Well, the Arduino team did a good, and created a nice framework. Today Arduino UNO R3 feels a bit outdated compared to ESP32 but some things are still easier to do with an Arduino board (i.e. interrupts). Let's see what the new Arduino UNO R4 will bring.
WHY ? If your'e saying that then you don't understand Arduino well enough there is nothing to feel like a sucker about OTHER THAN YOU GOT SUCKED INTO THE MARKETING OF ESP32 I know plenty of guys doing huge projects that are still running Arduino Dev Boards WHY ? Because there is no reason to upgrade Are you sure you understand Arduino and C++ as well as you should ?
Arduino Nano ESP32 s3 $20. both have lots of mcu features, RTC, bluetooth, CAN Bus, new extra hardware debugging (not working yet), New, friendly competition between maker companies like StrawberryPi, Adafruit, Arduino and moving up on bigger industrial mcu manufacturers like Renesas and expressif is really good.
Get a nice mic. You have everything else going great, you're just missing out with terrible audio quality. Arguably Audio is the most important part of a video.
3 года назад
Hey Philip! Thanks for the comment. Well, this lavalier mic is not the most expensive for sure. But Im wondering about your definition of "terrible". Sure there is space for improvement, but IMHO the sound is far away from "terrible" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The mic is fine. You just need to adjust the sound with an EQ. As this type of mic is more bass heavy because of the placement on the chest and higher frequencies are spreading directionally and therefore not picked up that clearly from the mic, you have to reduce the low frequencies with an EQ and you are good to go. @René: Wenn du da Hilfe brauchst, kannst du mich gerne mal anschreiben. Bin Toningenieur :)
Very helpful, thank you. I have a ordered 2 arduino's and 2 ESP32's for my children for Christmas as I didn't really understand the difference (other than the WiFi/BT on the ESP's). I think I will still get both so they can move on from Arduino's when they learnt the basics.
You didn't need to You just needed to order 2 ESP32's You now may as well ask one of the other parents that has 2 kids to buy the Arduino's off from you it's like having 2 kids and buying them 2 BMX Bikes and 2 Mountain bikes because you didn't know the different what will happen is... they will only ever use 2 of the bikes HERE ARE THE DIFFERENCES FOR YOUR BENEFIT (Differences that he didn't cover) The Arduino is More expensive The ESP32 has a faster processor ( like ... 10 to 13 x Faster) The ESP32 Has a Dual Core Processor THEY BOTH USE THE SAME PROGRAM TO CONTROL THEM (Called AN "IDE" iNTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT) They both use the Language of C++ If you want your kids to get ahead in school and understand this stuff HERE IS A VERY GOOD SHORT COURSE THAT TAKES LIKE 2 HOURS TO DO startingelectronics.org/software/arduino/learn-to-program-course/01-program-structure-flow/ ARDUINO ESP32 PROGRAMMING COURSE Now when they get a handle on that ESP32 Uses an Operating system that is superior to the Arduino , it's called FreeRTOS (i won't bore you with details) Here is the 400 Page Manual that may take them a week to go through BUT WELL WORTH IT ) Your kids will become Little genuises after reading this I have clients that are teachers in schools , They have a little to Basic Understanding of Arduino even though they teach STEM and Engineering and Technology in School This manual is well and way above the teachers pay grade, BUT NOT ABOVE YOUR CHILD'S CURIOSITY , IF THEY ARE INTERESTED IN THIS Go to this link www.freertos.org/Documentation/RTOS_book.html Select MASTERING THE RTOS REAL TIME KERNEL A HANDS ON GUIDE NOTE : If your children decide to go onto the Arduino forum A FEW RULES 1. People are not just going to give them the answers for school projects, People there expect you to put in effort and learn 2. Tell them to ask Questions and explain their problem Instead of DEMANDING AND ANSWER Hey , Kids will be kids, so if tehy want a good outcome teach them this... Yes the ESP32 has Bluetooth and WiFi and everyone goes on about it while forgetting More important things like HOW TO USE TASKS AND MULTI TASKING HOW TO CONTROL PROGRAMS HOW TO COMMUNICATE BETWEEN PROGRAMS Let's put it like this...... An ESP32 can be programmed Fully to control Home Automation and your Entire house from the other side of the world. The Arduino can't do that, Not because it doesn't have WiFi and Bluetooth BECAUSE OF THE ENHANCED ABILITY FOR INTER TASK COMMUNICATION let me know if you have any questions, Happy to help out and explain it for you simply put GET THE ESP32 WROOM32 for your kids and they'll shut up for 5 years
Where I am an Arduino nano clone is the same price as an ESP32. The latter is far more powerful. The only obvious advantage for the Arduino is the amount of help available from existing documentation and experience. Is it easier to setup and code for the Arduino? Or is the era of the Arduino now ending? If there is no other advantage, I would expect that Arduino prices will fall or the ESP32 will rise. Can you think of a reason to use Arduino hardware now other than habit?
Arduino operates at 5v (esp32 at 3v) and most "gadgets" created for Arduino work at 5v, so it makes a lot of difference. So, are they compatible? Thanks to the voltage difference the answer is yes for the code but no for the hardware.
Many hobbiests have LOTS of 5v based parts laying around and a NANO can run most hobby jobs well. So no worries, you're i good company with your 5v Parts Box !
Thanks for this great explanatory video! I can't add esp 32 with your url! Has there been a change? Thanks again and sorry for the English... I use an automatic translator.
Thanks for this very informative video for people like me who are looking to get started with microcontrollers and trying to decide to where to begin. (And RE: the comment below that mentions "you missed a few things",...it is quite clear that this video is not an in depth comparison of programming Arduino vs Esp32. The information that comment includes is of course interesting and could be useful but I don't think you "missed" it in this one.)
i hate the arduino ide, might as well write code in notepad. Not a huge fan of pio either, I have to use it for some 3d printer stuff now...always gives me headaches. I really like sloeber (eclipse), thats still my go to, but I think they've stopped development of it.
@@kevinlcarlson thanks, yes I have--PIO is the extension for VSC. At the time of my posted I REALLY hated it. I'm getting used to it, I still would preferred sloeber. but times are changing, no sense in fighting it.
9:34 "Programming runs THE SAME WAY as the Arduino" ACTUALLY NO IT DOESN'T IN FAIRNESS TO YOU.... - Get what you were trying to do here - i Get that this is for ABSOLUTE NEWBIES and if you just want to dick around with blinking an LED then.... Sure, it'll work BUT YOU MISSED A FEW VERY VERY IMPORTANT THINGS DUAL CORE - The ESP32 has a Dual Core Processor, As such YOUR SKETCH WILL RUN COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY and need to be laid out differently what you did in the example was just load void setup () and void loop Functions and again if all you're doing is running basic ARDUINO Sketches and have no consideration for FreeRTOS then go for it but this begs the question WHY THEN ARE YOU USING ESP32 IN THE FIRST PLACE ? Secondly.... delay doesn't work the same way on ESP32 On Arduino, the use of delay(1000); BLOCKS all the code for 1second from running on the ESP32 vTaskDelay(1000); is used AND IT IS NON BLOCKING so 1. Where you would encounter "Blocking code" issues on arduino then you google it and get told to use millis, You don't need to do any of that on ESP32 You can use vTaskDelay(1000); and it doesn't block the entire code Secondly, if you were type in delay(1000); into the sketch, it would convert it to vTaskDelay(); and still not be blocking code Next The use of TASKS or TASK FUNCTIONS so ... go beyond using the FUNCTIONS setup loop Then you move to Inter Task communication and Inter Task Sync for greater control of tasks, to the point where using millis becomes an after thought None of this was covered, and i think IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MENTIONED ON A VERY BASIC LEVEL Also there are now Arduino's that do support Dual Core and WiFi and Bluetooth In saying that, You can also Install a library directly onto Arduino (Single Core) that will use FREE RTOS as it does in ESP32 Granted i have also heard that people have not had much success with this but yeah, You skipped a whole lot You basically said, Here is a sketch it blinks an LED it can be loaded on ESP32 and Arduino well, Yeah but that's like saying Here is a Toyota Corolla Here is a Lamborghini Murciellago You can do exactly the same thing on both so to prove that let's drive to the shop in both to pick up a litre of milk Yeah sure, but the Lambo has a V12 Engine and the Toyota a 4cyl the Arduino has single core, the ESP32 has 2 cores, Faster Bus Speed and when it comes to TASK's it blows Arduino out of the water
Wow, lots of SHOUTING here. I think most (if not all) of the facts are right. But didactically your are wrong. You cannot overwhelm users who are beginner level or have the idea to change from Arduino to ESP32. And these are the intended target users of this video. Up to a certain level - programming in the Arduino framework is the same on both Microcontrollers. Just like driving a Toyota and a Lambo is the same - up to a certain drivers level.
@@raydiy8323 Shouting ?? No there's no shouting There may however be... YOU INTERPRETING THAT AS SHOUTING See when i do it, it's not shouting it's PUTTING EMPHASIS on a point. If you interpret that as shouting , that's your own affair. it also doesn't mean that i was actually shouting. so i'll leave you to work that out on your own but fact is.. I'm not shouting Moving forward... RE " I think most (if not all) of the facts are right" What was said was correct, but a lot of critical stuff was left out RE "But didactically your are wrong" well by one definition i am and by another i'm not. and does it need to be didactic ? and i could also argue "didactically" that i am correct. but THE POINT IS NOT whether i'm correct or whether you're wrong the point is THE FACT IS... YOU LEFT A LOT OUT we know this because we know what the ESP32 can do , i also trust by the platforms that you use that you know EXACTLY what i'm talking about so if the point here was - Feature comparison Arduino vs ESP32 - First Steps then why did you not cover the things are most appealing about the ESP32 You just went into the same bullshit that everyone does IoT this and Bluetooth and WiFi that, which then obviously makes the beginner conclude.... Well if i'm not using Internet or Bluetooth, Why do i need it Now, You did get into Memory and Higher CPU Frequency BUT DO THEY UNDERSTAND THAT NO THEY DON'T ? Because they don't understand a stack or Ram or how much allocation is required. Now.. FIRST STEPS, Fair enough But at least go into some detail on it so that it is made clear. RE "You cannot overwhelm users who are beginner level or have the idea to change from Arduino to ESP32." I UNDERSTAND, and you don't have to . but you can give an explanation of RAM and a basic overview of how it might be used, and then explain TASKS and a basic OVERVIEW of MultiTasking and Multi Processing on the ESP32 and how the benefits of that outweigh those of the Arduino. No one is saying confuse them, I however believe you are intelligent enough and have enough RTOS Knowledge to have explained that. RE "And these are the intended target users of this video" EXACTLY.... so why not attract them with just a bit more information. i attend the Arduino forum and believe me , Most newbies that come on Do not have the slightest comprehension of what they need to do with tasks. They come on like everyone else, ASSUMING THEY CAN ONLY DO THE FOLLOWING... ESP32 has WiFi and Bluetooth and that's it ESP32 has dual core so i guess i need to split my program up over the 2 cores I can only use the following functions void setup() { } void loop() { } They have no comprehension of void TASK1() { } void TASK2() { } void TASK3() { } etc etc Now if i can type that up in 5 seconds or so , i trust you could have JUST TOUCHED THE SURFACE OF IT then.. made another video to explain the basic structure of all that and how tasks are created doing so would get them insight into what is possible and would attract them even more and IN MY OPINION YOUR CHANNEL AND THE EXPLANATION WOULD STAND OUT Because all you ever hear is the above bullshit here is another one..... When creating Tasks, You are made to believe you can only create 2 Tasks, 1 Per core Because you are told 1. IT'S DUAL CORE, IT HAS 2 CORES 2. The Example presents you with TASK1 and TASK2 Logically, a beginner therefore draws the conclusion that 1 Task is per core, Which we know is not the case Why can this not be explained to them ? RE " Up to a certain level - programming in the Arduino framework is the same on both Microcontrollers. Just like driving a Toyota and a Lambo is the same - up to a certain drivers level." Ummm Yeah.. sort of but why can't we introduce them at the beginning to things that go beyond the basic "Hello World" bullshit and here is an led , let's blink it AT THE END OF THE DAY The purpose of your video was TO COMPARE right You didn't compare them fairly, You left out so much of the ESP32 features and basically said what ever other channel says. WHY NOT DISTINGUISH YOURSELF FROM THE OTHER CHANNELS there's no need to overload the beginners, but if i had a channel, I would touch on the benefits of Multitasking no need to go too deep, BUT SHOW THEM THE POSSIBILITIES i mean, why not ? Instead of making it look like the only difference is Dual core, Bluetooth and WiFi which is why this other lady on here (The Mum) was confused as to which to buy for her student child
Great info, mate. But it's hard to hear your voice. The sound is very heavy in the bass range. The microphone sounds a little muffled.
Don’t know what the other commenters were talking about 3 years ago because in 2024, the audio sounds just fine to me! Thanks for the vid 👍
I can’t believe this was the first video posted to this channel. Really great video.
I only subscribed because I saw that you answered questions in the comment 10 months after the video came out. Keep up :)
Nice one. Thank you :)
Man i feel like a sucker for getting an arduino. I started on a spare arduino my uncle had lying around and until now hadn't thought to question it.
Well, the Arduino team did a good, and created a nice framework. Today Arduino UNO R3 feels a bit outdated compared to ESP32 but some things are still easier to do with an Arduino board (i.e. interrupts). Let's see what the new Arduino UNO R4 will bring.
If your'e saying that then you don't understand Arduino well enough
there is nothing to feel like a sucker about OTHER THAN YOU GOT SUCKED INTO THE MARKETING OF ESP32
I know plenty of guys doing huge projects that are still running Arduino Dev Boards
Because there is no reason to upgrade
Are you sure you understand Arduino and C++ as well as you should ?
Arduino Nano ESP32 s3 $20. both have lots of mcu features, RTC, bluetooth, CAN Bus, new extra hardware debugging (not working yet), New, friendly competition between maker companies like StrawberryPi, Adafruit, Arduino and moving up on bigger industrial mcu manufacturers like Renesas and expressif is really good.
Get a nice mic. You have everything else going great, you're just missing out with terrible audio quality. Arguably Audio is the most important part of a video.
Hey Philip! Thanks for the comment. Well, this lavalier mic is not the most expensive for sure. But Im wondering about your definition of "terrible". Sure there is space for improvement, but IMHO the sound is far away from "terrible" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@ Either upgrade mic or simply remove the underlying music :) Great video though.
@@Decon89 yes, even turning up volume didnt seem to help
@ Because we can't complain about his voice characteristic.
Anyway better mic and less music will help.
The mic is fine. You just need to adjust the sound with an EQ. As this type of mic is more bass heavy because of the placement on the chest and higher frequencies are spreading directionally and therefore not picked up that clearly from the mic, you have to reduce the low frequencies with an EQ and you are good to go.
@René: Wenn du da Hilfe brauchst, kannst du mich gerne mal anschreiben. Bin Toningenieur :)
Very helpful, thank you. I have a ordered 2 arduino's and 2 ESP32's for my children for Christmas as I didn't really understand the difference (other than the WiFi/BT on the ESP's). I think I will still get both so they can move on from Arduino's when they learnt the basics.
You didn't need to
You just needed to order 2 ESP32's
You now may as well ask one of the other parents that has 2 kids to buy the Arduino's off from you
it's like having 2 kids and buying them 2 BMX Bikes and 2 Mountain bikes because you didn't know the different
what will happen is... they will only ever use 2 of the bikes
HERE ARE THE DIFFERENCES FOR YOUR BENEFIT (Differences that he didn't cover)
The Arduino is More expensive
The ESP32 has a faster processor ( like ... 10 to 13 x Faster)
The ESP32 Has a Dual Core Processor
They both use the Language of C++
If you want your kids to get ahead in school and understand this stuff
Now when they get a handle on that
ESP32 Uses an Operating system that is superior to the Arduino , it's called FreeRTOS (i won't bore you with details)
Here is the 400 Page Manual that may take them a week to go through BUT WELL WORTH IT )
Your kids will become Little genuises after reading this
I have clients that are teachers in schools , They have a little to Basic Understanding of Arduino even though they teach STEM and Engineering and Technology in School
This manual is well and way above the teachers pay grade, BUT NOT ABOVE YOUR CHILD'S CURIOSITY , IF THEY ARE INTERESTED IN THIS
Go to this link
NOTE : If your children decide to go onto the Arduino forum
1. People are not just going to give them the answers for school projects,
People there expect you to put in effort and learn
2. Tell them to ask Questions and explain their problem
Hey , Kids will be kids, so if tehy want a good outcome teach them this...
Yes the ESP32 has Bluetooth and WiFi and everyone goes on about it while forgetting
More important things like
Let's put it like this......
An ESP32 can be programmed Fully to control Home Automation and your Entire house from the other side of the world.
The Arduino can't do that,
Not because it doesn't have WiFi and Bluetooth
let me know if you have any questions, Happy to help out and explain it for you
simply put
GET THE ESP32 WROOM32 for your kids and they'll shut up for 5 years
love your video, and i learned about ESP32 a lot ,thank you !
Music is often louder than your speech.
Other than that, keep up the good work.
Super Video, vielen Dank!
Ja gerne doch 😊
Where I am an Arduino nano clone is the same price as an ESP32. The latter is far more powerful. The only obvious advantage for the Arduino is the amount of help available from existing documentation and experience. Is it easier to setup and code for the Arduino? Or is the era of the Arduino now ending? If there is no other advantage, I would expect that Arduino prices will fall or the ESP32 will rise. Can you think of a reason to use Arduino hardware now other than habit?
Arduino operates at 5v (esp32 at 3v) and most "gadgets" created for Arduino work at 5v, so it makes a lot of difference.
So, are they compatible? Thanks to the voltage difference the answer is yes for the code but no for the hardware.
Many hobbiests have LOTS of 5v based parts laying around and a NANO can run most hobby jobs well. So no worries, you're i good company with your 5v Parts Box !
Thanks for this great explanatory video!
I can't add esp 32 with your url! Has there been a change?
Thanks again and sorry for the English... I use an automatic translator.
Ha! I also went to PlatformIO (but keptvArduino IDE)… great job!
is there a 5-pin MIDI shield for ESP32? or can we use arduino ones for ESP32?
The Arduino Shields should be working. Of course they do not fit on top, but you can use some jumper wires to connect them.
what IDE are you using now for ESP32?
I‘m using VS Code + PlatformIO
Thanks for this very informative video for people like me who are looking to get started with microcontrollers and trying to decide to where to begin.
(And RE: the comment below that mentions "you missed a few things",...it is quite clear that this video is not an in depth comparison of programming Arduino vs Esp32. The information that comment includes is of course interesting and could be useful but I don't think you "missed" it in this one.)
Are you Benedict Cumberbatch's long lost brother?
i hate the arduino ide, might as well write code in notepad. Not a huge fan of pio either, I have to use it for some 3d printer stuff now...always gives me headaches. I really like sloeber (eclipse), thats still my go to, but I think they've stopped development of it.
Have you checked out the Visual Studio Code IDE?
@@kevinlcarlson thanks, yes I have--PIO is the extension for VSC. At the time of my posted I REALLY hated it. I'm getting used to it, I still would preferred sloeber. but times are changing, no sense in fighting it.
9:34 "Programming runs THE SAME WAY as the Arduino"
- Get what you were trying to do here
- i Get that this is for ABSOLUTE NEWBIES
and if you just want to dick around with blinking an LED then.... Sure, it'll work
DUAL CORE - The ESP32 has a Dual Core Processor, As such YOUR SKETCH WILL RUN COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY and need to be laid out differently
what you did in the example was just load
void setup ()
void loop
and again if all you're doing is running basic ARDUINO Sketches and have no consideration for FreeRTOS then go for it
but this begs the question
delay doesn't work the same way on ESP32
On Arduino, the use of delay(1000); BLOCKS all the code for 1second from running
on the ESP32 vTaskDelay(1000); is used AND IT IS NON BLOCKING
1. Where you would encounter "Blocking code" issues on arduino
then you google it and get told to use millis, You don't need to do any of that on ESP32
You can use vTaskDelay(1000); and it doesn't block the entire code
Secondly, if you were type in delay(1000); into the sketch, it would convert it to vTaskDelay(); and still not be blocking code
so ... go beyond using the FUNCTIONS
Then you move to Inter Task communication and Inter Task Sync for greater control of tasks, to the point where using millis becomes an after thought
None of this was covered, and i think IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MENTIONED ON A VERY BASIC LEVEL
Also there are now Arduino's that do support Dual Core and WiFi and Bluetooth
In saying that, You can also Install a library directly onto Arduino (Single Core) that will use FREE RTOS as it does in ESP32
Granted i have also heard that people have not had much success with this
but yeah, You skipped a whole lot
You basically said,
Here is a sketch
it blinks an LED
it can be loaded on ESP32 and Arduino
well, Yeah
but that's like saying
Here is a Toyota Corolla
Here is a Lamborghini Murciellago
You can do exactly the same thing on both
so to prove that let's drive to the shop in both to pick up a litre of milk
Yeah sure, but the Lambo has a V12 Engine and the Toyota a 4cyl
the Arduino has single core, the ESP32 has 2 cores, Faster Bus Speed
and when it comes to TASK's it blows Arduino out of the water
Wow, lots of SHOUTING here. I think most (if not all) of the facts are right. But didactically your are wrong. You cannot overwhelm users who are beginner level or have the idea to change from Arduino to ESP32. And these are the intended target users of this video. Up to a certain level - programming in the Arduino framework is the same on both Microcontrollers. Just like driving a Toyota and a Lambo is the same - up to a certain drivers level.
Shouting ?? No there's no shouting
See when i do it, it's not shouting it's PUTTING EMPHASIS on a point.
If you interpret that as shouting , that's your own affair.
it also doesn't mean that i was actually shouting.
so i'll leave you to work that out on your own but fact is.. I'm not shouting
Moving forward...
" I think most (if not all) of the facts are right"
What was said was correct, but a lot of critical stuff was left out
"But didactically your are wrong"
well by one definition i am and by another i'm not. and does it need to be didactic ?
and i could also argue "didactically" that i am correct.
but THE POINT IS NOT whether i'm correct or whether you're wrong
the point is THE FACT IS... YOU LEFT A LOT OUT
we know this because we know what the ESP32 can do , i also trust by the platforms that you use that you know EXACTLY what i'm talking about
so if the point here was
- Feature comparison Arduino vs ESP32
- First Steps
then why did you not cover the things are most appealing about the ESP32
You just went into the same bullshit that everyone does
IoT this and Bluetooth and WiFi that, which then obviously makes the beginner conclude....
Well if i'm not using Internet or Bluetooth, Why do i need it
Now, You did get into Memory and Higher CPU Frequency
Because they don't understand a stack or Ram or how much allocation is required.
Now.. FIRST STEPS, Fair enough
But at least go into some detail on it so that it is made clear.
"You cannot overwhelm users who are beginner level or have the idea to change from Arduino to ESP32."
I UNDERSTAND, and you don't have to . but you can give an explanation of RAM
and a basic overview of how it might be used, and then explain TASKS and a basic OVERVIEW of MultiTasking and Multi Processing on the ESP32 and how the benefits of that outweigh those of the Arduino.
No one is saying confuse them, I however believe you are intelligent enough and have enough RTOS Knowledge to have explained that.
"And these are the intended target users of this video"
EXACTLY.... so why not attract them with just a bit more information.
i attend the Arduino forum and believe me , Most newbies that come on
Do not have the slightest comprehension of what they need to do with tasks.
They come on like everyone else, ASSUMING THEY CAN ONLY DO THE FOLLOWING...
ESP32 has WiFi and Bluetooth and that's it
ESP32 has dual core so i guess i need to split my program up over the 2 cores
I can only use the following functions
void setup()
void loop()
They have no comprehension of
void TASK1()
void TASK2()
void TASK3()
etc etc
Now if i can type that up in 5 seconds or so , i trust you could have JUST TOUCHED THE SURFACE OF IT
then.. made another video to explain the basic structure of all that
and how tasks are created
doing so would get them insight into what is possible and would attract them even more
Because all you ever hear is the above bullshit
here is another one.....
When creating Tasks, You are made to believe you can only create 2 Tasks, 1 Per core
Because you are told
2. The Example presents you with TASK1 and TASK2
Logically, a beginner therefore draws the conclusion that 1 Task is per core,
Which we know is not the case
Why can this not be explained to them ?
" Up to a certain level - programming in the Arduino framework is the same on both Microcontrollers. Just like driving a Toyota and a Lambo is the same - up to a certain drivers level."
Ummm Yeah.. sort of
but why can't we introduce them at the beginning to things that go beyond the basic
"Hello World" bullshit and here is an led , let's blink it
The purpose of your video was TO COMPARE right
You didn't compare them fairly, You left out so much of the ESP32 features
and basically said what ever other channel says.
there's no need to overload the beginners, but if i had a channel, I would touch on the benefits of Multitasking
no need to go too deep, BUT SHOW THEM THE POSSIBILITIES
i mean, why not ?
Instead of making it look like the only difference is
Dual core, Bluetooth and WiFi
which is why this other lady on here (The Mum) was confused as to which to buy for her student child
LOL, You like that huh ? LOL
I'm not lying though