i've been there too. i think we all have these days. be kind to yourself and hope for a better day tomorrow. just know that we all struggle with being social sometimes, and try not to let it break you down. its great that you are already pushing yourself out of you comfort zone sometimes. There might be social or interest groups in your area you can try to join.
I'm sorry for what you are going through.
❤ love u, have strength
i've been there too. i think we all have these days. be kind to yourself and hope for a better day tomorrow. just know that we all struggle with being social sometimes, and try not to let it break you down. its great that you are already pushing yourself out of you comfort zone sometimes. There might be social or interest groups in your area you can try to join.
Thank you so much for your kind words! 🩷
I’m so sorry you’re having a bad day. ❤
Thank you