣到屋村、還有如果在機場怎樣去到 Bristol🙏🙏
謝謝你的意見 ,其實做呢個video嘅原意係想大家感受英國新樓係咩樣, 唔係真係去介紹每一個樓盤, 因為即使喺bristol都已經有好多唔同嘅新樓盤, 加上啲樓盤賣得好快。
如果你想知道 在英國機場點樣去bristol, 或者其他關於城市內嘅交通工具, 可以參考另一個講關於交通嘅video。🤗
由機場去Bristol 、最方便應該是由倫敦機場坐長途巴士(national express coach) 直接到達Bristol 城市中心、車程約兩個半小時。
@@ALFINGERBOARDS 真的很多謝你 。 祝您平安、健康 🙏🙏
Hello Canaan, 因疫情去吾到英國睇片都開心😃想問吓15:39 3房 發展商包吾包屋內LVT地板/房間衣櫃/厠所地板/廁所磚/廚房櫃是否包白色櫃和廚房電器? 上兩星期我電郵去問冇回覆😞可以幫我嗎🙏🏻
全部都唔包😅, 全部要加錢。。。
最低層次的廚房會包廚房櫃,但唔包appliances 。 一般廁所磁磚包一半, 不過最好都係問清楚。
Canaan K 如果包白色廚櫃4.19我都可以接受,但吾包廚房電器的話,是否會留左個窿?自己易吾易買返合適尺寸fit返個窿🤔Canaan如果你會唔會upgrade呀😅Barrat是否包alarm?待回覆🙇🏻♀️🙏🏻thank you
多謝哂你既分享啊 🙏🏻 如果差不多類型既,租又幾錢呢?😅
For these houses, around £1200-1400 per month. I think you won't find many for rental as most are owned occupied. The rental yield isn't too good, not good for investment.
點解入去有地毯嘅屋 唔洗除鞋參觀嘰🤔?!😅
Is there an attached garage?
Some, depends on the plot.
like this chapter also .... is there only House for selling, no apartment?
of course there is~ both new and second hand~
rightmove or Zoopla can search for it , new apartment
如果係香港,尼啲係豪宅式生活。但價錢就貴一百倍囉。不過冇咗工人,打掃執屋做死人。賓妹話:Mum/Sir,你都有今日啦!! 希望你搵嘅Salary同我差唔多啦。😂
thx for sharing the video.
Hello Canaan, 想請教你Crest Nicholson Chiltern這發展商ok嗎? 我們在第二區也考慮緊The Pavel 這種屋型, 請問有甚麼需要特別注意?
I think they are ok, quality can vary a bit depending on sites. The house type really depends on your needs. Hard to say.
@@Dancerc Thank you for your reply
the first one is near UWE and the rest are in patchway
@@Dancerc thank you so much, you are very nice😘
多謝介紹不同房屋 想問介紹個幾間樓已包車位?或泊係屋外街邊?
全部都有車位 亦有一個車房
5分幾鐘個抽油煙機係垃圾,同埋廚房有冇 smoke detector?
Yes, building regulations stipulates a smoke detector.
Closet design lacks shelves and.drawers. Toilet design lacks storage also. How come UK houses never improve?
多謝介紹, 睇樓好開心♡
請問英國買 Boiler 邊個牌子比較推薦?
如果買電器, Bosch 是否已叫ok? 有沒有更推薦? thx so much
For boilers, Worcester and Vaillant are best, some fitters are saying Baxi is doing really well too. Bosch is pretty good I would say. We use all Bosch 😉
@@Dancerc thx so much ♡
你好呀,我想問吓有冇人買呢啲兩房三房嘅半獨立屋租比人㗎 ?我見好多人都買舊嘅牌屋或者半獨立屋租比人,舊嘅屋其實價錢都唔平,咁不如買間新嘅租比人,請問有咩意見?
亦有一層式既council house政府屋,專比60定65以上人住,
你自已上rightmove 或
Zoopla 尋找一吓。
Please check out today's video about getting a mortgage here in the UK. :)
You need to good credit in order to get a mortgage which probably will take. A few years to build up at least 3.
Maybe no rush to buy a house until you visit different parts of the UK
Hi Canaan, 第一個樓盤是否就在UWE斜對面附近?因我對這附近的新樓盤好有興趣,請問這個盤的落成時間要多久?如果要隔山買牛嘅話,這個發展商是否亦係要用佢哋提供嘅律師同埋要full pay?謝謝你的介紹👍👍☺️
Yes, some ready next month and others months to come. They will be building for the next 10 years. You will probably need to use their solicitor and not use a UK mortgage.
等你好耐喇canaan,你早就要咁做啦, 不過唔好意思同你講,因為你講到哩嗰地區幾好,我都好想睇下你地果度嘅樓宇
Welcome welcome!🤣
On the ground floor, it's normally concrete. On stairs and upstairs, yes it's timber and yes, it can make noise. When replacing carpet upstairs, the floor boards can be fixed with more screws. But do expect there to be noise!
thank you
第二間嘅閣樓好靚呀🤤 睇樓好開心,可惜冇$$ ! Great video !
Me too!! Haha
係呀我先生真係對電器嘅牌子幾有心得嘅😅 下次同大家介紹下!
@@clarenee 你講得好啱 每個牌子唔同電器可能都有唔同嘅 quality, 唔應該一概而論👍
@@Dancerc 之後間屋用Zanussi(金章)嘅雪櫃,睇嚟Barratt應該所有project都用Electrolux Group嘅電器
英國有冇Miele? 😍
I am building a new house in one of the EU countries. I wonder what the situation in build-your-own new house within UK is like. Any idea?
Apply to the local council
@@lifeintheuk-3455 Thank you for reply. Befote applying for building permission, you need to buy plot of land in the local authority's land for sale list.
I didn't make it clear but I am interested in knowing what the demand may be in UK to build your own home.
想請教,買新樓需唔需要做Home Survey? 上網留意到有種Snagging report, 新買家係咪都要做齊兩種report? 謝謝你。
Many new home buyers won't do any reports, I guess you just need the snagging report if you wish
今次呢條片, 除咗睇到唔同類型嘅新屋, 仲得到你先生介紹唔同牌子的等級,可否邀請你先生 拍一條片講解電器😄 還有 ,既然你先生喺Architect ,可否介紹下 收樓要注意嘅地方,點樣驗收間屋, 因為英國 多數係house,香港 係flat, 可能驗樓會有唔同,所以想知多啲 ,謝謝你🙏
Will do!
There will be fences for sure 😊
@@Dancerc 所以畫面見到既花園部分已經係屬於自己屋?咁花園都好大wor😍
@@cherrymilk8078 唔好意思可能 我 唔解咗, 影片中嘅花園 係 未加fence, 佢會 喺花園中間價一個, 著返軟分開兩半。
@@Dancerc 咁我明白了,thx a lot!
Fence 可能要自己负责,合约没写的一般不会有,英国人多喜欢DIY,希望自己选择。
Semi-detached house 如果隔離好嘈會唔會聼到?Thanks !
Canaan K 🙏
謝謝、期待下一緝「新屋和二手樓」,請問在英國買樓首期要比幾多% 、 之後月供、年期幾長。
如果你有居英權, 新樓嘅首期最低可以5%, 銀行通常可以借你的年薪的4至5倍。
Canaan K 謝謝🙏🏻
英國法治完善, 有一班世界超級富豪, 包括何生, 劉生, 周生等也有不少物業在英國, 給孩子留學之用, 但當然不是你們的 Man, Liver, apartment是London SW, 大學區最貴地段
CANAAN妳介紹的這些屋是翻新的? 距離BRISTOL市中心大約幾多分鐘車程? 附近有沒有交通配套例如火車? 附近有沒有超市?便利店?酒樓?餐廳?
這些屋都是新建的, 距離市中心大概20分鐘左右, 附近有巴士和火車, 附近亦有超市餐廳等,不過如果步行,可能需要多少少時間
@@Dancerc 直接由這些屋苑乘巴士到達市中心,再轉乘火車到倫敦或其他幫市?
@@lamdennis9904 如果係到倫敦或者其他城市, 未必一定要經過市中心的temple meads火車站, bristol parkway 係一個大火車站,有火車到其他城市。 而呢三個新樓盤都比較接近parkway火車站
@@Dancerc THX
指明唔耍地氈或upgrade 換地板得唔得架?
你可以自己揀要地氈或者要地板, 發展商嘅經紀會話畀你聽需要加幾多錢
@@Dancerc 🙏唔該哂靚女
Canaan, 你好 ! 請問這些屋苑, 近 Bristrol University嗎 ? 或有甚麽交通工具, Thank you
They are not very close to Bristol University. There are buses and trains nearby.
Canaan K 請問在哪區?
Thanks for sharing 🙏🙏👍👍👍👍
thanks Canaan,u let us know more about Bristol and surrounding cities!!
Hello迦南媽媽,多謝你花時間介紹,想問下花園係點同隔黎屋 share呀?中間唔見有圍欄間開既?
There would normally be a timber fence, as this is a show house, they made it look bigger by not installing the fence. New development tends to have tiny gardens
想問是否通常一定要包interior design,會不會買吉屋自行再裝修?謝謝妳^^
兩樣都可以, 只要加錢, 發展商亦可以做裝修。 所以一定要問清楚發展商包啲乜嘢!
Nice house, 😚
請問 英國屋廁所磚塊是一半? 唔會上到頂, 容易濕和變黑。
有啲人都會上到頂, 不過發展商為咗慳錢慳時間,一般只會鋪一半, 想要鋪到頂可以加錢
many thanks 😊 🙏
Video中的三間屋價錢都不一樣, 再介紹每一間屋的最後我都有提到佢嘅價錢。😊
Canaan K 多謝回覆,我再聽多幾次,可能我miss咗🙏
請問妳開頭説的廿幾年壽命是甚麽意思?即每廿幾年間屋的結構就有問題?要大裝修?在英國所有屋都是這樣的嗎?Tks ~
@@Dancerc 即是香港人嘅(批燙)!
我哋呢個禮拜四會有video講解新樓同二手樓的不同, 或者可以幫你分析 並了解多一些 。
Canaan K 一定會留意,thank you 🙏
Barrett 那間要多少錢?
可以參考下video description 嘅網址😊
你嘅意思係咪冇窗嘅廁所? 一般嚟講如果個廁所本身冇窗冇抽氣扇 暫時係冇問題因為以前冇呢啲規條, 但如果你 裝修廁所或者整一個新嘅廁所, 而家嘅法例就必須要有窗或者抽氣扇。 可以睇下以下資料:
For toilets only, ‘purge ventilation’ (an opening window/door on an external wall) meeting the requirements specified in Appendix 2 of ‘Approved Document F - Ventilation’ can instead be used to provide ventilation if security is not an issue.
If you are refurbishing a kitchen or bathroom, you will need to ensure that any existing extract ventilation is retained or replaced. If there is no existing ventilation system, you need not provide one (though you can if you wish).
Any extract ventilation system you install should meet the requirements specified in ‘Approved Document F - Ventilation’.
@@Dancerc Yes,我的意思是厠所冇窗冇抽氣扇。但舊式設計會否不通風,容易焗住臭味?
@@kwokchoisim 確實有機會這樣
@@Dancerc Thank you!😃
如果冇英國 住地址
可以用 B&B 地址
伸請 那一銀行 戶口 最快 完成?
某些銀行可以, 我知道 Lloyds Bank 有些職員比較寬鬆