Cultish: An Overview Of Classical & Zen Buddhism, Pt. 2

  • Опубликовано: 20 сен 2024

Комментарии • 54

  • @ApologiaStudios
    @ApologiaStudios  2 года назад +1

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  • @user-anonymous-01234
    @user-anonymous-01234 2 года назад +7

    Many modern Chinese and Japanese people treat Buddhism as almost just a superstition, probably similar what you describe as happening in the Western world. It's part of their life just because it's there since forever. It's also sometimes mixed with local faiths or deities, creating weird fusion beliefs that is rather arbitrary. They go to any random temple to pray for luck, and gods and Buddha are interchangeable.

  • @sydneyevan1333
    @sydneyevan1333 2 года назад +2

    Loved loved these two parts. What is standing out to me now prompting me to post is, the tik tok on deconstructing Christianity and sprinkling Buddhism- that really hooked me when I was deceived in the new age. And what Andrew said about dissociative identity disorder is spot on. That was the trap I was in mentally. I already struggled with dissociation because of trauma and it was a coping mechanism. So discovering these philosophies was a way to put a label on the struggle / coping with said struggle and it became a way to positively identify with it all. I see many people do this. Now understanding the gospel more deeply and being saved by Jesus, I see the mass contradiction I called ‘spirituality’ for many years. I appreciate theSe breakdowns of other cults and religions, it creates a very solid foundation for me in my faith with Jesus. Also helps me to speak with the Holy Spirit influence when talking with people I formally associated with in the new age. I’m goi g to go back to 11:22 where Corinthians was quoted because I really resonated with that

  • @jesseaaronx
    @jesseaaronx 2 года назад +4

    'Therefore, since Christ has suffered in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same purpose, because he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, so as to live the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. '
    1 Peter 4:1-2

  • @squiminysquoo
    @squiminysquoo 2 года назад +2

    Wow u guys have such great angles for each piece u look at, really profound. Luv this

  • @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat
    @hinduismwithpremananddasbhagat Год назад +1

    I spent 3 years in Japan. I met folks who were hardcore Buddhists, and others who were Buddhist by birth. Every morning there was a neighbor who did 20 minutes of sanskrit chants. I know cause he used a microphone to broadcast it to his neighbors, so I'd heard it through our bathroom shower when getting ready for work. Now, I lived with a Japanese woman who was the opposite. I'd spent a summer at the San Francisco Zen Center and studied the scriptures, so I'm no expert but knew something, yet I asked her for what she thought of zen. She said she practiced it often. She gave the example of when she's walking with a glass full of liquid she's walking slowly to not spill it and "that's zen." No, that's not zen. That's being careful.

  • @st.mephisto8564
    @st.mephisto8564 2 года назад

    Matthew 6:34 " Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"

  • @sydneyevan1333
    @sydneyevan1333 2 года назад

    “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”
    ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭4:5-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
    It was 17:01 time stamp 👍🏻😁

  • @andrewboos203
    @andrewboos203 2 года назад +5

    You should do a video on the Cult of Marcus Roger's.

    • @frogpaste
      @frogpaste 2 года назад

      Marcus Rogers the Christian rapper or a different Marcus Rogers?

    • @andrewboos203
      @andrewboos203 2 года назад +1

      @@frogpaste yes the " Christian " rapper.

    • @frogpaste
      @frogpaste 2 года назад

      @@andrewboos203 Okay, so my streaming service recently recommend his music and the few songs I heard I thought were okay. But what's the real deal? Why is there a cult?

    • @andrewboos203
      @andrewboos203 2 года назад +1

      You should do your own research. First off he doesn't believe Jesus is God he believes that Jesus was a thought. He doesn't believe in the trinity. But I'd do my own research

  • @PurpleGold.
    @PurpleGold. Год назад

    At around the 8:10 mark, what she’s describing reminds me of “wax on, wax off” (karate kid)😂

  • @BardzoPowaznyUzytkownik
    @BardzoPowaznyUzytkownik Год назад

    The young monk is right. If you can't do that it doesn't mean it's not possible or is bad. You can do it and not holding back.

  • @anthonybutler6123
    @anthonybutler6123 6 месяцев назад

    He said "our God was fully attached in the hypostatic union." 😭😭😭😭😭

  • @hardknocksph.d2175
    @hardknocksph.d2175 2 года назад

    Thanks for the ammo

  • @smlanka4u
    @smlanka4u 2 года назад +2

    I did research about the beginning of the universe. And I could verify it mathematically. So I'm sure that all the Abrahamic religions are definitely wrong about the creation of the universe. I have no doubts.

    • @VirginMostPowerfull
      @VirginMostPowerfull 2 года назад

      What did your research bring up ? Can you share some of it ?

    • @smlanka4u
      @smlanka4u 2 года назад

      @@VirginMostPowerfull, There are 4 simple dimensional structures in everything in the universe. There are more explanations about it in a video named 'Paramartha Ultimate Realities are Discovered'. Everything emerged on simple dimensional interactions.

    • @VirginMostPowerfull
      @VirginMostPowerfull 2 года назад +1

      @@smlanka4u But those would still be interactions, things happening at a certain point in time.
      So it doesn't solve the problem of infinite regress, that's why almost all scientists in the world today say the universe had a beginning.

    • @NaCl_Salt
      @NaCl_Salt 2 года назад

      Firstly, Islam is not Abrahamic. They claim to be one but there is no evidence to support it. There are no similarities either. Secondly, publish your research.

    • @mariogagliardi8491
      @mariogagliardi8491 Год назад +1

      Yeah, I heard that before. People who got that figured out while still walking in darkness...

  • @John3.36
    @John3.36 8 дней назад

    Japan has been influenced by Buddhism for hundreds of years so their thinking is very subjective and non-questioning of anything, living for the present etc. Americans on the other hand are influenced by western thought which is based on logic, reasoning, objective reality, etc. -- so Buddhism here is setup in a way to explain a lot of details that the average Japanese person would never think about or ask about.

  • @TheSmashingDoc1
    @TheSmashingDoc1 Год назад

    i have no idea what the beard guy is saying most of the time. i cant focus on what he is talking

  • @allanobrien7513
    @allanobrien7513 2 года назад

    Oooh this looks awesome

  • @smlanka4u
    @smlanka4u 2 года назад

    Heavenly beings (Devas, Brahmas) can attain enlightenment. Not only humans. But Mara heaven is a very enjoyable heaven, so maybe they don't like to give up those things to attain Nirvana. So perhaps, that is why it is difficult for some Devas (demi-gods) to achieve enlightenment. According to Quantum Physics and Wave function, there is a possibilty to exist heavenly worlds and other worlds. According to Paramartha Dharma in Buddhism, there are paramount matter zones and immaterial fields that work with the mind (Chitta) moments that make thoughts and send people to those worlds after the death as a reconnection of those paramount facts in nature. Buddhism is completely a scientific explanation about the nature of life.

    • @robertknight3354
      @robertknight3354 Год назад

      Yes, Satan knows how science and the human desire for being the focus works.
      This is not a surprise.
      There are distinct truths in all religions and cults and mysticism. Doctines of belief systems in satanic cult groups are only believed because of the human sin nature and the spirits behind the creation of these worldviews know enough truth to bait sinners into their traps.

    • @smlanka4u
      @smlanka4u Год назад

      @@robertknight3354, The univere is mathematical. And I could derive the universe using a special calculation. It is better than illogical stories about the formation of the universe.

  • @zyn87
    @zyn87 2 года назад +2

    I still see a lot of "Christians" thinking Christianity is moralism. Be good go to heaven, be bad go to hell. That's not what Christianity is or how it works.

    • @robertknight3354
      @robertknight3354 Год назад

      You're right and its our job to correct it. Purchased by His blood we now get the privilege to take the truth to all His Kingdom.

  • @TheSmashingDoc1
    @TheSmashingDoc1 Год назад

    weird that they want you to relax in the lotus position, its the most uncomfortable position to meditate, i would rather stand then this

  • @bb-od9ku
    @bb-od9ku Год назад

    Did they ever do Islam

  • @bb-od9ku
    @bb-od9ku Год назад

    Why he got a skul

    • @PurpleGold.
      @PurpleGold. Год назад +1

      If you look closely it says bad theology then there’s a skull. Meaning, bad theology = death. I think it might be his merch, but I’m not sure exactly, if that’s the case. I’ve seen him wear a cap saying bad theology hurts.

  • @johnandrosarios.7685
    @johnandrosarios.7685 2 года назад +4

    Why does this woman have a man's haircut? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering.
    I Corinthians 11:15 NKJV And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.
    I Timothy 2:12 NKJV These guys need to be Biblical in all aspects, which they are not being with this woman teacher.

    • @tgiese209
      @tgiese209 2 года назад +10

      She's giving her testimony, she's not preaching.
      The woman at the well even went and told everyone what Jesus did for her. Marsha is letting God use her past to draw people to Jesus. It's beautiful.

    • @craighouse1279
      @craighouse1279 2 года назад +4

      Are you for real?

    • @johnandrosarios.7685
      @johnandrosarios.7685 2 года назад +1

      @@craighouse1279 Yes, I am, thank you for asking, and so is God, who gives specific commands regarding men and women not dressing alike, including hairstyles, and regarding women not teaching men; this person, regardless of her good intentions and testimony, should be directed to Scripture by Apologia, just as Aquila and Priscilla directed Apollos, who was preaching with good intentions, but not according to God's Word. I hope this clarifies my concerns, which are real, as I am also.

    • @ericedwards8902
      @ericedwards8902 2 года назад +2

      @@johnandrosarios.7685 Legalistic much? The Scripture doesn't say that women should never share information with others, shich is all she is doing. As for you, i am sure that you don't wear anyting made of polyester or anything, right? Abstain from shellfish and pork? Because if you're going to be legalistic twards others you should be waling the perfect path ypurself...otherwise you're kind of being a hypocrite.

    • @johnandrosarios.7685
      @johnandrosarios.7685 2 года назад +1

      @@ericedwards8902 Eric, thank you for your response, and I appreciate your concern regarding falling into "legalism". It is important, however, to define the term correctly. You imply that insisting on obedience to every "jot and tittle" of Scripture is somehow "legalism", whereas the proper definition is adding to God's Law with man-made regulations, which Christ spoke against strongly. I do not believe my concerns noted in my first comment would fall into this latter category, as I quoted specific Scripture where God has specifically prohibits women taking on manly appearances, especially regarding hairstyles, and where teaching and exercising authority over a man is prohibited.
      These both apply to this woman, in spite of her great knowledge and obvious concern for those lost in the New Age Movement. Her website is full of great information, but she is teaching doctrinal issues, which is forbidden by God for a woman. The hosts specifically note she is providing "apologetic responses" which is related to doctrine. All I ask is that Apologia clarify their stand regarding women "in ministry" providing teaching to men. This is an important issue which cannot be ignored. Thank you for listening.

  • @IcedHamGamingYT
    @IcedHamGamingYT 2 года назад

    When he was talking about his attachment to his girlfriend and his vows, all I could think of was, “in darkest day, through blackest nights, Green Lantern’s light.” That has to be part of someone’s wedding vows. It just has to. It’s perfect. “In darkest day, through blackest night, Green Lantern…I’m sorry, I’ll start over. I will love you, take care of you, through thick and thin, sickness and in health, darkest day, blackest night. Green Lantern’s light.” 😂

  • @IcedHamGamingYT
    @IcedHamGamingYT 2 года назад

    I think therefore I am