Huge Drama At The Streamer Awards

  • Опубликовано: 11 мар 2023
  • This is the greatest streamer award drama of All Time
    I stream every day / moistcr1tikal
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Комментарии • 6 тыс.

  • @DailyDoseOfInternet
    @DailyDoseOfInternet Год назад +13673

    Can’t believe you didn’t get nominated for anything. Unbelievable

    • @doofusdude5818
      @doofusdude5818 Год назад +22


    • @beefalo8965
      @beefalo8965 Год назад +78

      i love you daily dose ❤️

    • @AstronomicalDiabolical
      @AstronomicalDiabolical Год назад +228

      Absolutely diabolical. Charlie’s content is so well thought out and put together that I can feel it coming inside of me

    • @skirtsam1441
      @skirtsam1441 Год назад +23

      ^ Ayo

    • @penghuinkirby
      @penghuinkirby Год назад +5

      Thought this was an imposter, like “dang that logo is fake as hell”

  • @yankeec9206
    @yankeec9206 Год назад +9351

    Charlie should hold his own award show and just give them all to different versions of himself

    • @SirTatManTat
      @SirTatManTat Год назад +132

      Much like the Aunty Donna award show, where Aunty Donna managed to sweep the entire event, they really did well for themselves that time.

    • @kutry
      @kutry Год назад +97

      The Charlie Awards

    • @stopmotionmaker0484
      @stopmotionmaker0484 Год назад +21

      I would watch that

    • @nadiakeaton5680
      @nadiakeaton5680 Год назад +3


    • @justincruz5720
      @justincruz5720 Год назад

      Sounds like a circlejerk. That would be wacky.

  • @jabberwockjester1455
    @jabberwockjester1455 Год назад +3071

    This becomes infinitely funnier if you imagine there was a hoard of Charlies outside and these were the 3 that slipped through the cracks and didn't even know each other.

    • @longjones
      @longjones Год назад +145

      You should know that these 3 are licensed Charlie's lookalikes. That's why they have been allowed in to this and the first streamer awards. And that's why cheap knockoffs have been kept outside. /j

    • @greekstreek370
      @greekstreek370 Год назад +73

      I imagine there’s some sort of Charlie School, like there is if you want to be a Santa Claus

    • @HappyVLR
      @HappyVLR Год назад +3


    • @Domedwho
      @Domedwho Год назад +19

      @@greekstreek370 Acting school, but strictly learning from watching his content

    • @yourmum631
      @yourmum631 5 месяцев назад


  • @GiveMeMyUsernameBackPls
    @GiveMeMyUsernameBackPls Год назад +679

    those 3 doppelgangers just make my day anytime i see them, such a great group of friends you got Charlie. They should do an awards in Florida so you can attend one thatd be so nice of them

  • @mr.botfrag8763
    @mr.botfrag8763 Год назад +33001

    Charlie's performance in the hunger games was revolutionary, such a shame The Streamer Awards couldn't recognize a once in a lifetime talent.

    • @oftheHowl
      @oftheHowl Год назад +116

      Old ass joke

    • @PathyOverYonder
      @PathyOverYonder Год назад +6


    • @chefremmy9436
      @chefremmy9436 Год назад

      @Obese Loser Bro talkin' about a chipmunk 💀

    • @Idiless
      @Idiless Год назад

      @Obese Loser nope

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +7

      My farts are better than Charlie's farts.

  • @THRAwakened
    @THRAwakened Год назад +7082

    I cant believe that there were 3 brave, incredible soldiers who have managed to infiltrate security in such an effortless attempt, truly inspirational

    • @cumcer6140
      @cumcer6140 Год назад +111

      Solid Charlie, Liquid Charlie and Solidus Charlie, all his clones

    • @JO-ko9sc
      @JO-ko9sc Год назад +20

      ​@@cumcer6140 Ah yes, Big Charles' clones, glad to see that Age hasn't slowed them down one bit

    • @justacake16
      @justacake16 Год назад

      @@cumcer6140 charden

    • @MRVIDEOMASTER-yw1qw
      @MRVIDEOMASTER-yw1qw Год назад +6

      God loves you all! The Father sent the Son to die for you and your sins so that you could experience freedom to the fullest! Believe in Christ's death and resurrection (which sealed the work done on the cross) for your salvation and the forgiveness of sins! Amen! God loves you all! The Father sent the Son to die for you and your sins so that you could experience freedom to the fullest! Believe in Christ's death and resurrection (which sealed the work done on the cross) for your salvation and the forgiveness of sins! Amen! God bless you all, I will keep you in my prayers!

    • @IsfetSolaris
      @IsfetSolaris Год назад

      ​@@MRVIDEOMASTER-yw1qw Nobody cares, peddle your religion somewhere else.

  • @flickerflame85
    @flickerflame85 Год назад +174

    I love how Ludwig wasn’t immediately like let’s get security. He was like, “I kinda wanna see this play out”

    • @KnoxAdonis
      @KnoxAdonis Месяц назад

      Well they weren't random people lol that joel and a few other people that run a channel and are friends with charlie, they went there on his behalf.

  • @TheStonedRacc00n
    @TheStonedRacc00n Год назад +1568

    to hear that charlie is deathly scared of flying makes me feel less alone in the fear of being in a tin can at 35,000 feet above ground. truly the most sigma male for choosing to stay upon the land given to us mortals

    • @ferretyluv
      @ferretyluv Год назад +5

      He can’t be sigma if he has a long-term girlfriend.

    • @devent10n
      @devent10n Год назад

      Sigma males know that nature wants us to stay on the ground.

    • @ianlai2961
      @ianlai2961 Год назад +65

      @@ferretyluv bro why are we still on this topic man

    • @OpossumOnTheMoon
      @OpossumOnTheMoon Год назад +36

      It’s also nice that QT is okay with catering to his phobia. It’s very rare for people to go out of their way to help rather than saying just get over it

    • @chuckman321
      @chuckman321 Год назад +5

      I heard therapy helps with excessive fear of normalized forms of travel in our current times.

  • @Joel-Haver
    @Joel-Haver Год назад +53041

    Wow those guys were really angry. Thankfully the pure testosterone pumping through them from that Brendan Fraser nectar kept them level headed and alert.

    • @yourguykhonshu3972
      @yourguykhonshu3972 Год назад +1103

      Very cool and handsome guys, their righteous fury goes insaneo style

    • @TheOrignalKillezz
      @TheOrignalKillezz Год назад +325

      Love you Joel

    • @rapcreeper2265
      @rapcreeper2265 Год назад +173

      It’s really important that we see people stand up and voice their opinions

    • @jaswanthvardireddy2243
      @jaswanthvardireddy2243 Год назад +174

      Hey, it’s Joel from the last of us, played by Charles White!

    • @Vaennylla
      @Vaennylla Год назад +53

      The man himself!

  • @KevinYellow
    @KevinYellow Год назад +6979

    It was nice being reunited with Charlie, Charlie & Charlie ♥️

    • @TF2Starlight
      @TF2Starlight Год назад +1

      In Congress, July 4, 1776
      The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.
      He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
      He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.
      He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
      He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
      He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.
      He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.
      He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.
      He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.
      He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.
      He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
      He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.
      He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.
      He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:
      For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:
      For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:
      For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:
      For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:
      For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:
      For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences
      For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:
      For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:
      For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.
      He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.
      He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.
      He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.
      He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
      He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.
      In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
      Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.
      We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
      Rip Charlie

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +7

      My farts are better than Charlie's farts

    • @rafewarren1034
      @rafewarren1034 Год назад +86

      You guys are so funny keep up the good work.

    • @Maewfof
      @Maewfof Год назад +3


    • @heyolorenns
      @heyolorenns Год назад +12

      Goofy ah haircut 💀

  • @z0mbyz624
    @z0mbyz624 Год назад +2940

    Hasan instantly putting the mic in front of this warrior knowing history is about to be made. A true gentleman

    • @justinnguyen3906
      @justinnguyen3906 Год назад +28

      @stop, I don’t care how

    • @argumentumadhominem3977
      @argumentumadhominem3977 Год назад +1

      haHAA san

    • @argumentumadhominem3977
      @argumentumadhominem3977 Год назад

      Hasan is one of the worst.

    • @Barbaari111
      @Barbaari111 Год назад +97

      @Rimeau Instead of giving a glue sniffer reply to a comment that already puts you next to the glue sniffers in a Venn diagram you could've answered the dude (or not replied at all) but you've insisted on expanding your categories

    • @buggyG12345
      @buggyG12345 Год назад +27

      ​@@justinnguyen3906 preaching socialism while being a multi millionaire buissnes owner.

  • @boopyboops
    @boopyboops Год назад +390

    I never heard of the streamer awards and from some of the most recent drama stuff, I thought to myself "Holy shit, what's going on now?" But in the end, it was all pure and really hilarious. Give it up to the Charlie spawns, they are amazing. And watching Charlie himself react to all of it was just pure wholesome moments right there.

  • @thewomaninr3d434
    @thewomaninr3d434 Год назад +5265

    Charlie's ability to be streaming live and have 3 clones of himself at the awards show is nothing short of amazing

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +6

      My farts are better than Charlie’s farts 💨

    • @bighillraft
      @bighillraft Год назад +115

      he said he doesn't know them, which implies that somebody took a DNA sample when he was asleep and cloned him without his knowledge

    • @Vestige_
      @Vestige_ Год назад

      @@p-__ remember me?
      your farts are miserable

    • @Mrdestiny17
      @Mrdestiny17 Год назад +33

      it's even funnier cause they all look short compared to the presenters lol

    • @jonesjermaine4387
      @jonesjermaine4387 Год назад

      Cis Chinese Guy here, Back at the school I worked at I wanted to Cook my Secret Chinese Pork with Secret Fried Rice dating back to the Ding Dong Dynasty but school staff and PTA said it wasn't Kosher So during Taco Tuesday I would Jizz in the sour cream called it " Jizzam" my co-worker said I should of named it cumshot that will teach the round eyes to deny my culture!!!

  • @neverthesameHERO
    @neverthesameHERO Год назад +5559

    I am crying and wheezing at the accuracy of the rightmost charlie doppelganger's impersonation. His manner of speech and the way he rambled on with complex metaphors without stuttering is the biggest factor of a charlie impression and easily my favorite part of watching this channel. The way he does this off-the-dome in every upload without reading off of a teleprompter is insane and borderline Juice WRLD level freestyling.

    • @420weabooslayer
      @420weabooslayer Год назад +83

      juice wrld lvl of freestyling indeed

    • @artyCynabal
      @artyCynabal Год назад +206

      That's Joel Haver. His RUclips channel is FULL of hilarious videos and I highly suggest you go check them out. He's an absolute legend.

    • @shunclark596
      @shunclark596 Год назад +16

      NOT TO BE A HATER OR ANYTHING, but charlie could easily be taking more takes we don’t know

    • @ochuspin
      @ochuspin Год назад +43

      @@shunclark596 yeah that isn’t hate, he said it himself. Thing is, he usually does everything in as little cuts as possible and streams too so that’s where you get to see it in full action

    • @anonymousperson1135
      @anonymousperson1135 Год назад +13

      juice wrld indeed rip , man made some of the best shit ive heard

  • @huntercool2232
    @huntercool2232 Год назад +203

    It’s always so hard for me to tell when Charlie is being sarcastic or dead serious 💀💀

  • @easybakelovin2469
    @easybakelovin2469 Год назад +57

    I'm so glad that Charlie's Angels were able to keep their wits about them in such a wild situation.

  • @AgitpropPsyop
    @AgitpropPsyop Год назад +6165

    Thank you Charlie, Charlie, Charlie and Charlie for your brave actions.

      @LABOUMDECADANCE Год назад +5


    • @aangeles21
      @aangeles21 Год назад +32

      You forgot Charlie, why is he so underappreciated?

    • @StoneCorazon
      @StoneCorazon Год назад

      Streamer awards are garbage just like the Oscar’s

    • @joshuagraham5750
      @joshuagraham5750 Год назад +23

      ​@@aangeles21 I get you, however I Dont really like Charlie. I prefer Charlie but y'know.

    • @valentino9331
      @valentino9331 Год назад +9

      @Patrick39 but there’s four of him and one of u

  • @CrzYbaDmutha2245
    @CrzYbaDmutha2245 Год назад +6586

    "My stream wasn't clapping cheeks like it was last year", is such a powerful statement from a powerful man. It brought tears to my eyes. This man deserves a nomination for being an outstanding human being.

    • @BreadAckerman
      @BreadAckerman Год назад +9

      Don't do it he will will every single time

    • @AstronomicalDiabolical
      @AstronomicalDiabolical Год назад +3

      Hell yeah he deserves an award

    • @BreadAckerman
      @BreadAckerman Год назад +4

      @@j4kefr vocal needs more practice a lot of more practicing. Then there is lyrics just pick something that goes with the flow and matches the context. Good luck.

    • @TheTanakaMiyuki
      @TheTanakaMiyuki Год назад +4

      He deserves a nomination for this line alone

    • @HappyVLR
      @HappyVLR Год назад +1


  • @kiradin5664
    @kiradin5664 Год назад +76

    Charlie dying from laughter as he is watching his clones start a riot just made my day XD

  • @damsgaards
    @damsgaards Год назад +178

    This and XQC eating a crayon were the most memorable things from the Streamer Awards

  • @H1KE
    @H1KE Год назад +5672

    "and I only cried twice, because of how awful that game was" goes to show just how much strength this man has. Only twice is some sort of achievement.

    • @vindovilles3419
      @vindovilles3419 Год назад +12

      I've purposefully avoided all spoilers and reviews about that game, is it really bad?

    • @MrLoowiz
      @MrLoowiz Год назад +62

      @@vindovilles3419 How would I know? I'm also avoiding spoilers and reviews.

    • @emstink
      @emstink Год назад +56

      @@vindovilles3419 It's nothing brilliant or innovative. But it's enjoyable enough if you don't take it too seriously. I'd recommend continuing to avoid spoilers/reviews/etc and just try it yourself when you can, so that way your experience isn't tainted by everyone else's views/complaints.

    • @slackolantern
      @slackolantern Год назад +32

      It's in Early Access. They already released an update that addressed concerns the community has. The plot, I think, is not well padded out yet so there's not a lot to it and it can be beaten pretty quick, from what I've read. However, what I've played of the game is a blast. It's more of "The Forest" but it's SO PRETTY. It's got some fun survival elements, SEASONS (which is a big thing for me) and it's just got some neat building and survival mechanics. I'm sure more will be added as the game goes on, but as it is I've enjoyed playing it.

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +2

      my farts are better than Charlie’s farts.

  • @trentalpha7749
    @trentalpha7749 Год назад +8036

    Charlie should have been nominated in everything, in everywhere, all at once.

    • @shuna6316
      @shuna6316 Год назад +129

      b a g e l

    • @samuelsmith627
      @samuelsmith627 Год назад +43

      Of All time

    • @yaitsoo
      @yaitsoo Год назад +21

      And remain the only nominee for all of the categories

    • @fahrenheit2101
      @fahrenheit2101 Год назад +39

      that better be an intentional reference

    • @liviekumori
      @liviekumori Год назад +10

      Even in the bathtub category

  • @randombat3477
    @randombat3477 Год назад +23

    imagine qt’s reaction when charlie says “hey i cant make it but can i send 3 of my doppelgängers?”

  • @billiboi122
    @billiboi122 Год назад +42

    On god they did a great job of keeping up with Charlie's level of thinking up weird comparisons

  • @madamek8656
    @madamek8656 Год назад +3243

    It’s amazing seeing Charlie have access to such advanced technology that he can be anywhere in the world without having to physically move from his house.

    • @raulramirez6031
      @raulramirez6031 Год назад +22

      Charlie has mastered astral projection and has managed to perform an advanced technique to let him make multiple copies of himself

    • @randomchannel323
      @randomchannel323 Год назад +1

      It's the future tech from Hunger games mockingjay

    • @MazdaTiger
      @MazdaTiger Год назад +2

      he's everywhere and anywhere all at once

    • @4rl0ng
      @4rl0ng Год назад

      Move his house 💀

    • @alto2003
      @alto2003 Год назад +1

      @@Patrick-xk9sjyour ass has dedication I’ll give ya that 😭😭 bro been botting his comments for like 2 years now

  • @itriedtochangemynamebutitd5019
    @itriedtochangemynamebutitd5019 Год назад +2862

    I love how Charlie, Charlie, and Charlie are able to make Charlie laugh every time. So wholesome.

    • @vinzo0913
      @vinzo0913 Год назад +56

      At least we know Charlie loves himself, an important part of being a healthy human being

    • @denzy3929
      @denzy3929 Год назад +8

      No, its Charli, Charly and Sharlie

    • @armondtanz
      @armondtanz Год назад

      Seth rogan in the white tux looks ill. Has he put on 100lb???

    • @mccloud9915
      @mccloud9915 Год назад +2

      I love how Charles, Charlie and Lie always make Mr. White laugh

    • @thehumanity0
      @thehumanity0 Год назад +1

      Finally a family that actually gets along and can make each other laugh

  • @alexanderglex4600
    @alexanderglex4600 Год назад +19

    God it is such a crime that charlie hasnt been nominated for the "best clones" award they had the best infiltration tactics, best protest signs, and best protest kisses

  • @m0urningl0ry
    @m0urningl0ry Год назад +392

    Watching Hasan try his best to keep from laughing is solid gold

  • @thehumanity0
    @thehumanity0 Год назад +3714

    That's beyond amazing that Charlie's clones are watching Charlie livestreaming and commenting on his clones at the awards. Truly the embodiment of the ultimate "Streamer"

    • @captain_britain
      @captain_britain Год назад +39

      Not only that, but we just watched Charlie watch Charlie's clones watching Charlie livestreaming & commenting on his clones.
      I think I just reached OT 8

    • @dream-nz9yb
      @dream-nz9yb Год назад +11


    • @kallmeoompa
      @kallmeoompa Год назад +3

      @@dream-nz9yb yes you are

  • @rang2111
    @rang2111 Год назад +1303

    Charlie using his shadow clone jutsu to attack the streamer awards is something I never expected to see today

  • @bigslams7139
    @bigslams7139 Год назад +109

    QT really took that "it's like spitting in God's face then asking him to bang, it's pathetic" to heart

  • @sashascool
    @sashascool Год назад +99

    props to charlie for not actually getting mad like literally any sensible human being

  • @DawnOfTheOzz
    @DawnOfTheOzz Год назад +2559

    Man, Charlie got shafted by the Streamer Awards. I'm so glad that Charlie, Charlie and Charlie were there to make their sarcastic voices known.

    • @kitkatgamer_
      @kitkatgamer_ Год назад +11

      Cube 2: Hypercube (stylized on-screen as Cube²: Hypercube) is a 2002 Canadian science fiction horror film directed by Andrzej Sekuła, written by Sean Hood, and produced by Ernie Barbarash, Peter Block, and Suzanne Colvin. It is the second film in the Cube film series and a sequel to Cube.

    • @MrPerson3572
      @MrPerson3572 Год назад +2

      @@kitkatgamer_ real

    • @tailopezbutnolamborghini4862
      @tailopezbutnolamborghini4862 Год назад

      A youtuber who talks like a guy who just woke up with no coffee making millions every month surely deserves an award huh.

  • @CrowePerch
    @CrowePerch Год назад +6000

    The fact that Charlie was shelved for both Percy Jackson AND the Streamer Awards is a crime against humanity. Surely we’ve peaked as a species if Charlie has fallen off 😢

    • @bruhngl
      @bruhngl Год назад +101

      just wait until you hear about the hunger games, truly the greatest injustice of our lifetimes

    • @CryBlueofZ
      @CryBlueofZ Год назад +3

      Hey Crow

    • @parmesan5150
      @parmesan5150 Год назад +14

      He was snubbed for the Oscar for hunger games

    • @gregorydascher3308
      @gregorydascher3308 Год назад +3

      I just watched this comment roll over from 999 to 1k lol

    • @raffaortega81
      @raffaortega81 Год назад

      never thought Id see a Moist Jockrider so close lol F4gget

  • @Jack_Wolfe
    @Jack_Wolfe Год назад +14

    I DO love your clones. Its one of the more fun aspects of getting yourself there "in person" amazing i just love it. They're always such a fun gaggle of Charlies

    • @Jack_Wolfe
      @Jack_Wolfe Год назад

      Maybe we need a clone adventure channel.

  • @gabrielhale3236
    @gabrielhale3236 Год назад +196

    Charlie deserves to win every award imaginable

    • @z3v..
      @z3v.. Год назад +1

      theres awards for r34 artists
      those too??

    • @Necronossoss
      @Necronossoss Год назад +1

      Besides asmon

  • @Rosesrosie3
    @Rosesrosie3 Год назад +4671

    Charlie is like the princess Diana of streaming. He may not get the recognition for streamer awards but he is the queen of peoples hearts.

    • @jelleluyten5017
      @jelleluyten5017 Год назад

      Not sure if compliment or you want the guy dead 🤔

    • @Plebsuke
      @Plebsuke Год назад +4

      @claire-exe Lmao😭🙏

    • @umad8207
      @umad8207 Год назад +3

      @claire-exe HELP

    • @sabrinadeep7154
      @sabrinadeep7154 Год назад +13

      I was going to say Meryl Streep. Same idea.

    • @ikeatable1
      @ikeatable1 Год назад +1

      And that he'll die in a car crash on August 31st.

  • @futurereflections4097
    @futurereflections4097 Год назад +4432

    Charlie not being nominated is like spitting in Gods face and then asking him to beg for forgiveness

    • @titanium4082
      @titanium4082 Год назад +53

      Go- I mean, Charlie would forgive though

    • @ssjrana7342
      @ssjrana7342 Год назад +3

      Only if it's not on the nose

    • @BreadAckerman
      @BreadAckerman Год назад +1

      ​@@titanium4082he will

    • @user-bz6gh5ng2m
      @user-bz6gh5ng2m Год назад +4

      Seems like a reasonable thing to ask of god actually.

    • @rani.andretti
      @rani.andretti Год назад +2

      ​@@titanium4082 OK, but would Go-Charlie beg for forgiveness though?

  • @yuta7359
    @yuta7359 Год назад +17

    These 3 Lil Charlies have brightened my day more than I could ever imagined.

  • @RedF0XDelta
    @RedF0XDelta Год назад +328

    Not nominated? Fuck that. You should’ve gotten comedian and informer of the year, if those types of awards exist. You’re the first video I click on once it appears, and your wordplay is genius. I won’t stop being enlightened by your content.

    • @Nyax50Lopez
      @Nyax50Lopez Год назад +5

      FR! time to dress up as Charlies and protest

    • @UnlimitedBick
      @UnlimitedBick Год назад +5

      ​@Nyax #50 Lopez is not dress up
      they become Charlie

  • @Sharpshooter111
    @Sharpshooter111 Год назад +1868

    I love there’s no actual drama this is so wholesome

    • @CutCopyPasta
      @CutCopyPasta Год назад +13

      Yeah its on Twitter lol

    • @Cthulhoop
      @Cthulhoop Год назад +127

      Well just the part with Justaminx causing like 50k in damages because she was drunk...

    • @AAAAAA-qs1bv
      @AAAAAA-qs1bv Год назад +56

      @@Cthulhoop average for a drunk Irish though.

    • @athrite2118
      @athrite2118 Год назад

      @@AAAAAA-qs1bv people saying this shit is the reaosn why minx keeps doing it and ruining everything. has nothing to do with being irish she needs help

    • @trist__
      @trist__ Год назад +54

      @@AAAAAA-qs1bv shes honestly an addict. its concerning.

  • @bardenhick2121
    @bardenhick2121 Год назад +2920

    Charlie summoning his shadow clone army to take over the ceremony is truly one of the plot twists of all time

  • @banksybum317
    @banksybum317 Год назад +32

    You can’t not smile when watching one of your videos man. Shit is always light hearted and fucking hilarious. Keep it up dude

  • @vincent78433
    @vincent78433 Год назад +54

    great event well done to qt and ludwig and everyone else involved
    so nice of them to give jerma the recognition he deserves
    and extra shoutout to the joel squad making the event even more fun

  • @Wallis_2001
    @Wallis_2001 Год назад +1220

    I honestly love the dialogue from the Charlie clones, they really hit the nail on the head when replicating his speech patterns

    • @shadowshade8333
      @shadowshade8333 Год назад +25

      My guys clearly studied before hitting the big leagues

    • @Lyze
      @Lyze Год назад +8

      I can imagine the workshopping they go through coming up with those bits, they're hysterical.

    • @FlayvorOfEvil
      @FlayvorOfEvil Год назад

      ​@@shadowshade8333 they are the three official charlie clones

  • @ToadTWE
    @ToadTWE Год назад +4677

    Thank you Charlie for being professional with the whole thing and not getting upset with not getting nominated

    • @johndoe39322
      @johndoe39322 Год назад

      ​@Obese_Loser you can't be serious

    • @thatguy690
      @thatguy690 Год назад +103

      ​@Obese_Loserthe streamers were chosen by the fans

    • @AidenCantrell
      @AidenCantrell Год назад +1

      read my username

    • @AND-jt9ev
      @AND-jt9ev Год назад +22

      @Obese_LoserHe cant since he switched to Kick

    • @blakxnz
      @blakxnz Год назад

      @Obese Loser yeah man definitely not the dude with the most subs and most entertaining personality. not to mention he didn’t stream the super bowl and porn

  • @droppedoff6726
    @droppedoff6726 Год назад +40

    im glad it was something wholesome lol. I really don't like hearing about drama all the time and if people really rioted because their favorite streamer didn't win I'd be so disappointed

  • @irvingbrown2389
    @irvingbrown2389 Год назад +50

    How’s it going Charlie? That was hilarious! That dude had your voice down! Thanks for the great content man! You should have gotten a streaming award for sure!! Take care.

  • @borntoace7819
    @borntoace7819 Год назад +1905

    Charlie is a genius, imagine getting people to do the content for you AS YOU, and you then can just react to it after - next level Content creation.

    • @mud4309
      @mud4309 Год назад +48

      On one hand this is brilliant and I wanna act amazed, on the other, I really shouldnt have expected any less than brilliance from such a brilliant man. We’re all pieces on the Moist Daddy’s board

    • @id0_nt
      @id0_nt Год назад +15

      Spidermen pointing at each other meme

    • @jack04091
      @jack04091 Год назад

      @@mud4309 the dickriding is crazy

  • @tylerlaw6514
    @tylerlaw6514 Год назад +3685

    So glad Charlie is the strong hulking masculine embodiment of what it means to be a testosterone fueled titan and can handle the situation and not get too upset over not being nominated

    • @RealPlasmat1c
      @RealPlasmat1c Год назад +63

      I love how I read that at the exact time Charlie said it lol

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +2

      My farts are better than Charlie’s farts 💨

    • @jonesjermaine4387
      @jonesjermaine4387 Год назад

      Cis Chinese Guy here, Back at the school I worked at I wanted to Cook my Secret Chinese Pork with Secret Fried Rice dating back to the Ding Dong Dynasty but school staff and PTA said it wasn't Kosher So during Taco Tuesday I would Jizz in the sour cream called it " Jizzam" my co-worker said I should of named it cumshot that will teach the round eyes to deny my culture!

    • @Geehod
      @Geehod Год назад +5

      @@RealPlasmat1c same 😂

    • @ashenblood
      @ashenblood Год назад +2

      @@RealPlasmat1c dude we either have the same braincell *or* I'm past you from a parallel universe

  • @shirleytodd1
    @shirleytodd1 Год назад +9

    Would love to see you one day be at the streams awards! It would be AMAZING to see you in a room for your friends and fellow streamers on such a fun day. Maybe you and your band can even perform??? I saw the experimenting they were doing with live entertainment and I would love to see more content creators who do music also come to show off what they can do! Well, we’ll see :^)

  • @huntercool2232
    @huntercool2232 Год назад +9

    3:07 “Let me show you something”
    *I was so scared he was gonna flash* 💀💀

  • @minimento3978
    @minimento3978 Год назад +835

    4:59 "and as hard as it is to take responsibility, there's only really one place you can point your finger, only one entity to shoulder the blame... and that's everyone but me" i cried

    • @dasmoka
      @dasmoka Год назад +14

      I have to re play it about 3 times to see if that's what he really says

  • @condogslocombe
    @condogslocombe Год назад +2453

    It's amazing that charlie is such an institution that he can parody himself

  • @wlockuz4467
    @wlockuz4467 Год назад +3

    Like a mad villian he doesn't even leave his lair, he just lets the clones do his job.

  • @DogsWithPurpose
    @DogsWithPurpose Год назад +8

    What valiant heros, I hope this moment is recorded in the history books

  • @i_went_boom8111
    @i_went_boom8111 Год назад +2936

    I’m so proud of Charlie for being so incredibly mature about the situation 😌

    • @Tetarkall
      @Tetarkall Год назад +51

      Don’t thank Charlie, thank Brendan Frazier for his nutritious sweat.

    • @thevenumking
      @thevenumking Год назад +9

      You gotta love Charlie, man. I wish we all could handle disappointments as smooth as him. But, like the ancient West Asian scholars of Mesopotamia used to say, “Charlie can be impersonated, but never duplicated.” 😎

    • @anandakar7978
      @anandakar7978 Год назад

      Which Charlie?😊

    • @ARedMotorcycle
      @ARedMotorcycle Год назад

      Charlie's Afro Sheen.

    • @thevenumking
      @thevenumking Год назад

      @Patrick39 I just want the world to know that I clicked the 👎 button on your coprolitic comment. I bet you’re really an awesome, wholesome human being. I bet you’re not even a family-friendly, laughably passive aggressive trash-talker in real life… You poser! (Edited to add emoji… 😎… and worth it!)

  • @eastcoastpaper3862
    @eastcoastpaper3862 Год назад +1

    just when i thought u couldnt go any higher you go and have this happen.... you are truly the 🐐 bro... it has ben an honor to tune in on the ride

  • @snowpig0074
    @snowpig0074 Год назад +1

    The first shot of the three Charlie's is gold

  • @logspew
    @logspew Год назад +1227

    Those 3 were easily one of the best parts about the show, truly a moist moment.

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +5

      My farts are better than Charlie's farts.

    • @disturbinglook5779
      @disturbinglook5779 Год назад +6

      My toenails are better than Charlie's toenails

    • @tomatomaki
      @tomatomaki Год назад +3

      Charlie is better than me.

    • @henfries
      @henfries Год назад +1

      @@p-__ I’m worse than Charlie because I’m a comment spamming loser!!! Give me attention!!!!

    • @PatrickWDunne
      @PatrickWDunne Год назад +2

      Charlie is the best part of the show even when he's not there

  • @aaronjaiden62
    @aaronjaiden62 Год назад +1545

    It’s mind-boggling to me how Charlie didn’t win every award. He clearly outperforms every single person in every single category.

  • @th3logician
    @th3logician Год назад +13

    Next year we need to make sure he wins every single nomination next year. This is going to happen.

  • @had1toomany114
    @had1toomany114 Год назад +2

    The impersonators nailed the overuse of similes.

  • @ColerfulOfficial
    @ColerfulOfficial Год назад +1827

    Even after getting robbed of the Percy Jackson role and now getting robbed from the streamer awards, he still maintains his sanity. An American hero!

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +2

      My farts are better than Charlie’s farts 💨

    • @SonicMaster519
      @SonicMaster519 Год назад +4


    • @SonicMaster519
      @SonicMaster519 Год назад +10

      @@p-__ doubt it

    • @exterminatusbutton8723
      @exterminatusbutton8723 Год назад +11

      it is a true shame that someone with so much talent still gets treated horribly, this is truly a tragedy 😔

    • @grassbackyard3825
      @grassbackyard3825 Год назад

      He’s more of a RUclips than a streamer

  • @karmicbacklash
    @karmicbacklash Год назад +910

    Great to see a high profile RUclipsr like Charlie taking accountability by assigning the blame to the fans. Staying humble as always.

    • @Noobiescrubpleb
      @Noobiescrubpleb Год назад

      Surely you're joking, because if not then the stupidity of this comment knows no bounds

    • @Noobiescrubpleb
      @Noobiescrubpleb Год назад +2

      @@karmicbacklash Always come prepared 😂

      @FUCKSICKOS66 Год назад

      but it was their own free will?

  • @deevee5327
    @deevee5327 Год назад +12

    The fact you weren't nominated as the streamer with the best Streamer Awards protest truly shows just how hard they've blacklisted you.
    We must rise up, moist gamers!

  • @TropTrevTv
    @TropTrevTv Год назад +4

    2:51 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this is hilarious .. was def not expecting that , they nailed it

  • @xlr8tionlaw
    @xlr8tionlaw Год назад +692

    "The chaos was almost too much to bear"
    Have to admire this level of calmness from Charlie

  • @jellygiraffe
    @jellygiraffe Год назад +576

    That dude fucking nailed your voice, speech patterns and mannerisms man. Fucking A+++ Performance, get that man Oscar right now.

    • @alexdevisscher6784
      @alexdevisscher6784 Год назад +60

      What do you mean? It wasn't the real Charlie? I'm gobsmacked!

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад

      my farts are better than Charlie’s farts.

    • @elijahmeilak2906
      @elijahmeilak2906 Год назад +12

      He has a RUclips channel, if you didn’t know! His name is Joel Haver.

    • @BushMaster420circle
      @BushMaster420circle Год назад +3

      @@elijahmeilak2906 yeah its funny because ive been watching him forever n known of him xD then i saw the cross over xD

    • @xMDawg19x
      @xMDawg19x Год назад +2

      @@elijahmeilak2906 At this point I feel like I grew up with Charlie watching my precious child go all the way from KWOP enthusiast to a guy who's so cool and slick he can just skip the Streamer Awards and let others attend in his stead

  • @lgsanimations8792
    @lgsanimations8792 9 месяцев назад +3

    This is more of an outrage than when the men in black cartoon series got a second season

  • @jay_vero
    @jay_vero Год назад

    this is my favorite video ive seen from this channel. excellent content as always.

  • @moonlightuwu3252
    @moonlightuwu3252 Год назад +1455

    Charlie: *Didn’t get an award*
    Everyone: “You still won an award on our hearts”

  • @VixeyTeh
    @VixeyTeh Год назад +8

    It does seem weird that many of the top streamers who even won last year didn't even get nominated this year, even if their fan base grew a lot.
    I mean the only reason that would make sense is if there was an actual rule that you couldn't win twice in a row. But if that rule existed it was not made known publicly when fans were making the nominations.

  • @neonstrat4088
    @neonstrat4088 Год назад +3

    They should have a Best Charlie award next year. Then we’ll all know who the award will rightfully go to

  • @DualDier
    @DualDier Год назад +808

    The lack of Charlies not accepting an award on stage this year is an absolute travesty.

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +2

      My farts are better than Charlie's farts.

    • @Premittian
      @Premittian Год назад +3

      @@p-__ I doubt it...

    • @krizthecookingbeaner2567
      @krizthecookingbeaner2567 Год назад

      ​@@Premittian you gonna disprove him?

  • @GavinFromAutoglassRepair
    @GavinFromAutoglassRepair Год назад +407

    Never in all my life have I seen such chaos unfold during an awards ceremony! Thankfully no one was hurt during these horrific scenes.

  • @velocity1852
    @velocity1852 Месяц назад +1

    I just noticed the "need I remind you I'm famous" sign is the singular hunger games frame lmao.

  • @rexthecyborg
    @rexthecyborg Год назад

    I love the guy in the white suit's facial expression change when the Charlies brought up the Chao Garden from SA2 like he had to stop himself from laughing LOL

  • @shoutykenneth5115
    @shoutykenneth5115 Год назад +1154

    I love how Hasan immediately defaults to pointing the mic at the Moistions so they can have their say. He recovers so quickly from the shock of the incursion.

    • @drumusic5665
      @drumusic5665 Год назад

      I mean I would immediately bend to the will of 1 testosterone filled Charlie let alone 3

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +2

      My farts are better than Charlie’s farts 💨

    • @sam7259
      @sam7259 Год назад +70

      Hold up, that was Hasan Piker!?! 🤮 Someone should've told the candyman he was there.
      WARNING NOTICE: Piker caught wind of my message and has sent a few of his boyfriends to this thread to defend his name! The ancient Irish won't stand for this!

    • @BathtubEnjoyer
      @BathtubEnjoyer Год назад

      @@sam7259 bro you are obsessed with weird nazi pedos

    • @227bdiddy
      @227bdiddy Год назад +53

      Hasan can't be within 10 miles of the candyman without instinctively sweating

  • @beepboopbeep4801
    @beepboopbeep4801 Год назад +893

    Can i just say how I love how we have all collectively taken brenden in and shown him the love and adoration he deserves

    • @Karnylol
      @Karnylol Год назад +5


    • @Karnylol
      @Karnylol Год назад +10

      @Patrick39 ew your one of those

    • @Erica-jg7st
      @Erica-jg7st Год назад

      @Patrick39 I 😢

    • @0v_x0
      @0v_x0 Год назад +3

      ​@@Karnylol don't tag them it just makes it harder to report them cuz of YTs weird anti spam algorithms. These bots and script kiddies have almost become a meme in the penguinz0 comments sections -_-

    • @tacticalpossum7090
      @tacticalpossum7090 Год назад

      Yeah, too bad nobody cared when he was abused, assaulted and struggling

  • @skylarboyden
    @skylarboyden Год назад +1

    "When was the last time my stream was recommended?" "Is the answer zero?"

  • @BongfullyAccused
    @BongfullyAccused Год назад

    Love, loyalty, and long luscious locks

  • @Machstorm9
    @Machstorm9 Год назад +1111

    Glad Charlie is keeping us up to date with the egg prices 🤝

    • @gogin9303
      @gogin9303 Год назад +7


    • @puntuples3306
      @puntuples3306 Год назад +12

      Nigga this video released like a minute ago

    • @Musydid911
      @Musydid911 Год назад

      ​@@puntuples3306 and he said the eng thing less than a minute in.

    • @scottpeltier3977
      @scottpeltier3977 Год назад +1

      *laughs in “I raise my own chickens”*

    • @TJlolbagger
      @TJlolbagger Год назад

      ​@Obese Loser disagree

  • @WavyDane
    @WavyDane Год назад +835

    charlie has such an iconic look: the tattoos, the massive cheekbones, the white tee, the voice, the long hair, the beard

    • @kingcosworth2643
      @kingcosworth2643 Год назад +56

      Yeah, he kinda looks like a drummer that kicked out of an average metal/coding band

    • @matguimond92
      @matguimond92 Год назад +7

      the short frame. I'm almost 2 meters tall I could probably toss Charlie around.

    • @babyfood9537
      @babyfood9537 Год назад +27

      @@matguimond92 kinky

    • @aronthedev3074
      @aronthedev3074 Год назад +20

      Like Jesus, but more....indoors-ey.

    • @AllanElMelon1043
      @AllanElMelon1043 Год назад +2

      Keanu Reeves?

  • @arrowtothejess
    @arrowtothejess Год назад

    The way they captured the inflection of your voice, top marks hehe

  • @WendigoX
    @WendigoX Год назад

    2:38 The laugh as Charlie saw the wooo no baby sign

  • @OxuStudio
    @OxuStudio Год назад +301

    Hasan's "I'm a big fan of the Mummy" as he calmly grabs the bottle killed me

  • @Basement_Bro
    @Basement_Bro Год назад +502

    Charlie, I recently watched “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1” for the very first time, and, I must say, your performance was truly remarkable. A game changer, precedent, and a cornerstone to all of the movies that have followed since then. The modern film macrocosm would be a horrible, detrimental place without that casting, and I am deeply disturbed within the depths of my soul that you were not nominated for an award this year. Hopefully, those protestors were able to spark a change from within the corruption. We can only hope.

    • @syd.vicious
      @syd.vicious Год назад +2

      @Patrick39 that's an odd way to say you're a fan of him 🤔

  • @madicakesss9540
    @madicakesss9540 Год назад +14

    In all honesty you should’ve Been at least nominated,you’ve been on the top charts for gaming multiple times this year

  • @JasonMichaelKoehler
    @JasonMichaelKoehler Год назад +1

    I clicked on this expecting drama and riots. I was not disappointed

  • @OzzyDaBoi
    @OzzyDaBoi Год назад +259

    I love how he called it "huge drama" and showed us the moistverse at the streamer awards.

  • @sundaynightdrunk
    @sundaynightdrunk Год назад +932

    Charlie has somehow managed to make being really nice popular in this world of divisions and anger. It's honestly incredible.

    • @p-__
      @p-__ Год назад +4

      my farts are better than Charlie’s farts.

    • @Potsgud
      @Potsgud Год назад +2

      Brown nosing

    • @stevendemayo3631
      @stevendemayo3631 Год назад +5

      Um…being nice has always been popular

    • @madgoonproductions8406
      @madgoonproductions8406 Год назад

      All you have to do is not be an entitled douche and not take yourself too seriously

    • @waporvave5121
      @waporvave5121 Год назад +3

      the glazing is crazy

  • @Pactastic042
    @Pactastic042 Год назад +1

    I did not even know there was a streamer awards

  • @SquidForSquare
    @SquidForSquare Год назад

    Having friends like that is an absolute goal

  • @DrSoftShoo
    @DrSoftShoo Год назад +363

    They even nailed the humor style. Legends.

  • @midimusicforever
    @midimusicforever Год назад +327

    Can we stop to appreciate how they make analogies the way Charlie would have made them.

  • @allenxav4754
    @allenxav4754 Год назад +5

    The kissing is a metaphor for how Charlie has come to know and love himself. He accepts himself. It’s really a symbol of self love and it’s beautiful. I gues when you really think about it we should all love ourselves more, we should appreciate our accomplishments, and we should kiss ourselves. Thank you Charlie :)

  • @DRum886
    @DRum886 Год назад +7

    I'm glad the presenters rolled with it. They made pure comedy gold because of it.

  • @funx24X7
    @funx24X7 Год назад +535

    This moment alone was greater than the whole of the oscars. Charlie, Charlie, Charlie and Charlie are the most talented four individuals on the planet.

    • @diamonje
      @diamonje Год назад +1

      The Four Horsemen.

  • @FlamingoblockedmeonYT
    @FlamingoblockedmeonYT Год назад +1000

    The fact that Charlie being professional with the whole thing and not getting upset with not getting nominated. Respect for Charlie!