Alexander Vilenkin - Do Multiple Universes Surely Exist?

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024

Комментарии • 222

  • @handhikaramadhan
    @handhikaramadhan 2 года назад +1

    I remember being his student, and he often wore this very t-shirt while teaching or doing research in campus. Such a humble yet bright cosmologist. I was honored to ever be Prof. Vilenkin's student at Tufts.

  • @eckosprings5453
    @eckosprings5453 2 года назад +8

    I, as a small child, lived in an abusive environment and escaped by spending my days imagining there were bubbles of universes around us all the time all moving around each other but never touching & imagining there was another me in them all that was safe. Sometimes i remember thinking i saw them out of the corner of my eye or felt i could almost touch them. It was all so very real to me, and the idea of multiple universes has never truly left me. My childlike visions of them were not based in logic or science, but they have kept my mind open to the scientific possibility of such things.

    • @Bassotronics
      @Bassotronics 2 года назад


    • @redacted428
      @redacted428 2 года назад

      Keep living in your childish fantasy world.

    • @jason4453
      @jason4453 Год назад

      Imagine this, you die then live as yourself in a parallel universe? Kinda like groundhog life so you can marry different girls and have different kids, become a musician visit different places ect...? So in the next universe your not even born yet? Because God likes storys? In another universe you might win the lottery every week and never think it's odd, or in one universe every time a coin is flipped it lands on heads, except that one time it landed on tails?you die then live as yourself in a parallel universe? Kinda like groundhog life so you can marry different girls and have different kids, become a musician visit different places ect...? So in the next universe your not even born yet? Because God likes storys? In another universe you might win the lottery every week and never think it's odd, or in one universe every time a coin is flipped it lands on heads, except that one time it landed on tails?
      Everything exists or nothing exists. Imagine things that could have existed and don't. Or things that do exist that shouldn't?

  • @berczigabor
    @berczigabor 2 года назад +14

    Going by his intonation and pace of talk, Vilenkin could very well be the long lost half brother of Christopher Walken

    • @AlBeebe
      @AlBeebe 2 года назад


    • @skimtvns8486
      @skimtvns8486 2 года назад +4

      anyone like christophen walken? Watch True romance

    • @MuzixMaker
      @MuzixMaker 2 года назад +3

      Multiple universes are great, but I gotta have more cowbell, baby!

    • @bozo5632
      @bozo5632 2 года назад +2

      Can't unhear it.

    • @majicboxstudios3996
      @majicboxstudios3996 2 года назад


  • @giorgirazmadze5102
    @giorgirazmadze5102 2 года назад +19

    Cosmology has gotten even more metaphisical than metaphisics ☺️

  • @dieresis9
    @dieresis9 2 года назад +5

    I wonder how the “death” of one bubble affects the whole of the ever growing multiverse.

    • @grijzekijker
      @grijzekijker 2 года назад

      Right now we are only messing with the athmosphere of planet earth and flinging out some scrap metal in the Milky Way. How could you possibly conceive destroying our universe to create more inflating space for another?? 🤩

    • @spacesciencelab
      @spacesciencelab 2 года назад

      given how ridiculously many there are i think it would be an insignificant effect.

  • @der_kleine_Toni
    @der_kleine_Toni 2 года назад +2

    one world is enough for all of us

  • @Kostly
    @Kostly 2 года назад +1

    fun to think about. Is it of any use? Probably not.

  • @longcastle4863
    @longcastle4863 2 года назад +2

    So are we saying Inflation is akin to a perpetual energy machine? If it goes on endlessly into eternity?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад +1

    What ends inflation for universe to start?

    • @jason4453
      @jason4453 Год назад

      A crunch or supernova black dwarves exploding?

  • @flybennu
    @flybennu 2 года назад +1

    If there are multiple universes, then what do you call the implied space that hosts them?

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад +1

    What could the physical landscape of a universe?

  • @sekouconstant5207
    @sekouconstant5207 2 года назад

    I am convinced of the existence of multiverses because our universe is part of the Interactive Infinite System (IIC). The bigbang is the result of the collapse of a supermassive black hole and it is a common mechanism in the SII.

  • @MrSanford65
    @MrSanford65 2 года назад +1

    Perhaps the purpose of the law prohibiting going faster than the speed of light is to prevent different universes from coming in contact with each other. Perhaps such as separating this life from the afterlife

    • @topguntk870
      @topguntk870 2 года назад

      I love comments like this that make you go "damn". You could be correct there could be a undiscovered law of physics or even a sentient force that prevents this. also the extreme distances don't help.

    • @jedi4049
      @jedi4049 2 года назад


    • @anderslarsen4412
      @anderslarsen4412 2 года назад


  • @robhernandez7322
    @robhernandez7322 2 года назад +2

    I must be expanding my own understanding of multiverses, according to theoretics, and I know this because some of the questions asked, I can answer now on my own and they match up with these more enlightened individuals, it’s nice to think I have some grasp of what a theoretical multiverse may or may not be.

    • @redacted428
      @redacted428 2 года назад

      If you or anybody else here thinks they have a grasp on the absurd notion of a patently unobservable multiverse, remember the words of physicist Richard Feynman who said "anybody who claims to understand quantum physics is either lying or crazy."

  • @alwaysnaked7642
    @alwaysnaked7642 2 года назад

    Surely they do.
    But, everything looks great on paper. Most of all the great questions have been asked. . And the answers eagerly await us in the vastness of the Universe we live in now. With hopes of opening "Doorways or Pathways" into other Universes or dimensions not only in ours but there's as well. What type of equipment and energy levels would it take to do such a thing. What would happen if we actually proved the existence of such things. Would all of us be able to afford it, like some sort of trip on vacation. The dream that once was, now is and what could be, was long ago but a stepping stone to our future. A prospective view from Universe 5,678,324,987,125,673,996,562,314,079,063,048,031,026,018,011,005,001.

    • @kos-mos1127
      @kos-mos1127 2 года назад +1

      Science does not prove things they find evidence for things. The evidence for inflation is the observations that the universe is the same temperature everywhere and the patterns found above in the CMDB. Did inflation really happen that cannot be proven but evidence makes it more likely of to occurred.

  • @J.M_Sterken
    @J.M_Sterken 2 года назад

    Also nope.
    It's all just 1 thing devided by infinity.
    Because infinity is within the calculation of all in the universe. 1÷inf.=E
    That means that 1 is infinite big.
    That devided by what is big and small.
    It becomes multiple because we put a name on levels of the things we describe of how big or small they are.
    So one whole thing devided by infinite smaller sizes of what we describe.💎

  • @kraxmalism
    @kraxmalism 2 года назад +3

    Vilenkin is awesome. read his books instead of watching short clips

    • @jamesbentonticer4706
      @jamesbentonticer4706 2 года назад +1

      Yeah his book 'Many Worlds in One' is a really good one.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 года назад +1

      It's all humanist BS. Inflation was proposed because the data showed uniformity in the expansion of the universe the distribution of the matter & energy in the so called "big bang." They conveniently made up processes during the inflationary period to match the expanding Universe data ... including inflationary bubbles.
      The Laws of Thermodynamics & the expanding Universe data shows the Universe is a FINITE Isolated Thermodynamic System ... that began & is expanding in ... an INFITE Unnatural System which must provide the matter, energy, space, time, and laws of Nature of that the NATURAL Universe.
      All Nature Freaks are avoid the Two System Model and especially the existence of an UNNATURAL System, which will have UNNATURAL laws, and its own Intelligence. They are ignoring anything that supports God creating the Universe.
      Rules, laws, properties ... purpose, role, duty, ... data, information, knowledge .... thoughts, ideas, reasoning, beliefs .... are all ABSRACT constructs made by an intelligence to be used by an intelligence.
      Anything that has INFORMATION that can be used by an intelligence .... was made by an intelligence.
      Everything in the Universe has a purpose, rules, properties and INFORMATION.
      You have been brainwashed to believe complete BS. Again. Thoughts, beliefs, theories and data, information & knowledge are ABSTRACT constructs from an intelligence for an intelligence.
      The Universe was UNNATURALLY made by an intelligence.

    • @akkad-bakkad
      @akkad-bakkad 2 года назад

      @@abelincoln8885 exactly just to evade question about fine tuning of universe they create this multiverse theory otherwise fine-tuning is so jaw dropping that one cannot reject the Creator !

    • @futile-evenings
      @futile-evenings 2 года назад

      @@abelincoln8885 on the money there. We still have so much to explore on our own planet let alone solar system but they want to dogmatically assert about multi Verse. They will advise everyone who questions as being unscientific while being unscientific all the while evoking multiple universes, everything out of nothing, infinite or cyclical universes, abiogenesis and the list goes on.

    • @abelincoln8885
      @abelincoln8885 2 года назад

      @@akkad-bakkad FT is simply the PHYSICAL symptom or existence.
      But it is ABSTRACT constructs from an intelligence that will result in our physical existence and the FT symptoms.
      Everything in the Universe has INFORMATION from an intelligence, for an intelligence to use. FT is only possible due to everything involved with the phenomena having ABSTRACT constructs from an intelligence, for an intelligence to extract data, information & knowledge to conclude that any natural phenomena requires specific matter, energy, space, time & laws of physics to exist & to .... FUNCTION.
      The Human Body is clearly a biological machine or physical Function ... entirely composed of machines or physical functions.
      Nature & natural processes over any period of time ... will NEVER make a simple machine like a wheel, hammer, nail, screw, driver, nut, bolt spring, wedge nor make it function. We knew this fact about machines 300 years ago ... when Sir Issac Newton said the Universe( & Life) are like a Watch, with precisely made parts, and requires a Watchmaker to exist & to function. This was simply an OBSERVATION of a natural phenomena. The Analogy itself is not the proof of God. The proof is the confirmed Hypothesis that scientifically explains the phenomena. The Universe & Life ... are Functions, composed entirely of functions, and requires specific matter, energy, space, time, Laws of physics and INFORMATION to exist & to function.
      Everything makes sense ... when everything is an abstract ( time, space, laws of nature) or physical(matter, energy) FUNCTION.
      Fine tuning makes sense when everything is a Function.
      Saying the Human Body is like a machine makes sense when everything is a function.
      Everything in the Universe has a purpose or rules, process inputs into outputs ... and has information for an intelligence to use.
      An Intelligence ... made a Universe of information .... for an intelligence.
      This debate is over with the fact that anything with a purpose, rules, and useful information MUST be made by an intelligence.

  • @stopclockapp
    @stopclockapp 2 года назад +4

    Is it possible that "Bubble" universes are similar to cell division in biology? Are exact copies/clones of universes being generated? If so, would that mean exact copies of our universe and us exist?

    • @jareknowak8712
      @jareknowak8712 2 года назад +1

      Yes, there is such possibility.

    • @spacesciencelab
      @spacesciencelab 2 года назад

      I like it. It could be a possibility. It could be a possibility because of the self-similar fractal nature of things. I do like to ponder that there are copies of us in different universes. Sometimes I think dreams are that. It is all very strange. It could range from just a different colour t shirt or flying around like iron man. It makes me wonder that since there could be an unlimited number of universes then it brings up the chances of deities existing.

    • @stopclockapp
      @stopclockapp 2 года назад

      @@spacesciencelab We think alike @Space Ponder! I think art and imagination are how we understand and connect to those infinite copies of ourselves since we can't reach them due to the Laws of Physics preventing direct interaction. For example, if I channel surf, I can see 10 different Tom Hanks films. But each character(or copy) Mr.Hanks is playing is completely unaware of the other on different channels, yet "Prime" Tom Hanks can view each of his copies from the comfort of his sofa. That makes me think: Am I communicating with Prime@Space Ponder, or the copy?

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад

      Einstein and his colleagues of his era made theories that were scientifically observed and tested, unlike those "media scientist" today, that propose speculations and theories that are more akin to science fiction than reality

  • @ailtonyan1366
    @ailtonyan1366 2 года назад

    For those who dont know inside a Black Holes exist an universe that are contracting instead of expanding . Black Holes are Involution Design. Here where we live are Evolution Design. Theo diferente is in Involution Design the most Simple Organism are the Superior and the more Complex Organism are the Inferior. Here where we live is the oposite

  • @imperatorlightoneous1382
    @imperatorlightoneous1382 2 года назад

    Thank you for sharing this amazing content

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад +2

    How does inflation keep expanding exponentially, not running out of energy?

    • @longcastle4863
      @longcastle4863 2 года назад

      Yes, it sounds like a perpetual energy machine

  • @hugodesrosiers-plaisance3156
    @hugodesrosiers-plaisance3156 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for giving a spotlight to those amazing Human Beings that ponder the deepest questions. Mr Vilenkin is fascinating to listen to. Maybe you can meet him again?

  • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
    @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 года назад +8

    (3:00) *RLK: **_"How many are there? How do you even put a number on it?"_* ... "Multiple Universes" is a self-conflicting term. "Uni" is integral to the word "universe" for a reason! This is what happens when physicists get frustrated with undefinable phenomenon (like Big Bang's "singularity" or "nothingness") while still wanting to keep moving forward. Just redefine everything (and "nothing") until everything makes sense!
    After enough *_redefining_* has taken place, you'll probably end up with a metaphysical being running the show.

    • @kingsman428
      @kingsman428 2 года назад +3

      Err No

    • @bewl2641
      @bewl2641 2 года назад +1

      So we have locked up the future discovery of new physics because of how a word was coined hundreds of years ago? Science is all about redefining, or there would be no study of it at all.

    • @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC
      @0-by-1_Publishing_LLC 2 года назад +1

      ​@@bewl2641 *"So we have locked up the future discovery of new physics because of how a word was coined hundreds of years ago?"*
      ... No, science simply needs to come up with *new words* that match up with their findings and leave existing words alone. *Example:* If "Universe" is the catch-all word for _"everything that exists,"_ then call these multiple X-verses something else. We don't redefine "nothing" to be a bunch of "somethings." We also don't redefine "one" to mean "two or more" and we don't redefine "Uni" to mean "Many."
      *"Science is all about redefining, or there would be no study of it at all."*
      ... Science is not about "redefining." Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. ... Science can do all of that without rewriting a dictionary.

  • @suesimmons926
    @suesimmons926 2 года назад +1

    In the middle of the 20th century Fred Hoyle made a serious estimate of the minimum expected time for complex life to evolve from scratch. His extremely conservative estimate was way beyond a trillion times a trillion years. So he took the observed existence of complex life as reasonable evidence for a universe of infinite extent in time. To reconcile this with the observed red shift expansion required him to posit a process of ongoing creation to fill in the expanding regions of emptiness. Compliance with global conservation of matter/energy was summarized simply by the equation infinity plus infinity is still only infinity. Though Sir Fred was a highly respected scientist, his steady state expansion cosmology was considered somewhat kooky, and it quickly lost traction as evidence seemed to lean more and more towards the (equally kooky) big bang theory. Of course, now we see how the big bang theory itself is leading us back (via inflation) to a multiverse theory reminiscent of two kooky theories from the 1960's ... the "many worlds" of John Archibald Wheeler's student Hugh Everett, III, as well as Hoyle's infinite steady state expansion already alluded to.
    To consider the "Hubble Bubble" big bang to be the sum total of reality is no more tenable than for a bug on a recently cooled volcanic island to believe that island to be the source of all life.

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад

    Does inflation energy limit multiple universes to energy fluctuations of slight variation to that inflation energy, similar to density fluctuations that generate galaxies from cosmic microwave background are within a very small range of homogeneity?

  • @gkelly34
    @gkelly34 2 года назад +6

    This is a ridiculous theory. I don’t get why it’s given so much weight. Nothing is predictable. Theorists need to work with what is testable.

    • @sully9836
      @sully9836 2 года назад

      Go sleep ya don't know crap

    • @randykuhns4515
      @randykuhns4515 2 года назад +1

      @@sully9836 Judging from your reply you definitely know lees than that,..

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 2 года назад

    Can inflation look like rapid expansion inside universe, while steady and homogenous outside universe?

  • @krishnatanniru7883
    @krishnatanniru7883 2 года назад

    What’s really the point of all this ? Our own universe is SO incomprehensibly VAST in what way is the speculation that there are other universes out there help in the understanding of “our universe” ?

  • @jaden26
    @jaden26 2 года назад +2

    The word universe itself means... That which includes everything. Now everything totals to 1 only.
    Everything will also include 'the multiple universes'.. Again naming it as Universe only:)... Which is one!

    • @johnyharris
      @johnyharris 2 года назад +1

      We may have given it that word a bit prematurely then.

    • @jaden26
      @jaden26 2 года назад

      @@johnyharris Maybe... But whole is 1,whtvr name v gv

    • @maxwellsimoes238
      @maxwellsimoes238 2 года назад

      Rubbish gibberish speculation. Are YOU reality living in World?

    • @jaden26
      @jaden26 2 года назад

      @@maxwellsimoes238 ur comment seems perfect for the topic of the vdo... Cuz it's very common-sensical😂

    • @brydonjesse
      @brydonjesse 2 года назад

      the kybalion

  • @kallianpublico7517
    @kallianpublico7517 2 года назад

    Multiple universes and pocket universes? Outside the universe and within the universe? Why not everywhere? Is it because of time? There are universes everywhere but not all at the same time? Or are there universes at every instant of time, just not all in the same place?

  • @mustafaelbahi8416
    @mustafaelbahi8416 2 года назад +1

    i can't expect seeing in darkness of multiples illusions so i prefer to stay in our universe instead of jumping to the ignorance. if i believe without evidence then that a good reason to run way from me.

    • @akkad-bakkad
      @akkad-bakkad 2 года назад

      they want to reject creator by any means that's why creating these theories.

    • @anderslarsen4412
      @anderslarsen4412 2 года назад

      @@akkad-bakkad you want to hold on to your belief in a creator by any means. That is why you refuse to entertain other theories.

  • @jeanmuller1000
    @jeanmuller1000 2 года назад +1

    Seven minutes of pure knowledge !!

  • @KaliFissure
    @KaliFissure 2 года назад

    If we substitute the QM charge variation for spatial density variation we have a fluidic universe which has no need of probabilities because a low pressure region CAN SIMULTANEOUSLY occupy an entire spherical shell which is constantly increasing in size by the speed of light. A photon. The photon IS THE ENTIRE PROBABILITY SHELL but when we burst the bubble which is the photon by giving it a resonant chamber to fall into we have confined it to space of an electron orbital. The wave collapse.
    we live in a very physical material universe which follows very physical laws of thermodynamics.
    neutron decay cosmology. inevitable?

  • @markospeck8449
    @markospeck8449 2 года назад

    Alexander, great short to the point episode of Closer to Truth. Are most of the bubbles CU? computation universal, or universal computers --this as per Wolfram (and Turing) ? Is there a bias in the bubbles that favors the wannabe CU ones?

  • @RakeshKumar-pc8hn
    @RakeshKumar-pc8hn 2 года назад

    Why bubbles or multiverse are not colliding, what they waiting for

  • @Soulartist13
    @Soulartist13 2 года назад

    Fascinating … infinity is a concept, not a number.

  • @jamesbentonticer4706
    @jamesbentonticer4706 2 года назад +8

    The cosmos is probably as rich and grand as possible, so multiple universes makes more sense than ONE universe.

    • @mugsofmirth8101
      @mugsofmirth8101 2 года назад +2


    • @anderslarsen4412
      @anderslarsen4412 2 года назад

      @@mugsofmirth8101 You sound like the people that used to believe there could only be one star (our Sun), or those who believed in only one planet (Earth), and then in only one galaxy.
      Every time these people were proved wrong.
      As I suspect the people who think like you will also be.
      Why would this be the only universe? Why would something that can happen, only happen once?

    • @mugsofmirth8101
      @mugsofmirth8101 2 года назад +1

      @@anderslarsen4412 nice strawman attempt. There's no evidence for a multiverse, period.

    • @wkb81
      @wkb81 2 года назад

      @@mugsofmirth8101 if we had evolved several billions years later we would not see any other galaxy in our universe other than milky way. Then there would not be any evidence about the existence of other galaxies other than mathematical reasoning.

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад

      was the universe created in the big bang?....multiverse would mean, many big bangs?, or this bubbles he is saying came from one big bang, then if that is the case there is still one universe.

  • @johnzientek735
    @johnzientek735 2 года назад

    What exist is a hologram of infinite possibilities and you can use your free will to navigate that hologram. In my opinion

  • @infiniteuniverse123
    @infiniteuniverse123 2 года назад +1

    How can other universes exist when science doesn't even understand the one we live in?

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      They don’t exist or at least we have zero proof that there are any. He just said that the one universe we know of is bigger than what we thought. Not sure how that turned to be done kind of a proof for multi universes, your guess is as good as mine. The bubbles he was talking about are also from the same universe we know.

    • @drsatan7554
      @drsatan7554 2 года назад

      I don't understand the earth, how can there be other planets...
      That's you, that's your logic

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      @@drsatan7554 nope sorry to say but your analogy is terrible. We see billions of planets. We have many proofs that confirm the existence of other planets. We know exactly how other planets come into existence. We know how they behave. All the physics we know works perfectly on planets.
      On the other hand, We’ve never seen any other universes. We don’t know how a universe comes into existence. We don’t know the physics for it. We literally have zero proofs of other universes. It’s a theory of pure imagination. We don’t even know what our universe actually look like! What logic are you talking about?

  • @spacesciencelab
    @spacesciencelab 2 года назад

    ahhhhhhhh exponential hurts my head soooo many quite terrifying tbh

  • @g.sakhijaan1051
    @g.sakhijaan1051 2 года назад +1

    There is NO rational mathemtical reason , why they should not !

  • @spacesciencelab
    @spacesciencelab 2 года назад

    It could be a possibility because of the self-similar fractal nature of things. I do like to ponder that there are copies of us in different universes. Sometimes I think dreams are that. It is all very strange. It could range from just a different colour t shirt or flying around like iron man. It makes me wonder that since there could be an unlimited number of universes then it brings up the chances of deities existing. Yes, there is a limited number of ways matter can form but it is still massive even when it is just limited. In my view, anything that can happen will happen in a multiverse.

    • @admadwgf60
      @admadwgf60 2 года назад

      I agree about dreams being a possible different universe; in the dream it’s my house but it doesn’t look like my current house, or it’s my wife but she doesn’t look like my wife.

  • @BernardS4
    @BernardS4 2 года назад

    -uni- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "one..Is the creation of new universes the creation of more ones (1)

    • @jareknowak8712
      @jareknowak8712 2 года назад

      It doesnt matter in the slightest.
      This is just the name we have derived from our ancient, poor, knowledge.

    • @silentlou4375
      @silentlou4375 2 года назад

      Smartphone comes from English, where it has the meaning “phone that is smart”. But my phone yesterday guided me to a sewage treatment plant after I asked for directions to Walmart. I demand everyone immediately stop using these so called “smartphones” until the name is changed.

  • @imabeast7397
    @imabeast7397 2 года назад +2

    There's only 1 universe

  • @afarro
    @afarro 2 года назад

    Inflation is a hot topic now

  • @Jaggerbush
    @Jaggerbush 2 года назад

    Dude is 💯 serious

  • @horationelson57
    @horationelson57 2 года назад

    Surely, for those who've had too much to drink, of course, billions of parallel universes exist

  • @dondattaford5593
    @dondattaford5593 2 года назад

    Multiple universes basically do away with time I have said it before there's no such thing as time we live and operate in the now only

  • @thomasridley8675
    @thomasridley8675 2 года назад

    The multiverse would mean that our existence was just the one experiment that had the right conditions. Making our universes existence just an accident of possibilities.

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад

      Multiple universe is just to explain away why the Laws of nature are ordered. - other universes are chaos and disordered.
      Einstein - He was clearly awed by the laws of physics and grateful that they were mathematically decipherable.
      “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” he said. “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”

    • @thomasridley8675
      @thomasridley8675 2 года назад

      Well if it wasn't the way it is. We probably wouldn't be here too ponder that question.

  • @haroonaverroes6537
    @haroonaverroes6537 2 года назад +2

    they think that mathematics will turn their childish imagination into reality ! they can build mathematical representation for their ........ but that will never turn their .... into something valuable.

  • @joshweigel1131
    @joshweigel1131 2 года назад

    one universe is starting to sound like the geocentric model x_x

  • @espabilastopkillingthenatu3242
    @espabilastopkillingthenatu3242 2 года назад

    eternal,infinite,Universal movements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

  • @peacekeeper9840
    @peacekeeper9840 2 года назад

    So if there exists a multiverse. That means our bubble ( universe ) should be finite.

  • @blackbearbear9313
    @blackbearbear9313 2 года назад

    Only God knows if wants to share it well be his sharing gift to you

  • @wagfinpis
    @wagfinpis 2 года назад +1

    that's far out, man.

    • @Kostly
      @Kostly 2 года назад +2


  • @theequaliser8026
    @theequaliser8026 2 года назад

    If they do I’ve picked a bad one it’s nothing but bad news

  • @haroonaverroes6537
    @haroonaverroes6537 2 года назад

    they think that former real scientists came with their theories by chance! they were good scientists because they had good logic so mathematics has meaning with their logic.
    they think that real scientists come into existence by chance and just imitating them is enough !

  • @tharmessantos9036
    @tharmessantos9036 2 года назад

    People that believe this non sense must be nuts. Like napoleon said, people will say (and believe) anything as long as is not in the bible.

  • @jeffmagic32
    @jeffmagic32 2 года назад

    I'm not sure this untestable speculation qualifies as science.

  • @eltonron1558
    @eltonron1558 2 года назад

    There is confusion. I guess it's mine. We see the cosmos, expanding in space,(universe?). Maybe one universe, and multi cosmos? The science of water, and miracles that have occurred in the universe?is sufficient for my belief in God, bang or no, multiverse, or no.

    • @anderslarsen4412
      @anderslarsen4412 2 года назад

      Some children born with incurable cancer.
      What does that say about God, if he exists?

    • @eltonron1558
      @eltonron1558 2 года назад

      @@anderslarsen4412 It says, that not enough have been born to fulfill his plan, and that the sinless, recieve sainthood, while the rest of us, have to endure mortal lives, with the horrors of atheism, disease, and natural disasters, to teach humanity it can't live without him, and his royal law.

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 2 года назад +3

    To forget this theory we need to (unfortunately) wait that everyone who touted it will "retire". Because a scientist will never admit to have lost time on a "good for Marvel movies" theory. Too much ego at stake.

    • @jareknowak8712
      @jareknowak8712 2 года назад +1

      I think Scientists are a slightly different type of people.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 2 года назад +1

      @@jareknowak8712 i think the word "scientist" should not even be used ... science is a method. who use it can be an idiot or a genius (or even a genius-idiot). Also as everything it can be use in a bad or good way.

  • @treasurepoem
    @treasurepoem 2 года назад

    3:13 The bubble universes would eventually collide with the many other ones crowded around them. Even if there was a multiverse, which I DON'T believe, God STILL would be the creator, it doesn't do away with God. God created time, space and matter, He said so in the first line of the bible. Also, God said about 2,000 years ago that His creation had a beginning which man finally discovered on his own in the 60s and yet some people make fun of the bible being ancient and fictional.
    The problem with those who think that they're too intelligent to believe in the bible don't realize just how limited the human mind is. I mean think about an ant who has a brain ten times bigger than any other ant, do you think that it will then be able to comprehend things that a 3-year-old child would understand? Some minds don't have the imagination or commonsense to understand that God is the invisible creator of all there is in the known universe.

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад

      Multiple universe is just to explain away why the Laws of nature are ordered. - other universes are chaos and disordered.
      Einstein - He was clearly awed by the laws of physics and grateful that they were mathematically decipherable.
      “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” he said. “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”

    • @treasurepoem
      @treasurepoem 2 года назад

      ​@@jamesrey3221 The thinking is that they would rather believe in an infinite amount of universes than one God, and they think that's more believable?
      What if all the other universes, if they really did exist, are NOT made of chaos and disorder but are also finely tuned and some exactly like ours.
      Einstein was once asked what it was like to be the smartest man alive. He replied “I don't know, you'll have to ask Nikola Tesla.”
      “What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics.” ― Nikola Tesla

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад +1

      @@treasurepoem Einstein and his colleagues of his era made theories that were scientifically observed and tested, unlike those "media scientist" today, that propose speculations and theories that are more akin to science fiction than reality.

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад +1

      @@treasurepoem Some people ask for evidences for God, but they can't handle the truth when faced with reality and they opt for the pseudoscience that supports their beliefs rather than going where the real evidence points.
      The universe is not to big for them that they need a multiverse to explain it away.

  • @lauterunvollkommenheit4344
    @lauterunvollkommenheit4344 2 года назад

    The sum of the intelligence in this comments section is constant, the number of comments is increasing.

  • @markfischer3626
    @markfischer3626 2 года назад +1

    Tell me what you believe and I'll tell you why you're wrong.

    • @randykuhns4515
      @randykuhns4515 2 года назад

      I like that,...

    • @S3RAVA3LM
      @S3RAVA3LM 2 года назад

      I believe in wonder, imagination, freedom, kindness, honor, integrity, truth, wisdom, joy, purpose, meaning, charity

    • @markfischer3626
      @markfischer3626 2 года назад

      @@S3RAVA3LM They're all an illusion. You're a child if the big bang ... and of the little bang.

  • @haroonaverroes6537
    @haroonaverroes6537 2 года назад

    bubbles ! a huge bubbles in the little brains of the irrationals ! huge imagination !

  • @kentpirate2411
    @kentpirate2411 2 года назад

    This proves the earth is flat but with bumps and slightly curves!

  • @contemplateeternity8398
    @contemplateeternity8398 2 года назад +1

    Lol, watching human science slowly evolve is fun. :)

  • @Dion_Mustard
    @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад +1

    Anyone who thinks there is just 1 universe is seriously underestimating the concept of existence. Why just have our 1 universe and not infinite number of universes? Seriously naïve to assume one mere universe exists, just like it's seriously naïve to assume consciousness is a product of matter (neurons).

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      Give me one reason to believe there are more?

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад

      @@amywatson2066 1 universe makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      @@Dion_Mustard and it will never make any sense to you. The point of the universe isn’t to make sense. We can bang our 8 billion heads day in and day out on string theory, quantum mechanics, and general relativity all we want. The obvious thing is the universe is impossible and has no scientific explanation. Science works on earth on a human scale but it is pathetic when we talk about the very small and the very large. We aren’t even on a path to find out. We already know we have in fact reached a dead end. This is why this guy is saying something so stupid with zero evidence. He is saying the one and only universe we know of, is actually bigger than what we think. The inflation and bubbles happen AFTER the Big Bang. The initial conditions and physics didn’t change for those bubbles.

    • @Dion_Mustard
      @Dion_Mustard 2 года назад

      @@amywatson2066 i think the universe has purpose and a higher consciousness exists , which we will only understand when we die.

    • @jamesrey3221
      @jamesrey3221 2 года назад

      Multiple universe is just to explain away why the Laws of nature are ordered. - other universes are supposed to be in chaos and disordered.
      Einstein - He was clearly awed by the laws of physics and grateful that they were mathematically decipherable.
      “The eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility,” he said. “The fact that it is comprehensible is a miracle.”

  • @jollygreen9377
    @jollygreen9377 2 года назад +5

    The only evidence we have is that one Universe exist and it had a beginning. What caused it? The rest are just theories. Explain how something can come from nothing. 😄

    • @johnyharris
      @johnyharris 2 года назад +3

      Gravity is 'just' a theory, want to jump out of a window to see if is it false?

    • @jamesbentonticer4706
      @jamesbentonticer4706 2 года назад +2

      We don't have any evidence that the universe had a begining.

    • @jollygreen9377
      @jollygreen9377 2 года назад +1

      @@johnyharris I can see that gravity works. Can I see the multiple universes that supposedly exist?

    • @jollygreen9377
      @jollygreen9377 2 года назад +1

      @@jamesbentonticer4706 You’re uninformed then.

    • @jollygreen9377
      @jollygreen9377 2 года назад +1

      1) Galaxies are receding (Red Shift) Doppler Shift. Galaxies are moving away from us. Expanding. Rewind that. The Universe gets smaller all the way to the beginning point of the expansion. The singularity. Meaning the Universe had a beginning.

  • @alanbrady420
    @alanbrady420 2 года назад

    400th 👍🏻

  • @brydonjesse
    @brydonjesse 2 года назад +1

    they are hermetics! hey guys i finally found the book i knew i knew!" the kybalion by three initiates" look it up on youtube. Its the book and guy.... the guy like litterally the guy.... just watch n listin then go find the book!

  • @suesimmons926
    @suesimmons926 2 года назад

    Surely Yes! Why? Most simply stated ... because 13.billion years is infinitesimal compared to the time it would take for complex DNA based life to evolve from scratch.

    • @anderslarsen4412
      @anderslarsen4412 2 года назад

      You didn't understand what was said in the video. Lol.

    • @suesimmons926
      @suesimmons926 2 года назад

      @@anderslarsen4412 Not much was said about Fred Hoyle in the video. I was just filling in the missing link to his pioneer work for the benefit of those who were not reading cosmology back in the sixties;-)

  • @paulomarcos9941
    @paulomarcos9941 2 года назад

    Now say that again without laughing: "We don't have solid evidences for those theories..." I thought science was about demonstrable evidences....

    • @jareknowak8712
      @jareknowak8712 2 года назад

      First You need some kind of assumption, to check if its true later.

  • @amywatson2066
    @amywatson2066 2 года назад +1

    Oh dear lord! Reading through the comments and watching this video were utterly painful. The backward logic of this guy and all the comments I read. You’re saying OUR one and only universe is much bigger than what we know of, therefore there must be multiple universes??? Seriously what?
    He gave one more reason that makes this strange idea that you people want to believe in so badly even more impossible.
    We know of ONE universe, saying it’s even bigger, does NOT equal multi universes! The bubbles he is talking about are a result from the same Big Bang. Inflation happened AFTER the Big Bang. The physics stays the same.

    • @wkb81
      @wkb81 2 года назад +1

      the end of inflation is the beginiing of big bang. search it.

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      @@wkb81 I wouldn’t recommend searching unless you have a solid understanding of the main theoretical physics concepts. The term Big Bang is better avoided all together because the definition has evolved over time. Regardless of what definition you take the inflation that the video is talking about is after the singularity/ Hot Big Bang. The supposed multi universe bubbles can’t form form before the explosion of radiation and high denser matter. You can call it whatever you like. The point is that the initial conditions and physics didn’t change in any of those “bubbles” they all belong to the same universe.

    • @wkb81
      @wkb81 2 года назад

      Ok then. but in any case, he explains how physics of different bubles can be different at 5.55. different bubles can have different minimum energy states, which creates different physics.

    • @wkb81
      @wkb81 2 года назад

      By the way this scientist does not verify the theory of inflation by arguing about the size of our universe. He just says that someone may call the unobservable parts of our universe multiverse but this is not what we understand by multiverse in the theory of inflation.

    • @amywatson2066
      @amywatson2066 2 года назад

      @@wkb81 and if he said it then it must be true? He is just feeding people what they want to hear so badly. I dislike those types of “scientist” they say none sense to gain approval. The truth is boring. I get it multi universes sounds so cool, just like a movie plot, but unfortunately we have no evidence whatsoever. We don’t even know our own universe. It’s a fabricated imaginary assumption.

  • @B.S...
    @B.S... 2 года назад

    A quantum / Neural Net processor will have both the power to simulate high energy physics and the ability to construct the necessary algorithm to generate the simulation (inflation theory). This is not SCIENCE FICTION !! This massive artificial brain is the future and it will solve all physics, chemistry and biology questions.

  • @علي-ش7ث8ب
    @علي-ش7ث8ب 2 года назад

    *It's because of this nonsense scientific breakthroughs have come to halt*

  • @gmoarmycombat20
    @gmoarmycombat20 2 года назад +2

    Nobody knows. All BS. Only God knows.

    • @akkad-bakkad
      @akkad-bakkad 2 года назад +3

      they wanted to reject God by hook or crook that's why creating these theories 😀

    • @gmoarmycombat20
      @gmoarmycombat20 2 года назад +2

      @@akkad-bakkad all intelligent speculations but that's all they are, smart guesses

  • @rayvillers2688
    @rayvillers2688 2 года назад


  • @josethottumkal
    @josethottumkal 2 года назад

    All this rambling makes no sense to me.

  • @fortynine3225
    @fortynine3225 2 года назад

    When there are lots of bubbles we are dealing with bubblegum..