Yeah even just one of those would put him ahead of 99% of all 20-30 year olds. He put himself in that situation everyone else is struggling while also starting at 0.... he started at 99 and still isnt at 0...
It's technically worse for him then anyone else becuase he had far more to lose. The father passing on his home to his son rather then wife was a pretty dumb decision but perhaps a cultural one.
My heart breaks for the Mom selling her apartment to pay for her son's debt while he isn't changing his ways. She is trying to keep him alive and he is still gambling everything. How selfish do you have to be to ruin your Mother's life for a small chance at some cash?
It is an ilness. As logically as it seems for US who aren't Dealing with this Kind of illness they can't just stop. I believe the guilt and shame is there but addiction can be very serious. Thank god his mother is still alive to stand by him. Its a vicious cycle. I feel compassion it coukd anybody it could be someone close to you but how would one know?
I think it’s wrong his life is in danger for owing some money. The crime syndicates are wanting people slaved to them. And then someone to torture or kill when the mood suits them. Why don’t they go to prison? It’s not like it’s legal. But you see if they force his fingerprint to an IOU family is legally on the hook. Why do they support these coerced documents?
The one guy who's already deep to his knees in debts and yet still continues to do the same damn thing that got him to his current situation. He says he feels sorry for those who work in offices and that those people can make more by investing. But look at what happened to him? At least lots of these people "working in offices" aren't drowning in debts of the same magnitude as the one he has.
Unfortunately, many people fell for these "get rich quick" schemes/ideas especially with investing made much more accessible nowadays. Nobody wants to work 9-5 their entire lives just to earn that little money that can barely sustain the kind of lifestyle they dream of. And it's made much worse with all these investment advertisements/marketing, making it seem like its easy!
Or maybe you just have to rig the system the way rich people do. Get inspiration from 'wolf of wall street' or 'scam 1992'. If there is risk there is love. 😅
He's got a point though. Living wages are not enough anymore to live a decent life. We work life slaves until we die, and many will never be able to afford a house. Inflation eats out any value of a raise you get, the house prices are ridiculous compared to the boomer's generation. He did make stupid decisions, but I don't blame his initial reason for doing so. My mom has worked for nearly 40 years in her current workplace and is still earning peanuts and barely have enough to retire. I can see her body is too old to handle full time working hours, yet she can't retire.
If people understood both sides, then gave advice I think you can find a faster solution: Still blows my mind that people who have never gone through it and giving advice is wild. That's like speaking with no experience and basing everything on books. 1. Parents should only give what the child is ready for. Do not lever them up when they still have greed in their hearts 2. The child should spend 3-5 years practicing especially when it comes to anything gambling related i.e stocks, crypto, and blackjack. It really is much like a masters degree. But you must in a sense master yourself which is extremely hard. 3. Obey the one and only rule that matters in gambling : "Anything can and will happen"
As a Korean, I am almost glad I grew up with a dad with a gambling addiction… because the trauma I experienced from that childhood keeps me AWAY from what is essentially gambling. I have so many peers who are struggling and barely hanging on despite showing off an image of success through fancy shit bought on credit… It’s so sad to see…
its also have character of ponzi, those early btc and other crypto investor got mega profit, those who came too late get the price wobble or crash....I agree on buying fancy shit. The youth in the vid buy luxury car and travel abroad instead of stabilize his big money, those are very basic but fatal mistake
I'm a bit luckier than you. My parents taught me to live frugally and not waste money on pointless items, no matter how beautiful they look. What's more, one of my highschool classmates is a lottery addict. I've seen what it can do to people.
My father also developed a gambling addiction that tore our family apart. All us kids and my mom learned the hard way. She got us out, taught us how to play things safe but still enjoy life. While we're doing great now with our jobs and finances and living with him taught lessons it still hurts to think back on all those years with my father. Wish things could be different :(
This is crazy. He was so lucky that his parents prepared for his future and bought him a house. He lost it all just because he wanted to get "rich" and refuses to work a 9-5 job. He could have just kept that house and worked as a fitness instructor just to pay the small necessities. Greed really does destroy lives.
They're addicts to the thrill of gambling and within this video they call it investing with some mentions of gambling. In reality, what they're all doing is gambling. An actual investor realizes that there's more markets than just stocks and crypto. When luna goes down 99% it sucks and yes many people lost their savings. I can truly empathize with this but reality is if your entire balance is on one coin succeeding you're no longer investing but gambling. Most of these guys can only work their way out through therapy. A lot of them are young though especially the kid that was 26 and in 30k debt. Stuff like that you can work your way out of but if you're in too deep like the dude with 300k debt... Unless you're a highly skilled professional with like 100k+ salary a year it's going to take your whole life.
And the dude talks as if he feels sorry for those that work 9-5 desk jobs. Well, it's one thing if you made it in life and have a ton to speak like that, but when you don't have any money yourself.... 😁
@@dhkim3986 He would feel sorry too if his parents refused to enable him like they do. After him selling his house and blowing through his inheritance, he wouldn't get a single red cent from me. At almost 30, he better figure it out.
His mother still tried to help him after he took out a loan on her house. That’s wild because he would have been disowned and reported to the authorities. She’s basically enabling him at this point
Yeah five minutes into the video, I’m already depressed. The parents already entrusted houses and money to him, and it can’t go on. The scary part is, he still wants to stand up by investing! Huge red flag here
I think she did it so her son wouldn't commit suicide. Usually in these cases the parents are forced to help or else they might lose their son/daughter. Just a theory.
Sadly, South Korean Criminal Procedure law states that one cannot be punished for certain economic crimes against their own direct relatives - i.e. You cannot sue your parents, siblings, sons or daughters for embezzlement.
@@junhungho7063Yeah, save his life but for how long? How much more houses she has to sell, because it doesn't look like her son is going to stop gambling ne time soon...
Feel sorry for the wife that is pregnant with 2 children already, and all the husband could say was “I’m suffering a lot” you did this to yourself what about your innocent family
All his father's hardwork to get a house for him all went down the drain. What an idiot! In today's economy, it's very difficult to purchase a house and he lost his just like that. smh
And it’s even harder to purchase one in Korea, so he REALLY fucked up. Most ppl rent in Korea bcs of how expensive it is to buy housing, so he probably won’t ever get to OWN a house again in his lifetime. Because land in Korea is not getting any cheaper, his parents had a chance and took it all for this guy to throw it away. Had he worked a regular corporate job and used his inheritance wisely (not throwing it all on the stock market or whatever) he would have been fine and built wealth in a steady way. He already had the hardest part covered (owning property),he could have rented the property, make an Airbnb, theses so many things you can do to gain money off your property
Does anyone actually feel sorry for this dude? He inherited a lot of money and then lost it quickly. I don't think he deserves any sympathy from the world tbh
@@FijiBlueM00gie Yeah but for them to squander all their inheritance in one fell swoop is very surprising. Usually that happens until later generations.
They are spoiled brats bitten things they can't chew in the end. It's due also to economic boom their parents had thinking they can live off with that without working hard.
I found the documentary / narrator very irritating, because they should call this "gambling" while allowing the interviewees to call it "investing". The contrast would have spoken volumes.
This is why financial literacy is so important. It also does not matter how old you are, if you don't understand the principals of financial investing, you're always going to make poor decisions with your money. It's very unfortunate to see these young kids YOLO'ing their families wealth on reckless trades.
It is a side effect of social media. They see people their age living glamorous lifestyles without having to work for it, and they want that too. They don't realize it is fantasy. The ones who aren't mature enough to learn from their early mistakes end up like this.
I grew up in denmark and we were considered poor. In a small flat with a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen, and a toilet. No shower. I slept with my parent and my little sister in the bedroom until i was 12 years old. Our bath was the kitchen sink. My dad was a busdriver my mother worked 2 cleaning jobs 1 early in the morning 1 at night. We had food on the table, clothes on our body, but we could never afford to go on holiday in the summer. So i learned to be careful with money when i grew up. I have roof over my head, a good job, lorrydriver, food on the table every day, can buy clothes when i need to. Never wanted the headache with big mortgages, never wanted big and expensive cars. Im content with what ive got and i have no debt. Being happy and healthy is more important to me. It dosent matter how much money you have got, you cant buy happiness and a good health.
@@cstpa1 I feel you lol. Made many mistakes in my 20s and now in my early 30s trying to earn decent living. I'm saving 90% of my wage and in 3 to 5 years I want to start my own business (still don't know). Many of my friends have decent living and families of their own, I envy them. Well, couldn't rewind time. Suck it up and move on.
Win or lose everything? Bruh you've ALREADY LOST EVERYTHING... WHY ARE YOU STILL INVESTING??? This is exactly how credit card debts destroy lives, you're spending money that you don't have, and by spending more you're going deeper and deeper in debt. RIP
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I grew up with nothing, so I managed to live my entire life by barely spending any money. I managed to get buy with a laptop 5 shirts 3 pairs of pants 3 pairs of shoes and a suit. I saved up money for 5 years to be able to buy my first apartment. I still had to borrow 20% of the remaining sum from a bank. Today I own 3 apartments. 2 are paid off, and the 3rd one is on mortgage. This whole process took me a decade and I make about 100k a year. Life is easier and less stressful but I am definitely not at a point where I feel that I am rich.
새벽이른 아침에 일어나서 하루를 준비하고 버겁지만 하루를 끝끝내 마무리하는 일상은 생각보다 큰 의미가 있습니다...20대면 앞으로 적어도 8,90살까지 사는데, 6,70년 먼 걸음입니다. 조금은 천천히 가도 괜찮다고 생각해요. 너무 조바심 느끼지 마시고 하루하루 소박하게 살아가다 보면 어느새 큰 자산이 되어있을 거라 믿습니다. 다들 힘내세요...저도 20대라 엄청 공감가네요.
8,90까지 살아가는 사람은 의외로 많지 않을 거예요. 빈부차에 따른 영양섭취도 차이 많이 날거고, 서울이나 수도권이나 혹은 공업도시라면 공해에도 더 노출되어 있을텐데요. 8,90까지 정정하신분들 생각보다 라이프스타일 건강하답니다. 지금 20대중에 8,90까지 살 사람? 절반정도나 되려나요? ㅎㅎ
When I was living in a homeless shelter my neighbor came up on something like $50k in backpay from unemployment. I had been living in shelters for years by that point waiting my turn in the housing lottery. I was happy for her when it happened and I remembered saying, you can get out of here now, you could rent a place to live or even buy somewhere rural, go to school, start a business.. she said she was investing the money and it was all gone in weeks. It still haunts me to this day what she did. I am placed in housing now and have everything I need but I think of her often and wonder if she is still living, if she ever made it out of homelessness.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I used to recommend investing to people. My bro got 50k from back pay. I took it, and invested it all. Not hard, bought quality indexes, never touched it again. Sitting on huge gains. This is easy right? I tell people, just buy good index.... What did people end up doing? Day trading. I realize now, investing actually should only be done by professionals. Professionals, to us it's so easy, that we think anyone can do it. Meta stock is up 4x from it's lows after Apple blocked ads for example. You almost always get easy lay ups if you just wait. But people like the activity of day trading. Now, I don't recommend stocks at all. I realize, people just do t understand it.
This fitness coach guy out there doing the same thing that led him to his demise. He even called out and questioned people who work hard in offices. Man, those people may be clinging to the office work to provide for their family, or it may be because they have no other choice but to do so in order to get by in life.
First half of video is mistranslated. A lot of the first half needs an extra zero. When the sports trainer said $500,000 USD on the video? It's closer to $5 million USD since the video was mistranslated.
That's why I don't trust people who flex especially the one who is hanging at the gym most of the time saying he can afford to do so since he make bucks..
@@Kysura I actually revisited this video. You are right about the loan part being only 500k for the sports person. It's back and forth. The video translated some parts right and some parts wrong. Some need an extra zero. Some are translated properly. The Gangnam portion of the video is 2.5 million USD, 5 million USD, etc. "Jinsu" guy is the one with millions lost.
All the dudes in this documentary have no shame leeching off their families. Seen too many of that in a lot in asian households and its just sad. My brother did this to my parents even if he has 4 kids to raise. He gets a lot of cash from our parents and a new car for merely existing while the rest of us have to work for what we have. We need to let adult sons clean their own messes.
It happens a lot to kids that are among "favourite children". It was sick when parents ignored this and continued to do everything for their kids when they should be resting and let their kids live on their own. They have provide enough supoort for them
You have to "work for what we have" because you chose to. Are you suggesting that your parents would watch you struggle if you ever fell down on your luck? You made your choice, just like your brother did. Ironically, this is why "addiction" is so rampant: behind addiction, is a realization that most of reality is based on fabricated lies that mostly disfavor those who accept the lie. Thus, the so-called addict tries to find a way out of the lie by taking as many risks as possible. You're looking down your brother, yet feel resentful that you have to work. If being a responsible adult was such a great thing, you wouldn't feel bitter about having to work to sustain the life you live.
One of the men interviewed mentioned that "he felt sorry for those who work in offices"; my take on this is that an individual who works in an office has a stable career with great income and employee benefits, have a chequing, savings and investment accounts that have more than sufficient amounts. The career individuals also contribute regularly onto those savings and investments accounts that have high rates and compounds, allowing the money to increase over time. Those career office individuals have made better choices.
I mean, i would never make the financial choices these people make, but as someone who does work in an office everyday, I do often wonder with existential dread if this is what life is all about. Having said that, Ill take this over the ridiculous all or nothing approach these people in this doc have. Just terrible choice after terrible choice with zero lessons learned. At some point these people need to get help as if they are addicts.
I never had any money when I was younger, growing up in the foster home, joining the military at 18. Everything I have, I've earned. This is why I am conservative with money, even when it come to buying used cars instead of buying new.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
Nice plan, the problem is, he most likely took the loan from some seedy sharks. So that is not gonna help him. Have you seen the show "squid game" ? This is their source.
prolly considered it… most likely can’t… or already has dude is at the bottom…. he def hit that when he involved his mom…. then again - maybe hasn’t hit bottom as he continues to invest his paychecks
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
Keep in mind South Korea is more socially and economically advanced like Germany than the US. Even in northern states, such a healthcare system will break down at the family support stage. Thus US healthcare price will continue rising while producing the same results with continued social and marital stagnation for the forseeable future.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
As long as I have stable housing, reliable transportation, food in the house, a stable income that provides these, a financial safety net, and good health, Im ahead in the game.😉
Yes. And, if you have all that, now you have the foundation to wisely invest over the long term, if you were so inclined. People should get their foundations laid before investing.
Wrong currency translation: @6:06 his original goal was to make at least 5 million USD, not 500k USD. He also earned at one point about 2.5 million USD, not 250k USD; making his loss a lot more tragic
That's actually such a huge difference, and so stupid. At $2.5m just cash out, especially in a cheap country like Korea you're set and wealthy for life at that point. We need to send these regards to WSB lol
They’re all gambling addicts. The personal trainer say he feel sorry for office workers but he has a debt on 500K and barely $50 in his bank account. Tragic. He’s living a fantasy that will never make it.
The average office worker cannot afford a $900 emergency and has tons of student loan debt. Might not compare to his situation, but I would caution against the fear mongering these type of videos are trying to create, since the goal is often to discourage you from taking financial risks; which would be a great advice if the alternative wasn't only marginally better.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
This guy will never recover his losses and doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes. I feel very bad for his mom who is so supportive of her son mistakes. He is the only person she got in this whole world.
Thats why certain predatory company that sells branded things use kpop celebrity,to influence people buy that brands,when the truth is the celebrity barely use the product endorsed.
Yes exactly. Once they get that sports car, high end threads, [insert third luxury good here], and a superficial partner as shallow as them. *Then* they will be happy. The mantra of most 20 somethings living under capitalism.
The part that cracked me up was “houses here are $500,000…that would take me 10 years to afford!” LMAO. I’m 20 years into my plan and I’m aiming to sell down my portfolio to retire in 8 years. That’s 28 years. If you don’t have the patience for a measly 10 you will never achieve anything.
A beloved and now deceased college professor of mine said something when I visited him in the hospital, just weeks before his passing: "For the most part, all that we accumulate beyond what we need, is all for show- it's all show"- Mr. Marcellus Brooks, Fisk University.
what you professor considers "for show" is often actually "for purposes of sexual selection". humans have been putting on shows for each other for hundreds of thousands of years to get mates. lots of birds gather shiny things for this purpose too.
@perfectallycromulent About time, we tried to somewhat control that primitive side of us if we continue to claim to be the superior species. At least not to the level of complete self-destruction from greed for superficiality.
@@perfectallycromulent Once you have a wife you move past that stage. Getting mistresses and so forth is really all for show. I can assure you today's youth should worry about sustaining themselves first let alone adding another partner into the mix because their future is looking very grim.
"For show" isn't the right analogy. We accumulate 'beyond what we need' so we can have spare to give to charities and our children. At least that's my situation.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I've lived in Korea and the youth there wants a lavish lifestyle and spends money on nonsense. It's MUCH more extreme than here in Western Europe imho.
A mothers love is blind when it comes to her child (for most mothers not all). This waste of existence of a son is taking that for granted and does not even realize it or even cares. And he is 29 years old too...
The translation is off by a decimal place on one of the investors. He lost ~5M usd (not 500k) and in debt 2.9M. Thats what he wanted to use to buy a place in Gangnam
5 million USD ?!?!?!?!?! If he was absolutely hell bent on investing, even half of that money invested in something low risk like some index or mutual fund and he could live without working the rest of this life just off those returns. Insanity
its not bad to want more in your life but never take for granted what you currently have because chances are its a lot more than what some others have.
I am working as a housemaid when i was 26 yo(been working for 15 years now and counting) and my boss is working about the economy in the world for example they will buy the building that is going to bankrupt and etc. She told me to never invest in Bitcoin and other investments online and i'm fortunate even being a single parent that i spent my money to buy a land in my country and now a certified tax payer, and some other investments in crops and as well as i am able to support my two children in their education.And i also went on travelling solo.Thanks God that i've learned some financial literacy.God bless everyone!
I feel sympathy for the mother, I’m Korean but was raised in the west. I’ve worked hard day and night to fix my past wrongs and find redemption through hard work. Now I have a great job in corp and it gives me a sense of happiness to give back. (also vacations are nice time to time) I wish Korea had more mental health resources, the lack there of sucks the soul out of Seoul
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
'억 원' is closer to an extra zero. The video was mistranslated at first half. The number is closer to $5 million USD, not $500 thousand USD. Absolute insanity.
Unfortunately this is not really about "investing" or "debt", if these young people moved to Macau or Las Vegas the end result would be the same. It is a gambling addiction and it is destroying their lives and their parents lives.
This is why you need to secure your own household first before you invest in anything. As with any investments, be prepared to never make that money back.
He did. But he invested all the assets of the house. You are supposed to invest a small portion of your income and then leave it be. It goes up and down. You have not lost anything until you take the money out. He is throwing good money after bad. It’s basically day trading.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I hope to understand a bit more why young people would aspire for instance to be decked out only in designer clothes. Footloose and fancy free while one can still get away with it, is what one would expect. Wealth comes with its own set of problems tbh.
@@maximillianafrancine1451 media social greatly affect young people nowadays. Its sad how they dont understand most of them just like to show off but not really rich..
I know some of the relatives who live in Europe and other places. They say their country societies don't have upward mobility. Getting rich is hard and the best for them is to get secure jobs
Not rich. But financial independence, at least by the time I retire, whether it be from wealth accumulation or passive income. I don't aspire to become those who couldn't or didn't bother to achieve that prior to.
I’ve only visited South Korea once, and it was back in 2018. I went there on a business trip, and boy oh boy, let me tell you…it’s the most superficial society on planet Earth, that’s for sure. I thought mine was, and it is obviously (I’m from the UAE) but South Koreans are on another level. A galore of ostentatious behavior, and conspicuous spending, stemming from a dire need to compensate for one’s insecurity, by trying to fill a void through the acquisition of material stuff, that no one, absolutely no one, actually needs. This is also why, I don’t really feel bad for many of my cousins. Imagine working from 18, with a $88k/annum income for 13 years straight, living with your parents, being single, in a country with no income taxes whatsoever, and you still have ZERO savings by the time you’re 31!!!! Like WTF!!!
while some filipino dreaming working in your country for skilled job offer. they feel like heaven for achieving goal please appreciate that korean people.
nope, financial literacy isn't everything. The most important thing is discipline and self control. You could be the most knowledgeable person in terms of finances, but become a gambling addict.
@@blankneverlosegaming6374very true. A great example of those who are financially literate with no self control is that sam bankman freid guy Edit: commented this before realizing the video is about crypto 😅
@@blankneverlosegaming6374 i totally agree..FOMO person is shallow empty and miserable because they think those thing alone can only makes them happy which is wrong.
Dude in the gym with white sleeveless shirt putting shade on 9-5 workforce people and giving lessons on how to invest in crypto when he is $500,000 in debt is quite delusional.
That's because you never won big or took that big leap to cash the bag. The feeling will instantly consume you when you win a big hand, then lose double that. It's easier to judge from our perspective, but his addiction comes from denial of sunk cost.
shut up, gambling addiction isn't equal to stupidity. The brain overstimulation causes a lack of self control. It starts with smart investments which are supposed to be long term and ends up leading to gambling.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
While I don't feel sorry for people who gamble their entire families' savings, I do understand why people get started. It's true that one can't become rich or even middle class anymore by working hard. That might have been the case for the boomer's generation, but not anymore. I also grew up with the promise of "study hard, work hard, and you'll be set", but none of that was true, and I feel more and more bitter and angry for working hard. Wealth today is not made, it is inherited.
plenty of people become rich by working hard, but it's generally by owning your ideas, i.e. starting your own business. The idea of working hard = good reward is a notion we need to stop misleading people with. Digging a hole with a stick you randomly found is much harder than digging one with a well made shovel. That doesn't mean that the person digging a hole with a stick should be paid more.
@@GameFuMaster That's true. However, I see the real problem is that most jobs today - jobs that we NEED for society to run - are not paying enough to even live decently. Most people would think it's nice to become rich, but it's not a goal - however, owning a home, being able to support your family, have a car, and enough to buy food and clothes and pay for the trillion living expenses we have nowadays - that IS the goal for most people. And that goal has become more and more unrealistic with a normal job. I do understand why people are growing desperate.
@@rigelr5345 Yeah, I agree that if you work full time (within the area), you should be able to afford basic necessities. Raising a family, owning a home are definitely more long term investments.
you can still move from working class to middle class easily tho. My friends family is your typical working class, blue collar worker dad and house wife mum, but my friend study real hard and got a software engineer job out of the college, making 100k USD salary every year (not including bonus). If he continue this software engineering path he will make it into middle class in few years.
@@tokkiebunnies I've worked in software engineering it is not a long-term job because they will lay you off once you get old. Ageism is a big problem and there is an endless supply of younger and healthier engineers that can replace you. Also the job is extremely stressful and taxing since you always have to keep up to date with technological progress.
Ah yea crypto and stocks were a big trend in Korea during lockdown. They treated it like a quick short term get rich scheme after watching a couple of RUclips videos, so a majority of Korean lost money and some were taking out loans for investing too. So the trend quickly died and they’re all back to trying to get some Seoul real estate again.
"His problem was investing in cryptocurrency" Ah yes, saw that coming, when a person isn't satisfied with destroying it's own money so it destroys entire family's money
In korea, image is the most important. That is why most of the young people show flashy things even they can’t afford it just to earn respect. That is also one main reason why they fell for the “get rich quick scheme “. One korean vlogger even mentioned that in his country it’s very impossible to get rich unless you are born in a rich family.
Asian culture really goes both ways. Kids follow their parents (to a fault) and parents bend over backwards to save their kids (to a fault). Its common seeing elderly parents clean up after their adult kids who are clearly taking advantage of them. Its sad.
the number of debts is astronomical, the first people in the material have 250k USD, then we see people who have 10-50k at first I thought, that's a lot less, not so bad, only after a while I realized how huge these 'smaller' ones are ' numbers
This behavior is absolutely like a GAMBLING 🎰 addiction . As a former Gaming Commissioner…I worked with Gambling Addicts who would 86 themselves from being able to gamble. This is an ADDICTION fueled by Greed. Mom will eventually give the last bit of resources she has to him and that will be the end of that. SAD 😔, she’s choosing to be codependent instead of helping him.
disgusts me that gambling is promoted everywhere on tv and in sports etc. it's basically free profit without adding any value to society. it's like cigarettes yeah some people get joy from it but it should be able to get promoted like that. gambling addiction is one of the most cruel and with the highest suicide rate of any addictive disorder like it can exist but ffs it shouldn't be able to be promoted it's a cancer to society. i think in our lifetime it will get banned from being promoted. like sports betting, lottery, casino. all should be banned from being promoted.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
"Investing" in crypto is not smart. Borrowing money to invest in crypt is downright stupid. It may be ok to do short term (less than a few days) trading in crypto, but it is too risky to put any real money in it.
The core principle of investing is that you should only invest money you can miss because not all your investments go good and crypto currency has no value so its never smart to invest in that at all.
Having a child is like buying a lottery... You never know you gonna have a SMART KID or Drumb arrrrssss kid Sometimes you raise your child with love and advices and they still join gangs
Many of my younger co-workers in the US have 300,000 dollars in debt from student loans. I was shocked when I realized, how expense 4 years in a university had become in the US. They have a professional degree, but this is too much for any young person. Something needs to be done. I feel for these people, they seem to be in a similar situation, but worse because they do not even have a useless degree to show people.
Is super sad for sure.. the degree doesn't not guarantee you a job even a technical career is more cheaper and shorter to get certified... I am probably not getting in debt any time soon
Most of these bad cases happen not because you understand too little about the economics, or because your life was too difficult somehow. It mainly happens because of your personality traits. Rational behavior is not diving into something you don't understand, with all you got (and don't have). The one thing that is really missing in society is for people to be able to block themselves from trading sites (just like for gambling). At least then one can get that help to block themselves, always something. I remember way back when I heard about bitcoins, my barber would talk so fondly about it and how much he earned on it, my thought at that time was that this will surely turn down. When you start hearing people around you hyping something up, that means it's already about to be over. There is no easy money, or everyone would do it. Best investment you can make, is in yourself as mentioned towards the end of this. Improve your ability to earn more money!
The addiction is real. I luckily I stopped before getting worse. Invested 58K a few years ago in stocks/cypto and lost about 18K. It's sitting at around 40K now. I went cold turkey and stopped putting money in the account and just let it ride. Luckily I hedged my other funds in more stable investments like rare commodities and rare automobiles and those gain quite a bit in the last several years, so technically I broke even for total investments.
@@MidwestBrother HELL if you invested since 2001 you have a 99% chance of being green, and the 2008 crash was a great time to start investing. It was really hard to lose in the long run, and that's how people should think when investing, long term.
Mid 2020 not 2019, right after covid started. Held and still holding half risky stocks and half blue chips. Haven't sold and will not at least not for the next 10 years. I don't need that money right now.
I had problem comprehending trading in general. I tried watching other RUclips trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated. I was almost giving up until when i discovered content and explain everything in detail. The videos are easy to follow
I've been making a lot of looses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading on a demo account is just like trading the real market. Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
I was able to save a lot of money in 3 years. I landed a 3 year consulting gig paying over $100K a year. I reside in the mid-west where there is a lower cost of living. I lived with my Mother ( I paid her rent). During this time I also paid off my $15K student loans and $18K Jeep. Now I have zero debt, still making over $100K and able to focus on building wealth via investments, etc
I turned 40 today. I meet with 2 financial advisors earlier this year who estimated my net worth between 1.6 and 1.8 mil. I live in the middle of nowhere, work a bluecolor job in a very poor state, have an associates degree from a votec school. Anyone can do what I did. Most of my net worth is my 401k. The next chunk is my paid off house. I haven't had debt in years and live well below my means. I dont lose sleep over the housing market or stock market swinging.
good, 29 years old and you are throwing money into the unknown hoping it would return as lottery? yeah he deserves every bit of it, but poor mom has to deal with it.
KDoc pls make your videos in English or atleast do a voice over in English. It's hard catching up with the subtitles without stopping the video multiple times.
In the US we call these sorts of investors 'degens' as in 'degenerate gamblers'. There are lots of people like this in the US too but it's much much rarer for people to take out debt and gamble on this stuff. And people don't have access to loans that are so large unless they are making more money. You occasionally read about people taking out a loan to buy bitcoin but they are typically made fun of.
Absolutely sobering how this type of addictive trading is prevalent on the other side of the world (I'm in the US). The situation here is also tragic and with the advent of social media there seems to be no end to the hopes of overnight riches among some of the youth today.
Asians were historically gambling addicts lol, there's a good reason why China banned gambling in their country and they take it very seriously when influencers try promoting gambling to their audiences. They recently raided and arrested a lot of livestreamers for trying to promote these kind of get rich quick schemes and gambling sites to their audiences.
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money. I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family...
I’ve been forced to find additional sources of income as I got retrenched. I barely have time to continue trading and watch my investments since I had my second daughter. Do you think I should take a break for a while from the market and focus on other things or return whenever I have free time or is it a continuous process? Thanks...
@@BennettElizabth Quitting may not be the best approach if you ask me. This is where an AI comes into the picture. I barely have time to trade myself as my job swallows up most of my time. *MARGARET MOLLI ALVEY* ...
"Sometimes, it's not about having a talent, skill, or passion. But what if I told you that with the right investment, you can still achieve your goals? No talent, no skill, no passion, but good investment can bring you financial freedom. Don't underestimate the power of smart financial decisions!"
I agree with you and I believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or bitcoin and stocks..
@@rougeur Understanding your financial needs and making effective decisions is very essential. If I could advise you, you should seek the help of a financial advisor. For the record, working with one has been the best for my finances….
They are complaining that it take 10 years to acumulate enought cash to buy house there in Korea. .... My thoughts as European ....damm guys u are really lucky to live in such a country...that it take just 10 yers to buy house.
I've lost more than 500k Php pesos in 2022. I knew it was a risk. Not that affected since its all from my hardwork (God's grace) and not from debt. My family always share this line to people, "invest/risk/gamble/lend money you can afford to lose". Indeed, if your life depends on it why throw it away.
@@troylollysaf9311 i think thats an insult to her. not every asian wants to marry old rich american just to have a good living. our country is getting liberated. women can stand on their own now. women appreciate that they can now afford things without having to depend from men
He has the best support ever. Probably came from a family who supported him throughout his education and life. I love my family and I’m grateful for what they have given me. But we are not as blessed as their family and I had to work hard just to go to school and find work. I’m still living with my parents because buying a house is just not possible. It’s crazy how he doesn’t see how privileged he is to be given that “easy” life. He has a house. Parents prob payed for his education. He doesn’t even have to work a prestigious job seeing as he already has a home. I would love to be in his shoes someday yet he tosses it away due to laziness
Read carefully: While there are a few exceptions that came from nothing and are now millionaires and billionaires, most people who are of the status inherited that money or a large amount, were educated by those who willed the money, and were able to increase it. Most of us are going to have to work and struggle for our daily bread and will reside in one of three places: The top of the bottom, the middle of the bottom, or the bottom of the bottom. That's the reality of our condition. Take it or leave it. And you can continue to fool yourself if you choose to, but unless you are a multi-millionaire (100's of millions or close to it or a billionaire), you are in one of those three locations aforementioned. And I don't want to get into the political aspect, but will ask you this if you doubt the previous paragraph: Are you making the kind of money such that you and your business, you personally, can influence those in the federal government? If the answer is "no", you are in one those three locations aforementioned.
lol have fun competing vs inside information and AI. unless you have inside information yourself, don't trade. it's that simple. funny how a guy who plays poker (form of gambling) is telling people to not gamble. maybe you're projecting and should stop yourself ;)
@@fraai Poker and trading are actually similar in many aspects. A few percentage of the population actually make money and those of us who do find it easier transitioning from one to the other compared to average people. I'm one of the few who actually make money playing online and live poker for over a decade now. Clearly you are ignorant and just blame inside information and AI for your failures. You're just a hater loser lol.
I'm sure you were told this.. 1. Go to school. 2. Go to college. 3. Get a career. 4. Buy a home. 5. Invest in the stock market. This is the matrix. The banks run the world. This is how banks make money. Lending out loans to individuals that can not afford it..only to have the bank take their home in end. Buying a home now is more of a risk/liability. Learn to live within your means. Renting is much cheaper and easier to save. If your home is livable, then you should consider yourself blessed.
At one point, he was worth $2.5B Won, or about $1.9M USD. He said he was shooting for $5B Won ($3.8M USD) since he wanted to buy a small apt in Gangnam that costs a minimum of $3B Won, and use the balance to continue investing in crypto. Then he lost it all.
@@tonberrygaming3267lmaoo prices in Gangnam Area is freaking high. A small 3 bed with 2 bath will cost you around $2.5m already. You are probably talking about those apartment in Outside skirt of Seoul which is starting from $500k up from 2-3 bedrooms and 1-2 baths. I know this cos I watched a lot of korean Reality channel.
It's not even about discipline and self control. It's about engineering discipline into your portfolio. Such is the path of the Boglehead. People can make fun of them for being boring, but buy and hold investing using broadly diversified etfs engineers discipline into a portfolio.
@@hypothalapotamus5293 gambling addiction will turn all of your long term portfolio into a short term gamble play. That's why I said being financially literate isn't everything when it comes to investing.
People end up hating capitalism because they made terrible decisions that resulted in sky high debt. Brainwashed American college kids think taxpayers should pay off billions in collective debt THEY put themselves in
Remarkably dumb comment. Money has never been nor will ever be the root of all evil. Evil predates money by millenia if not eons. The TRUE root of evil is ignorance.
The son got a house as an inheritance and blew it all away within a few months? That's just utterly stupid. He wanted to get rich but he already was rich compared to many of his peers. He was just incredibly greedy.
What a scum. How could he do that to his mother? Had too much money and decided to gamble; there's no excuses for what this dude did. Dude even tried to take his own life instead of trying to make up to his mother.
He had a head start compare to the rest of us. Two house and an inheritance. That's more than what most people get in their lifetime.
Yeah even just one of those would put him ahead of 99% of all 20-30 year olds. He put himself in that situation everyone else is struggling while also starting at 0.... he started at 99 and still isnt at 0...
He didn’t earn it and that’s why he lost it.
Easy come easy go
Yes and get reck
It's technically worse for him then anyone else becuase he had far more to lose.
The father passing on his home to his son rather then wife was a pretty dumb decision but perhaps a cultural one.
My heart breaks for the Mom selling her apartment to pay for her son's debt while he isn't changing his ways. She is trying to keep him alive and he is still gambling everything.
How selfish do you have to be to ruin your Mother's life for a small chance at some cash?
The thing with gambling is that he's always gonna invest more regardless of how much he gained.
Gambling addiction is a mental illness-there’s no good reason for it. It’s such a shame 😢
It is an ilness. As logically as it seems for US who aren't Dealing with this Kind of illness they can't just stop. I believe the guilt and shame is there but addiction can be very serious. Thank god his mother is still alive to stand by him. Its a vicious cycle. I feel compassion it coukd anybody it could be someone close to you but how would one know?
More money won’t help.
I think it’s wrong his life is in danger for owing some money. The crime syndicates are wanting people slaved to them. And then someone to torture or kill when the mood suits them. Why don’t they go to prison? It’s not like it’s legal. But you see if they force his fingerprint to an IOU family is legally on the hook. Why do they support these coerced documents?
The one guy who's already deep to his knees in debts and yet still continues to do the same damn thing that got him to his current situation. He says he feels sorry for those who work in offices and that those people can make more by investing. But look at what happened to him? At least lots of these people "working in offices" aren't drowning in debts of the same magnitude as the one he has.
yeah I kinda lost all my hopes for him at that moment. My guy is just delusional
Unfortunately, many people fell for these "get rich quick" schemes/ideas especially with investing made much more accessible nowadays. Nobody wants to work 9-5 their entire lives just to earn that little money that can barely sustain the kind of lifestyle they dream of. And it's made much worse with all these investment advertisements/marketing, making it seem like its easy!
Or maybe you just have to rig the system the way rich people do. Get inspiration from 'wolf of wall street' or 'scam 1992'. If there is risk there is love. 😅
He's got a point though. Living wages are not enough anymore to live a decent life. We work life slaves until we die, and many will never be able to afford a house. Inflation eats out any value of a raise you get, the house prices are ridiculous compared to the boomer's generation. He did make stupid decisions, but I don't blame his initial reason for doing so. My mom has worked for nearly 40 years in her current workplace and is still earning peanuts and barely have enough to retire. I can see her body is too old to handle full time working hours, yet she can't retire.
If people understood both sides, then gave advice I think you can find a faster solution: Still blows my mind that people who have never gone through it and giving advice is wild. That's like speaking with no experience and basing everything on books.
1. Parents should only give what the child is ready for. Do not lever them up when they still have greed in their hearts
2. The child should spend 3-5 years practicing especially when it comes to anything gambling related i.e stocks, crypto, and blackjack. It really is much like a masters degree. But you must in a sense master yourself which is extremely hard.
3. Obey the one and only rule that matters in gambling : "Anything can and will happen"
As a Korean, I am almost glad I grew up with a dad with a gambling addiction… because the trauma I experienced from that childhood keeps me AWAY from what is essentially gambling. I have so many peers who are struggling and barely hanging on despite showing off an image of success through fancy shit bought on credit…
It’s so sad to see…
its also have character of ponzi, those early btc and other crypto investor got mega profit, those who came too late get the price wobble or crash....I agree on buying fancy shit. The youth in the vid buy luxury car and travel abroad instead of stabilize his big money, those are very basic but fatal mistake
I'm a bit luckier than you. My parents taught me to live frugally and not waste money on pointless items, no matter how beautiful they look.
What's more, one of my highschool classmates is a lottery addict. I've seen what it can do to people.
My father also developed a gambling addiction that tore our family apart. All us kids and my mom learned the hard way. She got us out, taught us how to play things safe but still enjoy life. While we're doing great now with our jobs and finances and living with him taught lessons it still hurts to think back on all those years with my father. Wish things could be different :(
I'm glad you live well and don't follow a luxurious lifestyle just to show off
😂 stop show off in comment place😂@@onebottleofwater9487
This is crazy. He was so lucky that his parents prepared for his future and bought him a house. He lost it all just because he wanted to get "rich" and refuses to work a 9-5 job. He could have just kept that house and worked as a fitness instructor just to pay the small necessities. Greed really does destroy lives.
They're addicts to the thrill of gambling and within this video they call it investing with some mentions of gambling. In reality, what they're all doing is gambling. An actual investor realizes that there's more markets than just stocks and crypto. When luna goes down 99% it sucks and yes many people lost their savings. I can truly empathize with this but reality is if your entire balance is on one coin succeeding you're no longer investing but gambling. Most of these guys can only work their way out through therapy. A lot of them are young though especially the kid that was 26 and in 30k debt. Stuff like that you can work your way out of but if you're in too deep like the dude with 300k debt... Unless you're a highly skilled professional with like 100k+ salary a year it's going to take your whole life.
he's not special. 70% of families lose their wealth by second generation and 90% by third generation.
And the dude talks as if he feels sorry for those that work 9-5 desk jobs. Well, it's one thing if you made it in life and have a ton to speak like that, but when you don't have any money yourself.... 😁
@@dhkim3986 He would feel sorry too if his parents refused to enable him like they do. After him selling his house and blowing through his inheritance, he wouldn't get a single red cent from me. At almost 30, he better figure it out.
Because he has seen someone better than him on the internet.
His mother still tried to help him after he took out a loan on her house. That’s wild because he would have been disowned and reported to the authorities. She’s basically enabling him at this point
Yeah five minutes into the video, I’m already depressed. The parents already entrusted houses and money to him, and it can’t go on. The scary part is, he still wants to stand up by investing! Huge red flag here
I think she did it so her son wouldn't commit suicide. Usually in these cases the parents are forced to help or else they might lose their son/daughter. Just a theory.
Sadly, South Korean Criminal Procedure law states that one cannot be punished for certain economic crimes against their own direct relatives - i.e. You cannot sue your parents, siblings, sons or daughters for embezzlement.
@@junhungho7063Yeah, save his life but for how long? How much more houses she has to sell, because it doesn't look like her son is going to stop gambling ne time soon...
@@bpavilion8994loosing a son is worse for a parent
Feel sorry for the wife that is pregnant with 2 children already, and all the husband could say was “I’m suffering a lot” you did this to yourself what about your innocent family
She should s divorce him on paper if she has not already.
And they are expecting a third
Men ☕️☕️☕️
agree, what a d!ck
All his father's hardwork to get a house for him all went down the drain. What an idiot! In today's economy, it's very difficult to purchase a house and he lost his just like that. smh
Exactly. Me knowing how difficult to own a house, i would call him beyond idiot.
That's why people only really value what they have to work hard to get. Anything inherited is usually taken for granted and soon wasted.
He is a winner by just staying at the start and don't do anything. But he choose to go backward, that is his choice.
And it’s even harder to purchase one in Korea, so he REALLY fucked up. Most ppl rent in Korea bcs of how expensive it is to buy housing, so he probably won’t ever get to OWN a house again in his lifetime. Because land in Korea is not getting any cheaper, his parents had a chance and took it all for this guy to throw it away. Had he worked a regular corporate job and used his inheritance wisely (not throwing it all on the stock market or whatever) he would have been fine and built wealth in a steady way. He already had the hardest part covered (owning property),he could have rented the property, make an Airbnb, theses so many things you can do to gain money off your property
Your comment gonna hurt him more bro, if he ever reads this...@@DanielGalarza-zr2cu
Does anyone actually feel sorry for this dude? He inherited a lot of money and then lost it quickly. I don't think he deserves any sympathy from the world tbh
I feel sorry for his mother, who already lost her husband and now is losing her home
Why doesn't t he jump many skyscrapers!
This is nothing in Asian especially in China and Korea . Lots of spoiled wealthy second gen
@@FijiBlueM00gie Yeah but for them to squander all their inheritance in one fell swoop is very surprising. Usually that happens until later generations.
They are spoiled brats bitten things they can't chew in the end. It's due also to economic boom their parents had thinking they can live off with that without working hard.
Dude is not an investor. He's a gambler.
Dude sounds like a wall street bets "investor". He's doomed
I found the documentary / narrator very irritating, because they should call this "gambling" while allowing the interviewees to call it "investing". The contrast would have spoken volumes.
@@pablosskates7067saving face…
@@Praisethesunson It would be worth $1.2 million today so he actually made a great decision.
This is why financial literacy is so important. It also does not matter how old you are, if you don't understand the principals of financial investing, you're always going to make poor decisions with your money. It's very unfortunate to see these young kids YOLO'ing their families wealth on reckless trades.
And you wonder why you see such movies as Squid Game
Its their History
It is a side effect of social media. They see people their age living glamorous lifestyles without having to work for it, and they want that too. They don't realize it is fantasy.
The ones who aren't mature enough to learn from their early mistakes end up like this.
Absolutely agree - financial literacy is everything. Needs to be taught more in schools
No one has patience bruh..I agree with u…if u can throw $200-500 into a well known ETF OR MUTUAL FUND FOR 20 yrs u be okay…
I grew up in denmark and we were considered poor. In a small flat with a bedroom, a living room and a kitchen, and a toilet. No shower. I slept with my parent and my little sister in the bedroom until i was 12 years old. Our bath was the kitchen sink. My dad was a busdriver my mother worked 2 cleaning jobs 1 early in the morning 1 at night. We had food on the table, clothes on our body, but we could never afford to go on holiday in the summer. So i learned to be careful with money when i grew up. I have roof over my head, a good job, lorrydriver, food on the table every day, can buy clothes when i need to. Never wanted the headache with big mortgages, never wanted big and expensive cars. Im content with what ive got and i have no debt. Being happy and healthy is more important to me. It dosent matter how much money you have got, you cant buy happiness and a good health.
I agree. I also have the same thoughts.
How old are you now? It must be like in 70s when Denmark still not as developed as now
I am 60 years old , born a
April 1'st 1963
i grew up very poor and honestly continued to be poor into my 30s. my parents taught me nothing.
@@cstpa1 I feel you lol. Made many mistakes in my 20s and now in my early 30s trying to earn decent living. I'm saving 90% of my wage and in 3 to 5 years I want to start my own business (still don't know). Many of my friends have decent living and families of their own, I envy them. Well, couldn't rewind time. Suck it up and move on.
Win or lose everything? Bruh you've ALREADY LOST EVERYTHING... WHY ARE YOU STILL INVESTING??? This is exactly how credit card debts destroy lives, you're spending money that you don't have, and by spending more you're going deeper and deeper in debt. RIP
Sometimes you've got to gamble
@@g.williams2047but don't use loan to gamble, just use your own money, cryto value can go down very quickly
I can’t believe that guy is still giving investment advice to people who have stable jobs and probably more savings. It’s an addiction.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I grew up with nothing, so I managed to live my entire life by barely spending any money. I managed to get buy with a laptop 5 shirts 3 pairs of pants 3 pairs of shoes and a suit. I saved up money for 5 years to be able to buy my first apartment. I still had to borrow 20% of the remaining sum from a bank.
Today I own 3 apartments. 2 are paid off, and the 3rd one is on mortgage. This whole process took me a decade and I make about 100k a year.
Life is easier and less stressful but I am definitely not at a point where I feel that I am rich.
새벽이른 아침에 일어나서 하루를 준비하고 버겁지만 하루를 끝끝내 마무리하는 일상은 생각보다 큰 의미가 있습니다...20대면 앞으로 적어도 8,90살까지 사는데, 6,70년 먼 걸음입니다. 조금은 천천히 가도 괜찮다고 생각해요. 너무 조바심 느끼지 마시고 하루하루 소박하게 살아가다 보면 어느새 큰 자산이 되어있을 거라 믿습니다. 다들 힘내세요...저도 20대라 엄청 공감가네요.
8,90까지 살아가는 사람은 의외로 많지 않을 거예요. 빈부차에 따른 영양섭취도 차이 많이 날거고, 서울이나 수도권이나 혹은 공업도시라면 공해에도 더 노출되어 있을텐데요. 8,90까지 정정하신분들 생각보다 라이프스타일 건강하답니다. 지금 20대중에 8,90까지 살 사람? 절반정도나 되려나요? ㅎㅎ
When I was living in a homeless shelter my neighbor came up on something like $50k in backpay from unemployment. I had been living in shelters for years by that point waiting my turn in the housing lottery. I was happy for her when it happened and I remembered saying, you can get out of here now, you could rent a place to live or even buy somewhere rural, go to school, start a business.. she said she was investing the money and it was all gone in weeks. It still haunts me to this day what she did. I am placed in housing now and have everything I need but I think of her often and wonder if she is still living, if she ever made it out of homelessness.
I.. have no words. I don't understand people like this. I hope you are doing well.
That is completely insane. Very unfortunate.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I used to recommend investing to people. My bro got 50k from back pay. I took it, and invested it all. Not hard, bought quality indexes, never touched it again. Sitting on huge gains. This is easy right? I tell people, just buy good index.... What did people end up doing? Day trading. I realize now, investing actually should only be done by professionals. Professionals, to us it's so easy, that we think anyone can do it. Meta stock is up 4x from it's lows after Apple blocked ads for example. You almost always get easy lay ups if you just wait. But people like the activity of day trading. Now, I don't recommend stocks at all. I realize, people just do t understand it.
This fitness coach guy out there doing the same thing that led him to his demise. He even called out and questioned people who work hard in offices. Man, those people may be clinging to the office work to provide for their family, or it may be because they have no other choice but to do so in order to get by in life.
"if they invest smartly they can get a few thousand a day"
- 500K in debt.
First half of video is mistranslated. A lot of the first half needs an extra zero.
When the sports trainer said $500,000 USD on the video? It's closer to $5 million USD since the video was mistranslated.
@@2RosarioVampire dang 500k is a lot.. but 5 million is massive..
That's why I don't trust people who flex especially the one who is hanging at the gym most of the time saying he can afford to do so since he make bucks..
@@Kysura I actually revisited this video. You are right about the loan part being only 500k for the sports person. It's back and forth. The video translated some parts right and some parts wrong. Some need an extra zero. Some are translated properly.
The Gangnam portion of the video is 2.5 million USD, 5 million USD, etc.
"Jinsu" guy is the one with millions lost.
All the dudes in this documentary have no shame leeching off their families. Seen too many of that in a lot in asian households and its just sad. My brother did this to my parents even if he has 4 kids to raise. He gets a lot of cash from our parents and a new car for merely existing while the rest of us have to work for what we have.
We need to let adult sons clean their own messes.
Even daughters do that too, heck many I know have left their children with grandparents full-time, and always demand party money every week.
@@dinte215 "In this documentary". Stay focused lol.
It happens a lot to kids that are among "favourite children". It was sick when parents ignored this and continued to do everything for their kids when they should be resting and let their kids live on their own. They have provide enough supoort for them
You have to "work for what we have" because you chose to. Are you suggesting that your parents would watch you struggle if you ever fell down on your luck? You made your choice, just like your brother did. Ironically, this is why "addiction" is so rampant: behind addiction, is a realization that most of reality is based on fabricated lies that mostly disfavor those who accept the lie. Thus, the so-called addict tries to find a way out of the lie by taking as many risks as possible.
You're looking down your brother, yet feel resentful that you have to work. If being a responsible adult was such a great thing, you wouldn't feel bitter about having to work to sustain the life you live.
One of the men interviewed mentioned that "he felt sorry for those who work in offices"; my take on this is that an individual who works in an office has a stable career with great income and employee benefits, have a chequing, savings and investment accounts that have more than sufficient amounts. The career individuals also contribute regularly onto those savings and investments accounts that have high rates and compounds, allowing the money to increase over time. Those career office individuals have made better choices.
And most of the office worker debt free compare to him have debt 300,000 dollar
I mean, i would never make the financial choices these people make, but as someone who does work in an office everyday, I do often wonder with existential dread if this is what life is all about. Having said that, Ill take this over the ridiculous all or nothing approach these people in this doc have. Just terrible choice after terrible choice with zero lessons learned. At some point these people need to get help as if they are addicts.
this dude is insane, but working in a office is a soul cruching job... if you don't be like "is this all there is to it?" you are not human my bro.
@@ArlindoBuriti Yes and the harsh work culture in Korea puts in a whole different league.
maybe thats why many choose the shortcut named "investment"
I never had any money when I was younger, growing up in the foster home, joining the military at 18. Everything I have, I've earned. This is why I am conservative with money, even when it come to buying used cars instead of buying new.
This is why most rich people are so stingy, they made their way to the top by any means possible.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
He should file bankruptcy instead of dragging his mom into it
Nice plan, the problem is, he most likely took the loan from some seedy sharks.
So that is not gonna help him.
Have you seen the show "squid game" ? This is their source.
prolly considered it… most likely can’t… or already has
dude is at the bottom…. he def hit that when he involved his mom…. then again - maybe hasn’t hit bottom as he continues to invest his paychecks
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
What a wonderful documentary. Loved the part where the doctors/scientists were explaining how clinical it was. This is a world wide phenomenon.
Keep in mind South Korea is more socially and economically advanced like Germany than the US. Even in northern states, such a healthcare system will break down at the family support stage. Thus US healthcare price will continue rising while producing the same results with continued social and marital stagnation for the forseeable future.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
As long as I have stable housing, reliable transportation, food in the house, a stable income that provides these, a financial safety net, and good health, Im ahead in the game.😉
Yes. And, if you have all that, now you have the foundation to wisely invest over the long term, if you were so inclined. People should get their foundations laid before investing.
Wrong currency translation: @6:06 his original goal was to make at least 5 million USD, not 500k USD. He also earned at one point about 2.5 million USD, not 250k USD; making his loss a lot more tragic
That's actually such a huge difference, and so stupid. At $2.5m just cash out, especially in a cheap country like Korea you're set and wealthy for life at that point. We need to send these regards to WSB lol
@GodHandFemto Korea is not a cheap country. Have you ever been to Korea? Cost of living in Seoul is not that different from the US
They’re all gambling addicts. The personal trainer say he feel sorry for office workers but he has a debt on 500K and barely $50 in his bank account. Tragic. He’s living a fantasy that will never make it.
and he still didnt realize he's a social media flexing victim..
It's closer to $3.8 million USD. The video mistranslated numbers first half of video.
The average office worker cannot afford a $900 emergency and has tons of student loan debt. Might not compare to his situation, but I would caution against the fear mongering these type of videos are trying to create, since the goal is often to discourage you from taking financial risks; which would be a great advice if the alternative wasn't only marginally better.
@@IM-qy7mf bullshit .
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
This guy will never recover his losses and doesn’t seem to learn from his mistakes. I feel very bad for his mom who is so supportive of her son mistakes. He is the only person she got in this whole world.
This happens when you want to be filthy rich in a short term....what for?... buy high end brands and unnecessary luxury that make you more miserable.
it's the mindset of immature people. They weren't able to grow past the toddler mentality of 'instant gratification'. They're emotionally stunted too
Korean society is super marerialistic. It basically defines your place in society
Thats why certain predatory company that sells branded things use kpop celebrity,to influence people buy that brands,when the truth is the celebrity barely use the product endorsed.
Yes exactly. Once they get that sports car, high end threads, [insert third luxury good here], and a superficial partner as shallow as them. *Then* they will be happy.
The mantra of most 20 somethings living under capitalism.
The part that cracked me up was “houses here are $500,000…that would take me 10 years to afford!” LMAO. I’m 20 years into my plan and I’m aiming to sell down my portfolio to retire in 8 years. That’s 28 years. If you don’t have the patience for a measly 10 you will never achieve anything.
A beloved and now deceased college professor of mine said something when I visited him in the hospital, just weeks before his passing:
"For the most part, all that we accumulate beyond what we need, is all for show- it's all show"- Mr. Marcellus Brooks, Fisk University.
what you professor considers "for show" is often actually "for purposes of sexual selection". humans have been putting on shows for each other for hundreds of thousands of years to get mates. lots of birds gather shiny things for this purpose too.
Some people pass on that show to their kids.
@perfectallycromulent About time, we tried to somewhat control that primitive side of us if we continue to claim to be the superior species. At least not to the level of complete self-destruction from greed for superficiality.
@@perfectallycromulent Once you have a wife you move past that stage. Getting mistresses and so forth is really all for show. I can assure you today's youth should worry about sustaining themselves first let alone adding another partner into the mix because their future is looking very grim.
"For show" isn't the right analogy. We accumulate 'beyond what we need' so we can have spare to give to charities and our children. At least that's my situation.
It's very very sad. These kids are trying to make it or break it... They broke it
Why r u everywhere
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
I've lived in Korea and the youth there wants a lavish lifestyle and spends money on nonsense. It's MUCH more extreme than here in Western Europe imho.
A mothers love is blind when it comes to her child (for most mothers not all). This waste of existence of a son is taking that for granted and does not even realize it or even cares. And he is 29 years old too...
The translation is off by a decimal place on one of the investors. He lost ~5M usd (not 500k) and in debt 2.9M. Thats what he wanted to use to buy a place in Gangnam
That makes it so much worse. 5M USD is a lot of money for common people.
Million? 😱
Yes exactly, 억 is 100,000,000 Korean won and the apartment in gangnam costs 30억 so 3,000,000,000 krw.
5 million USD ?!?!?!?!?! If he was absolutely hell bent on investing, even half of that money invested in something low risk like some index or mutual fund and he could live without working the rest of this life just off those returns. Insanity
@@Why.Just_why Bro. He didn't do his homework and most of these supposed investments are nothing but ponzi scams...
This is a good video. Problem is the cost of living is rising much faster than the rate of salary increment.
its not bad to want more in your life but never take for granted what you currently have because chances are its a lot more than what some others have.
on average 90% of rich families lose their wealth by the third generation. 70% by the second generation.
I am working as a housemaid when i was 26 yo(been working for 15 years now and counting) and my boss is working about the economy in the world for example they will buy the building that is going to bankrupt and etc. She told me to never invest in Bitcoin and other investments online and i'm fortunate even being a single parent that i spent my money to buy a land in my country and now a certified tax payer, and some other investments in crops and as well as i am able to support my two children in their education.And i also went on travelling solo.Thanks God that i've learned some financial literacy.God bless everyone!
I feel sympathy for the mother, I’m Korean but was raised in the west. I’ve worked hard day and night to fix my past wrongs and find redemption through hard work. Now I have a great job in corp and it gives me a sense of happiness to give back. (also vacations are nice time to time)
I wish Korea had more mental health resources, the lack there of sucks the soul out of Seoul
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
That gym trainer dude. He lost 500,000K with no savings. Yet he is criticizing people with regular office job.
'억 원' is closer to an extra zero. The video was mistranslated at first half. The number is closer to $5 million USD, not $500 thousand USD.
Absolute insanity.
@@2RosarioVampireOmg that’s terrible
Unfortunately this is not really about "investing" or "debt", if these young people moved to Macau or Las Vegas the end result would be the same. It is a gambling addiction and it is destroying their lives and their parents lives.
It would be worth $1.2 million today so he actually made a great decision.
This is why you need to secure your own household first before you invest in anything. As with any investments, be prepared to never make that money back.
He did. But he invested all the assets of the house. You are supposed to invest a small portion of your income and then leave it be. It goes up and down. You have not lost anything until you take the money out. He is throwing good money after bad. It’s basically day trading.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
Always live below your means, don't buy something you can't afford just because you want it & be careful of what you invest in
"friend" that invite you to invest into something.
those are not "friend"; they are just "fiend" in most cases.
He wants a sports car, a posh apt this man is truly Immature, and the mother is an enabler .
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
Shame he's doing that to his kids and wife. Little bub was so cute in that video!😣
Thank you. In many parts of the world, getting rich isn't really what a young person aspires to.
I hope to understand a bit more why young people would aspire for instance to be decked out only in designer clothes. Footloose and fancy free while one can still get away with it, is what one would expect. Wealth comes with its own set of problems tbh.
@@maximillianafrancine1451 media social greatly affect young people nowadays. Its sad how they dont understand most of them just like to show off but not really rich..
@@rakamu2940 gotcha.
I know some of the relatives who live in Europe and other places. They say their country societies don't have upward mobility. Getting rich is hard and the best for them is to get secure jobs
Not rich. But financial independence, at least by the time I retire, whether it be from wealth accumulation or passive income. I don't aspire to become those who couldn't or didn't bother to achieve that prior to.
I’ve only visited South Korea once, and it was back in 2018. I went there on a business trip, and boy oh boy, let me tell you…it’s the most superficial society on planet Earth, that’s for sure. I thought mine was, and it is obviously (I’m from the UAE) but South Koreans are on another level. A galore of ostentatious behavior, and conspicuous spending, stemming from a dire need to compensate for one’s insecurity, by trying to fill a void through the acquisition of material stuff, that no one, absolutely no one, actually needs.
This is also why, I don’t really feel bad for many of my cousins. Imagine working from 18, with a $88k/annum income for 13 years straight, living with your parents, being single, in a country with no income taxes whatsoever, and you still have ZERO savings by the time you’re 31!!!! Like WTF!!!
smallest dicks on the planet. 4" median length.
No income taxes? Wow...
while some filipino dreaming working in your country for skilled job offer. they feel like heaven for achieving goal please appreciate that korean people.
This is why financial literacy is everything. Don't chase hype due to FOMO. Building wealth takes time and should be looked at on a long term horizon.
What is Fomo?
@@Minass848fear of missing out
nope, financial literacy isn't everything. The most important thing is discipline and self control. You could be the most knowledgeable person in terms of finances, but become a gambling addict.
@@blankneverlosegaming6374very true. A great example of those who are financially literate with no self control is that sam bankman freid guy
Edit: commented this before realizing the video is about crypto 😅
@@blankneverlosegaming6374 i totally agree..FOMO person is shallow empty and miserable because they think those thing alone can only makes them happy which is wrong.
Well these guys deserve it. There’s no shortcut in life and yet they wanna get rich quick
Dude in the gym with white sleeveless shirt putting shade on 9-5 workforce people and giving lessons on how to invest in crypto when he is $500,000 in debt is quite delusional.
The hardest lesson for me was losing 5k in speculative investing during my early 20’s. I can’t imagine losing my house and 300k savings😵💫
That's because you never won big or took that big leap to cash the bag. The feeling will instantly consume you when you win a big hand, then lose double that. It's easier to judge from our perspective, but his addiction comes from denial of sunk cost.
@@donatematchacookie gamblers would never quit even when they were ahead. That's why they lost in the end.
I wonder if there's a Korean version of Wall Street Bets these degens learn from lol
its just numbers in an app. just delete the app and it goes away.
@@AN-xs7dwyes it's just real money...
I'm 29 years old. A licensed but still debt less in bank. Thankfully I'm not stupid to gamble my money to non sense and not just to look pretty rich .
shut up, gambling addiction isn't equal to stupidity. The brain overstimulation causes a lack of self control. It starts with smart investments which are supposed to be long term and ends up leading to gambling.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
While I don't feel sorry for people who gamble their entire families' savings, I do understand why people get started. It's true that one can't become rich or even middle class anymore by working hard. That might have been the case for the boomer's generation, but not anymore. I also grew up with the promise of "study hard, work hard, and you'll be set", but none of that was true, and I feel more and more bitter and angry for working hard. Wealth today is not made, it is inherited.
plenty of people become rich by working hard, but it's generally by owning your ideas, i.e. starting your own business.
The idea of working hard = good reward is a notion we need to stop misleading people with.
Digging a hole with a stick you randomly found is much harder than digging one with a well made shovel. That doesn't mean that the person digging a hole with a stick should be paid more.
@@GameFuMaster That's true. However, I see the real problem is that most jobs today - jobs that we NEED for society to run - are not paying enough to even live decently.
Most people would think it's nice to become rich, but it's not a goal - however, owning a home, being able to support your family, have a car, and enough to buy food and clothes and pay for the trillion living expenses we have nowadays - that IS the goal for most people. And that goal has become more and more unrealistic with a normal job. I do understand why people are growing desperate.
@@rigelr5345 Yeah, I agree that if you work full time (within the area), you should be able to afford basic necessities.
Raising a family, owning a home are definitely more long term investments.
you can still move from working class to middle class easily tho. My friends family is your typical working class, blue collar worker dad and house wife mum, but my friend study real hard and got a software engineer job out of the college, making 100k USD salary every year (not including bonus). If he continue this software engineering path he will make it into middle class in few years.
@@tokkiebunnies I've worked in software engineering it is not a long-term job because they will lay you off once you get old. Ageism is a big problem and there is an endless supply of younger and healthier engineers that can replace you. Also the job is extremely stressful and taxing since you always have to keep up to date with technological progress.
Ah yea crypto and stocks were a big trend in Korea during lockdown. They treated it like a quick short term get rich scheme after watching a couple of RUclips videos, so a majority of Korean lost money and some were taking out loans for investing too. So the trend quickly died and they’re all back to trying to get some Seoul real estate again.
Not just Korea...all over the world.
This guy is not just a bad investor but also gambling addict.
Many people don’t understand the difference between investing and gambling.
"His problem was investing in cryptocurrency" Ah yes, saw that coming, when a person isn't satisfied with destroying it's own money so it destroys entire family's money
In korea, image is the most important. That is why most of the young people show flashy things even they can’t afford it just to earn respect. That is also one main reason why they fell for the “get rich quick scheme “. One korean vlogger even mentioned that in his country it’s very impossible to get rich unless you are born in a rich family.
What korean vlogger?
Nailed it
Even in a community culture like Korea, why would a parent let the son use the house for crypto currency?
Who are you even asking? These people all took up debts and put up collateral by themselves. Of course the parents would've stop if they knew.
He inherited the money and most likely the property was in his name without his mother.
Korea is no longer a community culture like everybody thinks. Society is more broken than we realize
This is korea where's son is everything for most of the family
Asian culture really goes both ways. Kids follow their parents (to a fault) and parents bend over backwards to save their kids (to a fault). Its common seeing elderly parents clean up after their adult kids who are clearly taking advantage of them. Its sad.
The old guard sacrificed while the new gen squandered.
Never ever be a creature of comfort.
the number of debts is astronomical, the first people in the material have 250k USD, then we see people who have 10-50k at first I thought, that's a lot less, not so bad, only after a while I realized how huge these 'smaller' ones are ' numbers
Never go into debt, keep a good credit score and earn money slowly, you don’t get rich overnight which some people fall into that trap
Your translation is wrong, his goal is $5millon, not $500k
1 billion 10억 = $ 1milion
5 billion 50억 = $ 5millon
What a cowardly thing to do, trying to take his own life and leaving the debt to his elderly mother🤬😡🤬. Get off your butt and work!
Korea. Where the son is everything.
Pfft. I would have kept my home and given the little cockroach a match so he can finish the job.
Smh he’s a leech
what a great channel, this channel definitely deserve more viewers.
At least hes still young. Just imagine if he did this at age 60
This behavior is absolutely like a GAMBLING 🎰 addiction . As a former Gaming Commissioner…I worked with Gambling Addicts who would 86 themselves from being able to gamble. This is an ADDICTION fueled by Greed. Mom will eventually give the last bit of resources she has to him and that will be the end of that. SAD 😔, she’s choosing to be codependent instead of helping him.
disgusts me that gambling is promoted everywhere on tv and in sports etc. it's basically free profit without adding any value to society. it's like cigarettes yeah some people get joy from it but it should be able to get promoted like that. gambling addiction is one of the most cruel and with the highest suicide rate of any addictive disorder
like it can exist but ffs it shouldn't be able to be promoted it's a cancer to society. i think in our lifetime it will get banned from being promoted. like sports betting, lottery, casino. all should be banned from being promoted.
This is proof that crypto is a scam. His addiction in cryptocurrency and stock is ruining his life. What he needs most right now is therapy to help him cope with his crippling addiction.
"Investing" in crypto is not smart. Borrowing money to invest in crypt is downright stupid. It may be ok to do short term (less than a few days) trading in crypto, but it is too risky to put any real money in it.
The core principle of investing is that you should only invest money you can miss because not all your investments go good and crypto currency has no value so its never smart to invest in that at all.
Having a child is like buying a lottery... You never know you gonna have a SMART KID or Drumb arrrrssss kid Sometimes you raise your child with love and advices and they still join gangs
Many of my younger co-workers in the US have 300,000 dollars in debt from student loans. I was shocked when I realized, how expense 4 years in a university had become in the US. They have a professional degree, but this is too much for any young person. Something needs to be done. I feel for these people, they seem to be in a similar situation, but worse because they do not even have a useless degree to show people.
Is super sad for sure.. the degree doesn't not guarantee you a job even a technical career is more cheaper and shorter to get certified... I am probably not getting in debt any time soon
Not investing, but gambling.
Most of these bad cases happen not because you understand too little about the economics, or because your life was too difficult somehow. It mainly happens because of your personality traits. Rational behavior is not diving into something you don't understand, with all you got (and don't have). The one thing that is really missing in society is for people to be able to block themselves from trading sites (just like for gambling). At least then one can get that help to block themselves, always something. I remember way back when I heard about bitcoins, my barber would talk so fondly about it and how much he earned on it, my thought at that time was that this will surely turn down. When you start hearing people around you hyping something up, that means it's already about to be over. There is no easy money, or everyone would do it. Best investment you can make, is in yourself as mentioned towards the end of this. Improve your ability to earn more money!
The addiction is real. I luckily I stopped before getting worse. Invested 58K a few years ago in stocks/cypto and lost about 18K. It's sitting at around 40K now. I went cold turkey and stopped putting money in the account and just let it ride. Luckily I hedged my other funds in more stable investments like rare commodities and rare automobiles and those gain quite a bit in the last several years, so technically I broke even for total investments.
The stock market doubled since 2019, if you just held... shouldn't lost anything if you got in a few years ago
@@MidwestBrother HELL if you invested since 2001 you have a 99% chance of being green, and the 2008 crash was a great time to start investing. It was really hard to lose in the long run, and that's how people should think when investing, long term.
Mid 2020 not 2019, right after covid started. Held and still holding half risky stocks and half blue chips. Haven't sold and will not at least not for the next 10 years. I don't need that money right now.
Would you mind sharing those commodities and automobile types for per who is new to invest in those areas? Where can I invest in that?
@sunkun081 don't go down that route. The OP just showed you he doesn't know how to invest by buying into that crypto scam
I had problem comprehending trading in general. I tried watching other RUclips trading channels, but they made the concepts more complicated. I was almost giving up until when i discovered content and explain everything in detail. The videos are easy to follow
I've been making a lot of looses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading on a demo account is just like trading the real market. Can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do?
Trading on a demo account can definitely feel similar to the real market, but there are some differences. It's important to remember that trading involves risks and it's normal to face looses sometimes. One piece of advice is to start small and gradually increase your investments as you gain more experience and confidence. It might also be helpful to seek guidance from experienced traders or do some research on different trading strategies.
I will advise you should stop trading on your own if you keep losing.
If you can, then get a professional to trade for you i think that way your assets are more secure
I'd recommend Annabelle Hartfield, her profit is great even when there's a dip
I was able to save a lot of money in 3 years. I landed a 3 year consulting gig paying over $100K a year. I reside in the mid-west where there is a lower cost of living. I lived with my Mother ( I paid her rent). During this time I also paid off my $15K student loans and $18K Jeep. Now I have zero debt, still making over $100K and able to focus on building wealth via investments, etc
I turned 40 today. I meet with 2 financial advisors earlier this year who estimated my net worth between 1.6 and 1.8 mil. I live in the middle of nowhere, work a bluecolor job in a very poor state, have an associates degree from a votec school. Anyone can do what I did. Most of my net worth is my 401k. The next chunk is my paid off house. I haven't had debt in years and live well below my means. I dont lose sleep over the housing market or stock market swinging.
He's spoiled, lazy and irresponsible. I just feel bad for his mom.
good, 29 years old and you are throwing money into the unknown hoping it would return as lottery?
yeah he deserves every bit of it, but poor mom has to deal with it.
the other guy even felt sorry for office workers lmao while him lost all on crypto trading.
Working hard won't make you rich either nowadays
KDoc pls make your videos in English or atleast do a voice over in English. It's hard catching up with the subtitles without stopping the video multiple times.
"Currently working as a deliveryman, he has stopped... outside a sports gambling shop"
Totally had me there.
In the US we call these sorts of investors 'degens' as in 'degenerate gamblers'. There are lots of people like this in the US too but it's much much rarer for people to take out debt and gamble on this stuff. And people don't have access to loans that are so large unless they are making more money. You occasionally read about people taking out a loan to buy bitcoin but they are typically made fun of.
Absolutely sobering how this type of addictive trading is prevalent on the other side of the world (I'm in the US). The situation here is also tragic and with the advent of social media there seems to be no end to the hopes of overnight riches among some of the youth today.
Asians were historically gambling addicts lol, there's a good reason why China banned gambling in their country and they take it very seriously when influencers try promoting gambling to their audiences. They recently raided and arrested a lot of livestreamers for trying to promote these kind of get rich quick schemes and gambling sites to their audiences.
Amazing video, A friend of mine referred me to a financial adviser sometime ago and we got talking about investment and money. I started investing with $120k and in the first 2 months , my portfolio was reading $274,800. Crazy right!, I decided to reinvest my profit and gets more interesting. For over a year we have been working together making consistent profit just bought my second home 2 weeks ago and care for my family...
I’ve been forced to find additional sources of income as I got retrenched. I barely have time to continue trading and watch my investments since I had my second daughter. Do you think I should take a break for a while from the market and focus on other things or return whenever I have free time or is it a continuous process? Thanks...
@@BennettElizabth Quitting may not be the best approach if you ask me. This is where an AI comes into the picture. I barely have time to trade myself as my job swallows up most of my time. *MARGARET MOLLI ALVEY* ...
@@MeirPamela Oh please I’d love that. Thanks!
Lookup with her name on the webpage.
"Sometimes, it's not about having a talent, skill, or passion. But what if I told you that with the right investment, you can still achieve your goals? No talent, no skill, no passion, but good investment can bring you financial freedom. Don't underestimate the power of smart financial decisions!"
I agree with you and I believe that the secret to financial stability is having the right investment ideas to enable you earn more money, I don’t know who agrees with me but either way I recommend either real estate or bitcoin and stocks..
I keep wondering how people earn money in financial markets, i tried trading on my own made a huge loss and now I'm scared of investing more…
@@rougeur Understanding your financial needs and making effective decisions is very essential. If I could advise you, you should seek the help of a financial advisor. For the record, working with one has been the best for my finances….
Mind if I ask you to recommend this particular coach you using their service? Seems you've figured it all out.
@@rougeur I get guidance from *Susan Tori Davis* Most likely, the internet should have her basic info..
They are complaining that it take 10 years to acumulate enought cash to buy house there in Korea. ....
My thoughts as European ....damm guys u are really lucky to live in such a country...that it take just 10 yers to buy house.
I've lost more than 500k Php pesos in 2022.
I knew it was a risk.
Not that affected since its all from my hardwork (God's grace) and not from debt.
My family always share this line to people, "invest/risk/gamble/lend money you can afford to lose".
Indeed, if your life depends on it why throw it away.
I feel extremely sad for the mother.
As of now, I am in my 30s and watching this with $3k USD in savings and no debts. After watching this, I feel very fortunate. PH country.
Just marry an old american, get citizenship, get a job there and become rich.
@@troylollysaf9311 i think thats an insult to her. not every asian wants to marry old rich american just to have a good living. our country is getting liberated. women can stand on their own now. women appreciate that they can now afford things without having to depend from men
Only desperate person can do that. Dignity for sale?
No, I don't like gambling.@@firstnamelastname8217
He has the best support ever. Probably came from a family who supported him throughout his education and life. I love my family and I’m grateful for what they have given me. But we are not as blessed as their family and I had to work hard just to go to school and find work. I’m still living with my parents because buying a house is just not possible. It’s crazy how he doesn’t see how privileged he is to be given that “easy” life. He has a house. Parents prob payed for his education. He doesn’t even have to work a prestigious job seeing as he already has a home. I would love to be in his shoes someday yet he tosses it away due to laziness
Read carefully: While there are a few exceptions that came from nothing and are now millionaires and billionaires, most people who are of the status inherited that money or a large amount, were educated by those who willed the money, and were able to increase it.
Most of us are going to have to work and struggle for our daily bread and will reside in one of three places:
The top of the bottom, the middle of the bottom, or the bottom of the bottom.
That's the reality of our condition. Take it or leave it.
And you can continue to fool yourself if you choose to, but unless you are a multi-millionaire (100's of millions or close to it or a billionaire), you are in one of those three locations aforementioned.
And I don't want to get into the political aspect, but will ask you this if you doubt the previous paragraph: Are you making the kind of money such that you and your business, you personally, can influence those in the federal government?
If the answer is "no", you are in one those three locations aforementioned.
Most don't have what it takes to succeed in trading. Just find other areas where you can succeed. The problem is greed and lack of patience.
lol have fun competing vs inside information and AI. unless you have inside information yourself, don't trade. it's that simple.
funny how a guy who plays poker (form of gambling) is telling people to not gamble. maybe you're projecting and should stop yourself ;)
@@fraai Poker and trading are actually similar in many aspects. A few percentage of the population actually make money and those of us who do find it easier transitioning from one to the other compared to average people. I'm one of the few who actually make money playing online and live poker for over a decade now. Clearly you are ignorant and just blame inside information and AI for your failures. You're just a hater loser lol.
The dumb thing about him is using loan money for investing
I'm sure you were told this..
1. Go to school.
2. Go to college.
3. Get a career.
4. Buy a home.
5. Invest in the stock market.
This is the matrix. The banks run the world. This is how banks make money. Lending out loans to individuals that can not afford it..only to have the bank take their home in end. Buying a home now is more of a risk/liability. Learn to live within your means. Renting is much cheaper and easier to save. If your home is livable, then you should consider yourself blessed.
At one point, he was worth $2.5B Won, or about $1.9M USD. He said he was shooting for $5B Won ($3.8M USD) since he wanted to buy a small apt in Gangnam that costs a minimum of $3B Won, and use the balance to continue investing in crypto. Then he lost it all.
lol, not 3.8 million usd. apartments dont cost millions even in korea
Minimum 3 Million if you are purchasing. Shts expensive here :(
@@tonberrygaming3267in Oppa Gangnam Style, yes it is millions... It's like Beverly Hills of Korea
@@tonberrygaming3267 in Gangnam it does, IU’s gangnam penthouse is at 12M.
@@tonberrygaming3267lmaoo prices in Gangnam Area is freaking high. A small 3 bed with 2 bath will cost you around $2.5m already. You are probably talking about those apartment in Outside skirt of Seoul which is starting from $500k up from 2-3 bedrooms and 1-2 baths. I know this cos I watched a lot of korean Reality channel.
The guy around 30:20 is eating a cold fried chicken straight from the fridge....that bothers me the most from this whole vid
financial literacy isn't everything. It's more about discipline and self control.
but the urge to have a fancy lifestyle and blings like those kpop star pulls them harder to the edge..
It's not even about discipline and self control. It's about engineering discipline into your portfolio. Such is the path of the Boglehead. People can make fun of them for being boring, but buy and hold investing using broadly diversified etfs engineers discipline into a portfolio.
@@hypothalapotamus5293 gambling addiction will turn all of your long term portfolio into a short term gamble play. That's why I said being financially literate isn't everything when it comes to investing.
it's more about luck i reckon. on average 90% of rich families lose their wealth by the third generation. 70% by the second generation.
It's hard for me to have empathy for them. They are greedy and reaping their own greed. I only sorry for the mother.
The love of money is the source of all evil. 250k debts for investing 😮
FOMO market is really delicious
People end up hating capitalism because they made terrible decisions that resulted in sky high debt. Brainwashed American college kids think taxpayers should pay off billions in collective debt THEY put themselves in
Remarkably dumb comment. Money has never been nor will ever be the root of all evil. Evil predates money by millenia if not eons. The TRUE root of evil is ignorance.
The son got a house as an inheritance and blew it all away within a few months? That's just utterly stupid. He wanted to get rich but he already was rich compared to many of his peers. He was just incredibly greedy.
What a scum. How could he do that to his mother? Had too much money and decided to gamble; there's no excuses for what this dude did. Dude even tried to take his own life instead of trying to make up to his mother.
😂 I wish the guy see this video's comments section and read yours! Maybe he will realise what a scum and a lowlife he is to do that to his mother.
I think what he wants is the insurance pay after he dies? which is still quite a big payout, to be honest.
Well said!!
@@MDF_World Do suicides pay out, I thought they don't?